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(To be signed by an officer not below the rank of Naib Tahsildar)

This is to certify that Shri / Smt. ______________________________________ (Name of father /

mother of candidate) is the of ___________ Village ___________ Tahsil ____________ District father /
mother of ___________________________________ (Name of Candidate) and he/she does not agricultural
holds no land.
His/Her principal means of livelihood is manual labour on agriculture land of
_______________________________________ (owner of land) of Village _______________.

Signature :
Place : __________ Name:
Date : __________ SEAL Designation :

NOTE : This certificate should not be in the name of the Candidate.

(To be signed by an Officer not below the rank of Naib Tahsildar)

This is to certify that Shri / Smt. _________________________________________________ (Name of land

holder) father / mother, grandfather / grandmother (Paternal side) of Shri / Miss
____________________________________ (Name of candidate) of ________________ Village
___________________ Tahsil ________________ District holds __________ hectare of land in the capacity
as owner and the area of the land held by him/her does not exceed the economic holding as defined in as per
the provision in Section ___________ of _____________________ Act of 19______ . Further certified that
his/her main source of income is derived from cultivation of land held by him/her.
Signature :
Place : __________ Name:
Date : __________ SEAL Designation :
(1) * Mentioned full name of concern Act here.
(2) The seal and designation of certifying officer should be legible.
(3) ‘Agriculturist’ means a person who owns agricultural land, the area of which does not exceed the
economic holding as defined in the Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act of the Revenue Region
he/she belongs to.
(4) In case candidate himself holds land, his name will appear as landholder.

Undertaking for Candidates whose proposal of Caste Validity

Certificates are pending towards Scheduled Tribe Caste Certificate
Scrutiny Committee

I, ____________ s/o ___________ age____ resident of_____ here by

undertakes that, I already applied for the course of ______for the academic year of
_____. I state that, I belong to ______ Scheduled Tribe category. My Scheduled Tribe
Certificate number is____dated___, which is issued by_______. I state that, I already
applied with Scheduled Tribe Certificate Scrutiny Committee at _____ for Tribe
Validity Certificate. My application number is_______dated______ which is pending
with the Scheduled Tribe Certificate Scrutiny Committee till date. Since I want to take
the benefit of Scheduled Tribe reservation for higher education, I hereby undertakes as
1) I undertakes that, I read all the provisions of "Maharashtra Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis), Nomadic Tribes, Other
Backward Classes and Special Backward Category (Regulation of Issuance and
Verification of) Caste Certificate Act, 2000 (Mah.XXIII of 2001) (hereinafter refer
as “Act”) and Maharashtra Scheduled Tribes (Regulation of Issuance and
Verification of) Certificate Rules, 2003 (hereinafter refer as “Rule”).
2) I undertakes that, in case if my tribe claim will be invalidate by the Scheduled Tribe
Certificate Scrutiny Committee____ as per the provision of Section 10 of the Act, I
shall be liable to be debarred from the education institute and my admission will be
liable to be cancelled. I under takes that, I am bound to vacate the said reservation
seat with immediate effect without any dispute/condition.
3) I am very well aware that I am taking the admission on the Scheduled Tribe
reservation seat and if my tribe claim will be invalidate by the Scheduled Tribe
Certificate Scrutiny Committee, I will surrender/give up all the Scheduled Tribe
benefits without any complaint/conditions.
4) I further under takes that, in case of invalidation of the tribe claim by the Scheduled
Tribe Certificate Scrutiny Committee____, whatever the amount paid by the state
government or any other agency by way of scholarship, grant, allowance, or other
financial benefits of Schedule Tribes to me, I shall be liable to refund immediately
to the government or to the concern authority. I shall not create any dispute /
conditions in this regards.
5) I hereby solemnly affirm that, in case of invalidation of the tribe claim by the
Scheduled Tribe Certificate Scrutiny Committee____, I shall be liable for the penal
action as per the Sections 10, 11, and 12 of the Act and any other criminal action
that may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the time being in

Hence this undertaking is sign by me without any undue influence, coercion.

Declared this ____day of month of ___ year_____.

Signature of Student.
Name ------------------------------------------
Address ---------------------------------------
Mob./Tel.No. --------------------------------

I Shri/Smt.-------------------- hereby undertakes that, I read above undertaking

given by my ward. I agree with this undertaking given by him/her. This undertaking is
equally applicable and binding to me. Hence undersign without any undue influence,

Signature of Parents/Guardian of the Student

Declared this ____day of month of ___ year_____.

