B-Lactoglobulin-Bound Lactose

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International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 813}816

Resistance of b-lactoglobulin-bound lactose to the hydrolysis

by b-galactosidase
Franc7 ois Morgan, GweH naeK le Henry, Yvon Le GraeK t, Daniel MolleH ,
JoeK lle LeH onil, SamK d Bouhallab*
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratoire de Recherches de Technologie Laitie% re, 65 rue de Saint Brieuc, 35042 Rennes cedex, France
Received 21 July 1999; accepted 1 December 1999


An in vitro study was conducted to investigate the sensitivity of lactose-b-lactoglobulin conjugates to b-galactosidase from
Kluyveromyces lactis. The hydrolysis was monitored by ion exchange chromatography. Compared to free lactose or lactulose, which
were rapidly hydrolysed, protein-bound lactose was not hydrolysed by b-galactosidase even after an extended hydrolysis time. Tryptic
digestion of the conjugates before addition of b-galactosidase improved the substrate accessibility and led to the release of about 50%
of the linked lactose. The results strongly suggest that the resistance of protein bound lactose is linked to the globular and compact
structure of lactose-b-lactoglobulin conjugates. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lactose-b-lactoglobulin conjugates; Hydrolysis; b-Galactosidase

1. Introduction highly reactive towards lactose (Burr, Moore & Hill,

1996; LeH onil, MolleH , Fauquant, Maubois, Pearce,
Maillard reaction constitutes the major non-enzymatic & Bouhallab, 1997). We have further described the struc-
modi"cation of milk proteins subjected to heat process- tural changes induced by the glycation of b-LG. The
ing and storage (van Boekel, 1998). The early stage of the native-like conformation of the protein was preserved
reaction involves the condensation of the carbonyl group when the glycation experiments were performed under
of lactose (glucose moiety) with protein amino groups to dry-way conditions (Morgan, LeH onil, MolleH & Bouhal-
form a reversible Schi! base, which subsequently rear- lab, 1999).
ranges to produce a more stable ketoamine. The extent of Using dry-way glycated b-LG, the present study was
the Maillard reaction in milk products depends on the designed to determine the sensitivity of bound lactose to
severity of heating and the length of storage period. The the hydrolysis by b-galactosidase (b-Gase). The hydroly-
consequences of the chemical glycation on the functional sis reactions were monitored by ion exchange
as well as on the nutritional properties of proteins have chromatography.
been extensively studied (O'Brien, 1995). Detrimental nu-
tritional e!ects include: (i) decrease or loss of the bio-
availability of essential amino acids such as lysine and 2. Materials and methods
other nutrients, (ii) formation of toxic compounds, and
(iii) impairment of protein susceptibility and digestibility 2.1. Materials
by proteolytic enzymes (Sheer, Lee & Jelesciewicz, 1989).
Although this chemical reaction potentially involves b-LG B was prepared from the milk of homozygous
all the milk proteins, recent studies have reported that, cows as previously described (LeH onil et al., 1997). The
under mild heat treatment, b-lactoglobulin (b-LG) is freeze-dried b-LG B powder contained 93.2% proteins
and 0.6% lactose. b-LG represented 98% of the protein
content and a-lactalbumin less than 2%, based on rever-
sed-phase HPLC analysis. The b-LG concentration was
determined at 280 nm, using an E1{ of 9.6. Monohy-
* Corresponding author. 1#.
E-mail address: said.bouhallab@rennes.inra.fr (S. Bouhallab) drated lactose, glucose and galactose were purchased

0958-6946/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 5 8 - 6 9 4 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 5 3 - 3
814 F. Morgan et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 813}816

