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MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM





Started on Thursday, 29 September 2022, 1:20 PM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 29 September 2022, 2:24 PM

Time taken 1 hour 3 mins

Grade 62.00 out of 100.00

Question 1
A process wherein a sample is made to liberate iodine, which is then titrated with a standard
Correct solution of sodium thiosulfate:
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. Direct titration

b. Residual titration

c. Iodometry !

d. Iodimetry

The correct answer is: Iodometry

Question 2
What is the indicator used in iodimetry and iodometry?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Phenolphthalein

b. Ferric alum

c. Hydroxynaphthol blue

d. Starch !

Hydroxynaphthol blue-  Ca ion indicator

Ferric ammonium sulfate- indicator used in Volhard method

The correct answer is: Starch Page 1 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

The correct answer is: Starch

Question 3
In microbial assay, the instrumental method used to prepare the inoculum is:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Turbidimetry

b. Nephelometry

c. Paper chromatography

d. Column chromatography "

Turbidimetry- transmi"ed light

Nephelometry- reflected light

The correct answer is: Turbidimetry

Question 4
In blank determination, all steps of the analysis are performed in the absence of the
Correct ______
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. Analyte !

b. Primary standard

c. Secondary standard

d. Indicator

The correct answer is: Analyte

Question 5
A substance that has a high degree of purity and is used in direct standardization purposes:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Technical grade

b. Primary standard !

c. Secondary standard

d. Cp grade

The correct answer is: Primary standard

Question 6
Type of error which causes data to be sca"ered more or less asymmetrically around a mean
Incorrect value; reflected by precision of measurement
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
a. Systematic

b. Determinate "

c. Gross

d. Random Page 2 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

d. Random

Types of Errors in Experimental Data:

1. Random/Indeterminate- a#ects precision of measurement
2. Systematic/Determinate- a#ects the accuracy of results, either all high or all low

The correct answer is: Random

Question 7
Endpoint that is shown by a change in color of the solution being titrated

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Theoretical endpoint

b. Stoichiometric endpoint

c. Equivalence point

d. Practical endpoint !

Theoretical/Stoichiometric/Equivalence point- equivalent amount of substances have

already reacted

The correct answer is: Practical endpoint

Question 8
The theoretical point at which the added titrant is chemically equivalent to the analyte in
Correct the sample.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. Stoichiometric point

b. End point

c. Equivalence point

d. Both A and C !

The correct answer is: Both A and C

Question 9
The indicator used when titrating weak acid with a strong base?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Ferric ammonium sulfate

b. Methyl red

c. Phenolphthalein !

d. Dichlorofluorescein

SA+SB=Phenolphthalein, Methyl red, Methyl orange

WA+SB= Phenolphthalein

SA+WB= Methyl red

Ferric ammonium sulfate=Volhard Page 3 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Ferric ammonium sulfate=Volhard

DCF = Fajans
The correct answer is: Phenolphthalein

Question 10
What is the color of phenolphthalein in vinegar?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Pink

b. Blue

c. Yellow

d. Colorless !

Pink in basic solutions

The correct answer is: Colorless

Question 11
Used to determine the concentration of a metal in the presence of another metal

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Demasking agent

b. Masking agent !

c. Complexing agent

d. Formation constant

Masking agent Elements masked

Triethanolamine Al,Fe, Mn
Thioglycol Hg, Cu, Bi

Cyanide Cu, Zn, Ni, Co


The correct answer is: Masking agent

Question 12
Temperature for ignition described as Dull red heat

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. 500-550 °C

b. 550-700 °C

c. 800-1000 °C

d. 1000-1200 °C

e. 1200-1600 °C "

Very dull red heat 500-550 °C

Dull red heat 550-700 °C Page 4 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Dull red heat 550-700 °C

Bright red heat 800-1000°C

Yellow red heat 1000-1200°C

White heat 1200-1600 °C

The correct answer is:

550-700 °C

Question 13
Match the instrument with the physical constant it measures:
I. Speci$c gravity
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
II. Solubility
III. Refractive index
IV. Optical activity
V. Boiling point
Abbe refractometer

a. IV

b. II

c. III !

d. V

The correct answer is: III

Question 14
Match the instrument with the physical constant it measures: I. Speci$c gravity II. Solubility
Correct III. Refractive index IV. Optical activity V. Boiling point Polarimeter
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. III

b. II

c. V

d. IV !

