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Regional Science And Technology Week An Bicol Regional

Contest And Exhibits

Last September 28 we had the chance to visit the exhibit. We went to Legazpi City
Convention Center and we were really amazed to all the inventions that we have never seen
before. I find it so helpful for us because it will engage us to be one of the best researcher
and for us to have an advance knowledge especially for us who are new to research.

Looking at all the inventions made me wonder how it was all made. I saw an
invention called “RxBox”, a locally developed telemedicine device capable of capturing
medical signals through built-in medical sensors and storing data is an electronic medical
record system, RxBox helps reduce maternal and child-birth mortality rate and helps
reduce the overall cost of healthcare. The second thing that I saw is the ‘OneLab”, it is the
one-stop laboratory services for global competitiveness (OneLab) is DOST’s platform that
comprehensively provides an avenue for costumers to meet their testing needs at single
touch point. The third thing the I learned is about Manufacturing and Fabrication
Laboratory (Manfablab) it is a community resource workshop featuring cutting edge
technology that can made almost any product from trivial key chains to indicate
motherboards through digital fabrication. The concept was originated from the
Massachasetts institute of technology center for Bits and Atom in collaboration with the
Grassroots invention group.

We all learned a lot from that day. We can also apply our new learnings from what
we saw in the exhibit to make our own research paper. It can also be a guide or we can put
to our related studies, who knows maybe one day we can be one of the famous inventors in
the world.
Here are some of the pictures of the inventions:

The RxBox

The robots

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