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SUBMITTED IN THE PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT UNDER THE GUIDANCE: Mr. Gaurav Verma (Marketing Manager) Submitted To: Prof. Girish Gupta Submitted By: Sushil Kumar Pandey Roll No 0820110050 PGDM Ist Year


(approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


As per my course curriculum of PGDM of Two year (Full Time) undergo one and half months summer training in any of the organization. So as to give us the exposure to practical management and to get us familiar with various activities taking place in the organizations. I have got an opportunity to undergo our summer training programmer our summer training in Milk Industries which is located at phase II Noida, where allowed to do this project. The project has been prepared to delivered as much information from the vary small but resourceful facts to must be know facts. Hence we had to do survey in the region at Greater Noida. Every Industry face change in their commercial environment with resultant change in their market and their ability to satisfy their customer. Each organization face new marketing problem and opportunity in their existing and potential markets. Every Industry decision makes copy with these challenges in various ways. The marketers being required to forecast the risk and uncertainty of a situation in their own way, supported by markets research. However uncertainty cannot be completely dominated in market forecasting.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey

There is no method to eliminate uncertainties but scientific more than any other procedures can minimize elements of uncertainty. Which results from lack of information without orientation. Market research would have some validity, if it would have deteriorated into and subjective wise assessment of market behavior. Hence an objective posture and systematic method of enquiry is vital constituent of market research. Market research is a process of collecting information about how, when, why a potential customer behavior in a particular market.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Completion of this repot was made possible due to enduring help of many people. I avail this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to them. My special thanks and heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Gaurav Verma (Marketing Manager) for encouraging and supporting my efforts to complete my study in this organization. I owe him a special debt of gratitude for his guidance. Regarding the marketing policies of the company and all necessary help in getting the completion at the study. I am also grateful to Mrs. Ruchi Tripathi (HOD PGDM Department) of Greater Greater Noida Institute of Management, G.Greater Noida, and their everlasting support and guidance on the ground of which I have required a new field of Knowledge. The course structure for this curriculum has benefited with the inclusion of recent development in the organizational and managerial aspects. The project has given me a full exposure of the theoretical part, which has been effectively followed in the practical part in an organization. Lastly I am thankful to all the member of PARAG MILK industry. Who has given me valuable information in the part of my project.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey

I declare that I have completed my project on this topic: CONSUMER AWARENESS OF PARAG PRODUCTS This is very interesting topic for me because it was a challenge to understand why retailers convince customer to purchase a certain Brand of product. This cant be learned through books, which only can be understood through practical ways. For this we have to go to marketplace.


Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Project Title : Consumer Awareness Of Parag Products Industry Organisation Project Undertaken By Project : : : : PCDF PARAG DAIRY Noida II Sushil kumar Pandey Mr. Gaurav Varma (Marketing Manager)

Guides Designation

Marketing Manager

Parag Dairy Noida Phase II

Duration of The Project

Main Objective of the Project A.) To study the various brand of Milk being used by the consumer.

To convince the respondent to visit Parag Dairy.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Area of Study

Greater Greater Noida

Sample Size


Data Collection Method

Primary data through method questionnaire.

Research Design


Sample Method

Direct Personal Interview.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



The project has been undertaken with the following horizons:1. The field work are carried out with the specific aim to fulfill the requirement of the project study. 2. The data, which are collected, are very much relevant and necessary for the project study. 3. No information is gathered any unnecessary purpose and they are well judged during the course at the carrying out at the project study.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Research methodology is the process through which we have completed our study.

Firstly I approached to Mr. Gaurav Verma (Marketing Manager) of PARAG DAIRY NOIDA PHASE II. He assigned me a topic for CONSUMER AWARNESS OF PARAG PRODUCT IN THE MASS CONSUMER OF MILK It was check the consumer awareness at Parag Milk and competitor. I was covering GREATER NOIDA Area. Questionnaires were already there in the company. I have gather information through these questionnaires. I was also supposed to take interview of consumer.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


PRIMARY DATA: The primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original in character.

SECONDARY DATA: On the other hand secondary data are those, which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statically process. I have used questionnaire for collecting data, so that data is primary data. I have used some previous reports. So that is called secondary data.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Data Collection 1. 2. 3. Data Collection (types of data) Source of data collection. Methods of data collection.


Data Analysis 1. 2. 3. Sampling Sample size. Matching of Samples.

The above mentioned points of methodology are preciously discussed as below in the following points:


Data Collection : The collection of data is a core part of every activities relating to

marketing decisions. The information derived from such data are closely analyzed, interpreted and a conclusion has been arrived on which other decisions are totally depends.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


There are various sources from where data can be collected any there also most appropriate methods in the application of which we can collect the data. In the application of sources and methods the reliability and accuracy must be well judged prior to collection. The whole study has been worked out depending on the data availed from. 1. Sources of data collection : There are two sources on which data can be collected via primary source and secondary source. The data which are prepared from the main proposal and researcher or owner it is called primary source and the data collected from this source is called primary data. The data which is collected from the persons, private bodies, private research agencies etc are called secondary source and the data collected is from both primary and secondary type. The following are the data which have been collected from both the sources: Primary Data: - In the course of carrying out the project I have collected very few data from this source but they are more needed in carrying out the project work. The following data has been collected from this source:

The milk being used by the consumers of Greater Noida. Whether credit facilities influence them to go for the product.


Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Secondary Data: - Most of the data in my project has been collected from the secondary as the data is only available to them another party I have fined the most convenient source and collected from them. The data collected from this source are the past records and it is used to analyze.

The data which have been collected from this source are mentioned below.

Historical data from the company branch office, Greater Noida.


