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Kalinga State University

Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The unprecedented growth of information and communication

technologies (ICT) driven by microelectronics, computer hardware,

and software systems has influenced all facets of computing

applications across organizations. Technology has impacted almost

every aspect of life today, and education is no exception. Or is

it? In some ways, education seems much the same as it has been

for many years.

Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning.

It can help affirm and advance relationships between educators

and students, reinvent our approaches to learning and

collaboration, shrink long-standing equity and accessibility

gaps, and adapt learning experiences to meet the needs of all


Student Information System (SIS) assists the institutions to

manage every single detail of students in a holistic, organized,

and cost-effective way. Education ERP completely and efficiently

eliminates the need for faculty members to spend a considerable

amount of time compiling student data. Thereby assisting the

faculty members in channelizing their concentration on the

students and their performance enhancement.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Student information system has gained huge popularity in the

educational sector because of their unique characteristics which

have helped countless schools and higher educational institutes

immensely. Right from maintaining and updating student data with

proficiency to analyzing and creating reports, the education

management software has helped substantially (Gagliordi, Natalie,

August 2018).

A Student Information System (SIS), student management

system, school administration software, or student administration

system is a management information system for education

establishments used to manage student data. Student information

systems provide capabilities for registering students in courses;

documenting grading, transcripts of academic achievement and co-

curricular activities, and the results of student assessment

scores; forming student schedules; tracking student attendance;

and managing other student-related data needs in an educational

institution (ZDNet,2019).

According to Tobias (2018), An Online Student Information

System, or OSIS, is a web-based platform that helps schools take

data online for easier management and better clarity. That's at

its most basic. The OSIS system can collect all student data

online so that it can be easily accessed by teachers, parents,

students, and administrators. That includes records of tests,

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

attendance, and appraisal performance. Essentially, an OSIS

allows the school to make data points for lots of areas in one

place so that it's easy to keep track of progress and

performance. With this advantage and benefits of the Online

Student Information System and intuitive user interface with

pioneering features, it can maximize the automation of school

management. Smart management of student and staff data makes

organized schedules, stress-free and easy to manage data. Yes,

enhancing the efficiency of school administration and managing

student data is effortless with the Online Student Information

System. This system can be customized to include a whole range

of activities. It can be easily accessed anytime. Schools can

run the Online Student Information System on minimal hardware

affordably and gain a competitive advantage by exploiting the

latest in technology to stay ahead of the competition.

The Malagnat National High School currently uses the

traditional paper and pen in recording and updating the student’s

information, grades, and absences and stores it in folders and

cabinets. The students fill up forms upon enrolment that contains

their basic information. These forms are consolidated by the

school administrator and stored in school cabinets for encoding

in the LIS. The school administrator designates advisers for each

class section and prepares teachers’ load. The Teachers are

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

currently using record books in recording students’ activities

and performances. The existing processes encounter problems and

issues such as data misplaced or lost, outdated data, and

incoherent student information. Also in the existing system, the

parents or guardians have minimal supervision of their children’s


This motivates the researchers to propose an Online Student

Information System to computerize the current processes of the

school and integrate additional features to minimize the problems

and issues encountered in the existing system. The system will

ease the process of recording and updating students’ information

and store it in centralized storage where teachers can easily

retrieve information and update it if needed. The school

administrator can effortlessly assign advisers to each respective

class and teachers to the subjects they will teach. The system

will also send text messages to inform the student’s parent or

guardian if their child is absent. The proposed system will be

advantageous to the school, the school administrators, the

teachers, the students, and the student’s parents/guardians.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

State of the Art

Student Information System (SIS) is a fully computerized

system designed to manage, store, track, retrieve, and analyze

student-related data. The data is saved at a centralized location

& role-based login access is given to all the stakeholders like

teachers, students, and parents to ensure student data security.

School Profile


Head Teacher I Head Teacher I




Teacher III Teacher II Teacher III Teacher III

Teacher III
Teacher II Teacher II Teacher III


Teacher III Teacher I
Teacher II
Teacher III Teacher I


Teacher I

Figure 1. Organizational Chart

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

The school is located at the heart of Northern Pinukpuk’s

Lower Cal-owan Zone. It is along the highway making it accessible

to any vehicle. It is 7 kilometers(km) away from Poblacion, from

the nearest private secondary school – STS Pinukpuk from the

Northern Pinukpuk District office. It is 500 meters away from the

nearest public elementary – Malagnat Elementary School. 14

kilometers from the nearest public secondary school – Camalog

National High School and 47 kilometers away from the Division


Area and Physical Facilities

It has an area of one hectare. It is being surrounded by

mountains causing the unavailability of cellular signals in the

school. The school is a developing school. All the classrooms are

temporary learning shelters. However, there are already planned

concrete buildings to be built the soonest. Other school

facilities and equipment ardently hoped for the soonest.

