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1 Design Principles

Sustainability Principle: Techniques

Today, talking about sustainable or environmental architecture implies an appeal

to a fairly broad concept. There are many professionals, including myself, who
claim that this is a new way to understand architecture and even the world in
which we live. Respect for the environment and concern for our surroundings are
the basis on which this new way of interpreting the art of architecture is
developing. these under the principles are defined to be able to apply to the
project of our architectural organization

1. Identifies needs: first, a thorough analysis of the space and area of the design in
question needs to be carried out. In many cases, there are certain characteristics
that you can do without. Being able to filter what you need and discard the excess
is the best start for any eco-friendly project.

2. Appreciate the local climate: Climate conditions are a fundamental element in

planning the construction of a particular facility. As I said about the
Passivehousestandard, it is necessary to define the features of each area, as they can
affect different aspects of construction.

3. Limits energy use: Energy conservation is the foundation of eco-friendly

architecture. This is very much due to the points outlined above, the purpose of
which is precisely this.
To do this, you need to repair the external surface, volume and insulation of the
work. That is, with less area and volume and more insulation, energy
consumption will be significantly reduced.

Thus, systems with good performance and low energy consumption for household
appliances, ventilation and artificial lighting are the best choice.

4. Try using renewable energy: if we're talking aboutrenewable energy, we

should definitely consider renewable energy.

5. Reduces water use: Water is a resource that in many cases can also be limited.
Today, there are methods to reduce water consumption or the use of rainwater.
They are a good choice, for example, for watering plants, showers or toilets.

6. Creates excellent quality works: All of this savings, which we have talked about
so far, must necessarily be compatible with the excellent quality of construction.
We cannot forget that clean work must have a very long life. To do this, its nature
must be optimal.

In addition, eco-friendly buildings should be easily dismantled and reused. Issues

that undoubtedly require the best possible conditions.

7. Avoid pollutants: And as not, we need to think about the type of materials that
we are going to use. If we want environmental work, we can't use harmful
materials. This goes against the DNA of eco-friendly architecture. In addition, they
pose a health risk, as many of them contain large amounts of solvents, powders
and harmful agents.

The alternative to these types of materials are more resistant others, such as
glass, stone, processed wood, dirt, stone, clay or cob, and others.
8. Bet on local raw materials: Using local raw materials for construction is as key
as possible. Thus, the consumption of gasoline is reduced and the environment is
protected again.

The principle of bioclimatic architecture: techniques

Housing orientation

An important first step for the uninterrupted energy functioning of the home is to
choose the best guide (see annex 64). When we are in the northern hemisphere, the sun

rises from the East, it is positioned in the South during the day and becomes to
the West.

 Those rooms that may need lighting in the morning in the East, such as the
 The areas of greatest daytime activity, going south, taking care of sun
protection in the summer.
 In the West, rooms designed for activities that in the afternoon require
more lighting.
 All the rooms where we want to avoid solar radiation as much as possible
will be in the north

The ventilation and air in the room

In bioclimatic architecture seeks to achieve the so-called cross ventilation, which
consists of creating holes on opposite sides of the building in order to obtain an
airflow that goes through it and restore the atmosphere, creating a sense of
comfort. (see app 64).

This should be done in the light of the direction of the prevailing winds, which will
mark pretty much the right orientation for more efficient ventilation. Another
applicable method is to create courtyards that provide the most favourable air

Lighting and sunshine

Closely related to orientation, lighting is the deciding factor in the conditioning of

the building. You should let in as much light as possible, without it contributing to
overheating of the premises.

To this end, the solar drop is studied to most effectively accommodate protection.
These protections are overhangs and sheds, as well as straps arranged according
to orientation. (see app 64).

Another method used is to incorporate the courtyards into the building's own
volume, also a valid option to help properly ventilate all the premises of the
house. This practice can be improved by the use of appropriate vegetation, as
explained below (see annex 65).


In addition to its aesthetic value and improved air quality, plants and trees have a
great positive impact on our bodies. In bioclimatic architecture, in addition, it uses
its characteristics to promote ventilation, or to give protection from the sun (using
deciduous trees we get coating in summer, but miss radiation in winter.)