The correct answer is: IV

Question 15
Match the instrument with the physical constant it measures:
I. Speci$c gravity
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
II. Solubility
III. Refractive index
IV. Optical activity Page 5 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

IV. Optical activity

V. Boiling point

Pycnometer and Westphal Balance

a. I !

b. III

c. V

d. IV

The correct answer is: I

Question 16
Methods of Iodine determination, EXCEPT

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Hanus

b. Wij "

c. Hubl

d. Fischer

§  Methods of Iodine Determination:

§  I-Hanus
§  II-Wij

§  Uno#icial- Hubl
§  Methods of Water Content Determination:
§  I- Karl Fischer
§  II- Toluene/Xylene/Azeotropic Distillation
III- Gravimetric
The correct answer is: Fischer

Question 17
Cassia flask is used in the determination of:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Aldehyde and ketone content

b. Alcohol content

c. Nitrogen content

d. Volatile oil content "

§   Cassia flask- aldehyde and ketone

§   Acetylization flask- alcohol

§   Kjeldahl flask- nitrogen
Babcock bo"le- volatile oil

The correct answer is: Aldehyde and ketone content Page 6 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

The correct answer is: Aldehyde and ketone content

Question 18
Statement that does not apply to Cupric sulfate

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Gains electrons

b. Oxidizing agent

c. Reducing agent !

d. Reduced in a redox reaction

Remember: GEROA & LEORA

The correct answer is: Reducing agent

Question 19
Undergoes Direct EDTA Titration, EXCEPT:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Al

b. Ca

c. Mg

d. Zn "

Direct EDTA Titration: Ca, Mg, Zn

Indirect EDTA Titration: Al, Bi

The correct answer is: Al

Question 20
Method used to assay sulfa and aryl-amino containing compounds

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Permanganate

b. Titration with bromine

c. Dichromate

d. Ceric Sulfate

e. Diazotization !

Subdivisions of Redox reactions:

Method Substances assayed

PermanganateDirect- H2O2

Indirect- Malic acid in cherry



Ceric Sulfate Ferrous sulfate, Menadione


Iodimetry Reducing agents Page 7 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Iodometry Oxidizing agents

Dichromate Ferrous-containing compounds

Diazotization Sulfa and aryl-amino containing


Titration with Phenol, aniline, resorcinol


The correct answer is: Diazotization

Question 21
It refers to the direct or residual analysis of acids using standard basic solutions:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Kjeldahl

b. Acidimetry

c. Alkalimetry !

d. Compleximetry

The correct answer is: Alkalimetry

Question 22
What is the method of analysis involved in the assay of sodium hydroxide?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Direct acidimetry !

b. Direct alkalimetry

c. Direct compleximetry

d. Direct precipitimetry

The correct answer is: Direct acidimetry

Question 23
What is the method of analysis in the assay of aspirin capsules?

