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ELSEVIER Sedimentary Geology 105 (1996) 141-157

Provenance of the Sardona Flysch, eastern Swiss Alps: example of

high-resolution heavy mineral analysis applied to an ultrastable
Joanne C. Lihou *, Maria A. Mange-Rajetzky
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Ogord, OXI 3PR, UK

Received 19 July 1995; accepted 7 November 1995


The Sardona Flysch of eastern Switzerland was deposited in the northern sector of the embryonic Alpine Foreland
Basin, the so-called North Penninic Trough, during the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary. The flysch sediments consist
of quartz arenites, sublitharenites and arkosic arenites, plus polygenic, pebble to boulder conglomerates. The Sardona
Flysch was sourced by a single petrologic province composed of plutonic, Variscan granitoids, gneisses and low-grade,
quartzo-feldspathic schists, plus associated cover sediments throughout its sedimentary history. Its heavy mineral suite
principally comprises zircon, tourmaline, rutile and varying amounts of apatite, whose distribution cannot be used to
characterise the various lithostratigraphic units. However, recording the diagnostic varieties of ultrastable heavy minerals
using a ‘high-resolution heavy mineral analysis’ (HRHMA) yielded conclusive results. The varietal distribution of zircon
proved especially informative, demonstrating that changes in its distributional trends coincide remarkably well with
lithostratigraphic subdivisions and reveal subtle variations in the provenance of the flysch. The limited number of heavy
mineral species was predetermined by the low diversity of parent rock lithologies in the hinterland, rather than resulting
from high sediment maturity, or progressive removal of unstable species during diagenesis.
The basin was structurally confined by the South Helvetic and North Penninic Prattigau Swells, which defined its
northern and southern margins, respectively; these structural highs may represent Mesozoic normal fault-blocks reactivated
under compressive stresses within the European foreland. They provided detritus to the Sardona flysch basin and prevented
the influx of material from the erogenic thrust wedge. Hence, garnet and unstable heavy minerals recycled from medium-
grade metamorphic rocks within the mineralogically more diverse Austroalpine thrust wedge are absent from the flysch

1. Introduction of the individual mineral species: by contrast, a

‘high-resolution heavy mineral analysis’ (HRHMA)
Provenance studies employing heavy mineral subdivides these species into varietal types based
analyses commonly only focus on the distribution upon the recognition that rock-forming and acces-
sory minerals crystallise within a range of pressure-
* Current address: J.C. Kirker, Research and Technical Services, temperature conditions, which determine both their
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V., Care1 van chemistry and morphology. The majority of minerals
Bylanddaan 30, P.O. Box 162, 2501 AN Den Haag, Netherlands. show a diversity of habit, colour, internal structure,

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142 J.C. Lilzou, M.A. Marlgr-Rajet~ky/Srdiine,ltar3’ Geology 105 (1996) 141-157

chemistry and optical properties that are signatures parautochthonous North Helvetic Flysch (NHF) unit;
of geophysical and geochemical parameters during the latter remains partially attached to its basement,
crystallisation. Heavy mineral species in sediments the Aar Massif, in the south of the area (Fig. 1).
are therefore represented by several varietal types The Helvetic nappes and Infrahelvetic Complex
which provide extremely valuable information about were deformed by thin-skinned tectonics during the
their parent rock lithologies, as well as providing im- Alpine Orogeny in the Oligocene-Miocene (Lihou,
portant clues to the identification of lithostratigraphic 1996a). As a result, the original basement of the
units with a common provenance and differentiating Sardona unit and its source areas have not been pre-
them from those with different sedimentary histories. served. Burial by Penninic and Austroalpine nappes
Distinguishing the varietal types of the chemically with concomitant heating led to low-grade metamor-
highly resistant, ultrastable heavy minerals, such as phism in the Infrahelvetic Complex and Helvetic
zircon, tourmaline, and when suitable, apatite (pro- nappes (Frey et al., 1973, 1980; Groshong et al.,
vided that the sediments were not flushed by low pH 1984). Groshong et al. (1984), Pfiffner (1986) and
fluids thus causing partial or total dissolution of ap- Lihou (1996a) have suggested that the overburden
atite), proves to be the most rewarding since they for the Infrahelvetic Complex was in the order of
are ubiquitous and remain stable during diagenesis. 8-12 km. Metamorphism reaches the anchizone-
Recording the varietal types of one particular mineral epizone boundary in the Infrahelvetic Complex, with
species has a further advantage, since the effects of peak paleotemperatures of 300-320°C recorded in
grain-size fluctuations and hydraulic sorting are also the Sardona unit (Erdelbrock, 1994).
eliminated. A HRHMA that focuses on the ultrastable The Sardona unit comprises a continuous Upper
heavy mineral suite is particularly advantageous in Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary succession that consists
the study of mineralogically highly mature sediments of Cenomanian-Campanian pelagic and hemipelagic
(Mange-Rajetzky, 1995), or those with a low diver- Globotruncana Limestone and Marl, plus Maas-
sity of species, such as those comprising the Sardona trichtian to Bartonian flysch deposits (Fig. 2). Li-
Flysch of eastern Switzerland. Previous Alpine prove- hou (1995a) concluded that the Sardona unit records
nance investigations employing heavy mineral stud- the transition from passive margin sedimentation
ies have exclusively focused on the distribution of the on the distal continental margin of Europe (Ul-
heavy mineral species (Wildi, 1985 and refs. therein). trahelvetic paleogeographic realm) to flysch sedi-
This contribution aims to illustrate the potential of mentation in the peripheral North Alpine Foreland
HRHMA for increasing the understanding of sedi- Basin (NAFB) that developed outboard of an ar-
ment provenance and source rock parageneses. cuate erogenic thrust wedge composed of Penninic
and Austroalpine nappes during continental collision
2. Geological setting and history between Europe and the Adriatic microplate.
The Sardona Flysch can be subdivided into three
The Sardona unit is located in the Glarus Alps of formations, two of which are predominantly com-
eastern Switzerland between the Sernf and Rhine posed of calcareous sandy turbidites, termed the
Valleys close to the Austrian border, where it Infraquartzite and Supraquartzite Flysch, that are
crops out in three main areas: Calfeisental, Weis- separated by the predominantly siliceous Sardona
stannental and the district of Elm within Sernftal Quartzite Formation (Lihou, 1995a, 1996b; Fig. 2).
(Fig. l), extending over an area of 25 x 10 km. The latter can be further subdivided into facies as-
It is an allochthonous unit and forms part of the sociations: (1) low-volume, dilute turbidites com-
Infrahelvetic nappe pile that structurally underlies prising the ‘Glquartzite’ unit, (2) large-volume tur-
the Helvetic nappes (Lihou, 1996a). It is exposed bidites composed of mature, reworked shelf material
in tectonic windows through the Helvetic nappes, forming the ‘sandy Sardona Quartzite’ unit, and
from which it is separated by a major thrust, the (3) channelised pebbly sandstones-conglomerates of
Glarus Overthrust. The Sardona unit is structurally the ‘pebbly Sardona Quartzite’ unit (Figs. 2 and
underlain by successively younger tectonic units, 4); these three facies associations are thought to
namely the allochthonous Blattengrat unit and the represent a deep-marine fan-lobe system that pro-
J.C. Lihou, M.A. Mange-Rajetzky/Sedimentary Geology 105 (1996) 141-157 143