Part of the environmental nature of the biocoction is the use of vegetation

characteristic of the area, i.e. not to interfere with biodiversity by introspection of
alien species. Therefore, the use of traditional plants and trees in the area where
you are going to work is appreciated.

Eco-friendly and local materials

As noted above, if the primary purpose of clean housing is to use environmentally

friendly technologies and materials (as far as possible), it would be agreed that
the process of the same materials, from raw materials mining to commissioning,
would not be aggressive towards the environment.

This includes the determining factor, which is the distance to work. Local
materials should be used, as far as possible, from nearby quarries (in the case of
stone), trees belonging to local vegetation (this also serves for wood) or land own
excavations, for the manufacture of adobe bricks or tapial walls. In general, some
practices suitable for talking about bioclimatic architecture and biocostruction will

Reducing the consumption of polluting materials such as ceramics, cement, iron,

plaster ... in favor of other, more environmentally friendly elements (tree,
Saeman, Tapia, Bamboo...).

Renewable energy

We will not talk about clean housing unless we include renewable energy as a
priority power source. Possible alternatives are:
· Solar photovoltaic energy, through solar panels on the deck facing south, to
increase efficiency. This is the most feasible option, as there is already a wide
variety of products and specialized companies on the market that know how to

Solar sanitary hot water for which we will use solar sensors (as a percentage of

Wind power, although due to the large acoustic and landscape impact of wind
turbines, they should be located in places remote from populated areas.

Biomass used in boilers as an alternative to butane gas and diesel because it is

environmentally friendly.

There are other alternatives, but in terms of construction they are the most

3.2 Promising architectural solution to the organization of a modern

ethnic settlement in Colombia "for example, the city of Vichada."

3.2.1 A general description of the project is "aproject of an architectural

organization of a modern ethnic settlement in Colombia "for example, the city
of Vichada".
This dissertation work consists of a design proposal of the architectural
organization and the design of the house of about 20 houses, regarding with this
proposal we give the decision of the educational unit (small school and medical
The project aims to create a model for providing sustainable rural housing
solutions, offering prototypes that adapt to social, geographical and
environmental contexts. It is proposed that these prototypes, using architectural
strategies and relying on new technologies, can guarantee that services in rural
areas. To be accessible and qualitative, to increase well-being and, at the same
time, to expand agricultural opportunities by promoting continuous economic
activity and to diversify.

By modulating housing and standardizing its construction, it provides the rural

population (outside the municipal city) with limited economic resources, the tools
they need to enable them to build their own housing.

In turn, using renewable resources and energy sources, this provides an answer to
the problem evident in municipalities, especially outside the city, where utilities
are very scarce, services such as energy, in addition to the fact that they are faulty
fickle, leading to irreversible damage to household appliances, this leads to
significant losses for the economy of family cores.


The approach offers the architectural design of the house a separate family for
the countryside. Using the production system industrially and modularly, which
allows you to adapt according to the conditions of climatic and topographical
places. It is easy to transport and assemble, so that construction can be done by
the user, contributing to the customs of rural self-build.

In addition, housing needs to provide the necessary climate protection depending

on where they are located, in accordance with predetermined criteria and
comprehensive sustainable development solutions for the basic public services
they are scarce in the area, depending on the circumstances.

3.2.2 A forward-looking decision on theRural Housing Project.

Volume-spatial solution concepts and means of expressiveness

Pattern language theory

Christopher Alexander's template language combines 253 elements that should

be considered when designing a project, both of which are called templates.
These templates are used to start planning projects from urban and rural scale to
the smaller scale of the language.

A regularity is a spatial, morphological consideration that should be unchanged.

Thus, it can be purely conceptual, or it can relate to its specific aesthetics,
dimension and spatial composition.

To better understand this, let's give an example of conceptual regularity and

morphological pattern: every dwelling should have a bathroom. This is
unchanged, and there can be no housing that does not have at least one. So, the
bathroom template says it should be, but doesn't say where, neither its size nor
building materials, among others. Instead, the circulation scheme tells us that
each dwelling should have a circulation connecting all spaces, in addition, they
should be tangential to all rooms in the dwelling and should have a minimum of
0.76 M. So we see that conceptual patterns hint at an architectural program, and
morphological patterns tell us what space should look like. In other words,
conceptual patterns show what should be morphologically conditioning us with
what should be and how it should be.

