Carido-Facun-Junio BTLEd2ICT Activity4

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Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

A.Y. 2021-2022

Name of Group Members: Carido, Kimberly Jane G.

(Alphabetically Arranged) Facun, Joana Maurice G.
Junio, Marjorie T.
Program & Year: BTLEd 2 - ICT

️Utilization of Learning
Activity 4. Conduct a simple interview with a child, an adolescent, and an
adult. (Your interview may be done with your family members and/or online.
Make sure to observe precautionary measures to avoid the spread of COVID-
19.) Ask about how they learn. You may modify your questions such as
asking them about their favorite teacher, or favorite subject, or the kind of
teacher they do not like (if any), and the reasons behind their answers. From
the answers you gathered and with what you have learned from the lesson,
cite specific ways on how you think you would become an effective facilitator
of learning for children, adolescents, and adults. Fill in the boxes with
appropriate answers. (You may work in groups for this activity.)

Interviewee Interviewer’s Questions How can I become an

& Interviewees’ Answers effective facilitator of
Child’s  Anong grade mo na? While interviewing
Nickname: Kaithlyn, I was able to
-Grade 3 po.
Kaithlyn know the value of being
 Anong paborito mong an effective teacher to
subject? At bakit? them. When I become one
Age: 9 years old -Filipino po kasi I will make sure that I will
tagalog madali intindihin. be responsive enough to
answer all their concerns.
 Anong gusto mo sa
Since they are children,
isang guro?
they are easy to comfort
-Yung lagi pong them when a problem
sumasagot sa mga tanong arises. I will always find
po at yung mabait po. ways on how to teach the,
 Ano naman ang hindi effectively. I will open my
mo gusto sa isang eyes and ears for
guro? suggestions. Children are
good at listening and to
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
A.Y. 2021-2022

-Yung hindi po become an effective

nagtuturo tsaka masungit facilitator for them, you
po. need to be approachable
because if they feel that
 Sa tingin mo, saan ka
you don’t like them they
magaling at saan ka
will dislike you and their
hindi ganon
interest will be gone.
-Sa Math po kasi ang
hirap po at sa pagbabasa
po ako magaling kasi po
malakas at naiintindian po
ng maayos ang boses ko.
 Anong oras ka
madalas mag aral?
-Sa hapon po pag gising
po kasi tinuturuan po ako
ng tita ko.
 Paano ka nag aaral at
-Nagbabasa po ako at
nakikinig ng maiigi.
 Anong mas gusto mo
pag nag aaral? May
kasama o wala?
-May kasama po ang
gusto ko
 Mayroon ka bang
habit sa pag aaral?
-Pagbabasa lang po.
 Anong motivation mo
para matuto?
-Magulang ko po at
yung pangarap kong
maging Nurse.

Adolescent’s  What grade/year are As I read Erik's response,

Nickname: Erik you in right now? I was able to fully
understand important
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
A.Y. 2021-2022

-Grade11 information and form a

Age: 17 years old viewpoint on how to
 So far, what is your
favorite subject? And become an effective
learning facilitator for
adolescents. As their
-English, because it facilitator, I will always
deepens my understanding look for ways to keep
in certain things. them engaged in the
 What characteristics lesson, such as using
in a teacher do you educational strategies and
admire? And why? techniques and
incorporating technology,
-I admire a teacher
while also giving them
who’s easy to approach,
some independence in
someone who’s
working on their tasks. To
considerate, kind, and
bring them together, I will
engaging. Someone that
engage them in
will motivate me to give my
collaborative work or
best because, for me,
brainstorming so that
he/she will become an
they can increase and
effective teacher if he/she
expand their knowledge,
helps me bring out the
skills, and abilities
best in me.
together. I'll make sure
 What are the that our lessons are well-
characteristics of a planned and based on
teacher/prof you their level of
dislike the most? comprehension and
-Not responsive, interest. By being open to
unapproachable, and suggestions, I would be a
inconsiderate. Someone good learning facilitator
who’s very harsh and for them.
 In terms of learning,
where do you excel
and where do you find
it difficult?
-For me, anything
that needs arts is difficult
because I am not gifted or
talented at drawing. In
terms of speaking or oral,
it's hard to speak out
because I'm a shy type of
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
A.Y. 2021-2022

person. When it comes to

writing a reflection, essay,
or anything else that is in
writing, I'm good at it.
 What time do you
usually prefer to
-My brain works the
at around 4 o’clock to 6:30
in the morning.
 How do you study and
-By reading, By
 Do you prefer to be
alone or with peers?
-When I was
studying, I used to be
alone; it's kind of relaxing,
and I can easily absorb
concepts and knowledge
when I'm alone.
 Do you have any
study habits?
-My learning style is
reading while writing or it
can be watching video
lecture while writing the
said topic.
 What is your
motivation to learn?
-My family, to fulfill
my dream, and to earn

Adult’s  What grade/year are I learn some important

Nickname: Mary you in right now? things while conducting
this interview.
-2nd year college
Understanding adult
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
A.Y. 2021-2022

 So far, what is your learning style is

Age: 21 years old favorite subject? And important, there is no one
why? approach that can fit to
all. Also, the behavior or
-History, because I
attitude of the teacher
believe that there are still
towards the student will
stories that untold and
many mysteries in the past affect their learning, it can
create gap between the
that we need to know.
teacher and the learner.
Studying history for me is
As their facilitator I will
an eye opener because it
reveals what's the true and create an effective
environment where in
it helps us being aware of
what happened in the past they can learn and
participate actively. I will
and learning in different
give them the right and
point of view.
proper material that are
 What characteristics needed in every
in a teacher do you discussion. As effective
admire? And why? facilitator on adult I need
-I like teacher that is to be flexible because they
approachable, know to learn in different ways
connect with the students , therefore as their
know how to adapt new facilitator I have to be
things and flexible. I also ready to address these
admire teacher that different learning needs.
motivates his/her students Teaching adult is much
and feel that every more challenging, you
students are part of the need to put all your efforts
class. to meet their needs and
demands. As their
 What are the
facilitator I want to help
characteristics of a
them to feel confident
teacher/prof you
because at this age they
dislike the most?
are prone in some mental
-Not approachable, health issues and
inconsiderate, not fair, breakdown. I will also
strict, and not teaching provide and conduct
 In terms of learning, hands on activity that
where do you excel they can apply in their
and where do you find real life.
it difficult?
-I'm good at written
and oral speaking, I want
to voice out and I want to
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
A.Y. 2021-2022

express my opinions and

ideas through written and
oral speaking I want my
opinions to be heard.
 What time do you
usually prefer to
-I prefer to study at
night, I start at 7pm
because it is the
surroundings are quiet
and no distractions so that
I can think and work
 How do you study and
 Do you prefer to be
alone or with peers?
-I prefer to study and
learn with my peers
through this we can share
ideas and points of view,
for me the lesson will
easily understand when we
share our ideas to each
 Do you have any
study habits?
-Instead of reading in
my mind I read it loud
because I want to hear it,
and I highlight the
importing details that I
 What is your
motivation to learn?
-My dream, and my
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
A.Y. 2021-2022

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