. PAM. . .

Heivetiz & Ciubhdvetic -T- major thrust faults

I3 Pennhii nappes
I3 nappes between nappes
UHrWetic Sardona Mesozoic(PAMI&
•l lzl 0 towrl/viiage
unit c3al North HetveticFtysch(NH!3
South Helvetic
III Bkdtengrat @iI&
Ragaz Rd units
+ ?
Aarmassii basement

Fig. 1. Tectonic map of eastern Switzerland adapted from Spicher (1980), showing the location of the Sardona unit; marginal numbers
refer to the Swiss national coordinate system and are marked at intervals of 10 km.

graded out into the Sardona basin from its northern sult, these source lithologies should be reflected in
margin during a relative sea-level lowstand (Lihou, the composition of its sediments (Dickinson, 1985),
1995a, 1996b). The fourth facies association is the including its heavy mineral signature. Paleocurrent
cobble- to boulder-grade ‘Crystalline Conglomerate’ data, outcrop patterns, and clast-size and bed thick-
unit, which is composed of intraformational and ness trends for the Sardona Flysch suggest that its
extraformational, sedimentary and crystalline clasts principal source area was the northern margin of the
and has been interpreted as a series of cohesive de- Sardona basin, but at least part of the flysch was de-
bris flows derived from the southern basin margin rived from the south (Lihou, 1995a, 1996b) and there-
(Lihou, 1995a, 1996b). Hence, there was a coeval, fore could have been recycled from the Penninic-
dual supply to the Sardona basin from its northern Austroalpine erogenic wedge. Coeval South Penninic
and southern margins, which is unlike any other flysch (Wlgital-Gumigel-Schlieren Flysch), which is
Alpine flysch basin, whose principal sources were thought to have been deposited in a trough immedi-
either on their southern, or rarely their northern mar- ately in front of the Austroalpine thrust wedge (Caron
gins (Wildi, 1985; Caron et al., 1989). et al., 1989), has a heavy mineral suite dominated
Sediment deposited in foreland basins is usu- by zircon, tourmaline and rutile, but is characterised
ally recycled from the erogenic wedge and as a re- by the presence of garnet (Winkler, 1983; Winkler
144 J.C. Lihou, M.A. Mange-Rajetzky/Sedimentary Geology 105 (1996) 141-157

< 39Ma
The lack of garnet in the Sardona Flysch either
signifies that garnet was absent from the source ar-
eas of the flysch, or that it was removed during
deep burial diagenesis. The possibility that garnet
was removed from the Sardona Flysch after depo-
sition can be eliminated because garnet is abundant
Lut in the sample analysed from the Taveyannaz Sand-
x 50Ma
stone within the study area and was also reported to
be present in accessory amounts in other Taveyan-
naz Sandstone sections of the NHF unit (Rahn et

