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I’ve been in youth camps in different camp undoubtedly holds a special
parts of the world. I’ve attended place in the hearts of the young
numerous meetings and youth people, to me, the August camp
services over the years that have no struck as the pinnacle.

doubt changed

What is it
As usual in southern
my life. I’ve been Indiana, the summers

baptized and are hot and humid,
sealed with the August typically
sweet Holy Spirit.

holding the worst of
But I’ve never quite this weather. But not
experienced the last year. A group of
august Presence of us locals had banded
Jehovah God like together throughout

I did at Still Waters the summer in
Camp last year. And constant prayer for
I don’t mean the God to give us “the
month of the year; perfect camp,” “the
I mean hallowed, perfect weather,”
illustrious, awe- and “the perfect
inspiring Presence of experience” that
a Holy Living God, we each needed
flowing through our with our Lord. To
midst and into our the natural senses, the weather
souls. pattern was headed towards the
Hundreds of lives were touched usual disagreeable conditions. To the
and transformed last year at Still spiritual sixth sense, the weather was
Waters. You can’t even walk under looking just right.
the banner of Still Waters without That week of camp had to have
feeling a change in atmosphere. I’ll been the most perfect weather
Hundreds of lives were touched in the first year of operation. In apply that to the spiritual and the August has ever seen in southern
only four camps, 121 young people were baptized in the Name natural, because even the weather is Indiana. The beautiful week
of the Lord Jesus Christ. We received testimony after testimony different out there. The breeze blows started off as a special bonding
of young people receiving the Holy Ghost. And not only that, differently. The birds sing more merrily. time between campers, and most
but they brought their experience back home, and it spread to The clouds form more distinctly. Yet importantly, between each camper
their families and churches. all the while, there’s a quiet stillness and God. There were many exciting,
that reverberates the holy grounds in fun moments I could relay about the
So, what’s causing all the stir? We’ll let you decide from this a peerless fashion, because God is events that took place that week,
testimony given by a young man who attended one of last there. but that’s not what gets me excited.
year’s camps.
I was honored to attend the August Those are moments that have passed
2011 camp last year. Though each in time, but I have something to tell
that echoes Eternity, as I think back to time, “Let’s just worship Him!” Oh
the bonfire on the Wednesday night of my, there was a sound of worship
camp. that even those angels could not
From morning devotions, to afternoon rival, because they’ve never known
Quiet Times, to evening worship at what it’s like to be redeemed.
the camp fires, each day the spiritual That’s when that august Presence
blessings seemed to escalate to the of Jehovah God came swooshing
unexpected blessing the Lord had in down into our souls like I’ve never
store for us that night. We started the experienced before. Some heard
morning as usual, before the Lord, It coming from above and behind.
which always creates a reverence and Some said they saw It. But all felt
stillness over Still Waters, and among that supernatural Presence from
us youth. Throughout the activities of Almighty God pay us unworthy kids
the day, the atmosphere was sweet a visit never to be forgotten. I felt
and spirits were high. The day had like Brother Branham, “If this isn’t it,
just enough excitement to calm us for then I’ll keep this until that comes.”
Quiet Time and the evening bonfire, Any more and I believe I would’ve
following supper. burst on up to Glory like Enoch.

Camp songs started softly echoing It was those moments that are
across the lake as we made our way echoing through Eternity, when
to the small hill that hosted the growing the only Eternal God came down
crowd around the fire. The spirit was to fill us with His Eternal Being. And
so sweet, and the brotherly love so to think, those sacred moments
strong. As the night drew on, so did in His Presence were merely the
the strength of the singing and the shadow of a shadow of what we’ll
Presence of the Spirit. It felt as if we experience some day in Glory.
were standing on holy ground, and There were those who surrendered
that’s what we started to sing, “We are a life of sin to God, those who
standing on Holy Ground…” I looked were filled with His Holy Spirit, and There were four youth camps scheduled
up because I knew there were angels those who were refilled with His this year, but every camp filled up within
all around. My naked eye couldn’t see Holy Spirit. 20 minutes of posting the registration on
them, but I could feel them. Then we the website. We added two more camps to
I’ll end this by repeating some of
started on, “Sing Hallelujah to the King,” accommodate those who tried, but did not
the last words Brother Joseph said
and the Spirit began flowing in our get in.
that night: “From this day, from
midst. I was standing close to the fire, this very day, there’s a difference If last year is a foreshadow of things to come,
but there was something far warmer in your life. You can never, never then we are expecting some great things
than those flames that was kindling the be the same!” I’ll attest to that at Still Waters. Each camp will again have
Holy Ghost and Fire in my soul. statement. I have never, never live updates where you can view pictures
Brother Joseph raised up his voice and been the same since that night. and videos on We
said just the right words at the right Praise His Holy Name! believe the Lord Jesus has something very
special in store this year.
CATCH THE VISION is published by Voice Of God Recordings, inc.
Dedicated to the ministry of God’s prophet, William Marrion Branham.
“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of
God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Revelation 10:7

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