2.3. Hydrolysis of free and bound lactose

Nomenclature with b-galactosidase

b-LG b-Lactoglobulin Hydrolysis experiments were performed with 4.4 or 22

b-Gase b-Galactosidase units of b-Gase at 373C in 50 mM potassium phosphate
ONPG o-Nitrophenyl-b-D-galactopyranoside bu!er, pH 6.7. The following samples were studied: Free
lactose (292 lM); b-LG-lactose conjugate (76 lM protein,
292 lM lactose) and its control b-LG (76 lM)#free lac-
tose (292 lM); tryptic digest of glycated b-LG (76 lM
protein, 292 lM lactose) and tryptic digest of b-LG
from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany); lactulose, soybean (76 lM)#free lactose (292 lM).
trypsin inhibitor and o-nitrophenyl-b-D-galactopyrano- Aliquots were withdrawn at various intervals and the
side (ONPG) from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO); reaction was stopped by heating at 753C for 5 min,
Tosyl-phenylalanine-chloromethylketone-treated tryp- cooled and diluted with MilliQ water before chromato-
sin (E.C.; bovine pancreas; 31 U mg~1) from graphic analysis.
Serva (Heidelberg, Germany). b-Gase (E.C. from
Kluyveromyces lactis was supplied by Gist Brocades (Sec- 2.4. Ion exchange chromatography
lin, France). Its activity at 373C, determined on ONPG in
0.1 M potassium phosphate bu!er pH 6.7 containing Lactose hydrolysis experiments were monitored by
1 mM MgCl and 0.87% b-mercaptoethanol, was anion-exchange chromatography on a Dionex system
1460 U mL~1 of enzyme solution. (Dionex, Jouy en Josas, France) including Dionex DX500
apparatus, amperometric detector ED 40, and CarboPec
2.2. Preparation of samples PA1 analytical column (4 i.d.]250 mm). Elution was
performed at 203C at a #ow rate of 1 mL min~1 by
2.2.1. Glycation experiments mixing 0.2 M NaOH (solution B) in MilliQ water (solu-
The dry-way glycation experiment was performed by tion A) using the following pH gradient: 8% solution
dissolving b-LG B (150 lM) in a 15 mM lactose solution B from 0 to 15 min, and 8}100% from 15 to 26 min.
and adjusting the pH to 7.2 with 0.5 M NH OH. After Quanti"cation was based on analysis of standard solu-
being freeze-dried, the protein-sugar powder was kept tions of pure lactulose, lactose, glucose or galactose with
under 65% relative humidity (saturated KI solution) and known concentrations.
503C for 12 h. The powder was then dissolved in cooled All experiments were performed in duplicate. The de-
distilled water to obtain a 150 lM b-LG solution and free termined coe$cients of variation were lower than 5%.
lactose was removed by extensive dialysis at 43C (50 mL
samples in 5 L distilled water containing 0.02% sodium
azide, 4 water batches in 72 h) in Spectra/Port 1 cellulose 3. Results
membranes (molecular mass cut-o!: 6}8 kDa, Spectrum,
Laguna Hills, CA). The control sample was performed Fig. 1 shows a typical pro"le of the separation of
using the same procedure without added lactose. The lactose and derived monosaccharides by ion exchange
dialysed samples were precipitated at pH 4.6 with 1 M chromatography. The kinetics of the hydrolysis of lactose
HCl at 233C for 1 h, "ltered on a cellulose acetate by b-Gase are shown in Fig. 2. Total conversion of
0.45 lm Nalgenet "lter (Polylabo, Strasbourg, France) lactose was obtained after 15 and 60 min with 22 and 4.4
and the pH of the "ltrate was adjusted to 7.2 with 2 M Units of enzyme, respectively. Concomitantly to lactose
NH OH. The "ltrates were freeze-dried and the powders disappearance, the expected concentration of both gener-
obtained were kept at 43C until further use. The average ated products, i.e. glucose and galactose was recovered
number of lactose linked per monomer, measured by indicating that the formation of oligosaccharides
electrospray ionization mass spectrometry as previously throughout the transferase activity of the enzyme, does
described (Morgan, LeH onil, MolleH & Bouhallab, 1997) not occur under these experimental conditions. Further-
was 3.81 (mol mol~1) in the glycated b-LG. more, since lactulosyl-amino groups represent the
stabilised forms of lactose-b-LG conjugates, the sensitiv-
2.2.2. Tryptic hydrolysate of glycated b-LG ity of lactulose to b-Gase was tested. Complete digestion
b-LG (150 lM) was dissolved in 50 mM potassium of lactulose was reached after a 15 min hydrolysis (data
phosphate bu!er pH 7.3 and hydrolysed with trypsin at not shown).
an enzyme/substrate ratio of 1/150 (w/w) at 373C for 3 h. The higher concentration of b-Gase was chosen to
The reaction was stopped by cooling and by adding examine the enzyme ability to remove the galactose
Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor at an enzyme/inhibitor molar residue from the ketoamine compounds formed by
ratio of 1/5. attachment of lactose to b-LG. Analysis of samples as a
F. Morgan et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 813}816 815

