Class 12 Chemistry Experiments

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[LOBJECTIVE / To prepare 250 mL solution of x oxalic acid. 1 THEORY Crystalline oxalic acid is a primary standard, its standard solution can be prepared by taking a given weight of the salt. COOH Molecular mass of oxalic acid | | -2H,0 | = 126 g. COOH ‘Amount of oxalic acid for 1000 mL of x solution = % =63¢. Amount of oxalic acid for 250 mL of x solution = LaTERIALS REQUIRED A. Apparatus: 250 mL measuring flask, weighing bottle or watch glass, beaker, wash bottle, pipette. B. Chemical: Oxalic acid (crystalline pure). PROCEDURE 1 Take a dry weighing bottle. Weigh it accurately. Let it be w g. 2. Add approximately 1.5 g pure oxalic acid in the already weighted weighing bottle and place it on left pan of the balance. 3. Keep a weight of (x, + 1.575)g on the right pan of the balance. Take the weight. 4. Add a little more of oxalic acid in the weighing bottle so that the two sides get by, ul lance If necessary take out some of oxalic acid. Always use spatula ‘Adding last drops to make | up the volume © @ Fig, 10.13. Preparation of standard solution 5. Take out weighing bottle and pour the acid in a clean beaker. Wash the weighing bottle with about 20 ml, of distilled water from wash bottle into the beaker. Again wash with — another 20-25 mL water so that all the weighed oxalic acid goes into the beaker. 6. Shake the beaker gently to get a clear solution. 7. Transfer this solution into the measuring flask through a funnel. 8. Wash the funnel into the measuring flask (250 mL) with distilled water with the help of 10. wash bottle 2-3 times using 20-25 mL each time. ‘Take out the funnel. Make water in the measuring flask below the mark. Finally use pipette to make water up to the mark. Stopper the measuring flask tightly and shake to get a uniform g solution of oxalic acid EXPERIMENT 2 ‘ CTIVE posvecte To prepare 250 mL of Mohr’s sat [1HE0R Ferrous iron is available as primary standard as Mohr’s salt. So standard solution of Mohr’s salt can be prepared. Molecular mass of Mohr’s salt = 392 grams. “20 “1000 containing 10 mL dil. sulphuric acid and make up the solution to 250 mL. In redox reaction ferrous of Mohr’s salt is oxidised to ferric iron and thus one electron per molecule is used. Thus its equivalent weight is equal to the molecular weight. Therefore, 4.9 g of the salt will be required to prepare © solutions of Mohr’s salt. . M For preparing 250 ml. of =~ Moh’s salt solution, take 49 ¢ (= 250, ) of the salt in water peRoceDURE a. Preparation of Standard Solution of Mohr's Salt 1. Weigh a clean dry weighing bottle ions 2. Add approx 1.9 g Mohr’s salt to the weighing bottle 3. Keep adding Mohr’s salt to the weighing bottle with the help of a clean spatula, a little at 2 a till the weight in the pan is balanced with the weight of the weighing bottle + Mohr’s (Note: It is difficult to take a exact calculated weight and so take exact weight of the bottle + salt when the amount of Mohr’s salt is near the calculated value.) Let it be w, g 4, Remove the weighing bottle from the pan. 5. Transfer the salt to the standard measuring flask through the funnel. 