Exercise Considerations For Type 1 and Type 2.6

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by Joel E. Williams, M.P.H., Ph.D.; Brian Helsel, M.S., CSCS, EIM1;

Bryce Nelson, M.D., Ph.D.; and Ransome Eke, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.
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iabetes is a group of metabolic diseases where the pancreas either does
not produce adequate insulin or the body does not properly respond to
By reading this article, the health the insulin, resulting in high blood glucose levels over a prolonged period.
and fitness professional will learn Diabetes is a global epidemic, and racial/ethnic minorities are affected
more about the contraindications disproportionately. In 2011, 365 million people worldwide had a diagno-
when working with clients who sis of diabetes (1). The West Pacific region had the highest number of individuals (131.9
have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. million) diagnosed with diabetes. The Middle East and North Africa regions had the
highest prevalence rates of diabetes at 11.0%. The North America/Caribbean region
had the second highest prevalence rate of diabetes at 10.7%. South-Central America and
Southeast Asia had similar diabetes prevalence rates of 9.2%, whereas Europe had a
6.7% prevalence rate. Africa has the lowest prevalence rate of diabetes at 4.5%; however,
Africa also had the highest proportion of undiagnosed diabetes, with at least 78% of
affected individuals being undiagnosed (2). It is estimated that 9.3% of the U.S. popula-
tion, or 29.1 million (21.0 million diagnosed, 8.1 million undiagnosed), are affected by dia-
betes. Among those aged 20 or older, 7.6% of individuals with diabetes are non-Hispanic
white, 9.0% are Asian American, 12.8% are Hispanic, 13.2% are non-Hispanic black,
and 15.0% are American Indian/Alaska Native (3).
It is widely known that prevention of a disease before it is diagnosed is preferred and
can reduce costs associated with health care (4). Furthermore, a person’s lifestyle, includ-
ing physical activity and dietary patterns, can influence the onset and progression of
chronic disease. Increased physical activity and improved nutrition also is a practical strat-
egy for reducing the risk of diabetes, and even those individuals already diagnosed with
type 2 diabetes (T2D) could benefit from a lifestyle modification program (5). Individuals
with diabetes can realize the same benefits of physical activity as those without diabetes,
including increased energy, normalization of blood glucose, and a reduction of chronic
disease risk factors. However, persons with diabetes, and those who supervise clients who

10 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® January/February 2018

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
have diabetes, should be aware of exercise recommendations and Figure 1. Youth T1D prevalence by race/ethnicity.
contraindications. This article outlines special physical activity
and nutritional considerations for those with type 1 diabetes
(T1D) and T2D.

T1D can occur at any age but is most commonly diagnosed be-
tween infancy and the late 30s. T1D results when the pancreas
produces little to no insulin, due to the body’s immune system’s
destruction of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This
process results in lifelong dependence on exogenous insulin (6).
In the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study, it was estimated
that 18,436 U.S. youths were newly diagnosed with T1D in
2009 (Figure 1) (7). Worldwide, approximately 78,000 youths
• Increases self-efficacy for maintaining normal blood glu-
are diagnosed with T1D annually. Incidence varies among
cose levels by learning about the short- and long-term
countries: East Asians and American Indians have the lowest
benefits of optimal control and how to manage blood glu-
incidence rates (0.1–8 per 100,000/year) as compared with the
cose before, during, and after exercise (6).
Finnish, who have the highest rates (>64.2 per 100,000/year)
(8). In the United States, the number of youth with T1D was
Individuals with T1D should follow general recommendations
estimated to be 166,984 (9).
for aerobic and resistance training while ensuring that he or she
Exercise and Nutrition manages his or her blood glucose levels before, during, and after
the exercise session. Practical recommendations for frequency,
Benefits of Exercise intensity, duration, mode, and rate of progression for exercise
Many benefits can be gained from regular exercise or physical ac- are listed in the T2D section. Any patient with T1D should seek
tivity, such as better mood, higher quality sleep, and improving var- help from his or her health care team if problems managing
ious cardiovascular risk factors such as cholesterol and triglycerides. blood glucose levels occur.
There are some other specific advantages for people with T1D:
Nutritional Considerations
• Exercise can improve overall and disease-specific quality Hydration is essential for thermoregulation and cardiovascular
of life (10). function in active individuals but is particularly important for
• Regular activity may enhance or improve insulin sensi- people with T1D to help maintain optimal blood sugar levels
tivity (6). (11). Dehydration slows down food absorption and raises blood
• Exercise contributes to an increased metabolism, which glucose rapidly. In addition to regular fluid consumption during
plays a role in the regulation of body weight. the day, we recommend your clients drink 20 oz of extra fluid an
• Physical activity lowers blood pressure and heart rate at hour or two before starting exercise and 28 to 40 oz of fluid for
rest and during submaximal exercise. every 1 hour of exercise or activity. Both male and female ado-
lescent athletes who engage in sports that require muscular strength
(e.g., football, wrestling) may consider increasing protein intake
or taking performance-related nutritional supplements. We rec-
ommend lean meats (e.g., chicken breast, fish) as primary sources
of protein. The long-term and short-term effects of creatine, a
popular supplement taken to improve strength in adults, are still
an understudied area in children and adolescents. The American
College of Sports Medicine and the American Academy of Pedi-
atrics both recommend against the use of creatine supplements in
those younger than 18 years, and we adhere to that recommen-
dation among our patients (12). Poorly controlled T1D increases
the risk for renal complications with resulting proteinuria. Al-
though physical activity can acutely increase urinary protein fil-
tration, there is currently no evidence that vigorous activity
increases the progression rate of diabetes-related kidney disease
Volume 22 | Number 1 www.acsm-healthfitness.org 11

