Summer Internship Project - Devangi Satam

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Ms. Devangi Satam
SAP-AA30 - 74022121393










1.4 SAP ID:


1.5 ROLL NO:



As a part of the BBA curriculum and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of
management and marketing we were required to undertake a one-month summer internship
and prepare a report on all the management concepts learned during the period and explain its
applications with respect to our company.
The report is being prepared on the topic “A study on the promotional strategies undertaken
by Praedico Global Research”, the basic objective behind preparing this report is to
understand concepts like Promotion, promotional mix, integrated marketing communications
of a company and their practical application or implementation in the business world.
This topic is very useful as it provides us with an in-depth knowledge of these concepts
which are used in the day-to-day operations of the company and also understanding the role
these play, helps us in utilizing them properly and formulating strategies accordingly that will
result in revenue generation of the company and help develop a strong presence of the
company in the market.
This project has assisted us in improving our understanding of the practical and relevant
applications of management concepts as well as the process of promotion.

Devangi Satam
10th July.


I express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to my company guide, Ms. Purnima Gupta,

and faculty mentor, Dr. Molly Chaturvedi, for their invaluable advice and guidance
throughout the project, which enabled me to successfully complete this project report. This
project would not have been possible without their assistance and guidance. Their in-depth
knowledge of the topic and professional advice were extremely beneficial and proved to be of
great help to me.

I am also grateful to Praedico Global Research Pvt Ltd. for allowing me to work as an intern
in their organization and learn real-world applications of various marketing concepts.

Devangi Satam


This study is focused on studying the promotional strategies adapted at Praedico Global
Research. Promotion is an important component of the marketing mix because it assists the
organization in reaching the desired core demographic. It is generally necessary to generate
demand and engage in a variety of specific activities to increase demand. The report revolves
around studying 5 elements of the promotion mix that is advertisement, public relations, sales
promotions, direct marketing, and personal selling and its various implementations.
Praedico Global Research is India’s first fintech company that uses artificial intelligence to
predict the trends of the stock market. Praedico distinguishes itself in the market by
undertaking the task of providing Basic Financial Literacy throughout the country "free of
charge." They offer Professional Aid to help people make better investments, and the
accuracy that Praedico offers helps them maintain and gain consumer trust.
We learn how Praedico Global Research carries out its leads and revenue generation with the
help of its desired promotional mix. The report progresses with learning the applications of
the promotion mix, and how companies use them and customize and improve them according
to their requirements.
Promotion is the 4th of the four Ps of the marketing mix, focusing on conveying the brand
and providing to the prospective customers and trying to influence their purchase decision. In
a nutshell, it refers to all of the activities that a company engages in to pique the interest of its
customers in purchasing the product or service offered. The promotional mix is an integral
part of the integrated marketing communications of any company. It plays a significant role
in generating revenue for the company, building a brand image for the company as well as
building on its goodwill. It is directly related to the perception consumers form about a
company and thus proves to be very important in the daily operations of a company.
Through this report, we learn in-depth about the promotional mix implemented at Praedico
Global Research, and how it has helped the company gain valuable customers. The report
also tells us in detail about the elements of the promotional mix, its advantages,
disadvantages, characteristics, tools, etc. This project has assisted us in expanding our
understanding of the practical applications of promotional concepts.
The primary source for this report is a questionnaire shared with and answered by the
company marketing executive at Praedico Global Research and the secondary source includes
a thorough reading of the company site, observing the company’s behavior and social media
trends, a few articles on promotion and its various implementations of promotional strategies.
An analysis of the questionnaire tells us that, at Praedico Global Research, the three
components of the promotion mix that are used are personal selling, direct marketing, and

advertising. Through its contacts, the business engages in personal selling. Telemarketing is
used for direct marketing and digital advertising media is used for advertising.


(bse2nse, n.d.) Figure 1Financial Regulatory Bodies in India..........................18

(Philip kotler) Figure 2: The basic model of Effective Communication............23
(Questionnaire, 2022)Figure 3: Elements of Promotion mix............................30
(Questionnaire, 2022)Figure 4: Revenue Generation........................................31
(Questionnaire, 2022)Figure 5: Expenditure on the Promotion Mix.................32
(Questionnaire, 2022)Figure 6: Percentage of Revenue....................................32


Executive Summary
List of Tables, Graphs & Figures
Chapter 1- Introduction & Research Methodology
Research objectives
Research methodology
Chapter 2 – Company and Industry Profile
Industry Profile
Company Profile
Chapter 3 – SWOT & PESTEL Analysis
SWOT Analysis
PESTEL Analysis
Chapter 4 – Project Description
Chapter 5 – Findings, Recommendations & Conclusion


 Introduction:
This study is solely focused on understanding and analyzing the promotional strategies
undertaken by Praedico Global Research. The promotional strategies of Praedico can be
studied by studying the various variables undertaken under the promotion mix of the
company, how these variables are implemented in the daily workings of Praedico, and how it
benefits and helps Praedico achieve the various objectives set by the company as well as to
capture the desired target audience.
Today's marketing is built on giving consumers access to the right sources of information
rather than on building production facilities. In other words, modern marketing goes beyond
simply creating high-quality goods and offering them at reasonable prices. Today's
businesses have adopted a variety of tactics, including a "promotional mix" which combines
advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, and public
relations/publicity, in response to changes in the socio-economic, technological, and
competitive factors affecting consumers.
Given the fierce competition among businesses, the quick expansion of markets, as well as
the swift changes in consumer behavior, picking an effective promotional mix and
prioritizing its tools can assist achieve marketing objectives.
Promotion is a form of communication between the seller and the purchaser. Through
promotions, the seller attempts to convince the buyer to purchase their goods or services. It
aids in bringing attention to a product, service, or company. It also contributes to the
enhancement of a company's public image. In addition to generating buyer interest and
customer loyalty, this method of marketing may also generate buyer interest.
It's one of the fundamental components of the market mix, which also consists of the four Ps:
price, product, promotion, and place. It is a component of the promotional mix, promotional
plan, or promotional mix. These include event marketing, exhibits, and trade shows in
addition to personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, and direct marketing exposure.
The tools of promotion mix: -
1. Advertising: - Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and
promotion of goods and services by the identified sponsor in the exchange for a fee. 
2. Personal Selling: - One of the traditional forms of promotional tool wherein the
salesman interacts with the customer directly by visiting them. It is a face-to-face

interaction between the company representative and the customer with the objective
to influence the customer to purchase the product or service.
3. Sales Promotion: - Sales promotion is the short-term incentives given to the customers
to have an increased sale for a given period. Generally, the sales promotion schemes
are floated in the market at the time of festivals or at the end of the season.
4. Public Relations: - The marketers try to build a favourable image in the market by
creating relations with the general public. The companies carry out several public
relations campaigns with the objective to have the support of all the people associated
with it either directly or indirectly.
5. Direct Marketing: - With the intent of technology, companies reach customers directly
without any intermediaries or any paid medium.

