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Class-IV Subject- EVS MAX-MARKS:50
Q.1 Tick the correct answer: (5)
I. The hair on the body of animals is:
a. Clothes [ ] b. Fur [ ]
II. An animal with scales:
a. Fish [ ] b. Monkey [ ]
III. A group of lions is called:
a. Shoal [ ] b. Pride [ ]
IV. ______ is a non-flowering plant:
a. Fern [ ] b. Rose [ ]
V. Roots of which of the following plant are eaten:
a. Coconut [ ] b. Carrot [ ]
Q.2 True or False - (4)
a. We should only play during competitions. [ ]
b. Umpire make sure that players follow the rules of the game. [ ]
c. Woman can only become teachers. [ ]
d. It is important to love and respect the job we do. [ ]
Q.3 Fill in the blanks - (8)
a. We play games for fun and _________ .
b. Games can be ________ or ________ .
c. Different people use different _________ or _________ to do their work.
d. We should be __________ of the work we do.
e. The ears of _______ are in the form of holes on both sides of the head.
f. In a beehive, the ________ lays eggs.
Q.4 Question and Answers: (15)
I. What do you understand by fair play?
II. Write any four health benefits of Honey?
III.What are the different ways in which animals help humans?
IV. Mention the function of different parts of a Flower?
V. Difference between Tap root and Fibrous root?
Q.5 Name the Following: (10)
I. Leaf- like parts at the base of a Flower.
II. Plants having Aerial roots.
III. Plants in which food is stored in roots.
IV. Animals living in very cold regions.
V. Animals which eat both Plants and Animals.
VI. An oldest form of medical practice.
VII. A person who mends our shoes.
VIII. Indoor game known as “Shatranj”.
IX. One adventure Sport.
X. A farmer’s friend.
Q.6 Match The Following:- (8)
1.Tailor Female part
2. Sanjeev Kapoor A famous Dancer
3. Pt.Birju Maharaj A famous Chef
4. Marigold Cuts and stiches cloth.
5. Pistel Flowering Plant
6. Elephant Male part
7. Stamen 11 Players
8.Cricket Moving in group in jungle

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