Important 162 Words For NDA

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10.ACCEDE-स्वीकार करना
1.ABANDON-त्याग देना,छोड़ देना
Syn: Desert, abdicate, relinquish, isolate. Syn: Assent, concede, accept, approval
Ant: Carry on, continue, retain, include
Ant: Refuse, reject, disagree, deny, refute

2.ABATE-कम करना 11. BAFFLE -चकरा दे ना

Syn: appease, mitigate, mollify, alleviate.

Ant: Increase, intensify, amplifies, augment Syn: frustrate, perplex, daze, astouned

Ant:compose, facilitate, comfort, Clarify

3.ABASH-शर्मिंदा करना
12.BARBAROUS –असभ्य
Syn: Discourage, confound, embarrass,
discompose. Syn: uncivilized, savage, Sadistic, inhumane

Ant: Encourage, uphold, embolden, hearten Ant: cultured, humane, inoffensive, polite

4.ABETTOR-उकसाने वाला,अवप्रेरक
Syn: humanity, generosity , benefaction,
Syn: Assistant, accomplice, colleague, associate
Ant: Opponent, adversary, antagonist, rival
Ant:malevolence, inhumanity, harshness,
5.ABHOR-घ्रणा करना
Syn: Detest, hate, loathe, abominate, aversion 14. BEWITCHING - मोहहत करनेर्ाला
Ant: Love, like, enjoy, admire
Syn: magical, fascinating , Alluring, enticing

Ant: repulsive, repugnant, repellent, repulsive

Syn: Shameful, miserable, degraded, ignoble, 15. BLEAK -बे रंग
Ant: Noble, dignified, honorable, prosperous Syn: dismal, gloomy, Austere, desolated

Ant: bright pleasant, Appealing, congenial

7.ABSOLVE-पाप,दोष मुक्त 16. BRITTLE – नाजुक

Syn: Excuse, pardon, exonerate, exempt
Ant: Convict, condemn, imprison, oblige Syn: delicate, fragile, crisp, vitreous

Ant: tough, enduring, resilient, durable

8.ABSURD-र्व र्ेकहीन
17. BUSTLE – हलचल
Syn: Irrational, foolish, nonsensical, silly, stupid
Syn: haste, flurry, agitation, rumpus
Ant: Rational, wise, meaningful, intelligent
,prudent Ant: slowness, quiet, calmness, relaxation

18. CALAMITY - आपदा

9.ABUNDANCE-अर्व कता Syn: adversity, misfortune , catastrophe, affliction

Syn: Riches, affluence, bountiful, copiousness Ant: happiness, fortune, blessing, boon

Ant: need, poverty, paucity, dearth 19. CALLOUS - कठोर

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Syn: obdurate, unfeeling, apathetic, indifferent 21. CAPABLE - सक्षम

Ant: compassionate, tender, responsive, Syn: competent, able , adept, efficient

Ant: incompetent, inept, clumsy, unskilled
20. CALUMNY - चुगली

Syn: defamation, aspersion , lie, slander

Ant: commendation, praise, compliment, flattery

22. CAPTIVATE -बं दी बनाना 30. DAINTY – सु न्दर

Syn: Restricted, confined, enrapture, enthrall Syn: elegant, delicate, exquisite, petite

Ant: disillusion, free, repel, dissaude

23. CAPTIVITY - क़ै द Ant: clumsy, coarse, crude, inferior

Syn: imprisonment, confinement, Slavery, limbo 31. DECAY - सड़न

Ant: freedom, liberty, independence, liberation Syn: collapse, decompose, corrosion, atrophy

24. CAPRICIOUS – मनमौजी Ant: flourish, progress, morality, development

Syn: Erratic, Quirky, freakish, mercurial 32. DECEIT - छल

Ant: cautious, Staid, steadfast, reliable Syn: deception, artifice, duplicity, slyness

25. CEASE – बं द करना Ant: veracity, sincerity, artlessness, Openness

Syn: terminate, desist, culminate, intermit 33. DECIPHER - सां केहतक आहद का अर्व हनकालना

Ant: begin, originate, commence, initiate Syn: interpret, reveal, elucidate, encipher