Population and Personnel

Despite the limited physical capacity of the school, the

school continues its Special Program in the Art curriculum in the

Junior High School Moreover, it has extended its wings to give

service to the people of Pinukpuk through opening and extension

at Barangay Taggay, Pinukpuk, Kalinga. The Malagnat National High

School-Taggay Site has been operating for two years. For now, the
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

school has an overall population of 352 with 13 permanent

teachers with 1 school head. 234 students are from Junior High

School from NHS, Taggay Site. 40 out of the 13 teachers are

Junior High School teachers and 3 teachers are Senior High School


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to design and develop a Student Information

System that will address the problems of the existing SIS of

Malagnat National High School that leads to answering the

following questions below:

1. What are the process of the existing Student Information

System of Malagnat National High school?

2. What are the problem and issues encountered in the

existing system of the school?

3. What system can be developed to address the problem with

the existing system?

4. What is the level of acceptance in the implementation of

the system?

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to design and develop an

Online Student Information System for Malagnat National High


Specifically, it aims to:

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

1. To identify the processes of the existing Student

Information System of Malagnat National High school.

2. To determine the problem and issues encountered in the

existing system of the school.

3. To determine the processes to be integrated into the

system to address the problem of the current system.

4. To prove the level of acceptance in the utilization of

the implemented proposed system.

Significance of the Study

Through this proposed system, it will be beneficial for the


To Malagnat National High School. Through this proposed

system, Malagnat National High School will have a reliable

Student Information System with updated and consistent records.

The proposed system will help the school in managing the records

of the student in the school and will help the administrators in

generating needed reports.

To the Principal. With the proposed system the principal

will be able to manage teachers teaching load with simplicity and


To the Adviser. The proposed system will help the teachers

in managing students’ information, recording students’ quarterly

grades, and attendance checking.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

To the Students. It will minimize the time and effort it

takes for the students to view grades and the student will have

an updated and reliable information record.

To the Parents. Through this proposed system, parents will

be able to monitor their child’s attendance.

To the Researchers. It will allow them to apply the


theories and concepts they learned through their entire years of

stay in this university and at the same time, enhance their

skills and work performance while grasping knowledge throughout

the study.

To the Future Researchers. The study will give future

researchers ideas and insights on their future proposals or


To Kalinga State University (KSU). It will serve as an

accomplishment for the school in promoting its mission and


Scope and Delimitations

The proposed study focused on the design and development of

an Online Student Information System for Malagnat National High

School, the system will have the following processes: (1)

Management of student’s personal information, quarterly grades,

and attendance, (2) Assigned teachers with their teaching load,

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

(3) Management of advisory class, classes, and subjects, (4)

Notification to the parents if their child is absent, and (5)

Student moving up the list.

However, the proposed system delimits itself on the

computation of the raw grades of the students, and the scheduling

of their extracurricular activities.

Definition of Terms

The researchers gathered the following terminologies to have

a better and clearer understanding of the study.

Authentication. The process of identifying yourself and the

verification that you're who you say you are. Computers, where

restricted information is stored, may require you to enter your

username and password to gain access.

Computerized. The process of storing, processing, analyzing,

or generating reports by a computer.

Database. It is a storage area of integrated data that can

be retrieved and manipulated to produce information.

Data Breach. An unfortunate event where a student’s

information is accessed unauthorized. Usually done through

hacking or phishing scams.

Documentation. Refers to relation to computers, the set of

instructions shipped with a program or a piece of hardware.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Extracurricular Activities. These are the non-academic

activities of the student such as contests and programs where

they partition.

Event. It refers to the process of a part of the thing that

happens, especially one of importance to present in the future.

Grades. A mark/s indicates the quality of a student's

performances, attendance, and activities.

Learner Information System. An online facility that provides

for the registration of learners enrolled in schools run or

licensed by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the

Philippines. It is the national registry of all learners in Basic

Education. (Dep-Ed Oplan Balik Eskwela, 2019)

Log-in. It is the process of user identification and

authorization using grant access to the system.

Password. Refers to a security measure used to restrict

access to computer systems and sensitive system files.

Record. Refers to retaining information usually the files.

Scheduling. It is a process to arrange or plan (an event) to

take place at a particular time.

Student Information System. A software develops to

computerize the process of managing student information and

eliminates the problems encounters in manually managing student

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

System. Refers to any collection of component elements that

work together to perform.

Transaction. It refers to the process in which a system is

related to the organization’s activities.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Chapter 2


This chapter primarily presents the different researches and

other literature from both global and local researchers, which

have significant bearings on the variables included in the

research. The literature of this study comes from books,

journals, articles, electronic materials such as PDFs or E-Book,

and other existing theses and dissertations, global and local

that are believed to be useful in the advancement of the study.

Global Literature

According to Muhammad Assif and John Krogstie (2019). Mobile

information systems are extending the possibilities for when and

where to perform learning for different communities. In this

paper we particularly address students. Mobile computing is also

changing the way of communication between teachers and students

and can be used effectively to improve instructional quality.

Campus Information System for students is defined as “An

interrelated group of information resources, accessible by

computer through the campus institutional external and internal

web environment, that a university places at the disposal of its

users to enable them to consult it and/or provide a selection of

significant and relevant data, in the wide context of their

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university life in its academic, administrative and social

senses, to improve student’s knowledge base”.