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Direct acidimetry

b. Residual acidimetry

c. Direct alkalimetry "

d. Residual alkalimetry

The correct answer is: Residual alkalimetry

Question 24
What is the other term for Koe"sdorfer number?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Acid value Page 8 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Acid value

b. Iodine value

c. Saponi$cation value !

d. Ester value

The correct answer is: Saponi$cation value

Question 25
Compute for the saponi$cation value of a sample if its acid value is 4.58 and its ester value
Incorrect is 7.62
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
a. 12.2

b. 3.04 "

c. 1.66

d. 34.9


SV=4.58 + 7.62

The correct answer is: 12.2

Question 26
Determine the iodine value of a sample of olive oil weighing 0.2100 g if 24.15 ml and 12.00
Incorrect ml of 0.1100 N sodium thiosulfate solution were used for the blank and residual titrations,
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 respectively.

a. 80.5

b. 80.6

c. 80.7 "

d. 80.8

IV= (N xV x 0.1269)/wt x 100

IV= 0.1100 N x(24.15ml-12.00 ml)x0.1269 /0.2100 g x 100


The correct answer is: 80.8

Question 27
Type of oils whose iodine number is more than 120:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Drying oils

b. Semi-drying oils

c. Nondrying oils " Page 9 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

d. None of the above

Iodine value measures degree of unsaturation

Drying: >120 Linseed, cod liver oil

Semi-drying: 100-120 Co"onseed, Sesame

Non-drying: <100 Olive, almond

The correct answer is: Drying oils

Question 28
Two substances reacting upon reaching the endpoint must have the same:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Volume

b. Normality

c. Number of equivalents !

d. Weight

The correct answer is: Number of equivalents

Question 29
Malic acid in cherry juice may be determined by:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Direct permanganometry "

b. Indirect permanganometry

c. Residual permanganometry

d. Iodimetry

Direct permanganometry- H2O2, TiO2

Residual permanganometry-Na and K nitrite

The correct answer is: Indirect permanganometry

Question 30
The valence number of Mn in KMnO4 is:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. +1

b. +3 "

c. +5

d. +7

K(+1) + Mn (x) + O (-2x4)=0

1 + x+ -8 =0

x= 8-1
x= 7 Page 10 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

x= 7

The correct answer is: +7

Question 31
The solvent of choice for fats and $xed oils.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Distilled water

b. N-hexane !

c. 80% ethanol

d. Chloroform

The correct answer is: N-hexane

Question 32
Among the precipitimetric methods of titration, which of the following is a residual titration?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Volhard !

b. Mohr

c. Fajan’s

d. Karl Fischer

Volhard- Vack (Back) Titration

The correct answer is: Volhard

Question 33
The unit of wavelength in spectrometry, except:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Nanometer

b. Micron "

c. Millimeter

d. Micrometer

The correct answer is: Millimeter

Question 34
Chromatography can be used to separate compounds that are

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Colored

b. Colorless

c. Turbid

d. A and B ! Page 11 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

The correct answer is: A and B

Question 35
A 25-gram sample of NaHCO3 consumed 15.00 mL of 1 N Sulfuric Acid VS. Determine the %
Incorrect NaHCO3.
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
a. 6.07 % "

b. 7.89 %

c. 4. 38%

d. 5.04%

%P= (NxVx MW/f x1000 )/ wt x100

%P= 1N x 15ml x 84/1000 /25 x100

The correct answer is: 5.04%

Question 36
Calculate the water content of Amoxicillin powder using a 3.50 g sample. The water
Incorrect equivalence factor is 4.6 and the volume consumed is 9.2 ml.
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
a. 1.21

b. 12.1 "

c. 121.0

d. 112.1

% water= (ml KFR x EF) / wt in mg x100

%= 9.2 x 4.6 /3, 500 mg x100

%= 1.21

The correct answer is: 1.21

Question 37
Which is not a component of Karl Fischer reagent?

