5 RULE 17..., pp.223-281

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Section 17.101. Storage Containers

A. Cylinders and pressure vessels shall be designed, constructed, tested, and

maintained in accordance \ internationally accepted standards.
B. Each cylinder pressure vessels, or group containers shall be mark with the
name of the gas contained in accordance with internationally accepted

Section 17.102. Cylinder Systems for Flammable Anesthetic

and Flammable Medical Gases

Cylinder containing flammable anesthetic and non-flammable medical gases, in

hospitals and similar facilities, s be stored, handled and used in accordance with
internationally accepted standards.

Section 17.103. Pipe Distribution System for Non-Flammable

Medical Gases

Pipe distribution system handling non-flammable medical gases in hospitals and

similar facilities shall be installed and used in accordance with internationally
accepted standards.

Section 17.104. Bulk Oxygen System Installed at Industrial and

Institutional Consumer Sites

Bulk oxygen located at industrial and institute consumer sites shall be installed in
accordance with internationally accepted standards.

Section 17.105. Storage and Use of Cylinders

All compressed gas cylinders in service or in storage shall be shut off, the valves
locked in closed position, and adequately secured to prevent falling or being knocked

Section 18.101. Scope.

This Rule shall apply to the storage, handling and transportation of cryogenic fluids
as hereinafter defined.

Section 18.102. Definitions.

Below ground container shall mean storage installation in which the maximum liquid
level in the container below the surrounding grade or below a backfill berm, which is
at least 1 feet wide at the top, and then slopes away from the container at natural
angle of repose or is retained 10 feet from the container by retaining wall, and
constructed of earth, concrete, solid masonry, < suitable material designed to prevent
the escape of liquid.

Container as used in this Rule shall mean any cryogenic vessel whether used for
transportation or storage.

Cryogenic fluids shall be defined as those fluids that have a normal boiling point
below – 200’F. (See Table No. 18,102)

Cryogenic vessel shall mean any pressure vessel, low-pressure tank, or atmospheric
tank on which venting, insulation, refrigeration or a combination of these, are
used in order to maintain the operating pressure within the design pressure, and the
contents in a liquid phase.

Cryogenic Inground Container shall mean a container in which the maximum liquid
level is below the normal surrounding grade and is instructed essentially of natural
materials, such as earth and rock and pendent upon the freezing of water-saturated
earth materials for its tightness or impervious nature.

Flammable Cryogenic Fluids shall mean those cryogenic fluids which are flammable
in their vapor state.

Safety factor shall mean the ratio of the design burst pressure to the maximum
working pressure and shall not be less than four.

System shall mean assembly of any equipment consisting of the container or

containers, appurtenances, pumps, compressor, and connecting piping. •

Section 18.103. Permits

A permit shall be obtained from the proper priority for the following:
1. Production, storage or sale of cryogenic fluids.
2. Transportation on the highway of flammable cryogenic fluids in excess of four
hundred fifty (450) liters.
3. Transportation on the highway of liquefied oxygen or cryogenic oxidizers in
four hundred fifty (450) liters.
4. Storage and transporting of non-flammable nontoxic cryogenic fluids in excess
of one thousand nine hundred (1,900) liters.
5. Storage or use of more than thirty eight (38) liters of liquefied oxygen,
flammable cryogenic fluids or cryogenic oxidizers.

NOTE: This Section shall not apply to vehicles properly equipped for and using
cryogenic fuels as the primary fuel for propelling the vehicle.

Section 18.104. Approval of Containers, Equipment and Devices.

A. All containers, equipment and devices used for the storage, handling and
transportation of cryogenic fluids shall be a type, material and
construction approved by the Chief of the Local Fire Service as suitable for
such use. Approval shall be based upon satisfactory evidence that the design,
construction and test are in accordance with nationally recognized
B, Containers, equipment or device which are not designed and instructed in
compliance with recognized standards may be approved by the Chief of the
Local Fire Service upon representation of satisfactory evidence that they are
designed and constructed for safe operation.
The following data shall be submitted to the Chief of the Local Fire Service with the
application for approval.

1. Type and use of container, equipment or device.

2. Material to be stored, handled, or transported.
3. Description showing dimensions and materials used in construction.
4. Design pressure, maximum operating pressure, and test pressure.
5. Type, size and setting of safety devices.
6. Such other data as the Chief of the Local Fire Service may request.

Section 18.105. Electrical Equipment.

A. Electrical installations and equipment shall conform to the provisions of-the

Electrical Code.
B. Lightning, including emergency lightning, shall be provided for fire protection
appliances and operating facilities such as walkways, control valves, and
gages, as may be required.

Section 18.106. Electrical Grounding or Bonding.

A. Containers, system, and equipment used for flammable cryogenic fluids shall
be grounded and/or bonded. Electrical grounding and/or bonding shall be
provided as required by NFPA Pamphlet No. 77, and the Philippine Electrical
Code. Suitable means shall be taken to protect the system against corrosion
including corrosion caused by stray electric currents.
B. Containers and systems containing cryogenic fluids under pressure are not
required to be equipped with lightning protection.

Section 18.107. Warning Labels.

Warning labels and signs shall be posted on containers and equipment and such as
locations as may be prescribe by the Chief of the Local Fire Service. (Refer also to
Rule 27).

Section 18.108. Dispensing Areas.

Dispensing of flammable cryogenic fluids, liquefied, or liquid oxidizers shall be only at

approved locations.


Section 18.201. Container Design, Construction and Testing.

A. Containers used for the storage and handling of cryogenic fluids shall be of
approved materials and design. Materials shall meet all requirements as set
forth in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code, or shall be proven by
test or listed in nationally recognized standards to have "suitable mechanical
properties for cryogenic use.
B. Metallic containers shall be built, inspected and tested in accordance with
applicable provisions set forth in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code,
or with applicable provision of API Standard 620, Recommended Rules for
Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks,
depending upon temperature and pressure of product stored.
C. Concrete containers shall be built in accordance with the applicable provisions
of the Building Code. Barrier materials used in connection with concrete but
not functioning structurally, shall be materials authorized by the ASME Unfired
Pressure Vessel Code.

Section. 18.202. Container Pressure Relief Devices.

A. All pressure containers shall be protected by a pressure relieving device or

devices. If only one pressure relief device is used, it shall be set to operate at
a pressure to exceed the maximum allowable working pressure. Additional
relief devices may be set to operate at a higher pressure but shall not exceed
110 percent of the maximum allowable working pressure.
B. Containers subject to an exposure fire hazard shall be protected by pressure
relieving devices designed to protect against excessive pressure caused by
fire exposure. Such devices shall be set to operate at a pressure not in excess
110 percent of the maximum allowable working pressure, and shall have a
relieving capacity sufficient to prevent the pressure from rising more than 20
percent above the maximum working pressure. If only one device is used, it
shall be set to operate at a pressure not to exceed the maximum allowable
working pressure.
C. Relief devices shall be located so that they are readily accessible for
inspection and repair and shall be protected against tampering. All relief
devices shall be so designed or located that moisture cannot collect and
freeze in a manner which would interfere with proper operation of the device.
D. No shutoff valves shall be installed between relief valves and container except
that shutoff valve may be used on multiple valve installations where the
arrangement of the valves will provide full required flow through the relief
devices at all times.
E. Outer containers shall be equipped with pressure and vacuum relief devices or
rupture disc to adequately protect the container.
F. Heat exchangers and similar vessels shall be protected with a relieving device
of sufficient capacity to avoid pressure in case of an internal failure.
G. Safety relief valves shall normally be mounted in a vertical position and shall
not be subjected to low temperature except when operating.

Section 18.203. Pressure Relief Vent Piping.

A. All relief vent piping shall have at least the area of the relief valve and so
arranged as not to unduly restrict the flow.
B. Relief devices and/or relief device vent shall be so arranged that escaping gas
will discharge unobstructed to the open air and not impinge on personnel,
containers, equipment and structures or enter enclosed spaces.
C. Vents shall be installed in such a manner as to exclude or remove moisture
and condensate, and to prevent malfunction due to the freezing or icing.
Drains shall be so installed as to prevent possible flame impingement on the
container, piping, equipment and structures.

Section 18.204. Insulation.

Insulation shall be non-combustible and shall be non-reactive with oxygen enriched


Section 18.205. Marking on Containers.

Each container shall be identified by the attachment of a nameplate in an accessible

place marked with the following information:

1. Builder's name and date built.

2. Nominal capacity, liters
3. Maximum allowable working pressure
4. Maximum permissible specific gravity of liquid to be stored.
5. Maximum level to which container may be filled with stored liquid.
6. Maximum level to which container may be filled with water for container was
7. Minimum temperature in degrees Celsius (Centigrade) for which container was

Section 18.206. Filling Limits.

A positive alarm or other approved device shall be provided to warn against



Section 18.301. Installation of Aboveground Containers.

A. Containers shall be provided with substantial concrete or masonry

foundations, or structural steel supports on firm concrete or masonry
foundations. Foundations and supports shall be of a material and design to
withstand the low temperature effects of cryogenic fluid spillage. Structural
steel supports, exceeding forty six (46) centimeters in height, or flammable
cryogenic fluid container shall be protected with protective costing having a
fire-resistance rating of two hours.
B. Horizontal containers shall be so mounted on foundations as to permit
expansion and contraction. Every container shall be supported to prevent the
concentration of excessive loads on the supporting portion of the shell. That
portion on the container in contact with foundation or saddles shall be
protected against corrosion.
C. Secure anchorage or elevation of container shall be provided in an area in
which may be subjected to flooding.
D. Storage containers, piping, valves, regulating equipment, and other
accessories shall be protected against physical damage and against
E. Containers shall be secured as may be necessary to prevent shifting or upset.

Section 18.302. Drainage, Dikes and Walls for Above-Ground Containers.

A. The area surrounding a container for cryogenic fluids shall be diked to prevent
accidental discharge of fluids from endangering adjacent containers, buildings
and equipment, adjoining property or reaching waterways. These provisions
may be altered or waived when determined by the Chief of the Local Fire
Service, that such container does not constitute a hazard, after consideration
of special features such as topographic conditions, nature of occupancy,
proximity to buildings on the same or adjacent property, capacity and
construction of containers and characters of fluids to be stored.
B. Where drainage system is utilized to provide the required protection, such
system shall comply with the following: Drainage shall be provided at a slope
of not less than one (1) percent away from the container towards an
impounding basin or an appropriate means of disposal having a capacity
equal to the container being served. This termination area and the route of the
drainage system shall be so located that a fire occurring in drainage system
will not seriously endanger adjacent containers or property.
C. Where diked areas are utilized to provide the required protection the following
shall apply:

1. More than one container may be installed in a single area provided:

(i) The usable volume of the enclosure shall at least one hundred
(100) percent of the capacity of the largest container enclosed,
(ii) Containers shall be elevated above grade so that cryogenic
liquid will not reach the outside container wall in the event of a
liquid spill, or
(iii) If cryogenic liquid can reach the outside container wall, the
material that can be wetted by spilled liquid shall be suitable for
use at the temperature of the liquid with the lowest normal boiling
within the enclosure.

2. Dike walls shall be of earth or other materials compatible to the fluid stored;
designed to be liquid tight, and to withstand thermal shock.
3. The dike and diked area shall be kept clear of all weeds, grass, and other
combustible material.
4. Containers of cryogenic fluids shall not be located within dikes enclosing
flammable or combustible liquid containers, LPG containers or compressed
gas containers.