In general, the promotion mix is required to fulfil needs such as informing the market about
the company's product/service, increasing demand for the desired product/service, and
determining how to differentiate and position the product/service on the market. In this study,
we intend to determine how Praedico Global Research employs these factors to reach its
intended audience.
The promotion campaign serves as the relevant unit of the promotion strategy because the
promotion mix is typically coordinated on a campaign basis. The campaign may have a short,
fixed duration, such as a few weeks, months, or a year, or if it is successful, it may last for a
considerable amount of time, such as several years. A comprehensive campaign with a single
unifying topic is the ideal marketing strategy. It involves the coordinated unification of
multiple promotional techniques.
The optimal promotion mix of a corporation assists consumers in differentiating and
recognizing a brand or organization. The promotion mix of an organization aids in growing
sales by generating brand awareness, establishing brand image in consumers' memory,
generating favourable opinions or thoughts about the company, and boosting consumer
loyalty. By spreading messages that are favourable to both the product and the firm,
promotion affects demand. Coordination of all communication activities directed towards
certain audiences—consumers, retailers, etc.—represents a promotion strategy.
Praedico Global Research launched its operations in India on April 9th, 2018. It is a private
company that specializes in deep learning-based robotic stock trading, global equity research,
financial literacy, stock market predictive software, stock market training, portfolio design,
and stock market research.
Praedico distinguishes itself in the market by undertaking the task of providing Basic
Financial Literacy throughout the country "free of charge." They offer Professional Aid to
help people make better investments, and the accuracy that Praedico offers helps them
maintain and gain consumer trust.
Praedico Global Research Pvt. Ltd. has developed and owns the AI-based web application
"Signal," which creates custom portfolios for users by matching their risk profiles and input
neural with the intrinsic neural of the stocks, resulting in a portfolio with accurate RIME
(Risk Modulation efficiency).
Based on the information collected from the questionnaire shared with the concerned

company executive, Personal selling, Direct marketing and Advertising are the three elements
from the promotion mix used at Praedico global research. Personal selling is carried out
through the connections the company has built. Advertising is carried out through the digital
medium of advertising and Direct marketing is carried out through Telemarketing (the direct
marketing of goods or services to potential customers over the telephone, Internet, or fax.).
(Questionnaire, 2022)

 Research Objectives
1. To study the promotional strategies undertaken at Praedico Global Research.
2. To understand how various ways of promotional undertakings have helped Praedico
achieve its target audience.
3. To provide insights and possible solutions to build better awareness of the brand,
attract more customers, and deliver more value to consumers.

 Research methodology

1. Primary resources:
The primary data for this research is gathered from a detailed questionnaire that was
conducted and answered by the respective marketing executives of the company to
gather more information on how the promotion mix is formed and how the promotion
mix is implemented at Praedico Global Research
2. Secondary Research:
The secondary data for this research is gathered from various social media sites on
which Praedico is active. Mostly from LinkedIn, Instagram, and the company website.

 Assumptions

The assumptions made for the study are as follows: -

1. We assume that the best formation of the promotion mix is used at Praedico Global
2. Advertisement element of the promotion mix is carried out through print media and
digital advertisement.
3. The advertisement element of the promotion mix requires the most spending in
comparison to the other elements.
4. Personal selling element of the promotion mix is carried out through the art of
persuading prospect of personal selling.
5. Direct marketing element of the promotion mix is carried out through emails, and
6. Public relations element of the promotion mix is carried out through
employee/member relations, etc.
7. Sales promotion element of the promotion mix is carried out through discount
carnivals, loyalty programs, etc.
8. At Praedico Global Research the promotional strategies are generally long-term
9. At least 12% of the total budget as a percentage is spent on promotional activities at

Praedico Global Research.
10. The degree of correlation between the promotional strategies and sales is medium to
11. Digital marketing and advertisement generate the highest returns for Praedico Global
12. The promotion mix of the company is modified or changed based on the changing
demand in the market.

 Limitations:

The limitations for the study are as follows:

1. The term of the internship being only a month.
2. Lack of primary resources because the mode of the internship was online.
3. Lack of secondary resources as not a lot of information about the company is
available on the internet.
4. Lack of financial information of the company as the company is not listed on any
stock exchanges.
5. Lack of financial information of the company along with the company being
unlisted none of the sites contain the information regarding the balance sheet,
income statement, etc of the company thus posing a limitation in studying the
financials of the company.
6. The company does not reveal its financial information to its interns.

 Industry introduction

Praedico Global research is a modern-generation FinTech company. The term Fintech

means Finance and Technology. The company provides consultancy services for
traders in the stock market.

The term "finance" refers to topics including the development, management, and
study of money and investments. It entails employing future income flows to finance
current initiatives through the use of credit and debt, etc. Finance is closely related to
the time value of money, interest rates, and other relate topics because of its
chronological component.
Finance can be broadly divided into three categories:

 Public finance.
 Corporate finance.
 Personal finance.

Typically, "finance" is divided into three major categories: Taxation systems,

government spending, budgeting practices, stabilization tools and policies, debt
problems, and other governmental difficulties are all considered to be a part of public
finance. Managing a company's assets, liabilities, revenues, and debts is part of
corporate finance. Personal finance is the term used to describe all financial choices
and actions made by a person or household, such as saving for a down payment on a
home, budgeting, purchasing insurance, and preparing for retirement.
(Investopedia, n.d.)

The term "technology" can be defined as the application of scientific knowledge to the
practical purposes of human life or, as it is sometimes stated, to the changing and
manipulating of the human environment. Both of these definitions are acceptable uses
of the term.

The term "financial technology," more commonly abbreviated as "Fintech," refers to

emerging technologies with the goal of enhancing and automating the delivery and
utilization of financial services. Fintech, at its core, refers to the application of
specialized computer software and algorithmic processes to assist individuals,
companies, and business owners in better managing their financial activities,
processes, and lives. These applications are typically carried out on personal
computers and, increasingly, mobile phones. "Financial technology" is what the word
"fintech" comes from when put together. (FinTech, n.d.)

The banking, financial services, and insurance industry is referred to as the BFSI
sector. In its most basic form, it is a significant part of the multi-billion-dollar
banking, insurance, and non-banking financial institutions that make up the Indian
economy. The latter are commonly referred to as NBFCs. Additionally, the BFSI
industry primarily refers to companies that provide financial services such as asset
management and brokerage.

As a location for conducting business, India provides all of the favorable conditions
necessary for the BFSI sector to develop at a commendable rate. The interdependent
factors of government policy, active public/private involvement, active public/private
involvement, robust regulatory frameworks, and advancements have been driving
forces behind the BFSI sector's recent success in registering strong numbers. (BFSI
sector – An Overview of the Banking Industry, 2020)

The word "stock market" refers to a collection of exchanges across the world where
shares of publicly traded firms can be purchased and sold. These kinds of financial
dealings are transacted via conventional exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC)
marketplaces, both of which are governed by a predetermined set of norms and are
used interchangeably.

The terms "stock market" and "stock exchange" are frequently used synonymously
with one another. Traders in the stock market will either purchase or sell shares of a
company's stock on one or more of the stock exchanges that are a component of the
larger stock market. The Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) and the National Stock
Exchange(NSE) are two of the most important stock exchanges in  India.

Trading stocks entails buying and selling individual shares of ownership in publicly
traded companies. If you have a particular amount of a company's stocks and shares,
then you can essentially say that you own a portion of that business. A stock trader
can be either a trained professional or someone who engages in trading on their own
on behalf of a financial institution. There are three main types of traders who
participate in the stock market: knowledgeable traders, uneducated traders, and
intuitive traders. Swing traders, day traders, traders that follow momentum, and
traders who buy and hold positions are some of the most frequent types of traders.
(Stock Trading, n.d.)

(Investopedia, n.d.)

 Company introduction:
Praedico Global research began its operations in India on the 9th of April in the year
2018. It is a private company that deals with Robotic Stock Trading, Global Equity
Research, Financial Literacy, Stock Market Predictive Softwares, Stock Market
Training, Portfolio Designing, and Stock Market Research using deep learning.
The Registered Address of the company is 2nd Floor 204, Garima Arcade Shinde Ki
Chawani, Gwalior, MP. The head office or the main of the company is situated in
Malviya Nagar, South Delhi. Its authorized capital is Rs. 1,000,000 and paid-up
capital is 1,00,000. Their industry code is 74999.
Mr. Sunny Ralli is the Chief Research Officer and Mr. Priyank Gupta is the Chief
Technology Officer at Praedico Global Research. Praedico Global Research is
regarded as India's first finance neuron developer, employing specifically developed
neural networks to properly anticipate stock market performance around the world.
Praedico Global Research is a next-generation Fintech firm that believes in using
artificial intelligence to discover new financial research topics.
Praedico positions itself in the market with a differentiating factor of them
undertaking the task of providing Basic Financial Literacy all around the country
“Free of cost”. They provide Professional Aid to help people carry out better
investments as well as the accuracy that Praedico provides which is more than 90%
helps them retain and acquire consumer trust.

