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Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

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Addressing 21st-century digital skills in schools – Development and

validation of an instrument to measure teachers’ basic ICT
competence beliefs
Charlott Rubach a, *, Rebecca Lazarides b
School of Education, University of California, Irvine, USA
Department of Education, Universität Potsdam, Germany


Keywords: Both teachers’ pedagogical and basic ICT competence beliefs are antecedents of ICT implementation in class.
Teachers’ ICT competence Beliefs Research has developed instruments to assess teachers’ pedagogical ICT competence beliefs. However, there is a
Measurement development and validation paucity of research on the assessment of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs. The purpose of this study was to
Expectancy-value model
develop and validate an instrument to assess teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs. Our analyses based on a
sample of 372 teachers in Germany (51.2% women, age M = 44.48, SD = 10.77) who participated in an online
Tool model survey. We used exploratory factor analyses to test the factorial structure and confirmatory factor analyses to
investigate the multidimensionality of the measure. Construct validity was analyzed using teachers’ attitudes
toward ICT, ICT use, and socio-demographic variables as validation variables. Our analyses identified six di­
mensions of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs: information and data literacy, communication and collab­
oration, digital content creation, safety and security, problem solving, and analyzing and reflecting. Three of
these dimensions had a second-order structure. The six dimensions are differently correlated with teachers’ at­
titudes towards ICT, private and professional use of ICT, student-centered ICT teaching practices, and teacher

1. Introduction ICT skills related to the use of digital tools and new technologies
(Tourón, Martín, Navarro Asencio, Pradas, & Íñigo, 2018; Wei, Piaw,
Both teachers’ digital competence and their competence beliefs Kannan, & Moulod, 2016), this multidimensionality is rarely applied to
related to information and communications technology (ICT) are assess teachers’ beliefs about their skills. It is, however, important to
important for the successful integration of digital technology in teaching investigate the multidimensional structure of teachers’ basic ICT
and learning settings (Hatlevik, 2017; Hobbs, 2017; Knezek & Chris­ competence beliefs as such investigations enable a more detailed un­
tensen, 2016; Petko, Prasse, & Cantieni, 2018; Wozney, Venkatesh, & derstanding of these beliefs as an essential antecedent of ICT imple­
Abrami, 2006). In particular, teachers’ beliefs about their ability to deal mentation in class (Pareja Roblin et al., 2018). Furthermore, it is crucial
with ICT are closely related to the implementation of ICT in to investigate whether different dimensions of competence beliefs
school-related learning environments (Hatlevik, 2017; Klassen & Chiu, related to basic ICT skills vary in their importance for ICT teaching
2010; Pareja Roblin et al., 2018). A substantial body of studies have practices. Against this backdrop, the present study aims to develop and
examined specific dimensions of teachers’ ICT competence beliefs validate an instrument of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs in
related to teaching and instruction (e.g., Chai, Ng, Li, Hong, & Koh, various theoretically described ICT competence dimensions.
2013; Elstad & Christophersen, 2017; Knezek, Christensen, & Furuta,
2019). However, there is a paucity of research regarding teachers’
competence beliefs related to their basic ICT skills (for further discussion
see Hatlevik, 2017; Rubach & Lazarides, 2019). Although theoretical
and empirical work has identified multiple dimensions of teachers’ basic

* Corresponding author. School of Education, University of California, 3200 Education Building, Irvine, CA, 92697, USA.
E-mail address: (C. Rubach).
Received 28 May 2020; Received in revised form 9 November 2020; Accepted 14 November 2020
Available online 7 December 2020
0747-5632/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

2. Theoretical background described in frameworks (Ferrari, 2013; Siddiq, Hatlevik, Olsen,

Throndsen, & Scherer, 2016) without being too focused on specific
2.1. Teachers’ basic and pedagogical ICT competence and competence teaching tasks. Such instruments would enable researchers to investi­
beliefs gate the interrelations between specific facets of teachers’ basic ICT
competence beliefs and teachers’ ICT teaching behaviors, for example,
Competence beliefs are defined as self-perceived and self-evaluated using ICT for collaborative processes or producing digital products
competence with respect to certain activities in the respective domain, (Hatlevik, 2017; Klassen & Chiu, 2010).
to activities in other domains, and other people (Muenks, Wigfield, &
Eccles, 2018). On a theoretical level, the situated expectancy-value 2.2. Dimensions of teachers’ basic ICT competence and competence
theory of achievement motivation (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) states beliefs
that beliefs about the self, i.e., competence beliefs, together with
task-related value beliefs, explain an individual’s achievement-related In the last decade, research has intensively investigated questions
behaviors. Applying these assumptions to the context of teachers’ pro­ regarding the relations between ICT competence and related compe­
fessional competence, research has shown that teachers who are more tence beliefs. Theoretical models, such as the situated expectancy-value
confident about their skills and knowledge in a specific domain are also theory, propose a strong association between competence beliefs and
more likely to make use of these skills in their learning and instruction competence (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020). Within ICT, there is a large
(see Bandura, 1997; Watt & Richardson, 2015). These theoretical as­ amount of research that has shown low to moderate associations be­
sumptions also pertain to teachers’ ICT competence beliefs, which have tween ICT competence beliefs and ICT competence for students in K-12
been shown to be related to the successful implementation of ICT in and Higher Education (Aesaert, Voogt, Kuiper, & van Braak, 2017;
teaching settings (Alt, 2018; Hatlevik, 2017; Knezek & Christensen, Hatlevik, Throndsen, Loi, & Gudmundsdottir, 2018; Prior, Mazanov,
2016; Pareja Roblin et al., 2018; Wozney et al., 2006). Meacheam, Heaslip, & Hanson, 2016; Rohatgi, Scherer, & Hatlevik,
Over the last decades, a substantial body of research has identified 2016; Siddiq et al., 2016). Some studies also show such associations in
and validated instruments to assess teachers’ and student teachers’ populations of teachers. Hatlevik (2017), for example, indicated a sig­
digital competence beliefs (Brandhofer, 2017; Elstad & Christophersen, nificant moderate association between basic ICT self-efficacy beliefs and
2017; Herzig & Martin, 2018; Knezek et al., 2019; Koh, Chai, & Tsai, basic ICT competence using a sample of teachers from primary and
2013; Scherer, Tondeur, & Siddiq, 2017). Many of these studies have secondary schools.
referred to the technological pedagogical content knowledge framework Due to the theoretically assumed association between competence
(TPCK), a well-known theoretical framework developed by Mishra and beliefs and competence (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) and the empirically
Koehler (2006). The authors proposed in their framework that the demonstrated association between ICT competence beliefs and actual
combination of teachers’ knowledge about technology, content, and ICT competency (Hatlevik, 2017; Krumsvik, 2014), we aim to describe
pedagogical approaches are primary influences on the successful the structure of ICT competence beliefs by reviewing both frameworks of
implementation of technology in teaching and learning settings. The ICT competence and competence beliefs.
model further emphasized that teachers’ basic ICT knowledge about A highly comprehensive overview of frameworks that conceptualize
various technologies is a central prerequisite for the professional ICT competence is provided by Siddiq et al. (2016). The authors describe
implementation of ICT in class. the following six competence dimensions based on a systematic review
Teachers’ ICT knowledge and related competence beliefs have been of 66 publication: information [e.g., managing digital information],
further differentiated into basic ICT competence, pedagogical ICT communication [e.g., Interacting through digital technologies],
competence, and related competence beliefs (Krumsvik, 2014). Many content-creation [e.g., developing content and programming], safety [e.
previous studies have assessed teacher competence beliefs, however, g., protecting the environment], problem solving [e.g., innovating and
only in relation to teachers’ pedagogical ICT-related skills. Focusing on creatively using technology], and technical operational [e.g., basic
instruction, Knezek et al. (2019), for example, developed an instrument technical skills].
to assess teachers’ perceived confidence in their ability to integrate Frameworks that have been suggested by educational policy (Car­
technology in learning environments, to prepare their lessons, and to use retero, Vuorikari, & Punie, 2017; Ferrari, 2013; Kultusministerkonfer­
new technologies appropriately in class. Elstad and Christophersen enz, 2016) and that have been validated in empirical studies (Tourón
(2017) focused on student teachers’ ICT self-efficacy regarding problem et al., 2018) have described similar dimensions of basic ICT competence:
solving in challenging pedagogical situations, i.e., bullying of students information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital
through digital communication. Herzig and Martin (2018) developed an content creation, safety, problem solving, and analysis and reflection.
instrument that assesses student teachers’ self-efficacy in using ICT for All described frameworks further differentiate the overarching di­
specific teaching-related tasks (i.e., explaining content to students). mensions of basic ICT skills into more specific competencies and skills;
Consequently, whereas most developed instruments refer to Krumviks’ for example, the dimension ‘problem solving’ is further differentiated
pedagogical ICT competence, instruments that measure teachers’ basic into the sub-facets ‘solving technical problems,’ ‘identifying needs and
ICT competence and related competence beliefs are not well-researched. technological responses,’ ‘using digital technologies in a creative way,’
The few studies that already have addressed this research gap by and ‘identifying the boundaries of own competence.’ An overview of
assessing basic ICT competence beliefs are often rather general, assess­ such competence dimensions and subordinated skills are visualized in
ing whether teachers perceive themselves as able to create web pages, Fig. 1.
learn technology easily, or have the technical skills they need to use As Siddiq et al. (2016) pointed out, in order to understand the whole
technology (Fraillon, Ainley, Schulz, Friedman, & Gebhardt, 2014; Koh range of ICT competence (beliefs), next to theoretical frameworks,
et al., 2013; Scherer et al., 2017; Vanderlinde & van Braak, 2010). In the empirical studies need to be reviewed. In our work, we tested the
International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2013 (ICILS), theoretically assumed multidimensionality of basic ICT competence by
for example, teachers’ basic ICT self-efficacy is assessed by asking developing a 28-item measure that assessed student teachers’ basic ICT
teachers about their perceived skills in communicating and collabo­ competence beliefs. Referring to the above-described dimensionality of
rating via ICT, producing digital content, or organizing digital data using six different competence dimensions (Ferrari, 2013; Kultusminis­
ICT (Fraillon et al., 2014; Lorenz, Gerick, Wendt, & Weischenberg, terkonferenz, 2016; Tourón et al., 2018) and using data on 292 student
2016). More detailed measures are needed to assess basic ICT compe­ teachers, we identified six overarching dimensions of basic ICT
tence beliefs (Cox, 2008; Hatlevik, 2017). More concretely, new in­ competence beliefs: information and data literacy, communication and
struments are needed that cover the complete range of basic ICT skills collaboration, digital content creation, safety and security, problem solving,