According to Melda Manuhutu, et al. (2018) from the study

Academic Information System for Student (Case Study: Victory

University of Sorong) “The rapid development of information

technology becomes a big challenge for all parties. Information

systematic systems are a form of development of information

technology. It must be considered in terms of utilization and

appropriate safeguards, so the results achieved can be following

the objectives that meet the needs of technology users

themselves. Information technology is used to process data,

including obtaining, organizing, processing, storing, and

manipulating data in various ways to produce good quality

information. The result of information must be relevant,

accurate, and timely so that it can be used for every

institution, whether public or private, one of which is an

educational institution. Educational institutions should be able

to use and utilize information technology as a supporter of

operational activities in producing accurate information.

According to Ahmed Al-Hunaiyyan et al. (2021). Successful

student information systems (SIS) make students productive and

improve the workflow of their academic services. These systems,

including learning management systems (LMS), provide functions

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

and tools that overcome college-level administrative and academic

problems. SIS allows college students to manage their data,

including registering in courses, maintaining grades, showing

transcripts, and generating progress reports. Although SIS is

widely used in the academic world, these systems require regular

evaluation to make them more productive. Having effective and

efficient SIS significantly impacts stakeholder groups’ operation

and performance. Therefore, the key features of SIS must be

identified, and appropriate evaluation criteria must be developed

to measure them.

According to Sean M. Motta (2017). The creation and

management of accurate, up-to-date information regarding a

student’s academic career are critically important in the

management of a university. Previously, the USF Honors College

relied heavily on paper records for this initiative. This

research focuses on the design and implementation of a

comprehensive student information system and user interface to

replace the current paper records. Honors College Staff can

directly access all aspects of a student’s academic progress

through a secure, online interface embedded in the college’s

website. The system utilizes user authentication, displaying only

information necessary for an individual’s duties. Additionally,

each sub-system has authentication allowing authorized users to

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

create or update information in that sub-system. All data is

thoroughly reviewed and validated on the server before actual

record alteration occurs. In addition to a staff user interface,

this system features a student user interface, allowing users to

access information and submit requests electronically, saving

both completion and processing time.

According to ARIEL O. GAMAO, Ph.D. in Educational Management

graduate, Doctor in Information Technology (2017). The progress

in information and communication technologies and touch screen

technologies have changed the end-user computing experience and

environment. These advancements have changed the way delivering

of information and services. Students Information Systems can now

be deployed through an information kiosk, whenever students have

queries on their grades, subjects enrolled, or even payments,

students will just go to the information kiosk and use the

system. Student Information System is part of these advancements.

According to Lahar Mishra, et al. (2015). MIS provides

faster access to the required information which helps the

organization to make effective and timely decisions regarding

every aspect such as investments, employment, products, etc

depending upon the organization. Decision-making refers to

choosing a certain line of action from among several

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

alternatives. It is integral management that occurs at every

level of management and every function. The effectiveness of the

organization depends upon the quality of decisions that informs

its operation. Decision-making is a major metric for determining

the organization’s success or failure. This paper focuses on

understanding the need, benefits, types of MIS, the MIS model,

the decision-making system, and majorly the role of MIS in the

decision-making of the organization.

According to Xiangcheng Wu (2020) “With the continuous

development of information technology, the means of information

technology in the student management system continue to

popularize and promote. It can make management efficient, fast,

and convenient. Given the problems existing in the current

student information management system, such as long development

cycle, difficult maintenance, and poor user experience. This

paper design and implement a novel student information management

system. Based on the mode of Client/Server, the design of the

mobile terminal is added that the WeChat mini-program is used for

development. At the same time, the Development of the client is

based on Qt Quick. The interface is simple and easy to implement,

also easy to transplant into different operating system

platforms. The system is simple to implement, the system

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

developers only need to be familiar with QML, JavaScript, CSS,

and other front-end development technologies to complete the

development of the system. The practice shows that the system is

more scientific and institutionalized student information

management, reducing the labor intensity of the management

personnel, with low cost, easy maintenance, low development

threshold, short development cycle, and other advantages, with a

certain promotion value.

Local Literature

According to J. Arroyo (2016). Student information system as

of study today is changing what people are learning upon such as

with the burgeoning of the internet, the control exercised in the

past by the Philippines from various departments of education and

by individual teachers over pedagogical content may have

diminished significantly. Through this new informative medium,

resources of varying quality and provenance on the virtually

diverse subject matter are now available to the students. Truly,

it is crucial to the advancement of informative research within

composed disciplines and the continued successful integration of

SIS applied in the Philippines setting with resources to higher

education systems determining that certain group of students can

acquire and gain effective knowledge literacy skills through the

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

SIS process and understanding the value of education services

crafted to provide the best teachings as possible. The SIS

encourage the use of SIS in parallel to define learning style

which allows students to interact with their classmates and does

help the instructor facilitate an enhanced learning experience

through SIS application mode and finally emphasizes the value of

making student information connection with a subject teacher for

instance geared upon for in-depth education success.