“To be the bellwethers in eradicating financial discrepancy around the world by providing
financial access to people who don’t have money to access costly financial products.”
(Praedico Global Research, n.d.)


“To be the leader in financial products development world over. Products so developed
should have highest performance and lowest fees in comparison to other financial products in
the market.” (Praedico Global Research, n.d.)

The products offered by Praedico are: -

1. Praedico’s Stock Trading Simulator:
Praedico offers its clients a simulator platform that is specifically designed for clients
who want to learn about stock trading and try out various trades but are afraid of
losing money in the process.

2. Praedico’s Portfolio Manager:

Praedico offers its customer a virtual trading platform for those customers who want
to master their learnings of the stock market by competing in a loss-free environment.
They provide subscriptions for this and the customer can choose the one they want
according to their desire and need.

3. Praedico’s Virtual CA:

The company’s virtual accountant acts as a virtual chartered accountant for the
customers which helps the customers when their tax planning is finished.

4. Praedico’s Trading Neuron:

Praedico trading neuron is the first artificial intelligence-based intraday advisor for
the NIFTY and Bank Nifty Indian stock market indexes. With an accuracy of over
95%, it provides BUY/SELL signals in Nifty and Bank Nifty.

5. Praedico’s Investor Module:

A platform designed for people who are keen to learn all about the stock market
before investing and trading.

The services offered by Praedico are: -

1. Analysis:
The company provides the service where they perform fundamental and technical
analysis on the set of shares and stocks in which the client has invested in i.e the
client’s portfolio at specified time intervals.

2. Performances:
Praedico performs an analysis of how stock functions in the share market, they
understand the value of the stock whether it will grow or fall, and depending on that
they quote a target price. They carry out this analysis for a period of 6 months, 1 year,
and 3 years.

3. Portfolio:

Praedico analyses the customer needs whether the customer wants high volatility or
low volatility and on the basis of this they provide the customers with a customized
portfolio which is a customized basket of stocks specifically designed for the
customer and required need.

4. Servicing:
Praedico conducts classroom special workshops for their customers where they can
carry out these to through cash and options adventure.

5. Praedico Stock Trading Simulator:

Praedico provides its clients with a simulator platform specially designed for clients
who are interested to learn about stock trading and want to try out several trades but
fear losing money in the process.
6. Praedico Virtual Trading:
Praedico provides its customers with a virtual trading platform where they can learn
and master their learnings of the stock market with other people in a live setup or an
(Praedico Global Research, n.d.)

Web application developed by the company:

 “Signal” is an AI-based web-application developed and owned by Praedico Global
Research Pvt. Ltd.
 This platform creates custom portfolios for users by matching their risk profiles and
input neural with the intrinsic neural of the stocks, resulting in a portfolio with
accurate RIME (Risk Modulation efficiency).
 Investment products are created using the TOP-DOWN design methodology
throughout the world, where investors choose the investment portfolio that is best for
 But with Praedico's neural portfolio, a BOTTOM-UP approach that allows investors
to enter their investment goals before a portfolio is designed is being made available
to investors everywhere for the first time.
 Praedico Global Research to introduce "Neural Portfolio Assist," a program that uses
artificial intelligence to create more than 10 billion different portfolios while properly
taking into account customer risk profiling.


A SWOT analysis is a concise but effective framework for maximizing an
organization's strengths, addressing weaknesses, reducing threats, and seizing
opportunities. A SWOT analysis is a planning framework that may be utilized by a
company to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are
associated with a strategic undertaking. When doing a SWOT analysis, the strengths

and weaknesses of a project (or product) are considered to be internal variables. In
contrast, opportunities and dangers come from the outside environment and refer to
factors such as competition, the market, or shifting trends that may have an impact on
the organization. (SWOT ANALYSIS, n.d.)

 Strengths:

Strengths can be several qualities or areas where a business excels and has an advantage over
its competitors. a great corporate culture, a well-known brand, proprietary technology, etc.,
are examples of advantages that are more qualitative and therefore difficult to quantify.
However, advantages could also be more quantitative (like best-in-class margins, above-
average inventory turnover, category-leading return on equity, etc.).

Strengths of the company:

 Praedico Global Research is India’s first Fintech company that uses artificial
 Predictions made by Praedico regarding the trends of the stock market have an
accuracy rate of up to 80 %.
 There has been a growth of 69.2% in the total employee count in the past two
years at Praedico Global Research.
 Praedico Global Research is one of the world’s finest robotic researchers.
 Praedico Global Research has an aim to provide financial literacy to people all
around the country.
 Praedico Global Research conducts financial workshops all across the globe and
provides training on the whole bouquet of financial products.
 Praedico Global Research has a strong social media presence with them posting
daily updates about the financial market on Instagram as well as LinkedIn.
 Praedico Global Research provides its product and services at reasonable or least
available prices to its consumers,
 Praedico Global Research provides its consumers with a customized portfolio to
meet the individual needs of the consumers.
 Praedico Global Research has its presence in over 100 cities in India.
 Praedico Global Research use Financial Research and Neural Network
Programming to develop hybrid products which can be used by traders and
investors for better prediction of their investments.

 Weakness:

Weaknesses are areas or characteristics where a business is at a competitive

disadvantage relative to its peers. Like strengths, these can also be more qualitative or
quantitative. Examples include inexperienced management, high employee turnover, low (or
declining) margins, and high (or excessive) use of debt as a funding source.

Weakness of the company:

 Limited reach in the market.
 Not listed on the stock market.
 Limited information available about the company on the internet.
 Changing trends in the stock market provide uncertainty in the workings of the

 Opportunities:

The "Opportunities" section draws attention to outside elements that could help a business

grow or improve. A rising total addressable market (TAM), technological developments that
could lead to increased efficiency, or modifications in social norms that are generating new
markets or new sub-segments of existing markets are a few examples of opportunities to take
into account.

Opportunities for the company:

 Extending the company’s presence in the Indian market as well as the foreign market.
 Introducing more products and services suitable for the existing as well as potential
new clients.
 The company can list itself in the stock market and give its shares to the public to
raise more capital for the workings of the company.
 The company can venture into new markets as well due to its strong presence and
good image in the current market.
 The company can publish its finance magazine and post several finance blogs to build
upon and increase profitability from its already built strong social media presence.
 As one of the main aims of the company is to spread financial literacy all over the
country, they can post various lectures on finance on YouTube and make them
accessible to the public to spread the word about financial literacy.
 The company owns an AI-based web application called “Signal”, aggressive
marketing for this web application might also lead to better revenue generation and
seems like an opportunity worth exploring.

 Threats:
Threats are outside forces that pose risks to an organization's operations. Though oriented in
the opposite direction, the categories frequently resemble those in the "Opportunities"
section. Examples include a declining industry (which is the same as a declining TAM),
technological advancements that may disrupt an already existing company's operations, or
changing social norms that make current product offerings less appealing to an increasing
number of customers.
Threats to the company:
 The economic times or financial express which are direct competitors to Praedico
Global Research’s E-Newsletter provide their services for cheaper than Praedico
Global Research does which might pose a potential threat to the company.
 Changes in the business cycle (recession, inflation, etc) might pose a potential threat
to the company.

 The top 5 competitors of the company are RatanIndia finance, Quantum Global
Securities, Experian India, Savage and Palmer, and CARE Ratings Ltd. The
competitors of a company are always threats to the company as both the companies
fight for the same market share and thus need to be on top of their game and always in
fierce competition with each other to capture the target audience.
This concludes the SWOT analysis of Praedico Global Research.