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Fig. 1. Overview of the Six Dimensions of Basic ICT Competence. Notes. a Dimensions of basic ICT digital competence from the digital competence framework 2.0
(Carretero et al., 2017). b Empirically shown teachers’ basic ICT competencies (Touron et al., 2018). c Dimensions of basic ICT digital competence reported by the
German policy framework about education in digital spaces (Kultusministerkonferenz, 2016). d Dimensions of basic ICT digital competence reported by Siddiq
et al. (2016).

and analyzing and reflecting (Rubach & Lazarides, 2019). As a result, we 2.3. Teachers’ ICT competence beliefs, attitudes, and ICT teaching
empirically demonstrated a similar structure of student teachers’ ICT practices
competence beliefs that has already been shown in Tourón et al. (2018)
for teachers’ ICT competence. Until now, however, studies have rarely On a theoretical level, Situated Expectancy-Value Theory (SEVT,
examined whether such dimensions of basic ICT competence beliefs and Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) proposes that individuals’ achievement be­
their subordinated competencies and skill sub-facets can be applied to haviors in a certain domain depend on their feelings of being competent
teachers. in the respective domain and on their subjective value beliefs related to
the task. In the context of ICT, the will, skill, tool model of technology
integration (Knezek & Christensen, 2016) similarly proposes that

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

teachers’ ICT competence beliefs, ICT skills, and positive attitudes, as feel more competent in mandatory competence areas such as ‘commu­
well as the availability and accessibility of ICT in schools and peda­ nication and collaboration’ or ‘problem solving’ to use such practices.
gogical approaches to ICT use, are proximal antecedents of teachers’ ICT
use and teaching practices in class. Based on both theoretical models, 2.4. Individual characteristics and teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs
research has shown positive associations between teachers’ basic ICT
competence beliefs and ICT implementation in class (Drossel, Eick­ As described in Eccles’ et al. SEVT, person characteristics e.g.,
elmann, & Gerick, 2017; Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010; Ertmer, gender, age, temperament, and the cultural milieu (e.g., gender social
Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Sadik, Sendurur, & Sendurur, 2012; Fraillon et al., roles or stereotypes) influence an individual’s self schemata (Eccles &
2014; Knezek & Christensen, 2016; Pareja; Petko, 2012; Pareja Roblin Wigfield, 2020). Applied to ICT, research has shown that time-specific
et al., 2018). More specifically, findings by Rubach and Lazarides (2019) ICT trends and options of access led to different ICT-related socializ­
have indicated, for example, that student teachers who felt competent in ation processes in different age groups (Palfrey & Gasser, 2008).
the dimensions ‘information and data literacy,’ ‘communication and Furthermore, different stereotypes based on gender and ICT, such as the
collaboration,’ and ‘analyzing and reflecting’ were likely to use a prototypical male computer scientist, have been shown to be associated
particularly diverse range of digital devices in their university studies. with gender difference in ICT interests, competence beliefs, and
Furthermore, student teachers who often used digital devices in uni­ behavior (Buchmüller, Joost, Bessing, & Stein, 2011; Cheryan, Plaut,
versity courses to plan teaching- and learning-related activities felt Handron, & Hudson, 2013; Ferreira, 2017, pp. 1–6).
particularly competent in the overarching competence dimension Previous research has indicated that individual characteristics of
‘problem solving’ (Rubach, Lazarides, Brendel, & Krauskopf, 2019). teachers are related to their competence beliefs – for example, younger
In line with the assumptions of SEVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020), re­ teachers reported higher ICT competence beliefs than older teachers
lations between competence beliefs and value beliefs may also be (Fraillon et al., 2014; López-Vargas, Duarte-Suárez, & Ibáñez-Ibáñez,
assumed. Empirical evidence shows that (student) teachers’ basic ICT 2017). Results of an empirical study by Fraillon et al. (2014) demon­
competence beliefs are related to their attitudes toward ICT (Ertmer strate particularly strong relations between age and the competence
et al., 2012; Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010; Petko, 2012; Rubach & dimensions ‘information and data literacy,’ ‘communication and
Lazarides, 2019; Scherer, Siddiq, & Teo, 2015). Positive attitudes to­ collaboration,’ and ‘digital content creation.’ Another study indicated
ward academic activities are assumed to enhance effort and persistence, that age is negatively related to perceived competence in sending
which in turn leads to high achievement and high achievement-related e-mails with attachments or participating in online discussion threads
competence beliefs (Wigfield & Eccles, 1992). Whereas some studies (Lorenz et al., 2016). Teachers’ years of teaching experience is closely
exist that examine relations between the dimensions of teachers’ basic related to teachers’ age. Previous studies have identified teachers’ work
ICT competence beliefs (Petko, 2012; Rubach & Lazarides, 2019; experience in years compared to their age as a more meaningful factor in
Scherer et al., 2015), ICT use in private and professional settings, and understanding ICT use and teachers’ ICT competence beliefs (Drossel
ICT-related attitudes, there is a scarcity of research regarding the asso­ et al., 2017; Gil-Flores, Rodríguez-Santero, & Torres-Gordillo, 2017).
ciations between teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs and the Another individual characteristic that is related to teachers’ basic
implementation of ICT teaching practices. Teachers’ ICT teaching ICT competence beliefs is their gender. Existing studies yield inconsis­
practices can be differentiated into teacher-centered and tent results, as some findings indicate that male teachers, compared to
student-centered ICT practices (Ertmer et al., 2012; Prasse, Döbeli female teachers, perceive themselves as more competent to analyze and
Honegger, & Petko, 2017). In teacher-centered ICT teaching practices, reflect on data using ICT and to produce digital content (Gebhardt,
the teacher presents and manages the learning content and mainly uses Thomson, Ainley, & Hillman, 2019; Koh, Chai, & Tsai, 2014; Lorenz
technology for instructional purposes. Student-centered ICT teaching et al., 2016). Other results did not demonstrated significant gender
practices can be described as using ICT to create collaborative settings differences in basic ICT competence beliefs or competence among
between teachers and students, in which teachers guide students in the teachers (Yuen & Ma, 2002), whereas other studies identified gender
processes of creating their own knowledge (Ertmer et al., 2012). In such differences for specific competence dimensions - for example, male
instructional settings, teachers and students use technology to explore teachers have been shown to exhibit overall higher basic ICT compe­
content, communicate with each other, and solve problems or to analyze tence in the areas of web content creation, programming, or information
learning content using ICT. Student-centered ICT teaching practices can seeking (Kaarakainen, Kivinen, & Vainio, 2018).
be used to support students’ autonomy in class, enhance cognitive
activation, and foster individualized instruction and personalized 2.5. The current study
learning. Previous research has emphasized that teachers who imple­
ment teacher-centered and student-centered ICT teaching practices feel Previous studies have shown that both basic and pedagogical ICT
competent in the competence dimension ‘information and data literacy’ competence beliefs of teachers are central antecedents of effectively
(Ertmer et al., 2012; Gobbo & Girardi, 2001; Schaumburg, Prasse, integrating digital technology in educational settings (Hatlevik, 2017;
Tschackert, & Blömeke, 2007). Moreover, teachers who apply Pareja Roblin et al., 2018; Wozney et al., 2006). Nevertheless, existing
student-centered ICT teaching practices are shown to feel particularly studies have often focused only on teachers’ pedagogical ICT compe­
competent in the dimension ‘problem solving’ in digital environments, tence beliefs (Elstad & Christophersen, 2017; Knezek & Christensen,
as well as in the dimensions ‘communication and collaboration’ and 2016) or assessed teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs without
‘digital content creation’ (Ertmer et al., 2012; Gobbo & Girardi, 2001; considering the multidimensionality of the construct (Hatlevik, 2017;
Prasse et al., 2017). One explanation for these results could be that Ramírez-Montoya, Mena, & Rodríguez-Arroyo, 2017; Scherer et al.,
teachers who believe that they are able to competently communicate 2017). The purpose of this study is to address these gaps in the current
with their students using digital tools and who believe that they are able research by developing and validating a measure to assess multiple di­
to solve complex problems with such tools are more likely to approach mensions and the hierarchical structure of teachers’ basic ICT compe­
their students and to effectively and directly support them by using tence beliefs.
digital technology. That might result in a stronger focus on The development of the measure is informed by theoretical concepts
student-centered ICT teaching practices (see Knezek & Christensen, in educational psychology (SEVT; Eccles & Wigfield, 2020), by frame­
2016). Due to student-centered ICT teaching practices are more works derived from educational policy (Ferrari, 2013; Kultusminis­
collaborative, teachers in their role as collaborators need to help stu­ terkonferenz, 2016; Law, Woo, La Torre, & Wong, 2018), and by
dents in various situations in which students use ICT to gain knowledge empirical research on teachers’ basic ICT competence (Tourón et al.,
autonomously and individually (Ertmer et al., 2012). Teachers might 2018). Based on theoretical frameworks and previous research (Rubach