26. CHASTE – पहर्त्र Ant: misinterpret, distort, hide, obscure

Syn: virtuous, pure, decorous, austere 34. DEDICATE - समपवण

Ant: sullied, lustful, lewd, wanton Syn: devote, consecrate committed,

27. CHASTISE – दं ड दे ना
Ant: refuse, negate, lethargic, disloyal
Syn: admonish, castigate, Censure, punish
35. DEFER – टालना
Anto: Cheer, encourage, inspirit, laud
Syn: prolong, suspend, Adjourn, procrastinate
28. COMPASSION - दया
Ant: accelerate, expedite, promote, hasten
Syn: kindness, sympathy, clemency,
commiseration 36. DEFILE - अशुद्ध

Ant: cruelty, barbarity, animosity, tyranny Syn: contaminate, pollute, debase, befoul

29. COMPRISE – शाहमल करना Ant: purify, sanctity, elevate, sterilize

Syn: contain, embody, incorporate, Include 37. DEFRAY -चुकाना

Anto: reject, lack, exclude, ruin Syn: spend, pay, foot the bill, settle

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Ant: disclaim, repudiate, dismiss, turn down Syn: hindrance, obstacle, albatross, impediment

38. DELIBERATE -जानबू झकर Ant: incentive, stimulant, support, help

Syn: cautious, intentional, ponder, contemplate 48. ENDEAVOUR - प्रयास करना

Ant: rash, sudden, neglect, abstain Syn: undertake, aspire, enterprise, venture

39. DELICIOUS – स्वाहदष्ट Ant: cease, quit, idleness, passitivity

Syn: palatable, tasteful, appetizing, savory 49. ENORMOUS - बहुत बड़ा

Ant: distasteful, unsavory, nasty, repulsive Syn: colossal, mammoth, prodigious, gargantuan

40. DEMOLISH -ध्वस्त Ant: diminutive, negligible, miniature, insignificant

Syn: ruin, devastate, annihilate, decimate 50. EQUIVOCAL –गोलमोल

Ant: repair, construct, produce, create Syn: uncertain, hazy, dubious, evasive

41. ECCENTRIC –सनकी Ant: obvious, lucid, Straight Forward, certain

Syn: strange, abnormal, aberration, queerness 51. FALTER - लड़खड़ाना

Ant: natural, conventional, conformity, standard Syn: stumble, demur, flounder, wobble

42. ECSTASY – उत्साह Ant: persist, endure, stabilize, Confident

Syn: delight, exultation, Euphoria, rapture 52. FANATICAL-कट्टर

Ant: despair, calamity, depression, woe Syn: narrow-minded, biased, dogmatic, fervent

43. Expunge -हमटाना Ant: liberal, tolerant, apathetic, indifferent

Syn: destroy, obliterate, eliminate, Efface 53. FRIVOLOUS –हछछोरा/ तु च्छ

Ant: retain, maintain, improve, built Syn: Petty, volatile, capricious, worthless

44. ELEVATE - ऊपर उठाना Ant: solemn, pertinent, essential, significant

Syn: dignify, heighten, Levitate, Hoist 54. FEEBLE - कमजोर

Ant: deprecate, denounce, spurn, demote Syn: weak, frail, decrepit, doddering

45. Exterminate - हर्नाश करना Ant: strong, robust, competent, hardy

Syn: expel, oust, eradicate, exclude 55. FEROCIOUS - क्रू र

Ant: restore, accept, establish, Employ Syn: cruel, fierce, ravenous, ruthless

46. ELOQUENCE - बोलने की शक्ति Ant: gentle, sympathetic, compassionate, tame

Syn: expression, fluency, Persuasiveness, 56. FEUD – झगड़ा

Syn: strife, quarrel, hostility, dissension
Ant: halting, stammering, impotence, Inability
Ant: fraternity, harmony, concord, comradeship
57. FLEETING -क्षणभं गुर

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Syn: transient, temporary, cursory, ephemeral 67. GUILE - छल

Ant: enduring, eternal, Permanent, perpetual Syn: cunning, deceit, trickery, chicanery

58. FLIMSY – कमजोर Ant: honesty, frankness, uprightness, frankness

Syn: trifling, transparent, chiffon, wobbly 68 .HAMPER - बार्ा

Ant: firm, tenacious, sturdy, substantial Syn: retard, prevent, hinder, thwart

59. FLUCTUATE - उतार चढार् Ant: promote, facilitate, encourage, abet

Syn: deflect, vacillate, oscillate, undulate 69.HAPHAZARD-बे तरतीब

Ant: stabilise, resolve, stay, persist Syn: random, unsorted, sporadic, directionless