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Pyridine "

b. Iodine

c. Methanol

d. Sulfuric acid


  Anhydrous methanol – prevents pyridine-sulfur complex

  Iodine – reacts with water to hydroiodic acid

  Sulfur dioxide – reacts with water to sulfur trioxide

  Pyridine – prevents reversal of action Page 12 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

  Pyridine – prevents reversal of action

The correct answer is: Sulfuric acid

Question 38
The indicator used for the titration of calcium using EDTA

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Eriochrome black

b. Hydroxynaphthol blue !

c. Malachite green

d. Methyl orange

The correct answer is: Hydroxynaphthol blue

Question 39
Compute for the normality of a 1L solution containing 24.5 g H2SO4 (MW:98 g/mole)

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. 0.25

b. 0.50 !

c. 0.75

d. 1.25

Normality= wt/(MW/f)/L
N= 24.5 g/ (98g/mole/2)/1L

The correct answer is: 0.50

Question 40
In phenol content determination of a volatile oil, the layer in the graduated neck of the
Correct Cassia flask reached 3.7 ml obtained from a sample of 15 ml after treatment with KOH
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 solution. The percentage of oil is:

a. 73.45 %

b. 86.75 %

c. 75.33% !

d. 89. 43%

Phenol content = V sample- Vresidual/V sample x100

=15-3.7/15 x100
The correct answer is: 75.33%

Question 41
The most e#ective way to clean glass apparatus: Page 13 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Question 41
The most e#ective way to clean glass apparatus:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Soaking in detergent "

b. Rinsing with nitric acid

c. Treatment with a solution of sodium chromate in sulfuric acid

d. Washing with acetic acid

The correct answer is: Treatment with a solution of sodium chromate in sulfuric acid

Question 42
The law of spectrometry which states that the power of transmi"ed radiant beam
Correct decreases exponentially as the concentration of the solution containing the absorbing
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 chemical species increases

a. Beer’s law !

b. Lambert’s law

c. Newton’s law

d. Charles’ law

Lambert’s/Bouguer’s Law= states that the power of transmi"ed radiant beam decreases
exponentially as the thickness of the solution containing the absorbing chemical species

The correct answer is:

Beer’s law

Question 43
Materials to be sampled include the following, except:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Final products

b. Raw materials

c. Intermediate products

d. Records !

The correct answer is: Records

Question 44
Materials being controlled by the QC department, except:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Active ingredient "

b. Excipient

c. Finished product

d. Package Page 14 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

d. Package

The correct answer is: Package

Question 45
It is the one responsible for the test and measure of materials and products

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Total Quality Management

b. Quality Control !

c. cGMP

d. Quality Assurance

Quality assurance- one responsible for establishing the system to ensure product quality
The correct answer is: Quality Control

Question 46
Total quality means

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Quality is everyone’s business !

b. Quality combines strict adherence to standards

c. Production is responsible for quality


The correct answer is: Quality is everyone’s business

Question 47
It is the sum of all factors which contribute directly or indirectly to the safety, e#ectiveness,
Correct and reliability of a product
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. Safety

b. Purity

c. Quality !

d. E#icacy

The correct answer is: Quality

Question 48
The basket rack assembly is a component of which instrument?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Hardness tester

b. Friabilator

c. Dissolution apparatus

d. Disintegration apparatus ! Page 15 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

d. Disintegration apparatus !

The correct answer is: Disintegration apparatus

Question 49
Content uniformity is to be performed for all tablets whose active ingredient is

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Less than 50 mg !

b. Less than 100 mg

c. 50-100 mg

d. More than 50 mg

The correct answer is: Less than 50 mg

Question 50
What is the number of tablets required in weight variation test?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. 10

b. 15

c. 20 !

d. 25

The correct answer is: 20

Question 51
Using a spectrophotometer to measure the concentration of the sample, the following data
Correct were obtained:
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Absorbance of standard solution= 0.225
Absorbance of sample solution=0.214
Concentration of standard solution=17.7 mcg
What is the concentration of the sample solution?

a. 16.8 mcg !

b. 18.6 mcg

c. 19.7 mcg

d. 16.9 mcg

Abs of std/Conc of std= Abs of sample/Conc of sample

0.225/17.7 mcg= 0.214/x
x= 16.8 mcg

The correct answer is: 16.8 mcg Page 16 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Question 52
A hardness tester that operates on the same mechanical principle as ordinary pliers

