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1. The Name and address of the Society is “…………………………”and its

Registered and Head Offices at Plot No. ………………. Address Same as above.

2. The Aims and Objective for which the society is established are as follow:

a. To Foster and promote all kinds of educational activities in India.

b. To establish educational and vocational institutions like Schools, Colleges and
Universities of all fields of education.
c. To establish study circles training centres and libraries for the children in the all
parts of country with emphasis on vocational training.
d. To promote the cause and stress the importance of basic education in the Country
and to run schools for poor children.
e. To form a group of educationists and academicians, to devise ways and methods
of imparting modern, vocational, professional education, schools, colleges and
universities in India.
f. To do all or any of such acts as may be conductive to the attainment of the above
g. To establish schools, colleges, institutes, academies, learning centres, universities
and all kinds of educational, professional, vocational centres as per above aims
for impart education as per Government Rules.
h. To pay a key role in providing a good and healthy climate in the educational field
by imparting quality education amongst students of all castes, creed & religion in
the country.
i. To provide the educational atmosphere and to prepare the students to face the
competitive examination as well as to evoke a sense of sound competition
amongst themselves.
j. To provide and fulfil all the infrastructure and norms as approved by the State and
Central Govt of India and the CBSE, The ICSI, ICSE , The AICTE, The UPTU,

The UGC, The NCTE, The MCI, The DCI and all such other bodies and
educational boards and agencies with an aim to impart school, college, university
k. To Provide play grounds and sports goods so as to improve the physical fitness,
health and sports instinct in the students. To provide and assist all kinds of
musical, cultural and co-curricular activities.
l. To foster Indian culture and heritage and give prizes, scholarships of all kinds to
deserving students and agencies.

3. The names, addresses and occupation of the members of the Managing

Committee to whom by the rule of the school, the management of its affairs
entrusted are:

Sr. Name Post Address Occupation


We the undersigned have formed ourselves into Society (Registered) under the
Societies Registration Act 21 of 1860in pursuance of the above noted aims of the
“Name of School …………………………………….”


1. NAME: ………………….

2. HEAD OFFICE: ……………………..

3. JURISDICTION: ……………………


a. Life Member: Any person of sound mind and reputation not being
a minor, may be admitted as Life Member by the
society on depositing one time membership fee of
Rs.1,50,000/- (One Lac Fifty Thousand Only)
forming part of corpus of the society.

b. Ordinary Member: Any person of sound mind and reputation not being
a minor may be admitted as Ordinary Member by
the society on his paying annual subscription fees
of Rs. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand Only) forming part
of corpus of the society.

i. On Death
ii. On being unsound mind or insolvent
iii. On resignation
iv. On being defaulter in depositing membership fee/
v. For not attending 3 consecutive meetings successively without leave or
applicant on for any satisfactory reason duly approved in writing by the

vi. On Removal by Society due to misconduct or for acting adverse to the interest
of the institution by a simple majority resolution approved by the chairperson.
vii. Final decision of removal & inclusion of society member will be decided by


a) General Assembly
b) Managing Committee

7.01 Constitution:
The General Assembly shall be constituted by inclusion of all kinds of the
members i.e. Life Members & Ordinary Members.

7.02 Annual General Meeting:

The annual general meeting of the general assembly shall be called upon
once in every financial year and extra ordinary/special meeting may be
called upon at any time on being necessary and expedient.

The notice of the ordinary meeting of general assembly must be given to

all members at least before fifteen (15) days of the date of meeting and
that of special/extra ordinary meeting must be given before (07) seven

7.03 Quorum:

In order to constitute the quorum at least 2/3 must be present out of the
total membership.

7.04 Right and duties of the General Assembly:

1. To elect and constitute the Managing Committee of the institution.

2. To call for the records of activities of the institution.
3. To Pass the Annual Budget.
4. To make changes and amendment in the Bye-Laws of the
institution by passing resolution with 2/3 majority.

8.01 Constitution:
The Managing Committee shall be constituted by election of Ten
members out of the general assembly by the general assembly,
itself being four office bearers and six members of the committee
named as follows:
1. President or Chairman
2. Vice President
3. Manager/ Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Members (6 in person)

8.02 Meeting:

The ordinary meetings of the managing committee shall be held

necessarily for (4 times in year by notifying the dates of each and
every meetings to all the office bearers and members of the
committee at least before seven days and special/extra ordinary
meetings of the managing committee may be recalled upon at any
time on being necessary and expedient by notifying the date of
such meeting to all the office bearers and members of the
committee at least before three days.