Section 18.303. Location of Aboveground Containers with Respect to


A. A cryogenic fluid container or containers with an aggregate capacity in excess

of seven hundred fifteen thousand (715,000) liters and their loading stations
shall be located a minimum of fifteen (15) meters from building utilized for the
production of such fluids. Such container or containers and their loading
stations shall be located a minimum of thirty (30) meters from above ground
storage of flammable or noncombustible liquids and from any buildings of such
construction or occupancy which constitute an exposure hazard to a container
in the event of fire or explosion in said buildings. When the capacity is seven
hundred fifteen thousand (715,000) liters or less the distance required from
above ground storage of flammable or combustible liquids and buildings which
constitute an exposure hazard shall be based upon the capacity of the
container or containers and the physical features of the installation with three
(3) meters being the minimum distance allowed.
B. The minimum distance from the edge of a flammable cryogenic container
having a capacity in excess of seven hundred fifteen thousand (715,000)
liters, to the nearest important building or group of buildings not associated
with the cryogenic liquid plant, or to the property line of public way shall be
sixty (60) meters and in no case shall the distance from the dike surrounding
the container or the distance from a drainage area to be less than thirty (30)
meters from the nearest important building or group of buildings or the
property line or public way.
C. Containers and equipment used in the storage and handling of liquid oxygen
shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No. 566.
D. A flammable cryogenic fluid container with a capacity of seven hundred fifteen
thousand (715,000) liters or less but more than eleven thousand (11,000) liters
shall be located not less than thirty (30) meters from the nearest important
building or group of buildings not associated with the cryogenic liquid plant or
the property line or public way and in no case shall be the distance from a dike
surrounding the container or the distance from a drainage area be less than
thirty (30) meters from the nearest important building or group of buildings or
the property line or public way.
E. A flammable cryogenic fluid container with a capacity of eleven thousand
(11,000) liters or less shall be located in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No.
Section 18.304. Installation of Belowground Concrete Containers.

A. Belowground concrete containers shall be installed on foundation or supports

of concrete, masonry piling, steel or a suitable foundation of aggregate which
shall have been designed and constructed in accordance with the Building
B. The container storage area shall be fenced or otherwise protected. A minimum
of two (2) access openings shall be provided and they shall be of sufficient
size of accommodate emergency equipment.

Section 18.305. Installation of Cryogenic Inground Containers.

A. Natural materials such as earth shall be proven to have adequate chemical

and physical properties for the construction and operation of the container at
the operating temperature.
B. Containers shall be bottomed out in material naturally impermeable or made
impermeable by artificial means.
C. Any foundation, such as those for the superstructure of roof, shall be properly
designed and constructed in accordance with the Building Code.
D. The container storage area shall be fenced or otherwise protected where
necessary. A minimum of two (2) access openings shall be provided and they
shall be of sufficient size to accommodate emergency equipment.

Section 18.306. Location of Belowground and Inground Containers with

Respect to Exposure.

The minimum distance from the edge of belowground and inground flammable
cryogenic containers to the nearest important building, property line or public way
from aboveground flammable or combustible liquid shall be in accordance with the
following table.
a. Less than one thousand nine
hundred (1,900) liters b.One thousand nine hundred
(1,900) liters to three
thousand eight hundred
(3,800) liters c. Over three thousand eight
hundred (3,800) liters
a. One hundred fifty five (155) centimeters
b. Seven and three-fourth (7.75) meters
c. Fifteen and a half (15.5) meters.

Section 18.401. Piping, Materials and Construction

A. All piping and materials such as gaskets, thread compound, etc., shall be
suitable for the intended use through the full range of pressure and
temperature to which they will be subjected, maintaining a safety factor of four
to one.
B. The piping system shall be designed and constructed to provide adequate
allowance for expansion, contraction, vibration, settlement, and fire exposure.
C. Joints on all container piping and tubing over five (5) centimeters nominal
diameter shall be made by welding or with welded flanges.
D. Piping outside buildings may be either buried or aboveground. In either case,
it shall be well supported and protected against physical damage and
E. All piping and tubing shall be tested after installation, at not less than one and
one-half (1-1/2) times hydraulically or one and one fourth (1-1/4) times
pneumatically the maximum working pressure and proven free of leaks.

Section 18.402. Valves and Accessory Equipment.

A. All valves and equipment shall be suitable for the intended use at the
temperature of the application and shall be designed for not less than the
maximum pressure and the minimum temperature to which they may be
subjected, maintaining a safety factor and four (4) to one (1).
B. Shutoff valves shall be provided on all container connections. Shutoff valves
shall be located as close as practicable to the container.
C. All liquids and vapor connections on flammable cryogenic fluid containers,
except relief and gaging connections over twelve (12) millimeters pipe size
shall be equipped with check valves, or remotely controlled automatic, quick-
closing valve shall remain closed except during operating periods.
D. Shutoff valves shall be installed in the piping system as needed to limit the
volume of liquids discharged in event of piping or equipment failure Relief
valves shall be installed between shutoff valves in all pipelines.
E. All inlet and outlet connections except relief valves, liquid level gaging devices,
and pressure gages on any container shall be labeled to designate whether
they are connected to vapor or liquid space.

Section 18.501. Vehicles.

Vehicles transporting cryogenic fluids and subject to requirements of this code shall:

1. Be labeled at the front, rear and on each side identifying the product.
Labels/placards shall have letter not less than four (4) inches high using
approximately a five-eight (5/8) inch stroke. Abbreviations shall not be used.
(i) In addition to the label/placard identifying the product, vehicles
shall also bear:


2. Be equipped with not less than one (1) approved type fire extinguisher,
minimum rating 20-B, C; and
3. Be equipped with adequate check blocks.

Section 19.101. Definition.

The term "dust" as used in this Rule mean dust which, if mixed with air in the proper
proportions, become explosive and may be ignited by a flame or spark or other
source of ignition.

Section 19.102. Permit Required.

No person shall operate any grain elevator, flour, starch or feed mill; or plant
pulverizing aluminum, coal, cocoa, magnesium, spices, or other material producing
dust as defined in Section 19.101 without a permit from the Director General or his
duly authorized representative.

Section 19.103. General Requirements.

A. All dust-producing or dust-agitating machinery such as grinding mills and

separators and all elevators, elevator legs, spouts hopper and other conveyors
shall be provided with casing or enclosures maintained as nearly dust-tight as
B. Approved magnetic or pneumatic separators shall be installed ahead of all
shellers, crackers, crushers, grinding machines, pulverizers and similar
machines in which the entrance of metallic or other foreign materials may
cause sparks to be generated.
C. Suitable dust collecting equipment shall be installed and accumulation of dust
shall be kept at a minimum in the interior of buildings.
D. All machinery and metal parts of the crushing, drying, pulverizing and
conveying system shall be electrically grounded.
E. Smoking and the carrying of matches, the use of heating or other devices
employing an open flame, or use of any spark producing equipment is
prohibited in areas containing dust-producing or dust-agitating operators.
Artificial lighting in such areas shall be by electricity with all wiring and
electrical equipment installed with the provisions of the Electrical Code.
F. Properly designed and located vents equipped with explosion proof exhaust
fans which will relieve the pressure resulting from dust accumulation or an
explosion and prevent or reduce damage to buildings or equipment, shall be
required in all buildings where flammable or explosive dusts are
manufactured, processed or generated. The design and amount of such
equipment shall be in accordance with internationally accepted standards or
NFPA Pamphlet No. 68, "Explosion Venting".
G. Static electricity shall be removed from all machinery and other component'
parts by permanent grounds and/or bonds. The design and amount of such
equipment shall be accordance with internationally accepted standards or
NFPA Pamphlet No.77, "Static Electricity."

Section 20.101. Scope.

This Rule apply to the manufacture, possession, storage, handling, sale,

transportation, and use of explosives and blasting agents.

Section 20.102. Exceptions.

A. Nothing in this Rule shall be construed as applying to:

(1) The Armed Forces of the Philippines

(2) The transportation and use of explosives, ammunition, or blasting
agents by the Bureau of Mines, the National Bureau of Investigation,
the Police and Fire Service acting in their official capacity.

Section 20.103. Bond Required for Blasting.

Before permit to do blasting as required under this Rule shall be issued, the applicant
for such a permit shall file a bond or a policy of insurance deemed adequate in each
case by the Chief of Constabulary, which bond or policy of insurance shall become
available for the payment of any damages arising from the permitted blasting.

Section 20.104. General Requirements.

A. The manufacture of explosives or blasting agents shall be prohibited unless

such manufacture is authorized by the Chief of Constabulary.
B. The storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited within the limit
established by law as the limits of the district in which such storage is to be
prohibited; except for temporary storage for use in connection with approved
blasting operations; provided, however, this prohibition shall not apply to
wholesale and retail stock of small arms ammunition, explosive bolts,
explosive rivets or cartridges for explosive-actuated power tools in quantities
involving less than two hundred twenty seven (227 kg) kilograms of explosive
C. The Chief of constabulary may limit the quantity of explosives or blasting
agents to be permitted at any location.
D. No person shall possess, offer to sale, sell, or display, explosives or blasting
agents at any location not authorized by a permit issued by the Chief of


Section 20.201 Storage of Explosives.

A. Explosives, including special industrial high explosive materials, shall be

stored in magazines which meet the requirement of this Rule.
B. Magazines shall be in the custody of a competent person at all times. The
Custodian shall be at least twenty one (21 yrs.) of age and shall be held
responsible for compliance with all safety precautions.
C. Smoking, matches, open flames, spark producing devices, and firearms shall
be prohibited inside or within fifteen (15m) meters. Combustible materials shall
not be stored within fifteen (15m) meters of magazine.
D. The land surrounding magazines shall be kept clear or brush, dried grass,
leaves, trash and debris for a distance of at least fifteen (15m) meters.
E. Magazines shall be kept locked except when being inspected or when
explosives are being placed therein or removed therefrom.
F. Magazines shall be kept clean, dry and free of grit, paper, empty packages
and rubbish.
G. Magazines shall not be provided with other than approved artificial heat or
light. Approved electric safety flashlights or safety lanterns may be used.
H. Blasting caps, electric blasting caps, detonating primers and primed cartridges
shall not be stored in the same magazine with other explosives.
I. Magazines shall be of two types, namely: Class I and Class II. (Refer to
Sec.20.203 and Sec.20.204)
J. Storage of explosives in quantities exceeding forty five and a half (45.5) kilos
shall be in class I magazine, except that a Class II magazines may be used for
temporary storage of a larger quantity of explosives at the site of blasting
operations where such amount constitutes not more than one day's supply for
use in current operations. At the end of the day's operations any remaining
explosives shall be destroyed or returned to a Class I magazine.
K. Storage of explosive quantities of forty five and a half (45.5) kilos
or less shall be in Class I or Class II magazines, except that explosive in any
quantity when stored in remote locations shall be in Class I, bullet resistant
magazines. .
L. Class I and Class II magazines shall be located away from inhabited buildings,
passenger railways, public highways and other magazines in conformity with
the provisions of the Table of Distance Storage of Explosives, Table
No.20.201 except as provided in paragraph "M" of Sec.20.203.