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Stokes-Monsanto "

b. P$zer

c. Strong-Cobb

d. Schleuniger

Stokes-Monsanto- spring

Strong-Cobb- air pump

Schleuniger- horizontal anvil
Erweka- suspended weight
The correct answer is: P$zer

Question 53
Instrument used to determine the tightness of a cap

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Crimper

b. Torque tester

c. Resistor "

d. Erweka HT

The correct answer is: Torque tester

Question 54
Which of the following methods can be used in visualizing separated components that are
Correct colorless?
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. Charring using sulfuric acid

b. Use of iodine crystals

c. Examination using UV radiation

d. All of these !

The correct answer is: All of these

Question 55
LAL is an aqueous extract of the circulating amebocytes obtained from

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Horse

b. Crab

c. Horseshoe crab !

d. Mice Page 17 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

The correct answer is: Horseshoe crab

Question 56
What biological animal is used when conducting pyrogen test?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Dog

b. Cat

c. Rat

d. Rabbit !

Animals used in Biological Assays

Cat- Glucagon

Rat- Corticotropin, (female) Chronic gonadotropin, (male) Vasopressin, (rachitic) Cod
liver oil
Sheep- Heparin, Protamine sulfate

Rabbit- Tubocurarine, Insulin

The correct answer is: Rabbit

Question 57
Which of the following is NOT a principle of separation in chromatography?

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Absorption

b. Adsorption

c. Ion-exchange

d. Molecular exclusion "

The correct answer is: Absorption

Question 58
Turbidimetric and nephelometric methods of assay analyze what type/s of samples?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Suspension

b. Solution

c. Turbid solution

d. Both A and C !

The correct answer is: Both A and C Page 18 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Question 59
Potentiometry $nds application in:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Biologic assay

b. pH determination !

c. Qualitative assay

d. Toxicity testing

The correct answer is: pH determination

Question 60
The method of choice of determining the alcohol content of pharmaceutical preparations

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Speci$c gravity determination

b. Percolation "

c. Fractional distillation

d. Cryoscopic method

The correct answer is: Speci$c gravity determination

Question 61
The following can be sterilized in an autoclave, except

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Olive oil !

b. Culture media

c. Water

d. Glassware

The correct answer is: Olive oil

Question 62
The $rst-in $rst-out (FIFO) policy must always be observed to

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Prevent cross-contamination

b. Prevent microbial spoilage

c. Assure that the oldest stock is used $rst !

d. Contain information regarding the activity of the active ingredient

The correct answer is: Assure that the oldest stock is used $rst

Question 63
The most widely used chromatographic method in drug analysis is Page 19 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Question 63
The most widely used chromatographic method in drug analysis is

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. GC

b. TLC

c. HPLC !

d. PC

The correct answer is: HPLC

Question 64
Gas chromatography is used to assay the following drugs, except:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Vitamin E "

b. Barbiturates

c. Vitamin B1 and B2


Gas Chromatography- Barb-E (Barbiturates and Vitamin E)

HPLC- Penicillin/Cephalosporin, Vitamin B6, B9, D

Fluorometry- Vitamin B1 and B2

The correct answer is: Vitamin B1 and B2

Question 65
In normal phase chromatography:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Stationary and mobile phases are polar "

b. Stationary and mobile phases are nonpolar

c. Stationary phase is nonpolar; mobile phase is polar

d. Stationary phase is polar; mobile phase is nonpolar

The correct answer is: Stationary phase is polar; mobile phase is nonpolar

Question 66
Media temperature for dissolution testing

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. 37 + 0.5 ºC !

b. 37 + 2 ºC

c. 37 + 0.2 ºC

d. 37 + 3 ºC

Disintegration testing- 37+ 2 ºC

The correct answer is: 37 + 0.5 ºC Page 20 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