For our initial exercise, we consider important those appropriate models and
determinants of housing. However, given that housing is understood in relation to
the environment, we will look at later models of urban and rural character of the
settlement, so that these models will not only determine the morphology of our
housing, but will ultimately determine the implantation and relationship between
homes and the relationship with their urban and rural environments. Although in
his book Christopher Alexander first examines patterns immersed in the urban
environment, and then penetrates into the world of housing, the exercise that we
will perform will be reversed. We will start with the smaller scale that our project
covers, and then move on to the urban scale models of the language.

To begin with, we chose our first template without taking into account our
reverse methodology. We started this way, on the urban scale, and our list of
templates remained like this:

Affordable Open spaces are needed near the population.

green zone:

Reserved identify sacred places and make sure they don't

places interfere, because their natural state is a simple
place. Places of prayer
Main Gate Demarcating intersections of roads,
demarcating gaps as a threshold.

Common it is a space for meetings, spatial connecting

grounds: people, creating social relationships. Communal

Holy places:
establish ordinances that fully and continuously
protect holy places, these are the roots of
memory, people can not preserve their spiritual
roots and their connection with the past, if the
physical world in which you live, does not do
something to retain these roots' Alexander
Men and recognition of gender-based practices and
women: which places are intended for practice and

Spontaneous gardens are naturally located around the

garden: dwelling

Open space all the spaces they make up are indigenous

hierarchy: territory, they are typical of open spaces, all.
Family: Private domain for groups that are part of one
family 2. common spaces for kitchen functions,
spontaneous garden, cultivation.

Group of Group of houses: the location of the houses

houses: that form the connection of the family with the
natural environment, the environment to the
roads and routes. Arranged in this way, they
can be mobilized by foot housing between
housing, in accordance with their kinship order
of housing distribution.
Access to Access to water: booking and protecting water,
water: recognizing every source respecting it,
everyone experiences a fundamental longing
for water, basic activities such as: washing
clothes, food, bathing.

Ponds and preservation of natural streams and ponds,

streams: crossing streams will allow to recognize them as
part of the territory. Collect the rainwater into
the open ditches and let it flow on the ground.

Animals: The approach to animals is constant, while

hunting and fishing, but in some communities it
is important to have chickens, pigs and cows.
Places tree: Places wood: trees create dense areas of
vegetation, form social spaces, and consider
them in a spatial configuration, within the
possibilities are umbrella types, wooded and on
the avenue.

Vegetable The garden in ethnic culture is a vital element

garden: of nutrition and determines the paths and
routes around the settlement, creating
dynamics and relationships in each home

Kitchen The importance of the fire is due to the fact

layout and that it is a thermal container, previously the
hearth creation of fire entailed work that was intended
only elders who were carriers and suppliers of
flames in the community zoning

It is organized organically, created three important concepts in the design of

settlements (land, water and air) across these axis organized the first roads from
east to west, near the bridge proposed school and medical center because it is
the central point of communication between houses and other settlements, this
place is also strategic because of its proximity to the river and the main roads.
- zoning of the territories is divided into zones: housing, economic, garden and
vegetable garden area, field crops, grazing area, communal garden, school,
medical centers, places of prayer (religious and sacred).

The zoning is proposed to be carried out in accordance with the natural, climatic
and social features of the city of Vichada. landscaping and ecology

It was suggested to use plants and design with plants: plants have symbolic and
aesthetic value in our lives, plant forms are used in architectural ornaments and
are a true representation of life. Plants are classified according to these six
sections: - ecology - botany - gardening - aesthetic values-growth and survival -
application in design

We choose the types of trees, shrubs and covers that you want to plant in each
landscape project of each house. This can be done with sizes, colors, logs or
shapes. Thus, it will be achieved to add value to each space and to provide quality
plants to improve habitat.

1.2.3 Constructive solution materials
To determine which material is most suitable for housing construction, it was
necessary to conduct a study of existing resources both in the territory and near
the urban center, there are certain criteria Ecological, Social and Economic, and
technical (see annex 68).