6. Weigh the weighing bottle again. Let it be w, g. 7. Wash the salt into the measuring flask with distilled water with the help of wash bottle Add a little dil. H,SO,. 8 Take out the funnel and add more distilled water till it is a little lower than the etched mark. 9. Stopper the flask and swirl to mix up the solution. 10. Finally add water with the help of a pipette till the level of solution reaches the etched mark. EXPERIMENT 3 [LOBJECTIVE es ity and strengtp i is ind out the molarii ath of Prepare ~~ solution of Mohr’s salt. Using this solution fi ‘ rep 0 given KMnO, solution. [LtHEorY The reaction between KMn0, (MnO;) and Mohr’s salt Cea by a — eee ae eins hrs salt (Fe** ——+ Fe“) in the acidic as well as in alkaline medium n re fais pa is not used for titration purpose because brown MnO, formed during the reaction interferes with the determination of end point. Conc. HNO, cannot be used as it itself also OXidises Mohr’s salt. HCI can also be not used as it itself gets oxidised by KMn0O,,. Therefore for the Purpose of volumetric titration dil. SO, provides the best acidic medium). 2KMnO, + 8H,SO, + 10FeSO, - (NH), SO, - 6H,0 Tay 7 M280, + 2MnSO, + 5Fey(S0,), + 100VH,), SO, + 68H,0 Tonic equation may be written as: MnO; + 8H*+ Se” Mn? + 41,0 Fe? Fe ge] x 5 Amount of Mohr’s Salt for Standard Solution Suppose itis required to prepare 100 mL of x Mohr’s salt, Molarity (= Weight of salt x 100 Molecular weight * Vol. of solution Required weight for 100 mi. of M solution 20 ~ Mol. wt.xM xv -_ aie 3 1000" ap * 100= 1.96 g the strength of KMnO, is determine From the overall balanced equation, o's sat ‘d by law of equivalence which is given as. it is clear that 2 moles of KMn0, react with 10 moles of Miao, X Visio, 2 To, Myohrssat % Vain 10 WATERIALS REQUIRED A. Apparatus: Standard measuring flask (100 mL), weighing bottle, funnel, burette, pipette, wash bottle, conical flask, weight boxes, weighing bottle, ; B. Chemicals: Solid Mobr’s salt, given KMnO, solution, distilled water C. Indicator : KMn0, is a self indicator. [LOBSERVATIONS AND CALCULATIONS =u Weight of weighing bottle + Mohr’s salt 1 . Weight of weighing bottle + Remaining Mohr’s salt = 2 & oe Weight of Mohr’s salt actually dissolved - 2 =w Volume of solution prepared = 100 mL. w , 1000 Molarity of Mobr's salt, Myaues sit = 399 “392 Titration Table Volume of Mohr’s salt solution taken for each titration = 25mL jume of KMn0O, | SNo. Initial reading of the Final reading of the — ae burette (0,) mL burette (v,) mL used (0, - %y 1 © me 1B) me Wepme 2 Ome 13-0 mL \S-o mL | s One 125 me 12S me | a ome Jas me 1S me Volume of KMnO, (concordant reading) = Vigo; 2 Muonrssat * Viren (2) > 2X 00S KQS_ Myatao, = <2 x Meneses * Mote mit 