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

& Lazarides, 2019; Tourón et al., 2018), six dimensions of teachers’ the wording of seven items from the previous instrument, and newly
basic ICT competence beliefs are hypothesized: information and data developed 11 items that specified previous items in more detail to assess
literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, specific skills in a more differentiated manner. The complete list of items
safety and security, problem solving, and analyzing and reflecting per competence dimension is provided in Table 1 and in the Appendix,
(Hypothesis 1). Within these theoretical frameworks, sub-facets and Table A1 (items in German and English). Items were assessed using a
respectively, a second-order structure in these six dimensions are five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
assumed. Extending this line of research, we examine a higher-order agree). The reliabilities of the subscales are provided in the results
structure in which each dimension of basic ICT competence beliefs section of the manuscript.
comprises various specific competencies and skills (see Fig. 1). ICT attitudes. To assess teachers’ attitudes with respect to the
To validate our measure, guided by SEVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) implementation of digital technology in class, we used a scale developed
and the will, skill, tool model of technology integration (Knezek & by Rubach and Lazarides (2019) that is based on the original task value
Christensen, 2016), we examined relations between teachers’ basic ICT scales of Eccles (2005). Items were assessed using a five-point Likert
competence beliefs, their attitudes towards ICT, their ICT use (Ertmer scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Each facet
et al., 2012; Fraillon et al., 2014; Lorenz et al., 2016; Schaumburg et al., of subjective task value (interest, utility, attainment, cost) was assessed
2007), and their socio-demographic characteristics (Fraillon et al., 2014; with three items. An example item for the interest value of ICT imple­
Lorenz et al., 2016). More concretely, we included teachers’ gender and mentation in class is, “I enjoy using digital technology in classrooms.”
work experience in years, ICT use (usage of digital media, teaching An example item for the utility value of ICT implementation in class is, “I
practices with digital media), and attitudes (attainment, interest, utility, am convinced that I can better support my students in school by using
and cost value) as validating factors. We anticipated that teachers who digital technology in class.” An example item for teachers’ perceived
felt highly competent to use ICT – for example, to solve problems, to attainment value of ICT is, “It is important to me as a teacher to use
communicate, or to inform themselves about specific content – would digital technology in my class.” An example item for teachers’ perceived
also use ICT more often in their private and professional environments cost value of ICT is, “It costs me effort to use digital technology in class.”
(Hypothesis 2). We also hypothesized that student-centered ICT teach­ For the present study, we used a composite ‘ICT benefit values’ scale that
ing practices such as autonomy support, cognitive activation, or indi­ included the interest, utility, and attainment values. The reliability was
vidualized instruction would be stronger positively related to basic ICT ω = 0.93. The second scale (ICT cost value) assessed teachers’ perceived
competence beliefs about informing, communicating, creating content, cost to implement ICT in class. The reliability was ω = 0.73.
or solving problems (Hypothesis 3). For teachers’ ICT value beliefs, we ICT use. Teachers were asked how often they used digital devices (4
assumed that teachers who felt more competent using ICT would also items, e.g., tablets and laptops) and digital resources (13 items, e.g.,
have high benefit value beliefs regarding the implementation of ICT in forums, wikis, learning management systems) in their private and pro­
class and report lower cost values concerning ICT implementations in fessional environments. The answer format ranged from 0 (not at all) to
class (Hypothesis 4). Finally, we hypothesized that teachers’ work 4 (daily). The items formed two separate subcomponents - the average
experience in years would be negatively related to basic ICT competence use of multiple digital technologies in day-to-day life (ω = 0.64) and the
beliefs (Hypothesis 5), and male teachers would report higher basic ICT professional usage of multiple digital technologies in classrooms
competence beliefs than female teachers, in particular in the dimensions (ω = 0.73).
‘information and data literacy,’ ‘analyzing and reflecting,’ and ‘digital ICT teaching practices. Teachers’ self-reported ICT teaching prac­
content creation’ (Hypothesis 6). tices, i.e., the frequency, were assessed with three subscales: ICT indi­
vidualized instruction, cognitive activation, and autonomy support. The
3. Methods answer format ranged from 0 (in no lesson) to 5 (in every lesson).
Teacher-reported cognitive activation with digital technology was
3.1. Sample assessed with a three-item scale based on Kunter et al. (2008). The
reliability was ω = 0.90. An example item is, “In my lessons, I ask that
Our analyses were based on data of N = 372 teachers (age: the students explain their thought processes thoroughly with the help of
M = 44.48, SD = 10.77; 67.5% full-time teachers) in Germany who digital technology.” Teacher-reported individualized instruction with
participated in the DigiKompEL study (ICT competence beliefs of stu­ digital technology was assessed with a three-item scale based on Clausen
dent teachers and teachers; Rubach & Lazarides, 2017–2019) that (2002). The reliability was ω = 0.89. An example item is, “Using digital
focused, for example, on teachers’ basic and pedagogical ICT compe­ technology, I provide extra tasks to students who solve their tasks more
tence beliefs, attitudes towards ICT, and ICT teaching practices. Online quickly than others.” Teacher-reported autonomy support with digital
survey data were assessed via Twitter and newsletters from teacher technology was assessed with a four-item scale based on Rakoczy, Buff,
training institutions. Participation in this survey was voluntary and and Lipowsky (2005). The reliability was ω = 0.89. An example item is,
anonymous. The teachers (51.2% female, n = 12 missing indications of “Students explore new topics autonomously through the use of digital
gender) worked in different school tracks or stages: 79.7% were sec­ technology in class.”
ondary school teachers, 9.6% were primary school teachers, and 3.4% Socio-demographic characteristics. Teachers’ gender was assessed
were special education teachers. Participants taught in a wide range of using a binary response format (0 = female, 1 = male). Teachers’ job
different domains, whereby the most frequently taught subjects were experience was assessed by asking teachers for their job experience in
mathematics (35.6%), computer science (30.1%), the German language years.
(28.3%), English as a foreign language (21.6%), history (12.5%),
physical education (11.9%), biology (10.1%) and chemistry (9.1%) 3.3. Data analysis
(more than one subject could be listed).
Data were analyzed using structural equational techniques with
3.2. Measures Mplus 8.1 (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2016). We used a stepwise (bot­
tom-up) approach by conducting a series of exploratory factor analyses
Basic ICT competence beliefs. In-service teachers’ basic ICT digital (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) to estimate the structure
competence beliefs were assessed using a survey questionnaire that was of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs (Jarvis, MacKenzie, & Pod­
previously validated in various samples of student teachers (Rubach & sakoff, 2003; MacKenzie, Podsakoff, & Podsakoff, 2011). To examine the
Lazarides, 2019). Out of 32 items in the questionnaire, we used 14 items assumed higher-order structure of each competence dimension (see
with the original wording from Rubach and Lazarides (2019), adapted Fig. 2), we conducted in the first step a series of EFA and CFA models for