PESTEL is an acronym that stands for a tool that is used to detect the macro (external)
factors that an organization is up against. P, E, S, T, E, and L are abbreviations for
"Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal,"

 Political:
The political analysis of a company includes all the political factors that can
significantly affect the company and its workings for example the government
regulations regarding the functioning of the company, any benefits that government
provides the company, and schemes provided to overcome the damages caused by the
global lockdowns, etc.
 The company falls under the banking, finance, and insurance industry, the
government authorities or the regulators of finance companies in India are
the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Reserve Bank of India,
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Insurance Regulatory
Authority of India, and PFRDA.

(bse2nse, n.d.) Figure 1Financial Regulatory Bodies in India.

 Praedico Global Research falls into the company category of “Company

limited by shares” and its sub-category is that it is a non-govt company.
1, Figure 1

 The listing status of the company is that the company is not listed in the stock
 The size of the company is not reported.
 Praedico Global Research has the authorized capital of Rs 10.00 lakh
and a paid-up capital of Rs 1.00 lakh as per the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs (MCA)

 Economic
The economic situation or the economic environment is an essential area of
observation while conducting a PESTAL analysis. The finance sector is one of the
most significant contributors to the economic growth and development of the
company. Vast or significant changes in the business cycles also affect the economic
position of a company. The financial services industry is highly consolidated, which
means that only a small number of companies hold a significant amount of market
share. This can make it challenging for new companies to enter the market, which
reduces both competition and innovation.

 The monetary benefits given to finance companies come from the Reserve
Bank of India. Thus, if Praedico Global Research ever in requirement of loans
or benefits need to turn to the RBI for assistance.
 The COVID 19 pandemic has affected every working sector in the world and
the finance sector was no exception to it. It has led to a period of long-running
recession in the market and the stock market has come crashing down which if
we observe has had a severe effect on Praedico Global Research too.
 The investments have lowered down in the stock market which has, in turn,
resulted into the loss of customers to the company as the company functions as
a financial consultancy firm.
 The economic status of the company itself when it comes in respect to the
stock market is Nill or non-existent as the company is not listed on the stock
markets of India and thus does not an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or any
other workings of the companies that are the listed in the stock market.

 Social
The social analysis of the company generally includes how a company is connecting
to its social/cultural aspects of society. The growing population is one of the social
factors that have an impact on the financial services industry. Other social factors that
have an impact include demographics, lifestyle, and changes in lifestyle. For instance,
an increasing population of people of retirement age will result in an increased
demand for a variety of financial services, such as healthcare and retirement planning.

 The price range of the products at Praedico Global Research range from 999/-
to further higher prices from which we can conclude that at Praedico Global
Research the products are served to all social classes from the middle class to
the upper class considering its viability and affordability.
 In the social classes the main or target audience of Praedico Global Research
are generally the people who are interested or already trading in the stock

market and are looking for consultancy in that field. Thus targeting the people
whose lifestyle includes stock trading and investments.
 The social/cultural factor of mainly the middle-class family to not engage in
risky transactions or deals or not investing in the stock market due to the risks
involved in it also affects the demand at Praedico Global Research. Thus
analyzing the social environment of the potential consumers and the target
market becomes essential so the company may get a better idea about how to
implement its workings to attract consumers.

 Technology
This PESTEL analysis of the financial services industry also takes into consideration
the technological environment, which is another important component. The
characteristics of automation, as well as its degree, the expansion of online financial
services, and the existence or non-existence of a technological barrier to entry, are
examples of the technological factors that have an impact on this industry. Consumers
will have a greater interest in financial services that incorporate more digital and
automated components into their operations

 One of the differentiating factors that Praedico holds is that uses artificial
intelligence to predict the trends of the stock market. Artificial intelligence can
be explained as a simulation of human intelligence created or processed by
computer systems.
 Praedico uses the newest and most accurate forms of technology which helps
the company gain the attention of potential consumers thus giving the
company an opportunity to turn them into consumers.
 In comparison to its competitors Praedico Global Research holds firm ground
with its AI-based predictions of the stock market which promise 80% accuracy
giving them an edge over the competition.

 Environment
The environmental analysis includes any steps that a company takes towards
promoting better environmental health. Mullan, West, and Braithwaite (2021) state
that the physical parts and activities of the financial services industry have a direct
effect on emissions and therefore, firms need to adapt to the requirements of meeting
net-zero targets by the government, rather than leaving the action to others.
 Praedico Global Research conducts almost all of its operations through the
online mode which as mentioned above help the environment.
 Conducting most of its promotional activities through online mode helps the
environment by avoiding paper and travel.
 Conducting internships and employing interns in online form also helps as it
reduces the travel each of the 40-50 interns would have done to reach the
company and simultaneous expenses for the same.
 All the products and services offered by Praedico Global Research are in the
virtual mode from the e-Magazine to the Virtual CA service.

 Praedico in all its operations is online, paperless, and is continuously taking
steps towards a better environmental regime.

 Legal
The legal analysis of the companies includes all the legal procedures required for the
company to follow so as to function as a finance company in India.

 The company’s legally registered name is “PRAEDICO GLOBAL

 Praedico Global Research has its registered company office in Gwalior,
Madhya Pradesh India.
 Praedico Global Research Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM)
was last held on 30 November 2021 and as per records from the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2021.
(Praedico Global Research Private Limited, n.d.)
 Praedico Global Research Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number
is (CIN) U74999MP2018PTC045496. (Praedico Global Research Private
Limited, n.d.)
 Praedico Global Research Private Limited's registration number is 45496.
(Praedico Global Research Private Limited, n.d.)
 Current status of Praedico Global Research Private Limited is - Active.
(Praedico Global Research Private Limited, n.d.)
 The RoC of the company is Roc- Gwalior which is appointed under section
609 of the Companies Act covering the various States and Union Territories
are vested with the primary duty of registering companies and LLPs floated in
the respective states and the Union Territories and ensuring that such
companies and LLPs comply with statutory requirements under the Act.
(Resgistrar of companies, n.d.)
 Date of Incorporation: 09-Apr-2018
 Business Activity Code :74999
 As Per Registration of Company, It involves under in Business Activity
Class / Subclass Code 74999, Main Activity of the said Company PRAEDICO
GLOBAL RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED is: , Other business activities
n.e.c., It Comes Under Division OTHER BUSINESS ACTIVITIES and this
ACTIVITIES. (Praedico Global Research, 2022)

This concludes the PESTEL analysis of Praedico Global Research.


More than just creating a quality product, setting a competitive price, and making it
accessible to the target market are required in modern marketing. Communication is essential
for businesses since they must do so internally, with current and potential customers, and
externally. Managing a sophisticated marketing communication system, a modern business
interacts with its clients, distributors, producers, clients, and other public.  However, for most
companies, the issue is not whether to communicate, but rather what to say, where, to whom,
and when. (Koekemoer, 2004. )
The term promotion is frequently used in marketing. Promotion is an integral part of the
marketing mix and helps the organization in reaching the desired target audience. It generally
is essential to create demand and to carry out several specific activities to expand this
According to (Kadar, 2018), promotion is a process to communicate products in the form of
goods and services to persuade consumers to be willing to accept, give members or even
provide good recommendations for the company's products they receive. In general, these
promotional tools have a close relationship, so they cannot be separated, because they are
mutually supportive and complementary. (Investopedia, n.d.; Investopedia, n.d.)
A company's promotional strategy includes the company's promotional mix, which is a
mixture or a blend of various promotional variables or factors used by the company to reach
its desired organizational goals. The promotion carried out by the company can be used as a
marketing tool used to establish communication between the customers and the company.
The promotion mix can be called a subset of the marketing mix. This marketing tactic piques
client’s interest and can also help in retaining them as loyal customers. In other words,
promotion is a marketing strategy that entails informing clients about a company's products
and services.
The combination of various promotional methods used by a business to market and sell its
goods is referred to as the "promotional mix.". According to (Philip kotler), “A company’s
total marketing communication mix also called promotion mix consists of specific blends of
advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing tools that
the company use to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives.”
The premise of a promotional mix makes the assumption that there are several channels for
reaching consumers. The term "promotional mix" describes how a marketer combines
different types and quantities of different sorts of marketing. Their ultimate decision will be
based on the tasks allocated for advancement and the setting in which they will be carried
The promotion mix of any company consists of five factors that are Direct Marketing, Sales
Promotion, Advertisement, Personal Selling, and Public relations. The need for the promotion
mix is generally to fulfill requirements such as informing the market about the
product/service of the company, increasing the demand for the desired product/service, and
how to differentiate and position the product/service in the market. In this study, we look
forward to understanding how Praedico Global Research undertakes these factors in
achieving its target audience.