Environmental An abundance of diversity of native tree species, the re-

afforestation project is raised to compensate for the wood
used and presents a way of immunization by natural
Social 1. Used for generations as a building material, so it is well
known and accepted by the community.
2. This allows the community to build its own housing
3. Since this wood is immunized, it repels insects and ensures
its durability.
Economic and Economic and technical
technical 1. Low cost in mining, maintenance and transportation.
2. Easy access.
3. Strong if you do good maintenance and immunization.
Selected species are studied by redefining mechanical characteristics in terms of
their strength for compression and tension, the environmental impact that may
or may not be caused by their use, and, finally, in terms of use in construction, 6
final types have been selected for design and their appropriate use in
construction. Below is a table with 6 views selected for the final design of the
housing prototype, and the use that each of them will have given its best qualities
to the structural part.

TEAK TREE Because of its high strength to compress

use for the construction of columns
Acacia Since this species has great endurance to withstand
perpendicular effort to its axis will be used structurally
such as beams, beams.
Oak Because of its durability and beautiful finish it will be used
to build walls and between floors.
Myrtle This species will be used to build a lid.

CEDAR TREE This species is considered durable, durable, easy and easy
to work with. It also offers a beautiful finish and is used as
a window door and veneer.

YARUMO TREE With hollow logs cut along, it will be built by the entire
plumbing system.

bambooGuadua(Angustifolia Kunth), considered one of the 20 best species of

bamboo in the world, German botanist Karl Sigismund describes Guaduaas a genus

separated from theAsian, Bamboo. used the indigenous wordguadua meaning a narrow

leaf, and it was thename given to this bamboo among the indigenous communities of

Colombia and Ecuador. Guadua is the most important bamboo in America, and he

often compares it to his Asian counterpart: "Moso (Phyllostachysedulis)".

Bamboo in particular has rapid growth and performance is higher compared to

wood. Typically, the growth cycle of bamboo is one third of the "fast-growing
tree" and has twice the yield per hectare. Compared to oak, bamboo even
produces four times as much wood.

This system can be considered as a mixed system in which not only clay is
processed, but also other elements such as wood or bamboo. It consists of a
skeleton or half-timbered wood or bamboo that is covered or filled with clay. In
this case, most of the effort is absorbed by the tops or structural pieces of wood,
drowned in the ground or foundation. Depending on the flexibility of the parts,
even dome-shaped structures can be achieved.

The ground used for cladding the structure can be reinforced with plant fibers or
excrement, so a better consistency of the mixture can be achieved, better
adhesion to pieces of wood and less destruction over time.

Around its constructive process there are certain kinds of traditions, which to this
day remain in force from the moment of cutting horses, which in the case of
bamboo should be cut knots during the descending moon.

The flexibility provided by pieces of wood makes it an excellent choice in seismic

zones, and its durability has already been tested. In addition, another of its
favorable qualities is its small structural weight, which makes it comfortable even
on the terrain with low carrier capacity. Similarly, the resulting slenderness of its
walls makes it possible to make much better use of the distribution of space on
small sections of construction.

Environmental 1. This provides a comfortable atmosphere in different

climatic conditions and landscapes.

Low environmental and energy cost.

Social 1. It is used by self-taught shelter, so with training;
community will be able to build their own homes
2. It is a living material and has a direct relationship to nature,
which is valuable to the community of the reserve.
3. Used by Yare (a liquid that is extracted from the production
process of national food) as a binder.
Economic and 1. Durable if good service is done.
technical 2. It's a heat insulator.
3. This is easily accessible material inside the safe and
4. It is easy to manipulate and its methods are not

This technique, built into the rules of The Colombian Earthquake-Resistant

Earthquake -NSR-10, and guide constructive: The Guide to Building Earthquake-
Sustainable Housing in Bahareque this method is spelled out in the Rules of
Columbia Seismic NSR-10 and contains guidance on the construction of
earthquake-resistant housing in Bahareque,mixed with cement and guidance on
the evaluation and rehabilitation and strengthening of traditional homes built
before the entry into force of Decree 052 2002; that confirms its veracity in terms
of material and its lightness.

