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EXERCISE - 1 (6 points)
The mapping associated to a material body in an orthonormal basis (O, e1 , e2 , e3 ) is given by:
x1 = X1 , x2 = −X3 sin(ωt), x3 = X2 cos(ωt)
where (x1 , x2 , x3 ) is the current position of a point labelled by (X1 , X2 , X3 ) in the reference
(a1 ) Determine the inverse of the mapping
(a2 ) Determine the displacement field
(a3 ) Determine the velocity v in both the Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions.
(a4 ) Determine the acceleration a in both the Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions.
(a5 ) Suppose that the temperature field in the continuum is given in the Eulerian description
by the following expression:
Φ(x, t) = x2 t + x3 t2
Determine the time derivative of the temperature field in Eulerian form only using the
material time derivative definition.
(a6 ) Determine the velocity gradient tensor L. Determine the strain rate and the spin
tensors: D and W. Is the motion irrotational?

EXERCISE - 2 (4 points)
A rosette strain gauge is an electromechanical device that can measure relative surface elon-
gations in three directions. Bonding such a device to the surface of a structure allows determi-
nation of elongational strains in particular directions. A schematic of one such gauge is shown
in the following Figure 1, and the output of the device will provide data on the strains. During
one application, it is found that εa = 1000 × 10−6 , εb = −200 × 10−6 , εc = −500 × 10−6 .

Figure 1. Strain gauges.

(a1 ) Determine the components of the strain tensor ε in the plane (e1 , e2 ).


EXERCISE - 3 (3 points)
The Cauchy stress tensor field in the continuum is represented by:
σ11 = 5x1 ; σ12 = 5x2 ; σ13 = σ33 = 0; σ22 = 3x2 ; σ32 = 3x3
(a1 ) Determine the body force to ensure the balance of the continuum in static.
(a2 ) For a particular point( x1 = 1, x2 = 1, x3 = 0), (i) draw the Mohr’s circle. Obtain the
maximum normal and tangential stress component.√ (ii) Determine the traction vector
associated with the plane whose normal is n = (1/ 3)(e1 + e2 + e3 ).

EXERCISE - 4 (7 points)
A plate is undergoing homogeneous bending under an applied force F which is distributed
uniformly across the plate’s width b at its free end, as schematically shown below (Figure 2).
Therefore, let us assume that the stresses in the plate only depend on x1 and x2 , so that we may
describe this as a two-dimensional problem. From elementary beam theory, let us expect that
stresses increase linearly with x1 but we do not assume that the plate is thin, so that we consider
a higher-order dependence on x2 . Therefore, consider a special stress function having the form
φ = x1 (Ax2 + Bx22 + Cx32 ), with σ11 = ∂ 2 φ/∂x22 , σ22 = ∂ 2 φ/∂x21 and σ12 = −∂ 2 φ/(∂x1 ∂x2 )
and where A, B and C are constant.

Figure 2. Cantilever beam loaded at the end by a force F .

(a1 ) Verify that these stresses satisfy the equation of equilibrium with no body forces.
(a2 ) The top (x2 = t/2) and bottom (x2 = −t/2) surfaces of the beam are stress-free, i.e
the traction vector is equal to zero. Using these conditions, find B and express A with
respect to C and t
(a3 ) Calculate F and determine C with respect to F , t and b. Give the expressions of the
stress components.
(a4 ) In the limit of a very thin plate (t  l, b), which of the stress components derived above
can be neglected and why? Sketch how the only resulting non-zero stress component
varies across the thickness of the plate. Conclude

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