According to Teresita P. Gepuit, et al. (2021). Notably,

student information systems or SIS incurs such application

software designed for educational establishments to manage

student data. Student information systems provide capabilities

for entering student tests and other assessment scores, building

student schedules, tracking student attendance as well as

managing many other student-related data needs within the

institution university. Thus, many of these systems applied in

the Philippines can be scaled to different levels of activity and

can be configured by their home institutions to meet local needs.

According to Shiela Priegado( 2021), a student information

system or SIS incurs such application software designed for

educational establishments to manage student data. Student

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

information systems provide capabilities for entering student

tests and other assessment scores, building student schedules,

tracking student attendance as well as managing many other

student-related data needs within the institution university.

Thus, many of these systems applied in the Philippines can be

scaled to different levels of activity and can be configured by

their home institutions to meet local needs.

According to Maria Cecilia G. Cantos, Lorena W. Rabago, and

Bartlome T. Tanguilig (2015). Student Integrated Information

System is now a facility that universities and colleges use to

manage the records of their students. The convenience of

accessing the educational resources online makes the programs

ideal for working professionals and students alike. With the

widespread employment of distance learning education programs,

even most conventional colleges and universities are now offering

online education. Along with this program, certificates,

associate and bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral

degrees can be acquired through distance learning.

According to John Inoco, et al.(2017) “Technology has a

positive influence upon all branches and spheres of our life.

People can easily access their documents and information through

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

the use of technology. This is possible through the easy storage,

retrieval, and manipulation of data even in real-time

transactions. One of the specific examples of these real-time

systems is the Electronic Student Information Portal of Davao

Oriental State College of Science and Technology which aims to

provide students an avenue to easily access their information

such as grades, profiles, academic records, and class schedules,

and subject offerings. The eSIP was directly connected to the

database of an independent system of Davao Oriental State College

of Science and Technology, which is the Electronic School

Management System (eSMS). This study aims to understand the

effectiveness and satisfaction of the existing Student

Information Portal (SIP) system implemented by the Davao Oriental

State College of Science and Technology. The results of the study

show that the eSIP systems are effective regarding information

management, and access, and meet the minimum systems quality


Through the help of the above different related studies and

literature, researchers can have additional knowledge to what

they already know in developing the proposed system. Hence, the

proposed study aims to develop a Student Information System for

Malagnat National High School. Moreover, the related studies will

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

serve as their basis and guide in formulating the processes,

functions, outputs, and benefits of the study. It also provides

specifications to researchers on how to develop a non-existing

system with unique features which will help the school in

managing student information.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Chapter 3


This chapter of the study presents the software development

methodology. A Software Development Methodology is a framework

used to structure, plan, and control the process of developing an

information system.

Software Development Methodology

The researchers used V-model in the development of the

proposed study because it simplifies the software development

process. This model helps and guides the researchers in

developing the system.

The V-shaped model shows the relationships between each

phase of development and the associated phase of testing. It's

also referred to as the 'verification and validation model'. This

is because each verification phase is associated with a

validation phase.

The process is like carrying out quality checks for all the

new things a software developer adds to a project. This model,

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

therefore, introduces a disciplined approach to software


Figure 2. V Model

Requirement Analysis: The preliminary step in software

development is to gather requirements. Requirements comprise

business requirements that are to be met during the process of

software development. Business requirement analysis is to

understand an aspect from a customer’s perspective by stepping

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

into their shoes to completely analyze the functionality of an

application from a user’s point of view.

The researchers gather data by visiting Malagnat National

High School and conducting interviews and determining the

existing processes and the problems and issues they encounter.

They also source out some forms and blank reports to be

integrated into the system.

System Design: It comprises creating a layout of the

system/application design that is to be developed. System design

is aimed at writing detailed hardware and software


In this phase, the researchers identify the processes and

functions that need to be integrated into the system to automate

the existing process of the existing system and eliminate the

problems and issues encountered in the system.

Architectural Design: Architectural design is concerned with

drafting the technical methodologies to be adopted with regard to

the completion of software development objectives. Architectural

design is often termed as ‘high-level design’ which is aimed at

providing an overview of the solution, platform, system, product,

and service.

In this phase, the researchers decide on what programming

language and database to be used. They chose PHP as their

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Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

programming language because it is the program needed to host

online and MySQL as their database. They also enumerate the

processes and functions to be integrated into the proposed system

as well as the reports to be generated.

Module Design: Module design is known as ‘low-level design’

which is aimed at defining the logic upon which the system shall

be built. In this stage, the researcher tries to depict the

relationship between the modules and the order in which they


In this phase, the researchers design the user interface of

the system. They design the user interface of the system to be

user-friendly and flexible while using computers and mobile

phones. They also design the forms they gathered from the school

when they conduct the interviews.

Coding. At this point, the actual coding and implementation

occur. This period converts all previously generated design and

specification documents into a coded, functional system. This

stage should be fully completed before the testing phases begin.