By deciding this, I begin a more in-depth analysis of this method in a constructive

way, where the point characteristics of the system will be installed, such as:
foundation, tombstones, walls, structure, coating, networks and economic factors
that will be the determining factors for the design of the model. They will be
taken from the NSR-10 standard.
Features of the system:

Below are the specific features of the Baharequesystem, taken from the NSR-10 standard,
the name e-one - and the two-storey houses operating from December 15, 2010. Fundamentals
Foundation system

The foundation will consist of a mesh beam system that sets roughly rectangular
rings in the plan, as shown in E. 2.1-1 (see figure 88), and provides a holistic and
balanced transfer of the loads of the add-on to the ground. For each structural
wall there should be a foundation beam. No element of the foundation can be

Plant configuration:

If one of the rings of the foundation system is similar in length to the width of
more than two or if its internal dimensions exceed 4.0 m, an intermediate
foundation beam should be built to prevent it from supporting any wall, in which
case its minimum size can be reduced to 200 mm by 200 mm. The intersection of
the foundation elements should be monolithic and the fixture should be fixed by
standard 90-degree hooks on the outer surface of the terminal cross element. carrier elements and frame

Distribution of tree species for elements

The teak tree was chosen for the installation of columns, as it is highly resistant to
compression. "For a piece of teak tree with a humidity of 12%, its burst module is
85-106 H/mm2. The elasticity module is 10,000-13.400 N/mm2. The
compression module parallels the grain 47-60 H/mm2. 6 - 7.5 perpendicular
compression module N / mm2" 29 and responds very well to external agents such
as water, fungi and fire with their proper protection.

In addition to the above, TEC has been most commonly welcomed in the
construction sector in recent years because of the advantages it has compared to
other species in the area. In the following image you can see u n example of the
kind of teak tree.

One of the advantages of this species is that it generates oil, making it more
impervious to attacking moisture and fungi, another advantage of the teak tree is
that it grows rapidly, given that it is not native.

This makes it a benign species for the possibility of using the area as forest wood,
useful wood and structural wood in the structures.

The third advantage of the type of teak tree by other species, which will be used
in construction as a structural element, is that this species almost does not create
knots, nodes in wood create problems in construction, because in the area where
there are nodes, there is a high probability of destruction. TIC, without creating
nodes, gives more security when implementing the design and gives the
opportunity to use its entire structure, that is, its entire fust.

After carrying out the characteristics of the species present in the area, the ones
were selected to be used for the final design and each use in which each species
would be used, as it would be the one that would best suit such a function in the
housing prototype.


1. Classification of walls:

The walls of a one-storey bahareque e house are divided into three types.

- Structural walls with diagonals:

These are walls or segments of walls, structural, consisting of a lower screed,

upper screed, standing right elements, sloping elements and a coating based on a
cement solution, laid on a wire mesh, nailed to a bamboo mat or wooden
flooring. These walls receive vertical loads and withstand the horizontal forces of
an earthquake or wind. Structural walls with diagonals should be placed in the
corners of the structure and at the ends of each set of structural walls.

- Structural walls without diagonals:

These are walls or segments of walls, structural, consisting of a lower screed,

upper screed, standing rights and covered with cement solution, laid on a wire
mesh, nailed to a bamboo mat and devoid of sloping elements. They should only
be used to withstand vertical loads. They should not consist of segments of the
ends of the walls.

As structural walls with diagonals, and without diagonals should be built on

foundation beams or on partitions, in turn, relying on foundation beams.
Structural walls must have continuity from the foundation to the upper aperture
with which they are connected.
-Unstructured walls:

Walls that can't withstand loads other than loads of their own weight are known
as non-structural walls. These walls have no other function than to separate the
spaces inside the house. The internal non-structural walls should be connected to
the upper aperture by a compound that limits their rollover, but prevents the
transfer of a shift or vertical load between the deck or mezzanine and the non-
structural wall. Non-structural walls should not be continuous and do not require
attachment to the foundation system. Coverage and roofing

The roof carriers should be a stable assembly for lateral loads, for which they will
have the necessary anchors and fastenings.

The straps or elements that transfer loads from the roof to the supporting walls
should be designed so that they can carry loads both vertically and horizontally,
and must be fixed at the top of the screed, which serves as mooring the structural
walls. Seismic resistance

To design housing that will behave in accordance with anti-seismic standards in
Colombia, it is necessary to apply to the standards of seismic resistance in
Colombia, which say

Key criteria for structural planning

The good seismic behaviour of a one-storey building depends to a large extent on
the fact that its structural planning adheres to some of the relevant general
criteria, among which the most relevant ones are listed below:

1-system of seismic resistance

the seismic resistance system for the houses seen in this chapter should ensure
proper behavior, as one hundred and seventy-nine individual as whole, in front of
vertical and horizontal loads. This is achieved through the following mechanisms:

(a) a set of structural walls arranged in such a way as to provide sufficient

resistance to horizontal seismic impacts in two main directions in the plan, given
only the longitudinal rigidity of each wall.