60. FORSAKE - त्यागना Ant: considered, arranged, conscious, willful

Syn: desert, renounce, jettison, cast off 70. HAPLESS - अभागी

Ant: hold, maintain, revert, return Syn: unfortunate ,ill-fated, doomed, tragic

61. GLOOM - उदासी Ant: fortunate, lucky, propitious, fair

Syn: obscurity, darkness, Anguish, doldrums 71. HARASS - परे शान

Ant: delight, mirth, vivaciousness, gladness Syn: irritate, molest, heckle, intimidate

62. GLUT - भरमार Ant: assist, comfort, help, support

Syn: stuff, satiate, plenitude, surfeit 72. HAUGHTY - अभव मानी

Ant: starve, abstain, lack, need Syn: arrogant, pompous, hound, torment

63. GORGEOUS -भव्य Ant: humble, submissive, calm, composed

Syn: magnificent, dazzling, sumptuous, centerfold 73. HAZARD - जोग्मखम

Ant: dull, unpretentious, awful, homely Syn: Peril, danger, jeopardy, dynamite

64. GRACIOUS – दयालु Ant: conviction, security, safeguard, surety

Syn: courteous, beneficent, affable, amicable 74. HERETIC - कच्चे मत का र्ारण करने र्ाला

Ant: rude, unforgiving, aloof, surly Syn: non-conformist, secularist, dissenter, cynic

65. GRISLY - भयानक Ant: conformable, religious, adherent, believer

Syn: disgusting, atrocious, eerie, hideous 75. HIDEOUS - भयं कर

Ant: pleasing, attractive, pretty, comforting Syn: frightful, shocking, horrid, nasty

66. GRUDGE -असन्तोष Ant: attractive, alluring, beautiful, winsome

Syn: hatred, aversion, animosity, animus 76. HYPOCRISY - पाखंड

Ant: benevolence, affection, forgiveness, Syn: deception, affectation, bigotry, mockery

Ant: sincerity, honesty, frankness, uprightness

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77. IMMACULATE - शुद्ध Ant: gap, rift, separation, Cleft

Syn: unsullied, spotless, exquisite, spruce 87. Jabber –गपशप

Ant: defiled, tarnished, defective, foul Syn: mumbo jumbo, nonsense, prattle, slobber

78. IMMENSE - अत्यर्व क Ant: articulate, enunciate, pronounce, sensible

Syn: huge, enormous, mammoth, stupendous 88. JUVENILE –हकशोर

Ant: puny, insignificant, unimportant, finite Syn: young, tender, flourishing, flowering

79. IMMERSE -डु बाना Ant: dotage, antiquated, anile, decrepit

Syn: submerge, involve, absorb, bemuse 89. Knave –दु ष्ट

Ant: emerge, uncover, bore, jade, Syn: scapegrace, scoundrel, varlet, villain

80. IMMUNITY –प्रहतरक्षा Ant: angel, innocent, saint, hero

Syn: prerogative, privilege, defense, guard 90. KINDRED - सं बंर्ी

Ant: blame, censure, exposure, liability Syn: alike, analogous, cognate, comparable

81. JADED -र्काया हुआ Ant: unlike,differentiable, discriminable,

Syn: tired, exhausted, bleary, Burn out
91. KINDLE - उत्तेहजत करना
Ant: renewed, recreated, animated, energized
Syn: immolate, deflagrate, char, frizzle
82. JEJUNE -बे सूद
Ant: extinguish, put out, quench, snuff (out)
Syn: dull, boring, monochromatic, monotonous,
92. KNELL - शोक सू चक घंटे की ध्वहन

Syn: buoy, indicator, sign, signal

Ant: interesting, exciting, poignant, touching
Ant: reconstruction, rediscovery, Alive, survive
83. JOVIAL - उल्लासपूणब
93. KNOTTY – जहटल
Syn: frolicsome, cheerful, amused, beaming
Syn: complicated, difficult, multipart, varied
Ant: solemn, morose, abject, aggrieved
Ant: simple, manageable, uniform, unvaried
84. JUBILANT -उल्लसव त
94. LAVISH -भव्य
Syn: rejoicing, triumphant, glorying, prideful,
Syn: abundant, excessive , extreme, fancy,
Ant: melancholy, depressing, dispirited, downcast
Ant: scarce, deficient, reasonable, temperate
85. JUDICIOUS –हर्र्े कसम्मत
95. LAX -ढीला
Syn: thoughtful, prudent, astute, perspicacious
Syn: slack, careless, unguarded, unwary
Ant: irrational, foolish, impolitic, imprudent
Ant: firm, reliable, conscientious, nonnegligent
86. Juncture – अर्सर
96. LENIENT -उदार
Syn: brink, cusp, nick, threshold