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

and no specific contraindication to exercise per se in diabetes- based on blood glucose levels before, during, and after exercise by
related kidney disease. However, those patients with diabetes keeping records of activities and blood glucose levels.
and microalbuminuria (mild to moderate levels of albumin in
the urine), macroalbuminuria (severe levels of albumin in the Practical Strategies — Sprinting to
urine), renal failure, or other risk for renal problems should Reduce Hypoglycemia
NOT markedly increase protein supplementation without con- To prevent delayed hypoglycemia, a practical strategy for your
sulting with his or her health care provider and should maintain clients may be to perform a hard sprint for 10 seconds after exer-
the recommended dietary allowance of 0.8 g of protein per kilo- cising. This strategy may be physiologically explained through an in-
gram of body weight (13). crease in catecholamine and lactate levels. Elevated catecholamine
levels stimulate hepatic glucose production through glycogenol-
ysis, which inhibits insulin-mediated glucose uptake by the skel-
etal muscle and stabilizes blood glucose levels in patients with
Hydration is essential for thermoregulation and T1D. Likewise, elevated lactate levels caused by sprinting can help
cardiovascular function in active individuals but stabilize blood glucose through gluconeogenesis via the Cori Cycle
is particularly important for people with T1D to (14). Furthermore, sprinting before a moderate intensity exer-
cise session could have some benefit in the stabilization of glyce-
help maintain optimal blood sugar levels (11). mia (15), but care should be taken when engaging in a sprint
before moderate intensity exercise unless a proper warm-up is
completed. Sprinting should only be considered an option for
Treatment — Controlling Blood Glucose Levels clients who are in good health and do not have any contrain-
Preventing hypoglycemia is of primary importance with the ac- dications to high-intensity exercise. Each individual with T1D
tive T1D client. Because he or she is on insulin, he or she is at should continue to monitor glycemia levels and make adjust-
greater risk for hypoglycemia during exercise and for delayed ments as needed. If your client with diabetes is having chronic
onset hypoglycemia after prolonged aerobic (≥60 minutes) or lows or highs, he or she may need to alter his or her insulin dose
anaerobic exercise. These individuals should check blood glu- or make changes to his or her meal plan in consultation with his
cose before, during, and after exercise. Blood glucose levels be- or her physician or endocrinologist. The health care team can
fore activity should not be 100 mg/dL or less or 250 mg/dL or use blood glucose and activity information to suggest adjust-
greater. Blood glucose management varies depending on age ments and refine the care plan.
and type of activity. A recommendation from the American Di-
abetes Association (ADA), which is similar to most organiza- Health Impact and Other Important Considerations
tions, includes checking blood glucose at least 30 minutes Individuals with T1D can exercise safely and effectively and
before exercise. If preexercise blood glucose is 100 mg/dL or gain the same benefits from exercise as anyone else. However,
less, the client would benefit from a 15- to 30-g high glycemic in- he or she should pay more attention to how his or her body re-
dex carbohydrate snack like fruit juice, fruit, or even glucose tab- sponds to exercise; learn to balance insulin, food, and physical
lets. If preexercise blood glucose is 250 mg/dL or greater, activity; and use evidence-based strategies to minimize the risk
caution is recommended, and the client should be checked for of hypoglycemia during and after exercise. Lastly, there are sev-
the presence of ketones. If ketones are present, exercise is contra- eral important considerations for the active client with T1D who
indicated until ketone levels are no longer present to prevent the is vigilant about blood glucose control. These individuals should
development of diabetic ketoacidosis. Premeal insulin doses also always carry the following items with him or her, especially
may need to be adjusted depending on the duration and mode when he or she exercises:
of exercise to prevent exercise-induced hypoglycemia. For mod-
erate level of exercise (e.g., walking, bicycling leisurely, shooting • Fast-acting carbohydrate to treat low blood glucose level
basketball, mowing the lawn), your client should be careful to • Additional snacks such as cheese and crackers or a sandwich
avoid acute hypoglycemia that can occur during or after exer- • A bottle of water to maintain adequate hydration
cise. For more intensive and longer activities (e.g., jogging, bicycle • Glucose meter and supplies
race, basketball game), increased carbohydrates may be necessary • Medical alert identification (e.g., medical bracelet)
and more care taken to prevent delayed hypoglycemia, which can
occur later in the night or the next day. Blood glucose should be It is recommended that your client always has a friend, coach, or
monitored immediately after exercise and one to two times for 2 some other adult nearby who is able to identify and respond to
to 3 hours after exercise, especially if the exercise bout is 60 minutes low blood glucose levels. If your client’s blood glucose levels are
or more. In these situations, your clients may benefit from reduc- high before exercise, remind him or her to check his or her blood
tion in basal insulin of 20% to 25% and a lower glycemic index or urine for ketones. If your client tests positive for ketones, avoid
snack like yogurt, peanut butter, or dark chocolate before bedtime. activity and treat the elevated blood glucose and ketones as
Clients with diabetes should determine the appropriate food intake instructed by your health care team. A child or adult should
12 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® January/February 2018