Tha 57Ma
al., 1994). The Oligocene Taveyannaz Sandstone,
which is also thought to have been deposited within
the NAFB (Sinclair, 1992) and currently forms part
of the Infrahelvetic Complex, underwent the same
diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic history as
the Sardona unit. The heavy mineral separate from
the Taveyannaz Sandstone contains 56% rounded,
detrital garnets, plus significant amounts of detri-
2 tal and metamorphic epidote and sphene (Table 1).
0 The detrital epidote would have been derived from
a Maa
I- -74 Ma erosion of medium-grade metamorphic rocks in the
E Cmp
source area, whilst the sphene probably has a vol-
caniclastic provenance and is related to the an-
desitic rock fragments characteristically found in
the Taveyannaz Sandstone (Trtimpy, 1980). The gar-
net has almandine-rich compositions (XA~,,~generally
- 97Ma >80%, Rahn et al., 1994), which signifies that detri-
tal garnet in the Taveyannaz Sandstone was probably
derived from erosion of the Austroalpine erogenic
thrust wedge. Hence, the lack of garnet and unstable
Fig. 2. Generalised stratigraphy of the Sardona unit, show- heavy minerals in the Sardona Flysch remains prob-
ing revised thickness estimates and micropaleontological dates; lematical, since it precludes the possibility of any
timescale according to Harland et al. (1989). Facies associations recycling from the Austroalpine thrust wedge. The
within the Sardona Quartzite Formation: I = iilquartzite unit: 2
= sandy Sardona Quartzite unit; 3 = Crystalline Conglomerate
aims of our research were therefore to reconstruct the
unit; 4 = pebbly Sardona Quartzite unit. source area for the Sardona Flysch and to refine our
understanding of the paleogeography of the NAFB.
et al., 1984; Wildi, 1985). The garnet was probably 3. Modal sandstone compositions
derived from high-grade metamorphic rocks in the
Austroalpine realm (Wildi, 1985). Garnets found in Determining the composition of sandstones is one
Lombardian Flysch of the Southern Alps, which was method of unravelling their provenance and can be
derived from the same source terrane as the South an aid to reliable paleogeographic reconstructions
Penninic flysch, are almandine-rich (Bernoulli and (Dickinson, 1985 and refs. therein). Quantitative
Winkler, 1990). Reconnaissance Swiss work in the modal compositions of sandstones from the Sardona
Sardona Flysch identified a zircon-tourmaline-rutile Flysch were obtained using a linear point-counting
(ZTR) assemblage, accompanied by apatite, sphene technique for representative thin-sections, making
and various iron ore compounds, but lacking garnet 1000-2000 counts per sample. Most of the flysch
(Riiefli, 1959; Wegmann, 1961). sandstones plot in a trend from sublitharenite to
J.C. Lihou. M.A. Mange-Rajetzky/Sedimentary Geology 10.5 (1996) 141-157 145

Table 1 Quartz
Heavy mineral distributions of the Sardona Flysch as percentages
of the total grains counted; anatase and brookite as total number
of grains counted

Supraquartzite Flysch

;4 11 9 79 1*0*000*
1 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 8
arkosic arenite
E23 5; 3: 8; 0 000 0
W26 73 8 9 1: 00 * : : 00 3

E 38
46 39
28 12
17 9
11 0
0 0* 0
0 00 :0 : ; s Feldspar Lithics
pebbly Sardona Quartzite unit
Cl= monocrystalline + polycrystalline quartz
Z6 42: 3: :: 1: i oo**oo 000 t!l F = feldspar + granitic fragments
w7 52 16 22 10 * : : 00 000 2
L = metamorphic + sedimentary + carbonate
C32 48 27 19 6 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 : + volcaniclastic lithic fragments
Ei 21
391137670 13
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0 7

Crystalline Conglomerate unit - matrix Fig. 3. Modal compositions of sandstones from the Sardona
K 22
16 25 31 45 52 2
6 01 0 0 0 0000 0 0 1 Flysch compared with Pettijohn et al.‘s (1987) sandstone classifi-
w13 47 37 7 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 :

W28 51 38 3 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ;
&R 43
81 35
5 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
arkosic arenite, using the classification of Pettijohn
Crystalline Conglomerate unit - clasts et al. (1987) (Fig. 3); the fine sandstones tended to
C7aR 70
I1 02 23
89 04 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 07 ; plot closer to the quartz axis, i.e., were composi-
C7cR 29 * 59 6 0 0 * 0 0 3 3 34
Cl3 3 09700000000 0 tionally more mature, than the coarser sandstones.
sandy Sardona Quart&e unit However, all sandstones from the sandy Sardona
Quartzite unit contained more than 95% quartz and
;: 40
49 43
27 2
0 24
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :
can therefore be classified as quartz arenites (Fig. 3).
%7 49
53 27
20 9
6 14
20 1
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0* : No residual porosity remains in the Sardona
z4 59
73 21
15 5
0 15
12 0* 0 0 0 000
0 0 * 0 Quartzite. In rare examples of the sandy Sardona
Olquartzite unit Quartzite, primary calcite cement is present that
20 5 70
3 82 05 0* 0 0* 0* 0 0 0* :
encloses the original subrounded to well-rounded
w14 :: 1 76 1 1 0 * 0 000 1 quartz grain morphologies (Lihou, 1995a). More
ClR 21
65 :75 0 3110 0 0 i: ; g ! i commonly though, quartz cement has replaced the
Infraquartzite Flysch early calcite cement, the quartz grains have devel-
oped sutured grain boundaries and have decreased in
5: 52: 3: 7: 1: 4000000
* * :
E21 28 55 7 9 1 00 : : : : ; 0 diameter from >500 km to ~100 Frn. It is likely
E20 48 44 0 7 0 1 * * 0 0 0 that silicification of these quartz-rich sandstones was
TAVEYANNAZ SANDSltXE related to the dissolution and recrystallisation of in
NHFR 19 0 0 1 * 01656 8 0 0 0
situ quartz grains during low-grade burial metamor-
phism. Van Daalen (1995) has described the pro-
Prefixes to sample numbers: E = Elm district, W = Weiss-
gressive recrystallisation of quartz-rich rocks in the
tannental, C = Calfeisental; suffix R = results from samples
reseparated in methylene iodide. Glarus Alps under these metamorphic conditions.
Asterisk denotes accessory mineral species representing c 1% of No pressure solution is visible in thin-sections of the
the total grains counted. Sardona Flysch, despite the tectonic overburden.
Comparing the detrital modes of sandstones from
the Sardona Flysch (Fig. 3) with those reported
146 J.C. Lihou, M.A. Mange-Rajetzky/Sedimentary Geology 105 (1996) 14I-157