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Syn: compassionate, merciful, clement, Ant: console, soothe, gratify, humour,
106. NEGLIGENT - लापरर्ाह
Ant: cruel, severe, grim, harsh
Syn: inattentive, careless, remiss, slack
97. LIABLE –उत्तरदायी
Ant: vigilant, careful, conscientious, nonnegligent
Syn: accountable, bound, endangered, exposed
107. NIGGARDLY - कंजूसी से
Ant: unaccountable, apt to, exempt, immune
Syn: miser, covetous, skimping, thrifty
98. LIBERAL - उदार
Ant: generous, profuse, unsparing, unstinting
Syn: magnanimous, generous, unconventional,
unorthodox 108. NIMBLE - ते ज

Ant: stingy, malicious, stodgy, traditional Syn: prompt, brisk, ingenious, resourceful

99. LINGER - ठहराना Ant: sluggish, languid, unsmart, vacuous

Syn: loiter, prolong, crawl, creep 109. NONCHALANT - बे परर्ाह

Ant: hasten, quicken, barrel, bolt Syn: indifferent, negligent, lukewarm, tepid

100. LISTLESS - उदासीन Ant: attentive, considerate, concerned, interested

Syn: indifferent, inattentive, lazy, slothful 110. NOVICE – नौहसकुआ

Ant: brisk, attentive, ambitious, animated Syn: tyro, beginner , neophyte, newbie,

101. MINUTE - बहुत छोटा Ant: veteran, ingenious, old hand, old-timer

Syn: diminutive, miniature, beat, eyeblink 111. OBSTRUCT - रोकना

Ant: large, colossal, infinity, lifetime Syn: impede, prevent, impede, retard

102. MIRACULOUS चमत्कारपूणब Ant: hasten, encourage, promote, liberate

Syn: marvellous, extraordinary , transcendent, 112. OBVIOUS - जाहव र

Syn: evident, apparent, clear, overt
Ant: ordinary, trivial, unimpressive, uninspiring
Ant: obscure, ambiguous, fuzzy, disputable
103. MITIGATE - कम करना
113. OCCULT – गु प्त
Syn: alleviate, relieve, abate, lighten
Syn: latent, ambiguous, arcane, cryptic
Ant: augment, enhance, aggravate, exacerbate
Ant: intelligible, transparent, accessible, clear
104. MODEST - मामूली
114. ODIOUS –लां छन
Syn: humble, courteous, passable, tolerable
Syn: malevolent, obnoxious, abhorrent,
Ant: arrogant, pompous, unclean, vulgar abominable

105. MOLEST -छे ड़ना Ant: engaging, fascinating, innocuous, inoffensive

Syn: harass, tease, mistreat, misuse 115. OFFENSIVE - आक्रमण

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Syn: abhorrent, arrogant, scandalous, shocking, 125. QUEER - हर्हचत्र

Ant: docile, compliant, pleasurable, pretty, Syn: bizarre, bizarro, cranky, crazy

116. PAMPER - सं तुष्ट करना Ant: common, ordinary, plain, usual

Syn: flatter, indulge, content, delight 126. RATIFY -पुष्टव करना

Ant: deny, disparage, abuse, ill-treat Syn: consent, approve, accept, acknowledge

117. PARAMOUNT - आला दजे का Ant: deny, dissent, turn down, veto

Syn: foremost, eminent, predominant, preeminent 127. RAVAGE -नाश

Ant: trivial, inferior, least, minimal Syn: destroy, ruin, despoil, foray,

118. PEERLESS – बे जोड़ Ant: conservation, preservation, protection,

Syn: matchless, unrivalled, incomparable,
inimitable 128. REDEEM - बदला दे ना

Ant: mediocre, commonplace, inferior, lesser, Syn: conclude, consummate, finalize, finish,

119. PEEVISH – झगड़ालू Ant: breach, break, transgress, violate

Syn: perverse, sullen, choleric, crabby, 129. REMNANT - अर्शेष

Ant: suave, amiable, affable, companionable Syn: residue, piece, fragment, vestige

