Inglês 6ano Ficha2Correção 19mar20 LuísSerrano

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A. Write the verbs in the present simple or present continuous.

1. Sam always plays (play) football in the afternoon.
2. His parents are watching (watch) a film now.
3. Look! They are taking (take) a photo.
4. They never go (go) to school on foot.
5. Listen! Your mobile phone is ringing (ring).
6. At the moment Mr Smith is reading (read) a book.
7. Brian sometimes makes (make) a cake.
8. Susan usually drinks (drink) milk before going
to bed, but today she is eating (eat) a sandwich

B. Make sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous.

1. Peter his family / go / to the beach / on Saturdays /.

Peter and his family go to the beach on Saturdays.

2. John / not play / volleyball / at the moment /.

John is not playing volleyball at the moment.

3. she / do / her homework / now /?

Is she doing her homework now?

4. Margaret / ride / her bike / on Sundays /?

Does Margaret ride her bike on Sundays?

5. We / not watch / TV / on Sundays /.

We do not watch TV on Sundays.

6. Now / you / take / photos /.

Now you are taking photos.


A. Choose the correct option.

1. My brother usually plays online games
when / while he is waiting for dinner.
2. Susan often listens to music when /
while she is doing the ironing.
3. When / While I don’t do my homework,
the teacher gets angry.
4. My mother always gets nervous when /
while she can’t find her car keys.
5. Max sings pop songs when / while he is
having a shower.
6. When / While I have an important test I
never watch TV.

B. Complete the sentences and match them with the pictures A – D. B

1. I always drink water while I am running (run).
2. Linda always listens to music while she is working (work).
3. Robert always cooks dinner when he gets (get) home. A

4. We usually answer the door immediately when our friends arrive (arrive). C

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