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
NEVER exercise if his or her blood glucose is 250 mg/dL or Figure 2. Diabetes diagnostic criteria.
higher and ketones are present. This puts him or her at risk
for developing diabetic ketoacidosis.

With an estimated 22 million Americans living with diabetes
and an even greater number with prediabetes, it is essential that
researchers and clinicians make prevention and treatment of
T2D a priority. T2D is caused by the inability of muscle and other
tissue cells to properly respond to insulin, called insulin resistance,
and/or inadequate compensatory insulin secretion. T2D is more improvements in insulin function. The recommended
prevalent than T1D and represents 90% to 95% of all diabetes amount of aerobic exercise for the general population is
cases. The risk for developing T2D increases with age, obesity, 5 d/wk of moderate intensity or 3 d/wk of vigorous inten-
and physical inactivity (16). Diabetes can be diagnosed from any sity (6,10).
one of four criteria (Figure 2) including a glycated hemoglobin • Intensity: Moderate intensity is between 40% and 60%
(A1c) value higher than 6.5%, fasting plasma glucose 126 mg/dL Heart Rate Reserve, which is similar to brisk walking in
or higher, 2-hour plasma glucose 200 mg/dL or higher during most clients with T2D. Additional benefits can be seen
an oral glucose test, or symptoms of hyperglycemia (16). by engaging in vigorous intensity exercise of greater than
60% Heart Rate Reserve.
Exercise and Nutrition • Duration: Moderate intensity exercise for at least 150 min/wk.
This exercise does not need to be continuous and can be
Benefits of Exercise accumulated in 10-minute bouts.
Similar benefits found in T1D also can be seen for those individ- • Mode: A variety of types of aerobic exercise that use large
uals with T2D. In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, muscle groups (i.e., swimming, cycling, walking, running,
such as better mood, higher quality sleep, and improving cardio- rowing).
vascular risk factors, patients with type 2 diabetes also experi- • Rate of Progression: A gradual progression of not more
ence better control of blood glucose and modest weight loss, than a 10% increase per week in exercise intensity or du-
two factors that can help reverse the signs, symptoms, and even ration to minimize the risk of injury and to promote exer-
diagnosis of T2D. Benefits of physical activity in T2D can be cise adherence is recommended (6,10).
achieved through a few basic exercise guidelines that establish
the frequency, intensity, duration, mode, and rate of progression Resistance Exercise
for aerobic and resistance training (6,10). • Frequency: 2 or 3 nonconsecutive days each week with a
Aerobic Exercise minimum of 48 to 72 hours of rest in between each resis-
• Frequency: Start with a minimum of 3 d/wk of moderate tance training session targeting a given muscle group.
intensity exercise and no more than 2 consecutive days be- • Intensity: Training should be moderate or vigorous for op-
tween exercise sessions because of the short duration of timal improvements in strength and insulin action. Moder-
ate intensity begins at 50% of an individual’s one repetition
maximum (1RM) and vigorous intensity at 75% to 80% of
the 1RM.
• Duration: The training session should consist of 5 to 10 ex-
ercises and 10 to 15 repetitions that use all the large mus-
cle groups in the upper body, lower body, and core. It is
recommended to complete 1 to 4 sets for each exercise.
• Mode: Resistance machines and free weights should be the
primary mode of resistance training. Other types of resis-
tance training using bands, cables, body weight, etc., may
be used. In addition, functional movement exercises that
allow the client to simulate activities of daily living (e.g., walk-
ing, climbing stairs) and instrumental activities of daily liv-
ing (e.g., cooking, doing housework) should be a focus to
improve disease-specific and overall quality of life.