The promotion of a product/service is vital to help companies improve their sales and
establish goodwill in the market. Marketing communication carried out in every medium
contributes to the brand equity of the organization as well as help in increasing the sales of
the company. It gives an edge to the organization in the competitive market environment.
The ideal promotion mix of a company helps the consumers the differentiate and identify a
brand or an organization better. Promotion mix of an organization helps in increasing sales by
creating brand awareness, forging brand image in consumers memories, eliciting positive
judgments or feelings towards the brand and strengthening consumer loyalty.
To carry out the promotion process and directly engage with target consumers, a company
uses a combination of communications instruments called a "promotion mix." Reaching the
targeted consumers and convincing them to buy are the goals of promotion. Marketers have
tried to define and explain the consumer's purchase process using several models in an effort
to improve communication with their audience and better understand consumer behaviour.
(Mahsa Familmaleki, 2015)

Elements in the communication process:

However, to exchange and implement ideas a solid and effective communication process is
needed. A simple communication model is shown below (figure 1).
 The elements involved are sender, encoding, message, decoding, receiver, response,
feedback, and noise.
 The organization or the sender must understand and identify what consumers they
want to target or reach and what responses they want to get.
 The organization then must encode its message so that the desired consumers can
decode it.
 The message must be passed or transmitted through different elements of the
promotion mix or the media that easily is in reach of the audiences.
 After reaching the desired audience the organization should form feedback channels
to examine the responses.

(Philip kotler) Figure 2: The basic model of Effective Communication2

Kotler, Philip, Figure 2

The stages of the effective communication process:
A. Identify the target audience
B. Determine the objectives
C. Design communications
D. Select channels
E. Establish the budget
F. Decide on media mix
G. Measure results
H. Manage the promotion mix
Engaging audiences is marketing communications' main goal and to promote both the
organization and its offerings through various communication tools.  It acknowledges the
growing role of the organization in the marketing process, as well as the impact that
organizational factors can have on the minds of consumers. Understanding the marketing
communications process is essential for understanding marketing communications. When
speaking with the intended audience. A set of tools, known as the marketing communications
mix, is employed. (Mahsa Familmaleki, 2015)
The tools of promotion mix: -
“Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods
and services by the identified sponsor in the exchange” (Philip kotler)

Advertisement is one of the essential tools of the promotion mix. It plays a significant
role in helping the organizations develop a competitive advantage.

Advertising plays a crucial role in marketing communications because it can reach

large audiences with straightforward messages that offer opportunities for the
audience and help them comprehend what a product is, what its main purpose is, and
how it compares to other products that are similar to it. As a result, the primary
purpose of advertising is to communicate with particular audiences, which may
include commercial or consumer audiences. (Fill, 2006)

However, increasing or maintaining public awareness of a brand or organisation is the

major goal. Advertising can be utilised to achieve a variety of goals, therefore it's
crucial to understand that it doesn't only play one role. The primary benefits of
advertising, besides its capacity to reach huge audiences, have been the growth of
brand recognition, values, and affiliations. (Fill, 2006)

 Characteristics of advertising:
 It is a paid medium through which one can carry out communication to their
desired target audience.
 It is a form of mass communication.
 It is one of the important tools of the promotion mix.
 It is usually a one-way communication.

 Advantages of advertising:
 It helps in better brand building for a company.
 It improves the goodwill and reputation of the company.
 It helps in boosting the confidence of the existing consumer base in the brand.
 It helps in educating customers about the products and services of the
 It helps in attracting a new consumer base for the company.
 It helps the company in achieving its desired sales target.
 It helps the company during the launch of a new product.
 It helps in reducing customer turnover.

 Disadvantages of advertising;
 It can be misleading sometimes.
 Legal restrictions on advertisements.
 Mostly suitable for big businesses.
 It increases the cost of businesses.
 Might confuse the buyer.

 Types of advertising:
I. Print Advertising: A popular form of advertising is print advertising. These
advertisements can also be found as brochures or fliers inside of newspapers
or magazines. Print advertising encompasses everything that is written for a
specific target audience and is published in print media. Print advertisements
are only effective if they are seen by people. These advertisements need to
catch the attention of potential customers who are reading newspapers and
other publications.
II. Broadcast Advertising: The promotion of services or goods through out-of-
home media to a large audience is known as broadcast advertising.
Commercials on radio and TV are considered broadcast advertising. A large
audience is served by broadcast media. Broadcast marketing on radio and
television is referred to as mass marketing because it can reach audiences
across the nation or even the globe.
III. Outdoor Advertising: Any form of advertisement that attracts attention from
bystanders while they are outside constitute this type of advertising. There are
other formats that fall under this category of advertising, though billboards are
by far the most common. Advertising that reaches consumers outside of their
homes is referred to as outdoor advertising or out-of-home advertising.
According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, consumers
spend 70% of their time there.
IV. Digital Advertising: Publishing promotional content on websites, search
engines, social media, and other programmes that can be accessed digitally is
the process of digital advertising. Due to the fact that most consumers spend
their free time online, digital advertising enables you to reach your target
market directly.


One of the traditional forms of promotional tool wherein the salesman interacts with
the customer directly by visiting them. It is a face-to-face interaction between the
company representative and the customer with the objective to influence the customer
to purchase the product or service.

In B-2-B markets, it is the most crucial component of the marketing communications

mix. Personal selling plays a major part in portraying the company, and salespeople
play a crucial role in image-building. Feedback and evaluation of transmitted
messages is a possible, allowing for modification and personalization that is not
possible with other communication methods. Sales representatives work at the
organizational border in business-to-business marketplaces and serve as the channel
between the needs of the organization and those of their clients. Without personal
selling, companies would communicate with one other through print or electronic
media. (Fill, 2006)

 Characteristics:
 Two-way Communication.
 Art of persuading prospect.
 It serves as a means of immediate feedback.
 Face to Face communication.

 Advantages of Personal selling:

 Cost-effective as compared to advertising
 Eliminates language barrier.
 Instant feedback.
 Face-to-face communication.
 Build trust with customers.

 Disadvantages of Personal selling:

 It is extremely labor-intensive.
 Can reach only a limited amount of people.
 Possibility of negative experience with the salesperson.
 Training salesmen

According to American Marketing Association, “Sales promotion includes those
marketing activities, other than personal selling, advertising, and publicity, that
stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness, such as displays, shows and
expositions, demonstration, and various non-recurrent selling efforts not in the
ordinary routine.”

Sales promotion is the short-term incentives given to the customers to have an

increased sales for a given period. Generally, the sales promotion schemes are floated
in the market at the time of festivals or the end of the season.

If advertising is designed to establish brand values, sales promotion serves as a call to

action. Sales promotions and advertising complement each other since sales
promotions aim to increase sales while advertising strives to raise awareness over the
long term. (Fill, 2006)

 Objectives:
 To increase the sales of the company by creating demand for the desired
 It motivates or pushes dealers/customers to purchase more volume of
 It acts as a supporting element to the advertisement and personal selling.
 It encourages or motivates customers to try on a new and different product.