Sign and Seal with registration number
of the Executive Magistrate/Notary

‘Self-Declaration related to uploaded Original documents’

Applicant’s Photo

I ............................................................ I Son / Daughter of ..........................................

aged .............., Occupation …….……………….. resident of ………………..……………..
with UID No………….………………… hereby declare that the information provided
above is true and correct to the best of my personal knowledge, information and
belief. If fully understand the consequences of giving false information. If the
information is found to be false, I shall be liable for prosecution and punishment
under Indian Penal Code and / or any other law applicable thereto.

Place : ………………… Applicant’s Signature …………………

Date : ………………… Applicant’s Name : ……………………

'Important Instructions to Candidates '

(1) Before filling up the application form candidate shall check the
'Application Flow Chart’ of admission process available on website.
(2) Understand properly the admission schedule given at Point No. 19 in the
(3) Candidate is required to fill up personal and academic information in the
online application form which is available on websites and
(4) After filling the application form on the website, the candidate should scan
his / her signature, his / her passport-sized photograph and original copies of
all the necessary documents and upload them on the website. If a document
is scanned in the authorized centres of M/S. KTPL, Pune then a fee of Rs.5/-
will be charged for it. A list of such authorized centres is available on the
website - ‘’.
(5) The scanned and uploaded documents should be readable; upload the
documents only after ensuring this. If the uploaded documents are not
readable then they shall not be considered as valid and the responsibility of
the same shall completely be with the candidate.
(6) The application form fees for the candidates from the Open category and all
the candidates from Out of Maharashtra State shall be Rs. 1000/- whereas
for candidates from the reserved categories of Maharashtra shall be
Rs.500/-. The said fees shall be paid through Net banking, RTGS, NEFT,
Debit Card or Credit Card. Once the application form is filled, the facility of
paying such a fee is made available on the website. The said fees are non-
(7) The Candidate should scan and upload Passport size photograph on online
application form.
(8) Press the submit button after confirming the information in the application
form is correct, the original documents are uploaded and admission fee is
paid. The candidate should take note that, once the application form is
submitted, no changes and corrections will be made in the application form.
(9) (a) After publication of the 'Provisional Merit List', every candidate shall
check online and confirm whether his/her Name, Category, Marks,
Weightages etc. are correct or otherwise.
(b) In case of any discrepancies, the candidate shall send the required
certificates /scanned copy as proof within the prescribed time limit by
using his/her ‘Log in ID' & 'Password'.
(10) (a) Every candidate shall peruse the 'Admission List' on the dates as per the
time table of admission.
(b) The candidate whose name appears in the Allotment List' shall
collect the ‘Provisional Allotment Letter’ through his/her log in.
(11) (a) The candidate who are allotted & has desire to confirm their admission
such candidate will have to report in respective collage with allotment
letter, original documents & prescribed fees on or before the last date &
within time specified on allotment letter.
(b) The admission of such candidate will be confirm by collage authorities
only after checking & verifying the original documents.
(12) (a) The candidate desiring for admission has to produce all original
documents alongwith required fees .
(b) The candidate eligible to get refund of fees from the State
Government is advised not to pay the necessary fees.
(c) If any candidate desires to refuse his / her admission then he / she
should refuse the admission by paying Rs. 200/- online through Debit
Card / Credit Card / Net Banking on the website Log-in.
(13) (a) If the Candidate desires to cancel his admission after registration
he/she has to submit the request application addressed to the
Associate Dean / Principal.
(b) In such case, the Candidates are advised to collect the fees as per
Point 4.19 given in Prospectus and all original documents from
respective College/Institute.
(14) If the Candidate is hospitalised and can’t move to attend the allotted College
to take admission/refuse, personally during the scheduled time period. In
such case the Candidate shall get and also can refuse his/her admission in
his/her absentia if the Candidate authorises the person to take the admission/
refuse. The authorised person is advised to produce provisional allotment
letter, medical certificate alongwith all the necessary documents, fees and
authority letter while attending the College. Prescribed format of the
Authority Letter is given in Appendix ‘J’. This provision will be also
applicable for candidate, who is admitted in hospital during the spot round.
(15) While filling up the online application form the candidate is advised to fill
the correct information as per his/her original documents or otherwise
his/her provisional allotment letter for admission shall be rejected.
(16) The candidate desires to donate his/her body parts after his/her death has to
fillup the body parts donation form given in Appendix ‘Q’.
(17) As per the G.R.No. ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ-1517/|É.Gò.185/6-A, dt.5/6/2017 the Candidate
admitted to the Undergraduate courses and whose name had not been
included in the voters list are required to submit the undertaking and fill in
the form No. 6, 7 , 8 and 8-A at the time of admission and submit to the
respective college at the time of admission.

Form for filling up the information by the candidate desirous of seeking admission
for Undergraduate Degree Programme regarding the habit of cleanliness and
facilities available at his/her home

1 Name

2 Permanent .......................................................................................
Address .......................................................................................