for sandstones from different provenances (fig. 2 of liquid, methylene iodide (di-iodomethane, density
Dickinson, 1985) suggests that the Sardona Flysch 3.32 g/cm3); this floated all the white mica and most
was derived from recycling of an orogen, which is to of the biotite and chlorite. However, all the tour-
be expected with foreland basin sediments. However, maline (density 3.03-3.25 g/cm3) and most of the
there is some overlap in the data with the reported apatite (density 3.10-3.35 g/cm3) grains were also
fields for sandstones from stable cratons and mag- retained in the light fraction, so these separates could
matic arcs as well. This probably results from the not be quantitatively compared with those obtained
mix of granitic basement rocks, associated metamor- by bromoform separation.
phic rocks (gneisses and schists) and sediments in Microscopic analysis of the heavy mineral frac-
the source areas of the Sardona Flysch, which is sug- tion was carried out on grain mounts in liquid
gested by conglomerate clast compositions (Lihou, Canada balsam. A minimum of 150 grains per sam-
1995a, 1996b). Hence, modal sandstone composi- ple of the bromoform separates were point counted
tions are of less use in determining the provenance as a first step in order to determine the heavy min-
of the Sardona Flysch than are conglomerate clast eral distribution. The results of this conventional,
compositions (see Section 5). species-level heavy mineral analysis are presented
in Table 1. This investigation was then augmented
4. Heavy mineral assemblage by a HRHMA using diagnostic varieties of zircon,
and where possible, also tourmaline and apatite,
4.1. Methodology which were recorded as separate categories, count-
ing on average 75-100 grains per mineral species
A geographical spread of data in heavy mineral (Table 2).
studies is essential in order to estimate the effects
of hydraulic factors, which cause selective sorting 4.2. Species-level heavy mineral distribution
of the heavy minerals according to their grain-size
and density during transport (Morton, 1985; Mange The species-level analysis confirmed earlier ob-
and Maurer, 1992). In order to ensure a wide geo- servations that the heavy mineral composition of
graphical coverage, samples were selected from the the Sardona Flysch is characterized by low diver-
Elm district, thereby including the western extent sity of species, comprising predominantly an ultra-
of the Sardona unit, from Weisstannental which en- stable ZTR suite, accompanied by varying amounts
compassed its northern limit and from Calfeisental of apatite (Fig. 4). No geographical variations were
at its southern limit (Fig. 1). The exact locations detected in the heavy mineral distribution. Unstable
of these samples and their specific lithologies are heavy mineral species from medium-grade meta-
detailed in Lihou (1995a, appendix C), a copy of morphic rocks were encountered only in minor or
which is available for reference at the University of trace amounts within the Sardona Flysch, namely
Oxford. Fine- to medium-grade sandstones are gen- hornblende, staurolite, epidote-clinozoisite, garnet,
erally chosen because these yield the optimum heavy sphene and accessories such as xenotime, monazite,
mineral assemblages. However, the matrix material anatase and brookite (Table 1). The presence of un-
of coarse sandstones and fine pebbly conglomerates stable blue-green, or sometimes brown, hornblende
was also analysed, which helped to reveal the effect in many samples bears significant implications, indi-
of bulk grain-size and therefore hydraulic sorting on cating that the effect of intrastratal dissolution was
the heavy mineral distribution. not highly pervasive. All the unstable grains exhibit
Samples were prepared using the standard lab- a typically detrital habit, with incipient or more ad-
oratory technique described by Mange and Maurer vanced surface etch patterns, caused by dissolution
(1992) separating out the heavy minerals from the processes during burial. The effect of deep burial is
63-2 12 /km disaggregated fine-sand fraction using manifested by the development of generally minute
bromoform (tribromoethane, density 2.89 g/cm”). authigenic overgrowth on tourmaline in the majority
Some heavy mineral separates were overwhelmed by of samples. Overgrowth on apatite is not common
micas, which necessitated reseparation in a denser and was detected only in one sample from the peb-
J.C. Lihou, M.A. Mange-Rajetzky/Sedimentary Geology 10.5 (1996) 141-157 147

Table 2
Distribution of heavy mineral varieties in the Sardona unit as percentages of all grains of a particular mineral species



to i

Supraquartzite Flysch
16 25 6 25 0 12 6 4 6
:8 10 24 8 11
9 13
17 24
11 0 19
15 Insufficient grains ; ; 3 57 32
54 33
E23 ‘4 1: 8 I 34 22 1 10 4 6 0 13 10 23 16 15 3 Insufficient grains
W26 10 11 10 Insufficient grains Insufficient grains
C29 3 15 2 1; Y33 f; 1’ 1: 7 8 1 16 9 27 9 20 3 Insufficient grains
c37 5 21 3 1 35 17 1 17 2 6 4 23 5 13 11 20 6 Insufficient grains

pebbly Sardona Quartzite unit

! 1 5 51 35
:-: 5
3 13
4 12
3 63 44
48 20
15 01 12
11 !2
6 13
3 45 13
9 ; ;; 1; f; :
Wl6 7 8 9 3 59 8 1 5 6 : 1: :: ;;
C32 5 8 9 1 60 13 0 4 8 23 40 211 21 40
21 16 4 28
16 13
c20 2 9 4 6 59 15 0 5 Insufficient grains ; 02 5 56
48 38
Cl8 1 3 4 5 73 9 0 5 Insufficient grains I 0 9 57 33

Crystalline Conglomerate unit - matrix

E2 0 11 16 7 46 15 0 5 6 1 6 16 16 19 11 16 9 0 1 10 57 22
8 20 4 20 9 16 2 17 4 f0 2 2 57 29
&3 81 13
12 3
8 03 63
57 18
3 03 6
2 0 3 t :: ‘: :; 5 25 14 Insufficient grains
W28 : I: 3 1 59 18 0 7 Insufficient grains
C8 :, 4 65 15 0 6 : ; 7 11 I 22 65 23
29 79 Insufficient grains
C22R 14 21 4 34 9 1 8 Insufficient grains Insufficient grains

