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Technical University of Ambato

Name: Richard Barragan Group: A 2 15-00 a 17-00

Next Door to love
Stella was at home one day with her friend Janet when her new neighbor named Tony
appeared, between the two of them describing Tony's qualities. Janet insisted that Stella
say hello and that she creates a new relationship with Tony, Stella refused and another
day she would say hello to her new neighbor.
One day in August in the garden where Stella lived was Tony, Stella noticed that the
new neighbor looked a little sad.
The day after that fact, she decided to talk to Tony, ask him his name, she was with her,
strangely, the days after they met, she did not find Tony,
Without expecting anything, one day I heard Tony's voice, he was heard a little annoyed
and angry, shouting Kathy's name. Stella wondered who she was and why Tony was so
upset. One sunny day he knocked on Tony's door and they made small talk about how
they were and how they felt.
It was almost 9 o'clock that day and Tony had to leave for work, they promised to talk
another day. A week passed and Stella was sitting in the sun in her garden when a girl
came out of Tony's house it was her daughter named Daisy smiled at her and went out
with Tony,
Stella asked him where his mother was and Tony replied that he was no longer with
Daisy's mother, they talked for a while when Daisy gave Stella some flowers, then they
said goodbye since Tony was going to work. At work, a colleague asked Stella out,
which she accepted, they arranged to see each other at the movies at night,
When she was at home, Tony wanted to talk to her, it was to ask her to go out for
coffee, but she refused because of her other invitation but promised to go out another
day. The day she had the appointment with Tony she got ready, she was too beautiful,
and Tony noticed it, they went to have some drinks they were discussing the life of her
work, of their personal life, of their hobbies, they enjoyed that night so much that they
even kissed and wanted to go out together more times. For a while Tony was distant and
he met another woman who was Kathy, but Stella didn't find out, very tired about this
situation, she talked to Tony, I explained the situation and Stella calmed down.
Tony had to go to court to see the custody of his daughter, I speak with Kathy's lawyers
and with the judge, announcing custody of his daughter, so that Daisy has to go live in
Scotland, but once Stella's crazy idea gave Tony new hope where the two of them will
live together in Scotland to see Daisy forever

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