3 Family No. of family members. :

information No. of members utilising the W/C (Toilet) - :
4 Availability of
W/C (Toilet) Yes No

If the W/C (Toilet) is not available give the specific reason.


5 Habit of
Handwash Before Food- Yes No.

If yes- With Soap With Water Other

If Toilet- Yes No

If yes- With Soap With Water Other

6 Undertaking I have read the appeal made by the Organisation regarding

importance of W/C (Toilet) and its day to day use. I will
convince all my Family Members regarding importance of W/C
(Toilet) manage to construct the W/C (Toilet and manage to
construct the W/C (Toilet) within a period of three months (If
not available) and I promise that all my family members will
use W/C (Toilet) regularly.

Appendix ‘J’


I the undersigned Mr../Ms... ....................................................... ..........

Application Form No. ........................... for Undergraduate admission process for the
year 2017-18, am in receipt of provisional allotment letter for ................. admission
round to be scheduled from ....................... to ................. .

I would like to bring to your kind information that I am hospitalised since

.............................. in the ..................... ........................ ...................... .............
........................... .................................. ............................ (Name and address of
hospital) and unable to attend physically the said admission round in the ................
................................................. ..................................... (Name of college and address).

Therefore authorising Mr./Ms.. ........................................... ................... .........

who is my ......................................... to attend for the said allotment round who has
signed before me and having his identity proof too.

The necessary medical certificate and all other documents along-with fees I
have handed over to him.

Requested for permission and kind consideration.


(Signature and Name of (Signature and Name of the

authorised person) Candidate)

Associate Dean / Principal,
'Important Instructions to Associate Dean / Principal'
(1) The original documents regarding candidate's category, marks, Transfer Certificate
/ Leaving certificate etc. shall be checked thoroughly by ensuring last date of
admission strictly.
(2) (a) If all the original documents are found to be correct, the name of the candidate
shall be registered for admission.
(b) Communicate the name of the candidate whose admission is confirmed to
KTPL through 'College log in'.
(c) The fees shall not be collected from the eligible Candidates in whose case
the said fees is to be refunded by the Government.
(3) If the candidate desires to cancel his admission after registration the procedure
mentioned in the prospectus at point No.4.18 shall be adopted and immediately
upload the information regarding cancellation of admission through college 'log in'
and by e-mail to the KTPL.
(4) If the Candidates fails to produce/submit required document(s) at the time of
admission then the Associate Dean/Principal shall reject his/her admission and
mention the ground for rejection of admission by using log-in ID and password.
(5) The Associate Dean/Principal has to update the information regarding
admission/rejection and cancellation of the candidate(s) upto a period of
continuously five months from the commencement of first round of admission by
using log-in ID and password.
(6) If the Candidate is hospitalised and cant move to attend the allotted College to take
admission, personally during the scheduled time period. In such case if the
authorised person produced allotment letter of that Candidate, medical certificate
along with all the necessary original documents, fees and authority letter at the
time of admission. This condition will be also applicable if candidate is admitted in
hospital during the spot round.
(7) The student desires to donate his/her body parts after his/her death and if body
parts donation form is given in Appendix ‘Q’. College has to mention “Donor of
Body Parts” on his/her ID Card.
(8) The Candidate whose name had not been included in the voters list, take
undertaking and fill in Form,No. 6, 7, 8 and 8-A from such candidate for
including their name in voter list and take action as per circular, Department
of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Dairy Science and Fisheries No. ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ-
1517 / |É.Gò.185 / 6-+ä, dt.5/6/2017
Appendix 'N'

Name of Institute / College : __________________________________________

Undertaking from the students as per the provisions of anti-ragging

Verdict by the Hon’ble Supreme Court

I, Mr./Ms. __________________________________________ SR/Roll

No.___________ Course _______________ Degree programme _____________________
student of _________________________________ (college name) on this day ____________
month _______________ year __________ do hereby state on solemn affirmation and
undertake that-

(1) I have read and understood the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on
anti-ragging and the measures proposed to be taken in the above reference (available at; and
(2) That I understand the meaning of 'ragging' and know that the ragging in any form is a
punishable offence and the same is banned by the Court of Law.
(3) I have not been found or charged for my involvement in any kind of ragging in past.
However, I undertake to face disciplinary action/legal proceedings including expulsion
from the Institute if the above statement is found to be untrue or the facts are
concealed, at any stage in future; and
(4) I shall not resort to ragging in any form at any place and shall abide by the
rules/laws prescribed by the Courts, Government of India and the Institute
authorities for the purpose from time to time.

Date: Signature of Student

I hereby fully endorse the undertaking made by my child/ward.