SWOT analysis of Parag Dairy, Greater Noida Product line of Parag Dairy, Greater Noida.


Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Methods of data collection:

The method of data collection is an essential as the source of collection of data. The methods of data collection establish a pattern, the application on which provides a well fledged out data. A most appropriate method will produce data which are more accurate, reliable and cheap and also will require less time and efforts in the collection. In the carrying of my project I have used the following methods in collecting the data:

Personal Enquiry: - The data from the Institutes has been collected by the use of the method of personal enquiry. The Institutes located at different places was approached by me to obtain favorable and required data to add in to the part of my project. Few members of the Institutes are willing to visit the Parag Dairy, Greater Noida and want to know about Parag Dairy Plant.

Personal Survey: - The information regarding the milk being used by the various Institutes have been collected through personal survey. It is

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


given me an idea of what pattern of questions is asked to get the correct information.

Telephonic Calls/ Interview: - The telephonic interview or calls in one way has been used by me in the collection of data and information of various Institutes in different region of Greater Noida. The list of very specific questions that must be asked in the exact order in which they appear in the questionnaire without even changing the sequence and wording of the question or the sequence of the question. The questionnaire could be unadvised or disguised. The methodology involved in this survey was direct face to face Interviews based on structured questionnaire which has administered to the respondent. SAMPLING METHOD: In many research project, making a census study of the entire Universe will be impossible on account of limitation of time and Money. Hence sampling becomes inevitable. Sampling issued to Primary data main source of data are for too many to be exhaustively handled. Sampling is an integral part of data collection process. A sample is only a person of

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


the universe of population. The success of sampling truly represent of the.

In marketing research population means the aggregate of all elements that is relevant to the scope of the study. All of them process the Characteristics under investigation, automatically, it delimits the population. Population need not necessarily means living Persons; it may denote non living objects like Company, event or dealers. SAMPLE: Sample is a part of the Universe that is being studied and which generally reflects most of the traits that the Universe has Method of Sampling . Probability Sampling methods Simple random sampling Systematic sampling Stratified sampling Area sampling

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Non Probability Sampling Convenience Sampling Quota Sampling. Judgment sampling Panel Sampling Sampling unit Sampling units contains the particular units being studied and which Generally reflects. Most of the traits that the Universe has. SAMPLING PROCESS: Samples These are probability methods and non probability methods. PROBABILTY SAMPLING METHOD:Probability sampling methods are those in which every item in the Universe

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Has a known chance , or probability of being chosen for the sample. This impels that the selection of samples item is independent the controlled. Objectively so that items will be chosen strictly at random.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


RESEARCH DESIGN OF PROJECT: A preliminary study of Customer / Viewer user Satisfaction was cone by the method of research. For this purpousestructurd and non Disguise questionnaire was prepared and administered to Various Customers Different Market Segments like government houses, corporate house and various other individuals. SOURCE OF INFORMATION: Primary Source: Personal Survey Conducted with Cooperates manager and other Government officials. QUESTIONNARE METHODS: The greatest advantage of the questionnaire methods is its versatility almost every problem in marketing research can be studied only questioning. .Questioning is usually faster and cheaper than observing. As a result, less time is typically wasted in questionnaire Study.

STRUCTRED NON DISGUIDE QUESTIONNAIRE:Most questionnaire Studies made in marketing research are of this type. A structure interview of this type introduced more reliable result. The

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


purpose of the question is clear and thus undisguised. It is simple to administer and easy to tabulate analyze. This questionnaire has also got. The provision of the analyses. This questionnaire has also got the provision Go the alternative responses, which helps make clear the question. Non STRUCTURED DISGUISED QUESTIONNAIRE: Many people are either unwillingly or unable to give accurate report as to their own attitudes and motivations. To overcome this disguised Method are designed so that the respondents so not know what the Objective of the study are such disguised methods may also be Unstructured. Projective technique is its type. NON STRUCTURED NON DISGUISED QUESTIONNAIRE: Unstructured and undisguised questionnaire is distinguished by the Fact that the purpose if the study is Clear, but the response is the Question is open ended. The initials stimulus here is constant. With is the interviewer attempts to get the subject to talk freely about their attitudes towards movie channels / services.


Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


After collection of data, next task of research process is analysis and Interpretation of data. Questionnaire is processed and edited to make Sure that all question are answered. The resulting data should be Logical and consistent. After editing, data are tabulated and analyzed. Data analysis includes the statistical test which may be editing, coding, tabulation interpretation editing, coding, tabulation interpretation, coding is The assignment of numbers to the observation. So that data can be Analyzed, whereas tabulation refers to classification of observed data.

The above things are common in all type of market research project. Statistical test are applied to certain such research where data are Complex and casual relation is to be established. Statistical tests are useful to describe the data at hand, test hypothesis and make Predictions or estimates. Descriptive analysis is use to reduce data at hand to a smaller set of number of summary measure represent Relevant information. The application of the above mentioned methods have been instructed by the guide, in fact, in some cases it has been beneficial on the part of the project to meet the members of the Institute. So the information has been collected from two ends Parag Dairy and the Institutes. The most

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


important part of the project under the data collection has been the collecting the information from the various region.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


SAMPLING: Sampling is a most important part of the data collection. It is a tool that tries to matches the data according to the criteria. The sampling methods is used specially in the context segregation Researchers in the field of market research scientific investigation and other fields study where the it requires a deep ground selection of variables. So, sampling is a relevant answer to the accurate and most appropriate selection. There are many methods of segregating the samples probability and non-probability sampling. The sampling is the abstraction of the data in to mathematical calculation which is done by the application of various formulas of probability. The non-probability sampling is the nonmathematical presentation of the sampling. The most important part of the non-probability sampling is the samples are selected ambiguously without any concrete methods. They are various types of non probability sampling which is used by the investigator or researcher according to his convenience. Judgment Sampling: - The judgment sampling is kind of non probability sampling where the researcher selects the samples from according to its judgment. The criteria been fixed previously before taking in to consideration of the samples. The judgment sampling is one of the most important parts of carrying out in any project work.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