19) = O-0em ~~ Vega, fox 12-5 Strength (g/L) of KMn0,= Myauo, x Molecular mass = Mra, X18 = OVOT KISH > 316 gle [LREsuLtT Molarity of KMnO, solution = 0..02M Strength of KMnO, solution o/h [LPRECAUTIONS + Always use freshly prepared solutions. + Ensure accuracy while taking readings of * Do not use rubber KMn0,. Burette and pipette should bé cleaned immediately after use. Always use distilled water. Before use, rinse the burette and the pipette with the respective solutions, Always use rider if it is required to use a weight of less than .001 g. Weights should be handled with foreep only. pipette and burette by avoiding parallax error. Pinch cock burette. Rubber being an organic matter, is attacked by EXPERIMENT oBJECTIVE M on ME solution ee Prepare “56 of oxalic acid. With the help of this solution find out molarity and strength of se given KMnO, solution. [LtHEORY KMn0, oxidises oxalic acid in acidic medium. Thus reaction between KMnO, and oxalic acid is redox reaction. The titration is done in acidic medium using dil. H,SO,. Since this reaction is slow at room temperature, the titration is done at 60-70°C. For this purpose the mixture of oxalic acid and dilute H,SO, is heated before starting the titration. However, the mixture should not be overheated as it will lead to decomposition of oxalic acid to CO, and volumetric titration will not give correct result. (COOH), HEP CO, + CO + H,0 The molecular reaction between KMnO, and oxalic acid is 2KMn0, + 5C,H,0, + 3H,S0, —> K,SO, + 2MnSO, + 1000, + 8H,0 Corresponding ionic equation is MnO, + 8H* + 5e°——> Mn + 4H,0 ] x2 —— 2€0, + 261 x Ee 2MnO; + 16H* + 5C,0,,—> 2Mn*? + 8H,O + 10CO, Amount of oxalic acid for standard solution in / Suppose it is required to prepare 100 mL of M/20 oxalic acid solution. ~ Weight of oxalic acid a 1000 Now molarity (M) = s¢[ceular weight of oxalic acid Vol of solution ". Required weight of oxalic acid for 100 mL of x solution (H,C,0, - 2H,0) Mol. weight , 1 y 100 700020 - x = 0.63.8 strength of KMnO, is determined by law of equivalence which is given as: i a 0, is devs lear that 2 moles of KMnO, react with 5 moles of snag Et the overall balanced equation it is cl ic acid. Magno, Vivo, 2 _ Mao, “600 — = Morale acid * Wonatc act [LWATERIALS REQUIRED A. Apparatus: Standard measuring flask, weighing bottle, funnel, burette, pipette, wash bottle, conical flask, weight box, burner, tripod-stand, wire gauze. B. Chemicals: Oxalic acid crystals, KMnO, solution, distilled water. C. Indicator: KMnO, is a self indicator. l OBSERVATIONS AND CALCULATIONS Weight of weighing bottle + Oxalic acid =u, Weight of weighing bottle + Remaining oxalic acid = w, & Weight of oxalic acid actually dissolved w,- Wye =wg Volume of solution = 100 mL . aad __w 1000 Molarity of oxalic acid (Myratie acia) “500% Titration Table Volume of oxalic acid solution taken for each titration = 25mL S.No. | Initial reading of the Final reading of the Volume of KMnO, burette (v,) burette (o,) used (v, ~ v,) mL 1 © mnt 24-0 me 24-8 me 2 Oo mL 24-5 m& 24 $ me a Ome AS+p me | AS1p me 4 oml 2s) me Aft me Volume of KMnO, (concordant reading) = Viyyo Meee Mowiicnia XVonaienia %2 - 0-05 X2USKZ Viatno, *5 Strength of KMn0, = Mygio, 158 g/l. = O0lgxisge 714 FL 281X5 _ y.019m RESULT Molarity of given KMn0, solution = 0:019 M Strength of given KMnO, solution = 2:19. g/L [LPRECAUTIONS Always use freshly prepared solutions. Ensure accuracy while taking readings of pipette and burette by avoiding parallax error. Do not use rubber pinch cock burette. Rubber being an organic matter, is attacked b KMn0,. Burette and pipette should be cleaned immediately after use. Always use distilled water. Before use, rinse the burette and-the pipette with the respective solutions Always use rider if it is required to use a weight of less than .001 g Weights should be handled with forcep only. Ex pemimed 5 Tolan} Hee dance) graup prs Wh nm “faite Compoatund | Retesimenents 9 Lest takes Hey puke alder, Tar tebe _| Qremanium Witrodo —_| Aeluhon SD Shake well! —-————Stetinal anal brush, Teqdus'red chernicads SEE Obata lo relate felts lent | Exponent Observah'on [ Enfecam ca — | 1 Oe +2 me Grmne |Bromib, water Unaturebon Ware orsp_by ol p_by do net olktatom'e | 4'4 ot fourd se —poeetinatiel Aaadiing 4 Ltn O+c: a time Or C+ le Rid Calas Adcohalic. Compared) + Fav Oppears qeaeup CO) | otrops “4 Cees 44 pragens “[O-c + tml Aer, | Lacid Cot,Cooy) + A fruity Smt altonelre (a4) a —_|Few cheep af Cone | _oniggnated | See mae bieearee —Grcesp ty o | Dairture f'n | Weiler betty uly [io Bo | Aelies | B-oW+ (ute) CaCNory —4 (ity [ELOk) CAer)e] thes - —Tpkcohal Came in nee —_ Nitrae Complore =—- CUget yeltard = (E2| Reo + Cty Coo —— > Cy, Core tho _AAcoba) Aiahe aud Ester ( Prete Srl) — Precausion = a ——— £ DO] Donst Abyals 0-C 2h aldara) |_Kesp O20. cusdaty feet fds object 9 to dey Ex penimurt< grasp “prswt < Compaund —___— — 7 aT brow be tabo Trporency = 0-6" + Bromi water | Bromine Wan | Unsarerravran | dono oletetante | 445 To? yo pth O-ce - y liml O-¢- f Few drop | Mo Ro | Alcohowe ~__ | mie Qrmncmiym | Cataur __| puede Aakubon =) - 3 | Sham woebp | 3-4 Mn Aaucmy Aeaburon Bluue/ Vinter / Racl/ | OC: t4-S Areps ie Oguuces (Neu bret) Femic_ cManay CFU) Green Calaey | AP pears. yy a srry time : lanttire 3 Coot (o-sro) | Grllians lin (ce Catd Water red | orang. | Ht Bheh oop Nano, =) Ste aby ford Teacher's Sianature Torte ® ml Ayay jatuhon Ore + lip + Naow =) Oe, y+ Patty Ee Cbd) 3 SH CL - 7 Prenep Compl ron viet) - a LS Nano, HY oO Ss ic QO Bean ae ES = ton Cyan Gren tii Phy dromy azo benzene Red oly) | Precombon int : 9#f actly [Objects oe tee _-fun thi 1: pone pre {tn giein “Organic Compatund — Reauirensns 4 “Ee Lat terbey , Eat pont tek, Tralee brea [Sana eanu'red Chun'Calg | Objeryanay pabe 3 eee =) a Teather's Signature nnn OF Rete ng Ro _ LMG Aid nitrate (Agno; ) Aglibon + Naot + Ni ah | | ecu ES) arawn ppt: arma —_| | nd clijeled + 1m _| _| Orc: Fes) leap ut tube Ih | Wate bath _—__} ____—— tm: Flings Aadutin tt | sit | Og a —Lmt_ferbing A@tuhon | baawn pps —f oo tlme sathinin ay O2ce | formed | 43 Confront | = _keep_iin_wwoder oO CS _ (TRA cathy vow 5 Racone + Ly Ot ty es . Bae Rettig 7 dakihon — =| Do not heer the quaenion Inixteres, chireolly — = ie | Sever Wire beat iy After 2,4 DNP [frit Beco, cotrer Q+¢+ Olt Wingy Powbyer AiLier TNirrer pug bre ~ ¢ fee Lat “haloler, brush — and stand. required Chemwcaly oes tebhy, 3 Ex cperinnests lobservahon | Din pearernts— ~ La fa Nog t oligs Naot ta. NHC @xcee “FL me Ore: = Keep tut tebe ah wader |. —| bar, Lt Sechium Wireprusiols_ ——|t Imt oc. =) shake _ Lured) A@lehon + cll. Naot Leben] Imt deb Maon +O Gum oy. Said TD Shake ang Aokuhoy + 1m 0? C+ | a beot felntene te Waky i: {‘tigcece ; | bath = Coa! ; Ruston _ ude 2 Pre geen _orgaric Comparing Cartels | Ketone CR COR : rap (bry, Certain ——Carbany go-cup =o) - 5 t Mh-' ae O | cuz cocuy + on — 5 Cee COM FH O frettone Crating ktors) _ i \(Fe Conic no] + Cry Cor —>] FeConig NOC CH Cocy, Lo NitePrursicle i ci = Pea Compl 3 : 2 0.0 + Few drops 2 Con No ved : larwmanium du'trabe Aoluhon Calaor ; Lie +n Ana ting OC + AS drvpy of rendre —_|NO Qlux/ Green | Ws Phenol -on a Aaly bon red calanr Ober No, Yellaw/orerg<| Carbon Ce FQAML okcohal tame Spe 12, ‘Dup Aelubon =) Chat« | ppt famed C>ere) | aad for 5-1) Prshute Group abrey 5+ [ime 0-c | Klee Litmus tery | Car Li muy A@LeneD eck ee t > tim O-¢ + pench | fim 0-¢- $ pinch af Natio] Evatuiion 4 COp] = Carboy — a ae | Ccoot) qoomP — caer iaes pratent > a elcere) ployet Joulty Carborys — 4G Feu clreps ; GQ Hyot) + Few clay 4 Smelt coy Esser geaup (C00) _ | Core. th fog 3 Wear in iS gourd Aj prt —_ Wakir bath 7 . _—|— The gation organic, Compatind Contasin Camborne Ce oper) punch ovel Gre p- |B awoben _nvelued 9 Eauoben neler | R-CooH +NaHCO, —— Acon Na + ho t00, 1 fia oF Caaborytrc Socliam acid bicorboncd } comr pe-oguy t Med — @ | Rcors + Gero —pesag | Precaubion 2 . Om ov z hata anal aypervgcane, it a Te Ca, On Licampatrha HCO, 1 4 Reduce rents Eur tube, Tat tube Aaptder , bros od — pote eee ee deer Observahion table 7 _ Obyervehon Trpevence | O+c. ¢ Bromine Water drapwite Bromning _wocter Unaderahor Pitt, coninaane shading — [de not olacelaunte 4 nal fn 2D |Orce + Few olewpy ©} Coon mmanim No red Akcoabic “on nitrate Aeluton wat Abaceting. Cataur up abpent No Blea | Sreen/viodut phenabic -off | Be 0-6 FAS drops oy. qreuatred | ved cataur Geaupahtut | Fela _ Agtuhon 2s [auc + 2 me alcohalt 4mL |No Yello) Orarnp_} Carbongc [2.4 DMP Aetuhon > Tal — [ppe-—Jomd __\Praup(2c=e) foc Sto potrute, Absent wait ra ee pn ea nu Pye ciate a ee ee ratty Sheet | a dingo. Covet. 