Signature of Mother/Father and or Guardian

Appendix 'O'

Procedure for ‘Spot Admission Round’

The ‘Spot Admission Round’ will be implemented by following the below mentioned
procedure during 16th to 19th August, 2017 in the Spot Admission Process Center for the
available vacant seats due to such Candidate who have not reported / registered even after
receipt of Provisional Allotment Letter.
The details regarding the category wise last merit and up to date category wise vacant
positions available during the every earlier admission round will be displayed by KTPL,
Pune on the website, and on 12th of August,2017.
The name of candidate appeared in the State/University merit list but not admitted
during the current academic year for the any degree course are eligible for the ‘Spot
Admission Round’. The eligible candidate and Spot Admission Process Center is advised
to consider the following points for the ‘Spot Admission Round’.
(1) Spot admission round will be convened only on Spot Admission Process Center. The
spot admission round not convened on non aided colleges. The list of the Colleges
whose spot round will be held on Spot Admission Process Center, the details regarding
the Spot Admission Process Center is mentioned in Appendix “P”.
(2) The candidates are instructed to observe the available vacant seats displayed on the
above websites and report personally to the Spot Admission Process Center related to
concern College alongwith all necessary original documents and prescribed fees
between 9.00 hrs to 11.30 hrs during 16th to 19th August, 2017. Admission process
will be conduct on Spot Admission Process Center as per following merit-

Date Percentage
16/8/2017 90 % & above
17/8/2017 80 % & above
18/8/2017 65 % & above
19/8/2017 All eligible candidates (with conversion)

(3) ‘Spot Admission Process Centers’ are to register the names of students who report at
the center between 9.00 am to 11.30 am in the online software system. KTPL, Pune will
generate a merit list of these registered students by 1.30 pm for the concern center.
There will be a separate merit list for each day of ‘Spot Admission Process’. This merit
list will be valid only for the day on which it is generated.
(4) After considering the above merit list of eligible candidate, operate the admission
process for the available vacant seats. The Associate Dean / Principal shall note
that, the seats reserved for the reserved category shall be filled in from the
reserved category candidates only. If it is noticed that the candidate from the reserved
category is not available then as per guidelines given in Appendix 2 ‘Admission
Process’ in the Government Resolution of Department of Agriculture, Animal
Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Department No. ¨ÉEÞòÊ´É-
2010/|É.Gò.155/7+ä, dated 20/10/2011 the available vacant seats should be filled in on
Merit from the other eligible and reported candidates on the last day of the ‘Spot
Admission Round’ i.e. 19.08.2017 only. However Spot Admission Process Center
must take care not to give any chance to register any grievance/complaint by the
candidate from the reserved category under any circumstances that he/she did not
get admission on the vacant seat reserved for that reserved category. For reference
the said Government Resolution is placed at Appendix ‘A’.
(5) After confirming the selection of the suitable candidate for admission, the admission
shall be given to that Candidate and the same shall be reported ‘online’ by operating
the website of KTPL, Pune. The KTPL, Pune is responsible for creating the facility in
the log-in of the respective Spot Admission Process Center.
(6) Spot Admission Process Center is hereby informed to operate the Spot Admission
Round during 16th to 19th August, 2017 up to 16.30 hrs everyday.
(7) Spot Admission Process Center must furnish the information of admitted candidate by
email to the Director (Education), MCAER, Pune and KTPL, Pune everyday before
17.00 hrs.
(8) The Provisional admission allotment letter will be issued to Candidate from Spot
Admission Process Center, if selected through the spot round.
(9) One representative from the College have to be present at respective Spot
Admission Process Center during the spot round schedule. These representatives
of Colleges will have to collect necessary documents and fees as per rule from
(10) The vacant seat(s) created due to cancellation of admission by the candidate or any
other reason during spot admission round should be displayed on the website at the
same time and day. However it should be made available for admission and filled on the
next day. (On the last day of spot admission round the aforesaid point is not applicable)

Appendix 'P'

