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Races of Cerilia:

Cerilia is home to a number of races that differ to even slight changes in body language and
slightly from the standard races described in mannerisms. Furthermore, the dealings and
the third edition PHB. The traits for Cerilian alliances of noble families as these are favored
races are slightly more powerful than their topics of continuous discussion throughout
standard PHB equivalents. Anuirean lands.
• Gain a +1 bonus to all Will saves
Human Racial Traits • Gain a +1 bonus to Bluff checks, Sense
The humans of Cerilia were divided into several Motive checks, and to Knowledge (Nobility)
tribes of people in the ancient past. These checks.
tribes founded nations that claim much of the • Sense Motive is considered a class skill.
continent. Most human Cerilian characters
belong to one of the five common nationalities: Brecht: The Brecht society revolves around
Anuirean, Brecht, Khinasi, Rjurik, or Vos. wealth. The Brecht believe in free enterprise,
• No racial ability adjustments. sharp wits, and nimble fingers. The Brecht are
• Medium-size; base speed of 30 feet. a fiery and quick-witted people and often act
• Human bonus feat at first level. before others have had time to consider a
matter thoroughly.
• Human bonus skill points (as per PHB).
• Gain a +1 bonus to initiative and to Reflex
• Human cultural trait (see below). saves when wearing no armor or light armor.
• Automatic Language: Anuirean, Basarji, Low • Gain a +1 bonus to all Appraise checks.
Brecht, Rjuven, or Vos.
• Appraise is considered a class skill.
• Favored Class: Any (highest level class is
favored). Khinasi: The Khinasi people are well-educated
traders and merchants that know that a
Human Cultural Traits individual’s decorum, hospitality, and conduct
Each of the Cerilian races has some a slight are far more important than gross wealth.
advantage over the equivalent races presented Unlike other cultures, the Khinasi have no fear
in the PHB. Cerilian humans receive a slight of magic; to them it is considered the noblest of
bonus in the form of human cultural traits. callings.
These traits are only available to human
• Gain a +1 bonus to all Diplomacy and
characters of the appropriate race/region.
Spellcraft checks.
Anuirean: The Anuireans are a stubborn, • All knowledge skills are considered class
proud, and warlike people who respect social skills.
order and take great pains to maintain a
demeanor appropriate to their rank and duties. Rjurik: The Rjurik are a wild and hardy people
Reserved and formal, Anuireans are sensitive that inhabit the taiga forests and highlands of
the north. They are taught from an early age a
deep reverence and respect for Cerilia’s wilds
and are notable foresters.
• Gain a +1 bonus to all Fortitude saves
• Gain a +1 bonus to all Wilderness Lore
checks, Listen checks, and Spot checks
while in forests and hills.
• Wilderness Lore is considered a class skill.
Vos: The Vos are a strong and warlike people
with a rigid code of face and honor. Almost all
Vos men are warriors and hunters – other
professions are considered unmanly. The Vos
know what it means to fight for survival – both
against their foes, and the bitter cold of their
• Gain a +2 bonus to strength when
determining carrying capacity or making a
strength check
• Gain a +1 bonus to all Wilderness Lore
checks, Listen checks, and Spot checks
while in cold wasteland or tundra.
• Intimidate is considered a class skill.
Dwarven Racial Traits • Timeless: Gifted with immortality, elves do
Cerilian dwarves are creatures that derive from not suffer the ravages of time and are thus
stone – true children of the mountain. Their skin immune to aging attacks and normal disease.
is gray, stony, and cold to the touch, their eyes An adult elf’s age has no effect on her
are dark as jet, and their bodies are twice as physical or mental ability scores. Elves do not
dense as a human’s. need sleep, but they can become physically
• +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity. exhausted and must rest quietly for about as
long as a human needs to sleep.
• Medium-size (4’ to 4’5” tall); base speed of
20 feet. • Nature Stride: Elves may move through
natural thorns, overgrown areas, heavy
• Darkvision, effective to 60 feet. snow, soft sand, a treacherous mountain or
• Stonecunning: +2 to notice unusual similar natural terrain at their normal
stonework; automatically sense depth movement rate and without suffering damage
underground. or penalty.
• +2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison, spells, • Alignment Restriction: Unpredictable and fey,
and spell-like effects. Cerilian elves must follow a non-lawful
• +2 dodge bonus against orogs and ogres. alignment.