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• Rate of Progression: Rate of progression should be slow the ADA, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists,
and only take place when the number of repetitions per and the American Association of Diabetes Educators. In general,
set can consistently be exceeded. A common rule is the it is recommended that persons with diabetes should receive
2-for-2 rule, stating that weight increases should occur if medical care from a multidisciplinary, collaborative team with
the individual can perform 2 more repetitions on his or expertise in diabetes management to include physicians, phy-
her final set in 2 consecutive resistance training sessions. sician assistants, nurse practitioners, dietitians, exercise specialists,
Progression of resistance training to three weekly sessions mental health providers, dentists, podiatrists, and pharmacists.
using three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions at 75% to 80% 1RM The patient should work with his or her team to develop an indi-
should be the optimal goal for strength gains. Recovery vidualized treatment plan for diabetes self-management and set
periods between strength sets will vary based on individ- treatment goals for all aspects of his or her diabetes care. Physical
ual resistance training goals (i.e., hypertrophy, maximal activity and exercise have been shown to improve glycemic control,
strength or power, and endurance), usually ranging from lower cardiovascular risk factors, promote weight loss, and improve
30 seconds for endurance to 3 or more minutes for max- overall health, but its role in reducing diabetes-related complica-
imal strength and power (6,10). tions is not fully understood (10,16). Patients may see a clinically
significant reduction in A1c with regular exercise independent
Children with either T1D or T2D should be encouraged to en- of changes in body mass index (BMI).
gage in at least 60 min/d of moderate to vigorous aerobic physi-
cal activity and at least 3 d/wk of muscle and bone strengthening Practical Strategies — Prevention Before Diagnosis
activities (17). Vigorous intensity aerobic and resistance training Although there may be some drug treatments that have been
in children and adults should be used with caution, and the clini- successful in reducing the risk of diabetes, lifestyle intervention
cian should ensure that the client has no contraindications to vig- and behavior change have been shown to be among the most ef-
orous intensity exercise. fective methods for reducing T2D risk. An article published in
the New England Journal of Medicine compared drug treatment,
Nutritional Considerations specifically metformin, and lifestyle intervention in a group of
Although there is not a one-size-fits-all food plan that is suitable 3,234 adults who had prediabetes and had an average BMI
for each individual with diabetes, it is important that each per- of 34 ± 6.7 kg/m2. Researchers found that participants assigned
son works with a registered dietitian and health care team to es- to the lifestyle modification group had greater body weight loss
tablish eating patterns that will manage both glycemic levels and and physical activity increases than those who were assigned to
weight. Diets in overweight or obese persons with T2D should the drug treatment or placebo groups. The incidence of diabetes
focus on modest weight loss ranging from 5% to 7% of initial was 58% and 31% lower in the lifestyle intervention and drug
body weight. These diets should primarily consist of nutrient- treatment group, respectively, when compared with the placebo
dense foods (i.e., fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats) (5). In addition, the incidence of diabetes was reduced by 39%
while achieving the desired energy deficit. Average protein intake in the lifestyle intervention when compared with the drug
should be 0.8 g/kg of body weight per day and may increase treatment group.
slightly if higher levels of physical activity are being achieved. Supplementary practical strategies can be seen in Figure 3
Supplements for Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, or minerals have and can be used as a guide to developing individualized plans
little supporting evidence for outcome improvement in patients for your client. Lifestyle interventions should include a combina-
with T2D who do not have a dietary deficiency. It is recom- tion of diet, physical activity, and behavioral therapy techniques
mended that a registered dietitian be consulted before supple- with the main goals of increasing physical activity and reducing
mentation is added (10). Furthermore, patients with T2D and body weight. Using dietary restriction of fat often is a successful
hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS), a complication of di- strategy for weight loss in patients with T2D because of the
abetes in which high blood sugars cause severe dehydration, higher caloric density of fat (9 kcal/g) when compared with car-
need to pay particular attention to water intake and fluid man- bohydrates or protein (4 kcal/g) (10). A reduction in dietary fat
agement. HHS, characterized by a serum glucose greater than intake also decreases low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which
600 mg/dL, a serum osmolality greater than 330 mOsm/kg, is associated with a higher risk for future cardiovascular events.
and no significant ketosis or acidosis can be avoided through A complete assessment of your client’s exercise history and
proper blood glucose management (6). The classical symptoms motivational level also are necessary steps to facilitating behav-
for hyperglycemia may include polyuria (frequent urination), ior change through lifestyle modification. Through an assess-
polydipsia (increased thirst), polyphagia (increased hunger), ment of exercise history and motivational levels, you may
and weight loss (16). learn potential barriers that will limit your client’s ability or
readiness to make changes. These barriers could include, but
Treatment — Controlling Blood Glucose Levels are not limited to, a physical injury that required surgery, an
Several agencies have published clinical guidelines reviewing rec- emotional or social limitation such as lack of support from family
ommendations for exercise in patients with diabetes including and friends, financial and work-related stress, or problems with
14 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® January/February 2018