304 Head | gated lecaag tie as | Bt tml 0c Fi me Chtorsfe Pome parmine i Chtorofomn (ewcr,) | Occurrener of | Pond _—E team OANconabic Ko =) _ oT CRN) poor Orie uel =) Heat on Wwaterhoth | Jourd reed __—_ TT | Pat tute A) oe —}}taL 0-6 + 2 me HCL =) Coot = ae | Co-v*c) jn 1 Cald walker Orang or Aramehe — L pe i La, oy CL Catd (0% Pad diye Owns ——_ Aqurmy Nano, Aalehon £5 formed | _C Geri) =D Shake user 4 Ls “Least tube (®) - Qmce su catd attaliine oe are uartn ollt Nasu) Ba Tae Lut tube APD = a ot urinal qranpt [- == Gt KOH 3 R-N=G + Ske + THO [- Nh -F CH iusto ins one pee eeeecees ere eee ft ie, es Os te Prscauhon a Steel Corblérmiine Carepeably promo chistaney {- Le Maintaln Jomparature 2} reachin _Mrdicteire betas Fe ; : aoa oo 5 Un tabhe og —hughere femrprret irk | Aways add oliazenium orondy Aabuhon nt> al alu: es ia ent E |e EE Dey -I SE eeeiaeee aT os Ee ha bile eek _+—_—_——- — toed = ay Se ly | Becueirchrents Tut tebe 1 Tat tah et abr ned —_— TT Olean fn maby € ef ac die 0 e CAnon ee cag Expcrmacty a aw we [__ 0-5 gm salt t+ Q mb bits Cotanuyls 4os —— $04 2) Warm qertiy with ving Ha rae RATE abued ond Observe othe gas —— Srrett_2v Ayolued A TE Byaity St Actak fon — fin | ee ef Aber ee —O)_| Qrfpumestong Tat foc Poe Fata balan catt t_-Desp vad [Pte Tipeaked Etre Cholerihe (ally) | (Rood xed) __}_C hi Com™ _ ® Conprrnnaterg Tor Salt solehay + Pew Brawn pretipttale Compre — aoe 44 fomred tng, o 4 ——-— Rutt 4 Ene Geuen Salt Corter'y . * ei i CO CoP Sali 4 Ammasum S attete Hw Pave yaciicol Cerin) 3 Ammonis ton CNH ) | Tdeniflcotion Tat Of sates hinn Hy $% No gey syelud | obit Ha SPy_ @ |cerge £ Cone h SOx Acid dish hroun Come: ta Soy —~] . fesse ae LE xpeminents [ Obmryanon | Ebene ae | . _ baht ey Setanta TT | = aa ~ DO] Salt t Nast! salebon | Mo ammeaniaa (NUs) Zee $e G3 ‘tuatia | _{ nial) ete _ } ox aut | ho wate ppt __|_Prirat 2 alt + ble Ce faced Cpa) abet | Pay wy ¢ bh. Gracie ppt- c_past <4 bau fouece_al cpt Guth) meg Addi hor, "rales ppt ahtes LD | Brace pet hip: HNO, ppt: +t dls wy Soy + thanal Ci L 4 tut § alien Gouin prises Raluhon form 3 |Confimateng Lit = Dabo ptutn geen sotarin | Deep ble Catar wu | + Ntwow in snceery A@lukon Conbrned _|fiboiet plritta aresn Aclubtin ee ie ce +E i breton _ppt- . Aaluber, forme a) bey[Eelente} + Rutt 3 ty “gia haga Conbain — c e Ayjtrebe 1 Ate —t ( on Cupra 1 fe Nabe | S40 Caippie Nitmatie [uCm1oz), } 1 oil aati == = = ama Objecr 3 To analyse the giten salt or eco! ad baie pained feet oeoaed Ohyeryanan - |Pequiranents ) “Lat feehe , “Eat tube hatclor tard, chemicals @| bratysis op Acadicnadicals (Arion) Prepon natints Ohteryah'en Lrpemney Toinhpcahen Lut 2 O | Sage 4 Bier Hy Soy No gay welved | olip: Sey group - : ahjenr (Coe 5M 5S) (QD) Sate t Conn soy No goa Ayelued | Cons th3ey fraup (Nor er. 5 7950,6,) | | sate ¢ ie H » Hck A white pptfomed gog* may > fait ina tur |irralable iin Cone, HA he prttenr tube 2) Few dearopy | anol Cone 6 4 Bath Aabubion, 2 Cor piennatong “Et Oats tie sane aud Lwhile ppt formed Soy 14 + Lod acetate Scrlubhy in ammoniun Olutet. salebiay [| Anesysis Basie, paalicot (Cation) - eee cng ggg = (i yepa ee Trprsne_ 2 | Lduntipcahen Tut 2 O| Sads + Macw