Crystalline Conglomerate unit - clasts

C7aR 13 42 11 8 3 17 3 3 Insufficient erains Insufficient grains
Insufficient $ins 1
L%: 201 43
29 65 14
5 206 13
4 50 13
6 Insufficient grains 4.z 2 10
5 40
34 33
Cl3R 0 28 4 10 10 16 2 30 Insufficient grains 5 17 30 22 26

sandy Sardona Quartsite unit

z: 6 116 118 08 60 54 10 6 0 10
4 : 9 12 18 16 22 62 206 123 Insufficient grains
Insufficient grains
w2 : : ; I0 61 1 0 5 z : ;2 :: 5 ‘:3 ;;3o 7 27 4 Insufficient grains
w21 I 70 12 0 6 5 0 3 58 34
: 85 67 15 12
9 23
18 ‘:7 ::16 10
; Insufficient grains
::4 4 7
9 1
4 5 54
55 14
10 0 13
9 Insufficient grains

dlquartzite unit
4 27 6
33 19 3
25 28 5
2: ::
9 43 40

Cl6 37 30 0 2 18 4 3 6 Insufficient grains 11 6 12 42 29

ClR 5 7 6 8 54 9 2 9 Insufficient arains Insufficient grains

Infraquartzite Flysch
w9 9 17 5 7 25 18 1 18 Insufficient grains 13 1 9 46 31
E28 6 14 3 3 46 14 7 7 6 13 7 18 3 14 6 18 6 Insufficient grains
E21 4 15 2 11 39 9 0 20 6 3 1 53 37
E20 7 9 7 10 39 21 1 6 ; 1; 09 10
12 63 21
18 1; ;; 12
7 Insufficient grains

Note that ‘insufficient grains’ means that ~50 grains of a particular mineral species were encountered. Prefixes to sample numbers: E =
Elm district, W = Weisstannental, C = Calfeisental; suffix R = results from samples reseparated in methylene iodide.

bly Sardona Quartzite unit. In addition to authigenic low numbers. Detrital anatase and brookite can be
overgrowth on tourmaline and apatite, other authi- clearly distinguished from the authigenic phases by
genie phases (anatase and brookite) are present in their characteristic morphology, and colour in the
J.C. Lihou, M.A. Lunge-Rajetz~/Sedimentar~ Geology 105 (1996) 141-157

Although some mineralogical subdivisions within

the Sardona Flysch coincided well with lithostrati-
graphic subdivisions, such as an apatite-dominated
suite (>70% of the grains) characterising the
olquartzite unit, or assemblages with little or no ap-
atite (~10% of the grains) characterising the sandy
Sardona Quartzite unit, generally there was a great
deal of overlap between the heavy mineral distribu-
tion for the different lithostratigraphic units (Fig. 4).
The species-level analysis could not distinguish be-
tween the different source areas to the north and south
of the Sardona basin that were deduced from sedimen-
tological investigations of the Sardona Flysch (Lihou,
1995a, 1996b).
By comparing the species-level heavy mineral
distribution with the modal composition of the sed-
iments, it becomes evident that the variable apatite
content of the heavy mineral separates is related to
the bulk grain-size of the samples (Figs. 5a and 5~).
For all lithostratigraphic units in the Sardona Flysch,
0 20 40 60 60 100
% of all grains counted
the coarser the sediment, the lower its quartz content
(Fig. 5a). By plotting the results of the species-level
? ?Zircon H Tourmaline 0 Apatite [IIII Rutile ??OtnerS
analysis against the quartz content of the sediment,
it is apparent that apatite content decreases dra-
Fig. 4. Heavy mineral distribution according to stratigraphic
matically with increasing percentage of quartz (and
subdivisions in the Sardona Flysch using a species-level analysis,
therefore decreasing bulk grain-size) in all units ex-
illustrating the lack of stratigraphic variation in the heavy mineral
species present and the significant overlap in the heavy mineral cept the ijlquartzite unit (Fig. 5~). The very high
distribution between stratigraphic units. apatite content in the ijlquartzite pebbly conglomer-
ate matrix samples may partially be a result of their
case of brookite: detrital brookite is green whereas low quartz content and their bulk coarseness, but
authigenic brookite is brown. may also reflect a subtle difference in provenance.
Granites are the likely source for the phosphates, Modal compositional trends of sandstones and
xenotime and monazite, and the Ti02 group min- pebbly conglomerates from the Sardona Flysch show
eral species, especially detrital anatase and brookite; that the coarser the sediment, the higher the pro-
these species were encountered in relative abun- portion of feldspathic (granitic) or metamorphic ma-
dance in the granite sample C7c from the Crystalline terial that they contain (Fig. 5a). This suggests that
Conglomerate unit (Table l), which may be repre- apatite in the coarser samples may have been sourced
sentative of granites in the source region. The sandy from basement lithologies. Heavy mineral separates
Sardona Quartzite is compositionally and texturally from granitic and metamorphic basement clasts in
mature (Fig. 3) and so its lack of unstable or stable the Crystalline Conglomerate unit were therefore
heavy minerals is not surprising. However, the other analysed and were indeed found to be dominated
Sardona Flysch sandstones are compositionally and by apatite (Table l), confirming that apatite con-
texturally somewhat immature (Fig. 3), yet they still tent in the flysch is directly related to the amount
contain a predominantly ultrastable heavy mineral of basement-derived material surviving in the sedi-
suite (Fig. 4). Therefore, the low diversity of the ment. The large size of the apatite crystals recovered
heavy mineral suite in the Sardona Flysch cannot be from the Crystalline Conglomerate basement clasts
linked to sediment maturity, but must in fact mirror a and the flysch sediments furthermore suggests that
low diversity of species in the source terrane. hydraulic sorting would have favoured their accu-
J.C. Lihou, M.A. Mange-Rajetzky /Sedimentary Geology 105 (1996) 141-157 149

