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Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

Preventive Maintenance (referred to as “PM” below) in JD Edwards is the process by which, through the use of Model
Work Orders and Entering Meter Readings, the system creates Maintenance Work Orders automatically when a piece of
equipment has reached a certain threshold of performance (miles, hours, etc.). The Model Work Orders dictate what
Procedures, or Work Instructions, get added to the created Maintenance Work Order in addition to defining
characteristics of the Maintenance Work Order to be created. In short, the Preventive Maintenance Process follows
these steps:
1. Setup Model Work Orders
2. Setup Procedures/Work Instructions
3. Create an Equipment PM Schedule
4. Enter Meter Readings
5. Run PM Update Program to automatically update & create Work Orders
6. Monitor Created Preventive Maintenance Work Orders using the PM Backlog Inquiry and/or via JDE Reports
7. Charge Costs to Created Work Order
8. Close Created Work Order
9. System Creates PM Schedule Item for the next Maintenance
This document outlines the entry steps involved in the above process and should be used in conjunction with the User
Productivity Kits (UPK) in the JDE Training Docs link found in the Citrix window when launching Remote Apps
( The UPK resources will provide the detailed step-by-step of each click in the process.
Capital Asset Management Menu
All the steps involved in using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders are included on the Capital Asset Management

1. Start by setting up Model Work Orders. One Model Work Order should be created for each Maintenance Type in
the PM Schedule (see Step #2) so that associated instructions/procedures can be attached to the Model.
However, you can then group equipment that might have the same Maintenance Types to reduce the number or
Models, or set one up for each piece of Equipment. For example, if your company had 15 Cranes and each Crane
Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

had 4 Maintenance Types, you could setup one Model for each Crane and maintenance level (creating 60
Models), or one Model for each Maintenance Type for “Cranes” (creating 4 Models).
Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders
Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

2. Setup Procedures/Work Instructions for each Model Work Order. These instructions will be attached to the
Work Orders that get setup automatically and can be printed on the Work Order itself.
Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

3. Create PM Schedules. A PM Schedule must be setup for each piece of equipment. The PM Schedule identifies
each maintenance level at which a PM Work Order should be created. Each PM Schedule item is assigned a
Model Work Order that can contain the specific Work Instructions or Procedures to be followed when that
maintenance level is reached and the PM Work Order is created. Any PM Schedule for an Equipment Unit can be
copied to an Asset of similar make and model. For example, all Ford 250 schedules could be copied to all other
Ford 250s.
Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

Note: The Service Types listed in the Visual Assist have the required associated programming completed for
them. To add a new Service Type, contact the IS Helpdesk with the request so the proper programming can be

4. Enter Meter Readings. Meter Readings should be entered on a regular basis, preferably weekly. They can be
entered either manually by unit number, or via an Excel Spreadsheet using the Copy/Paste functions. If you are
setting up Maintenance Schedules on Equipment that has been in use, be sure to populate the beginning Meter
Readings of the applicable Equipment so the associated Work Orders are created at the correct intervals. The
Date in the Header indicates the date that the Meter Readings entered and saved will be posted. You can
backdate Meter Readings. Meter Readings can either be entered using a new total, or a net increase to the
previous total.
Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

Note: The grid used in this example is from the Test Environment and may not match the grid in Production.
However, the field indicated for entry is correct (Engine 1 Hour).
5. Run the PM Update program to create the applicable PM Work Orders based on the entered meter readings.
This report should be run after Meter Readings are entered. The report can be setup on a Scheduler to run
automatically at a regular interval (i.e. weekly, monthly, etc. - Contact the IS Helpdesk for assistance).
Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

6. Use the PM Backlog inquiry to monitor the status of PM Work Orders created automatically. The PM Backlog
inquiry can also be used prior to the creation of any Work Orders to view the PM Schedules that have been
setup and monitor your entire company’s asset group. The second screen shot below shows what the PM
Backlog looks like prior to the PM Update program being run. The screen shot after that shows what the inquiry
looks like after the PM Update. Notice that the PM Backlog viewed after the PM Update is run shows a Work
Order Number in the “Assigned WO” field. This is the PM Work Order that the system created. This is also listed
on the Report that the PM Update program prints shown above.
Using Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

7. Once the Work Order is created, charge costs to it and work with it as you would any other Work Order, via Sub
Ledgers and the Work Orders inquiry. The specific instructions on charging to and working with Work Orders are
not included in this document.

8. When the created Work Order is closed, the system will automatically create the PM Backlog item for the next
PM Work Order to be created. Continue entering Meter Readings and running the PM Update.

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