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Item Means, Standard Deviations, Factor Loadings (λ), and Corrected Item-Total Item Wording M SD λ r
Correlations (r) for the Six Factors of Teachers’ Self-Evaluated Basic ICT
Competence Beliefs Testing in Separate Models. EK06_02 I can evaluate interest-driven 3.76 0.96 .90 .79
dissemination and the dominance of
Item Wording M SD λ r topics in digital space.
Information and data literacy (INFO) EK06_03 I can reflect on the opportunities and 4.24 0.77 .74 .64
Subscale 1: Searching risks of media use for my own media use.
EK01_01 I can identify and use appropriate sources 4.65 0.56 .75 .64 Subscale 2: Analysis of business activities
in digital environments based on my EK06_04 I can analyze the benefits of business 3.67 1.07 .93 .87
information needs. activities and services in digital
EK01_02 I can use my search strategies in digital 4.55 0.67 .86 .73 environments.
environments. EK06_05 I can analyze the risks of business 3.59 1.09 .94 .87
EK01_03 I am critical about information, sources 4.40 0.73 .71 .62 activities and services in the digital
and data in digital environments. space.
Subscale 2: Storing and organizing Notes. N = 372.
EK01_04 I can store digital information and data 4.39 0.83 .69 .47
EK01_05 I can retrieve the information that I have 4.60 0.63 .66 .47 each of the six competence dimensions separately. Building on this, we
stored. specified various models to validate the final model, including all six
EK01_06 I can retrieve information that I have 4.39 0.97 .51 .39 competence dimensions.
stored from different environments.
Communication and collaboration (COMM)
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Exploratory factor analyses
EK02_01 I can communicate using different digital 4.74 0.53 .66 .60 (EFA) were modeled in line with Williams, Onsman, and Brown (2014).
media. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett’s
EK02_02 I can cite information and files from 4.39 0.78 .67 .62 Test of Sphericity were used to assess the appropriateness of the data to
digital environments.
conduct EFA (Hair, Black, Babin, & Anderson, 2010, p. 7; Malhotra,
EK02_03 I can edit files and documents 4.52 0.73 .69 .63
collaboratively with others using digital 1999). A series of EFA models were carried out to examine the factorial
media. structure of each of the theoretically assumed competence dimensions
EK02_04 I can apply behavioral rules in digital 4.41 0.79 .72 .66 separately using the maximum likelihood extraction method with obli­
interactions and collaborations. que rotation (Eid, Gollwitzer, & Schmitt, 2017; Moosbrugger, 2012). We
EK02_05 I can actively participate in society using 4.55 0.73 .73 .65
digital media. I can share my experiences
used the oblique rotations (Promax) in our EFA models because the
with digital media in interactions with correlation coefficients between the included items for each competence
others. dimension were above r = 0.32, indicating an overlap of more than 10%
EK02_06 I can share my experiences with digital 4.49 0.74 .78 .70 of the variance among the items for each factor (Tabachnick & Fidell,
media in interactions with others.
2007). We considered factor loadings above λ = 0.50 as well as parallel
Digital content creation (CREAT)
EK03_01 I can use familiar apps and programs 4.52 0.69 .67 .64 loadings λ < 0.20 as criteria for an acceptable threshold to include items
according to my needs. (Ferguson & Cox, 1999). We used the χ2‒ test to compare the EFA
EK03_02 I can design my digital products in 4.15 1.06 .85 .79 models, as well as the root mean square residual (SRMR) and the root
various formats. mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) (Fabrigar, Wegener,
EK03_03 I can edit and merge digital content in 4.23 0.93 .91 .83
different formats.
MacCallum, & Strahan, 1999, Eid et al., 2017). Furthermore, we eval­
EK03_04 I can present digital content in different 4.40 0.82 .88 .82 uated each factor solution based on its theoretical meaningfulness.
formats. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). One of the aims of using CFA
Safety and security (SAFE) was to test the hypothesized factor structure derived from our theoret­
EK04_01 I know about the dangers and risks in 4.16 0.80 .75 .66
ical EFA models for each scale separately. We assumed different factor
digital environments and consider them.
EK04_02 I can protect my privacy in digital 4.01 0.92 .84 .76 loadings of the items, which is why we conducted τ-congeneric models
environments through appropriate (Eid & Schmidt, 2014). McDonald’s (1999) ω coefficient was therefore
measures. used to estimate the internal consistency of each scale.
EK04_03 I can regularly update my security 4.10 0.99 .81 .72 After confirming the factor structure of each dimension separately,
EK04_05 I can use digital technologies in a healthy 3.70 1.06 .60 .57
we tested a series of CFA models in which all dimensions were modeled
and environmentally responsible way. simultaneously (see Fig. 2). In Model 1, we specified a unidimensional
Problem solving (PROBL) model, which represented one single factor ‘teachers’ basic ICT
Subscale 1: Operation and usage competence beliefs’ explained by all items. In Model 2, we tested the
EK05_01 I can use digital tools and platforms 4.23 0.82 .85 .80
previously proposed six-factor structure with related subfactors derived
according to my needs.
EK05_02 I can adapt digital tools for personal use. 4.12 0.95 .85 .78 from the EFA modeling procedure (Rubach & Lazarides, 2019). In Model
EK05_03 I can independently use digital learning 4.27 0.86 .87 .81 3, we included a g-factor into Model 2. We tested the g-factor model
opportunities and appropriate tools. because a general factor (g-factor) of domain-specific competence be­
EK05_04 I can organize digital learning resources 3.99 1.05 .82 .76 liefs is described in various theoretical models (Bong & Skaalvik, 2003).
We used the full information maximum likelihood algorithm (FIML)
Subscale 2: Comprehension and
development to handle missing data (Schafer & Graham, 2002). All analyses were
EK05_05 I can develop solutions for technical 3.57 1.22 .82 .74 conducted using the maximum likelihood with robust standard errors
problems. (MLR) estimation in Mplus 8.1 (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2016). To
EK05_06 I know about the functioning and basic 3.92 1.08 .91 .78
evaluate the goodness of model fit, the following indicators were used:
principles of digital systems.
EK05_07 I identify algorithmic structures in the 3.03 1.42 .74 .69 the robust χ2 test statistic, comparative fit index (CFI), Tucker and Lewis
tools I use. index (TLI), root mean square of approximation (RMSEA), standardized
Analyzing and reflecting (ANALY) root mean residual (SRMR), Akaike information criterion (AIC),
Subscale 1: Analysis of distribution and risks Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and Akaike’s Bayesian informa­
EK06_01 I can analyze the effect of media in digital 3.72 1.01 .79 .70
tion criterion (ABIC). TLI and CFI values greater than 0.90, RMSEA, and
SRMR values lower than 0.08 were accepted as indicators of an
acceptable model fit (Brown, 2015; Hu & Bentler, 1999). A lower value

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Fig. 2. Specified Measurement Models of Teachers’ Basic ICT Competence Beliefs. Notes. Model 1 = one-factor model, Model 2 = higher-order model with 3 second-order
factors and nine first-order factors, Model 3 = g-factor model with 3 second-order factors and nine first-order factors.

in AIC, BIC, and ABIC suggested better-fitting models. Furthermore, ‘safety and security’ as the best factorial solution. For the competence
under consideration of Greiff and Heene (2017) and Ropovik (2015), we dimensions ‘information and data literacy,’ ‘problem solving,’ and
inspected misspecification by using the software Judgement Rule (Jrule; ‘analyzing and reflecting,’ model fit criteria and χ2 tests indicated a two-
Saris, Satorra, & van der Veld, 2009; Van der Veld, Saris, & Satorra, factor structure as the best solution. Also, taking into account theoretical
2008) of the final model, e.g., cross-loadings, factor correlations, or considerations, a one-factor solution was identified as best-fitting for the
error correlations. The specified misspecifications test in Jrule uses in dimension ‘communication and collaboration.’ Fit indices and re­
Mplus provided information (Expected Parameter Change [EPC]; liabilities of these EFA models are reported in Table 2.
Modification Index [MI]) of the identified misspecification.
As the last step of CFA, we examine the measurement invariance 4.2. Confirmatory factor analysis
across gender and across teachers who were teaching computer science
or not. The configural, metric, and scalar invariance was investigated by Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted for each competence
systematically constraining the factor loadings, item intercepts, and area separately in the next step. The CFA models confirmed the previ­
factor means to equality across groups. As cutoff criteria to indicate ously identified factorial structure of all competence dimensions and
insignificant changes in the more restrictive model, we considered showed acceptable to good internal consistencies for all scales measured
values of ΔCFI ≤ − .010, ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.015, and ΔSRMR ≤ 0.030 for step by McDonald’s ω. Fit indices and reliabilities of these CFA models are
1 and values of ΔCFI ≤ − 0.010, ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.015, and ΔSRMR ≤ 0.010 reported in Table 3.
for step 2 and step 3 (Chen, 2007). As a next step, we conducted several CFA models that included all
As the last step, we examined the construct validity of the final model competence dimensions in one CFA model. Two residual covariances
by examining latent correlations with theoretically anticipated related had to be correlated in the measurement model.1 The model fit indices of
factors (ICT benefit value, ICT cost value, ICT use, ICT teaching prac­ the tested CFA models are displayed in Table 3. All tested models are
tices, socio-demographic characteristics). depicted in Fig. 2.
First, we specified a unidimensional model in which all items loaded
4. Results onto one factor (teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs; Model 1). The
model fit indices indicated that the model did not fit well to the data. In a
4.1. Exploratory factor analysis next step, we tested a six-factor model in which three factors (infor­
mation and data literacy, problem solving, and analyzing and reflecting)
Exploratory factor analyses were obtained in separate models for had a second-order structure (Model 2). Finally, we additionally speci­
each of the six dimensions to test the theoretically assumed second-order fied a higher-order g-factor “teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs”
structure. Since there is the overall theoretical assumption of sub facets (Model 3).
in the six competence dimensions but no agreement on the number of Considering the information criteria across the three models tested in
sub facets, we tested theoretically driven exploratory factor analyses in this study, Model 2 had the best model fit and the lowest AIC, BIC, and
each dimension, but not for all items in one model. ABIC values, indicating that a model with six factors, three of them with
The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient (KMO = 0.93) and Bartlett’s Test
of Sphericity (χ2 [1378] = 9290.98, p < .0001) indicated that explor­
atory factor analysis could be applied to the data. The series of EFA 1
Residual correlations were included for item error terms EK04_02 and
models that were carried out for each competence dimension indicated a EK01_04 (0.29 ≥ r ≤ 0.31) as well as for item error terms EK03_04 and EK02_07
one-factor structure of the dimensions ‘digital content creation’ and (− 0.29 ≥ r ≤ − 0.31). The item wording of these items is displayed in Table 1.

