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Name: Princess Mykaela B. Roman

Crse&Sec: BS Biology with Specialization in Medical Biology MEB14
Subject: Mga Babasahin Hinggil sa Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas
Professor/Instructor: Mr. Jumel Estrañero
University: De La Salle University – Dasmariñas




In a world full of differences and evolution, the childhood of young kids has also
changed over the past few years. Childhood is a critical and foundational period of one's
life that forms the advancement of both people and communities. Childhood in the
Philippines has been influenced by a diverse range of cultural, economic, and political
circumstances, and it has changed significantly over the years. Children's expectations
and responsibilities in the Philippines have changed significantly from pre-colonial times
to the present, indicating the diverse and changing essence of Philippine society. In this
new era today, families modified and childhood happened to change as culture shifted,
particularly with emerging innovations. Children's current lives are vastly different from
those of our forefathers. Growing up does have a great deal of modifications that
influence how children live now and then. Each generation that is formed is also
observing the children as to how things are changing for them, people observe old things
that children did back then and define children now in a different way of living. With
each couple of centuries and generations, people's childhood memories change
somewhere along the way. Numerous facets of childhood in the Philippines have evolved
over time and have been influenced by the nation's values, politics, and societal factors.
In this research paper, it will examine the evolving life experiences of children in the
Philippines between now and then as well as the repercussions of these modifications for
the privileges and well-being of children in the country. This study will attempt to gain a

greater understanding of the complex and varied characteristics of childhood in the

Philippines by reviewing relevant literatures and analyzing both historical and
contemporary relevant informations. Furthermore, this study will look into the
differences in how children live today as opposed to how children lived in the past.


In Philippine History, the experiences of children in the past are considered as a part
in the history of the Philippines. Children's experiences, personal opinions, and
standpoints have been a crucial part of historical study and understanding.

The experience of childhood has changed in noticeable ways. One of the most
noticeable changes that has been occuring to the children lives is the way of their living
in gadgets. Children do spend more time in front of screens, and their ready access to
cellphones, social media, video games and video streaming means that most have largely
unmediated exposure to adult realities (Mintz, 2022). Children back then from the past
tends to spend their most time in books or other book sources that they can find at their
own home which increases their knowledge in knowing different information which
results in a collection of great deal of information. Further to that, children are inclined to
play more outside, which allows them to communicate with other kids outside and
strengthens them through playing. Negative effects of gadgets use can cause speech or
language delay, attention deficits, learning problems, anxiety, childhood depression, and
negative impact on character (Sundus, 2017).

However, pre-colonial times up to the 20th and 21st centuries have the good side of the
involvement of chidhood. A wide range of cultural, economic, and political factors have
influenced the development of childhood in the Philippines; childhood in the Philippines
has shifted significantly over time, indicating the country's turbulent history and cultural

Children in the Philippines were seen as beneficial society members in pre-colonial

times and had been provided a wide range of duties and positions inside the society. They
were frequently expected to assist with household tasks and make a significant
contribution to the family's income. Children, on the other hand, were given the
opportunity to play and discover their surroundings, and had been widely perceived as
more independent than children in Western societies. According to K12 academics, uring
the pre-colonial period, most children were provided with solely vocational training,
which was supervised by parents, tribal tutors or those assigned for specific, specialized
roles within their communities (for example, the babaylan). With the arrival of Spanish
colonizers in the 16th century came a new collection of principles and beliefs about
childhood, including the notion that children were innocent and in require of adult
guidance and security. According to Wikipedia, the royal decree provided for a complete
educational system consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary levels, resulting in
valuable training for all Filipino children and youth. This resulted in the establishment of
compulsory learning and the concept of childhood as an unique stage in one's life.
Children were frequently separated from their families during the colonial period and
placed in schools in which they were learned the colonizers' language and culture. This
cultural assimilation process had a significant influence on the way children were
educated and the responsibilities they performed in societal structure.

The Philippines has experienced significant social and economic change in the 20 th
and 21st centuries, resulting in transitions in perceptions towards childhood. Children in
the Philippines today have more opportunities for learning and recreation, and they are
generally viewed as more shielded and appreciated compared to the olden days. Poverty
and other societal problems, however, continue to have an impact on the lives of many
children in the country. Broadly speaking, the history of childhood in the Philippines has
been characterized by both stability and change, representing the country's complex and
diverse society.


In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, numerous previous studies were

analyzed and collected. The study was attained through the use of highly credible literary
works. The research findings examined and collected in the Philippines history focus on
childhood from the past to the present.

Childhood Education
Since the nation's inception, the Philippine educational system has experienced
multiple modifications. Historically, education was often only readily accessible to a
chosen few, and many children were unable to attend the school. According to Oxford
Business Group, under the Spanish, education was largely provided by missionaries and
the study of religion was compulsory, but most Filipinos were not included. It was only
in the 19th century that they were able to attend the universities that had been established
two centuries earlier, and it was only when the US took control of the Philippines in 1898
that consideration was given to non-religious education, English-language teaching and
free primary school education for all. However, over a century of colonization period,
first by Spain and then by the United States, the Philippine education system has
developed through martial law and the people's power revolution which managed to bring
democratic institutions to the vast archipelago. Now, the Philippines' education system,
with the help of the government and assistance of the private sector, is working on the
better side on how children can begin to receive basic education by providing an
increasing accessibility; having a broad of education from early childhood to university.

