Gifted2Give MID Lesson 2

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Cagas De Arce Roberto


In the 10th century, a social structure known as Feudalism
dominated the people’s way of life, even influence the church
on its attitude towards the world and its people.
Concept of Feudalism (Comby)
Invasion by the Germans caused the decline of the Roman ● Land belonged to the warrior who defended it. He put
empire and the Church. himself under the protection of a more powerful lord
who would grant his vassal the possession and
How fast the Glory of Rome Fell (based on the account of administration of fiefdom or benefice. The church,
Jean Comby) which owned large areas of land, was caught up in
this system.
● The Ancient world, both Roman and Christians, had ● Every holder of an ecclesiastical office had the use of
ceased to be. A new era had begun. The empire a piece of land or a benefice which provided him a
continued to exist in the east, but in Latin West had living. The bishop was a lord and a vassal at the
disintegrated into a multitude of barbarian kingdoms: same way as the laity. He held jurisdiction over his
Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Burgundians, Vandals, land and dispense justice; he maintained an army.
Alans, and so on.
Here, we can discern how the ecclesiastical authorities
With Rome, the mighty empire of the West and converted became both the victims and perpetrators of a system that
instrument of Christianity, destroyed and ruined by the advocates injustice and discrimination towards the servants.
Barbarians, shock and fear overwhelmed the entire empire. And what was more disheartening was the knowledge that
bishops, perceived as exemplars of justice and equality,
St. Jerome Lamented with the downfall of Rome condoned such a system.
● “Everything, however, long has its end; …But Rome! It came to be less than a surprise that the ecclesiastical position
Who would believe that Rome would collapse...we or ranks became the target of trade and business when people
cannot relieve these sufferings all we can do is to
started to sell their positions and offices. (Called Simony)
sympathize with them and untie our tears with theirs”
Gradually, the competition to own, to control and to dominate
To those who were faithful to old pagan religion of Rome such became a culture of corruption and greed to those who aimed
misfortune was deemed as “punishment for abandoning the old for greater property and power.
religion”. To some Christian believers, such tragedy can be SCHISM: SEPARATION OF THE WEST AND THE EAST
attributed as “punishment for their sins”. (1054 A.D.)
how Islamic religion expanded to the Mediterranean world Schism is defined as “a division of a church into factions
because of differences in doctrine”. The Christian churches
Rejected by the people of his tribe in 622, Mohammed fled to of the West and the East were divided due to a disagreement
Mecca for Medina. This is known as the Hijrah, the beginning of doctrine.
of the Moslem era. Unable to rally the Christian and the Jews,
Mohammed turned against both and began to proclaim his Historians traced the root of this great division to a disagreement
religion as a worldwide one. on the understanding of the person and origin of the Holy Spirit.
Roman Western Church claims that the Holy Spirit proceeds
With only the exhausted and the Persian empires to oppose from the Father and the Son (filioque) while the Eastern
them, the Arabs, who constituted a new military force, hurled Church maintains that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the
themselves into a series of lightning conquest. They accepted Father but NOT from the Son but holds that the Father is the
death enthusiastically in their ‘striving on the road to God’ source and origin of the whole divinity, eventually, the rift
(Jihad, often translated to holy war). between the two churches worsened; In 1040 things heated up
again. The pope imposed the Latin rite on Eastern churches
Jerusalem was captured in 638, at the same time as Syria and in Italy and the East imposed its rites on Latin churches in
Palestine. Alexandria fell in 642, Persia in 651. Carthage was Constantinople. Michael Cerularius, the feisty Patriarch of
captured in 698. In 711, Arabs and Barbers who had been Constantinople, refused to help Rome fight the Normans and
converted to Islam began to conquer Spain. They were to get condemned the Latin practices of using unleavened bread,
as far as the heart of the kingdom of the Franks. teaching on “and from the son”, enforcing celibacy on the
The expansion of Islam conquered Christian territories,
Including the Holy land; brought converts to the Islamic faith; The worst thing happened an exchange of excommunication
spread Islamic influence and culture; and stablished structures followed, an action that would bring long separation between the
that were important to the Islamic believers.