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Table 2
Results of Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA) for Each Basic ICT Competence Dimension.
Basic ICT competence dimension Model solution N χ2 RMSR RMSEA Model-comparison χ2
Value df Value df

1 Information and data literacy one-factor model 371 73.53** 9 .08 .14 – – –
two-factor model 371 11.72* 4 .03 .07 1 versus 2 61.81** 5
three-factor model 371 0.00 0 .00 .00 2 versus 3 11.72* 4
2 Communication and collaboration one-factor model 370 13.54 9 .03 .04 – – –
two-factor model 370 1.88 4 .01 .00 1 versus 2 11.66* 5
three-factor model 370 0.00 0 .00 .00 2 versus 3 1.88 4
3 Digital content creation one-factor modela 364 1.12 2 .01 .00 – – –
4 Safety and security one-factor modela 365 1.38** 2 .01 .00 – – –
5 Problem solving one-factor model 345 165.53** 14 .07 .18 – – –
two-factor modela 345 11.58 8 .01 .04 1 versus 2 153.95* 6
6 Analyzing and reflecting one-factor model 342 151.78** 5 .10 .29 – – –
two-factor modela 344 0.13 1 .00 .00 1 versus 2 151.65** 4

Notes. *p < .05 **p < .01.

The extraction of more factors was limited to the displayed factor solutions.

Table 3
Results of Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) for the Six Competence Dimensions of Teachers’ Basic ICT Competence Beliefs.
Basic ICT competence dimensions Model solution χ2 CFI TLI SRMR RMSEA Subscale McDonald’s ω

Value df

1 Information and data literacy two-factor model 15.34 8 0.98 0.96 .03 .05 Searching .81
Storing and organizing .63
2 Communication and collaboration one-factor model 5.93 9 1.00 1.01 .02 .00 – .86
3 Digital content creation one-factor model 0.58 2 1.00 1.01 .01 .00 – .91
4 Safety and security one-factor model 27.84 5 0.96 0.92 .03 .11 – .87
5 Problem solving two-factor model 18.79 13 1.00 0.99 .02 .04 Operation and usage .91
Comprehension and development .85
6 Analyzing and reflecting two-factor model 5.46 3 0.99 0.99 .05 .02 Analysis of distribution and risks .86
Analysis of business activities .93

a second-order structure, best represented the factorial structure of our defined by two subfactors: (i) searching and (ii) storing and organizing.
measure. Fit indices are reported in Table 4. The fit indices of Model 2 The subfactor ‘searching’ implies the skills to search for information
showed a good fit of the theoretically assumed structure to the empirical online and to search in a goal-oriented manner, also referring to critical
data, χ2 = 654.729, df = 441, p < .05, CFI = 0.960, TLI = 0.955, reflection on the information that is available online. The subfactor
RMSEA = 0.036, SRMR = 0.044, AIC = 21671.914, BIC = 22138.262. ‘storing and organizing’ refers to skills related to storing, retrieving, and
Factor loadings of the included factors ranged between λ = 0.58, and relocating files and data.
λ = 0.92 (see Fig. 3). The second competence dimension ‘communication and collaboration’
With Jrule (Saris et al., 2009; Van der Veld et al., 2008), critical is defined by skills that enable teachers to use digital technology to
misspecifications of four items were identified. These suggested cor­ communicate and collaborate with others, also considering etiquette
rections are theoretically not recommended since all items are clearly and ethical principles in digital environments and participating in social
assigned to only one competence dimension. Therefore, in accordance networks.
with Van der Veld et al. (2008), we compared the model fit indices of our The third competence dimension ‘digital content creation’ describes
original model and a model without those items that were cross-loaded. skills that enable teachers to use digital technology to create, edit, and
The model without the cross-loaded items showed a marginally better fit merge digital content and data in different formats.
to the empirical data (see Appendix Table A2 and Table A3). However, The fourth competence dimension ‘safety and security’ refers to skills
the χ2 test was still non-significant, and factor loading, as well as that enable teachers to understand and reflect on positive and negative
inter-item correlations, did not differ across both models, indicating that aspects of digital environments and to use strategies to protect their own
the exclusion of the items did not change the factor structure substan­ health and privacy, as well as to use ICT in an environmentally sensitive
tially. We, therefore, decided to continue with the model that included way.
all items. The fifth competence dimension ‘problem solving’ is explained by two
Next, we tested the comparability of the factor structure across factors: (i) operation and usage and (ii) comprehension and develop­
gender and computer science as taught subject (see Tables 5 and 6). ment. The subfactor ‘operation and usage’ refers to skills related to use,
Toward the ΔCFI, ΔRMSEA, and the ΔSRMR values for the model deploy, and adapt digital tools according to different individual re­
restrictive model, we concluded that the factor structure is invariant quirements. The subfactor ‘comprehension and development’ refers to
across gender (scalar invariance: invariance of factor loadings and item skills and knowledge about architectural principles and functions that
intercepts) and partial invariant (partial invariance of item intercepts; underlie digital technologies and knowledge-based solutions to tech­
full invariance of factor loadings) across teachers who were or were not nical problems.
teaching computer science. The sixth competence dimension ‘analyzing and reflecting’ consists of
two competence subfacets: (i) analysis of distribution and risks and (ii)
analysis of business activities. The first sub-factor “analysis of distribu­
4.3. Factorial structure of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs
tion and risks” implies skills about reflecting on the impact and
dissemination of digital media in general as well as specific content. The
The six dimensions of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs
second subfactor “analysis of business activities” refers to the proactive
included the competence dimension ‘information and data literacy’

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Table 4
Fit Statistics of Tested CFA Models.
Model Specification χ2 RMSEA CFI TLI SRMR AIC BIC aBIC TRd (Δdf)

Value df Value 95% CI Reference:

Model 1

1 one-dimensional model 2316.11** 525 .10 [.09; .10] .69 .66 .09 25,027.55 25,435.12 25,105.16
2 higher-order model with 3 s-order 654.73** 441 .04 [.03; .04] .96 .96 .04 21,671.91 22,138.26 21,760.71 1606.71 (84)*
factors and nine first-order factors
3 g-factor model with 3 s-order factors 840.56** 512 .04 [.04; .05] .94 .94 .06 23,123.67 23,582.18 23,210.98 884.74 (13)*
and nine first-order factors

Notes. N = 372. TRD refers to the Satorra-Bentler scaled χ2 difference value (Satorra & Bentler, 2010).
*p < .05 **p < .01.