 Types/tools of Sales Promotion:

 Free Samples: The organization under sales promotion can promote their
product to the desired audience by distributing them as free samples.
 Product warranties.
 Loyalty Program.
 Fairs & Exhibition.
 Coupons.
 Contest or Quiz.

 Strategies used in Sales Promotion:

 PULL STRATEGY-A promotional strategy where the firm aims to increase or
stimulate demand in the market for its product and services by drawing the
customers or attracting customers towards or to the product.
 PUSH STRATEGY-A promotional strategy where the firm aims to increase or
stimulate demand in the market for its product and services by taking the
product or service to the consumer.

Public Relations is a bundle of strategies designed to control how information about a
company or individual is released to the media or the public as a whole. Generally,
these strategies are undertaken to maintain and increase the goodwill of the company
or are undertaken to improve its image of the company after suffering a negative

The marketers try to build a favorable image in the market by creating relations with
the general public. The companies carry out several public relations campaigns
intending to have the support of all the people associated with it either directly or

Since public relations is a two-way kind of communication, the corporation gains

knowledge from its audiences and distributes it to them. In numerous ways, it is
different from marketing communications. While PR professionals are more
concerned with the long-term goodwill and reputation of the firm as a whole,
marketing communications are frequently commercial and short-term in nature. (De
Pelsmacker, 2001)

PR professionals must remind marketers about the significance of non-marketing
audiences for the long-term success of the organization while keeping PR staff
focused on marketing goals. Managing the organization through crises without
significantly harming its brand is one of PR's key responsibilities. Since government
regulations for advertising and sales promotion are frequently very rigid, PR offers
more latitude.

 Objectives:
 It helps in achieving the set organizational tasks and goals.
 It plays an essential role while launching a new product.
 It also helps in promoting existing products and services.
 It helps in reducing the promotional cost of the organization.
 It helps in building a valuable corporate image.

 Advantages of Public Relations:

 It helps in speeding up information and reaching it out to the desired or target
 It gives cost benefits.
 It helps in creating several business opportunities and encourages business
 It ensures the credibility of the products and services of the company in the
market as well as ensures the credibility of the goodwill of the organization.
 It helps in building a better corporate image.

 Disadvantages of Public Relations:

 There can be message distortion
 Possibility of image damage.
 Error in messages.
 Repetition.

 Tools:
 Press release
 Financial relations
 Industrial relations
 Fundraising
 Special events
 Press kits
 Employee/Member Relation

The core element of direct marketing is to view every customer as an investment. It is
possible to target the most effective interactive communication by recognizing each
customer. The corporation can tailor an offer to the needs of the consumer based on
the information that has been saved in a database from the transactions because
customers are personally approached and have the ability to respond. (De Pelsmacker,

"Direct" refers to using direct channels including mailings, catalogs, the phone, the
internet, the press, and posters rather than going through middlemen like dealers,
stores, or salespeople. They are not dominated by any media outlet. It is a tool used to
establish and maintain personal contact with clients, potential clients, and other key
stakeholders. (Fill, 2006)

Target audiences for direct marketing typically fall into one of three categories. The
first is that products can be sold directly through direct marketing communications
without any face-to-face interaction. Support for sales or distribution is the second.
Given that direct marketing aims to prepare and promote sales, it can be used to
support the sales force, dealers, or retailers. Not to mention, it can be utilized to
follow up on sales. Customer loyalty and retention is the third and last factor. Direct
marketing is an effective method for enhancing client relationships and raising client
satisfaction and loyalty. (Fill, 2006)

With the intent of technology, companies reach customers directly without any
intermediaries or any paid medium.

 Characteristics:
 It generally contains a set of databases of the existing customers that helps
carry out communication between customers and the organization.
 It then from the database approaches the listed customers.
 In direct marketing, direct action is carried out.

 Advantages of Direct marketing:

 It helps in building better and healthy relations with the customers.
 There is ease of management.
 It can be used for multiple purposes.
 There is high segmentation and consumer targeting.
 It is cost-effective.

 Disadvantages of Direct marketing:

 It upsets market intermediaries.

 Types:
 Direct Mail.
 Email Marketing.
 Tele Marketing.
 Leaflet Handouts.
 Coupons.
 Face to Face Marketing.
 Door to Door Marketing.


 Findings
 Out of the five elements of the promotion mix that is personal selling, direct
marketing, advertisement, public relations, and sales promotions, Praedico Global
Research uses 3 of these elements in its promotion mix.
 The elements used in the promotion mix of the company are Personal Selling,
Direct Marketing, and Advertising.
 The company implements Personal selling through its existing connections.
 The company implements Direct marketing through Telemarketing.
 The company implements Digital form of advertising.
 The company generally spends 15% of its total budget on promotional activities of
the company.
 The company generates more returns when it carries outs aggressive marketing in
that specified period.
 The degree of correlation between the sales and the promotional strategies of the
company is high.
 The company’s promotional strategies are long-term oriented.
 From the various promotional elements employed in the promotional mix,
Praedico Global Research earns the most or generates the most returns through
 The advertisement element of the promotional mix at Praedico Global Research
requires the most spending from the company.
 The factors that are usually taken into consideration while modifying or changing
the promotion mix of Praedico Global Research are the sales of the company, the
revenue it generates, and the responses it gets from the consumers.
 The returns that each element of the promotion mix generates is usually what is
taken into consideration while deciding the promotion mix for the company.
(Questionnaire, 2022)

Findings represented in the form of Pie charts:

Elements of the promotion mix at Praedico

Direct Marketing Personal selling Advertisement Public Relations Sales Promotion

(Questionnaire, 2022)Figure 3: Elements of Promotion mix

Revenue Generation For Praedico

Direct Marketing Personal Selling Advertisement

(Questionnaire, 2022)Figure 4: Revenue Generation
Pie chart, Promotion Mix
Pie chart, Revenue generation

Expenditure On the Promotion Mix By Praedico

Advertisement Personal selling Direct Marketing

(Questionnaire, 2022)Figure 5: Expenditure on the Promotion Mix

Percentage of Revenue spent on Promotion mix by


Promotion Mix Other Operations

(Questionnaire, 2022)Figure 6: Percentage of Revenue

This concludes the Findings of the research.

Pie chart, Expenditure
Pie chart, Percentage of Revenue

 Recommendations
 The company has been generating the most returns through Digital marketing and
thus more attempts to increase revenue in this direction might help the company
with more returns as the digital revolution among the consumers provides a better
edge to the company.
 The company carries out some aspects of sales promotion in the events organized
monthly by forming a strategy to include sales promotion in their mix might help
the company with more returns.
 The company earns more when it carries out aggressive marketing strategies, thus
carrying out such aggressive marketing strategies more frequently will lead to
more revenue generation.
 The company spends the most on the advertising element in the promotion, maybe
the company can look for more economical forms of advertising to reach the
desired goals of the company as it will help in reducing the expenses of the
 The company usually decides its promotion mix based on the returns that each
element generates, the company to know more about the client’s interest in the
elements of the promotion mix can conduct a survey and see what the clients
prefer which will thus help them generate more returns and will also narrow their
process of analyzing returns.
 The company has its web application called “Signal”, aggressive marketing for
this application might also lead to better revenue generation.

 Conclusions
 This study has helped me understand the workings and marketing techniques of
Praedico Global Research better.
 The research has assisted me in better understanding marketing strategies at
Praedico Global Research and their close relationship with the chosen elements of
the marketing mix, which assists the company in maintaining a long-term
relationship with their targeted customers.
 By conducting the SWOT and PESTEL analysis of the company we understand
the position of the company and it shows us various steps the company can take
towards its development.
 The report has taught us about the detailed and intricate workings of the
promotion variable from the integrated marketing communications of the
 A detailed study on the 5 significant elements of the promotional mix and its
applications in the marketing world.
 We also learned about the different characteristics, advantages, disadvantages,
tools, etc of the promotional variables.