8.03 Quorum:

The Quorum shall be constituted on presence of 4 (four) members

out of the total members of the committee but there is no need of

Quorum at adjourned meeting.

The managing Committee constituted by election shall be in

existence for five years and a new managing committee shall be
constituted by fresh periodical election one month prior to the
completion of term of the exiting managing committee, provided
that if due to any inevitable circumstances the election for the

constitution of the next managing committee is not held then after
notifying the causes to General assembly. The Election must be
held within one month from the date of expiry of the foregoing
managing committee (The Grace Period).

Provided also that the foregoing managing committee shall stand

defunct within such grace period.

The Managing Committee can also be constituted by selection

only by 2/3 majority of the General body in its meeting.

8.04 Filling of Casual Vacancies:

The casual vacancy arising due to death, resignation or removable

of any office bearer of the managing committee shall be filled up
for the remaining period of the managing committee by resolution
passed in majority of 2/3 members of the managing committee.

8.05 Duties of Managing Committee:

1. To do all that is necessary for development and welfare of the

institutions run by the Society and to fulfil its aims and
2. To prepare and pass the Annual Budget of the Institution.
3. To prepare and pass the Annual Report of the Institution.
4. To avail the grant in aid and donation from persons or
institution/societies or the State/Central Govt. If required.
5. To Manage control and administer all the financial and
administrative affairs of institutions run by the Society.
6. To represent through any member in all Govt. Departments
and in all legal forums/courts etc.
7. To purchase movable and immovable properties and to
manage/maintain all such properties.
8. To apply for all kinds of loans from bank and other financial

8.06 Right and Duties of the Officer Bearers of the


A. President or Chairperson:
1. To Preside over all the meetings
2. To ascertain dates of meeting to alter or approve any date of
prefixed for the meeting and to regulate and conduct the
3. To cast deciding [casting] vote in case of equal member of
positive and negative votes on any resolution.
4. To regulate manage and maintain all administrative and
financial affairs of the Society as the Administrative,
Managerial &Financial Head and the final appointing
dismissal authority.

B. Vice President or Vice Chairperson:

1. To discharge all duties of the President in his absence and
under his authority on his behalf.
2. To assist and Co-Operate the President in discharge of his
duties under his authorities.

C. Manager/Secretary:

The Manager/Secretary shall be Chief administrative officer of

the Society in controlling and managing the affairs of the
institution as per the directions of the managing committee and
the Chairman. As such the manager/secretary shall have
following duties.

1. To sign of the records and documents of the institution.

2. To sign on bills & Voucher.
3. To take steps to prosecute/defend the suit by or against the
society in all courts of law and all legal forums etc.
4. To implement all the resolution and decisions of the
managing committee.
5. To create a charge against the assets and properties of the
society by way of equitable mortgage or pledge or

Hypothecation to secure the repayment of loan/finance
taken for the objects of the Society.
6. To do all necessary acts for development of the institution.
7. To launch disciplinary proceeding against the delinquent
employees and members and to appoint/terminate
8. To negotiate on behalf of the institution as per resolutions
of the Managing Committee.
9. To record the routine and prepare the agenda and minutes
book of the proceeding.
10. To readout the proceedings in the meeting.
11. To get the accounts audited every year.
12. To convey the dates of meetings.

D. Treasurer:
1. To keep the records of all receipts and payments of the
2. To pay of the bills signed by the Manager or Secretary.
3. To get donations on consultation with the manager and to
issue receipt thereof.


Amendment in Bye- Laws or deletion or addition to any rules in the bye-laws
shall be incorporated only passing resolution to the said effect by special
majority of the General Assembly.


The fund shall be composed of the money received through membership fee,
donation, grant-in-aid from government, surplus (if any) from the activities of
the society in any other amount received by institution. The fund so constituted
shall be kept invested in a manner deemed fit by the managing committee of
the society or deposited in a bank.


Records of the institution shall be:-
a. Member Register
b. Proceedings/Minutes Books of the Members.
c. Proceedings/Minutes Books of the Managing Committee.
d. Stock Register
e. Cash Book, Journal, Ledger

12. AUDIT:
The accounts of the institution shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant
every year.

On dissolution of Society the assets and liabilities of the Society shall be
disposed off in the manners provided U/s 13 and 14 of the Societies
Registration Act and as permitted under the provisions of the Income Tax Act,

Chairman Secretary Member Member


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