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Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary SCORE
(5 points for each) (10 points for each) (15 points for each) (20 points for each)
PATTERN No patterns or pattern Pattern was drawn Pattern was traced but Pattern was neatly
drawn. had some neatness traced.
CREATIVITY Demonstrates no Demonstrates little Demonstrates much Demonstrates
creative effort. creativity in the creativity in the exceptional creativity
project. project. in the project.
OVERALL The project does not The project is fairly There are one or two The project looks very
APPEARANCE look neat. Care was neat. stray threads or neat and shows that
not taken with details. stitching. care taken with details.
TIME The student did not Student needed Student needed extra Project was turned in
MANAGEMENT finish project on time excessive time (3- 4 time (1-2 days) to on time or early.
and exceed to more days) to finish the finish the project.
than a week on turning project.
PRESENTATION Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Students demonstrates
AND little understanding of fair understanding of good understanding of excellent
UNDERSTANDING information on the information on the information on the understanding of
OF CONTENT project. project. project. information on the

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