TABLE NO.20.201

KILOS KILOS From From From Separatio
Inhibited Passenger Public of
Building Railways Highways Magazine
1 3 21 10 9 1.8 .-J
3 5 27 11 11 2.4 1
5 9 34 14 14 3.0 f
9 13 38 15 15 3.4 1
13 18 43 17 17 3.7 ]
18 23 46 18 18 4.3 |
23 34 52 21 21 4.6
34 45 60 23 23 4.9
45 57 61 24 24 5.5
57 68 65 26 26 5.8
91 T14 78 32 32 7.0
1.14 136 82 34 34 7.3
136 182 90 37 37 8.2
182 227 98 40 40 8.8
227 273 104 41 41 9.5 '
273 313 108 44 44 9.8
318 364 114 46 46 10.1
364 4 0 9 1 1 9 4 7 4 7 1 0 . 7

4 0 9 4 5 5 1 2 2 4 9 4 9 1 1 . 0

4 5 5 5 4 5 1 3 0 5 2 5 0 1 1 . 9

3 4 5 5 3 6 1 3 7 5 5 5 2 1 2 . 5

6 3 6 7 2 7 1 4 3 5 8 5 3 1 3 . 1

7 2 7 8 1 8 1 4 9 5 9 5 5 1 3 . 4

8 1 8 9 0 9 1 5 4 6 3 5 6 1 3 . 7

9 0 9 1 1 3 5 1 6 5 6 7 5 8 1 4 . 9

1 1 3 5 1 3 6 4 1 7 4 7 2 5 9 1 5 . 9

1 3 6 4 1 8 1 8 1 9 4 7 8 6 4 1 7 . 7

1 8 1 8 2 2 7 3 2 0 9 8 4 6 9 1 8 . 6

2 2 7 3 2 7 2 7 2 2 3 9 0 7 2 1 9 . 8

2 7 2 7 3 1 8 2 2 3 5 9 5 7 5 2 0 . 7

3 1 8 2 3 6 3 6 2 4 4 9 8 7 6 2 2 . 0

3 6 3 6 4 0 9 1 2 5 5 1 0 2 7 8 2 2 . 9

4 0 9 1 4 5 4 5 2 6 4 1 0 5 7 9 2 3 . 8

4 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 2 6 7 1 1 3 8 2 2 5 . 0

5 4 5 5 6 3 6 4 2 7 0 1 1 9 8 4 2 6 . 5

6 3 6 4 7 2 7 3 2 7 4 1 2 4 8 5 2 7 . 4

7 2 7 3 3 1 8 2 2 8 7 1 2 8 8 7 2 8 . 7

8 1 8 2 9 0 9 1 2 8 7 1 3 3 8 8 2 9 . 9

9 0 9 1 1 1 3 6 4 3 2 2 1 4 3 9 6 3 2

1 1 3 6 4 1 3 6 3 6 3 4 5 1 5 2 1 0 4 3 4

1 3 6 3 6 1 5 9 0 9 3 6 7 1 6 0 1 1 0 3 6

1 5 9 0 9 1 8 1 8 2 3 8 9 1 6 8 1 1 6 3 8

1 8 1 8 2 2 0 4 5 5 4 0 9 1 7 4 1 2 2 3 9

2 0 4 5 5 2 2 7 2 7 4 2 7 1 8 0 1 2 8 4 1

2 2 7 2 7 2 5 0 0 0 4 4 5 1 8 6 1 3 4 4 3

2 5 0 0 0 2 7 2 7 3 4 6 2 1 9 2 1 3 9 4 4

2 7 2 7 3 2 9 5 4 5 4 7 7 1 9 7 1 4 3 4 6

2 9 5 4 5 3 1 8 1 8 4 9 1 2 0 1 1 4 8 4 7

3 1 8 1 8 3 4 0 9 1 5 0 5 2 0 6 1 5 2 4 9

3 4 0 9 1 3 6 3 6 4 5 1 7 2 1 0 1 5 6 5 0

3 6 3 6 4 3 8 6 3 6 5 2 7 2 1 5 1 5 9 5 2

3 8 6 3 6 4 0 9 0 9 5 3 7 2 2 0 1 6 2 5 3

4 0 9 0 9 4 3 1 8 2 5 4 6 2 2 3 1 6 5 5 5

4 3 1 8 2 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 7 1 6 6 " 5 6

4 5 4 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 5 9 2 3 5 1 6 8 6 0

5 0 0 0 0 5 4 5 4 5 5 6 6 2 4 1 1 6 9 6 3

5 4 5 4 5 5 9 0 9 1 5 7 2 2 4 7 1 7 1 6 6

5 9 0 9 1 6 3 6 3 6 5 7 6 2 5 5 1 7 2 6 9

6 3 6 3 6 6 8 1 8 2 5 7 9 2 5 9 1 7 4 7 5
68182 7 2 7 2 7 5 9 0 2 6 5 • 1 7 7 7 7

7 2 7 2 7 7 7 2 7 3 5 9 9 2 7 1 1 8 0 7 8

7 7 2 7 3 8 1 8 1 8 6 0 7 2 7 6 1 8 3 8 1

8 1 8 1 8 8 6 3 6 4 6 1 3 2 8 0 1 8 5 8 4

8 6 3 6 4 9 0 9 0 9 6 1 9 2 8 5 1 8 6 8 7

9 0 9 0 9 9 5 4 5 5 6 2 7 2 9 1 1 8 9 9 0

9 5 4 5 5 1 0 4 5 4 5 6 4 0 2 9 9 1 9 4 9 6

1 0 4 5 4 5 1 1 3 6 3 6 6 5 7 3 0 8 1 9 8 1 0 2

1 1 3 6 3 6 1 2 5 0 0 0 6 7 5 3 1 7 2 0 4 1 1 0

1 2 5 0 0 0 1 3 6 3 6 4 6 9 4 3 2 8 2 1 0 1 1 7

M . A t t h e s i t e o f b l a s t i n g o p e r a t i o n s , a d i s t a n c e o f a t l e a s t t h i r t y a n d a h a l f ( 3 0 . 5 )

m e t e r s s h a l l b e m a i n t a i n e d b e t w e e n C l a s s I m a g a z i n e s a n d t h e b l a s t a r e a .

C l a s s I I m a g a z i n e s s h a l l b e k e p t a t l e a s t f o r t y f i v e a n d e i g h t - t e n t h s ( 4 5 . 8 m )

m e t e r s f r o m t h e b l a s t a r e a w h e n t h e q u a n t i t y o f e x p l o s i v e s t e m p o r a r i l y k e p t

t h e r e i n i s i n e x c e s s o f e l e v e n a n d f o u r - t e n t h s ( 1 1 . 4 k ) k i l o s a t l e a s t f i f t e e n a n d

o n e - f o u r t h ( 1 5 . 4 5 m ) m e t e r s w h e n t h e q u a n t i t y o f e x p l o s i v e s i s e l e v e n a n d

f o u r - t e n t h s ( 1 1 . 4 k ) k i l o s .

N . P a c k a g e s o f e x p l o s i v e s s h a l l n o t b e u n p a c k e d o r r e p a c k e d i n a m a g a z i n e n o r

w i t h i n f o r t y f i v e a n d e i g h t - t e n t h s ( 4 5 . 8 ) m e t e r s o f a m a g a z i n e o r i n c l o s e

p r o x i m i t y t o o t h e r e x p l o s i v e s . O p e n e d p a c k a g e s o f e x p l o s i v e s s h a l l b e

s e c u r e l y c l o s e d b e f o r e b e i n g r e t u r n e d t o a m a g a z i n e .

O . M a g a z i n e s s h a l l n o t b e u s e d f o r t h e s t o r a g e o f a n y m e t a l s t o o l s n o r ! a n y

c o m m o d i t y e x c e p t e x p l o s i v e s , b l a s t i n g a g e n t s a n d o x i d i z e r s u s e d i n

c o m p o u n d i n g b l a s t i n g a g e n t s . T h e q u a n t i t y o f b l a s t i n g a g e n t s a n d o x i d i z e r s

s h a l l b e i n c l u d e d w h e n c o m p u t i n g t h e t o t a l q u a n t i t y o f e x p l o s i v e s f o r

d e t e r m i n i n g d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s .

P . W h e n a n e x p l o s i v e s h a s d e t e r i o r a t e d t o a n e x t e n t t h a t i t i s a n u n s t a b l e o r

d a n g e r o u s c o n d i t i o n s , o f i f n i t r o g l y c e r i n l e a k s f r o m a n y e x p l o s i v e , t h e n t h e

p e r s o n i n p o s s e s s i o n o f s u c h e x p l o s i v e s s h a l l i m m e d i a t e l y r e p o r t f a s t t o t h e

C h i e f o f t h e L o c a l F i r e S e r v i c e , a n d u p o n h i s a u t h o r i z a t i o n s h a l l p r o c e e d t o

d e s t r o y s u c h e x p l o s i v e s a n d c l e a n f l o o r s t a i n t e d w i t h n i t r o g l y c e r i n i n

a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s o f t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r . O n l y e x p e r i e n c e d

p e r s o n s s h a l l d o t h e w o r k o f d e s t r o y i n g e x p l o s i v e s .

Section 20.202. Gunpowder.

A. The Chief of the Local Fire Service may authorized the storage of smokeless
powder not to exceed forty five and one half (45.5) kilos black sporting powder
not to exceed two and three-tenths (2.3 k) kilos and small arms primers to
exceed twenty thousand, (20,000) in approved establishments. Smokeless
powder exceeding nine and one-tenth (9.1 k) kilos shall be stored in an
approved Class I magazine. Black sporting powder, when authorized, shall be
stored in an approved Class II magazine. Small arms primers shall be stored
in a manner prescribed by the Chief of the local Fire Service.
B. The display or smokeless powder shall only be in original containers and shall
not exceed nine and a half (9.5 k) kilos.
C. Small arms primers shall not be stored or displayed with smokeless powder or
other explosives.
D. Smokeless powder shall not be repacked except in original type containers
and repacking shall only be permitted in locations designated and approved by
the Chief of the local Fire Service.
E. The repacking of black sporting powder shall not be permitted.

Section 20.203. Class I Magazine.

A. A magazine may be a building or excavation, tunnel or iglee, or military-type

magazine or a portable magazine constructed as required in this Section.
B. Class I magazines shall be bullet resistant, fire resistant, weatherproof, theft
resistant and well ventilated.

Exception: Magazines used for the storage of blasting agents.

Class B and Class C explosives seed not be bullet resistant.

C. Building-type magazines shall be constructed of masonry, wood, metal or a

combination of these materials when bullet resistance is required.

1. Masonry units not less than two hundred three (203 mm.) millimeters in
thickness with all hollow spaces filled with concrete, well tamped sand,
or equivalent material, or
2. Reinforced concrete not less than one hundred fifty two (152 mm.)
millimeters in thickness, or
3. Steel walls of one and nine-tenths (1.9 mm.) millimeters thickness may
be used, provided there are two layers spaced at least fifteen and two-
tenths (15.2 cm) centimeters apart with all hollow spaces filled with
concrete, well tamped sand or equivalent material, or
4. One layer of four and nine-tenths (4.9 mm.) millimeters or heavier steel,
line on the interior with a minimum of ten and two-tenths (10.2 cm)
centimeters of wood, or
5. Two layers of four and nine-tenths (4.9 mm.) millimeters or heavier
steel/spaced a minimum of thirteen (13) millimeters apart and line on
the interior with a minimum of fifty one (51 mm) millimeters of wood, or
6. Two layers of wood, at least fifty one (51 mm) millimeters nominal
thickness each, spaced a minimum of ten and two-tenths (10.2 cm)
centimeters apart with the hollow spaces filled with concrete, well
tamped sand, or equivalent material.
7. Portable magazines, containing explosives constructed prior to the
effective date of those orders, which do not meet these minimum
requirements, may be continued in use provided sides and ends are
protected by a layer of sandbags to the height of the caves, or by other
equally effective I means. The roof shall also be protected when the
magazine is located] where it is possible to fire a bullet directly through
it into the explosives stored j inside.

NOTE: Any sheeting used shall be tongue and groove lumber of


D. Doors shall be bullet-resistant construction and shall be equipped with

substantial and adequate means of locking. Locking devices shall be provided
with protectors to minimize the possibility of tampering.
E. Floors of magazines shall be securely fastened in place and shall be capable
of withstanding the loads imposed.
F. The roofs and exterior sides of building-type magazines may be of wood
construction covered with metal not less than four tenths (0.4 mm) millimeters
thick. Roofs of building-type magazines located where it is possible to fire a
bullet would strike the explosives therein, shall be constructed according to
Section 20.203 (c), or equipped with a sand tray located at ; the caves line and
covering the entire magazine ceiling area except that necessary for ventilation.
Sand in the sand tray shall be maintained at a depth of not less than ten point
two (10,2 cm) centimeters.
G. Magazines shall be ventilated to minimize dampness and heating of stored
explosives. Ventilation openings shall be screened with 14 protected in a
manner that will maintain the bullet resistance of the magazine.
H. Magazine interiors shall have a smooth finish with all nails, screws, bolts, and
nuts countersunk or blinded.
I. The approaches to magazines shall be provided with warning signs reading
"EXPLOSIVES - KEEP OFF" in red letters not less than ten (10 cm) cen-
timeters in height and a stroke of at least one and a half (1.5) centimeters. The
lettering shall be imposed upon a white background. Location of signs shall be
within thirty point five (30.5 m) meters of the magazine and so placed that a
bullet through the sign will not strike the magazine.
J. Post an additional warning sign on the door with the letters not less than five
(5 cm) centimeters in height and a/stroke of six and four-tenths (6.4 mm)
millimeters on a contrasting background reading. "EXPLOSIVES, DAN-

Section 20.204. Class II Magazines.