PRODUCT LINE OF PARAG DAIRY: Parag Dairy Greater Noida has a good product line of Milk and Milk Products. It has introduced a number of milk products in order to cater to the needs and demands of current and prospective customers. The dairy has launched variants of products in order to meet the requirement of all sections of the consumers. MILK TYPE OF MILK Parag Gold (Full Cream Milk) Parag (Toned Milk) Parag Silver (Double Toned Milk) Parag Fit Milk (Skimmed Milk) SPECIAL FEATURES High Fat, Creamy SUITABLE FOR Growing Children Youth & Sportsman

Medium in Fat content , All purpose milk Reasonable Price Medium in Fat Content, Adults & Weight More Economical Price Conscious People Fat Free Milk, Economical Price Very Heart Patients, Diabetics & Ultra weight conscious people

OTHERMILKPRODUCTS- e.g. Curd, SweetenedDahi,Butter, Ghee, Matha,Lassi, etc.

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Technology of Indian Milk Products:

India is traditional milk products have brought joy into the life of the people of the Indian sub - Continent .Time has Come - and so has the technology -- to spread this joy around The world. To shape this dream into reality , for India ,distinguished dairy professionals have co authored this handbook on the Technology of Indian Milk Products .

Those dairy organizations interested in expending the range of Dairy novelties would India that has delighted Indian sub- continent for hundreds of years. millions of Consumers in the

One new Source for them is the wide range of ethnic dairy Specialties that emerging as the next gourmet food . To menthe growing world wide demand for them, the method for their production needs to mechanize to achieve the desire Volumes, supported with food quality & safety.

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20 years the


industrial experience of


mechanizing dairy products

and is




Documented in this first of its kind handbook.

Exploring the scope for large scale manufacture of indigenous dairy products . the handbooks also highlights opportunities for emerging markets and investment prospects. It serves as guide to recommended practices for the dairy and Food industry as well as scientific and educational institutions.

INDIA: WORLD, S LARGEST MILK PRODUCER: India has become the world s no 1 milk producing country, with output in 2004 forecasted at 88 million tones .

PCDF MANAGEMENT : The Organizational has more than 3500 Employees which includes highly qualified managerial team with over 500 Professional Engineers, Technologists, Chemist. The field staff has also been trained under special programmed devised for them.

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INFRASTRUCTURE :{ Plant &Machinery} The on a big scale. PCDF has also the distinction of having the post Sophisticated and First Computerized and Vertical Dairy of Asia .This is a State of Art Project within its various Sections located in the basement and three floors of the building. Organization is equipped with Sophisticated Plant

&Machinery, Ghee, Butter Milk Powder, and other Dairy product

The total Capacity available with the affiliated milk unions including the newly acquired Parag Dairy , Greater Noida 5Lac liters per day .

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PARAG MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS (PCDF, LUCKNOW) PARAG is the No. 1 milk brand in Uttar Pradesh (U.P). The brand is owned and managed by Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Federation (PCDF), Lucknow. PARAG is now getting closer to becoming a well known brand in National Capital Region (NCR). PARAG as a brand had an affordable price, incomparable quality, price and hygiene. The quality of PARAG is ensured through 23 quality checks. PARAG DAIRY GREATER NOIDA is a project under the Operation Flood-III Scheme of the Government of India. It has been executed by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), with a capital investment of Rs. 50 Crore. for Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited, Lucknow. PARAG DAIRY GREATER NOIDA is the first vertical dairy of Asia with its various sections located in the basement and three floors of the building. Combining a high degree of automated and using, all processing operations are controlled from a centralized control room through computers. Thus, it is also the most modern and automated dairy in North India, where quality of milk proceeded and packed is second to none.

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Some Unique features of PARAG DAIRY GREATER NOIDA:Pradeshik co-operative Dairy federation LTD. is more than four decades old in the Indian Dairy Industry. A quasi government organization in the co operative sectors, it is the leading organization in the dairy sector in the Northern India. PCDF-a cohesive body Successfully does away with the expletive force of yester year, the eventual middlemen, foregoing a direct link between producer and the ultimate consumer .To achieve this noble aim , a three tier cooperative Structure has comprised of primary societies at village level Milk union in the district level and finally the main force Apex Federation the PCDF at the State level.

World Bank aided prestigious operation programmed in the state has been implemented by PCDF in three phases beginning 1997 to the year 1995 .Nearly all the potential milk belts of the state were gradually covered in the III operation Flood Programmed. PCDF`S operation Combine the business skill of todays industrialized society. Corporate skills and dynamic professionalism into what is traditionally a fundamental institution. The Rural Milk co-operative draws their inherent strength from the formers` committed participation. More than 5.5 Lakh

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rural milk producer families of 11000 village level dairy co-operative reaffirm their faith by selling surplus milk to PCDF. o State-of-the-art, vertical liquid milk plant of 4 lakh liters per day (LLPD) capacity, extendable up to 6 LLPD. It is the most modern and computerized dairy in North India. o A rapidly growing distribution network. o Designed to handle and pack liquid milk in poly packs, untouched by hand, to cater to the demand of the National Capital region, efficiently and hygienically.

PARAG DAIRY is the most modern and computerized dairy of Northern India state-of-the-art technology. It is certified for HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) a Food Management System.