Admission Process Centerwise College details for Spot Admission Round

Sr. Admission Colleges under Admission Process Center
No. Process Center
College of 1. College of Agriculture, Shivajinagar, Pune 411 005.
1. Agriculture, 2. Padmashree Dr. Appasaheb Pawar College of Agriculture, Baramati
Shivajinagar, Pune At.Post. Shardanagar, Tal. Baramati, Dist.Pune 413 115.
411 005.
3. College of Agriculture, Akluj Tal.Malshiras Dist.Solapur-413101.
4. Padmabhushan Vasant Dada Patil College of Agriculture, Ambi,
Talegaon Dabhade, Tal. Maval Dist. Pune 410506.
5. Lokmangal College of Agriculture, At. Post. Wadala, Tal. Uttar
Solapur Dist.Solapur 413222.
6. College of Agriculture, At. Post.Paniv Tal. Malshiras, Dist.Solapur
7. College of Horticulture, Shivajinagar, Pune 411 005.
8. Vidya Pratishthan College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Vidya
Pratishthan School of Bio-Tech, Vidya Nagari, Bhigwan Road,
Baramati, Dist.Pune 413 133.
9. College of Animal Husbandry, Shardanagar, Baramati Dist. Pune
10. College of Agriculture Business Management, Agriculture
Development Trust, Shardanagar, Malegaon Colony, Tal. Baramati,
Dist.Pune 413 115.
11. Lok Mangal College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Wadala Tal. North
Solapur, Dist. Solapur 413 222.
12. College of Agriculture Business Management, At. Post. Wadala,
Tal. Uttar Solapur Dist.Solapur 413 222.
13. Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Agriculture Business
Management, Akuradi, Pune 411 044.
14. Modern College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Kule-Dakhane,Paud,
Tal.Mulshi, Dist.Pune 411 005.
15. College of Agriculture Business Management, Narayangaon, Tal.
Junnar Dist. Pune 410 504.
16. College of Horticulture, At.Post. Paniv Tal. Malshiras Dist.Solapur
413 113
17. College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Paniv, Tal. Malshiras
18. Shriram College of Agriculture Business Management, At.
Post.Paniv Tal. Malshiras, Dist.Solapur 413 113.
19. College of Food Technology, Wagholi, Tal. Mohol, Dist. Solapur
College of 20. College of Agriculture, Old Pune Benglore Road, Rajaram College
2. Agriculture, Old Near Shivaji University, Vidyanagar, Kolhapur, Tal. Karveer, Dist.
Pune Benglore Road, Kolhapur 416004.
Rajaram College 21. Yashwantrao Chavan College of Agriculture, Post Box No.80,
Near Shivaji
Karad, Dist. Satara 415110
Vidyanagar, 22. Loknete Mohanrao Kadam College of Agriculture, Sonsal
Kolhapur, Tal. Hingangaon, Tal.Kadegaon Dist.Sangli 415303.
Karveer, 23. College of Agriculture, Rajmachi, Tal. Karad Dist. Satara 415 110.
Dist. Kolhapur 24. College of Agriculture, Near Jinti Naka, Pune Road,At Post,
416004. Phaltan, Tal.Phaltan, Dist. Satara 415523
Sr. Admission Colleges under Admission Process Center
No. Process Center
25. College of Agriculture, At Post. Talsande, Tal. Hatkangale
Dist.Kolhapur 416112.
26. Sharad College of Agriculture, Jainapur, Tal. Shirol, Dist. Kolhapur
27. Roshanji Shamanji College of Agriculture, Nesari Tal. Gadhinglaj
Dist. Kolhapur
28. College of Horticulture, Sonsal, Hingangaon, Tal.Kadegaon Dist.
Sangli 415305
29. College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Rajmachi, Tal. Karad
Dist.Satara 415 110.
30. College of Food Technology, Rajmachi, Tal. Karad, Dist. Satara
31. Shrimant Shivajiraje College of Horticulture, At Post. Phaltan Dist.
Satara 415 523.
32. Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj College of Agriculture
Business Management, Willingdon College Compound,
33. Padmashri Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Agri. Engineering and
Technology , At.Post- Talsande, Tal. Hatkanangale, Kolhapur
34. Sahyadri College of Agri.Engineering and Technology,
Yashwantnagar, Tal. Karad, Dist. Satara
College of 35. College of Agriculture, Parola Road, Dhule 424 104.
3. Agriculture, 36. College of Agriculture, Dhule Road, Nandurbar 425 412
Parola Road, Dhule 37. College of Agriculture, Muktainagar, Dist. Jalgaon
424 104.
38. Dr.Ulhas Patil College of Agriculture, Near Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical
College, Jalgaon-Bhusawal High Way, Khirdi Shivar, (Via
Nashirabad) Jalgaon 425309.
39. College of Agriculture, Pujya Saneguruji Vidya Prasarak Mandal,
Shahada Dist. Nandurbar 425409.
40. College of Agriculture, Jalod Road, Near Railway Crossing,
Amalner, Dist.Jalgaon 425 401.
41. College of Agriculture, Dondaicha, Tal. Sindkhed, Dist. Dhule
42. Dr.Ulhas Patil College of Agri.Engineering and Technology, Near
Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College, Jalgaon-Bhusawal High Way,
Khirdi Shivar, Jalgaon 425 309.
43. College of Food Technology, Near Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College,
Jalgaon-Bhusawal High Way, Khirdi Shivar, (Via Nashirabad)
Jalgaon 425309
44. College of Food Technology, Diwanmala (Laling), Tal. Dist. Dhule