The researcher uses their chosen programming language to

convert all the needed processes and functions into codes. They

integrated all the determined processes and functions in the

system to produce the desired output and reports from the system
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

and solve the encountered problems of the existing system. They

create a database to connect to the system’s user interface and

create a table to be able to store data and information. The

system user interface works with the database to perform and

produce the needed outputs and reports.

Unit Testing Phase: Unit tests are supposed to verify signs

and remove bug if it exists. A unit test is simply executing a

piece of code to verify whether it delivers the desired


The researchers examine the codes to see if they are free of

bugs. They need to try every function and process that was

integrated into the system to know if there is an existing error

or bugs and it should be solved before proceeding to the next

phase. The researchers also host the system online for online

access and testing.

Integration Testing: The term ‘integration testing’ refers to

collaborating pieces of code together to verify that they perform

as a single entity.

The researcher conducts several tests to determine if the

system performs as planned and can work together as a whole. The

system should produce the reports and display output

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Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

System Testing: System Testing is performed when the

complete system is ready, the application is then run on the

target environment in which it must operate, and a conclusion is

drawn to figure out whether the system is capable of performing

efficiently with the least response time.

The researchers respectfully asked the school to use the

system for at least a week to determine if the system minimized

the problems encountered in the existing system.

User Acceptance Testing: The user acceptance test plan is

prepared during the requirement analysis phase because when the

software is ready to be delivered, it is tested against a set of

tests that must be met to certify that the product has achieved

the target it was intended to.

The researchers float questionnaires to the respondents to

determine if the system has been beneficial to the school and

passes certain criteria of feasibility. The students then tally

the floated questionnaire to conclude a conclusion for the study.

Software Development Tools

The researchers use the following software in developing the

proposed system.

CSS. Is used for the design of each individual’s page’s look

and feel.

HTML. Is used to build the structure of the web page.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

MYSQL. It is a platform that can offer database management.

It is used for creating updating reading and deleting records.

PHP. It is a programming language that can execute queries and

process input and output requests from the server.

VISUAL STUDIO CODE. This is the programming language used in

developing the Malagnat Student Information System because the

coding of it is simple, easy to understand the features, and

applicable for hosting the system online.

APACHE. It is a platform that acts as a local server that

hosts the source code.

Locale and Population of the Study

The researchers conducted a series of interviews with a

questionnaire and observation in Malagnat National High School of

Pinukpuk Kalinga. The school consists of 6 teachers in the Senior

High School Department and 10 teachers in the Junior Department

Headed by Ma’am Aida D. Verdillo, the School Principal. The

researchers interviewed the respondent along with a questionnaire

especially Ma’am Aida D. Verdillo, some Faculty members, and

students, to identify the existing process and major problems

encountered in their school. The researchers agreed to upgrade or

by creating a new highly Information of Student System that would

benefit the school in the long run.

Data Gathering Techniques

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

For the fulfillment of the research of the proposed system,

the researchers use different techniques to gather data to use as

a basis for the conduct of the proposed system such as the ff:

Interview. The researchers interviewed the principal of the

MNHS, Ma’am Aida D. Verdillo, and teachers.

This is an appropriate data-gathering tool to determine the

problems and issues being encountered and to know the

requirements of the Information of Students System.

Data Analysis. The researcher floats a questionnaire and all

the data that will be gathered from the respondents will be

collected and systematically be tabulated. Quantifiable data will

be translated into descriptive statistical values, which will

serve as the basis for drawing interpretations and conclusions.

Bibliotic Research. To gather more ideas for the scheme, the

researchers visited the library, and past research, and browse

the internet for additional information.

Observation. Observation was conducted to know how the

existing system works, the researchers observe problems

encountered like loss of records, damaged records, unsolicited

documents, and human error.

Sources of Data

For the development of the proposed system, researchers

gathered all the important data from different sources, the

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

primary source data is from Malagnat National High School


The secondary source we’re gathered from the unpublished and

published research studies of the students which are easily

accessible via the web or at the library. Other sources of data

were also gathered from the result of the interview,

questionnaire, review of pertinent documents, and observation.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the findings of the study. Findings

were presented according to the problems in this study.

Narrative Description of the Existing system

This section discusses in detail the processes and data in

the existing student information system of Malagnat National High


The process starts when the students fill up and submit

their personal data form upon enrolment and the Principal

consolidates all of it and stores it in the storage cabinets for

encoding Learning Information System.

The School Principal manually prepares and assigns advisory

classes to teachers and distributes their teaching workload and

keeps a copy of it for encoding to the LIS. Also, the Principal

annually prepares the student moving-up list.

The Teachers receive their teaching load given by the School

Principal and check the schedule of the subjects enrolled by the

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

students. They will also receive their advisory class with their

primary information.

The teachers manually check the attendance of each student

before and after each class which consumes the time and effort

that should be used in teaching the lessons. The teachers record

the quarterly grades of his/her students on students’ report

cards at the end of each grading quarter and distributes them to

the students for them to see their academic performance, however,

sometimes the students will be misplaced and lost their report

cards. It will be a waste of resources and time to make a second

of it again.