Besides the dairy is ISO 9002 certified PARAG DAIRY GREATER NOIDA is processing and packing more than 3, 50,000 pouches every day. It has a vast network of villages level cooperative societies and chilling centers/dairies for procuring Milk.

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Economy vs. Quality Check Your Self: Laboratory results show that pouch milk from some local packers is generally low in fat and mostly deficient in SNF. This means then, watery milk devoid of the vital nutrients for which milk is consumed. Even the loose milk home delivered to in cans is invariably less in quantity (dye to frothiness) as well as SNF. You may not know the amount of SNF in the milk you consume unless it is tested. Parag Dairy can help you. Contact us to get your milk tested free of cost at your doorstep! Results will make you exclaim in disbelief . . . . !!! Then you will pay only for fat and SNF (the vital factor) and not for water.

Some Unique Features of the Dairy: This is the first vertical dairy of Asia with its various sections located in the basement and three floors of the building. Combining a high degree of automation and using state-of-art equipment. All processing operations are controlled from a centralized control room through computers. Thus, it is also the most modern and automated dairy in North India, where quality of milk proceeded and packed is second to one.

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o State-of-the-art vertical liquid milk plant of 4 lakh liters per day (LLPD) capacity, extendable up to 6 LLPD. It is the most modern and computerized dairy in North India. o A rapidly growing distribution network.

o Designed to handle and pack liquid milk in poly packs, untouched by hand, to cater to the demand of the National Capital region, efficiently and hygienically.

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After having won the hearts of thousands people and becoming youth No. 1 milk in U.P., Parag is now getting closer to becoming a well known brand in the National Capital Region. With the aim of becoming a best seller here as well. With an affordable price, incomparable purity and hygiene. So that your family have more milk and thereby, become more healthy.

In view of specific individual needs, preferences and requirements, various types of milk with different special qualities have been developed so as to meet the requirements of all sections of the consumers.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Parag-Goes Through 23 Quality Checks Just for You:

The dairy receives raw chilled mild at about 5C through road milk tankers from various Milk Unions of PCDF Ltd. After through testing, the milk is accepted, pasteurized, clarified, standardized through 23 extremely stringent quality checks, packed and dispatched for sale.

The quality checks include: Cleanness of milk Foreign particles Organeoleptic Test Temperature Test M.B.R Test Phosphates Test Percentage acidity COB Alcohol Test

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Neutralizer Urea Glucose Salt Hydrogen Peroxide Sulphate Starch Mineral Oil Test (M.O.T) B.R. Reading (For Refined Oil) Percentage Fat Percentage Solid not Fat (S.N.F.) Standard Plate Count Coli form Count

Milk with a Reliable Background: Parag Dairy GREATER NOIDA is a project under the Operation Flood- III scheme of Government of India. It has been executed by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), with a capital investment of Rs. 50 Crore. for Pradeshik Co-operative Federation Limited, Lucknow.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


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Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



The marketing mix in the set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursuer its marketing objectives in the target market. These tools may be classified in four broad groups that is called 4Ps of marketing PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION and PLACE.







Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Variety Quality Design Features Brand Named Packaging Sizes Service Warranties Returns

List Price Discount Allowances Payment Period Credit period

Sales Promotion Advertising Sales force Public Relation Direct Market

Channel Coverage Locations Inventory Transports

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Product is the first and most important element of the marketing Mix. Product Strategy calls for making coordinated decisions on product mixer, product lines brands, packaging and labeling. PARAG MILK has 9 product (Milk, Butter, Ghee, Matha, Lassi, Flavoured Milk, Plain Dahi, Sweetened Dahi). PARAG MILK has lots of quality standards and their own MICROBIOLOGICAL TESTING center were 23 quality aims is to provide quality products.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Price is the one element of marketing mix that produces revenue the other elements produce costs. Price is the earliest marketing mix element to adjust; Product feature, channels and even promotion take more time. We relate price factor with PARAG PRODUCT. We can see that company have provided 4 types of milk (Parag Gold one litter Rs.19, Parag Royal, 1 liter Rs.15, Parag Slim Milk one liter Rs.13, and Parag Slim Milk one liter - Rs.11) and the company time-to-time give discount coupon. This is depends upon company policy. The companies do all its business in cash.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Promotion is the must important tools of marketing mix in morden era. This is to promote our brand through promotion, public relation and advertising etc.

The last major element of marketing mix on place. We have to take many place decision, where we should locate our unit, what would be the distribution channel, So distribution channel of PARAG DAIRY is -

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey








Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



India with its status as the largest milk producer in the world is one of the verge of assuming an important position in the global dairy industry. Many international dairy companies are viewing India with an eye to tapping its vast growing market for dairy companies are now trying to acquire international scale and would like to tap other markets. The importance of Europe as a key exporter of dairy products is likely to diminish with the reduction in subsides under the WTO regime. This is likely top provide India, which offers no subsidies and has competitive milk producing costs. With a chance to develop export markets for its dairy products. Indian companies should tap neighboring milk deficit regions of South East and East Asia to market their milk products.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


INDIA OFFERS SEVERAL ATTRACTIVE FEATURES TO PLAYERS INTERESTED IN COMING TO THE COUNTRY. Free regulatory regime, providing equal opportunities for domestic as well as foreign players. Huge scope for growth organized industry accounts for less than 15% of the milk produced in India. The rest of milk is either consumed of form level or is sold as fresh non-pasteurized milk through unorganized channels. The share of organized industry is expected to rice rapidly especially in the urban regions. Some of the major international dairy companies, which have already established operations in India, include NESTLE,

UNILEVER (Through Hindustain Lever Ltd.) DANONE (Through Britannia) and NUTRICIA. Britannia has recently entered into an alliance with FONTERRA for accessing technology and providing market access to fonterra. The BRITANNIA FONTERRA alliance has heightened other Indian companies need for securing international partnerships in order to remain competitive and this is an opportune time for international dairy companies to establish alliance led entry into the Indian market.

