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Quarter 1 Week 1&2 - Module 1

Fractions, Decimals and Percentage


Fractions is a part of a whole. It consist of a numerator and the denominator.

Eg. 7 is the numerator while 9 is the denominator.

Types of Fractions

Types Definition Example

Proper fractions Numerator is always less 1 2 6 7

, , ,
4 3 8 9
than the denominator.

Improper fractions Fractions with numerator 6 9 6 4

, , ,
3 6 6 3
equal/greater than the


Mixed numbers Whole number, plus 2 1 2

2 ,1 , 2
3 2 4


Decimals separate the whole number from the partial number.

Whole number  6.5  fraction part/ partial number

Decimal point
Fractions to Decimal

Just divide the numerator by the denominator.


A repeating decimal,
¿6÷9 also called recurring
decimal, is a number
¿ 0.6666666 whose decimal
6 eventually becomes
therefore , =0.66
9 periodic.
 Example of repeating

Fraction to Percent

To convert fraction to percent, we change the fraction into decimal and move two

places to the right, then attach percent symbol (%).



=0.5 / 50%

Decimal to Fraction

To convert decimal to fraction follow these steps:

decimal Example: 0.32

Write down the decimal dividend by one like this:

Multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every number 0.32 32

x 100=
1 100
after decimal point

Simplify or reduce to Fraction. 8

Decimal to percent

To convert to decimal, we move the decimal point two places to the left and drop

the percent (%) sign.

Example: 0.35=35%


Percent to Fraction

To convert percent to fraction, we first change percent to decimal then change the

decimal to fraction, reduce to the lowest term.


30 %=0.30




2 3 4
1. Function to decimal – , ,
4 4 4

 =2÷ 4=0.50

 =3÷ 4=0.75

 =4 ÷ 4=1

2. Express the following decimal into fraction: 0.80, 0.75, 0.10

0.80 8
 0.80= x 100=
1 10

0.75 75 15 3
 0.75= x 100= = =
1 100 20 4

0.10 10 2
 0.10= = =
1 x 100 1000 20

1 2 3
3. Express the following fraction to percent: , ,
5 4 8

 =1÷ 5=0.2∨20 %

 =2÷ 4=0.5∨50 %

 =3 ÷ 8=0.375∨37.50 %

4. Express the following percent to fraction: 80%,10%,25%

80 4
 80 %=0.80= =
100 5

10 2
 10 %=0.10= =
100 20

25 2
 25 %=0.25= =
100 8

5. Express the following percent to decimal: 6%,70%,19%

 6 %=0.06

 70 %=0.70

 19 %=0.19
Quarter 1 Week 2 Module 2

Fractions Decimals and Percentage

Changing Decimals to Fractions

To change a terminating decimal ta a fraction, drip the decimal point ang place the

digits to the right of the decimal in the numerator of a function whose denominator

corresponds to the place value of the last digit in the decimal.

70 7 7 Lowest term- a fraction is to be

Eg: 0.7= = Hence ,0.7= said to be written using lowest
100 10 10
terms if it’s numerator and
denominator are relatively prime,
85 17 17 that is if they have no common
0.0085= = Hence , 0.0085=
10000 2000 2000 factor other than one

Changing Decimals to Percent

To change a decimal to a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right

and affix the percent sign.

Example: 0.19=19%


Changing Percent to Decimals

To change a percent to a decimal, drop the percent sign and move the decimal two

places to the left.

Example: 40%=0.40 4%=0.04

16%=0.16 9%=0.09
Finding the Rate, the Base and the Part

A percent word value has three values:

The Base (B) or the whole, the Rate (R) or percent

and the Part (P).

Finding the Rate

You are given the base and the part, and are asked to find the Rate or percent. The

formula for Rate is:


Example: What percent of 16 is 10?

Given: R=? Solution: R=

P= 10 R=

B= 16 R= 0.625 / 62.50%

Finding the Base

You are given the rate and the part, and you are asked to find the base.

Use the formula:. B=P/R BASE= PART/RATE

Example: 410 is 50% of what number?

Given: B= ? Solution: B=
R=50% B=

P=410 B= 820

Finding the Part

You are given the rate and the base, and you are asked for the part.

The formula for the Part is:. P=B X R PART= BASE (RATE)

Example: What is 18% of the number 300?