The correct answer is: 37 + 0.5 ºC

Question 67
The most preferred medium in dissolution testing

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Hexane "

b. Water

c. Gastric fluid

d. Intestinal fluid

The correct answer is: Water

Question 68
The e#iciency of HEPA $lters is assessed using

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Water a"ack test "

b. Bubble point test

c. Pyrogen test

d. Dioctylphthalate test

Water a"ack test- for type II glass

The correct answer is: Dioctylphthalate test

Question 69
Calculate the weight of oxalic acid required to prepare 1000 ml of 0.5 N of the solution.
Incorrect MW=126
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
a. 36.5 g "

b. 65.3 g

c. 31.5 g

d. 56.3 g

wt = (N x L x MW)/f

wt = (0.5 N x 1 L x 126)/2
g= 31.5 g
The correct answer is: 31.5 g

Question 70
The dye used in leaker’s test

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Thymol blue

b. Methylene blue ! Page 21 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

c. Methyl red

d. Phenolphthalein

The correct answer is: Methylene blue

Question 71
The gas used in sterilization

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Carbon dioxide

b. Oxygen

c. Nitrogen "

d. Ethylene oxide

The correct answer is: Ethylene oxide

Question 72
The $rst line defense against viruses is

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Interferon

b. Igm "

c. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes

d. Macrophage

The correct answer is: Interferon

Question 73
Refers to the likelihood that a particular hazard will occur

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Accident

b. Incident

c. Risk !

d. Hazard

Hazard- potential to cause harm

The correct answer is: Risk

Question 74
The form of genetic exchange in which donor DNA is introduced to the recipient by a
Correct bacterial virus is
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. Transformation

b. Conjugation Page 22 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

c. Transfection

d. Transduction !

In transformation, the recipient bacterium takes up extracellular donor DNA. In

transduction, donor DNA packaged in a bacteriophage infects the recipient bacterium. In
conjugation, the donor bacterium transfers DNA to the recipient by mating.
The correct answer is: Transduction

Question 75
Question 75
Which major antibody molecule has the ability to cross the placenta?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. IgG !

b. IgM

c. IgA

d. IgE

IgG – smallest (crosses placenta), second responder G- GABI

IgM- $rst responder M-MAAGA

IgA- secretory Ab (mucosal surfaces)

IgE- a"ach to mast cells and basophils=release histamine, parasitic infections

IgD- growth and di#erentiation

The correct answer is: IgG

Question 76
Question 76
Its main objective is a"ainment by all people of the highest possible level of health

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. DOH

b. WHO !

c. RHU

d. FDA

The correct answer is: WHO

Question 77
Question 77
Which staining method is used to identify spore formers?

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Gram stain

b. Schau#er-Fulton

c. Acid Fast "

d. Feulgen

Schau#er-Fulton- spore formers/Malachite green Page 23 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Gram stain- G+ or G-

Acid Fast/Ziehl Neelsen- Mycobacterium, Nocardia

Feulgen- Nuclei/DNA

Welch/Negative- Capsule; Nigrosin/India Ink

The correct answer is: Schau#er-Fulton

Question 78
Question 78
Culture media that grows cholera

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Thayer-Martin

b. SDA

c. Skirrow’s

d. TCBS !

TCBS- cholera

Loe#ler’s- diphtheriae

Middlebrook/Lowenstein-Jensen- mycobacterium

MSA- S. aureus
SDA- fungi

Skirrow’s- C. jejuni

Brilliant green- salmonella

The correct answer is:


Question 79
Question 79
Blocks acetylcholine release and causes flaccid paralysis

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Clostridium tetani

b. Clostridium botulinum !

c. Clostridium perfringens

d. Clostridium di#icile

Clostridium tetani- spastic paralysis, sardonic smile, blocks GABA & glycine

Clostridium perfringens- gas gangrene

Clostridium di#icile- pseudomembranous colitis caused by Clindamycin

The correct answer is: Clostridium botulinum

Question 80
Question 80
Organism that causes Leningrad’s curse/Beaver fever

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Streptococcus pyogenes

b. Giardia lamblia !