analysis of business activities in digital environments. multidimensional nature and hierarchical structure of teachers’ basic
ICT competence beliefs. The developed measure is relevant because it
enables researchers to examine whether different dimensions of basic
4.4. Results for construct validity ICT competence beliefs are differently related to ICT teaching practices.
Moreover, Cox and colleagues (Cox, 2008; Cox et al., 2013) underline
Correlations among the six identified basic ICT competence beliefs of that, especially in times of rapid digital developments, accurate mea­
teachers and their ICT attitudes (ICT benefit value, ICT cost value), ICT surement is of great importance for understanding current ICT pro­
use, ICT teaching practices, and socio-demographic characteristics are cesses. Therefore, it should also be emphasized that the developed
reported in Table 7. All dimensions of teachers’ basic ICT competence instrument has operationalized competency beliefs along a broad spec­
beliefs were positively and significantly associated with each other. The trum of 21st-century ICT competence.
lowest correlations were found between ‘analyzing and reflecting’ and
‘communication and collaboration,’ as well as between ‘analyzing and
reflecting’ and ‘digital content creation.’ The strongest associations were 5.1. Factorial structure of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs
shown for ‘problem solving’ and ‘digital content creation,’ as well as for
‘information and data literacy’ and ‘communication and collaboration.’ Although teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs are essential ante­
Male teachers reported higher basic ICT competence beliefs, i.e., cedents of their ICT implementation in class (Hatlevik, 2017; Pareja
regarding the competence dimensions ‘digital content creation,’ ‘safety Roblin et al., 2018), the operationalization of this construct has been
and security,’ ‘problem solving,’ and ‘analyzing and reflecting’ fuzzy and not consistent with theoretical and empirical approaches
compared to female teachers. No gender differences were found for the about basic ICT competence (Ferrari, 2013; Law et al., 2018; Siddiq
dimensions ‘information and data literacy’ and ‘communication and et al., 2016). This study considered a broad range of ICT competence
collaboration.’ Furthermore, the teachers’ years of experience in school beliefs related to essential 21st-century digital competencies (Ferrari,
were not significantly associated with their basic ICT competence be­ 2013; Kultusministerkonferenz, 2016; Law et al., 2018; Siddiq et al.,
liefs. The more digital media teachers used on average in their day-to- 2016). As expected (Hypothesis 1), we were able to empirically distin­
day life and in classrooms, the higher teachers perceived their own guish between the following six factors: ‘information and data literacy,’
basic ICT competence in all six competence dimensions. Positive cor­ ‘communication and collaboration,’ ‘digital content creation,’ ‘safety
relations were also found between teachers’ subjective benefit values of and security,’ ‘problem solving,’ and ‘analyzing and reflecting.’ The
using digital technology in their classrooms and their basic ICT factorial structure fits the data well, and the overall model showed good
competence beliefs in all six dimensions (0.24 ≥ r ≤ 0.51). In other psychometric qualities. With respect to previous assumptions (Bong &
words, the more interesting, important, and useful they perceived digital Skaalvik, 2003; Knezek & Christensen, 2016; Krumsvik, 2014; Mishra &
technology to be for their profession, the more competent they Koehler, 2006), we can reject the hypothesis that the basic ICT compe­
perceived themselves in using it. Additionally, as expected, small tence beliefs of teachers can be explained by a general factor.
negative correlations were indicated between teachers’ subjective cost Interestingly, our results showed that the three dimensions
values of using digital media in their professional environment and all ‘communication and collaboration,’ ‘digital content creation,’ and
six basic ICT competence dimensions (− 0.31 ≥ r ≤ − 0.18). ‘safety and security’ of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs had a one-
With a focus on different ICT teaching practices, ICT individualized order structure. In contrast, the three dimensions ‘information and data
instruction, cognitive activation, and autonomy support were weakly or literacy,’ ‘problem solving,’ and ‘analyzing and reflecting’ were multi­
moderately correlated with each of the six teachers’ basic ICT compe­ faceted and best represented by a second-order factorial structure. By
tence beliefs (0.23 ≥ r ≤ 0.48). This suggested that teachers with greater testing the factorial structure of the sub facets of teachers’ basic ICT
convictions about their basic ICT competence in all six dimensions also competence beliefs, our research contributes to a better understanding
tended to use ICT for individualized instruction, cognitive activation, of the theoretical construct ‘basic ICT competence beliefs’ of teachers.
and autonomy support in their classes. Chen, Sousa, and West (2005) point out that testing second-order
structures is particularly important to understand the association be­
5. Discussion tween specific factors and external criteria. Specifically, knowledge
about the multifaceted structure of theoretical constructs allows a
This study aimed to develop and validate an instrument that assesses fine-grained analysis of its relations to other factors (McInerney & Ali,
teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs. The study extends previous 2006). For example, in order to examine the process of teachers prepare
research, which has focused mainly on teachers’ pedagogical ICT instructions with ICT, the competence beliefs of the higher-order factor
competence beliefs and rarely considered the multidimensionality of ‘information and data literacy’ might explain teachers’ behavior
teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs (Elstad & Christophersen, 2017; because it involves both searching for and storing information and
Herzig & Martin, 2018; Knezek & Christensen, 2016). By considering material online. When investigating teachers’ selection of online mate­
theoretical work on the multidimensionality of teachers’ basic ICT rial or their use of search processes in class, the competence beliefs in the
competence beliefs (Ferrari, 2013; Kultusministerkonferenz, 2016; Law specific dimension ‘searching’ might be a better predictor. Our study
et al., 2018; Siddiq et al., 2016), the present study addresses the highlights that it is important to go beyond one-dimensional models of

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Fig. 3. Final Empirical Measurement Model of Teachers’ Basic ICT Competence Beliefs.

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Table 5
Measurement invariance of the final factor model describing the structure of teachers’ self-evaluated technology-related skills across gender.

0 1256.34 880 .935 .927 .048 .056

1 1309.89 906 .931 .924 .049 .080 1–2 .004 .001 .024
2 1356.45 931 .927 .922 .050 .083 2–3 .004 .001 .003
3 1394.68 937 .921 .917 .051 .090 3–4 .006 .001 .007

Notes. 1 = none parameters constrained to be invariant, 2 = Factor loadings constrained to be invariant, 3 = +intercept constrained to be invariant, 4 = + factor means
constrained to be invariant.

Table 6
Measurement invariance of the final factor model describing the structure of teachers’ self-evaluated technology-related skills across teaching computer science.

1 1274.569 879 .932 .923 .049 .055

2 1316.777 905 .929 .922 .049 .077 1–2 .003 .000 .022
3 1426.094 932 .915 .910 .053 .085 2–3 .014 .004 .008
3a 1388.401 930 .921 .916 .051 .083 2‒3a .008 .002 .006
4 1421.886 936 .916 .911 .053 .093 3a‒4 .005 .002 .010

Notes. 1 = none parameters constrained to be invariant, 2 = Factor loadings constrained to be invariant, 3 = +intercept constrained to be invariant, 3a = exclusion of
an equation of intercepts across groups; 4 = + factor means constrained to be invariant.

Table 7
Means, standard deviation, latent correlations and standard errors (obtained in Mplus) of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs and all validation variables.

r SE r SE r SE r SE r SE r SE

1 INFO 4.50 0.54 1.00 – .95** .04 .68** .06 .81** .05 .74** .06 .71** .06
2 COMM 4.51 0.55 1.00 – .66** .05 .67** .05 .66** .05 .62** .05
3 CREA 4.32 0.77 1.00 – .72** .04 .88** .03 .53** .06
4 SAFE 3.99 0.77 1.00 – .76** .04 .70** .05
5 PROBL 3.87 0.87 1.00 – .67** .05
6 ANALY 3.80 0.82 1.00 –
7 MALE – – .11 .06 .03 .06 .13** .05 .14** .05 .30** .05 .18* .06
8 EXPER 13.75 9.77 .07 .07 .01 .05 .03 .06 .11 .06 .04 .06 -.03 .07
9 USE_PRIV 2.45 0.45 .27** .06 .32** .05 .21** .05 .24** .06 .30** .05 .19** .06
10 USE_CLAS 1.45 0.53 .29** .07 .28** .06 .20** .06 .25** .06 .37** .05 .26** .06
11 BENE 4.48 0.64 .51** .08 .47** .08 .35** .08 .24** .08 .46** .08 .27** .08
12 COST 2.50 0.92 -.24* .09 -.31** .08 -.24* .10 -.22* .09 -.26** .09 -.18* .09
13 AUTO 3.04 0.83 .35** .07 .27** .06 .23** .06 .38** .06 .40** .05 .36** .06
14 INDI 2.66 0.94 .34** .07 .29** .06 .30** .06 .37** .06 .48** .05 .28** .07
15 COGAC 2.64 0.93 .29** .07 .28** .06 .27** .05 .30** .06 .45** .05 .33** .06

Notes. N = 372, INFO = information and data literacy, COMM = communication and collaboration, CREA = digital content creation, SAFE = safety and security,
PROBL = problem solving, ANALY = analyzing and reflecting, EXPER = job experiences in years, USE_PRIV = ICT use in private environments, USE_CLAS = ICT use in
professional environments, BENE = ICT benefit values (interest, attainment, and utility), COST = ICT cost values, AUTO = autonomy support, INDI = individualized
instruction, COGAC = cognitive activation. *p < .05 **p < .01.

ICT competence beliefs that neglect the multidimensionality of such teachers need experience integrating ICT in class, e.g., opportunities to
constructs. Our findings contribute to theory development in the field of experiment and become familiar with digital media, in addition to their
teachers’ basic ICT skills and competency beliefs (Krumsvik, 2014; usual, everyday practices.
Mishra & Koehler, 2006) by identifying six specific dimensions of basic The current study also demonstrates significant associations between
ICT competence beliefs. teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs and ICT teaching practices that
are worth noting. As expected (Hypothesis 3), student-centered ICT
teaching practices were significantly positively related to teachers’ basic
5.2. Relations between teachers’ ICT competence beliefs, attitudes, and ICT competence beliefs in the dimensions ‘information and data liter­
use of ICT acy,’ ‘communication and collaboration,’ ‘digital content creation,’ and
‘problem solving.’ Thus, we can confirm expectations about associations
The results of this study are consistent with the existing literature, drawn from qualitative research within a quantitative setting (Ertmer
which demonstrates significant associations between teachers’ ICT use et al., 2012). Because teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs have been
and their basic ICT competence beliefs (Drossel et al., 2017; Ertmer identified as an antecedent of ICT implementation in class (Alt, 2018;
et al., 2012; Pareja; Petko, 2012; Pareja Roblin et al., 2018). In line with Hatlevik, 2017; Knezek & Christensen, 2016; Pareja Roblin et al., 2018),
our assumptions (Hypothesis 2), teachers who have higher basic ICT our findings suggest that basic ICT competence beliefs in the dimensions
competence beliefs in all six dimensions also report on average frequent ‘information and data literacy,’ ‘problem solving,’ ’communication and
use of multiple digital technologies in both day-to-day life and their collaboration,’ and ‘digital content creation’ are particularly important
professional environment. These findings are in line with theoretical for applying student-centered ICT teaching practices.
assumptions of the will, skill, tool model of technology integration Unexpectedly, competence beliefs in the dimension ‘safety and se­
(Knezek & Christensen, 2016). Previous research (Alt, 2018; Pareja curity’ and ‘analyzing and reflecting’ were also significantly related to
Roblin et al., 2018) has supported this argument, as it indicates that