Given: P=? Solution: P=BxR

B= 300 P= 300 x 0.18

R=18% P= 54


1. Mr. Vasquez sells mangoes for Php 300.00 per kilo. Because they are low on

customers, he put a sales discount of 5%. What is the sales discount of the


Given: P=? Solution: P=BxR. Sales Discount= 300 - 15

R= 5% /0.05 P=300x0.05. Sales Discount= Php


B= Php 300.00 P= 15.

Therefore, the discount
sale is Php 285.00.
2. In a fruit survey, 500 children chose their favorite fruit out of oranges and

apples. 58% chose apples while 42% chose oranges. How many children

chose orange?

Given: P= ? Solution: P= BxR Therefore, out of

500 children,
R= 42% P=500x0.42 210 children
likes orange.
B=500 children. P=210

3. Hope Academy gave Answer sheets to 150 students, 70 students passed

while the others failed. What is the percent of the numbers of students who


Given: P= 70 students Solution: R= Therefore, only
46.67% of
70 students passed.
R=? R=

B=150 students R= 0.46666/46.67%

4. The price of food that cost Php. 60.00 was originally Php. 90.00. What was

the percent of the reaction?

P Therefore, the
Given: P= Php 60.00. Solution: R= percent of
reduction was
60 66.67%.
R=? R=

B=Php. 90.00. R= 0.66666/66.67%

5. Ms. Chavez sold her car for 98% of the original price. The buyer bought the

car for Php. 784,000.00. What was the original price of the car?
Therefore, the
Given: P=Php 784,000.00 Solution: B= original price of
R the car was
784,000 Php. 800,000.00
R=98% / 0.98 B=

B=? B= Php. 800,000

Quarter 1 Week 3-Module 3

Key concepts of Ratio and Proportion

a c
A Proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal. If = are two equal
b d

a c
ratios, then the statements = is called a proportion. Each of the four
b d

numbers is called a Term of the proportion. The first and the fourth terms

are called extremes. The second and third are called means.


6 8 First term= 6 , second term=9 , third term=8 ,

9 12
fourth term=12

6 8 The means=9&8 while the extremes=6&12

9 12

6:8=8:12 Because 9x8=72 and 6x12=72, then the given

terms form a proportion.

Fundamental Property of Proportion

The product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes.

Types of Proportion

1. Direct Proportion – two variables, say x and y, are varying such that

as x increases, y also increases or as x decreases, y also decreases.

3 1
Example:. =3 ÷ 3= 3x12=36
9 3

X 3 4 5 =3÷9 9x4=36

Y 9 12 15
2. Indirect/Inverse proportion - two variables, say x and y varying

such that as x increases, y decreases or as x decreases, y increases.

The product of x and y is always the same.

Example: 6x20=120 10x12=120

X 6 8 10 30 8x15=120 30x4=120

Y 20 15 12 4

3. Partitive Proportion – a whole is divided into more than two, involves

identifying parts of a whole base on given ratios of these parts.

Example: A father wants to leave Php 2,000,000.00 to his 3 children

in the ratio of 1:3:4.

First find the 1+3+4=8

sum of all


Then divide the 1/8=0.125

ratio over the 3/8=0.375

summation of 4/8=0.5

all ratios.

Multiply the 0.125 x 2,000,000= Php. 250,000.00

given to the 0.375 x 2,000,000= Php. 750,000.00

quotient. 0.5 x 2,000,000= Php. 1,000,000.00

1. A total of 6 men can finish a job in 3 weeks. How many men will it take to

finish a job in one week? In two weeks?

X 3 2 1
Y 6 9 18
6x3=18 18÷1=18 18÷2= 9

It will take 9 men to

finish the job in 2 weeks
and 18 men to finish the
job in 1 week.

2. A shop which has 8 employees can serve 12 customers in a day, how many

employees are needed when they want to serve 24 customers?


192 12 n
12:8=24:n = =16
12 12
Therefore, they needed
16 employees to serve 24
X 8 16
Y 12 24

3. A 3 sack of rice can last for 6 months for 1 family. How many months will

one sack of rice last for the said family?


6 3n
3:6=1:n = = 2 months
3 3
Therefore, one sack
of rice can last for 2
X 3 1
months in the said
Y 6 2 family.
For questions 4-5

Mr. Ben wanted to divide the family property of 30 km land to his grandchildren of

6. The distribution is 1:2:3:4:5:6 from the oldest to the youngest respectively.

Solution: 1+2+3+4+5=21





5/21=0.2380952x30= 7.142856/7.14 km.


4. How much share of land will the oldest get?


5. How much share of land will the youngest get?


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