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While evaluating the potential partners in India, the new player would need to consider parameters such as management fit, quality of procurement infrastructure, product capabilities and strength of brand and distribution network.


REGIONAL NATIONAL COMPANIES COMPANIES GCMMF* Nestle india Hindustan lever ltd Britannia APDDCF * Mother dairy Hatsun Agro* Vadital
0 100 200 300 400 500 600


Vadital REGIONAL Hatsun Agro* COMPANIES Mother dairy APDDCF * Britannia NATIONAL Hindustan lever ltd COMPANIES Nestle india GCMMF*

10 20 180 30 32 35 80 480

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The larger co-operatives, such as APDDCF provide a large processing capacity and an established national brand and distribution network for foreign companies envisaging entry into India. On the other hand, smaller private sector players such as Hatsun Agro, Nilgiris and Vadilal. Provide processing capacity, good management fit, strong regional brands and distribution network to a new entrant. The key product segments that would be attractive to new players include ethnic products like curd, paneer and enthic sweets and infant milk products. These products face low competition and are expected to witness very high growth to witness very high growth rates. One of the areas where co-operatives have made the greatest impact is the dairy sector in India. Today aprox. 7 million dairy farmers belong to more than 60,000 dairy co-operatives across the country. They have become among the largest and most successful business in India and generate more than one billion U.S. dollars annually in earnings for their farmer members. This impressive network grew from a small group of farmers in Gujarat State, who some fifty years ago rebelled against the exploitative prices, which they were receiving for their milk from a privately owned dairy in Bombay. Over time the village co-operatives federated themselves into a regional union, which owned and operated

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a processing plant and market the dairy products. With development assistance from many international and national development agencies, this process was replicated across the country is a project called Operational Flood. The dairy farmers have benefited economically to great extent. Not only do they receive fair price, but also they are paid twice a day after their milk is delivered and tested. They also share in the proceeds from marketing their product by way of patronage refunds from their cooperatives. There are important social benefits as well. One of the innovations of the dairy co-operatives was to insist that all members queue in the same line to deliver their milk woman with men, lower castes with higher castes. One can easily imagine how this would revolutionize social relations. The dairy co-operatives have also put a high emphasis on educating their members and involving them in the decision making process of the co-operative. Since most dairy formers in India are very small landholders or even landless, the co-operative has been a true school of democracy for them.

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In recent years the milk co-operative movement initiated by Indias National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has led to a substantial increase in milk production in India. The Two main reasons for this increase are more efficient collection of milk and higher profit for producers, both of which have been influenced by I.T. This case describes the automation of the milk buying process at 2500 rural milk collection societies. It also describes the extension of the co-op database through the creation of a DAIRY information services KISOK (DISK). The KISOK makes it possible makes it possible for co-operatives and farmers to manager a database of all milk cattle and access a dairy portal with information about valued service. The co-operative movement began at Amul Dairy in Gujarat and is now replicated in 70000 villages in about 200 districts of India. The village milk co-operative is a society of Primary Producers formed under the guidance of a supervisor or milk supply officers of the co-operative Dairy union. Each society has a milk collection center where farmers take their milk in the morning and evenings.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


The productivity increases that are needed require an extensive education program to reach millions of farmers and dairy workers. This case demonstrates that education on such a massive scale can be facilitating through rural Internet KIOSKS created for the Dairy sector. In the fact that the dairy sector is already using computer in 2500 rural locations to by milk from the farmers quickly and transparently. The number of farmers selling to their local co-operative milk collection center various from 100 to 1000 and the daily milk collection various from 1000 to 10000 liters. Each farmer is given a plastic card as identification. At the counter he/she drop the card into a box, which reads the card electronically and transmits the identification number to a personal computer. The milk is then emptied into steel through kept over a weigh bridge. Instantly the weight of the milk is displayed to the farmer and communicated to a PC. Then an operator sitting by the side of the trough takes a 5 ml sample of milk and holds it upto a tube connected to an electronic fat testing machine. By moving the machines hand lever three times, the FAT content of the sample is determined in just a few seconds. The fat content is displayed to the farmer and is communicated to the PC.

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The computer calculates the amount due to the former on the basis of a rate chart that indicates the price for milk with different levels of fat content. The total value of the milk is then printed out on a payment slip and given to the farmer. Who can collect the payment at an adjoining window? All process take no more take 30 Seconds. The e-Governance center of the Indian Institute of Management (IIMA) has worked to extent the benefits of this application by developing a Dairy Information System KIOSK (DISK) software which will replace the existing application at the milk collection centers. This DISK database includes a complete history of all much cattle owned by the farmers. The basic details of bread but and a history of disease, inoculation artificial insemination and pregnancy are maintained in the system. Through the dairy KIOSK farmers may place orders for a variety of goods and services offered by different agencies in the co-operative sector and seek information an a variety of subject of interest (best practices in breading and rearing milk cattle, schedule of service provided by the co-operative government and other private sector agencies). Farmers will also have access to multi media database on large number of innovation captured by SRISHTI (An NGO working in co-operation with IIMA) form hundreds of villages these innovations cover

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


agricultural practices medicinal plants home remedies tools and implements etc. The focus of DISK and Dairy portal is an improving the delivery of artificial insemination veterinary service and delivering functional education about the dairy sector.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



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Mother dairy and DMS have been the main source of milk supply to the metropolitan OF Delhi, where Mother Dairy and supplies through Bulk vending machines. DMS was supplying puck through its dedicated milk booths with the rising demand. It was felt that there is a need for a third dairy in the vicinity of Delhi. As Utter Pradesh was supplying the maximum Milk to Delhi. It was felt that the dairy should be set up in U.P. In this context N.D.D.B. and P.C.D.F. (Pradeshink Cooperative Dairy Federation) in may 1992 decided to set up a 4 Lac. Liter dairy plant primarily for packed milk only. Initially, the Project was named as Greater Noida Dairy, Project, but later a decision was taken by the PCDF board to name it as Parag Dairy, Greater Noida. The civil work of the project was started in February 1993 and the plant was commissioned in October 1997. Commercial production started in July 1999 and custom packing for Mother Dairy started in February 2000.

