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The marketing mix for services lacks the distribution mix, because services are intangible,

and is based on product, price and promotion.

Select one:
• True
• False
Firms use a variety of bases for positioning, including the following:
• geodemographics, lifestyles, personality, motives
• primary reference groups, secondary aspirational groups, opinion leaders
• segmetation, targeting, massification
• attribute, price and quality, use or application, competitors, emotion
A consumer who is considering purchasing a house would probably use ________.
Select one:
• stimulus generalization
• habitual decision making
• extended problem solving
• operant decision making
• limited problem solving
Persuasive sales promotion intends to:
• suggest new uses for a product
• remind the customers where to buy the product
• all of these are intentions specific to persuasive sales promotion
• build a company image
• none of these is a specific intention for persuasive sales promotion
The main competitors for a fresh juice producer can be brand, product, generic or solution
Select one:
• True
• False
The process that individuals or groups go through to select, purchase, use, and dispose of
goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires is known as _______
Select one:
• the family life cycle
• extended problem solving
• consumer behavior
• the consumer decision-making process
• cognitive dissonance
Which of the following is not a marketing research method
Select one:
• survey
• experiential thinking
• experimental design
• interview
• observation
A form of distribution aimed at having a product available in every outlet where target
customers might want to buy it is:
• exclusive distribution
• excellent distribution
• selective distribution
• intensive distribution
• international distribution
A coordinated, comprehensive plan that carries out promotion objectives and results in a
series of ads placed in media over a period of time is called:
• public relation campaign
• advertising campaign
• sales promotion campaign
When many men in the baby boomer segment started getting gray hair, they were reluctant to
use hair dyes made for women even though they were just as eager as women to fight the
aging process. To address this reluctance, hair care product manufacturers introduced hair
dying systems for men to use both on their heads and their facial hair. These hair care product
manufacturers used ________ segmentation to define their target markets.
• demographic
• behavioral
• socioeconomic
• lifestyle
• psychographic
The long tail approach to segmentation indicates that companies can make money selling
small amounts of items that only a few people want as long as they sell enough different
Select one:
• True
• False
Which of the following is true about business planning?
Select one:
• Business planning is an ongoing process.
• Business planning is concerned with the short term but not the long term.
• Business planning is concerned with the long term but not the short term.
• Business planning takes place after development of the marketing plan.
• Business planning involves taking action before developing objectives.
In marketing, when changes in price have little or no effect on the amount demanded, we say
that the demand is inelastic. Select one:
• True
• False
14. The ________ is the actual product plus supporting features, such as delivery,
installation, financing, and warranty.
• brand
• innovation
• augmented product
• potential product
• core product
15. A mental rule of thumb used by consumers to speed up their decision about a product
choice is:
Select one:
• affect
• consumerism
• evrika
• cognition
• heuristics
16. The most common forms of consumer sales promotion are:
• advertorials, press conferences, sponsoring
• radio commercials, TV commercials, banners
• coupons, sampling, sweepstakes, premium
17. The criteria for a successful marketing segmentation are:
• product, price, place (distribution), promotion
• geographic, demographic, psychographic, benefit, usage-rate
• substantiality, identifiability, measurability, accessibility, responsiveness
18. On a Likert scale with 5 steps and assigned scores from -2 to +2, the 0 from the middle is
a true or absolute zero.
Select one:
• True
• False
19. In the category of internal influences on consumer decision making we have:
Select one:
• lifestyle, social class, personality, attitudes, perception
• perception, attitudes, social class, gender roles
• lifestyle, social class, personality, attitudes
• lifestyle, perception, attitudes, personality
20. In order to form a perception, three factors are necessary: exposure, attention,
Select one:
• True
• False
21. Price reductions and coupons are forms of:
Select one:
• public relations
• publicity
• personal selling
• advertising
• sales promotion
22. ________ is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about customers,
competitors, and the business environment to improve marketing effectiveness.
Select one:
• Marketing survey
• Internal marketing
• Market research
• Competitive intelligence
• Marketing management
23. A consumer who is armed with information and is narrowing down his choices by
comparing the pros and cons of each remaining option is in the ________ step of the
consumer decision-making process.
• problem recognition
• information search
• evaluation of alternatives
• product choice
• postpurchase evaluation
24. The process by which the use of a product spreads throughout a population is labeled:
Select one:
• product consideration
• product testing
• product launch
• product induction
• product diffusion
25. SWOT does not stand for strengths, willingness, opportunities, and threats.
Select one:
• True
• False
26. A firm that plans to use ________ will add higher priced, higher quality items to its
product line.
• upward line stretch
• limited-line strategy
• undifferentiated strategy
• downward line stretch
• cannibalization strategy
28. Marketers cannot develop ads for consumers in order to stimulate problem recognition.
Select one:
• True
• False
29. In his evolution in time, marketing has known the following stages:
Select one:
• production orientation, selling orientation, societal orientation, totalitarian orientation
• production orientation, selling orientation, marketing orientation, societal orientation