(b) The aperture system, which forces the structural walls to work together, with
the help of screeds that transmit to each wall the lateral force it must withstand.
The fixtures for the aperture should be located inside the deck and mezzanine
and designed according to the specifications given in chapter E. 5. (Colombian
Standards of Seismic Resistance)

(c) A foundation system that transmits to the ground the loads resulting from the
structural function of each wall. The fundamental system should be rigid to
prevent inconvenient differential settlements. The set of foundations should be a
diaphragm and be designed in accordance with chapter E. 2. (Colombian
Standards of Seismic Resistance)

2 - the arrangement of structural walls

since individual walls mostly withstand side loads parallel to their planes, it is
necessary to place the walls in two orthogonal or roughly orthogonal directions in
the plan. The length of the walls in two directions should be about the same.


to avoid twisting the entire building, it should have the most symmetrical plant.
The building as a whole and the modules that make it up should be symmetrical
to its a centams. When an asymmetrical plant is unavoidable, the building should
be divided into independent modules using joints, so that the individual modules
are symmetrical. Symmetrical distribution of walls

this should be tested by the E. 3.6-2 and E. 7.8-2 equations (Colombian Seismic
Resistance Standards), depending on whether the walls are built in closed
masonry or in the welded baharek, respectively.

4-structural integrity

Common - both the efficiency of screeds on the apertures, and the joint work of
the walls depend on the vertical continuity of structural walls and the regularity of
the design both according to plan and height. For this reason, consider:

Vertical continuity

Regularity in the plant

Regularity in height

Additions - you should avoid or conveniently isolate external additions or internal

reforms in structural materials and systems other than the rest of the building.
3.2.4 Engineering communications and logistics Ventilation

This is the renewal of air in the building by proper placement of holes,

passageways or ducts, the use of hollows or pressure created in the building by
wind, humidity or thermal convection of air, without the need for systems
associated with conventional energy consumption. The optimization of natural
ventilation is achieved by the flow of air circulating between windows located on
the oncoming and adjacent facades, and its effectiveness depends on the
temperature difference between incoming and outgoing air and the flow of
ventilation: the greater the difference and flow, the greater the cooling capacity.


Set a convenient orientation of windows and holes in relation to the prevailing

wind streams, which allows cross ventilation, especially in hot and moderate
weather, in accordance with the recommendations for climatic zones.

- It is right to design holes, observing minimum levels of ventilation; except for

tanks, garages and auxiliary bathrooms that can have ventilation through the

- Have a garden in a single-day home to optimize the use of natural drafts and
achieve thermal comfort in hot climates.

Designing and identifying passive control and control systems for airflow, barriers,
building alignment, jets and pipelines.

Reducing environmental impact by reducing the consumption of electricity used
for ventilator or air conditioning, resulting in savings of up to 25% of traditional
consumption in the residential sector, in warm and temperate areas, reducing
energy demand. This improves conditions for hydrothermal comfort in hot and
temperate climates by limiting the use of mechanical systems that increase
energy consumption. Indoor ventilation is a key condition for health and well-
being, as it prevents the concentration of gases, eliminates unpleasant odors,
removes dust particles and pollution suspended in the air, and reduces humidity
in the room, preventing the spread of fungi and bacteria. Electricity

Implementing natural interior lighting through holes such as doors, windows,

skylights, skylights and other devices that allow sunlight to transmit, dissipate and
reflect sunlight. Its optimal use is established when the visual organ is supplied
with sufficient light conditions in quantity, quality and distribution, creating an
adequate visual environment, meeting the lighting requirements for various
household activities. This criterion is applicable in all climatic zones established in
this study.

- Proper orientation of windows and holes that allow you to adjust natural light in
accordance with the recommendations.