A. Class II magazines shall be constructed of wood, metal, fiber, or a

combination thereof, or any equivalent construction.
B. Class II magazines shall be constructed as follows:

1. Five (5 cm) centimeters nominal thickness lumber covered on the

exterior with at least nine-tenths (0.9 mm) millimeters thickness of steel,
2. Two thickness of twenty five and four-tenths (25.4 mm) millimeters
plywood covered on the exterior with minimum steel at least nine-tenths
(0.9 mm) millimeters thick.
3. Fiber equal in strength to wood as indicated in 1 and 2 above covered
on the exterior with a minimum of nine-tenths (0.9 mm) millimeters
thickness of steel, or
4. Steel at least one and nine-tenths (1.9 mm) millimeters thick, line on the
interior with one layer of three (3 cm) centimeters thick plywood, or
5. Material of equal length and fire resistance.

C. Class II magazines containing explosives and located in buildings shall be

located for easy removal in case of fire.
D. Class II magazines shall be painted red and when size permits shall bear
lettering in white on sides and top, at least seventy five (75 mm) millimeters
high with a thirteen (13 mm) millimeters wide which reads, "EXPLOSIVES."
E. Class II magazines containing explosives, left at locations where no one is in
attendance, shall be adequately secured to prevent their theft.

Section 20.205. Use and Handling of Explosives.

A. Blasting operations shall be conducted during daylight hours except when

authorized at other times by the Chief of Fire Service.
B. The handling and firing of explosives shall only be performed by the person
possessing a valid Explosives Unit, or by employees under his direct personal
supervision who are at least 18 years of age.
C. No person shall handle explosives while under the influence of intoxicants or
D. No person shall smoke or carry matches while handling explosives or while in
the vicinity thereof.
E. No open flame light shall be used in the vicinity of explosives.
F. Whenever blasting is being conducted in the vicinity of gas, electric, water, fire
alarm, telephone, telegraph or steam utilities, the blaster shall notify the
appropriate representative of such utilities at least twenty four (24 hrs.) in
advance of blasting, specifying the location and intended time of such blasting.
In an emergency, this time limit may be waived by the Chief of Fire Service.
G. Blasting operations shall be conducted in accordance with internationally
recognized good practice.
H. Before a blast is fired, the person in charge shall make certain that 1 all
surplus explosives are in a safe place, all persons and vehicles are at a safe
distance or under sufficient cover, and a loud warning signal has been •;
I. Due precautions shall be taken to prevent accidental discharge of electric
blasting caps from current induced by radio or radar transmitters, lightning,
adjacent power lines, dust storms, or other sources of extraneous • electricity.

These precautions shall include:

1. The suspension of all blasting operations and removal of persons from

the blasting are during the approach and progress of an electrical
2. The posting of signs warning against the use of mobile radio trans-
mitters on all roads within one hundred seven (107 m) meters of the
blasting operations.
3. Compliance with internationally recognized good practice when blasting
within two and a half (2.5 km) kilometers of broadcast or high power
short wave transmitters.

J. When blasting is done in a congested area or in close proximity to a building,

structure, railway, highway or any other installation that may be damaged by
material being thrown into the air, the blast shall be covered with an adequate
blasting mat.
K. Tools used for opening packages of explosives shall be constructed of
nonsparking materials.
L. Empty boxes and paper and fiber packing materials which have previously
contained high explosives shall not be used again for any purpose, but shall
be disposed of in a manner approved by the Chief of Fire Service.
M. Explosives shall not be abandoned.


Section 20.301. Transportation of Explosives.

A. Explosives shall not be carried or transported in or upon a public conveyance

or vehicle carrying passengers for hire.
B. Vehicles used for transporting explosives shall be strong enough to carry the
load without difficulty and shall be in good mechanical condition. If vehicles do
not have a closed body, the explosives shall be covered with a flame-proof
and moisture-proof tarpaulin or other effective protection against moisture and
sparks. Such vehicles shall have tight floors, and exposed spark-producing
metal on the inside of the body shall be covered with wood or other
nonsparking material to prevent contact with packages or explosives.
Packages of explosive shall not be loaded above the sides of open-body
C. The attachment of any type of trailer behind a truck, a motor tractor-semi-
trailer, or truck-full trailer combination transporting explosives is prohibited.
Explosives shall not be transported on any pole trailer.
D. Every vehicles, when used for transporting explosives, shall be equipped with
not less than one approved type of fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of
2A, 12B, C or two approved type of fire extinguishers one of which shall have
a minimum rating of 2A and the other a minimum rating of 126, C.
Extinguishers shall be so located as to be readily available for use.
E. It shall be the duty of the person to whom a permit has been issued to
transport explosives over the highways to inspect those vehicles employed by
him to determine that:

1. Fire extinguishers are filled and in operating condition.

2. Electric wires are insulated and securely fastened.
3. The motor, chassis, and body are reasonably clean and free of ex-
cessive grease and oil.
4. The fuel tank and fuel line are securely fastened and the mechanisms
are functioning properly.
5. Brakes, lights, horn, windshield wipers and steering mechanisms are
functioning properly.
6. Tires are properly inflated and free of defects.
7. Spark producing metal or spark producing metal tools shall not be
carried in the body of a vehicle transporting explosives.

G. Only those dangerous articles authorized to be loaded with explosives by

Constabulary regulations shall be carried in the body of a vehicle transporting
H. No person shall smoke, carry matches, or any other flame producing devices,
or carry any firearms or loaded cartridges while in or near a vehicle
transporting explosives, or drive, load; or unload, any such vehicle in a
careless or reckless manner. Where an armed escort is deemed necessary in
view of the local conditions such escort shall be board separate vehicles which
shall not travel at a distance closer than twenty (20 m) meters to the
explosives carrier.
I. Vehicles transporting explosives shall be in the custody of drivers who are
physically fit, careful, capable, reliable, able to read and write the Philippine
and English language, not addicted to the use or under the influence of
intoxicants or narcotics, and not less than twenty one (21) years of age. They
shall be familiar with national and municipal traffic regulations, and the
provisions of this Rule governing the transportation of explosives.
J. Every vehicle transporting explosives shall be marked or labeled on both sides
and rear with the word "EXPLOSIVES" in letters not less than eight (8 cm)
centimeters high a contrasting background.
K. Blasting caps, or electric blasting caps, shall not be marked or labeled over
the highways on the same vehicles with other explosives, except by
permission of the Chief of Constabulary or his authorized representative. J
L. Vehicle transporting explosives travelling in the same direction shall; not be
given within one hundred (100 m) meters of each other.
M. Vehicles transporting explosives shall be routed to avoid congested traffic and
densely populated areas.
N. Explosives shall not be transported through any vehicular tunnel or subway
open to traffic.
O. Vehicles transporting explosives shall not be left unattended at any time within
inhabited or populated areas.
P. Unauthorized persons shall not ride vehicles transporting explosives.
Q. The Fire and Police Service of the Integrated National Police shall be promptly
notified when a vehicle transporting explosives is involved in an accident,
breaks down, or catches fire. ln the event of such emergency, the transfer of
explosives from any vehicle to another vehicle be allowed on highways, unless
qualified supervision has been provided. Except in such an emergency, a
vehicle transporting explosives shall not be parked before reaching its
destination on highways, within a municipality, or adjacent to or in proximity to
any bridge, dwelling, building, or place where people work, congregate or
R. Delivery shall only be made to authorized persons into approved magazines or
approved temporary storage or handling area.
S. Vehicle containing explosives shall not be taken into a garage, or repair shop,
for repairs or storage.

Section. 20.302 Explosives and Blasting Agents at Terminals.

A. The Chief of Constabulary may designate the location and specify the
maximum quantity of explosives or blasting agents which may be loaded,
unloaded, reloaded or temporarily retained at each terminal where such
operations are permitted.
B. Shipments of explosives or blasting agents delivered to carriers shall comply
with regulations issued by the Chief of Constabulary or his authorized
C. Carriers shall immediately notify the Chief of Constabulary or his authorized
representative when explosives or blasting agents are received at terminals.
D. Carriers shall immediately notify the Chief of Constabulary or his authorized
representative when explosives or blasting agents are removed from
E. Truck terminals where explosives are loaded, unloaded or transferred shall
conform to the following regulations:

1. There shall be no above-ground storage tanks of flammable or com-

bustible liquids or other hazardous substance on the terminal proper or
on immediate adjoining property which would present a significant
exposure hazard.
2. There shall be no structures or occupancies on immediately adjoining
property which would constitute a serious exposure hazard to the termi-
3. The terminal property shall be sufficiently large that deck or vehicle
storage areas containing explosives shall be a minimum of fifteen (15m)
meters from any structure on adjoining property.
4. Adequate access to adjoining streets shall be provided to and from the
terminal property. Local routes between terminal and deviations from
approved routes shall be prescribed by the Chief of the Local Fire
5. Explosives shall be kept in vehicles to the greatest extent possible.
During transferring or leading operations, the explosives should remain
on the ground or on decks for as short a time as possible.
6. Specific areas of decks shall be designated by the Chief of Con-
stabulary or his duly authorized representative for the temporary
"storage" of explosives during loading or transferring operations. A
minimum distance shall be specified and maintained between this
designated area and all other materials on the deck. Combustible
liquids shall be kept at the greatest possible distance from this
designated area.
7. At all times, a watchman or guard shall be on the duty on the terminal
property, and he shall be capable of driving all equipment in the area.
At times when there are a substantial number of vehicles carrying
explosives in the terminal, additional persons capable of driving shall be
8. Adequate security against unauthorized entry of persons into terminal
shall be provided. In urban and semi-urban areas, this will require a
fence and adequate gates.
9. The terminal shall be adequately lighted for normal observation of all
vehicles containing explosives.
10. Adequate fire protection appliances shall be provided on the loading
deck near the designated explosives area and near parked vehicles.
11. A specific area of the terminal property shall be designated for vehicles
containing explosives.
12. Vehicles containing any special inherent hazard, such as refrigeration
equipment, shall be kept separated from the area designed for the
parking of explosives vehicle.
13. Shipments of explosives shall be transported without unnecessary
delay, keeping the explosives in the terminal an absolute minimum
length of time, not to exceed forty eight (48 hrs.) hours.|

Section 20.303. Blasting Agents, General.

A. Unless otherwise set forth in this Rule, blasting agents shall be transported,
stored and used in the same manner as explosives.
B. When oxidizers are stored inside a building used for mixing or storage of
blasting agents or outside such a building and within the magazine separation
distance from it, the weight of the oxidizer shall be added to the weight of the
blasting agent when calculating the total quantity of material involved for
application of the Table of Distance for Storage of Explosives. (Table 20.201).

Section 20.304. Mixing Blasting Agents.

A. Buildings or other facilities used for mixing blasting agents shall be located
away from .inhabited buildings, passengers railways and public highways, in
accordance with the provisions of the Table of Distance of Storage of
Explosives. In areas; where such building of facilities have been granted a
permit, no other structure shall be given a construction permit unless the latter
be within a safe distance as established in this Rule.
B. Not more than one day's production of blasting agents, or the limit determined
by the Table of Distance for Storage of Explosives, whichever is less, shall be
permitted in or near the building or other facilities used for mixing blasting
agents. Larger quantities shall be stored in separated buildings or magazines.
C. Building or other facilities used for the mixing of blasting agents shall be
designed and constructed in accordance with internationally recognized good
D. Compounding and mixing of recognized formulations of blasting agents shall
be conducted in accordance with internationally recognized good practice.
E. Smoking or open flames shall not be permitted in or within fifteen (15 m)
meters of any buildings or facility used for the mixing of blasting agents.
F. Empty oxidizer bags shall be disposed of daily by burning in a safe manner in
the open at a safe distance from buildings or combustible materials.