• production orientation, competition orientation, consumer orientation, societal
30. The main steps of the consumer decision making process are:
• need recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, purchase, post-purchase
• need recognition, promotional strategy, price strategy, evaluation, purchase
• need recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, purchase
31. The Four Ps are ________.
• price, product, place, and promotion
• price, profit, production, and possession
• product, production, possession, and promotion
• product, promotion, price, and profit
• place, production, process, and profit
32. Syndicated research reports are:
Select one:
• secondary data collected and copiled by companies on a regular basis and sold
• secondary data collected through literature reviews (newspapers, articles, market
reports etc,)
• primary data collected to provide answers to specific questions
• secondary data collected from our own company
35. Gender is not part of the psychographic segmentation.
Select one:
• True
• False
36. The process through which we select, organize, and interpret information from outside
world is called:
Select one or more:
• perception
• attitude
• knowledge
• market research
37. The strategy that focuses on attracting new customers to existing products is:
• market penetration
• market development
• product development
• diversification
38. In marketing, when we are exposed to a stimulus and we assign a meaning to that
stimulus, we say that we are measuring the process.
Select one:
• True
• False
39. For the product freshly brewed coffee, energising bottled drinks is in the following type
of competitors:
• brand
• generic
• solution
• none of these
41. A company can stretch its product line either upward or downward, but not both
Select one:
• True
• False
42. Comparing to an actual reference group, an imaginary reference group cannot have an
effect on an individual's evaluations, aspirations or behavior.
Select one:
• True
• False
44. There are no marketing behavioral differences between innovators and laggards.
Select one:
• True
• False
45. A coordinated, comprehensive plan that carries out promotion objectives and results in a
series of ads placed in media over a period of time is called:
Select one:
• public relation campaign
• advertising campaign
• sales promotion campaign
46. Managers using the Boston Consulting Group growth-market share matrix are assessing
the potential of a firm's existing SBUs to generate cash needed to invest in other businesses.
Select one:
• True
• False
47. In distribution, the intensive strategy confers the highest degree of control for product
price and conditions and the lowest distance between the producer and the final consumer.
Select one:
• True
• False
48. A primary data collection is a process that determines what information marketing
managers need and then gathers, sorts, analyzes, stores, and distributes relevant and timely
marketing information to users.
Select one:
• True
• Fals
49. Initiator, influencer, gatekeeper are some of the possible roles in the buying process for
business to business marketing.
Select one:
• True
• False
50. Which of the following is a true statement about the Four Ps of the marketing mix?
Select one:
• The Four Ps are used to determine a product's target market.
• The Four Ps have little effect on a product's market position.
• A decision about one of the Ps affects every other marketing-mix decision.
• Place is typically the least important of the Four Ps.
• Price is always the most important of the Four Ps
51. Pricing objectives focused on market share are:
• profit oriented
• sales oriented
• status-quo maintenance
• all of these
52. A ________ is a desire for a particular product a consumer uses to satisfy a need in a
specific way that is culturally and socially influenced.
Select one:
• want
• demand
• utility
• value
• benefit
54. ________ are intangible products that we pay for and use but never own.
• Consumer goods
• Services
• Industrial goods
• E-commerce products
• Value products
55. ________ is a tool management uses to assess the potential of a firm's business array. It
helps management decide how to allocate resources among the firm's current SBUs.
Select one:
• PERT chart
• Maslow pyramid
• Portfolio analysis
• SWOT analysis
• GANTT chart
56. The social factors affecting consumer buying decisions are:
• self-actualization needs, esteem needs, social needs, safety needs, physiological needs
• reference groups, opinion leaders, family
• gender, age, personality, lifestyle
• perception, motivation, learning, beliefs & attitudes
57. By dividing the total sales of the company A to the toal sales of the leader company on
the market we obtain:
Select one:
• relative market share for company A
• absolute marketing share of the leader company
• absolute market share for company A
• relative market share of the leader
58. Business to business demand differs from consumer product demand because it is:
Select one:
• fluctuating, derived, elastic, joint
• flexible, derived, inelastic, joint
• fluctuating, derived, inelastic, joint

59. The product life cycle cannot be used to predict the evolution of our products on the
market. Select one:
• True
• False
60. According to the BCG growth-market share matrix, ________ are strategic business units
with products that have a dominant market share in a low-growth potential market.
Select one:
• question marks
• cash cows
• exclamation points
• Dogs
• stars
27. Exemplify the three known distribution strategies using the same product for each type of
strategy - the product being "glasses" (spectacles) (explicitly mention the strategy and then
how will the distribution take place). OPEN QUESTION
33. Suggest 4 different scales for measuring a student's attitude towards cheating at an exam,
to exemplify the 4 levels of measurement (specify the level and then the scale). OPEN
34. What are the differences between need, want and demand, in marketing? Give examples
for the product "travel suitcase". OPEN QUESTION
40. What is the difference between aided and un-aided recall? Give a concrete example for a
company producing milk. OPEN QUESTION
43. What are the differences between pull and push techniques? Give an example. OPEN
53. Which are the differences between positioning and differentiation strategy steps in
marketing segmentation? OPEN QUESTION

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