120. PERTNESS - गु स्ताखी Ant: entire, whole, body, bulk

Syn: flippancy,impudence, audaciousness, 130. REMONSTRATE - आपहत्त करना

Syn: censure, protest, except, expostulate
Ant: modesty, diffidence, bashfulness, diffidence,
Ant: agree, laud, adhere, comply, conform
121. QUACK - नीमहकीम
131. SARCASTIC – कटु
Syn: impostor, deceiver, charlatan, fake,,
Syn: ironical, derisive, caustic, corrosive,
Ant: upright, unfeigned, ace, adept
Ant: amusing, droll, merry, playful
122. QUAINT – हर्हचत्र
132. SAUCY - सजीर्
Syn: queer, strange, aberrant, abnormal,
Syn: impudent, insolent, arch, audacious,
Ant: familiar, usual, contemporary, current
Ant: modest, humble, retiring, shy, timid
123. QUARANTINE - अलग करना
133. SCANTY - अल्प
Syn: confine, immure, incarcerate, intern
Syn: scarce, insufficient, deficient, inadequate,
Ant: assimilate, associate, connect, join,
Ant: lavish, multitude, abundant, ample
124. QUELL - र्श में करना
134. SHABBY - फटा पुराना
Syn: squash, squelch, subdue, suppress
Syn: miserable,impoverished, desolate, forlorn,
Ant: abet, aid, assist, back, help godforsaken

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Ant: prosperous, thriving, mended, patched, Syn: conceit, pretension , amour propre

135. SHREWD - चालाक Ant: modesty, humility, humbleness, humility,

Syn: cunning, crafty, astute, canny, 149. VENERABLE - आदरणीय

Ant: simple, imbecile, artless, guileless Syn: esteemed, honoured , hallowed, revered,

136. TABOO - र्हजवत कमव Ant: unworthy,Immature, knave, calumny

Syn: prohibit, ban, banned, barred, forbidden, 150. WAIVE - माफ़ करें

Ant: permit, consent, allowable, permissible, Syn: relinquish, remove, FORGO, Giveup

137. TACITURN -अल्पभाषी Ant: impose, clamp, Place, set

Syn: reserved, silent, introverted, restrained 151. WAN - र्का

Ant: talkative, extrovert, outspoken, vocal Syn: pale, faded, ashen, ashy,

138. TEDIOUS - ग़ै रदव लचस्प Ant: bright, healthy, blooming, florid,

Syn: wearisome, irksome, arid, boring 152. WANE - पतन

Ant: exhilarating, lively, amazing, astonishing Syn: decline, dwindle, , remit, shrink,

139. TEMPERATE -शीतोष्ण Ant: ameliorate, rise, accumulate, balloon,

Syn: cool, moderate, controlled, curbed 153. WARY - सार्र्ान

Ant: boisterous, violent, immoderate, intemperate Syn: cautious, circumspect, alert, careful

140. THRONG - भीड़ Ant: heedless, negligent, unsafe, unwary

Syn: assembly, crowd, scrum, swarm 154. WABBLY – अक्तथर्र

Ant: dispersion, sparsity, rare, scarcity Syn: aquiver, atremble, quaking, quivery,

141. UMBRAGE -साया Ant: controlled, firm, settled, stable

Syn: resentment, bitterness, dudgeon, huff, 155. WICKED -श़ैतान

Ant: sympathy, goodwill, mollification, Syn: vicious, immoral, sinful, unethical,

Ant: virtuous, noble, righteous, sublime,
142. UNCOUTH -गं र्ार
156. YEARN -हुड़कना
Syn: awkward, ungraceful, boorish, churlish
Syn: languish, crave, long, pine
Ant: elegant, graceful, aristocratic, courtly
Ant: content, satisfy, take, tolerate
143. USURP -हड़पना
157. YELL - चवल्लाना
Syn: seize, wrest, appropriate, arrogate
Syn: shout, shriek, squeal, yelp
Ant: restore, compensate, free, give away
Ant: whisper, muted, breathe, mumble
148. VANITY -घमंड
158. YIELD - अर्ीन होना

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Syn: surrender, abdicate, buckle (under), knuckle

Ant: resist, protest, thwart, withstand

159. YOKE - दमनकारी शासन

Syn: connect, harness, bondage, enslavement

Ant: liberate, release, freedom, liberty

160. ZEAL -उत्साह

Syn: eagerness, fervor, fire, passion

Ant: apathy, lethargy, indolence, laziness

161. ZENITH - चरम हबन्दु

Syn: summit, apex, apogee, capstone

Ant: nadir, base, abyss, foot

162. ZEST –जोश

Syn: delight, enthusiasm, mordancy, trenchancy

Ant: disgust, passive, flatness, tastelessness

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