-- You need to take into account the shape, size and location of the windows, as
well as the use of reflective surfaces to ensure a minimum level of lamp and
- Solar radiation control devices, cornices, shrubs or shadows that meet the
appropriate levels of lighting.

- Front (garden) and rear (yard) insulation, which allow to optimize the use of

- Identify and identify light coatings or paints or reflective surfaces to amplify and
conduct in internal spaces.


Energy carried by electromagnetic waves emanating from the sun and produced
by the absorption of light and solar heat. It is an energy source that has the
advantages of its inexhaustible, renewable nature and does not cause pollution in
production and use. The most common applications are water heating (thermal
energy) for home, industrial and recreational use using solar collectors and
generating electricity using solar photovoltaic panels (see annex 67)...


The introduction of solar collector technologies to capture radiation and convert

it into thermal energy, which is applicable in water heating and household
heating, taking into account the components of the system, as well as the
necessary spaces and infrastructure.

Introduction of photovoltaic power generation technologies using solar radiation.

- Establish and define structural, spatial, technical and aesthetic conditions for the
inclusion of this technology in construction.

Reducing the environmental impact caused by conventional generation,
transmission and distribution of electricity because it is generated at the same
place of consumption. Solar energy does not generate CO2 or other greenhouse
gas emissions, it is considered a clean energy generation technology. The use of
solar collectors and photovoltaic cells significantly reduces electricity
consumption and provides hot water throughout the day. In areas with high solar
radiation, electricity can be completely replaced with "self-sufficient housing" by
reducing dependence on public supply Water supply

Water is a natural resource that is currently scarce and which, in addition to what
is necessary for life, is for the vast majority of the activities we carry out; limited
and secure use. On the other hand, it is known that along with air they are the
most common means of disease transmission and infectious agents, so it is
important to monitor through disinfection procedures that eliminate any risk
associated with their consumption. The definition of drinking water refers to
water that can be consumed without restriction and does not pose a health risk
because it has undergone the process of purification. The term "drinking water" is
particularly the case with water that meets the quality standards set by the
authorities. The cost of drinking water is determined by a number of factors,
including: the obligation to process water for human consumption by a variety of
methods, from the simplest to the most complex, sustainable housing in rural
communities 42; the need to transport water from the source to the point where
it can be used by the population; the purpose of storing it during abundance for
use during the deficiency (see annex 66). . Sewerage

Install Hydra Sanitary Networks. The pipe fitting.

These activities involve the improvement of rural housing 33 and the installation
of the necessary hydraulic conductors for housing and its fittings in accordance
with the guidelines set out in section A NSR 10, the NTC 1500 plumbing code and
the accompanying planimetry; all elements must be made of PVC and PVCs,
depending on the circumstances, and the cleaner and welds used must meet the
technical standard. Marked places where there will remain exits for rushing
hydraulic points such as plumbing, sink, kitchen sink and, usually, other places
where terminal or exit is required, these points have recommended
measurements in relation to the floor level and the center of the device installed

-Supply and installation of the sink.

-Supply and installation of the shower.

-Sanitary supply and installation.

-Supply and installation of dishwasher.

Installing a septic system

As noted, this type of intervention is applied to homes that do not have access to
the municipal sewerage network because of their location, and individual cleaning
of household wastewater is more appropriate.

To build a 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm control box, you should follow the model

projects. Flexible solutions for the new country are 34 specifications and readings
described in the set planimetry. Supply and installation of fat trap, septic tank,
anaerobic filter and absorption well.

Chapter 3 findings

 Providing a comfortable temperature and humid mode inside the

apartment building is possible by creating courtyards, terraces, balconies
and loggias in the structure of the building, as well as the use of green
spaces in the yard area. It is necessary to organize a psychologically
comfortable aesthetic environment in the building.
 Ensuring normal insolation and favourable conditions for shading in rural
Colombia is rational to create with the help of landscaping yards and
village streets in the structure of the Colombian rural settlement; these
factors define the baseline parameters for the construction of low-rise
residential buildings, which define the optimal energy efficiencyindicators.
 On the other hand, these are materials commonly used in the architecture
of this place, which allows the use of local equipment and labor. White
wood is used for a supporting structure characterized by the durability and
ease of assembly and dismantling. Bamboo is selected for the facade and
building of the project, as it is a lightweight material that makes it easy to
transport and process.

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