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My topic today is famous products and fashion.

In my opinion, fashion is a very

important thing today, because people usually evaluate a person by his
appearance, so many people have started a race for fashion, style, and brands.
Sometimes people just go crazy spending thousands of dollars on some handbag
from Chanel or shoes from the latest collection of Louboutin. People actually
spend very big money just on their clothes and style, just to be told how cool they
are. This also applies to various plastic surgeries, I think it's terrible when a person
can not accept himself as he is, even worse when a person does some plastic
surgery to please someone. Let's go back to style and clothes, in my opinion, a
person does not owe anything to anyone, even if he has a high status and is in
high society, he is not required to dress for thousands of dollars, for me such an
example was the actor Keanu Reeves. He is a Canadian actor and producer, he
became a meme on the Internet because he was photographed sitting on a bench
and eating an ordinary sandwich. He was dressed like an ordinary person, in
ordinary jeans, in ordinary shoes and with an unshaven beard, someone started
to call his style a hobo. I think that people should not dress in outfits worth
thousands of dollars just because they are famous and they should always be on
top. Keanu is a man who has a very big fortune, but he walks down the street the
way he feels comfortable, he dresses the way he thinks he should, not the way
the fashion leaders impose, and I think it's cool. Speaking about me, I have never
followed and will never follow style and brands, because I do not believe that a
person should be evaluated by these parameters and I will never try to please
someone with the help of clothes or style. For me the most important thing in
clothes is its practicality and comfort, as well as the price to quality ratio, I don't
even have any favorite brands and companies, because I don't care who the
manufacturer of clothes is, the main thing is that I like it. I'm very annoyed by
people who try to be always in trend and in style even though they don't have the
money for it, for example my sister, she doesn't have as much money as Keanu
Reeves but she dresses more luxury than him, she spends a lot of money just to
look good and it annoys me. Maybe if I was the son of a billionaire I would have a
different opinion about style and fashion. Thank you for your attention

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