Section 20.305. Transportation of Blasting Agents.

A. When blasting agents are transported in the same vehicle with explosives, all
of the requirements of this Rule shall be complied with.
B. Vehicles transporting blasting agents shall be in safe operating condition at all
C. Every vehicle transporting blasting agents shall be marked or labeled on both
sides and rear, with the word "DANGER" and also the words "BLASTING
AGENT' in letters not less than seven and a half (7.5cm) centimeters high on
the contrasting background.
D. No oils, matches, firearms, acids or other corrosive liquids shall be carried in
the body of any vehicle transporting blasting agents.
E. No person shall be permitted to ride upon, drive, load or unload a vehicle
containing blasting agents while smoking or under the influence of intoxicants
or narcotics.

Section 20.306. Seizure of Explosives, Ammunitions and Blasting Agents.

The Director General or his duly authorized representative may seize, take, remove,
or cause to be removed at the expense of the owner all explosives, ammunition or
blasting agents offered or exposed for sale, possessed or transported in violation of
this rule.


Section 21.101. Definition.

Fireworks shall mean and include any combustible or explosive composition, or any
substance or combination of substances or device prepared for the purpose of
producing a visible or an audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or and
shall include bank cartridges, toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes, or toy guns in
which explosives are used, firecrackers, torpedoes, sky-rockets, Roman candle,
Daygo bombs, sparkler, or other devices of like construction and any devices
containing any explosive or flammable compound, or any tablet or other device
containing an explosive substance, except that the term "fireworks" shall not include
any auto flares, paper caps containing not in excess of an average of sixteen (16)
milligrams of explosive content per cap, and toy pistol, toy canes, toy guns or other
devices for use of such caps, the sale and use of which shall permitted at all times.

Section 21.102. Manufacture, Sale and Discharge.

A. The manufacture of fireworks is prohibited except under special permits as

may be issued by the Director General or his duly authorized representative.
B. Except as hereinafter provided; it shall be unlawful for any person to possess,
store, to offer for sale, expose for sale, sell at retail, or use or explode any
fireworks; provided that the Director General or his duly authorized
representatives shall have power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for
the granting of permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by a
municipal government, fair associations, amusement parks, other
organizations or for the use of fireworks by artisans in pursuit of their trade.
Every such use or display shall be handled by a competent operator approved
by the Director General or his duly authorized representative and shall be of
such character and so located, discharged or fire as in the opinion of the Chief
of the Local Fire Service after proper investigation, so as not to be hazardous
to property or endanger any person.
C. Application for permits shall be made in writing at least ten (10) days in
advance of the date of the display. After such privilege shall be granted, sale,
possession, use and distribution of fireworks for such display shall be lawful
for the purpose only. Permit granted hereunder shall not be transferable.

Section 21.103. Bond for Fireworks Display Required.

The permitted shall furnish a bond or certificate of insurance in an amount deemed

adequate by the Director General of his duly authorized representative for the
payment of all damages which may caused either to a person or persons or property
by reason of the permitted, his agents, employees or subcontractors.

Section 21.104. Disposal of Unfired Fireworks.

Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display is concluded shall be immediately
disposed of in a safe way.

Section 21.105. Exception.

Nothing in this Rule shall be construed to prohibit the use of fireworks by railroads or
other transportation agencies for signals or purposes of illumination, or the sale or
use of blank cartridges for a show or theater, or for signal or ceremonial purposes in
athletics or sports or for use of military organizations.

Section 21.106. Seizure of Fireworks.

The Director General or his duly authorized representative shall seize, take, remove,
or cause to be removed at the expense of the owner all stocks of fireworks offered or
exposed for sale, stored, or held in violation of this Rule.

Section 22.101. Scope.

This Rule apply to locations or areas where the following activities are regularly done.

1. The Application or flammable paint, varnish, lacquer, stain or other

flammable or combustible liquid applied as spray in continuous or
intermittent processes;
2. Dip tank operations in which articles or materials are passed
through contents of tanks, vats or containers of flammable or
liquids including coating finishing, treating and similar process; and :
3. The application of combustible powders when applied by powder spray
guns, fluidized beds or electrostatic fluidized beds.

Section 22.102. Permit Required.

A permit from the Director General or his duly authorized representative is required
for spraying and dipping operations utilizing flammable liquid, and powders included
within the scope of this Rule.

Section 22.103. Smoking Prohibited.

Smoking shall be prohibited in any spray finishing areas and in the vicinity of dip
tanks. "NO SMOKING" signs with lettering of approved size shall be conspicuously
posted in such areas.

Section 22.104. Welding Warning Signs.

Conspicuous signs shall be posted in the vicinity of all spraying areas, dipping
operations, and paint storage rooms conveying the following warning:


"The use of welding or cutting equipment in or near this area is dangerous because
of the danger of fire and explosion. Welding and cutting shall be done only under the
supervision of the foreman in charge."

Section 22.105. Electrical Wiring and Equipment.

Electric wiring and equipment shall conform to the provisions of this Rule and shall
be installed in accordance with internationally accepted standards of safe practice.
Compliance with the applicable provisions of the Philippine Electric Code shall be
deemed prima facie evidence of compliance with internationally accepted standards
of safe practice.

Section 22.201. Definitions.

A. "Spraying Area" shall mean any area in which dangerous quantities of

flammable vapors or combustible residues; dusts or deposits are present due
to the operation of spraying processes. The Chief of the Local Fire Service
may define the limits.
B. A spraying area shall include:

1. The interior spray booths;

2. The interior of ducts exhausting from spraying processes.
3. Any area in the direct path of spray or any area containing dangerous
quantities or air-suspended combustible residue dust, deposits, spray or
vapor mists as result of spraying operations.

Section 22.202. Location of Spray Finishing Operations.

A. Spray finishing operations shall not be conducted in building used for

assembly, educational, institutional or residential occupancies except in a
room-designed for the purpose, protected with an approved automatic fire
control and extinguishing system and separated vertically and horizontally
from other areas by construction complying with the requirement of the
Building Code.
B. In other occupancies, all spraying operations performed inside of a building
shall be conducted in an approved spray booth or in spraying areas approved
for such use.

Section 22.203. Spray Booths.

A. Spray booths shall be substantially constructed of steel not less than one and
two-tenths (1.2) millimeters in thickness or other approved non-combustible
B. The interior surfaces of spray booths shall be smooth and continuous without
edges and otherwise designed to prevent pocketing of residue and facilities,
cleaning, and washing without injury, as well as permit the free passage of
exhaust air from all parts of the interior.
C. The floor of the spray booth and operator's working area, if combustible, shall
be covered with non-combustible, non-sparking material of such character as
to facilitate the safe-cleaning and removal of residue.
D. Baffle plates, if installed to promote an even flow of air through the booth or
cause the deposits of overspray before it enters exhaust ducts, shall be of
non-combustible material and readily removable or accessible on both sides
for cleaning. Such plates not be located in the exhaust ducts.
E. Each spray booth having a frontal area larger than one (1) square meter shall
have a metal deflector or curtain not less than eleven and four tenths (11.4)
centimeter deep installed at the upper outer edges of the booth over the
F. Each spray booth shall be separated from other operations by not less than
ninety one (91) centimeters, or by a greater distance, or by such partition or
wall as the Local Fire Service Chief may require.
G. Spray booths shall be so installed that all portions are readily accessible for
cleaning. A clear space of not less than ninety one(91) centimeters on all
sides shall be kept clear of storage or combustible materials.
H. When spraying areas are illuminated through glass panels or other
transparent materials, only fixed light units shall be used as source of
illuminations. Panels shall effectively isolate the spraying area from the area in
which the lighting unit is located and shall be of non-combustible material or
such a nature or so protected that breakage will be unlikely. Panels shall be
arranged so that normal accumulations of residue on the exposed surface of
the panel will not be raised to a dangerous temperature by radiation or
conduction from the source of illumination.

Section 22.204. Dry Type Overspray Collectors. (Exhaust Air Filters)

A. Overspray dry filters or filter rolls, if installed in conventional dry type spray
booths, shall conform with the succeeding sections of this Rule.
B. The spraying operations shall be so designed, installed and maintained that
the average air velocity from the spray impeller over the open face of the
booth (or booth cross section spraying operations) shall not be less than thirty
(30) meters per minute. Dry spray booths equipped with a filter roll which is
automatically advanced when the air velocity is reduced to that specified in
this paragraph shall be arranged to cause shutdown of spraying operations if
the filter roll fails to advance automatically. Visible gauges or audible alarm
devices shall be installed to indicate that the required air velocity is
C. All discarded filter pads shall be immediately removed to a safe, well detached
location or placed in water filled metal container and disposed at the close
day's operation.
D. The location of filters in a spray booth shall be so as not reduce the effective
booth enclosure of the articles being sprayed.
E. Space within spray booths on the downstream and upstream sides of filters
shall be protected with approved automatic fire control and extinguishing
F. Filters shall not be used when applying a special material known to be highly
susceptible to spontaneous heating and ignition.
G. Clean filters shall be non-combustible or of approved type.
H. Filters shall be non-combustible or of approved type.

Section 22.205. Electrical and Other Sources of Ignition.

A. There shall be no open flame or spark producing equipment in any spraying

area as defined above nor within six (6) meters thereof, unless separated by a
partition, except as permitted hereafter.
B. Space heating appliances, steam pipes or hot surface shall not be located in
spraying area where deposits of combustible residues may readily
C. Unless specifically approved for locations containing both deposits of readily
ignitable residue and explosive vapors, there shall be no electrical equipment
in any spraying area where deposits of combustible residue may readily
accumulate, except in rigid conduits or boxes or fittings containing no taps,
splices or terminal connections, and except as hereinafter provided.
D. Electrical wiring and equipment not subject to deposits of combustible
residues but located in a spraying area shall be explosion-! proof type
approved for use in such hazardous location.
E. Electrical wiring, motors, and other equipment outside of but within
six (6) meters of any there from by partitions, shall not make sparks under
normal operating conditions. '
F. Electric lamps outside of, but within six meters of any spraying area and not
separated therefrom by a partition, shall be totally enclosed to prevent the
falling of hot particles and shall be protected from physical damage by suitable
guards or by location.
G. Portable electric lamps shall not be used in any spraying area during spraying
operations. Portable electric lamps, if used during cleaning or requiring a
rations, shall be of the type approved for hazardous locations in accordance
with the Electric Code.
H. All metal parts of spray booths, exhaust duct and piping systems conveying
flammable liquids shall be properly grounded electrically in an effective and
preventive manner in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code.

Section 22.206. Ventilation of Spray Booths and Spray Finishing Area.