To conclude this report,

Promotion can be an effective means of persuading customers, which can ultimately lead to a
boost in sales and profits. It can also convince the vast majority of people who have not

previously used the product to give it a shot at least once. We discussed in detail about the
promotion mix and its various elements and its applications carried out at Praedico Global
Research, how the promotion mix at Praedico Global Research is formed, the intensity of its
applications and the revenue each of the variables in the mix generates.

We also discussed in detail the strengths, weaknesses, and potential opportunities and threats
to the company by analyzing various factors that affect the growth of the company. We
understood the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors
that play a significant role in the functioning of Praedico Global Research, we observed these
factors by analyzing every possible factor surrounding the development of the company.

We discussed in detail about the findings from the report, and what could be possible
recommendations to improve the position of the company. We observed various pe charts
supporting the findings. In general, the promotion mix of a company plays a very significant
role in the turnover, customer acquisition, customer retention, and the financial position of
the company. Praedico Global Research is a new company established in 2018 and holds a lot
of future growth and development prospects.With this, I conclude my research on the
promotional strategies undertaken by Praedico Global Research.


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Praedico Global Research. (2022, june 25). Retrieved from

Praedico Global Research. (n.d.). About. Retrieved from About us page of the company:

Praedico Global Research. (n.d.). Home page, Praedico Global Research. Retrieved from Company
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Praedico Global Research Private Limited. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Questionnaire. (2022, June 20th).

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A. Questionnaire (as a source of primary research)
Answered by the marketing executives at Praedico Global Research.
Name: Devangi Satam
Rese.arch and Business Development intern at Praedico Global Research
The topic of the study: A study on the promotional strategies of Praedico Global Research.
Questionnaire: -
1. Which elements are used in the company's promotion mix?
(Direct marketing, personal selling, advertising, pr or sales promotion)
Personal selling, direct marketing and advertising
2. If personal selling through what mediums?
3. If advertising through what mediums?
(Print media, broadcasting, outdoor, digital)

4. If direct marketing through what mediums?
(Emails, face-to-face, telemarketing, etc)
5. If public relations through what mediums?
(Industrial relations, employee/member relations, fundraising, etc)
6. If Sales promotion through what mediums?
(Price packs, loyalty programs, etc)
7. What is the budget as a percentage, spent on the promotional activities carried out by
the company?
(For example- 18% of the total budget is spent on promotion)
8. What is the degree of correlation between the sales and the promotional activities
carried out by the company?
9. If you carry out aggressive marketing in one period, do you think it will help in
increasing the sales of the company for that period?
10. Are the promotional strategies for the company short-term oriented or long-term
11. Among the various promotional variables adapted by the company which one brings
more returns?
Digital marketing
12. Among the various promotional variables which one requires more spending from the
budget assigned?
13. What are prospects usually considered by the company while deciding on a promotion
Returns it will generate
14. How often is the promotion mix modified or changed?
According to the demand
15. What are the factors which usually lead to modification and changes made in the
promotion mix?
Sales, revenue, responses
16. Where can I find more information regarding the promotional tactics undertaken by
the company?
LinkedIn, Instagram
17. Any other information or sources you can provide that will help me in my study

I appreciate the time and effort given and I am genuinely thankful for it.


DECISION” by the Advanced Social Humanities and Management journal.
(Mahsa Familmaleki, 2015)

Literature Review:

Promotion is one of the key factors in the marketing mix and has a key role in market
success. Promotion is used to ensure that consumers are aware of the products that the
organization is offering.(Ansari,Shahriar.2011). As one of the marketing mix elements,
promotion includes all the activities directed to the targeted consumers, that lead to facilitate
the process of contacting with them for the purpose of formatting a sense of the importance of
the commodity in achieving a high degree of consumers satisfaction of their wishes and needs
comparing with the competitors commodities.( Mahmud I. Nour et al.2014). Promotion has
been defined as the coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of
information and persuasion to sell goods and services or promote an idea (Belch and Belch,
2004). promotion is having direct or indirect relationship with people, groups or
organizations for attention and convincing them to purchase organization products. As we
already know, promotion is crucial in new product launch because it helps to attract the
customer‟s attention towards the new product in a market cluttered with similar products, and
indirectly it will influence the consumer in the purchase decision. (Mittal, 1989) defines
purchase decision as “the extent of interest and concern that a consumer brings to bear on a
purchase decision task”.

Direct Marketing:Direct mail has been an important part of the communications mix in B-2-
B markets for some time. It can support personal selling by building awareness, improve the
image, establish reliability and taking orders, as well as providing levels of customer
management (Fill, 2009). `Direct´ means using direct media such as mailings, catalogues,
telephone, Internet, press and posters, and not through intermediaries such as dealers, retailers
or sales staff. No media channel dominates their work. It is a tool that is used to create and
sustain a personal communication with customers, potential customers and other important
stakeholders (Fill, 2006). Direct marketing has a basic philosophy and that is to consider each
customer as an investment. By identifying each customer means that one can target the most
appropriate communication in an interactive way. Customers are personally addressed and
are able to respond, resulting in that the company may adapt an offer to the needs of the
customer based on the data that have been stored in a database from the transactions (De
Pelsmacker et al. 2001). In general, direct marketing have three main objectives and target
groups. The first one is that direct marketing communications can be used as a direct sales
channel by selling products without any face-to-face contact, meaning that for Example direct
mail is used and orders are taken by phone or mail. The second one is sales or distribution
support. It can be used to support the sales team, dealers or retailers since direct marketing
tries to prepare and stimulate sales. Not to forget, it can also be used to follow up sales. The
third and last one is customer retention and loyalty. Direct marketing is a suitable tool for
improving customer relationships and increase the satisfaction and loyalty among them.
Customer loyalty is important in many ways; loyal customers stand for a large amount of
sales figures and they become profitable the longer they stay in terms of the return per
customer will increase and positive word-of-mouth leads to new customers (De Pelsmacker et
al. 2001.) Belch (2004) defines the direct marketing as a “total set of activities by which the
seller at-tempts to elicit a direct action response”. Direct Marketing is an interactive

marketing system which uses one or more advertising media to provide a measurable reaction
or trade in every level (Kutler, 2006). The deal focuses on a direct contact between the seller
and the consumer, in the sense of absence of any distributors or retailers. A considerable
number of techniques to reach the target customer are involved in this type of promotion.
Direct marketing can be realized through direct mailing campaigns and catalogues, mass
media tools (television, infomercials, teleshopping and radio), printing order forms and
telemarketing. The Internet has also enhanced the opportunities for direct marketing therefore
electronic teleshopping has automatically been added to the list of tools.

Advertising: Advertising plays an important role in marketing communications since it can

reach large audiences with simple messages that presents opportunities for the receivers and
allowing them to understand what a product is and what primary function it has, and how it
relates to other similar products. Therefore, the main function of advertising is to
communicate with specific audiences, which may be consumer or business audiences. The
prime objective is however to build or maintain awareness of a product or organization. It is
important to know that advertising does not have a single role since it can be used to get
several outcomes. Apart from its ability to reach large audiences, the key strengths of
advertising have been to develop brand awareness, values and associations (Fill, 2006).
Advertising is a non-personal form of mass communication and offers great level of control
for those who are responsible for designing and delivering advertising messages (Fill 2006,
16). The message can be transmitted in a particular manner and style that have been agreed
upon at times that matches the management‟s requirements. The regular use of advertising
can be important for creating and maintaining brand personality when it is in cooperation
with other elements of the marketing communications mix. Advertising plays a significant
role in the development of competitive advantage. In consumer markets advertising is the
dominant form of communication for many organizations (Wright 2004, 383). It is a good
marketing communication tool to inform and persuade people whatever product, service or
idea is being promoted. It can be used to strengthen the corporate image and its products and
so reinforce buyer loyalty. Advertising in the business-to-business market is more about to
inform and remind and to provide relevant facts upon which decisions can be made.
Regardless of the target audience, all advertising requires a message and a carrier to deliver
the message to the receiver (De Pelsmacker ,2001). Advertising is a paid, non-personal form
of marketing communication that encourages audience through various channels to act in a
specific manner beneficial to advertiser, i.e. to buy a product or service. Advertising has been
designed to direct views also make change in behavior easy and may present the most
convincing sale messages with most accurate perspective of products or services without
much cost (Celeb, 2007. advertisement is one of the primary communication link with
consumers, hence consumers' desired image and language along with culture, economy and
commercial changes should be kept in mind (Wang, 2009) Advertising helps to build brand
awareness and image by repetitive exposure to intended message. With respect to the variety
of advertising media, three public ones are studied which are most applied: television, radio
and magazine. With the emergence and relatively fast pace of internet penetration, some
advertising activities, such as search engine results, social network ads, blogs, e-mail
messages are becoming more widely used by companies of any type and size. It is notable to
mention that online advertisement is the fastest-growing type nowadays (Levinson, 2009)

