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Pañares, Vincent Isaac S. Rodimo, Rubel V.

Tampos, Christian G.

Maurin, Shekina Marie G

Soteliza, AJ A.
Caspe, Keizyl

Punctuality is the quality of being on time, while tardiness is the
quality of being late. Waiting for a tardy person is exhausting and
frustrating, we all occasionally run late due to unforeseen
situations; nevertheless, doing so frequently may not be good.
This is one of the major problems in an institution. It can cause big
impacts of students, not just for them but also to those around
them. In this study, the researchers aims to know the effects of
punctuality and the tardiness in a student’s life upon coming to
The study is directly binds with “TEMPORAL MOTIVATION THEORY” by

Steel et al, (2018) in their theory entitled “Temporal Motivation theory:

Best theory (yet) to explain Procrastination”.

Procrastination is frequently associated with postponing to make a
decision or to act. Such phenomenon could be found in almost all walks
of life. The theory contains about the common issue among student
having late in anything due to procrastination. As a result, this study
revealed that procrastination behavior is predictable through academic
motivation and basic psychological needs.
Statement of Purpose
This study aims to determine the factors that affect the students’

tardiness of late comers in Sta. Monica Academy Pinamungajan Cebu.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:
1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
2. What are the factors that make students come to school late:
2.1 Transportation
2.2 Household Chores
2.3 Time Management
Significance of Study
These are the
beneficial individuals that have significance in this study. This will make
a significant contribution to further essential knowledge and information that will
undoubtedly help in recognizing the elements relating to the significance of time
School Administration Future Researchers
Parents Teachers Students
Researchers Administration Guidance Designate

Legal Basis
Republic Act No. 10535 is also known as "The Philippine Standard Time (PST) Act" was
signed to re-instill the value of time and help shift the mindset of Juan Time. The law
states that all government offices and media networks are required to synchronize
their timepieces with PAGASA's rubidium atomic clock. The aim of this study is to aware
not just student but all citizen in the Philippines about the value of punctuality, this
Republic Act No. 10535 (2013) is the necessary act as our basis to accompany this
Research Design: Respondents:
Descriptive Survey Design Late comers of Santa Monica Academy
Pinamungajan, Cebu

Environment: Sampling Technique:

Sta. Monica Academy - AR of
Random Sampling Technique
Pinamungajan, Cebu, Inc.
Presentation of Data
Summary of Findings

This study intended to seek the Factors Affecting Students Tardiness in Santa
Monica Academy, Pinamungajan, Cebu. The researchers also seek to know if the
finding factors about tardiness that is really affecting the student’s arrival in
school early in the morning. It used Weighted Mean to find out the level of
interpretation of each factor. On top of that, the results of the statistics are
Moderately Affected means the respond of the respondents are neutral in all
the sample factors.

Approximately 75% of all the statement answered Moderately Affecting and they
are neutral about the factors given them. Moreover, the researchers concluded
that all the three factors are Neutral to the respondents’ own perspective.


The study concluded that majority of the late comers Santa Monica Academy
Pinamungan, Cebu which are the respondents of the study are Neutral of these
factor which said that they were Moderately Affected by the said factors. Moreover,
there are still slight students who agree some statement in Time Management since
some of it affects them. This implied that even though the results of the weighted
mean were Moderately Affected in the whole factor there are still some statements
that affect them. This may be according to their own perspective on the factors and
statements about how they are affected by Transportation, Household chores, and
Time Management. Altogether, the result of the study is that the three factors have
neutrally affective and it depends on their own outlook.
A students’ tardiness brings negative impacts to their academic performance as
well as in their own development. To avoid this circumstances, formulating an
effective plan will be able to help them in that particular reason. The researchers
planned a room to room seminar to deal with students who didn't manage to come
to school on time. In our seminar, we included the things that needs to be consider
such as awareness, recommendations, and warnings in order for them to cope up in
their being tardiness. This room to room seminar will be a big help to the students
and enables them to be guided.
General Objectives:
1. To give awareness to every student in Sta. Monica Academy.
2. To help the school control the rate of student being late in arriving to school.
3. To encourage students the importance of time management.

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