The Principal announces school activity schedules such as

intramurals, nutrition day and etc. after the flag ceremony

however some of the teachers or students might not be present at

that time.

When the students or teachers needed to view or update

students’ records such as their grades and personal information,

the teachers or school principal need to search the multiple

cabinets of students’ records which are time-consuming and some

of the students have multiple and inconsistent records which

affects the reliability of the school’s record.

The input, and process output of the existing system is

shown in figure 2.0.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


Student Generate
Information reports such
Section/Classes Manual process
of: as:
Events and Student
activities Attendance
Student’s Checking of List of
quarterly Students Activities and
Grades attendance Events
Recording and Student list per
Retrieving section
Student Student’s
Information Academic
Creating/ Information
Organizing of Student’s moving
every up list
Teachers Class &
Advisory class
quarterly grades
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga



Figure 3. IPO of the existing system

Problems Encountered in the Existing System

The following are the Problems encountered in the Existing

Student Information System of Malagnat National High School.

1. Time-Consuming. It is time-consuming to retrieve student

records and information because it takes effort to search in

the school record cabinets. Also, it consumes a lot of time

and many students to be checked by subject, who requires

rechecking by the teacher and sometimes leads to inexistence

attendance by students, in addition, the attendance sheet

that is used sometimes is misplaced.

2. Outdated information. The students were filled up upon

enrolment and stays like that for the whole year. However,

from time to time students’ information needs updates.

3. Inaccurate Record because of Human error. This can cause of

lack of accuracy in checking attendance, sometimes they will

forget to put the date.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

4. Unsecured Records because of Misplaced records. There is a

risk that teachers or students might misplaced records such

as report cards.

Cause and Effect Diagram of the Existing System

Cause-and-Effect Diagram graphically illustrates the

relationship between a given outcome and all the factors that

influence the outcome.

Method People

Checking Teacher/
student Students
Time Time
Consuming Student
Information Inaccurate
Computer Paper

Absence of
Online Redundant
Students Records

Machine Material
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Figure 4. Ishikawa of the Existing System


Narrative description of the Proposed System

The proposed system aims to design and develop an Online

Student Information System for Malagnat National High School. The

proposed system will have the features Teacher Management,

Adviser Management, Section Management, Subject Management,

Student Moving-up list, View Student record and Extra Curricular


The process starts when the School Principal logins and

exercise his/her privileges to access and explore the different

transaction of the propose system. The Principal can add, edit

and delete a teacher in the Teacher Management. The principal can

also assign teacher as an adviser of a class section in the

Adviser Management. The Principals add, edit and delete sections

in the Section Management. Under the Subject Management the

School Principal can add, edit and delete a subject.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

The School Principal can also include a section in moving-up

list found in the Student Moving Up-list bar. The School

Principal can also view and update student’s information such as

student’s first name, middle name, last name, contact numbers,

ages, addresses, and contact numbers. The school principal can

also add, edit and delete extracurricular activities and schedule

its date.

On the Teacher’s Account, the teacher can view its schedule

and teachers’ section on the Dashboard Menu. On the My Subjects

Menu, the teacher can view its class load, view and record

student attendance, and record quarterly grades. On the Advisory

Management Menu, the Teacher will be able to create and update

student information. It can also select a student eligible for

moving up.

The student accounts will be able to view his/her grades

quarterly and the uploaded school events and announcements.

The proposed system generates reports such as Student

Attendance, Student Grades, Teachers load, And Student’s Academic

Information. The system has a feature that when a teacher marks a

student absent their parents will be able to receive a message on

their phones (SMS) informing them that their child did not attend

that certain subject. The system can also generate a list of

students who are eligible to level up every end of the school

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

year and shows the student who is not eligible and their lacking



Generate reports
Student such as:
Information Student
Section/Classes Attendance
Events and AUTOMATED List of
activities PROCESS USING Activities and
Student’s THE ONLINE Events
quarterly STUDENT Student list per
Grades INFORMATION section
SYSTEM Student’s
Student’s moving
up list


Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Figure 5. IPO of the Proposed System

Log In

Manage User accounts

Manage Student’s

Check Student’s

Create and update

events & activities
for the school.

Add & edit quarterly

Principal Create Teachers Load &
Advisory class

View Quarterly grades

View school events and
Log Out

Kalinga State University

Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Figure 6. Use Case Diagram of the Proposed System

Features of the Proposed System

This part of the study specifies the features integrated

into the design and development of the proposed system.

Data Security. The system is protected by a login form,

which is only the School Principal, teachers and registered users

can only access the system. It provides security to ensure that

student information is safe.

User Friendly. The proposed system is designed to provide a

simple and easy accessible function to help the users easily use

and understand the system.

Easy Access. The proposed system provides fast retrieval of

information. It provides a quick display of student information,

grades, and attendance records by just using the search buttons

on the proposed system.