Dr. Annasaheb 45. Dr. Annasaheb Shinde College of Agri. Engineering and
4. Shinde College of Technology, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar 413 722.
Agri. Engineering 46. Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar College of Agriculture, Halgaon Tal.
and Technology, Jamkhed Dist. ahmednagar (At present MPKV, Rahuri)
Rahuri, Dist.
Ahmednagar 413722.
47. K.K.Wagh College of Agriculture, Saraswatinagar,Mumbai-Agra
Road, Panchawati, Nasik 422 003.
48. College of Agriculture, Udoji Maratha Boarding Campus, Gangapur
Road, Nasik 422 013.
Sr. Admission Colleges under Admission Process Center
No. Process Center
49. Krishna College of Agriculture, Rethare BK., Post-Shivnagar, Tal..Karad
Dist.Satara 415 108.
50. College of Agriculture, Sonai, Tal. Newasa Dist. Ahmednagar
51. College of Agriculture, Pravaranagar, Loni, Tal.Rahata,
52. Shramshakti College of Agriculture , At. Maldad, Tal. Sangamner,
Dist.Ahmednagar 422 608
53. Sadguru College of Agriculture, Mirajgaon, (Near Toll Naka) Tal.
Karjat, Dist. Ahmednagar 414 401.
54. College of Agriculture, Malegaon Dist. Nashik 423 603.
55. College of Agriculture, Ghargaon, Tal.Shrigonda Dist. Ahmednagar
56. College of Agriculture, Babhulgaon, Tal. Yevla, Dist.Nashik
57. College of Agriculture, Vadgaon Gupta (Vilad Ghat), Post. MIDC,
Dist. Ahmednagar
58. College of Agriculture, Bhanashiwra, Tal. Newasa
59. K. K. Wagh College of Agri.Engineering and Technology,
Saraswatinagar,Mumbai-Agra Road, Panchawati, Nasik-422003.
60. K. K. Wagh College of Horticulture, Saraswatinagar, Mumbai-Agra
Road, Panchawati, Nasik 422003.
61. K.K. Wagh College of Agri. Bio-Technology,
Saraswatinagar,Mumbai-Agra Road, Panchawati, Nasik-422003.
62. K.K.Wagh College of Food Technology, Saraswati Nagar ,
Amrutdham, Panchvati, Nashik 422 003.
63. College of Agriculture Business Management,
Saraswatinagar,Mumbai-Agra Road, Panchawati, Nasik 422003.
64. College of Agri. Bio-Technology, A/p. Madadgaon, Post. Bhatodi,
Tal. Dist. Ahmednagar
65. College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Loni, Chandrapur Road, I.T.I.,
Farmacy Campus, At.Post. Loni Bd., Tal. Rahata Dist.
Ahmednagar 413713.
66. College of Agriculture Business Management, Loni Tal. Rahata
Dist. Ahmednagar 413 713.
67. Shramshakti College of Food Technology, At. Maldad, Tal.
Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar-422 608
68. College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, At. Maldad, Tal.
Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar-422 608
69. College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Mirajgaon, Tal.
Karjat Dist.Ahmednagar
70. College of Agriculture Business Management, Chandanapuri Ghat,
Gunjalwadi, Tal. Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar. 422 605
71. H.H. Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji College of Horticulture, Malegaon
Dist.Nashik 423 603.
72. College of Food Technology, Ghargaon, Dist. Ahmednagar