Personal Selling : According to De Pelsmacker et al (2001) this communication tool can be
defined as two-way, face-to-face communications used to inform, give demonstrations to,
maintain or establish a long-term relationship with members of particular audiences (De
Pelsmacker et al ,2001). It is the most important tool of the marketing communications mix in
B-2-B markets and representing the company is largely the role of personal selling and the
salesperson is an important factor in image-building. There is a possibility of feedback and
evaluation of messages that have been transmitted so that these personal messages can be
modified and made more personal than any of the other communication tools. In business-to-
business markets, sales personnel operate at the border at the organization and provide the
link between the organizational needs and the needs of their customers. Without personal
selling, communication with other organizations would occur through electronic or print
media (Fill, 2006). The major advantage of personal selling is the impact it has, meaning that
a salesperson is more likely to break through, get people‟s attention and even be remembered
afterwards. The salesperson has the possibility of adapting the message to the type of
customer he or she is dealing with. Since the communication is two-way there is less risk of
misunderstandings and as stated earlier the salesperson gets immediate feedback (Fill 2006,
279-280). There is however also disadvantages with personal selling, such as high costs. As a
consequence of this, the company cannot afford to send a salesperson to customers too often,
therefore reach and frequency will remain limited. Also, the company does not have full
control over its sales force, as it has over the other communications tools. There may be
differences in how salespersons represent the company. Sometimes the salesperson is the
only contact a customer has with the company and therefore it is important that the
salesperson act in a proper manner since inconsistent behavior or messages might create
confusion as to what the company stands for. (De Pelsmacker, 2001: 392-5). Personal Selling
According to De Pelsmacker et al (2001) this communication tool can be defined as two-way,
face-to-face communications used to inform, give demonstrations to, maintain or establish a
long-term relationship with members of particular audiences (De Pelsmacker et al ,2001). It
is the most important tool of the marketing communications mix in B-2-B markets and
representing the company is largely the role of personal selling and the salesperson is an
important factor in image-building. There is a possibility of feedback and evaluation of
messages that have been transmitted so that these personal messages can be modified and
made more personal than any of the other communication tools. In business-to-business
markets, sales personnel operate at the border at the organization and provide the link
between the organizational needs and the needs of their customers. Without personal selling,
communication with other organizations would occur through electronic or print media (Fill,
2006). The major advantage of personal selling is the impact it has, meaning that a
salesperson is more likely to break through, get people‟s attention and even be remembered
afterwards. The salesperson has the possibility of adapting the message to the type of
customer he or she is dealing with. Since the communication is two-way there is less risk of
misunderstandings and as stated earlier the salesperson gets immediate feedback (Fill 2006,
279-280). There is however also disadvantages with personal selling, such as high costs. As a
consequence of this, the company cannot afford to send a salesperson to customers too often,
therefore reach and frequency will remain limited. Also, the company does not have full
control over its sales force, as it has over the other communications tools. There may be

differences in how salespersons represent the company. Sometimes the salesperson is the
only contact a customer has with the company and therefore it is important that the
salesperson act in a proper manner since inconsistent behavior or messages might create
confusion as to what the company stands for. (De Pelsmacker, 2001: 392-5).

Sales Promotion: If advertising is used for creating brand values then sales promotion
delivers a call to action. Advertising and sales promotions complement each other as
advertising seeks to work over the long term to create awareness, while sales promotion
works in the shorter term to create sales (Fill ,2006). Like advertising, sales promotion is a
non-personal form of communication but it has a greater capability to be targeted at smaller
audiences (Fill ,2006). A sales promotion consists of techniques that are aimed at increasing
sales in the short run, meaning that they are mostly used for a short period of time. It offers
control, and the costs can be much lower than of advertising. The main characteristics of
sales promotions are that they offer better value for money and they try to cause responses
immediately (De Pelsmacker ,2001). Sales promotion has a strong ability to add value and to
bring forward future sales. For sales personnel promotional tools are used primarily for
motivating staff or supporting them in their selling roles. In order for sales staff to carry out
their various tasks they may draw heavily from information that is provided by the
organization, such as brochures, catalogues, and selling aids such as presentation kits. Sales
promotion is also a vital tool for organizations that rely on intermediaries in order to reach
customers. Financial mechanisms (incentives and promotional pricing) are typically used as
part of a company´s push strategy (meaning that they are trying to ´push´ sales through
distribution channels) and might be used to gain acceptance of new products by middlemen
or to create short-term sales (Brennan et al. 2007). Sales promotion is a marketing activity
undertaken by firms to boost short-term sales or en-courage customers to try a product or
service. This tool has the ability to attract and keep loyal customers and is an excellent what
to persuade them build viable link with the organization and involves all motifs applied by
the producer to persuade trade with members of a channel (Ndubisi, 2006). Sales promotions
are highly affective in exposing consumers to products for the first time and can serve as key
promotional components in the early stages of new product presentation.(Ansari,2011).
Shultz, et al. (1998) says that sales promotion generally works on a direct behavioral basis
rather than affecting awareness or attitude.

Public Relations :According to Fill (2006), “public relations is concerned with the
management of relationships between organizations and their stakeholders” (Fill ,2006). It is
an effort to establish and maintain good relationships, shared understanding and goodwill
with secondary target groups (also called publics, they influence opinions about the company,
but they are not the direct target group for selling products to), audiences or stakeholders. It is
used to closing the gap between how its key public sees the organization and how the
organization would like to be seen by its key public (De Pelsmacker et al. 2001). Public
relations are a two-way form of communication, meaning that the company learns from its
publics and passes on information to them. It differs from marketing communications in
several ways. Marketing communications tend to be commercial and short term, while PR
executives are more concerned about the long-term goodwill towards and reputation of the

company as a whole. Marketers always have to keep PR people focused on marketing
objectives, while the role of PR people is to remind about the importance of non-marketing
audiences for the well-being of the company in the long run. An important role of PR is to
guide the company through crises without too much damage to its reputation. PR offers more
flexibility since advertising and sales promotion are often very strictly regulated by
governments (De Pelsmacker et al. 2001). It is relatively cost-effective because it generates
free media coverage and it enables the company to reach a large number of people compared
to what it would cost to create an advertising campaign. The major weakness of PR is that
there is little control over the media content. Media can publish stories that may be quite
different from the information coming from the PR department. The context and style of the
original message may be changed or lost, unlike in advertising where the company has full
control over the content of what is being communicated (De Pelsmacker et al .2001). It is
non-personal persuasion of demand for a product, service or business unit by planting
significant and positive commercial news without giving any money by the related company
(haghparast, 1989). Public relation (PR) part of promotion mix is a practice of building and
maintaining companies‟ image and goodwill through non-paid communication media. The
ultimate goal of public relations activities is to persuade various stakeholders about a certain
positive point of view about the company and helps in building mutually beneficial


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