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If I were to change a history that happened here in Philippines

is the time that Japan colonized our country, because the Philippines
had suffered great loss of life and tremendous physical destruction
by the time the war was over. An estimated 527,000 Filipinos, both
military and civilians, had been killed from all causes; of these
between 131,000 and 164,000 were killed in seventy-two war crime
events.I will change it by making alliance with them so they don’t
attack us. But the effect of this if I were to prevent the war is
something like this. The only time the Philippines was “colonized” by
Japan was during World War II, a period customarily referred to as the
Japanese Occupation. There was no attempt to introduce Japanese settlers -
they were all busy fighting - and only the most cursory attention given to
Japanese language, law, culture, etc. The years were terrible for most
Filipinos, who suffered great deprivation (to the point of famine in some
places), hardship, and insults to their persons and integrity; quite
possibly the worst three-year period in Philippine history. As always,
there were a few Filipinos who prospered then, some outright war
profiteers, others just being in the right place at the right time, but in
general Filipinos look back on the Occupation with horror, often to the
point of glorifying the “peacetime” before the war.

If Japan had not occupied the Philippines, it would presumably have

remained a base for the American military, well positioned to strike at
Japan’s lines of communications around Asia. This would have been highly
detrimental to the Japanese war effort, and they would probably have lost

Of course since this is “counterfactual” history, someone might

posit a scenario in which Japan did not occupy the Philippines BUT somehow
arranged it so that the Americans were also denied the use of the Islands .
. . but at this point we’re getting too far into the world of fantasy.

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