Childhood Leisure and Play

The methods wherein children from the Philippines spent their free time and
played have changed over time, due to cultural and economic aspects. In classical times,
children used to spend as much time as they wanted outside with their friends, playing
various outdoor games that allowed them to make genuine connections with other
children. According to Wikipedia, a majority of Filipino children play outdoor street

games, as most of them have little access to technology. Games such as patintero,
tumbang preso, piko, sipa, turumpo, and many others, are played daily. While in the
modern world, children spend the majority of their time in front of their gadgets, playing
various online games and connecting with their friends via the internet. Furthermore,
today's children prefer to play indoor games and are currently on the edge of losing there
own interpersonal skills.

Child Labor
Child labor has long been a contentious issue in the Philippines, with some
children obligated to work at an early age due to economic hardship or other factors.
Since then, children have been working to save money for their families and for their
future, which can have both advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages include their
studies being halted in the intervening period because the child cannot work and study at
the same time, posing a barrier in the child's life and making them more vulnerable to
mistreatment and infringements, with little hope and opportunity for a better future.
Furthermore, being forced to work at a young age is still a problem that needs to be
addressed today.

Health and well-being

A wide range of factors, including the availability of healthcare and nutrition,
have had an impact on the health and well-being of children in the Philippines.

Family Structure
In the traditional Filipino family structure, it has also shifted over time, as have
the duties and responsibilities of children within the family.


The study would like to recommend the following to address the possible gaps in the
study regarding the childhood in the Philippines, both past and present:

1. Use a range of research techniques to collect more data about childhood in the
Philippines. Conducting interviews with children, parents, and other persons
related or not related to the children; direct observation of children in multiple
configurations; and point of analysis survey data and studies are all possibilities.

2. Consider the Philippines' rich cultural context and history because it is essential to
consider the cultural context when conducting a research childhood in the
Philippines. This could include investigating the impact of traditional beliefs and
values on child-rearing techniques, along with the effect of modernity and
globalization on experiences as a child.

3. Comparing data from previous studies with more current statistics to examine
how childhood experiences have developed using a longitudinal approach and
researching a wide variety of information from government official statistics,
educational evaluations, and questionnaires, along with data from mainstream
press, literary works, and other historical artifacts.

4. Take into account various viewpoints when researching childhood in the

Philippines to perceive the perspectives of the children, parents, and other people
who make up the children's childhood.


In conclusion, it is demonstrated in the study that childhood in the Philippines

revealed some significant changes in the possibilities and life experiences offered to the
children as time goes by. In the past, children were exposed to limited education only for
those students who had access, also, children were experienced with limited healthcare
access, children were exposed to playing outside during their free time with genuine
connections with other kids outside, children have been frequently obligated to contribute
to the family's income through labor, and the children's roles and responsibilities in the
family structure have also happened to change. Even so, advancements in the availability
of education and healthcare for children have been demonstrated in recent years, as has
an increased emphasis on children's rights and well-being. Amidst those certain
advancements, children face challenges such as the shift from having real connections
with other kids to having connections through the online world. In addition, children in
the Philippines continue to face poverty and a lack of access to basic offerings.
Furthermore, it is critical that children in the Philippines have the resources and
assistance they need to thrive in life, and this should be one of the country's priority


Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, November 17). Education in the Philippines during

Spanish rule. Wikipedia. Retrieved January 1, 2023, from

Glavin, C. (2017, February 12). History of education in the Philippines. History of

Education in the Philippines. K12 Academics. Retrieved January 1, 2023, from

Sundus, M. (2017). The Impact of using Gadgets on Children. Journal of Depression and
Anxiety, 6, 4.

Mintz, S. (2022, July 26). Has childhood changed? Higher Ed Gamma. Retrieved
January 2, 2023, from

Education reform in the Philippines aims for better quality and more access. Oxford
Business Group. (2022, November 16). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from

Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, January 10). Traditional games in the Philippines.

Wikipedia. Retrieved January 5, 2023, from

Murphy, E. M. (2017). Ten years of Childhood in the Past. Taylor & Francis Online,
10(1), 1–9.

Children's Lives: Comparing Long Ago to Today. IOWA. (2022, January 28). Retrieved
January 17, 2023, from

Heller, R. (2019). The Editor’s Note: Childhood, then and now. Phi Delta Kappan,
100(7), 4–4.


Hello there, Sir Jumel! First and foremost, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank
you for providing us with so much knowledge and realization in our lives. We received
more than just knowledge from you; we also learned life lessons that will help us now
and in the future. I am so grateful to have a teacher like you who can teach us despite
your busy schedule, and we, as a class, greatly appreciate your efforts. Furthermore, I
enjoy your teaching style because it is both engaging and enjoyable. Thank you for
everything, Sir! God Bless you always and Good Luck with everything po!

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