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I am pleased to write this letter in support of Mr. Abu Hamza Khan application for further studies at
University of Sussex. I have known t him for about two years, and I am currently his final year project
guide. With his dedication and desire to learn, I can confidently assert that he will thrive in a
challenging academic environment such as yours and excel in all the given tasks.
Being the Assistant professor of Computer Department, I had always observed his performance in
academics and extra-curricular activities. I found him to be a sincere student and readily agreed to
mentor him for his final year project when he approached me.
Abu Hamza Khan, along with his teammates, worked on various projects and executed them
effectively. I taught them the basics, and they later researched thoroughly for the same. Abu Hamza
Khan contributed significantly to the team’s efforts with his drive for research.
He borrowed and studied various books from the library as well as the other sources and learned a lot
for the implementation. As an indispensable member of the team, he took charge of the entire group to
go through with the idea of their project. I observed him co-ordinating well amongst the group, and
dividing and allocating tasks to ensure timely progress of the team. Moreover, Abu Hamza Khan
played a significant role in planning and executing the presentation in front of the department panel
thereby demonstrating his excellent communication skills.
Also, he efficiently organized various events, workshops, seminars, cultural activities, and contingent
competitions all year long while managing his coursework which is highly appreciable.
I would also like to add that he managed to secure huge sponsorships when he served as the Head of
various events, which is testimony to his sharp management acumen. Having known his caliber and
sound technical knowledge, he has gained sufficient industrial exposure during his internship tenure
to develop the skills requisite for excelling at the graduate program.
To conclude, Abu Hamza Khan is one of the brightest students I have supervised. With his diligence
and will to outperform at every task, he shall prove to be an invaluable addition to your program. I am
confident that he will be an asset to the student organizations at your university just like he was to
ours. The graduate program will be an ideal first step towards achieving his dreams, and I am
confident that he will excel in it. Hence, I provide my highest recommendations for him as a candidate
for the Master’s program at University of Sussex.

Mr. Aqeel khalique

Assistant Professor
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Jamia Hamdard University
New Dehi

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