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

the student-centered ICT teaching practices. These findings might be 5.3. Relations between individual characteristics and basic ICT
explained by teachers’ need to feel familiar and comfortable with ICT competence beliefs
practices (Pareja Roblin et al., 2018). Teachers’ basic ICT competence
beliefs have been indicated as one of the most influential factors of ICT Our fifth hypothesis about the negative correlation between teach­
use in class (Ertmer et al., 2012). For student-centered teaching practices ers’ ICT competence beliefs and their years of teaching experience was
compared to teacher-centered pedagogical approaches, previous find­ not confirmed. Surprisingly, we found no evidence that teachers with
ings indicate that teachers need to be more competent using ICT because more years of teaching experience felt less competent than teachers with
this applies a broader range of ICT usage (Ertmer et al., 2012; Prasse fewer years of teaching experience. Previous studies have shown that
et al., 2017). Our results might indicate that ICT teaching practices teachers with more years of teaching experience are more anxious and
included in this study (individualized instruction, cognitive activation, concerned about ICT in school (Fransson, Holmberg, Lindberg, &
autonomy support) do not require a specific set of competence beliefs. It Olofsson, 2019; Rahimi & Yadollahi, 2011) and that teachers, in general,
might be assumed that teachers who feel generally competent in their have little knowledge about privacy laws or important methods of
use of ICT will implement student-centered methods using ICT. Never­ applying ‘safety and security’ in digital environments (Šimandl, 2015;
theless, it is possible to suspect a ranking of more and less important Šimandl & Vaníček, 2017). Consequently, one might assume that espe­
basic ICT competence beliefs. All three student-centered ICT strategies cially older teachers would make efforts to become competent in this
are strongly associated with competence beliefs in the dimension particular area in order to actively counteract their fears of dealing with
‘problem solving’, whereas ICT competence beliefs in ‘digital content this issue.
creation’ are less associated with these student-centered ICT strategies. When interpreting our findings, it needs to be considered that
Additional Wald χ2 tests underlined the assumed stronger associations teachers with fewer than 20 years of teaching experience were over­
(see Appendix Table A4). represented in our sample.2 Since we used online surveys to collect data,
Future research should focus in more detail on the ranked impor­ participating teachers might already have experience in ICT use. That
tance of the dimensions of basic ICT competence beliefs for student- might be one reason for the missing age-specific associations, and no
centered ICT teaching practices. Also interesting is the question of the evidence has been found that supports the discussion about digital na­
ranked importance of the dimensions of basic ICT competence beliefs for tives and digital immigrants (Prensky, 2001). Another point might be
teachers-centered ICT teaching practices, which have been shown to be the type of relationship: Previous research has indicated no linear
related to specific competence beliefs, such as perceived competence in relation between teachers’ age or years of experience, but there are hints
the dimension ‘information and data literacy’ (Ertmer et al., 2012). It on a curvilinear relationship (Cavas, Cavas, Karaoglan, & Kisla, 2009).
might also be possible that depending on ICT teaching practices, For future studies, it might be important (a) to examine the associations
different combinations of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs are between age and ICT competence beliefs in a larger representative
important for ICT implementation in class. Being one of the first studies sample and (b) to test whether these associations are curvilinear.
that analyzed multiple dimensions of teachers’ basic ICT competence The present study contributes to the debate on gender differences in
beliefs and their variously strong relations to ICT teaching practices, our teachers’ ICT competence beliefs. Previous research has shown incon­
findings might contribute to a better understanding of the importance of sistent results concerning gender differences (Gebhardt et al., 2019;
dimensions of basic ICT competence beliefs, in particular of the di­ Kaarakainen et al., 2018; Lorenz et al., 2016; Yuen & Ma, 2002). The
mensions ‘problem solving’ and ‘safety and security’ for present study adds to the debate by analyzing gender differences in six
student-centered ICT teaching practices. For future research, it is different dimensions of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs. The re­
important to examine the directionality of effects between basic ICT sults support our hypothesis (Hypothesis 6) that male teachers will
competence beliefs and ICT teaching practices. It is also relevant to perceive themselves as more competent in ‘analyzing and reflecting,’
examine whether ICT competence beliefs in particular dimensions are of and ‘digital content creation.’ Additionally, our findings show unex­
particular importance for the implementation of specific pected higher competence beliefs for male teachers than for female
student-centered teaching practices, which would be possible by teachers in the dimensions ‘safety and security’ and ‘problem solving.’ A
including a broader range of teaching practices in future studies. variety of previous studies have argued that gender differences in ICT
Consistent with our expectations (Hypothesis 4) and previous competence beliefs are related to men’s positive attitudes toward ICT,
research (Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010; Petko, 2012; Rubach & and to their higher tendency to use ICT (Gebhardt et al., 2019; Punter,
Lazarides, 2019), the current study demonstrates a significant associa­ Meelissen, & Glas, 2017). Another explanation of the gender-specific
tion between teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs and their attitudes association might be gender stereotypes about ICT (Clayton, Hellens,
towards ICT. As described in situated expectancy-value theory (Eccles & & Nielsen, 2009). The ICT domain is defined as masculine and as related
Wigfield, 2020), benefit values (interest value, attainment value, and to mathematical, technical, and logical skills (for an overview, see
utility value of ICT) are positively correlated with all six dimensions of Clayton et al., 2009). Such stereotypes might also lead to gender dif­
teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs, most strongly with ‘information ferences between male and female teachers in their basic ICT compe­
and data literacy’ and ‘communication and collaboration.’ In contrast, tence beliefs in the ICT domain (Margolis & Fisher, 2002; Wöhler &
cost values are negatively associated with teachers’ basic ICT compe­ Knolauch, 2013). In addition to teachers’ basic ICT competency beliefs,
tence beliefs, most strongly with ‘communication and collaboration’ and research has shown gender differences in pedagogical ICT competency
‘digital content creation.’ Whereas Pareja Roblin et al. (2018) describe beliefs (Jang & Tsai, 2013; Scherer et al., 2017). We strongly recom­
the perceived costs and benefits of ICT as antecedents of teachers’ ICT mend linking teachers’ basic and pedagogical ICT literacy beliefs with
use in class, we can also conclude that cost and benefit values are related their ICT implementation in class, as well as integrating gender and
to competence beliefs. The will, skill, tool model of technology inte­ stereotypes about ICT as explanatory factors. Such an analysis would
gration (Knezek & Christensen, 2016) highlights attitudes and compe­ enable researchers to understand the interplay between ICT competence
tence beliefs as essential antecedents of teachers’ ICT use in class. Our beliefs, gender, and ICT implementation in the classroom.
results show that these factors are not independent of one another. In
accordance with SEVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020), the next step might be
to analyze whether competence beliefs and attitudes (value beliefs)
interact in predicting teachers’ ICT teaching practices.
In comparison to teachers with more than 21 years of teaching experience
(n = 78), in our sample, teachers with fewer than 20 years of teaching experi­
ence were overrepresented (n = 291, missing: n = 3).

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

5.4. Limitations and future direction educational system and should be replicated in the international
context. It is essential to investigate whether the factorial structure can
Although this study presents several significant findings in the also be identified in other school systems and countries to validate our
context of teachers’ ICT competence beliefs, some limitations need to be findings further. Therefore, and in consideration of the discussed limi­
considered. First, since the aim of our study was to develop and validate tations above, we want to suggest for future research to analyze mea­
an instrument to assess teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs, we used surement invariance for teachers across different countries.
a cross-sectional design. Therefore, a major limitation is that we did not
examine the longitudinal relationships and thus the changes in the 6. Conclusions
factorial structure between ICT literacy beliefs over time, nor did we
consider the longitudinal relationships between teachers’ basic ICT lit­ Guided by various theories and frameworks (Ferrari, 2013; Kultus­
eracy beliefs and ICT attitudes and behavior. Such an analysis would ministerkonferenz, 2016; Law et al., 2018; Siddiq et al., 2016), we are
make it possible to test the assumptions of the will, skill, tool model of the first study to analyze the multidimensionality of teachers’ basic ICT
technology integration (Knezek & Christensen, 2016) regarding the competence beliefs. We understand our study as a first step toward
directionality of effects. investigating teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs about a broad range
Second, teachers’ pedagogical ICT beliefs were not considered as of 21st-century skills. As expected, we identified six dimensions of
additional validation variables. As the next step, future research should teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs (information and data literacy,
analyze the association between the two types of ICT competence beliefs communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety and
in order to test the theoretical assumption that basic ICT competence security, problem solving, and analyzing and reflecting), of which three
beliefs are antecedents of pedagogical ICT competence beliefs (Mishra & dimensions had a second-order structure.
Koehler, 2006; Redecker, 2017). Given the fact that teachers’ need to implement ICT in their classes to
Since the majority of studies comparing self-reported competence foster students’ digital competence (Kultusministerkonferenz, 2016;
beliefs of ICT competence with actual performance report only low Redecker, 2017) and competence beliefs are antecedents of teachers’
correlation for students (Siddiq et al., 2016) or moderate correlation for ICT use (Hatlevik, 2017; Knezek & Christensen, 2016; Pareja Roblin
teachers (Hatlevik, 2017), it should be investigated further how and et al., 2018), the need for a validated instrument assessing a broad range
through which mechanisms teachers’ ICT competence beliefs and of teachers’ basic ICT competence beliefs is paramount. Therefore, the
teachers’ ICT competence are interrelated. present study’s findings provide research and educational practice with
Fourth, data from the participating teachers were assessed using an a validated instrument to identify teachers’ needs for further education
online survey. Consequently, only those teachers might have partici­ and support that can be applied in teacher training programs.
pated voluntarily in our study who are already interested in ICT usage in
schools, and who already are to a certain level, competent in using ICT. Credit author statement
Furthermore, a high percentage of teachers in our sample are teachers in
ICT-related fields. Due to validate the findings of our study, it would Charlott Rubach: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
therefore be needed to test the examined relations in a representative Validation, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Project
teacher sample. administration. Rebecca Lazarides: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Lastly, in our study, we have used a German sample of teachers. Investigation, Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Resources,
Consequently, our findings are limited to the context of the German Project administration.