(a) Modal (b) ZTR plots (c) Species-level (d) Zircon (a) Tourmaline
comoositions analysis varieties varieties

Supraquarlziie Flysch Z:T:R = 10:9:1 96 Of all grains counted % of all zircons counted % of all fourmalines counted

96 of all grains counted 96 of all zircons counted % of all tounnalines camted
Crystalline Conglomerate

96 of all grains counted

Sardona Quart.& Z:T:Fl = 421

Insufficient grains

0 20 40 60 80 loo

% of all grains counted % of all zircons counted
Z:T:R = 1521

96 Of all grains counted % of ail towmalines counted
lnhaquartzile Flysch Z:T:R = 6:3:1

0 sandstone
. pebbly conglomerale
- coarsening trend

Fig. 5. Petrography of the Sardona Flysch according to stratigraphic subdivisions and modal compositions of sandstones and pebbly
conglomerates, using (a) a point-counting technique, (b, c) species-level heavy mineral analysis and (d, e) high-resolution heavy mineral
150 J.C. Lihou, M.A. Manjie-Rnjetz~/Sedimentn~ Geology 105 11996) 141-157

mulation in the coarser sediments. Subrounded and 4.3. Zircon varieties

rounded apatite morphologies dominate the heavy
mineral suites of both the basement clasts and the Zircon is generally regarded as a good petro-
flysch sediments (Table 2), so the roundness of ap- graphic indicator and in the Sardona Flysch, its vari-
atites in the flysch is inherited from the parent rocks eties have proved the most informative. The morpho-
and is not entirely due to sedimentary abrasion dur- logical varieties of zircon that can be distinguished in
ing transport. the Sardona Flysch are illustrated in Fig. 6. Morpho-
The lack of apatite in the fine-medium Sardona logical varieties of zircons are especially informative
Flysch sandstones may not only have been caused since they reflect the genetic parameters of the par-
by a combination of selective sorting according to ent lithologies, as well the subsequent sedimentary
grain-size (constrained by the relatively coarse grain- history of the grains. These subcategories include
size of apatite in the host rock), but also by acidic zircons with a pre-existing euhedral or rounded core,
leaching. Apatite can be eliminated at source by which is surrounded by an overgrowth that refacets
acidic leaching in a low-lying area undergoing pe- the crystal; the overgrowth may appear with euhe-
dogenesis, resulting from climate-related weathering dral zoning, can be only peripheral, or also rounded.
patterns (Morton, 1985, 1986), but this should be Zircons with overgrowths signify parageneses asso-
mirrored in all coeval sediments. However, the pos- ciated with either high-grade metamorphism, con-
sibility that some acidic leaching may have taken tact metamorphic events or granitization (Larsen et
place during burial diagenesis is supported by the al., 1953; Poldervaart and Eckelmann, 1955; Speer,
recognition that a large proportion of apatites in 1980). In general, rounding of zircons suggests a
the olquartzite unit and Supraquartzite Flysch have polycyclic history, whereas euhedral and subhedral
severely etched, corroded surfaces, signalling incipi- zircons are thought to indicate first-cycle detritus
ent dissolution due to short-lived or more prolonged (no previous sedimentary history) and are mostly
contact with acidic fluids. derived from granitoid bodies (Poldervaart, 1955,
Since apatite content in the Sardona Flysch is 1956; Speer, 1980). The 1ength:breadth ratio of zir-
clearly influenced by factors other than provenance, cons in granitoids is a function of their crystallisa-
zircon-tourmaline-rutile (ZTR) ternary plots were tion temperature, so that the more elongate a crystal,
generated to see whether they could be used to char- the higher its temperature of crystallisation (Pupin,
acterise the different lithostratigraphic units (Fig. 1976; Pupin and Turco, 1972). The colour of zircons
5b). ZTR ratios for samples from a particular lithos- is ultimately linked to their age and/or the abun-
tratigraphic unit are approximately the same regard- dance of radioactive elements in the crystal lattice:
less of the bulk grain-size of the sample, with the the deeper the colour of the zircon the older its age
exception of the Infraquartzite Flysch samples where in general (Deer et al., 1982; Pettijohn et al., 1987).
that ratios are widely spread (Fig. 5b). Anomalously HRHMA of zircon grains from the Sardona Fly-
high ZTR ratios are found in the olquartzite unit, sch provides two major advantages over the species-
which might again reflect real differences in prove- level analysis: firstly, the varietal distributions co-
nance. However, the ZTR ratios for the Sardona incide remarkably well with the lithostratigraphic
Quartzite unit, Crystalline Conglomerate unit and subdivisions and secondly, the varietal distribution
Supraquartzite Flysch are essentially indistinguish- for each stratigraphic unit was virtually unaffected
able, meaning that this approach also cannot pro- by changing quartz content and therefore bulk grain-
vide appreciable information on provenance. It was size variations (Fig. 5d), i.e., zircon varieties were
therefore concluded that species-level heavy mineral not affected by hydraulic sorting and sedimentary
analysis of the Sardona Flysch could neither further processes. Consequently, differences in the distribu-
our understanding of its provenance, nor act as an tion of zircon varietal types between stratigraphic
independent stratigraphic indicator. units proved to be a more reliable provenance indica-
tor than ZTR ratios from the species-level analysis.
Rounded, colourless zircons are generally the ma-
jor constituent in all samples, with euhedral plus
J.C. Lihou, M.A. Mange-Rajetzky/Sedimentary
Geology 105 (1996) 141-1.57 151