5. College of 73. College of Agriculture, Akola 444 104.

Agriculture, 74. College of Agriculture, Shirla Andhare, Tal. Patur, Dist. Akola
Akola 444 104. 75. Vivekanand College of Agriculture, Vivekanand Nagar (Hiwra
Ashram) Tal.Mehkar Dist.Buldana 443 301.
Sr. Admission Colleges under Admission Process Center
No. Process Center
76. Vivekanand College of Agriculture Business Management,
Vivekanand Nagar (Hiwra Ashram) Tal.Mehkar Dist.Buldana-
77. College of Agriculture, Risod, Dist. Washim
78. College of Agriculture, Amkheda Tal. Malegaon Dist. Washim
79. Swatantrya Vir Ganpatrao Ingle College of Agriculture, At Post.
Jalgaon Jamod, Dist.Buldana 443 402.
80. Swatantrya Veer G.I. College of Horticulture, Jalgaon Jamod,
Dist.Buldana 443 402.
81. College of Forestry, Akola 444 104.
82. College of Horticulture, Akola 444 104.
83. Shri Samarth College of Agriculture, Deoulgaon Raja, Dist. Buldana
84. Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Agriculture, Old Ajispur Road,
Buldana 443001.
85. Vasantrao Naik College of Agricultural Bio-Technology, Yavatmal
6. College of Agri. 86. College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Akola 444 104.
Engineering and 87. College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Jalgaon Jamod, Dist.
Technology, Buldana 443 402.
Akola 444 104.
7. Shri Shivaji College 88. Shri Shivaji College of Agriculture, Amravati 444 403.
of Agriculture, 89. Shri Shivaji College of Horticulture, Amravati 444 603.
Amravati 444 403. 90. Shri Shivaji College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Shivajinagar,
Amravati 444603
91. Sau. Vasudhatai Deshmukh College of Agriculture, Bodana, Tal.
Dist. Amravati
92. Sau Vasudhatai Deshmukh College of Food Technology, Pala,
Near Rajya Reshim Park, Badnera-Akola Highway, Amravati-
93. College of Agriculture, At Post. Darwha, Dist. Yavatma 445 202.
94. Marotrao Wadafale College of Agriculture, Gurunanak Nagar,
Godhani Road, Yavtmal 445 001.
95. Shri Sant Shankar Maharaj College of Agriculture, Pimpalkhuta,
96. College of Agriculture, Umarkhed, Tal. Umarkhaed Dist.Yavatmal
97. College of Agriculture, Konghara, Post. Pimpri, Tal. Kelapur Dist.
98. Late R.G.Deshmukh College of Agriculture, Tiwsa, Dist.Amravati
8. College of 99. College of Agriculture, At. Sonapur, Gadchiroli 442 605.
Agriculture, 100. Kevalramji Harde College of Agriculture, Chamorshi, Tal.
At. Sonapur, Chamorshi Dist.Gadchiroli
Gadchiroli 442 605.

9. College of 101. College of Agriculture, Nagpur 440 001.

Agriculture, 102. Shri Sevakbhau Wakhaye Patil College of Agriculture, Kesalwada
Nagpur 440 001. Wagh, Tal. Lakhani, Dist.Bhandara
103. Anand Niketan College of Agriculture, At.Post. Warora
Dist.Chandrapur 442 914.
104. Ramkrishna Bajaj College of Agriculture, Pipri Wardha,
Dist.Wardha 442001.
Sr. Admission Colleges under Admission Process Center
No. Process Center
105. Smt. Anusayabai Meghe College of Agriculture, Bhugaon, Tal. Dist.
106. Manoharbhai Patel College of Agriculture, Hiratola, Kalimati, Tal.
Goregaon, Dist. Gondia 441 801.
107. Rajashree Shahu Maharaj College of Agriculture Business
Management, At Post. Sadak Arjuni, Dist. Gondia
College of 108. College of Agriculture, Krishinagar, Parbhani 431 402.
10. Agriculture, 109. Late Rajiv Gandhi College of Agriculture, Jintur Road, Parbhani-
Krishinagar, 431 401.
Parbhani 431 402.
110. College of Agriculture, Pathri, Dist.Parbhni 431 503.
111. College of Agriculture, Seloo, Dist. Parbhani 431 503.
112. Kai. Ambadasrao Warpudkar College of Agriculture, Warpud, Post.
Mirkhel, Tal.Dist. Parbhani
113. College of Agriculture, Rangnath Maharaj Vishranti Math, Nava,
Tal. Dist. Jalna
114. College of Agriculture, Tondapur Post.Warangaphata
Tal.Kalamnuri Dist.Hingoli 431 701.
115. College of Agriculture,(Kharpudi), Post Box No.45, Jalna-431 203.
College of 116. College of Agriculture, Nanded Road, Latur 413 512.
11. Agriculture, Nanded 117. College of Agriculture, Naigaon Bazar Tal.Naigaon Dist.Nanded
Road, 431 709.
Latur 413512.
118. Netajee Subhashchandra Bose Agriculture College, Markhel, Tal.
Deglur, Dist. Nanded 431717
119. Vasantrao Naik Gramin College of Agriculture, Nehrunagar,
Nagalgaon, Tal.Kandhar Dist.Nanded 431742
120. College of Agriculture, Mahajan Complex, Nanded Naka, Nanded
Road, &Tal.Udgir, Dist.Latur-413517
121. Aditya College of Agriculture, Telgaon Road, Beed-431122
122. College of Agriculture, Alani (Gadpati) Tal. Dist. Osmanabad
123. Shri Chhatrapati Shahu, Phule, Ambedkar College of Agriculture,
Ashti, Dist. Beed 431122
124. Sau. K .S. K. alias Kaku College of Agriculture, Mhasoba Phata,
Nagar Road, Beed 431122
125. College of Agriculture Business Management, Plot No.P-7,
Additional MIDC, In front of Harangul Railway Station, Barshi
Road, Latur-413 512.