A. All spraying areas shall be provided with mechanical ventilation adequate to

prevent the dangerous accumulation of vapors.
B. Mechanical ventilation shall be kept in operation at all times, while spraying
operations are being conducted and for a sufficient time thereafter to allow
vapors from drying coated particles and dry finishing material residue to be
C. Each spray booth shall have an independent exhaust duct system discharging
to the building's exterior. However, multiple cabinet spray booths in which
identical spray finishing material is used with a combined frontal area of not
more than one and two thirds (1.67) square meters may have a common
exhaust. If more than one (1) fan serves one (1) booth, all fans shall be so
interconnected that one fan cannot operate without operating all.
D. Electric motors driving exhaust fans shall not be placed inside
booths or ducts. Fan rotating elements shall be non-ferrous or non-sparking or
the casing shall consist of or be lined with such material.
E. Belts shall not enter the duct or booth unless belt and pulley within the duct or
booth are tightly enclosed.
F. Exhaust ducts shall be constructed of steel having a thickness not less than
that indicated in the table below:
20 cms or less 20 to 46 cms inclusive 46 to 76 cms inclusive Over 76 cms
The discharge point for exhaust ducts in a paint booth shall be not less than
one and eight tenths (1.8) meters from adjoining combustible construction nor
more than seven and seven tenths (7.7) meters from adjoining exterior wall
G. Exhaust ducts shall have a clearance from unprotected combustible
construction or material or not less than forty-five (45) centimeters. If
combustible construction is provided with the following protection applied to all
surfaces within forty-five (45) centimeters, clearance may be reduced to the
distances indicated:

1. Four-tenths (0.4) millimeter thick metal on six and three-tenths (6.5)

millimeters asbestos millboard...30 centimeters.
2. Four-tenths (0.4) millimeters thick sheet metal on three and two-tenths
(3.2) millimeters asbestos mill board spaced out two and one half (2.5)
centimeters on non-combustible spacers...22.5 centimeters.
3. Seven-tenths (0.7) millimeters thick sheet metal on two and one-half
(2.5) centimeters rockwool bats reinforced with wire mesh or the
equivalent...7.5 centimeters.
H. Air exhausted from spraying operations shall not be recirculated.

Section 22.207. Storage and Handling of Flammable or Combustible Liquids.

A. The storage and handling of flammable or combustible liquids shall be in

accordance with this Rule and shall also conform to the provisions on this
B. Where the quantity of liquid in nineteen (19) liter and smaller containers, other
than original sealed containers, exceed a total of thirty eight (38) liters, it shall
be stored in a storage cabinet or in storage or mixing rooms conforming to the
following provision of the Rule.
C. Original close containers, approved portable tanks, approved safety cans, or a
properly arranged system of piping, shall be used for bringing flammable or
combustible liquids into spray finishing areas. Open or glass containers shall
not be used.
D. Containers supplying spray nozzles shall be of closed type or provided with
metal covers kept closed. Containers not resting on floors shall be on non-
combustible supports or suspended by wire cables. Containers supplying
spray nozzles by gravity flow shall not exceed thirty eight (38) liters capacity.
E. All containers or piping to which attached a hose or flexible connection shall
be provided with a shut-off valve at the connection. Such valve shall be kept
shut when not in use.
F. Heaters shall not be located in spray booths nor other locations subject to the
accumulation of deposits or combustible residue.
G. If flammable or combustible liquids are supplied to spray nozzles by positive
displacement pumps, pump discharge lines shall be provided with an
approved relief valve discharging to pump suction or a safe detached location.
H. Whenever flammable liquids are transferred from one container to another,
both containers shall be effectively grounded. Piping systems fa flammable
liquids shall be permanently grounded.

Section 22.208. Fire Protection Equipment.

In addition to the automatic fire control extinguishing equipment provided for above,
portable fire protection equipment shall be provided near all spraying areas as
required for extra hazardous occupancies. (Refer to NFPA Pamphlet No. 10).

Section 22.209. Operation and Maintenance.

A. All spraying areas shall be kept as free from the accumulation of deposits of
combustible residues as practicable, with cleaning conducted daily if
B. Scrapers, spuds, or other such tools used for cleaning purposes shall be of
non-sparking material.
C. Residue scraping and debris contaminated with residue shall be immediately
removed from the premises and properly disposed of.
D. The use of solvents for cleaning operations shall be restricted to Class II and
III Liquids as defined in this Rule, except that the solvents with flash points not
less than those normally used in spraying operations may be used for cleaning
spray nozzles and auxiliary equipment, provided that such cleaning is
conducted inside spray booths and ventilating equipment is operating during
E. Spray booths shall not be alternately used for different types of coating
materials, where the combination of the materials may be conducive to
spontaneous ignition, unless all deposits of the first material used are removed
form the booth and exhaust ducts prior to spraying with the second.
F. Approved metal waste cans shall be provided whenever rags or waste are
impregnated with finishing materials and all such rags or waste deposited
therein immediately after use. The contents of waste cans shall be properly
disposed of at least once daily and at the end of each shift.

Section 22.210. Drying Apparatus.

A. Drying apparatus shall in addition to conforming with the requirements of this

Rule comply with the applicable provisions of this Rule on Ovens, Industrial
Baking and Drying. (Refer to Rule 36).
B. Spray booths, rooms or other enclosures used for spraying operations shall
not be alternately used for the purpose of drying by any arrangements which
will cause a material increase in the surface temperature of the spray booth
room or enclosure.
C. Except as specifically provided herein, drying or baking units utilizing- a
heating system having open flames or which may produce sparks shall not be
installed in a spraying area as defined. However, it may be installed adjacent
thereto when equipped with an interlocked ventilating system arranged to:

1. Thoroughly ventilate the drying space before the heating system can be
2. Maintain a safe atmosphere at any source of ignition;
3. Automatically shut down the heating system in the event of failure of the
ventilating system.

D. Automobile refinishing booths or enclosures, otherwise installed and

maintained in conformity with this Rule, may alternately be used for drying with
portable infrared drying apparatus when conforming with the following:

1. The procedures shall be restricted to low-volume, occasional spray

2. The interior of spray enclosures shall be kept free of overspray
3. During spray operations, the drying apparatus and electrical
connections and wiring thereto shall not be located within the spray
enclosure nor any in any other location where spray residue may be
deposited thereon;
4. Spraying apparatus, drying apparatus and ventilating systems of spray
enclosure shall be equipped with suitable interlocks so arranged that:

(a) The spraying apparatus cannot be operated while the drying

apparatus is inside the spray enclosure.
(b) The spray enclosure will be purged of spray vapors for a period
of not less than three (3) minutes before drying apparatus can be
(c) The ventilating system will maintain a safe atmosphere within the
enclosure during the process and drying apparatus will
automatically shut off in the event of failure of the ventilating

5. All electrical wiring and equipment of drying apparatus shall conform to

the provisions of this Rule and shall otherwise be installed in
accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code. Only equipment
of a type approved for hazardous locations as provided for in this Rule
shall be located within forty five (45) centimeters of the floor level. All
metallic parts of drying apparatus shall be properly electrically bonded
and grounded.


Section 22.301 Location of Dip Tank Operators.

Dip tank operations shall not be conducted in buildings used for assembly,
institutional or residential occupancies, except in a room designed for the purpose,
protected with an approved system of automatic fire control and extinguishment
separated vertically and horizontally from other areas by construction of non-,
combustible material with a fire resistance of two (2) hours.

Section 22.302 Ventilation of Vapor Areas.

A. All vapor areas shall be provided with mechanical ventilation adequate to

prevent the dangerous] accumulation of vapors.
B. Required ventilating system shall be so arranged that the failure of! any
ventilating fan shall automatically stop any dipping conveyor system.

Section 22.303 Construction of Dip Tanks.

A. Dip tanks including drain board if provided, shall be constructed of substantial

non-combustible material and their support shall be of heavy metal, reinforced
concrete or masonry.
B. Dip tanks of over five hundred seventy (570) liters in capacity or ninety three-
hundredths (.93) square meters in liquid surface area shall be equipped with a
properly trapped overflow pipe leading to a safe location outside buildings.
C. The bottom of the overflow connection shall not be less than fifteen (15)
centimeters below the top of tank.
D. Dip tanks over one thousand eight hundred ninety five (1,895) liters' in liquid
capacity shall be equipped with bottom drains automatically and manually
arranged to quickly drain the tank of the event of fire, unless the viscosity of
the liquid at normal atmosphere makes this impractical. Manual operation shall
be from a safely accessible location. Where gravity flow is not practicable,
automatic pumps shall be provided.
E. Such drains shall be trapped and discharged to a closed, properly vented,
salvage tank or to a safe outside location.
F. Dip tanks utilizing a conveyor system shall be arranged that in the event of
fire, the conveyor system shall automatically cease motion and require bottom
drains shall open.
Section 22.304 Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquids.

The storage and handling of flammable liquids shall be in accordance with the other
pertinent provisions of the Fire Code.

Section 22.305 Electrical and Other Sources of Ignition.

A. There shall be no open flames, spark producing devices, or heated surfaces

having a temperature sufficient to ignite vapors area in the vicinity of the dip
tank operations.
B. Electrical wiring and equipment in any vapor shall be of explosion-proof type
approved for use in such hazardous locations, in accordance with the
Philippine Electrical Code.
C. Unless specifically approved for locations containing both deposits of readily
ignitable residues and explosive vapors, there shall be no electrical equipment
in the vicinity of dip tanks or associated drain boards or drying operations
which are subject to splashing or dripping or dip tank liquids, except wiring in
rigid conduits or in threaded boxes or fitting containing no taps, splices or
terminal connection and except as hereinafter specifically permitted relating to
electrostatic apparatus.
D. In any floor space outside a vapor area, but within six (6) meters therefrom
and not separated by tight partitions, there shall be no open flames or spark
producing devices. Drying and baking apparatus may be installed adjacent to
vapor areas when conforming to this Rule.

Section 22.306 Operations and Maintenance.

A. The area in the vicinity of dip tanks shall be kept as clear of combustible stock
as practicable and shall be kept entirely from combustible debris.
B. When waste or rags are used in connection with dipping operations, approved
metal waste cans shall be provided and all impregnated rags or waste shall be
deposited therein immediately after use. The contents of waste cans shall be
properly disposed of at the end of each shift in accordance with generally
accepted safe disposal practice.

Section22.307 Fire Extinguishing Equipment.

A. Areas in the vicinity of dip tanks shall be provided with manual fire
extinguishers suitable for flammable liquid fires, as specified for extra
hazardous occupancies. (Refer to NFPA Pamphlet No. 10)
B. Dip tanks of over five hundred seventy (570) liters capacity or ninety three
hundredths (0.-93) square meters liquid surface area shall be protected with
an approved automatic fire extinguishing system.
C. Dip tanks containing a liquid with a flash point below forty three and three
tenths degrees 43.3oC) Celsius (when used in such* a manner that
the liquid temperature may equal or be greater than its flash point from
artificial or natural causes), shall conform to this Section when having both a
capacity of more than thirty eight (38) liters and a liquid surface area of more
than thirty-seven hundredths (0.37) square meters.

Section 22.308. Dip Tank Covers.

A. Covers arranged to close automatically in the event of fire shall be actuated by

approved automatic mechanical devices and shall also be arranged for remote
manual operation.
B. Covers shall be substantial non-combustible material or of tinclad type with
enclosing metal applied with locked joints.
C. Chains of wire rope shall be used for cover support of operating mechanism
where the burning of a cord would interfere with the action of a device.
D. Covers shall be kept closed when tanks are not in use.

Section 22.309. Hardening and Tempering Tanks.

A. Hardening and tempering tanks shall conform to the provisions of Section

22.303 to 22.307 as well as to the following paragraphs of this Section, but
shall be exempt from the other provisions of this Rule.
B. Tanks shall be located as far as practicable from furnaces and shall not be
located on or near combustible floors.
C. Tanks shall be provided with a non-combustible hood and vent or other
equally effective means, venting to the outside of the building to serve as a
vent in case of fire. All such vent ducts shall be treated as flues and be kept
away from combustible roots or materials.
D. Tanks shall be equipped with a mechanical high temperature limit switch
arranged to sound on alarm when the temperature of the quenching medium
reaches ten degrees (10°C) Celsius below flash point.
E. Hardening and tempering tanks of over one thousand eight hundred ninety
five (1,895) liters capacity or two and thirty-two hundredths (2.32) square
meters surface area shall be protected as specified in Section 22.307.
F. Air under pressure shall not be used to fill or to agitate oil in tanks, unless the
air feed system is provided with a mechanical shut off device that shall be
activated to effectively eliminate airflow once the mechanical alarm system
required above is actuated.

Section 22.310. Coating Operations.