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San Pedro College Prelims | 1st Sem | A.Y. 2021-2022
Cagas De Arce Roberto

Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church Religious and civil authorities elevated the heresy as a crime
for centuries and worst, named it as an act of high treason.

The big year for the final separation between East and West In 1197 king Peter of Aragon classed heresy as a crime of high
was 1054: the pope sent a delegation to Constantinople to ease treason, punishable by death. Innocence III also spoke of
tension. But Cerularius was so put off by the discourtesy of the heresy as a high treason.
papal delegates that he refused to meet with them. Outraged,
the delegates left a bull of excommunication on the altar of PROTESTANT REFORMATION 15TH-16TH CENTURY
Santa Sophia, charging the patriarchs with many heresies. The
patriarchs in return proclaimed the west Anathema for its “Stop the abuse! the church must reform” That was the clamor
heresy, burned the Roma bull and declared that Rome and of the early reformers towards the Catholic church at that time.
Constantinople would now go on their separate ways. Such demand was only a direct consequence of accumulated
events and actions in the past by some members of the
Since then, the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern
church’s hierarchy.
Orthodox Church live in mutual exclusion. It was only on
December 7, 1965, that such indifference was dispelled through
-events and circumstances leading the reformation-
a joint declaration made by Pope Paul VI and the Patriarch
Athenagoras, by regretting the exchange of insults in 1054 and
1. BLACK DEATH (1347-1348)
the excesses of the past.
The population of Europe was almost wiped out because of a
While the two churches have remained distinct and plague. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “originating in
independent, reconciliation and forgiveness brought them again China and inner Asia, the plague was transmitted to Europeans
as brothers ‘working in the ‘Lord’s vineyard’. (1347), when a Kipchak army, besieging a Genoese trading
post in the Crimea, catapulted plague infested corpses into the
CRUSADERS town…which resulted to a 25 million deaths.
It was taught by the ecclesiastical authorities at that time that if
a crusader dies during the crusade, he is assured of his salvation Its effect was greatly devastating. Most of those affected
because he was already forgiven from his sins. interpreted such affliction as a divine punishment and an
invitation for conversion. Then a strange obsession for death
The crusaders lasted for a few hundred years. According to emerged.
historical records, there were as many as fourteen crusades, Some initiated the “procession of flagellants who travelled thru
including a few children’s crusades wherein young lives were towns, striking themselves until the blood flowed. Others
wasted, abused sold to slavery and others died along the blamed the Jews as scapegoats. Worst of all, a satanic fervor
journey either by sickness or accident. ran through Europe…and Satan intervened sorcerers and
Such plague eventually created a need for the people to be
Christianity once again fought heresies and condemned secured from divine punishment and made them an easy prey
heretics. In an official document form the council of Toulouse for exploitation.
(1229), The ecclesiastical authorities issued their vigilant
decision against the recurrence of heresies: 2. PAPAL CONTROVERSY
In every parish I the city and outside the city bishops From the years 1378-1417, the catholic church was enveloped
shall designate a priest and two or three laymen, or even more, with controversy created by a few of its own authorities.
if necessary, of unsullied reputation, who shall be committed
on oath to search out assiduously and faithfully the heretics In 1389, college of cardinals elected pope Urban VI, but for
living in the parish… some reasons, recanted their previous decision and formally
installed Clement VII as the new pope by 1394. To make the
If they discover heretics or people giving credence or favor, situation complicated, a third pope, Alexander V, was named
sanctuary, or protection to heretics, they shall take steps to in Pisa through a council.
present their flights and denounce them as soon as possible to
the bishop and to the lord of the place. Popes, in the Middle Ages, were subjects of envy among the
powerful and the ambitious because of the absolute power and
Once a heretic is found, he/she is given an appropriate trial the wealth of the papacy.
and corresponding measure, depending on the case at hand.
But prudence was exercised, for instance, Wason, the bishop 3. UNWORTHY POPES ON THE THRONE OF PETER
of Liege, sent a letter to The bishop of Chalons in 1045 Pope Alexander VI, according to Brennan Hill, came from a
reminding him that a bishop cannot demand the death of a corrupt Borgia family…infamous for his political intrigues,
heretic. But the repression of heresies took an ugly turn. mistresses, and children. He often used his children’s marriages

