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Types of Computer Viruses
Worm Virus
Trojan Horse
Logic Bombs
Computer Virus
First of all you should know that what is computer
virus, if we understand computer virus in easy
language, then we can say that such virus or file
causes some kind of damage to your devices, they
are all called computer virus.

You get to see many types of Computer Viruses, the

virus for which it is made, they do the same work as if
the virus is made in such a way that it corrupts the
files of the computer, in such a way it can destroy the
files. Similarly, if a virus has been made for hardware
damage, in such a way, it damages the hardware.

The way of working of all types of computer virus is

different like Boot sector virus, Direct action virus,
Macro virus, Overwrite virus etc. Here we are not
telling you about all these, we are making this pdf
beginner friendly . We are telling you about
Computer Viruses in the same way.
PC Virus
First of all, we are telling you about PC virus, which we can also call a normal virus.
There are many types of PC virus, as you will read about Trojan Horse, there are
such PC viruses which are made for some kind of specific work.

Just like if PC virus is made to delete windows files, in such a way, it deletes
windows files, similarly if PC virus is made to bind with any kind of files, then they
are binding ourself with other files and destroy some files.

You get many types of software's to make PC virus, using which a normal PC virus
can be made, like there is some very famous software about which you must
have heard a lot (JPS VIRUS MAKER) One such (Terabit) virus maker)

In this way, you get many types of virus makers, mostly a normal PC VIRUS is
made to damage computer files, we believe that this type of computer virus can
be easily detected by windows security and antiviruses. But if you have good
knowledge then you can also bypass Antivirus.
Worm Virus
Add a little bWe can also call worm virus as Self distributed virus as we all know
about worm, if we cut worm into two parts, it does not die but becomes two
worms, the same work is also done in computer viruses. That's why they are
called worm virusit of body text

If this virus gets entered in one device, in such a way it can distribute itself
without any user activity. This worm virus is also used a lot in DDOS Attack
because multiple devices can be easily infected using this virus.

For example, suppose there is a worm virus in a computer, in such a situation,

if we plug the pen drive on that computer, after that the worm virus comes
automatically in the pen drive, after which the infected pen drive is plugged
into any device on which it is plugged. Also this worm virus gets entered, to
make it you get many types of tools like H-worm, V-worm etc.
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Rar Password (jellybean999)
Trojan Horse
Trojan Horse is very famous in the category of Computer Viruses, which most
people also know as RAT, whenever a beginner comes in the feild of Cyber ​
Security, he does research about Social Media Hacking, in such a way he gets
Phishing attack with RAT. It is also known about so that most everyone knows
about it.

The full name of RAT is Remote Administration Tool, as the name suggests, this
virus gives a hacker remote access to the victim's device, in such a way that the
hacker gets complete access to the victim's device, so you can also understand.
What can hackers do if they get remotely access to a device?

All of you must have heard the name of Metasploit, most Trojan Horses are
made using Metasploit, it is known as Payload, but apart from Metasploit, you
also get many such tools by using which create Trojan. Can be done like Dark
Comet, Droidjack, Spynote etc.
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You must have heard about spywares many times, recently you must
have heard about pegasus spyware, there are similar spywares which
are kept in the category of computer viruses, we can also call spywares
as parental control app.

The purpose of creating spywares is legal but hackers use it illegally as

well as we have told you that spywares are called parental control app,
in such a situation spywares are made for parents, parents can use it
on their children's phones for monitor.

But it is said that everything has a positive side and negative such
spywares are used both legally and illegally, you get to see many types
of spyapps like hoverwatch, maxspy, catwatchfull etc.
Everyone knows about Ransomware because Ransomware virus attracts the
most to a beginner. We have all heard about Wannacry Ransomware attack.
If you say in easy language, then it can also be said that Ransomware virus is
called the most dangerous virus.

If Ransomware virus comes in someone's device, then it encrypts all the data
of the users, after that there is a key to decrypt the data of the users, which is
with the creator of the ransomware and he takes money to decrypt the data.

Most of the ransomware attack is done on big companies or organizations,

so it is always said that you must always backup your important data, you get
many types of softwares to make ransomware virus, here also you are being
given a link.
We cannot call Adware's a computer virus, but Adware's is a method by
which hackers can install any kind of computer virus on the victim's
device, here social engineering is also used.

Regarding social engineering, you will be given a similar PDF in detail, a

normal user sees Adware's many times in regular life and he gets
trapped in these Adware's and installs any kind of virus.

You must have seen your device many times, whenever you do
internet surfing, suddenly a popup is created where it is written that
your device is infected with virus, if you want to remove the virus, then
install this apk here normal The user installs and hackers get remote
access to the device.
Logic Bombs
Logic Bombs is called a type of computer virus. There are many types of viruses in the
category of Logic Bombs, such as Zip Bomb, SMS Bomb, Email Bomb. All the viruses
that come in Logic Bombs have their own separate work.

If we try to understand Logic Bombs in easy language, we can also say that Logic
Bombs can also be executed by hackers according to their own timimg like suppose a
Logic Bombs timer has been set like this. In this they are executed on their own time.

There are some such Logic Bombs that are used to crash like Zip Bomb virus is used
to crash or hang devices, SMS are sent continuously in SMS Bombing. Emails are sent
continuously in Email Bomb. The purpose of doing all these attacks can be different.

For example, if hackers want that the SMS to come to the victim's device is important,
in such a situation, they can create confusion by bombing SMS, similarly the same
thing can be done in Email Bombing, similarly all types of Logic Bombs are used. the
purpose of doing it can be different
All of you must have heard about BOTS, if you play PUBG, you must have
heard about BOTS there too. BOTS is such a program that the work for
which it is programmed, does its work automatically.

Similar computer viruses also contain botnets. Devices infected with

Botnets virus are also called bot computers or zombie computers.
Botnets are used when hackers have to infect a large number of devices.

Like you have been told about worm virus, similar botnets are also used
a lot in DDOS attack, if worm virus and botnet virus is in any device, it
also gives remotely access to hackers as well as hackers of infeted
devices. Can also perform DDOS attack by using
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Final Words
We hope that you will like this pdf, we have told you about
computer viruses in this pdf, we have mentioned here
which are used the most if you want to go into more detail
about computer viruses. You have been given links to all
the articles, you can read them also.

Here we have also given you the links of all virus-making

softwares, if you use all of them wrongly, we will not have
any responsibility and want to clear one thing, you do not
run all these softwares on the host, you use all these
softwares in virtual pc.

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