Fig. 1. Separation pro"le of galactose (1), glucose (2) and lactose (3) by
anion-exchange chromatography obtained after 10 min hydrolysis of
lactose (292 lM) by K. lactis b-galactosidase (4.4 units) in 50 mM potas-
sium phosphate bu!er, pH 6.7.

Fig. 3. Time course hydrolysis of lactose (292 lM) by K. lactis

b-galactosidase (22 units). (A): Lactose bound to b-lactoglobulin. (B):
Free lactose in the presence of unglycated b-lactoglobulin (76 lM)
lactose (n); galactose (e); glucose (h). Hydrolysis experiments were
performed at 373C in 50 mM potassium phosphate bu!er, pH 6.7.

completely removed by dialysis of the glycated b-LG.

The resistance of linked lactose did not seem to be due to
an inhibition of the enzyme activity by b-LG since the
time course hydrolysis of free lactose in solution was not
modi"ed by the presence of the protein as a co-solute
(Fig. 3B). The observed resistance of linked lactose to
b-Gase hydrolysis might arise from steric hindrance ef-
fects. This was supported by the activity of the enzyme on
a tryptic hydrolysate of the lactose-b-LG conjugates
(Fig. 4). The residual contaminant lactose present
due to incomplete dialysis, detected in the tryptic
hydrolysate (ca. 40 lM), accounted for the release of
corresponding amounts of glucose and galactose.
However, the measured galactose concentration reached
ca. 200 lM after 270 min of hydrolysis, suggesting that
about 50% of the lactose linked to the tryptic peptides
was hydrolysed.

Fig. 2. Time course hydrolysis of free lactose (292 lM) with 22 (A) and
4.4 (B) units of K. lactis b-galactosidase at 373C in 50 mM potassium 4. Discussion
phosphate bu!er, pH 6.7. lactose (n); galactose (e); glucose (h).
We have previously reported the biochemical charac-
terisation of lactose-b-LG conjugates formed by an
function of hydrolysis time revealed that lactose-b-LG amino-carbonyl reaction in both solution and dry sys-
conjugates were resistant to b-Gase even in the case of a tems (Morgan et al., 1999). In the present work, we have
6 h prolonged hydrolysis (Fig. 3A). The observed appear- determined the sensitivity to K. lactis b-Gase hydrolysis
ance of glucose and galactose was attributed to at pH 6.7 of the glycoconjugates obtained in the dry-way.
contaminant free lactose (ca. 40 lM) which was not Compared to free lactose or lactulose, lactose bound to
816 F. Morgan et al. / International Dairy Journal 9 (1999) 813}816

tion was submitted to b-Gase digestion, a slow but e!ec-

tive release of galactose was obtained (results not shown).
Hence, the sensitivity of protein bound lactose to b-Gase
could be attributed to a better accessibility of the substra-
te, i.e. galactose, which is favoured by the protein de-
naturation after a glycation in solution. The relevance of
the structural e!ects of the protein on b-Gase activity is
also stressed out by using the tryptic hydrolysate of
glycated b-LG as substrate. In this case, about 50% of
linked lactose was digested.
In summary, lactose linked to b-LG is resistant to the
action of b-Gase mainly because of the globular and
Fig. 4. Time course hydrolysis of lactose (292 lM) bound to tryptic compact structure of b-LG-lactose conjugates. Better
peptides of glycated b-lactoglobulin by K. lactis b-galactosidase (22 accessibility of bound sugar can be recovered either by
units). lactose (n); galactose (e); glucose (h). Hydrolysis experiments proteolysis or heat denaturation of the conjugates prior
were performed at 373C in 50 mM potassium phosphate bu!er, pH 6.7.
to addition of b-Gase.