Non-Functional Requirements
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Non-functional requirements define the overall qualities or

attributes of the system. The system’s non-functional

requirements place restrictions on the product being developed.

It also specifies external constraints that the product must


Here are some non-functional requirements of the proposed

Online Student Information System of Malagnat National High


Usability. The system is designed in accordance with the

needs of Malagnat National High School.

Maintainability. The system is easy to maintain by its

respective user the administrator can update the user profile;

the users can also update some items that need to be updated like

student information.

Scalability. The system can be improved and upgraded to meet

the demands of the Malagnat National High School.

Testability. The system is tested in the different windows

operating systems like windows 7 and windows 10.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


If Yes

Manage User View Create and Create

Student’s update View
accounts Quarterly Teachers
Information events & Load &
activities grades
for the class


Figure 7. School Principal Activity Diagram

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


If Yes

Manage Check Add & Edit View

quarterly View school
Student’s Student’s Quarterly events and
Information Attendance grades
grades announcements


Figure 8. Teachers Activity Diagram

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


No Yes

View View school

Quarterly events and
grades announcements


Figure 9. Student Activity Diagram

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga



Data Input

User Account Student

Add Subject and
Edit Schedules
Delete Events and
teaching load


Student Attendance
List of Activities
Students Grade
Teacher’s Teaching
Student’s moving up

Student’s moving up
Figure 10. Class Diagram
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Figure 11. ERD

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Acceptance of the System

For testing this system, two testing methods are used. The

testing methods are functionality testing and user acceptance

testing and interpret the data using the Likert scale

questionnaire procedure of Pimentel (2010). 5-point Linkert Scale

Interval (1=1.00-1.50 strongly Disagree), (2= 1.51-2.50

Disagree), (3= 2.51-3.50 neutral),(4= 3.51-4.50 Agree) and (5=

4.51-5.00 strongly Agree) with a 12 respondent from Malagnat

National High School.

Functionality Testing. The functionality testing for this

system uses four (4) test cases to verify the system’s

functionalities. The summary of the functionality testing is

shown in Table 1.

No. Test Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 Total Mean

1 The system is able to
load fast 0 0 0 10 2 12 4.167
2 SMS notifications have
no significant delay 0 0 0 9 3 12 4.25
3 Uploading or updating
data has no
significant delay 0 0 0 10 2 12 4.167
4 Generating of the
report has no
significant delay 0 0 0 11 1 12 4.083
Average Satisfactory 4.167

Table 1. Result for functionality testing

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Based on Table 1, four test scenarios are tested to justify

the functionalities of the system. The interpretation of the

responses in the functionality testing survey is shown in the

table the ratings in all the four-items as well as the average

fall under the interval for “agree” based on the Linkert Scale

questionnaire interpretation procedure of Pimintel J.L (2010).

This shows that majority of the respondents that they are

satisfied with the functionality of the system as indicated by

the average of satisfaction 4.167.

User Acceptance Testing. The user acceptance testing for

this project involves 12 volunteer testers or respondents that

test all the project’s critical functions. The result from the

five respondents obtained is summarized in Table 2.

No. Test Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 Total Mean

1 The system is user
friendly and not
confusing 0 0 0 10 2 12 4.167
2 SMS notifications are
received 0 0 0 9 3 12 4.25
3 System is provides the
needed output/reports
expected on it
0 0 0 10 2 12 4.167
4 The system provides
easy retrieval
students records 0 0 0 11 1 12 4.083
5. The system provides
updated and accurate
data/ records/reports 0 0 0 9 3 12 4.25
Average Satisfactory 4.183
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Table 2. Result of user acceptance testing from twelve

Based on Table 2, there are four acceptance requirements that

are evaluated by the 12 respondents. The acceptance requirements

are determined by the respondents and researchers when they use

the system. The respondents can choose the Likert scale to accept

or reject for each acceptance requirement based on their

experience and observations when using the system. From Table 2,

all the twelve respondents accepted every acceptance requirement

as shown on the table with an average satisfaction of 4.042 which

fall under the category of “Agree” from the Linkert Scale

questionnaire interpretation procedure of Pimintel J.L (2010).

Therefore, the system is accepted by users with the acceptance

requirements are fulfilled by the system.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Chapter 5



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and

recommendations of the proposed study.

The researchers developed the Student Information System to

help the school in achieving a more systematic and updated

student record to provide better services to their students.

Thus, this developed system records, compile, and check the

student information, attendance, and grades and manage teachers’

load, advisory class, classes, and subjects and keep the records

of events and activities in a more systematic compilation for

better updating and retrieving of data.

The Malagnat National High School in Pinukpuk is currently

using the traditional way of recording and managing student

records. Hence, the development of this study is to minimize the

problems encountered. Moreover, this study provides great help to

the different participants of the Student Information System.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

1. What are the process of existing Student Information System

of Malagnat National High school?

2. What are the problem and issues encountered in the existing

system of the school?

3. What system can be developed to address the problem with

the existing system?

