The Five Senses - 104461

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q=senses&rlz=1C2CHVZ_esCO724CO724&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwje3YudnJ7ZAhWL61MKHcfrAloQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=662#imgrc=56n7ZL7s6EdLZM :

Complete the sentences using the appropriate verb from the box in the correct form.

listen smell feel look taste hear see sound

a. What are you cooking? It …………………………………… delicious.

b. Quiet!!! Could you ………….….…….. that noise?
c. Hmm. Have you cut your hair? You ……………… different.
d. I love my new jacket. It …….……..… so soft and warm.
e. We couldn´t eat that lechona. It ……………………. too salty.
f. As soon as you ……………….. the “Watch out” sign, turn left.
g. Who is singing this song? It …………………… familiar. Is it Maluma?
h. Attention, everybody! ……………….. to him! He has some new information!
i. What is it? It ……………..… so good, sweet and acid at the same time. – Oh. It is a
j. Where have you been? You ………….. so tired and dirty?

a) What are you cooking? It SMELLS delicious.
b) Quiet!!! Could you HEAR that noise?
c) Hmm. Have you cut your hair? You LOOK different.
d) I love my new jacket. It FEELS so soft and warm.
e) We couldn´t eat that lechona. It TASTED too salty.
f) As soon as you SEE the “Watch out” sign, turn left.
g) Who is singing this song? It SOUNDS familiar. Is it Maluma?
h) Attention, everybody! LISTEN to him! He has some new information!
i) What is it? It TASTES so good, sweet and acid at the same time. – Oh. It is a
j) Where have you been? You LOOK so tired and dirty?

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