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Airborne Diseases

Air borne diseases are diseases caught by breathing. They are spread when
droplets of pathogens are expelled into the air due to coughing, sneezing or
talking. Airborne diseases that are of concerns includes, Measles, Mumps,
Meningitis, Chicken pox, Tuberculosis {TB} , and Influenza. Many of these diseases
require prolong exposure for infection to occur, posing only a minimal threat. The
preventive measures include wearing of masks, or maximizing ventilation which
helps to reduce this risk.


Common cold: over 100 viruses can cause a cold, but its usually a

Influenza: It is an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs .These
are many strains of the Flu, and they are constantly changing. These constant
changing makes it difficult for the development of the body immunities.

Chicken pox: This is caused by varicella zoaster virus. It can spread within a day
or two before rashes surfaces. It takes 21 days after exposure for the disease
to develop

Mumps: This is a very contagious disease caused by a virus of genus Rubulavirus

mostly occurring in childhood which causes swelling of glands in the face and
neck. It can be prevented by vaccination. Outbreak tends to occur in a densely
populated environment.

Measles: It is very contagious particularly in a crowded condition. The virus can

remain active in an act or on the surface for up to two hours.
It is the leading cause of death among children worldwide. Vaccination is also an
effective prevention measures.
Tuberculosis (TB)

It is an airborne disease of bacterial infection. It does not spread easily, close

contact with infected person for a long time. One can be infected without becoming
ill or infecting others.

The air borne disease usually result in one or more of the following symptoms:
Inflammation of nose, throat, or lungs, coughing, sneezing, swollen glands,
headache, body ache, loss of appetite, fever and fatigues.

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