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This is the first vertical dairy in the whole of Asia. Since the land made available for this project was not sufficient to go for the conventional dairy, a vertical dairy was conceptualized. Various section of the dairy are scattered in the basement and other three floors of the plant. The plant has a very high degree of automation with a state of art technology. All the processing operations are controlled from a centralized control room through computers. Thus, it is the most modern and automated dairy in the Northern India. The milk processed and packed at this Dairy is of high quality because of the use of latest equipments using latest technology.

In PARAG DAIRY: - Approx 250-300 employees which include MBAs, CAs engineers Dairy Technologist chemist and veterinarians. The field staff has also been trained under special programme devised for them.

PARAG DAIRY is an ISO 9001:2000 and HACCP certified organization.

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Designed to handle and pack liquid milk in poly packs, untouched by hand to cater to the demand of the national capital region efficiently and hygienically.

The liquid milk capacity of PARAG DAIRY industry in 1.5 lakh two lakh liters per day (LLPD) and extendable upto 6 lakh liters per day (LLPD).

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Decision to make a dairy at Greater Noida was taken. 2. Sept 1990

Proposal for making a dairy of 1.0 lacs litre expandable to 2.00 lacs was sent. 3. 14/9/90

It was decided that the capacity of the dairy should be 2.00 lacs expandable to 4.00 lacs 4. 17/5/91

NDDB gives its conditions for Greater Noida dairy 5. 11/6/91

PCDF gives its consent on the conditions given by NDDB after Govt. Approval 6. 10/7/92

NDDB increases the capacity of the Dairy to 4.00 lacs expandable to 6.00 lacs with an estimated cost of 27.86 crs. To be commissioned in 94-95.

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Agreement for turnkey project signed. To be completed in 4 years. 8. 18/8/92

Site handed over to NDDB for construction 9. 19/2/94

Because of dispute regarding this project between World Bank and NDDB the project got delayed and costs increased. Revised cost submitted at 40.3 crores. 10. 1/9/2000

The dairy costed 48.5 crores out of which 38.79 crs is loan and 9.71 crs is grant. PCDF is running the dairy since 1/9/2000 11. 31/3/2002

Loan allocation 22.65 crs on 10% interest (under OF-III) 16.14 crs on 12% interest 9.71 grant Total- 48.5 crs 12. 9/9/2003

MD PCDF refers the case for making Greater Noida Dairy as a totally Pvt. Ltd. Company which shall be the subsidiary company of PCDF.

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Till such time as this takeover takes place the system of Management Committee to continue as before. 13. 29/4/04 in its meeting on 29/04/04 in

Management Committee of PCDF Agenda Item 10 decided the following

PCDF to get a new Pvt., Ltd. Company registered. This company shall be a subsidiary of PCDF and 100% share of the company shall be with PCDF.

New Company shall takeover the present business, assets and liability of Parag Dairy Greater Noida.

All investments done by Govt. In the equity of PCDF with regard to Parag Dairy shall become the equity of PCDF in Parag Dairy Greater Noida.

The new subsidiary company shall be managed by a Board of directors having the following directors:

1. MD PCDF - Chairman 2. Representative of Dairy Development Department UP Special Secretary.

3. GM/Incharge Parag Dairy Greater Noida.

4. Representative of MD PCDF Dr. R.C.Awasthi, GM.

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5. Till such time as this takeover takes place the system of Management

Committee to continue as before

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Chief Executive

Mgr. QA

I/C Mkting



Mgr. (M.I.S.)

Factory Mgr.

I/C P & A.

Mgr. Finance

Mgr. Engg. (Civil &ES T.)

Mgr. Mkting

Mgr. MDP I/C Prod. Mgr. Engg.

Mgr. Prod.

The organizational structure indicates functional responsibility and reporting system of managers and incharges.

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B. STATUS: The dairy had been conceived as a separate legal entity functioning under the Management Committee as a wholly owned subsidiary of PCDF but till date this has not been accomplished due to fluctuations in the decision regarding ownership of this dairy because of viability issues. C. CONSTITUTION OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: The committee was constituted wide agenda no 23 of management committee meeting of PCDF dated 30/7/91.and subsequent order of the MD dated 16/10/91.

MD PCDF NDDB representative CEO Mother Dairy PCDF Representative Project Director NDDB

Chairman Member Member Member Member/ Coordinator

D. POWERS OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Full powers to superintendence, direction, control and

Management of Greater Noida Dairy including Appointment, termination and suspension of its employees, trainees

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Fixing of prices/product mix Marketing of products Exercise full financial and other powers for the management of NDP

Being an automated dairy having state of art technology, its requirement of the manpower is also different from the other dairies of the PCDF. Qualified professionals of various fields manage the the Dairy. The production facilities are backed up by quality assurance and other required services. The Dairy endeavors to provide a vibrant work environment to its personnel in pursuit of excellence.