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 3. Diet, physical activity, and behavioral therapy suggestions for health fitness professionals working with clients who
have T2D.

time management. Being aware of roadblocks will help you in- whether caloric expenditure, exercise duration, or mode is most
dividualize a plan for your client that works on moving past responsible (16). Health and fitness professionals should use these
these barriers and shifting his or her focus to the benefits that recommendations as a guide for working with clients who have
may come from these lifestyle changes. Working past these bar- diabetes, while paying careful attention to monitoring how the cli-
riers may be challenging, which is why we recommend treating ent is feeling and where his or her blood glucose levels are before,
each client individually and offering encouragement in ways during, and after exercise.
that fit his or her motivational level and readiness to change. Be-
havior change theories, such as the health belief model and 1. Spanakis EK, Golden SH. Race/ethnic difference in diabetes and diabetic complications.
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yourself with various behavior change theories, although appli- Estimates of Diabetes and Its Burden in the United States. Atlanta (GA): U.S.
cation of those theories and specific recommendations for Department of Health and Human Services, 2014.
adapting the theories to fit an intervention for your client are be- 4. Grootjans-van Kampen I, Engelfriet PM, van Baal PH. Disease prevention: saving
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tance and aerobic training generally is best for patients with Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care. 2014;37(7):2034–54.

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Volume 22 | Number 1 www.acsm-healthfitness.org 15

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Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest and do not have any Diabetes is a worldwide epidemic. Persons with diabetes
financial disclosures. should regularly engage in physical activity and healthy
nutritional practices so he or she can gain the same
Joel E. Williams, M.P.H., Ph.D., is an associate profes- health benefits as those without the diagnosis. It is
sor of graduate studies in the Department of Public important for those with diabetes and those who
Health Sciences and faculty scholar with the Clemson supervise individuals with diabetes to be aware of
University School of Health Research. He has been disease-specific recommendations and
an ACSM member since his undergraduate days contraindications. In this article, we provide
and is past cochair and a current member of the Ex- evidence-based recommendations for those with T1D
ercise is MedicineW Community Health Committee. and T2D.

16 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® January/February 2018

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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