A. Flow coat operations shall conform to the requirements for dip tanks,
considering the area of the sump and any area on which paints flow as the
surface area of a dip tank.
B. Paint shall be supplied by direct low pressure pumping arranged to
automatically' shut down by means of approved heat mechanical devices in
case of fire, or by gravity tank not exceeding thirty eight (38) liters in capacity.
C. The processes of roll coating, spreading, and impregnating, in which fabrics,
paper or other materials are passed directly through a tank or through
containing flammable liquids, or over the surface of a roller that revolves
partially submerged in a flammable liquid, shall conform to the succeeding
paragraph and to the other applicable provisions of the foregoing Sections of
this Rule.
D. Adequate arrangements shall be made to prevent sparks from static electricity
by electrically bonding and grounding all metallic rotating and other parts of
machinery and equipment and by the installation of static collectors or
maintaining a conductive atmosphere by means such as high relative


Section 22.401. Equipment Type and Location.

A. Electrostatic apparatus and devices used in connection with paint spraying

and paint detearing operations shall be of a type conforming to internationally
approved standards.
B. Transformers, power packs, control apparatus, and all other electric portions
of the equipment, with the expansion of the high voltage grids and electrostatic
atomizing heads and their connection, shall be located outside of the spraying
or vapor areas defined above, and shall conform to the requirements of the
other provisions of this Rule.
C. Electrodes and electrostatic atomizing heads shall be of substantial
construction, shall be rigidly supported in permanent locations, and shall be
effectively insulated from ground. Insulators shall be non-ferrous and non-
combustible. Fine wire elements when used should be under tension al all
times and should be unkinked hard steel or materials of comparable strength.

Section 22.402. Controls.

A. A space shall be maintained between goods being painted or treated and

electrodes, electrostatic atomizing heads or conductors of at least twice the
sparkling distance shall be conspicuously posted near the assembly.
B. Electrostatic apparatus shall be equipped with automatic mechanical controls
which will operate without the delay to disconnect the power supply to the high
voltage transformer and to signal the operator under any of the following

(1) Stoppage of ventilation fans or failure of ventilating equipment from any

(2) Stoppage of the conveyor carrying goods past the high voltage grid.
(3) Occurrence of a ground or of an imminent ground at any point o the
high voltage system.
(4) Reduction of clearance below that specified in paragraph "A" this

Section 22.403. Guards and Signs.

A. Adequate booths, fencing, railing,] or guards shall be so placed around the

equipment so that either by the location or character or both, they assure that
a safe isolation of the process is maintained from plant storage or personnel.
Such sailings, fencing, and guards shall be conductive material, adequately
grounded, and shall be at least one and a half (1.5) meters from processing
B. Signs designating the process zone as dangerous because of fire and
accident hazards shall be posted.

Section 22.404 Maintenance.

A. All insulators shall be kept clean and dry. : B. Drip plates and screens
subject to paint deposits shall be I removable and shall be taken to a safe
place for cleaning.

Section 22.405. Ventilation.

The spraying are shall be adequately ventilated so as to ensure a safe condition from
a fire and health standpoint.


Section. 22.501. Operations Included.

A. When approved by the Director General or his duly authorized representative

automobile undercoating spray operations, conducted in areas having
adequate natural or mechanical ventilation, may be exempt from the
provisions of this Rule, when using under coating materials which are not
more hazardous than kerosene or undercoating materials using only solvents
having a flash point in excess of thirty seven and eight-tenths (37.8°C)
degrees Celsius.
B. Undercoating spray operations not conforming with Section 22.501 (a) shall be
subject to all applicable provisions of this Rule.


Section 22.601. Dry Powder Application.

These provisions shall apply to finely ground particles protective finishing material
applied in dry powder form by one of the following methods:

1. Fluidized bed; or
2. Electrostatic fluidized bed; or
3. Powder spray guns; and
4. Electrostatic powder spray guns.

Each method required certain essential protective measures which shall be

compatible with the method employed.

Section 22.602. Location and Construction of Powder Coating Rooms and


Powder coating operations shall be conducted in:

1. Completely enclosed rooms constructed of non-combustible materials;

2. Enclosed powder coating facilities which are adequately ventilated, or
3. Adequately ventilated spray booths meeting the requirements of this

Section 22.603. Electrical and Other Sources of Ignition.

Electrical equipment and other sources of ignition shall conform to the requirements
of the Philippine Electrical Code.

The application of powders by means of non-electrostatic fluidized bed or powder

spray gun normally requires the part to be preheated. Preheating is also sometimes
used with electrostatic equipment. Care must be taken to insure that the temperature
of the part to be coated does not exceed the ignition temperature of the powder being

Precaution shall be taken to minimize the possibility of ignition by static electrical

sparks through static grounding, where possible, of powder transport, application and
recovery equipment.

Section 22.604. Ventilation.

Exhaust ventilation shall be sufficient to maintain the atmosphere below the lowest
explosive limits for the material being applied all non-deposited air-suspended
powders shall be safely removed via exhaust ducts to the powder recovery cyclone
or receptacle.

Section 22.605. Drying, Curing or Fusion Equipment.

The provisions of Internationally recognized standards for ovens and furnaces shall
apply. SEC. 22.606 (Refer to NFPA Pamphlet No.86A).

Section 22.606. Operation and Maintenance.

A. All areas shall kept free of accumulation of powder coating dusts, particularly
such horizontal surfaces as ledges, beams, pipes, hoods, booths and floors.
B. Surfaces shall be cleaned in such manner as to avoid scattering dust to other
places or creating dust clouds. Equipment shall be approved for use in
hazardous locations.
C. Care shall be exercised to prevent iron or spark-producing metals from being
introduced into the powder being applied. Magnetic and filter type separators
are recommended.
D. "NO SMOKING" signs in accordance with this Rule shall be conspicuously
posted at all powder coating areas and powder storage rooms.

Section 22.607. Fixed Electrostatic Spraying Equipment.

The provisions of this Rule shall apply to fixed electrostatic equipment.

Section 22.608. Electrostatic Fluidized Beds.

A. Electrostatic fluidized beds and associated equipment shall be of approved

types. The maximum surface temperature of this equipment in the coating
area shall not exceed sixty-five and six-tenths degrees (65.6°C) Celsius. The
high voltage circuits shall be designed so as not to produce a spark of
sufficient intensity to ignite any powder-air mixture nor result in shock hazard
upon coming in contact with a ground object under normal operating
B. Transformers, power packs, control apparatus and all other
electrical portions of the equipment, with the exception of the charging
electrodes and their connections to power shall be located outside of the
power coating area or shall otherwise conform to the requirements of this
rule. .
C. All electrically conductive objects within the charging influence of the
electrodes shall be adequately grounded. The powder coating equipment shall
carry a prominent, permanently installed warning sign regarding the necessity
for grounding these objects.
D. Objects being coated shall be maintained in contact with the conveyor or other
support in order to insure proper grounding. Hangers shall be regularly
cleaned to ensure effective contact and areas of contact shall be sharp point
or knife's edges where possible.
E. The electrical equipment shall be so interlocked with the ventilation system
that the equipment cannot be operated unless the ventilation fans are in

Section 22.701. General.

A. Extreme care should be exercised at all times in preventing the contamination

of organic peroxide initiators with any foreign substance. Only spray guns and
related handling equipment specifically manufactured for use with organic
peroxides shall be used. Separate pressure vessels and inserts specific for
the application shall be used for the resin and for the organic peroxide and
they shall not be interchanged.
B. Organic peroxides pressure tank inserts shall be constructed of stainless steel
or polyethylene.
C. Dusts or overspray residues resulting from the sanding or spraying of finishing
materials containing organic peroxides if mixed with other materials may
cause a fire or explosion; hence, care shall be exercised to prevent any
contamination from this source.
D. All spilled peroxides shall be promptly removed so there are no residues.
Spilled material may be absorbed by using a non-combustion inert absorbent
and then promptly disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer's

Section 22.702. Use.

All spraying operations involving the use of organic peroxides and other dual
component coatings shall be conducted in spray booths-meeting the requirements of
this Rule, and provided with automatic fire suppression system.

Section 22.703. Storage.

Organic peroxides shall be stored in a cool detached building apart from other
finishing materials. Only minimum daily requirements shall be brought to the
processing area. Such material remaining at the spraying station at the end of a day's
operation shall be carefully, disposed of. Organic peroxides shall be kept away from
all sources of heat including steam pipes, radiators, open flames or sparks and solar

Section 22.704. Handling.

Care shall be exercised in handling organic peroxides to avoid shock and friction
which can cause decomposition and violent reaction.

Section 22.705. Mixing.

Organic peroxides shall not be mixed directly with any accelerators or promoters as
violent decomposition or explosion may result.

Section 22.706. Smoking.

Smoking shall be prohibited and "NO SMOKING" signs shall be prominently

displayed and only non-sparking tools shall be used in any area where organic
peroxides are stored, mixed or applied.

Section 22.707. Personnel Qualifications.

Only specifically trained personnel shall be permitted to work with those materials.



Section 23.101. Scope.

A. This Rule applied specifically to flammable combustible liquids as defined in

Section 23.102. Liquids with a flash point higher than ninety three and three-
tenths (93.3°C) may assume the characteristics of lower flash point when
heated or sprayed and under conditions the appropriate provisions of this Rule
shall apply.
B. All equipment for the storage, handling and dispensing of flammable and
combustible liquids shall be in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No.
30,"Flammable and Combustible Liquids," except as otherwise provided in this
Rule or in other laws or regulations legally in effect.
C. In particular installations, the provisions of this Rule may be altered at the
discretion of the Director General or his duly authorized representative after
consideration of the special features such as topographical conditions,
barricades, wall, adequacy of building exits, nature of occupancies proximity to
buildings or adjoining property and character of construction of such buildings,
capacity and construction of proposed tanks and character of liquids to be
stored, nature of process, degree of private protection to be provided and
adequacy of facilities of the Fire Service to cope with flammable and
combustible fires.

Section 23.102. Definitions.

A. Boiling point shall mean the boiling point of a liquid at a pressure of one (1)
atmosphere. Where an accurate boiling point is unavailable for the material in
question, or for mixture, which do not have a constant boiling point, for
purposes of this classification the ten (10) percent point of distillation
performed in accordance with the Standard Method of Test for Distillation of
Petroleum Products ASTM D-86-62, may be used as the boiling of the liquid.
B. Boil-over shall mean the expulsion of crude oil (or certain other liquids) from a
burning tank in which the light fractions of the crude oil burn off producing a
heat wave in the residue, which on reaching a water strata may result in the
explosion of the portion of the contents of the tank in the form of a forth.
C. chemical plant shall mean a plant or that portion of such plant other than a
refinery or distillery where flammable or combustible liquids are produced by
chemical reactions or used in chemical reactions.
D. Flammable liquids shall be divided into two classes of liquids as follows:

Class I shall include those liquids having a flash point below thirty seven and
eight tenths (37.8°C) degrees Celsius, and the subdivided as follows:

Class I-A shall include those liquids having flash points below twenty two and
eight tenths (28.8'C) degrees Celsius, and having a boiling point below thirty
seven and eight tenths (37.8°C) degrees Celsius.

Class I-B include those liquids having flash points below twenty two and eight
tenths (22.8°C) degrees Celsius, and having a boiling point at or above thirty
seven and eight tenths (37.8°C) degrees Celsius.

Class I-C include those liquids having flash points at or above twenty two and
eight tenths (22.8°C) degrees Celsius, and below thirty seven and eight tenths
(37.8°C) degrees Celsius.