c. Ricke"sia ricke"sii Page 24 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

c. Ricke"sia ricke"sii

d. Borrelia recurrentis

Borrelia recurrentis- Relapsing fever

Francisella tularensis- Rabbit fever

Legionella pneumophila- legionnaire’s fever/pontiac fever

Ricketssia ricke"sii- rocky mountain spo"ed fever

Schistosoma japonicum- Katayama fever

Streptococcus pyogenes- scarlet fever, rheumatic heart fever

The correct answer is: Giardia lamblia

Question 81
Question 81
DOC for candidiasis

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Griseofulvin

b. Amphotericin B

c. Nystatin !

d. Fluconazole

Griseofulvin- dermatophytoses

Amphotericin B- systemic mycoses

Fluconazole- cryptococcosis

The correct answer is: Nystatin

Question 82
Question 82
The “four o’ clock habit” promoted by the DOH is designed to prevent the spread of:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Dengue fever !

b. Tuberculosis

c. Malnutrition

d. Malaria

The correct answer is: Dengue fever

Question 83
Question 83
In clinical cases of Malaria, the most favorable time to $nd parasites in the blood is

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. The period before a paroxysm !

b. At the beginning of paroxysm

c. During the paroxysmal stage

d. The period following paroxysm Page 25 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Benign Tertian- P. vivax and ovale

Malignant Tertian- P. falciparum

Quartan- P. malariae

The correct answer is: The period before a paroxysm

Question 84
Question 84
Administration of a vaccine confers:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Arti$cially acquired active immunity !

b. Arti$cially acquired passive immunity

c. Naturally acquired active immunity

d. Naturally acquired passive immunity

Active Passive

Administration of Administration of
antigens antibodies

Long-lasting Short-term

Immunity e#ective only Immediate immunity

after lag period

The correct answer is: Arti$cially acquired active immunity

Question 85
Question 85
Which of the following forms of immunity would be least likely to be lifelong?

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Passive immunity

b. Active immunity "

c. Cell-mediated immunity

d. Passive-active immunity Page 26 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

The correct answer is: Passive immunity

Question 86
Question 86
A process by which bacterial endospore returns to its vegetative state:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Polymorphism "

b. Mutagenicity

c. Germination

d. Sporulation

Sporulation or sporogenesis is the process of endospore formation within a parent or

vegetative cell.
The correct answer is: Germination

Question 87
Question 87
The causative agent of food poisoning, TSS, and skin boils

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Staphylococcus aureus !

b. Staphylococcus pyogenes

c. Staphylococcus pneumoniae

d. Staphylococcus epidermidis

Staphyloccocus pyogenes- causative agent of pharyngitis, cellulitis, rheumatic heart

fever and acute glomerulonephritis
Staphylococcus pneumoniae- causes pneumonia and meningitis in adults, and sinusitis
and otitis media in children

Staphylococcus epidermidis- normal flora of the skin but may cause stitch abscess and

The correct answer is: Staphylococcus aureus

Question 88
Question 88
The causative agent of herpes genitalis, which can be treated with Acyclovir

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. HSV-1 "

b. Varicella-zoster virus

c. HSV-2

d. Cytomegalovirus

Herpes Name

1 HSV-1 – herpes labialis (fever blisters or

sores on the lips and mouth), also
causes herpetic keratitis and
encephalitis Page 27 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

2 HSV-2 – herpes genitalis

3 VZV- causative agent of Varicella

(chicken pox) in children and Zoster
(shingles) in adults

4 EBV- causative agent of IM and is

associated with Burki"’s lymphoma

5 CMV- causes pneumonia and retinitis

that is treated with Gancyclovir

8 Kaposi sarcoma virus

The correct answer is: HSV-2

Question 89
Question 89
Wild birds are important reservoir of this virus

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Hepatitis C

b. Cytomegalovirus

c. Human Papilloma virus

d. St. Louis encephalitis virus !