College of 126. College of Agriculture, Badnapur Dist.Jalna 431 203.

12. Agriculture, 127. Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture, Dahegaon, Tal. Vaijapur
Badnapur Dist.Jalna Dist. Aurangabad 423703
431 203.
128. S.D.M.V.M’s College of Agriculture, Gevrai Tanda, Paithan Road,
Aurangabad 431003
129. CSMSS College of Agriculture, Kanchanwadi, Paithan Road, Tal.
& Dist. Aurangabad 431002
130. MGMs Nanasaheb Kadam College of Agriculture, Gandheli,
131. College of Agriculture, Khandala, Tal. Vaijapur, Dist. Aurangabad
423 703.
132. Dr. Gangadharrao Pathrikar College of Agriculture, Pathri, Tal.
Phulambri Dist. Aurangabad 431111
Sr. Admission Colleges under Admission Process Center
No. Process Center
College of 133. College of Agriculture, At.Post. Ambejogai, Dist. Beed 431 517.
13. Agriculture,
At.Post. Ambejogai,
Dist. Beed 431 517.
College of 134. College of Agriculture, Osmanabad Kini, Osmanabad Ter Road, Tal.
14. Agriculture, Dist. Osmanabad.
Kini, Osmanabad
Ter Road,
Tal. Dist.
College of 135. Department of Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry, Vasantrao
15. Agriculture, Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Campus, Parbhani.
Tal. Aundha
(Nagnath) Dist.
College of 136. College of Horticulture, Parbhani. 431 402.
16. Horticulture,
Parbhani. 431 402.
College of Food 137. College of Food Technology, Parbhani. 431 402.
17. Technology, 138. Rajiv Gandhi College of Food Technology, Jintur Road, Parbhani-
Parbhani. 431 402. 431 401.
139. Aditya College of Food Technology, Telgaon Road, Beed 431 122.
140. Sau. Kesharbai Sonajirao Kshirsagar alias Kaku College of Food
Technology, Navgan College Campus, Beed-431 122.
141. Queens College of Food Technology, Survey No. 43, MIDC area,
Behind Railway Station, Beside Tarun Bharat Press,
Aurangabad.431 001.
142. MGM College of Food Technology, Gandheli, Aurangabad
143. College of Food Technology, Naigaon (Bazar) Tal.Naigaon
Dist.Nanded 431 709.
144. College of Food Technology, Loni, Udgir, Dist.Latur 413517.
145. M.I.P. College of Food Technology, Hingoli Road, Aundha
(Nagnath), Dist. Hingoli 431705
146. College of Food Technology, MIT Campus, Beed bypass road,
Aurangabad 431 028.

147. College of Food Technology, Gevrai Tanda, Paithan Road,

148. College of Food Technology, Nehrunagar, Nagalgaon, Tal.Kandhar
Dist.Nanded 431742.
149. College of Food Technology, Ashti, Tal. Ashti Dist. Beed 431 122
150. College of Food Technology, Lodga Tal. Ausa Dist. Latur 413531

Vilasrao Deshmukh 151. Vilasrao Deshmukh College of Agricultural Bio-Technology, Latur

18. College of 413 512.
Agricultural Bio- 152. MGM’s College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Gandheli, Aurangabad
153. S.D.M.V.Mandal’s College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Georai
Latur 413 512.
Tanda, Paithan Road, Aurangabad 431 003.
154. Mahatma Gandhi College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Pokharni, Post.
Limbgaon (Railway), Nanded Poorna Road, Dist. Nanded-431 735.
Sr. Admission Colleges under Admission Process Center
No. Process Center
155. College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Hatta Tal.Basmat Dist.Hingoli
431 701.
156. Aditya College of Agri. Bio-Technology, Beed 431 122.

College of Agri. 157. College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Parbhani 431 402.
19. Engineering and 158. Aditya College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Telgaon
Technology, Road, Beed 431 122.
Parbhani 431 402.
159. Sir Chhoturam College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Lodga
Tal. Ausa Dist. Latur 413531
160. College of Agri. Engineering and Technology, Nehrunagar,
Nagalgaon, Tal.Kandhar Dist.Nanded 431742.

College of Home 161. College of Home Science , Parbhani 431 402.

20. Science ,
Parbhani 431 402.
College of 162. All Government / Non aided Agriculture Colleges under
21. Agriculture, Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli
At.Post. Dapoli,
Dist. Ratnagiri
Appendix ‘Q’

‘Body Parts Donation Form’

Name – Mr. /Ms. ................................. ..............................

.................................... Application No. ............................ hereby voluntarily
declared that I wish to donate my body parts after my death.

Place: Signature : __________________

Date : Name ______________________

Form No. ___________________

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