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Gr and Section:


Nuclear fusion is a process by which atoms of low mass elements are combined to make new
elements under conditions of very high temperatures and pressures. This yields a large amount of
energy, due to a process by which mass is converted to energy. In this exercise you will explore two
fusion pathways that occur in stars.

Atomic masses: H = 1.0079 amu He = 4.0026 amu 1.

Four atoms of hydrogen combine to make one atom of helium:

H + H + H + H ---> He
a) What is the exact atomic mass of one H? 1.6735
b) Multiply your answer (part a) by 4: 6.694
c) What is the exact atomic mass of one He? 4.0026
d) Subtract your answer in c from b: 2.6914 This answer (part d) is known as
the mass defect. It becomes energy during the nuclear fusion process.

2. Einstein's equation of Energy-Mass Equivalence is: E = mc2

where: E is energy (in joules)

m is mass (in kg)

c is the speed of light, which is 3 x 108 m/s

The mass of 1 amu = 1.66 x 10-27 kg

You will now calculate the energy released by the fusion process that creates one He atom.

e. Change the mass defect of the H ---> He reaction (from #1. your answer in part d)
from amu into kg. Show your work:

f. Multiply your answer in kg (part e) by c2. The unit for your answer is joules(J). This
gives the amount of energy produced for one He atom.
PETA 2: ISOTOPES AND IONS WORKSHEET (10 pts) Analyse and complete the table below (1
pt. each row):

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