BS Medical Laboratory Science THEO_BSMLS 2H | 2

San Pedro College Prelims | 1st Sem | A.Y. 2021-2022
Cagas De Arce Roberto

to make political alliances and held lavish orgies in the papal

palace after their weddings. Obtainable on special occasions in one's life
✔ First Communion
Innocent III, went beyond his claim in saying that he is the “Lord ✔ Attending a mission
of the world” a semi-divine figure who was below God but ✔ Spiritual Exercises
above man. The lay people, aware of the corruption and ✔ First Mass of newly ordained Priests
excesses of their religious leaders lost their fidelity and respect ✔ Jubilees of Sacerdotal Ordination
towards them. Slowly, this situation led them to sow seeds of ✔ The Moment of Death
contempt and aversion to their leaders. REFORMERS


In the film, entitled, Martin Luther, a scene on selling of Belonging to a well to do family, Martin Luther had a good
indulgence was shown. It showed a passionate Dominican educational background. In fact, he decided to pursue law at
priest, Johann Tetzel, calling people to repent, threatening the university of Erfurt (one of the most distinguished in
them with the fire of hell and its eternal damnation and selling Germany). But after his conversion, he decided to abandon law
indulgence with these outrageous words; “For every coin that and entered monastery to become Augustinian monk.
rings is a soul in purgatory that springs!”
According to Richard McBrien: Luther was a monk who took
It was disgraceful to the people, to the church and to God. For the last things very seriously: death, judgment, heaven, and
once payment was secured, the poor, gullible people were hell. He was tormented by the thought of God’s judgement as
fearful of divine wrath, receive a card/certificate the guaranteed he reflected on his creatureliness and unworthiness. Traditional
ticket to heaven at that time. modes of mortification and penance did not work for him. He
was still without peace. He concluded that he had to
What is Indulgence? relinquish all forms of self-reliance. God alone would save
● According to CFC par. 1821 contrary to the negative him if only he would trust in God’s power and readiness to save
reactions by the reformers, the church “helps its him.
members by granting indulgences that is, by
Because of Luther’s dismay and dissatisfaction in the church,
authoritatively assigning the penitent a portion of the
treasury of merits of Christ and the saints to remit he nailed his famous 95 theses on the door of the church at
temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven. Wittenberg as his protest to the Catholic church.

Today when will we get Indulgence? An act that would bring Luther to separation from the
Obtainable any time any place church and to an eventual birth of protestant movements. He
abhorred and condemned the practice of selling indulgences
✔ Reading of Sacred Scripture preach by the church at that time, especially since it involves
✔ Recitation of the Marian Rosary the monetary purchase of a certificate, among other things.
✔ Exercise of the Way of the Cross
His enduring legacies to Protestantism are the
✔ Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Obtainable on special occasions following:
1. The condemnation of the sale of Indulgence
✔ Papal Blessing - even by radio
2. The translation of the Bible into the vernacular
✔ Closing Mass of a Eucharistic Congress (German Language) In order to make it available
✔ During a Diocesan Synod to the ordinary people,
✔ During a Pastoral Visitation 3. Consideration of the Baptism and Eucharist as the
only valid sacraments
Obtainable on special days
4. his attack on the veneration of Saints and Marian
✔ 1st January devotions
✔ Each Friday of Lent and Passiontide after 5. the sacred scripture as the only authority of
communion Christian teaching (sola Scriptura—scripture
✔ Holy Thursday
6. his famous doctrine on justification by faith alone
✔ Good Friday (sola fide—faith alone)
✔ Paschal Vigil
✔ Feast of Pentecost 2. ULRICH ZWINGLI (1531)
✔ Feast of Corpus Christi - 2nd Thursday after But the reformers had their differences concerning their
Pentecost understanding and conviction about their protest of the church,
✔ Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - 3rd as well as their basic teachings and practices. More radical
Friday after Pentecost than Luther in terms of his teachings, Ulrich Zwingli of
✔ Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - 29 Zurich, Switzerland.
BS Medical Laboratory Science THEO_BSMLS 2H | 3
San Pedro College Prelims | 1st Sem | A.Y. 2021-2022
Cagas De Arce Roberto