b-LG was not hydrolysed by the enzyme, although the
most lysine residues involved in the lactose binding are Burr, R., Moore, C. H., & Hill, J. P. (1996). Evidence of multiple
glycosylation of bovine b-lactoglobulin by electrospray ionisation
exposed at the protein surface (Morgan, Bouhallab, mass spectrometry. Milchwissenschaft, 51, 488}492.
MolleH , Henry, Maubois & LeH onil, 1998). A few data are LeH onil, J., MolleH , D., Fauquant, J., Maubois, J. L., Pearce, R. J.,
available on the hydrolysis by b-Gases of lactose bound & Bouhallab, S. (1997). Characterization by ionization mass spec-
to proteins. However, Shida, Takamizawa, Nagaoka, trometry of lactosyl b-lactoglobulin conjugates formed during heat
Kushiro and Osawa (1994a) have reported that a treat- treatment of milk and whey and identi"cation of one lactose-
binding site. Journal of Dairy Science, 80, 2270}2281.
ment of two glycoproteins, detected in a proteose pep- Morgan, F., LeH onil, J., MolleH , D., & Bouhallab, S. (1997). Nonenzymatic
tone fraction of heated milk with b-Gase from jack bean, lactosylation of bovine b-lactoglobulin under mild heat treatment
abolished their binding ability to an E. coli heat-labile leads to structural heterogeneity of the glycoforms. Biochemical and
enterotoxin. These two glycoproteins were supposed to Biophysical Research Communication, 236, 413}417.
be glycated forms of a-lactalbumin and b-LG. In a sub- Morgan, F., Bouhallab, S., MolleH , D., Henry, G., Maubois, J. L.,
& LeH onil, J. (1998). Lactolation of b-lactoglobulin monitored by
sequent work, the same authors have shown that a model electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. International Dairy Jour-
lactose-a-lactalbumin amino-carbonyl product also lost nal, 8, 95}98.
this binding ability after the same enzyme treatment Morgan, F., LeH onil, J., MolleH , D., & Bouhallab, S. (1999). Modi"cation
(Shida, Takamizawa, Nagaoka, Tsuji & Osawa, 1994b). of bovine b-lactoglobulin by glycation in a powdered state or in an
These e!ects were ascribed to the ability of b-Gase to aqueous solution: e!ect on association behaviour and protein con-
formation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47, 83}91.
remove the terminal galactose residue from the glycocon- O'Brien, J. (1995). Heat-induced changes in lactose: isomerization,
jugates. The discrepancy between these results and those degradation, Maillard browning. In P. F. Fox, Heat-induced changes
presented in this study might arise from a better accessi- in milk (2nd ed.) (pp. 134}170). Brussels: IDF.
bility of lactose to the active site of b-Gase when the Sheer, B., Lee, C. M., & Jelesciewicz, C. (1989). Absorption and meta-
sugar is linked to a-lactalbumin compared to b-LG. bolism of lysine Maillard products in relation to utilization of
L-lysine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 37, 119}122.
Furthermore, Shida et al. (1994b) have performed the Shida, K., Takamizawa, K., Nagaoka, M., Kushiro, A., & Osawa, T.
glycation experiments by heating a-lactalbumin with lac- (1994a). Enterotoxin-binding glycoproteins in a proteose}peptone
tose at 603C in an aqueous solution. As far as the glyca- fraction of heated bovine milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 77, 930}939.
tion of b-LG is concerned, such treatment, in contrast to Shida, K., Takamizawa, K., Nagaoka, M., Tsuji, T., & Osawa, T.
that carried out in a restricted water environment used in (1994b). Escherichia coli-heat labile enterotoxin binds to glyco-
sylated proteins with lactose by amino}carbonyl reaction. Microbio-
the present study, greatly a!ects the native state of the logy and Immunology, 38, 273}279.
protein as it was demonstrated in our previous work van Boekel, M. A. J. S. (1998). E!ect of heating on Maillard reactions in
(Morgan et al., 1999). When such glycated b-LG in solu- milk. Food Chemistry, 62, 403}414.

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