The correct answer is: St. Louis encephalitis virus

Question 90
Question 90
Reservoir host of Balantidium coli infection

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Dog

b. Cat

c. Pig !

d. Ca"le

The correct answer is: Pig

Question 91
Question 91
A type of malnutrition associated with inadequate mastication, digestion, absorption,
Correct transport, and excretion of nutrients
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. Primary malnutrition

b. Secondary malnutrition !

c. Undernutrition

d. Overnutrtition

Primary malnutrition- due to inadequate intake of nutrients

The correct answer is: Secondary malnutrition Page 28 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

Question 92
Question 92
Which of the following information about Ebola virus is/are true?
I. There’s no cure for Ebola
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
II. Ebola wreaks life-threatening havoc within the body by a"acking multiple organ systems
at the same time

III. Experts stress that early and intense medical care can greatly improve a person’s chance
of survival

a. I

b. I, II

c. II, III "

d. I, II, III

The correct answer is: I, II, III

Question 93
Question 93
An outbreak of sepsis caused by Staphylococcus aureus has occured in the nursery. You are
Incorrect called to investigate. According to  your knowledge of the normal flora, what is the most
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 likely source of the bacteria?

a. Colon

b. Nose

c. Throat "

d. Vagina

The correct answer is: Nose

Question 94
Question 94
The region of the body that contains the largest population of microbial flora:

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Skin

b. Colon

c. Vagina "

d. Mouth

The correct answer is: Mouth

Question 95
Question 95
DOC for Strongyloides stercularis

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 a. Thiabendazole Page 29 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

b. Ivermectin "

c. Diethylcarbamazine

d. Praziquantel

Ivermectin- Onchocerca volvulus; river blindess

DEC- Wucheria bancrofti/Brugia malayi; $lariasis

Praziquantel- cestodes

The correct answer is: Thiabendazole

Question 96
Question 96
New world hookworm

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Ancylostoma duodenale

b. Enterobius vermicularis

c. Necator americanus !

d. Stronglyloides stercularis

Ancylostoma duodenale- Old world hookworm

Enterobius vermicularis- Pinworm/Seat worm

Trichuris trichura- Whipworm

Strongyloides stercularis- Threadworm

The correct answer is: Necator americanus

Question 97
Question 97
Lesions in the oral cavity caused by measles virus are known as:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Koplik spot !

b. Peyer’s patch

c. Rose spot

d. Rashes

Peyer’s patch- Poliovirus

Rose spots- S. typhi

The correct answer is: Koplik spot

Question 98
Question 98
DOC for Trichomonas vaginalis

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Metronidazole !

b. Na stibogluconate

c. Nifurtimox

d. Chloroquine Page 30 of 31
MODULE 6 ( MICROBIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, QA, QC ): Attempt review 10/13/22, 3:56 PM

d. Chloroquine

Na stibogluconate- Leishmeniasis, sand fly

Nifurtimox- Trypanosoma cruzi, kissing bug

Chloroquine- Plasmodium sp., anopheles mosquito

The correct answer is: Metronidazole

Question 99
Question 99
The disinfectant of choice for municipal water supplies:

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Lysol

b. Chlorine !

c. Ozone

d. Reverse osmosis

The correct answer is: Chlorine

Question 100
Question 100
An index that measures the number of individuals who have become ill because of a
Incorrect speci$c disease within a susceptible population during a speci$c period:
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
a. Morbidity rate

b. Prevalence rate

c. Mortality rate

d. Incidence rate "

Prevalence rate- is the fraction of the population having the disease at a given time

Mortality rate- is the number of deaths resulting from a disease in a given time in relation
to the population
Incidence rate- is the number of new cases per population at risk in a given time period

The correct answer is: Morbidity rate

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