4. What is the level of acceptance of the system?


Based on the findings of the study, the following

conclusions were drawn:

The process of the existing Student Information System of

Malagnat National High school are the following:

The School Principal manually prepares and assigns advisory

classes to teachers and distributes their teaching workload

The Teachers receive their teaching load given by the School

Principal and check the schedule of the subjects enrolled by the

students. The teachers manually check the attendance of each

student before and after each class. The teachers record the

quarterly grades of his/her students on student report cards at

the end of each grading quarter.

The problem and issues encountered in the existing system of

the school are as follows:

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

1. Time-Consuming.

2. Outdated information.

3. Inaccurate Record because of Human error

4. Misplaced Records

The system that can be developed to address the problem of the

existing system is the Student Information System of Malagnat

National High School which has the following features:

1. Data Security. The system is protected by a login form,

which is only the School Principal, teachers and

registered users can only access the system. It provides

security to ensure that student information is safe.

2. User Friendly. The proposed system is designed to

provide a simple and easy access function to help the

users easily use and understand the system.

3. Easy Access. The proposed system provides fast retrieval

of information. It provides a quick display of student

information, grades, and attendance records by just

using the search buttons on the proposed system.

The system meets the expected functionality that the system

can provide. The functionality of the system achieved the

requirements smoothly as well as the acceptance of the user from

its processes of the Malagnat National High School.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


1. The researchers recommend that Malagnat National High School

should implement the proposed system to address the problems

in the existing system.

2. The Principal, teachers, parents, and students should have a

proper orientation on the use of the system is implemented.

3. Malagnat National High School must have personnel who can

maintain the system.

4. Further studies for the improvement of the proposed system

are encouraged.
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


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 ARIEL O. GAMAO, Ph.D. in Educational Management graduate,
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Benguet State University” Retrieve from
 Janhavi Bhalerao, Ratna Kendhe, Lahar Mishra Volume 5, Issue
10, October 2015 Edition".
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Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Techniques for Web Usage Mining - published at:

"International Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications (IJSRP).
 Lahar Mishra, Ratna Kendhe, Janhavi Bhalerao (2019). “Review
on Management Information Systems (MIS) and its Role in
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 Melda Manuhutu, Lulu Uktolseja and Sherly Gaspersz (2018).

“Academic Information System for Student (Case Study:
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 Murugan, M.G. (2020). Student Information System. 
International Journal for Research in Applied Science
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 Teresita P. Gepuit, Alberto M. Saracanlao, Chona N. Sarsona,

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Appendices D

Screen Shots
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

This is the log in form which the users log in the user name

and password using Php.

This shows the list of extra-curricular activities.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

This shows how to add new students.

This shows the list of students who enrolled.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

This shows the list of Instructors.

This shows how to input grades in each subject.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

This shows how to add new subject.

This shows up to add school year.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

This shows how to add section in each Advisory Teacher.

This shows the list of teachers account or user.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

This shows the list of students per section.

This shows how teacher get a student from moving up.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

This shows how to record students attendance.

This shows student academic records.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Users Manual


Step 1. Install your web server on your local computer in the

system we used XAMPP. Open installer and continue the process.
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Step 2. Copy the file of the XAMPP to htdocs then extract the
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Step 3. After extracting the file open the XAMPP then install.
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Step 4. Open the Xampp and start the apached and my sql to start
the program.

Step 5. Your local web server pop out and click the apache
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

module and mysql module.

Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Step 6. Then , just click the mysl module button or open your
browser and search for “localhost”
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


Curriculum Vitae

Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Birth Date : March 23,1999
Birth Place : Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Dialect Spoken : English, Filipino, Ilocano
Fathers Name : Ariel Acebes
Mothers Name : Liza Acebes


Tertiary : 2022 – Present

: Kalinga State University
: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
: Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Secondary : 2016-2018
: Saint Tonis College Inc.
: Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Elementary : 2006 – 2012

: Bulanao Central School
: Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Aciga, Pinukpuk, Kalinga


Birth Date : December,20 1997
Birth Place : Aciga, Pinukpuk, Kalinga
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Dialect Spoken : English, Filipino, Ilocano
Fathers Name : Micheil T Ampoc
Mothers Name : Florida D Ampoc


Tertiary : 2022 – Present

: Kalinga State University
: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
: Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Secondary : 2014-2015
: Saint Theresita’s High School of Pinukpuk
: Junction, Pinukpuk, Kalinga

Elementary : 2003-2009
: Aciga, Elementary, School
: Aciga, Pinukpuk, Kalinga
Kalinga State University
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Sacpil, Conner, Apayao

Birth Date : March,11 1999
Birth Place : Sacpil, Conner, Apayao
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Dialect Spoken : English, Filipino, Ilocano
Fathers Name : Reynante d. Sangdaan
Mothers Name : Gloria E. Sangdaan


Tertiary : 2022 – Present

: Kalinga State University
: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
: Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Secondary : 2017-2018
: St.William’s Academy
: Bulanao Tabuk City Kalinga

Elementary : 2006-2012
: Sacpil Elementary School
: Sacpil Conner Apayao

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