Class II shall include those liquids having flash points at or above thirty seven
and eight tenths (37.8°C) degrees Celsius, and below sixty (60°C) degrees
When artificially heated to temperature equal to or higher than their flash points,
Class II and Class III liquids. The provisions in this Rule shall also be applied to high
flash point liquids which otherwise would be outside of its scope when they are so

E. Combustible liquid shall mean any liquid having a flash point at or above sixty
(60°C) degrees Celsius, and shall be known as a Class III liquid.
F. The Flash point of liquids having a flash point at or below seventy nine (79°C)
degrees Celsius, except for fuel oils and certain viscous materials shall be
determined in accordance with the Standard Method of Test for Flash Point by
the Tag Closed Tester, ASTM D 56-61.
G. The flash point of liquids having a flash point above seventy nine (79°C)
degrees Celsius, except for fuel oils, shall be determined in accordance with
the Standard Method of Test for Flash Point by the Cleveland open Cup
Tester, ASTM D 92-57.
H. The flash point of fuel oil, and certain viscous materials having a flash point at
or below seventy nine (79°C) degrees Celsius, shall be determined in
accordance with the Standard Method of Test for Flash Point by the Pensky-
Martens Closed Tester, ASTM 93-62.

Section 23.103. Permits Required.

A person shall obtain a permit for the following:

1. Storage, handling or use of Class I flammable liquids in excess of three

and eight tenths (3.8) liters in any dwelling or other place of human
habitation; or in excess of nineteen (19) liters in any other building or
other occupancy; or in excess of thirty eight (38) liters outside of any
building, except that no permit shall be required for the following:

(I) For the storage or use of flammable liquids in the fuel tank of a
motor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant or mobile
heating plant.
(II) For the storage of use of paints, oils, varnishes, or similar
flammable mixtures when such liquids are stored for
maintenance, painting or similar purposes for a period of not
more than thirty (30) days.

2. Storage, handling, or use of Class II or III liquids in excess of ninety five

(95) liters in a building; or in excess of two hundred twenty seven (227)
liters outside a building except for fuel oil used in connection with oil
burning equipment,
3. Installation and use of equipment and premises for the storage,
handling, use of sale of flammable or combustible liquids as herein
stipulated. The required permit shall be obtained prior to the
commencement of any work.
Section 23.104. Containers, Tanks, Equipment and Apparatus.

Containers, tanks, equipment and apparatus used or intended to be used for the
storage, handling, used or sale of flammable liquids shall be of an approved type.
Glass container exceeding two hundred thirty six (236) liters in capacity shall not be
approved except where contamination is a factor. Samples of not to exceed nine
hundred forty six (946) liters individual capacity may be taken in glass container for
commercial reference or testing.
Section. 23.105. Warning Labels for Containers of Flammable Liquids.

All flammable liquids, and liquid compounds or mixture manufactured, packaged or

offered for sale shall be conspicuously marked or labeled in easily legible type, which
is in contrast by typography, layout or color with any other printed matter on the label.

Section 23.106. Hazardous heating, Lighting and Cooking Appliances


A person shall not use, within a building or structure except a dwelling, any heating,
lighting or cooking appliance which uses Class I flammable liquids.

Section 23.107. Unlawful Sales of Flammable Liquids.

It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale flammable liquids with a
flash point of thirty seven and eight tenths (37.8°C) degrees Celsius, or less for the
express purpose of domestic cleaning.

Section 23.108. Dispensing Devices.

Dispensing devices for flammable or combustible liquids shall be of an approved


Section 23.109. Dispensing.

A. Flammable liquids shall not be dispensed by gravity from tanks, drums,

barrels or similar containers. An exception may by granted where the nature of
the liquid to be dispensed makes such a restriction impractical. Approved
pumps taking suction from the top of the container shall be used. Flammable
or combustible liquids shall not be dispensed by a devise that operates
through pressure within a storage tank or container, unless the tank or
container has been approved as pressure vessel for the use of which it is
subjected. In no case shall air or oxygen be used for this purpose.
B. Flammable liquids shall not be dispensed into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle
directly from any above ground tank. This subsection shall not prohibit the use
of approved portable or temporary fueling or dispensing units operating under
the provisions of a special permit issued by the Chief of the Local Fire Service.

Section 23.110. Waste Petroleum Products and Flammable or Combustible


No person shall permit or cause to be permitted the discharge of flammable or

combustible liquids or any waste liquid containing crude petroleum or its products
into or upon any street, highway, drainage canal or ditch, storm drain or flood control
channel, lake or tidal waterway, or upon the ground.
Section 23.111. Cleaning with Flammable Liquid.

No flammable liquid with a flash point below thirty seven and eight tenths (37.8°C)
degrees Celsius, shall be used within a building for washing parts or removing
grease or dirt unless it is used in a closed machine approved for the purpose or in
separate well-ventilated room construction in accordance with Section 23.404. Inside
Storage and Handling Rooms.

Section 23.112. Sources of Ignition.

In location where flammable vapors may be present precautions shall be taken to

prevent ignition by eliminating or controlling sources of ignition.


(Outside of Building)

Section 23.201. Restricted Locations.

A. The storage of flammable and combustible liquids in above ground tanks

outside of buildings is prohibited within the limits established by law as the
limits of the district in which such storage is to be prohibited.
B. The location and installation of outside above ground tanks with respect to
buildings and property lines for the storage of flammable and combustible
liquids shall be in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No. 30.

Section 23.202. Fire Protection for Above Ground Tanks.

A. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with internationally recognized

standards. When required by the Chief of the Local Fire Service, foam fire
protection shall be provided for any above ground tank except floating roof
type, or pressure tanks operating at or above seventy and four tenths (70.4)
grams per square centimeters gauge pressure, and used for the storage or
handling of Class I flammable liquids when such tank or group of tanks spaced
than fifteen (15) meters apart, shell to shell, has a liquid surface area in
excess of one hundred forty (140) square meters.

1. When such tank or tanks are used for the storage of crude oil.
2. When such or tanks are used for in process products handling are
located within (30) meters of any fired still, heater, related fractioning or
processing apparatus, or similar device at a processing plant or
petroleum refinery as herein defined.
3. In addition to the above requirements the Chief of the Local Fire
Service may require foam fire protection when an unusual exposure
hazard exit because of typographical conditions; nature of occupancy
and proximity on the same or adjoining property and height and
character of construction of such building; capacity, construction and
maintenance of such tanks and character of liquids to be stored; degree
of private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of the Fire Service
to cope with flammable and combustible liquids fires.
B. Where foam protection is required for any tank or group of tanks I used for the
storage of more than one product if in the opinion of the Chief of the Local Fire
Service it is deemed necessary, the largest tank or ] tanks in such group shall
be considered as storing the product requiring I the greater amount of
protection and such protection shall be available j as herein provided.
C. Where foam fire protection is required, installation shall meet the requirements
of National Fire Protection Association Pamphlets No. 11.1 "Foam
Extinguishing System," except that where tanks shells are accessible for the
erection of portable foam applicators, for at least' three-quarters of their
perimeter, portable foam applicators shall be approved.
D. Where foam fire protection is required, foam producing materials may be
stored off the premises under the following conditions:

1. Such materials stored off the premises shall be of the proper type
suitable for use in the equipment of the installation where required.
2. Such materials shall be immediately available at the storage location at
all times.
3. Adequate loading and transportation shall be assured.
4. The time required to deliver such materials at the required location in
the event of fire shall not exceed two (2) hours.
5. At the time of a fire these off-premises supplies shall be accumulated in
sufficient quantities, before placing the equipment in operation, to
insure foam production at an adequate rate without interruption until
extinguishment is affected.

Section 23.203. Underground: Outside of or Under Buildings.

A. Location. - A flammable or combustible liquid storage tank may be located

underground, outside of or under a building if such installation meets the
requirements of this Section. The tank shall be located with respect to existing
foundation and supports that the loads carried by the latter cannot be
transmitted to the tank. The distance from any part of a tank storing Class II or
III liquids to the nearest wall of any basement, pit, cellar or property line shall
be not less than thirty one (31) centimeters. The distance from any part of a
tank storing Class I liquids to the nearest wall of any basement, pit or cellar
shall be not less than thirty one (31) centimeters and from any property line
than may be built upon, not less than ninety one (91) centimeters, shell to
shell, shall be maintained between underground tanks.
B. Depth and Cover. - Excavation for underground storage tanks shall be made
with due care to avoid undermining of foundations of existing structures.
Underground tanks shall be set on fire' foundation and surrounded with soft
earth or sand well-tamped in place. Tanks shall be covered with a minimum of
sixty two (62) centimeters of earth or shall be covered by not less than thirty
one (31) centimeters of earth on top of which shall be placed a slab if
reinforced concrete not less than ten (10) centimeters. When underground
tanks are or are likely subjected to traffic, they shall be protected against
damage from vehicles passing over them by at least ninety one (91)
centimeters of earth over, or forty six (46) centimeters of reinforced concrete
or twenty (20) centimeters of asphalted concrete. When asphalted or
reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection it shall extend at
least thirty one (31) centimeters horizontally beyond the outline of the tank in
all directions.
C. Anchorage. - Where a tank may become buoyant due to a rise in the level of
the water table or due to location in an area that may subjected to flooding,
suitable precautions shall be observed to anchor the tank in place.

Section 23.204. Inside of Building.

Tanks for storage of flammable or combustible liquids shall not to be installed inside
buildings except as provided under Division 5, 7, or 8 of this Rule. Tanks for the
storage of flammable liquids may be installed under a building as an underground
tank complying with Section 23.203.

Section 23.205. Abandonment of Tanks.

A permit shall be obtained from the Chief Local Fire Service to remove abandon,
place temporarily out of service or otherwise dispose of any flammable or
combustible liquid tank.

A. Any tank not used for a period of ninety (90) days, shall be properly
safeguarded or removed in a manner approved by the Chief of the Local Fire
B. Tanks "temporarily out of service" shall have the fill line, gauge opening and
pump connection secured against tampering. Vent lines shall remain open and
maintained in accordance with requirements of this Rule for vent lines.
C. Any aboveground tank which has been abandoned for a period of one (1) year
shall be removed from the property in a manner approved by the Chief of the
Local Fire Service.
D. Any underground tank which has been abandoned for a period of one (1) year
shall be removed from the ground and the hole properly filled. If circumstances
warrant, however, such tank may be abandoned in place and safeguarded in a
manner and with material approved by the Chief of the Local Fire Services.
E. Tanks which are to be reinstalled for flammable or combustible liquid service
shall comply with all of the provisions of Division 2 of this Rule.
F. Tanks which are to be placed back in service shall be tested in a manner
approved by the Chief of the Local Fire Service.

Section 23.206. Corrosion Protection.

Corrosion protection where needed for the tanks and its piping shall be provided by
one or more of the following methods:

1. Use of protective coatings or wrappings;

2. Cathodic protections; or
3. Corrosion resistant materials of construction.

Note: Selection of the type of protection to be employed should be based upon the
corrosion history of the area and an acceptable laboratory reports.

Section 23.207. Support of Tanks in Buildings.

Inside storage tanks shall be securely supported to prevent settling, sliding or lifting.

Section 23.208. Tank Connection for Tanks Underground or in Buildings.

A. Vents.

1. Location and arrangement of vents. Vent pipes from tanks storing

flammable or combustible liquids shall be so located that the discharge
point is outside of buildings, shall terminate not less than two and forty
hundredths (2.42) meters above the fill pipe opening and not less than
three and sixty four hundredths (3.64) meters above the adjacent
ground level. Vent pipes shall discharge only upward or horizontally
(not downward) in order to disperse vapors. Vent pipes-five (5)
centimeters or less in nominal inside diameter shall not be obstructed
by devices that will reduce their capacity and thus cause excessive
back pressure. Vent pipe outlet shall be so located that flammable
vapors will not enter building openings or to trapped under eaves of
other obstructions. If the vent pipe is less than three (3) meters in length
or greater than five (5) centimeters in nominal inside diameter, the
outlet shall be provided with a vacuum and pressure relief device or
there shall be an approved flame arrester located in the vent line at the
outlet. In no case shall a flame arrester be located more than four or
five tenths (4.5) meters from the outlet and of the vent line.
2. Vent Lines. - Vent lines from tanks underground or in buildings shall be
used for no other purpose.

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