Fig. 6. Morphological categories of zircon employed in the high-resolution heavy mineral analysis of the Sardona Flysch: I = euhedral;
2 = subhedral; 3 = anhedral; 4 = elongate rounded; 5 = rounded to spherical; 6 = zoned; 7 = with overgrowth.

subhedral zircons comprising the second most abun- 35% rounded colourless; 17% rounded purple; 13%
dant variety (Fig. 5d). Again, the ijlquartzite unit with overgrowth.
proved to be anomalous, in that euhedral and sub- Nevertheless, HRHMA still could not provide
hedral zircons are far more abundant than any other conclusive evidence to differentiate between the
morphological category of zircon (on average rep- northern and southern sources of the Sardona Fly-
resenting 50% of all zircons counted). The average sch; both the Sardona Quartzite and Crystalline Con-
abundances of some key zircon varietal types can be glomerate units belong to zircon province 2, even
used extremely well to separate the lithostratigraphic though they were derived from opposite sides of the
units into three zircon provinces, which probably basin (Lihou, 1995a, 1996b). This may therefore in-
reflect real differences in provenance: dicate that the northern and southern source areas
Province I, olquartzite unit: 50% euhe- contained the same suite of basement lithologies and
dral+subhedral; 20% rounded colourless; 6% sedimentary cover rocks.
rounded purple; 10% with overgrowth. The presence of both rounded, and euhedral plus
Province 2, Sardona Quartzite and Crystalline subhedral zircon varieties in the Sardona Flysch
Conglomerate units: 12% euhedral+subhedral; 60% could indicate that these sediments had a mixed
rounded colourless; 13% rounded purple; 6% with provenance. Euhedral and subhedral zircons are rel-
overgrowth. atively abundant in the granitic clast analysed from
Province 3, Infraquartzite and Supraquartzite Fly- the Crystalline Conglomerate unit (C~C, Table 2)
sch Formations: 20-25% euhedral+subhedral; 30- and so support the hypothesis that they constitute
152 J.C. Lihou, M.A. Mange-Rajetzky/Sedirnenta~ Geology 105 (1996) 141-157

first-cycle detritus in the flysch sediments. A propor- of one of these varieties. However, neither brown
tion of the rounded zircons may have been recycled nor green tourmalines dominate in the Sardona Fly-
from earlier sediments. However, rounded zircons sch, nor is there any stratigraphic variation in the
may also have been derived as first-cycle detritus morphological subcategories of tourmaline (Fig. 5e),
from metamorphic rocks, i.e., schists and gneisses meaning that in the case of the Sardona Flysch,
(C7b and C13, Table 2) formed from a sedimentary HRHMA of tourmaline is of limited use. To some
protolith or resulting from the effects of magmatic extent though, the occurrence of prismatic crystals
resorption (Deer et al., 1982). Uncertainties remain in elevated numbers parallels the high proportions of
as to whether the chosen basement clasts from the euhedral zircons (Figs. 5d and 5e), highlighting the
Crystalline Conglomerate unit are representative of significance of first-cycle input.
the source terrane for the Sardona Flysch, but more The chemistry of tourmaline is documented in
extensive sampling of such clasts was not undertaken numerous publications, all confirming the complex
in this study because of restricted field time. character of tourmaline compositions both regarding
Pink to purple zircons dominated the granite and major and trace element compositions. Rock types,
gneiss samples from the Crystalline Conglomerate pressure-temperature conditions, stage of crystal-
unit (C7c and C13, Table 2), whereas colourless zir- lization and fractionation within a melt, and the
cons were most common in the mica schist sample locality of a particular crystal within the rock body
(C7b, Table 2). The differences between the predom- exert controls on the chemistry that can cause vari-
inant zircon colour in the analysed metamorphic and ations even within a particular tourmaline variety
plutonic crystalline clasts suggests that their relative (among others, Staatz et al., 1955; Power, 1968;
contributions to the sediments can be estimated. One Leckebusch, 1978; Deer et al., 1982; Henry and
of the defining characteristics of the Infraquartzite Guidotti, 1985; Lottermoser and Plimer, 1987). Al-
and Supraquartzite Flysch (zircon province 3) is the though the geochemistry of detrital tourmaline is
greater abundance of pale pink to pink, rounded advocated as a potential provenance indicator, par-
zircons (Fig. 5d), which may therefore indicate a ticularly focusing on variations in MgO/FeO ratios
relatively greater plutonic input. (Morton, 1991) or TiO2 content (Jeans et al., 1993),
The other zircon varietal types showed little strati- the results need to be evaluated with caution since
graphic variation, except for a slightly higher propor- the differences or variations in tourmaline composi-
tion of zircons with overgrowths in the Infraquartzite tions cannot unequivocally be attributed to changing
Flysch, ijlquartzite unit and Supraquartzite Flysch provenance or hinterland lithology, as inherent vari-
(zircon provinces 1 and 3) relative to the Sardona ations in tourmaline composition can be delivered
Quartzite and Crystalline Conglomerate units (zircon from a single parent rock body.
province 2) (Fig. 5d). Zircons with overgrowths are Consequently, the geochemistry of detrital tour-
most likely to have been derived from the weather- malines in the different Sardona lithostratigraphic
ing of gneissic rocks, considering their relative abun- units was not determined. As discussed above, com-
dance in the gneiss clast analysed (C13, Table 2). positional variations could lead to dubious conclu-
sions, especially when other signatures indicate that
4.4. Tourmaline varieties the hinterland comprises a low diversity of parent
rocks. Another reason for the omission of this ap-
Tourmaline is invariably present in the Sardona proach was the virtual absence of tourmaline in the
Flysch; its abundance is generally controlled by the Crystalline Conglomerate clasts, which precluded
quantity of apatite present in the sample, such that the comparison of detrital and parent tourmaline
tourmaline content is distinctly higher in the apatite- chemistries.
poor samples (Fig. 5~). The proportions of the prin-
cipal colour varieties, brown and green tourmaline, 5. Discussion of provenance
were recorded in order to find out whether any of the
lithostratigraphic units in the Sardona Flysch could The Sardona Flysch lacks the garnet in its heavy
be distinguished by the preferential concentration mineral assemblage which is diagnostic of South
J.C. Lihou, M.A. Mange-Rajetzky/Sedimentary Geology 105 (1996) 141-157 1.53