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The dairy is designed to handle and pack liquid milk in pouches to meet the market demand of national capital region. The entries process will be divided in to milk reception, milk processing, milk packing and dispatch. Milk will be received in tankers and after clearance from Q.A. Laboratory; the tanker is weighed on Weigh Bridge and decanted into raw milk storage tanks. The milk is then pasteurized and stored in silos and subsequently taken to the packing station, where it is packed in pouches. Crates of packed milk are kept in cold store before dispatch. During the lean season, when the receipt of milk is less than the marketing demand, then milk power and butter is used for regenerating the milk to make up the short fail. The heating requirement of the dairy would be met by hot water generators. Which is more energy efficient as compared to conventional stem boilers.

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The milk has its own procurement system. The program of milk collection was first started in 1992 in the Greater Greater Noida Area through the financial aid of Greater Greater Noida Authority. Later on some area, which was in Gautambudhnagar on Bulandshahr side, was also included and the Greater Noida dairy plant has been procuring milk through there. Societies at present there are about 80 functional societies. On 4 routes and the milk collection during the month of May 04 was 15000 LPD. As the PARAG Dairy Greater Noida has not been designed to receive loose milk in cans therefore the society milk had to be Dankaur chilled elsewhere. At the moment an old chilling at has been renovated through grants at SGSY.


At present there are several milk union who are supplying mix and skim milk to the plant. The head office as per the production plan is assigning them every month.

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For mix milk Badaun Saharanpur Fatehpur Bulandshahr Hapur Ghazibad Eath Firojabad



Others- G.M.P. Ltd. Kundli Haryana (a Subsidiary of Indian Potash Ltd.)

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The installed capacity of the plant at present in 4.00 lac liters/day The capacity utilization at the moment is 75% as about 3.00-lac liter of milk is being packed every day. Due to packing constraints the plant will not be able to pack more as the of sachet machines is being utilized to the full capacity. Additional packing machines are capacity. needed to increase the packing

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LIQUID MILK SALES MOTHER DAIRY: The custom packing for mother dairy milk start in this dairy in Feb. 2000 Mother dairy in paying Rs. 1.571 lt as custom packing charges for the milk being packed as Mother dairy Brand. This cast includes polyfim cast. Processing cast and unit margins. The milk cast in paid on NMG Rates decided through Head office.

LIQUID MILK SALES PARAG BRAND: Parag in Selling its Brand of Milk in Delhi Since 1986.

Initially the packed milk was being received from Meerut and being sold in Delhi through a Regional Marketing Office, through a private distributor. Thereon once the Sales increased, a plant was hired in Greater Noida to pack milk for Delhi and Greater Noida Soles. Once this plant was commissioned the packing of PARAG in being done from here. Greater Noida dairy plant in selling the following kinds at milk in the market.

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Packed Milk
Full Cream Milk Toned milk Double toned milk Janta milk (Skimmed)


Loose Milk: Toned milk in FRPTANKS

INDIGENOUS PRODUCTS: This dairy does not have provision for manufacturing at indigenous products. However small quantities are made to be sold through our milk booths only. The products are given below Delhi Sweetened Lasi Mattha Flavor Milk.

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As GREATER NOIDA DAIRY PLANT is not designed to receive milk in cans, it was decided that the an old Chilling Centre at Dankaur should be renovated to cater to the chilling demands of the own procurement of Mahila dairy societies operated by the GREATER NOIDA DAIRY PLANT. The procurement of these societies average is 15000 LPD and the capacity of the chilling center is around 30000 LPD. The chilling center was started in the May 2003 . An investment of Rs 5.11 lacs civil work, 15.38 plant and machinery ,out of which 14.82 was given through SGSY and about 1.5 lacs on installation .Another 5.91 lacs has been received for Generator and Electronic weighing balance from SGSY.

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After testing through of stringent quality checks the milk in accepted. Pasteurized, clarified, standardized. Packed and dispatched for sale. The 23 quality checks are: Cleanliness of Milk and foreign particles. Oganoleptic Evaluation. Temperature. M.B.R. Test. Phosphates Test. Percentage Acidity. Cab Alcohol Test. Soda Test. Urea. Glucose Sugar. Salt. Hydrogen proved, Hypo chlorite

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Formal in Starch Mineral oil test (M.O.T.) B.R. Reading (For Refined Oil) Percentage fat. Percentage Solid not fat (SNF). Standard Plant Count Coliform Count.

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In view of specific individual needs preferences and requirements. Various type of milk with different qualities have been developed so also meet the requirements of all sections of the consumers. Type of milk Paray Gold Full Cream Milk Parag Royal Toned Milk Parag Silver Double Toned Milk Parag Slim Milk Ski Mmed Milk SNP 9% FAT 0.5% SNP 8.7 % % of Fat SNP FAT 6% SNP 9% FAT 3 % SNP 8.5% FAT 1.5% Special features High fat, calcium Suitable for Growing children,

protein, Rich. creamy youth. Sportsmen. Medium in Fat All Purposes milk Content Reasonable Price Medium in fat Content More Economical Price Fat Free Milk Very Economical Price Adults and weight conscious People Heart Pallets. Diabetics and ultra weight conscious people

Other Parag Products Butter, Ghee, Matha, Lassi, Flavoured Milk, Dahi (Plain), Sweetened Dahi.

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STRENGTH 1. Asias first largest vertical dairy. 2. Morden computerized dairy. 3. 23 quality checks. 4. 150 9001: 2000 and HACCP certified dairy. 5. Many variant at milk. 6. Good quality. 7. Microbiological Testing. 8. Proper and Adequate infrastructure. 9. Semi Govt. organization.

WEEKNESS 1. No Proper distribution Network. 2. Lower Agent margin. 3. No sale promotion for Consumer.