Table A1
Translation of All Items for Each Basic ICT Competence Dimension.


Information and data literacy (INFO)

I can identify and use appropriate sources in digital environments based on my Ich kann auf Grundlage meiner Suchinteressen relevante Quellen in digitalen Umgebungen
information needs. identifizieren und nutzen.
I can use my search strategies in digital environments. Ich kann Suchstrategien im digitalen Raum nutzen.
I am critical about information, sources and data in digital environments. Ich kann Informationen, Informationsquellen und Daten im digitalen Raum kritisch bewerten.
I can store digital information and data securely. Ich kann digital Informationen und Daten sicher speichern.
I can retrieve the information that I have stored. Ich kann Informationen, die ich gespeichert habe, wiederfinden.
I can retrieve information that I have stored from different environments. Ich kann Informationen, die ich gespeichert habe, von verschiedenen Orten abrufen.
Communication and collaboration (COMM)
I can communicate using different digital media. Ich kann mit Hilfe verschiedener digitaler Medien kommunizieren.
I can cite information and files from digital environments. Ich kann Informationen und Dateien aus dem digitalen Raum zitieren.
I can edit files and documents collaboratively with others using digital media. Ich kann digitale Medien nutzen, um gemeinsam mit anderen Dateien und Dokumente zu
I can apply behavioral rules in digital interactions and collaborations. Ich kann Verhaltensregeln bei digitalen Interaktionen und Kooperationen anwenden.
I can actively participate in society using digital media. Ich kann mit Hilfe digitaler Medien aktiv an der Gesellschaft teilhaben.
I can share my experiences with digital media in interactions with others. Ich kann meine Medienerfahrungen in Interaktion mit anderen weitergeben.
Digital content creation (CREAT)
I can use familiar apps and programs according to my needs. Ich kann mir bekannte Apps und Programme bedarfsgerecht anwenden.
I can design my digital products in various formats. Ich kann eigene digitale Produkte in verschiedenen Formaten gestalten.
I can edit and merge digital content in different formats. Ich kann digitale Inhalte in verschiedenen Formaten bearbeiten und zusammenführen.
I can present digital content in different formats. Ich kann digitale Inhalte in verschiedenen Formaten präsentieren.
Safety and security (SAFE)
I know about the dangers and risks in digital environments and consider them. Ich kenne die Gefahren und Risiken in digitalen Umgebungen und berücksichtige diese.
I can protect my privacy in digital environments through appropriate measures. Ich kann meine Privatsphäre in digitalen Umgebungen durch geeignete Maβnahmen schützen.
I can regularly update my security settings. Ich kann meine Sicherheitseinstellungen regelmäßig aktualisieren.
I can use digital technologies in a healthy and environmentally sound way. Ich kann digitale Technologien gesundheits- und umweltbewusst nutzen.
(continued on next page)

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Table A1 (continued )

Problem sSolving (PROBL)

I can use digital tools and platforms according to my needs. Ich kann digitale Werkzeuge, Tools und Plattformen bedarfsgerecht einsetzen.
I can adapt digital tools for personal use. Ich kann digitale Werkzeuge zum persönlichen Gebrauch anpassen.
I can independently use digital learning opportunities and appropriate tools. Ich kann digitale Lernmöglichkeiten und dafür geeignete Tools selbstständig nutzen.
I can organize digital learning resources independently. Ich kann digitale Lernressourcen selbstständig organisieren.
I can develop solutions for technical problems. Ich kann Lösungen für technische Probleme entwickeln.
I know about the functioning and basic principles of digital systems. Ich kenne Funktionsweisen und grundlegende Prinzipien des digitalen Raumes.
I identify algorithmic structures in the tools I use. Ich erkenne algorithmische Strukturen bei genutzten Tools.
Analyzing and reflecting (ANALY)
I can analyze the effect of media in digital environments. Ich kann die Wirkung von Medien im digitalen Raum analysieren.
I can evaluate interest-driven dissemination and the dominance of topics in Ich kann eine interessengeleitete Verbreitungen und die Dominanz von Themen im digitalen
digital space. Raum beurteilen.
I can reflect on the opportunities and risks of media use for my own media use. Ich kann Chancen und Risiken des Mediengebrauchs für meinen eigenen Mediengebrauch
I can analyze the benefits of business activities and services in digital Ich kann Vorteile von Geschäftsaktivitäten und Services im digitalen Raum analysieren.
I can analyze the risks of business activities and services in the digital space. Ich kann Risiken von Geschäftsaktivitäten und Services im digitalen Raum analysieren.

Table A2
Comparisons of model fit indices and factor loadings.

Model A (MA = without indicated misspecification) Model B (MB = without indicated misspecification)

Fit indices
Chi2 (df) 654.729 (441)* 437.961 (329)*
SRMR .044 .030
RMSEA .036 .040
CFI .960 .976
TLI .955 .972
AIC 21671.914 18934.422
BIC 22138.262 19345.906
Factor loadings
EK01_01 .75 .75
EK01_02 .86 .84
EK01_03 .71 .72
EK01_04 .69 excluded
EK01_05 .66 .57
EK01_06 .51 .59
EK02_01 .66 .66
EK02_02 .67 .66
EK02_03 .69 .70
EK02_04 .72 .75
EK02_05 .73 .75
EK02_06 .78 excluded
EK03_01 .67 .68
EK03_02 .85 excluded
EK03_03 .91 .89
EK03_04 .88 .89
EK04_01 .75 .79
EK04_02 .84 .83
EK04_03 .81 .79
EK04_05 .60 .56
EK05_01 .85 .86
EK05_02 .85 .85
EK05_03 .87 .86
EK05_04 .82 .82
EK05_05 .82 .81
EK05_06 .91 .92
EK05_07 .74 .74
EK06_01 .79 excluded
EK06_02 .90 .85
EK06_03 .74 .86
EK06_04 .93 .93
EK06_05 .94 .94

Table A3
Comparisons of Intercorrelations in Model A and Model B.


INFO 1.00 1.00 .95** 1.00** >1.00 .68** .73** 0.10 .81** .83** 0.06 .74** .76** 0.05 .71** .71** 0.00
COMM 1.00 1.00 .66** .69** 0.06 .67** .67** 0.00 .66** .70** 0.07 .62** .62** 0.00
CREA 1.00 1.00 .72** .72** 0.00 .88** .87** 0.04 .53** .51** 0.03
(continued on next page)

C. Rubach and R. Lazarides Computers in Human Behavior 118 (2021) 106636

Table A3 (continued )


SAFE 1.00 1.00 .76** .76** 0.00 .70** .69** 0.02

PROBL 1.00 1.00 .67** .63** 0.07
Notes. MA = Model A (model with misspecifications), MB = Model B (model without misspecifications); INFO = information and data literacy, COMM = communi­
cation and collaboration, CREA = digital content creation, SAFE = safety and security, PROBL = problem solving, ANALY = analyzing and reflecting. q = Cohen’s q
(effect size) that indicated significant differences between intercorrelation (Cohen, 1988).
Cohen’s q > .1 (significant different intercorrelation between MA and MB).

Table A4
Addional tested difference in correlations (rΔ ≥ .15) between student_centered ICT practices and basic ICT competence beliefs.

r Wald Chi2 df p

Autonomy support
AUTO with PROBL .40 (.05) 11.18 1 .00
CREA .23 (.06)
AUTO with SAFE .38 (.05) 9.29 1 .00
CREA .23 (.06)
Cognitive activation
COGAC with PROBL .45 (.05) 11.27 1 .00
CREA .27 (.05)
COGAC with PROBL .45 (.05) 11.22 1 .00
INFO .29 (.07)
COGAC with PROBL .45 (.05) 21.07 1 .00
COMM .28 (.06)
COGAC with PROBL .45 (.05) 0.55 1 .46
SAFE .30 (.06)
Individualized instruction
INDI with PROBL ANALY .48 (.05) 2.44 1 .12
.28 (.07)
INDI with PROBL .48 (.05) 18.72 1 .00
COMM .29 (.06)
INDI with PROBL .48 (.05) 10.44 1 .01
CREA .30 (.06)
Notes. COMM = communication and collaboration, CREA = digital content creation, SAFE = safety and security, PROBL = problem solving, ANALY = analyzing
and reflecting, AUTO = autonomy support, INDI = individualized instruction, COGAC = cognitive activation.

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