• +2 racial bonus to appraise and craft checks • Class Restriction: The Elven culture
related to stone and metal objects. repudiates the arcane spells in the schools of
• Increased density: A dwarf's dense body necromancy and conjuration and the worship
suffers only half damage from bludgeoning of divine beings. Although elven rangers and
damage. druids are capable of casting divine magic
though their understanding of natural forces,
• Enduring strength: Dwarves can carry it is commonly believed that elves have no
amazing burdens. Dwarves receive a +4
bonus to strength when determining carrying
capacity. • Automatic Language: Sidhelien. Bonus
Languages: None.
• Class Restriction: Dwarves are inherently
non-magical and are generally believed • Favored Class: Bard.
incapable of performing arcane magic.
• Automatic Language: Karamhul. Bonus Half-Elven Racial Traits
Languages: None. Half-elves are tend towards the beautiful and
• Favored Class: Fighter. grace of their elven ancestors, but have
basically human builds.
Regardless of the exact percentage of the fey
Elven (Sidhelien) Racial Traits blood that runs in their veins, a human that
The Sidhelien (SHAY-lean) are slender and obviously shows the traits of an elven ancestor
graceful creatures, gifted with immortality and is referred to as a half-elf. Half- elves are
powers beyond those of humankind. They are a relatively rare in Anuire. Fey traits have a
force for neither good or evil – the elven heart is tendency to disappear after several
unfathomable to non-elves; they’re moved to generations, but atavisms are not uncommon.
wild delight, dark melancholy, or burning rage While half-elves are often welcomed in elf
with only the slightest cause. More than society, humans tend to be suspicious of them,
anything else, elves are unpredictable; doing referring to them as bewitched or as
what pleases them from one moment to the changelings.
• +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution.
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 • Medium-size, base speed of 30 feet.
• Medium-size (5’6” to 6” tall); base speed of • Immunity to magic sleep spells and a +2
racial saving throw bonus against
30 feet.
Enchantment spells or effects.
• Immunity to magic sleep spells and a +2 • Low-light Vision, effective to 60ft.
racial saving throw bonus against
Enchantment effects. • +2 racial saving throw against disease and
aging attacks.
• Low-light Vision: Elves can see by starlight
twice as well as humans. On a bright night, • +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot
elves can see by moonlight as well as a checks.
human can see by day. • Elven Blood: A half-elf can be considered an
• Proficient with longsword, shortbow, elf for many purposes, including the casting
longbow, composite longbow, and composite of true magic.
shortbow. • Automatic Language: Sidhelien or the
• +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot language of their human parent. Bonus
checks. Languages: None.
• They do not gain the automatic search check • Favored Class: Any (highest level class is
within 5’ that standard PHB elves receive. favored).
Shadow Guide Halfling Racial Traits
[General; Halfling]
Although not numerous, halflings are found
You are a Halfling gifted nearly everywhere that humans live. Cerilian
with the ability to find the halflings are almost four feet tall, slightly stocky,
hidden ways to and from and fond of creature comforts. Halflings usually
the Shadow World. adopt the language and culture of the Big Folk
Prerequisite: Must be a around them while keeping a few aspects of
Halfling, Shadow Walker their own culture. Halflings have a strong
Benefit: You add the sensitivity to the shadow world and its forces.
ability to cast Gate
(planar travel to the • +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength.
shadow world only) to • Small-sized (3’6” to 4’ tall), base speed of 20
your Shadow Walker feet. As
abilities. This ability can • Small creatures, halflings gain a +1 size
only be used in deep bonus to Armor
shadow. • Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a
+4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must
use smaller weapons than humans use, and
Shadow Walker their lifting and carrying capacities are three-
[General; Halfling] quarters those of Medium-size characters.
You are a Halfling who • +2 racial bonus on Listen, Climb, Jump, and
has learned how to Move
make the journey from
Cerilia to the Shadow
• Silently checks.
World (and return). • +1 racial bonus to all saving throws.
Prerequisite: Must be a • +2 morale bonus on saving throws vs. fear.
Halfling • +1 racial attack bonus with a thrown weapon.
Benefit: You may cast
any combination of • Faire Sense: Halflings possess the ability to
sense the presence of the shadow world or
Dimension Door and
its taint. By concentrating (and making a Spot
Shadow Walk three
check) a halfling may sense as if using
times per week. These
Detect Evil, Detect Magic [Necromancy only],
spell must begin in and
and Detect Undead simultaneously. The DC
exit areas of heavy
for the Spot check varies according to the
strength of the aura: Dim (DC 25), Faint (DC
20), Moderate (DC 15), Strong (DC 10),
Overwhelming (DC 5).
• Exceptional halflings can learn to use this
ability to enter and exit the shadow world
[see Feats].
• Automatic Language: Any one language.
Bonus Languages: None.
• Favored Class: Rogue.

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