He began to abolish the mass itself. He also challenged the 2. It emphasizes that salvation comes from God as a
legitimacy of some of the sacraments. He began to seize pure gift, but that it requires some measures of human
church property, rejected celibacy and the convents and cooperation, which is a middle course between
monasteries were suppressed. He even claimed as far as Pelagianism (everything depends on human efforts)
saying that the Holy Eucharist is just an ordinary, memorial and Protestantism (everything depends on God).
meal: thus, Jesus was not really present in the Eucharist. 3. It teaches the seven sacraments to be instituted by
Christ and the Holy Eucharist to be an encounter of
the real presence of Christ in the consecrated bread
and wine. To believe otherwise would mean taking
the risk of being excommunicated (anathema).
4. It maintains its practice of venerating the Saints, its
3. JOHN CALVIN (1564) devotion to Mother Mary and its recitation of the
John Calvin was the Protestant reformer known for his Rosary.
influential writing, “Institute of the Christian Religion”, which 5. It mandates the formation of seminaries where young
eventually became a handbook of protestant doctrines. people are educated…trained in piety and religion.
Such action was truly necessary and fruitful because
Like his protestant counterparts, he put primacy on the sacred it advocates a careful system in the selection and
scripture as the source of belief, rejected the papacy and formation of candidates to the priesthood; counters
stressed on divine grace for salvation. But he went to the the selling of Ecclesiastical office (Simony);
extreme in his teaching on PREDESTINATION. He taught that prevents the culture of appointing relatives or giving
God had already determined our destiny…and that God them favors within priest’s jurisdiction (nepotism and
corruption); and the ordination of illiterate, unqualified
indeed allows many to be damned to manifest divine justice.
Thus, the church, for Calvin, is the company of the elect.
6. It establishes the index of forbidden books which
COUNTER-REFORMATION: THE CATHOLIC RESPONSE refers to the heretical writings against the church.

With the problem inherent in the church and the external 2. POST-TRIDENTINE ERA
controversies caused by the Protestants reformers, the Catholic
church braced itself to resolve its own concerns and carefully The declaration and decisions promulgated by the council of
addressed the valid points raised by the reformers. Trent exercised lasting influence on the catholic church for the
next four hundred years, until the time of the second Vatican
According to Scholars, reforms was already underway in the council was convened.
church, even before the emergence of the reformers.
Trent, indeed, brought changes in the church leading to the
There was great development in the field of Christian mission recovery of its own credibility among its members, restoration of
and education, especially the ones initiated by Ignatius of lost territories to the protestants: Poland, large parts of
Loyola and his companions, (known today as Society of Germany, France and the Netherlands, advancement of
Jesus), who “sought to be the servant of the church par Christian education, improvement in liturgy, formation of
excellence”. priests and the definition of essential Catholic teachings
There was the flowering of spirituality and rise of religious
orders, like the order of the Carmelites in Spain (notable
among them were St. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross).
Fairly, we may say that the church was conscious of its own
problems and made independent progress prior to the


The council of Trent opened on December 13, 1545, with the

intention of clarifying the church’s doctrines, imposing
disciplinary measures, fighting heresies and affirming
fundamental beliefs of the catholic church:

1. Trent affirms the due recognition of the Sacred

Scripture and tradition: The Holy council, following
the examples of Orthodox fathers, receives and
venerates with equal pious affection and reverence,
all the books both new and Old Testament, since one
God is the author of both, together with the said
tradition as well as those pertaining to morals.

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San Pedro College Prelims | 1st Sem | A.Y. 2021-2022

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