gabube No ommants. Zur proup — (Ny) 9.2 tallied CNY) abosen | Orginal Aatuben 24 | No While ppt | Prat greeup Aabt + ofit CL fone! CP bt) ahtene | @| | @l pay Ws gay trang, | Mo Gack ppt} Scend grerup @ above satuhan No Yettans ppt | (Gut * pat Ag) ote Pane) Awliuhon 4 Crtahnay wie | “Hird Jranp abt + NU tN yoW ppl fanned pritne £ alin seu) ne Act7) | vivats voli. ppt lia | : clin HU ond Cavich, jo +20 part L__@)_ one a f_| WH ppt solute, #8 i Naow 4 on) Ih sxc Nosy Comping hu) yu) Pere ny the gly Sale Conteh Acdlie radical Canon) Sut phote ton (S04) (esle yaglcel Ccahon) 3 Alutinninivung ton (act) / Sekt Abuws'wign SeAphoda (Atco 7 : aa JE x pennant niger oe o Object To analyte He given Salt fer ool. ao bawe radlicaly Reauircerunta 3 LAY Habe, Tut debe “hetalur Stare a Obseryecbon 2 @D| Anatysia af Aarti radicals ( Anica) 1 aie [Seis Observation = Tdenbif coken Tat _ @ | Saas t tite Hy SO No ak +H, $0, S (Cope ¢% nox, Sop*) ® [ceort Cone ty Su cateembus 9.03 wily | Come. HS Graup un gent Smet Ober Fs Con ~— be pret) 7 ® Pay “fhe obour 7d Dore write on mag he £ [prom _mtuot _cippad fetress outed) _pradent : | gta rod — : 2 |Conpiemnatey est? - —D Jorigimet Aoturon 4 jade | WN pptainatuy | Cr is : Lin tment Myo | Confined det ets tng ot tg Mee Aelatiy i) eaeaeaaea oben He @I Salt + sali ky Cr, 05 + Cone. Hy fo. DI pars sre g23 sthvans, gd Nao saluhor = Vela | Yeltawo ppt: Aaluton obtaind + 44 observed Attic acid CoH; Coon) } a flrad Ottate = F ® fnalipis ef fasic. radical CCarion) = | Experiments Obgeryahon, Prprenc, = | a} Beenipicotien “Eat : O| cats t Meow Sebunin NO ammonia (Ni) Zarp grap, Geo Avelued — CNet) abrenr — z 3 0 ibe . Ftvat a =t_olids tHcy CPLT ) obtener — © Pay tS gey “thrash No Black: ppt SLO Gecaup : LD | Pigaine Pati braun ale PREM HCKCA) One olevick, = : fo ps peg eo ae Ckens) 3 te gwen Sakt Conted'in Atl seackical Casion) = co blomele ton Cu") Salt 4 Peme Chlowicle C Felts ) ee fe BE xpiniment 1 To anal ye the guar sale far aude. and bay, Torah _ || Reutcenent, 9 EUt tube, Lutebuhe hartaler, Strand ,.Chencod — Obteryahon @ | pmatyais eof Audie radicals (frien) Expenimnents Obtervahe DPrferenc | =) Tite Conlon Toe = ve Cale fF dir Hy Sy Calaur buy , oclauerhey | olde H5e =) _Worm te A@bu'a ge} Aveda d — eh BP qc > resi 1 Pry) 2 |pay te tvelued 969 | Ulm ureter hears coe ‘ Prnnd | Shraugn Sime Watery Prides, f | ~— x z Orginal Sabu on alr wide ppt: Of CO, 4 _| Cie Caley is formed Conpimed Ae | Orginal Aaluron a aly | Pink Calor | — Co, 4 _|+ “prmadphina Lun —Aatedhen} — ound —__| Confyrimeg | ©) [Anolis of fare racic C canny _ Expenments Obterye TDrperence 2 _|Tdentipicahon Tat © |cats t Naon sotinon \No sme 2} cmmonia | Zor graup CNHs) CNityt) absers @® _lowigs white, | Fray ) ot obits He Pees Ay obsene G)| poy 4 q24 threat \ Mo RMacr or Sxcond Graaup. 7d 4 ipgt ‘ jad pp - cubteer (Cut BD . third ges ct NMyu + Nike cbtens (Fett Me). 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