Mock Exam Earthquake Engineering (Prelims)

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1. What is the shape of the earth?

2. Dimension of the earth
3. The crust comprises about ____ of the earth body.
4. Nearly ____% of the earth’s volume and ____% of the earth’s mass is occupied by the mantle
5. The core is the central region of the earth. It is 3475 km in radius. By volume, it is ___% of the earth
body . By mass, it constitutes ___% of the mass of the earth
6. The inner core is in ___ state and the outer core is in the ___ state.
7. The continents had once formed a single landmass before breaking apart and drifting to their
present locations.
8. The underground movements of the Earth generate the primary landforms. By describing a wide
range of phenomena, including as mountain-building events, volcanoes, and earthquakes, the
theory, which became firmly established in the 1960s, transformed the earth sciences.
9. What are the seven (7) Major Tectonic Plates?
10. ______ is a three-dimensional surface or zone across which there is a significant change in the
velocity of motion of one lithospheric plate relative to the adjacent lithospheric plate.
11. Three (3) types of Plate Boundaries:
12. ______ are vibrations, or oscillations, of the ground surface caused by a transient disturbance of
the elastic or gravitational equilibrium of the rocks at or beneath the surface of the earth.
13. ______ attributes the occurrence of tectonic earthquakes to the gradual accumulation of strain in a
given zone and the subsequent gradual increase in the amount of elastic forces stored.
14. The gradual accumulation and subsequent release of stress and strain is described as ______
15. _______ earthquakes occur along the boundaries of the tectonic plates.
16. occurring within the plates themselves, away from the plate boundaries are called _______
17. slips are generated during the earthquake at the fault along both horizontal and vertical directions,
known as _____, and the lateral direction, known as _____.
18. Recently, the ________ has been used as a measure of earthquake size.
19. According to the plate tectonic theory, the earth's crust consists of a number of large rigid blocks
called _______
20. _______ are rift or spreading zones. These are zones of tension in which the lithosphere splits,
separates, and moves apart as hot magma wells up through cracks and deposits new material.
21. Constructive Margin is also known as ______.
22. _______ are boundaries along which the edge of one plate overrides the other.
23. The plunging plate enters the hot asthenosphere, gets heated, melts, and assimilates completely
within the material of the upper mantle forming new magma. This process is known as _______.
24. _______ are zones which are associated with the creation of deep ocean trenches and major
25. _______ occur on the oceanic side of the trench, where normal faulting occurs due to tensional
stresses generated by the initial bending of the plate.
26. ________ are produced by dip-slip motion resulting in thrust faulting, as descending plates slide
beneath the overlying plates. This type of activity persists up to a depth of 100 km
27. At _______, earthquakes are caused by extension or compression
28. Also known as transformed faults.
29. In these zones, the lithosphere plates slide past each other without any creation nor destruction.
This boundary is, thus, also called a ______.
30. located 70 km below earth’s surface.
31. between 70-300 km
32. More than 300 km
33. A wave of energy that is generated by an earthquake or other earth vibration that travels within the
earth or along its surface.
34. A _____ can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to
another location.
35. ______ - travel within the body of earth. _______ - travel along earth's surface.
36. ______ compress and expand, meaning they move back and forth in the direction of the wave.
37. A type of body wave that is moving in a shearing or crosswise motion, perpendicular to the
direction of travel (up and down/side to side).
38. A surface wave moving in a horizontal motion, swaying side-to-side, perpendicular to the direction
it's traveling in. Most destructive surface wave.
39. Move in an elliptical pattern and similar to that observed in ocean waves as it spread out the most.
40. Example of Indirect effect of Earthquakes:
41. Example of Direct effect of Earthquakes:
42. long-period seismograph
43. Period of pendulum is set close to the period of ground motion
44. short-period seismograph
45. _____ the amount energy released by an earthquake at the focus using recording instruments like
46. ______ is the strength of an earthquake perceived and felt by people in a certain locality.
47. A type of scale often used to quantify the size of an earthquake by determining the magnitude of an
earthquake using logarithmic scale of the amplitudes recorded by the graph.
48. ______ measure motion or vibration by converting physical movement into electrical signal suitable
for measurement, recording, analysis/control.
49. recordings of accelerographs. The recording of the acceleration of the ground during an earthquake.
50. most commonly used measure of intensity of shaking
51. _____ subdivided into regions, each associated with a known or assigned seismic probability or risk,
to serve as a useful basis for the implementation of code provisions on earthquake-resistant design.
52. In most instances only the structural response to the of ground motion ______ is considered.
53. Minor: Frequent, Moderate: ______, Strong:______
Answer Key 24. Subduction Zone
25. Tensional Earthquakes
1. Oblate Spheroid or ellipsoid
26. Shallow Earthquakes
2. 6378 km (along equator) and 6357 km
27. Intermediate Depths
(along the poles)
28. Fractured Zones
3. 5%
29. Parallel or Transform Fault Boundary
4. 84% and 67%
30. Shallow-Focus Earthquake
5. 16% and 32%
31. Intermediate-focus earthquake
6. Solid, liquid
32. Deep-Focus Earthquake
7. Continental Drift Theory
33. Seismic Waves
8. Plate Tectonics
34. Wave
9. African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Eurasian
35. Body Waves, Surface Waves
Plate, Indian-Australian Plate, North
36. P-waves
American Plate, Pacific Plate and South
37. S-waves
American Plate 
38. Love waves
10. plate boundary
39. RAYLEIGH waves
11. Transform Plate Boundary (conservative
40. Tsunami, Seiches, Fire
margin), Divergent Plate Boundary
41. Seismic waves, Landslides, Ground
(constructive margin) and Convergent
Plate Boundary (destructive margin)
42. Displacement seismograph
12. Earthquakes
43. Velocity seismograph
13. elastic rebound theory
44. Acceleration seismograph
14. Elastic Rebound
45. Magnitude
46. Intensity
47. Richter Scale
17. Dip slip, strike slip
18. Seismic moment
49. Accelerograms/ Accelerometric data
19. Crustal plates
50. Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) or
20. Zones of Divergence (Constructive
Peak Amplitude
51. Seismic Zone Map
52. horizontal component
22. Zones of convergence
53. Occasional, Rare
23. Subduction

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