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Palikhe Chowk, Pokhara-9


Topic: List out the organic and inorganic compound found in

your household. Why is it necessary to study them separately?

Submitted By: Milan G.Thapa

Class= 11'E'
Shift = Day
Submitted to Bidur Gurung [Department of Chemistry]

I am presenting a project assignment on the organic and inorganic compound

found in my household and necessity to study them separately. I have tried
to give all the important things and information about project.

Organic and Inorganic compounds

A chemical compound refers to any substance made up of two or more
elements that are chemically bonded together. An Element, in turn, refers to
that comprised of only one type of atom. Elements that are held together by
a chemical bond forms a compound. One of the ways to classify compounds
is by identifying them as either organic or inorganic. In general, an organic
compound is a type of compound that contains the carbon atom. Conversely,
an inorganic compound would be one that does not contain carbon.

Organic and inorganic compounds deal with the structure, properties and
reactions of compounds Although about 19 million known carbon
compounds have been found in organic chemistry whereas, inorganic
chemistry contains only about 500,000 known compounds. However, major
economic benefits are provided by inorganic compounds .Chemical
compounds are essential since carbon is found in all living organisms. Almost
all the organic compounds contain the carbon-hydrogen or a simple C-H
bond in them. Carbides, carbonates, and cyanides form the only carbon
containing compounds not known as organic. Organic and inorganic
compounds play important role in industries such as the rubber, plastics,
fuel, pharmaceutical, and detergent, coatings, dyestuffs and agrichemicals
Table: List of organic and inorganic compounds found in
Organic Compounds Inorganic Compounds
Sugar Table salt
Oil Ice/Water
Ghee Baking soda
Glucose Steel utensils
Rice/pulse Iron pan
LPG in Cylinder Sand
Turmeric Washing soda
Vinegar Marble
Ink Chalk
Soap Diamond
Alcohol Quartz
Urea Caustic soda
Cardboard(Cellulose) Quick lime
Reasons for the separate study of organic compounds
Organic compounds can widely be synthesized in laboratories addition to their
occurrence in plant and animal bodies. Some of the considerable reasons for
separate study of organic compounds are mentioned below:

a. Large number of compounds

Organic compounds cover a wider range in chemical arena. There are about 5
million organic compounds known and thousands of new compounds are being
discovered annually. The number of inorganic compounds is approximately
1,00,000 and is not rapidly increasing. If the study of all the organic compounds
was included with that of inorganic compounds, it would through the subject out
of balance.

b. Unique chemical and physical properties

These compounds possess low meting and boiling points with lower solubility in
water and higher solubility in non-polar solvent. These are inflammable in nature
and their solutions are non-conductor of electricity. Organic compounds exhibit
isomerism and show usually slow chemical reactions.

c. Unique character of carbon

Carbon atom has ability to combine with one another to form long chains and
rings of varying lengths and shapes. This property of carbon is called catenation
and is responsible for the variety and larger number of organic compounds.

I feel proud to be 'Prativian' before seven months when

admitting in my higher study level. Today again, I am happy to
write good words about my college. I would like to express my
special thanks to my subject teacher Mr. Bidur Gurung
(Department of Chemistry) to provide me an excellent
opportunity to do this project work. This project made me to do
a lot of research about subject. I came to know many things
about the organic and inorganic compound.
Likewise, I am thankful to my parents and friends who helped me
in different aspects to complete my project work successfully.
They also guided me to complete my project work in time too.

While doing this project work, I took some references
from various sources, which are mentioned below:-

 Internet

 Books
 Pioneer Practical Chemistry
 Pioneer Chemistry

 Teachers

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