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ESSAY - formal

- intro, body, conclusion

Dear John,
- refer to the previous letter
- (questions)
- last part - ask questions
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Hugs, / Kisses, / All the best,

Dear Mr Johnes, Dear Sir or Madama,
- explain why you are writing
- (fulfill the task)
- last part - what you want the adresee to do
I am looking forward to hearing from you / to your prompt response.
Yours sinceraly, / Yours faithfully, / Kind regards,

REVIEW - informal
intro - background info, factual/practical info
body - evaluate - what can I evaluate? (plot)
conc - your oppinion, recommendation

REPORT (focus on the situation)

PROPOSAL (focus on the reccomendation)
organisation - headings, bullet points
intro - the aim
body - overview of situation
conc - give reccomendation

- no contractions
- linking expressions (however, moreover, furthermore, therfore, despite ...)
- refined vocabulary (verbs)
- pessive - The sollution has been suggested...
- The situation is believed...
- It is believed that ...
- cleft sentences
- What is really needed is change.
- Who should be responcible for the ...
- negative inversion
- Under no circumstances should the university do...
- Not only should we... , but also we should...
- Never before did we have to deal with...
- conditionals - advanced structures

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