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4. No advertisement. 5. No brand image. OPPORTUNITIES 1. 24 hours milk supply. 2. Find new market. 3. Launch the different type of milk product. THREATS 1. 2. Other milk industries provide high margin for agents. Better advertisement / Sales promotion and Butter

Distribution by Competitor. 3. 4. 5. Competition with low price for costumer. Competitor provides a time-to-time attractive scheme. Better quality of milk by competitor.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


Do you use Parag Milk?

5% 25%

5% 5%


Company Parag Dairy Mother Dairy Gopal Ji DMS Others

% 25% 60% 5% 5% 5%

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20% 65%

Company Mother Dairy Parag Dairy Others

% 65% 20% 15%

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Are you aware of Parag Milk? 75% people are aware the Brand Name of Parag and 25% People are Unaware.




PARAG MILK Aware Unaware

% 75 25

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Have you any mobile testing and any sort of advertisement module in your area. Out of sample size 100-90% people does not know about Mobile testing, while 10% people are know the mobile tasting.



Mobile testing People know 10% People not Know 90%

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Are you interested to give any sort of succession regarding PARAG DAIRY. Out of simple size 100-75% People are not interested to give any succession while 15% people says that PARAG DAIRY improve there quality.



Succession People Interest People not Interest

25% 75%

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What quality at milk do you bay: 55% People preferred full cream 30% People preferred toned milk and 15% people preferred double toned milk.


Double Toned 15%

Toned Milk 30%

Full Cream 55%

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QUALITY AT MILK Full Cream Toned Milk Double Toned

55% 30% 15%

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What type of milk do you prefer? 70% People Preferred Packaged milk and 30% People Preferred Non Packaged.

Peple Preferred

Non- Packaged 30%

Packaged 70%

Milk Packaged Packaged Non- Packaged

70% 30%

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Which of the following factors Influences your purchasing decision? Out of 100 people surveyed 5% people preferred their milk brands because of price, for 15% people quality is major factor behind it. 10% people prefer their brand because of easy availability, 20% people prefer their milk because taste for 50% people brand loyalty in a major factor behind choosing their milk brand.





Through which medium your buying decision is influenced mostly.

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45% people are influenced by T.V. 30% People are influenced by Newspaper 10% People are knows the brand about the holdings. 14% people knows the brand about Radio and 1% people cannot say any thigh.

50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% T.V NEWS PAPAR HOLDINGS RADIO CANNOT SAY



14% 10% 1% 1 45% 30% 10% 14% 1%

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The average sales (Jan 2005 to Jun 2005) This graph show that the how much at l ltr. Sold (Jan to Jun. 2005) by Mother Dairy And Parag Dairy.


60000000.00 50000000.00 40000000.00 30000000.00 20000000.00 10000000.00 0.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


MonthPARAG DAIRY MOTHER DAIRY Jan 2382074.90 6122790.00 Feb 2096053.40 54421510.00 Mar 2298856.90 6036130.00 Apr 636849.30 1772800.00 May 613350.30 1514960.00 Jun 628015.50 1612320.00

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


According to the survey done by me, I have conclude that out of 100 samples 75 are aware of Parag dairy product. Mother Dairy much more popular among them. It also concludes that Parag Dairy do not advertise much. It lacks advertising and also the ability of milk at different corner of Delhi and NCR. It cannot cover the whole part. It dont have enough milk parlor (booths). And this is also the main reason why Parag is not much popular among them. Almost around 25% of them use Parag, 60% use Mother Dairy & rest by others. Parag Dairy has various dairy products. It sells 55% of full cream 30% tones milk and 15% double toned milk. As preformed by consumers. Out of 100%, 70% preferred packaged milk and 30% preferred non packed milk. I have visited approx 300 houses and 100shops and the data is collected. I have collected various details from the market. And my finding will certainly help Parag Dairy to take further decision and 70 60057 its sale & maximum its profits.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


The following suggestion after analysis the collected data. A) Advertisements in women oriented magazines (Femina, womans era Graha Sobha) and news papers (HT city Delhi Times). B) At Consumer information center besides other products. The information regarding milk and other products (Lassi flavored milk etc.) should be given e.g. their quality, flavour etc. C) Conventional techniques like free sample trade coupons;

occasionally discount can be also tries. D) PARAG DAIRY should also print the address for compliant a suggestion on the backside of its product. This can be helpful in knowing the latest brand in industry and could be useful in new product development. E) Time to time, Parag Dairy would organiz the survey. This survey will be helpful to know how many customers use the Parag Milk and also knowing the level customer satisfaction for PARAG DAIRY products.

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Most of the consumers use Mother Dairy Products as

preferred to Parag Dairy. 2. 3. (Booth). 4. Parag Dairy do not attract customer with their schemes. It also concluded that Parag Dairy dont use much of the ad. Parag Dairy dont have Sufficient distribution Center

Whereas other dairy have effective plane and schemes for all distributor and customers. 5. No doubt that Parag Dairy provides better quality of milk

being tested by them as it has 23 different quality checks test.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



All most all projects dont have more or less limitations. The project, which I have prepared, may have some limitation. 1. The data, which has been collected in realistic as based

on sampling. It is not much more exhaustive hence in may not gives the complete realistic figure. 2. The answers given by the consumers may be biased for a

questionnaire. 3. Some of the questionnaire fixed by the consumers may

not be relevant. 4. The project is done is a limited area i.e. the sample size

are vary small. 5. area. It is not possible to inspect the sales pattern in the whole

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey



Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


1. 2. 3. 4. Kotler Phillip Marketing Mgmt. With the help of Mgmt. Faculty With the help of PARAG DAIRY Employee.

Prepared By Sushil Kumar Pandey


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