Penninic flysch sediments derived from the Aus- during Alpine orogenesis in the Oligocene-Miocene
troalpine erogenic thrust wedge. As established ear- (Lihou, 1996a).
lier, this does not result from excessive acidic leach- RiIefli (1959) maintained that there were long-
ing during deep burial diagenesis, but signifies that lived ‘South Helvetic’ and ‘North Prattigau Swells’
garnet was absent from the source areas of the fly- defining the northern and southern margins of the
sch. In addition, the Sardona basin was supplied by Sardona basin, respectively. Petrographic and pale-
coeval northern and southern sources unlike other ocurrent evidence from the Sardona Flysch supports
Alpine flysch basins (Lihou, 1995a, 1996b). How- the possibility that exhumed Helvetic fault-blocks,
ever, HRHMA leads to the conclusion that a single or South Helvetic and North Prattigau Swells, sup-
petrologic province probably supplied detritus to the plied elastic material to the Sardona flysch basin.
Sardona flysch basin throughout its sedimentary his- Rtiefli (1959) also postulated that the North Penninic
tory. Also, conglomerate clast compositions in the Prattigau Flysch, now exposed to the east of the
Sardona Flysch suggest that it was sourced from Rhine Valley (Fig. l), may have been deposited in a
a single terrane composed of a plutonic, Variscan basin to the south of the Sardona flysch basin, with
granitoid suite with related low-grade, quartzo- the North Prattigau Swell separating them (Fig. 7).
feldspathic schists and associated cover sediments Nanny (1948) had proposed that the source of clas-
(Lihou, 1995a). Therefore, its northern and south- tic material for the Prattigau Flysch was a swell
ern source areas were probably composed of the to the north of the basin, on the basis of a gen-
same suite of basement and cover lithologies. Mixed eral south-southeastward decrease in pebble sizes.
Variscan and Alpine cooling ages were determined He also noted the similarity of exotic pebbles in
on zircon crystals extracted from the Sardona Flysch the Prattigau and Sardona Flysch, particularly with
(Lihou et al., 1995), confirming that Variscan detritus regard to their crystalline clasts. In addition, their
is present in the flysch. Environmental and hydraulic heavy mineral suites are essentially identical (Thum
factors were probably responsible for the varying and Nabholz, 1972; Table 1). Therefore, the North
relative contributions of the material available, for Penninic Prattigau Swell may have been a common
example, in controlling the proportion of apatite in source region for the Sardona and Prattigau fly-
the sediments. sch basins, supplying them with Variscan basement
Apart from the Austroalpine domain, one of the clasts and eroded Helvetic strata. The North Prat-
main Alpine zones containing Variscan granitoids, tigau Swell and Mid-Penninic Brianconnais High
gneisses and schists is the Helvetic basement of the probably acted as topographic barriers to sediment
European foreland (Trtimpy, 1980), as exposed in the eroded from the Austroalpine thrust wedge (Fig. 7),
Aar and Gotthard external basement massifs today which accounts for the absence of garnet in the
(Fig. 1). Derivation of the granitoid clasts in the Sardona Flysch sediments.
Sardona Flysch from exhumed Helvetic basement A similar situation probably existed in western
requires that the Helvetic shelf was eroded down to Switzerland. Like the Sardona and Prattigau Fly-
basement levels by the Paleocene, at which time such sch, North Penninic and Valaisan flysch in western
clasts appear in the Glquartzite unit (Lihou, 1995a). Switzerland is characterised by a ZTR assemblage,
This was patently not the case, as the Helvetic shelf with or without apatite, which Wildi (1985) also
continued to accumulate carbonate sediments un- thought originated from Variscan granitoids, low-
til the late Maastrichtian and the subsequent Early grade metamorphic and cover rocks in the European
Tertiary forebulge erosion did not reach the level basement. Like the Sardona Flysch, the North Pen-
of basement (Lihou, 1995b). Hence, the material ninic Niesen Flysch had dual sources, though they
supplied to the Sardona basin cannot have been de- were never coeval: Ackermann (1986) inferred that
rived from exhumation of the main Helvetic domain. the Niesen Flysch was sourced from the south dur-
However, it is possible that the northern and south- ing the Maastrichtian (‘Hautecour massif’ within
ern source areas which supplied the Sardona Flysch the ‘Tarine Cordillera’ of Homewood et al., 1984)
have not been preserved, owing to the thin-skinned and from an uplifted swell to the north during the
detachment of the Sardona unit from its basement Eocene (Fig. 7). Wildi (1985) tentatively correlated
154 J.C. Lihou, M.A. ManXe_Rajetz~//Sedirnentar3: Geology 105 (1996) 141-157


-100 km

> measured > lllcewl - I

Fig. 7. Paleogeographic reconstructions for Swiss Alpine flysch basins based upon sedimentological and petrographic considerations.
adapted from Wildi (I 985) and Caron et al. (I 989) using new data from this study.

the Niesen and Sardona Flysch, with a swell di- 6. Conclusions

viding them from the Prlttigau Flysch to the south
(Fig. 7), a hypothesis which is further supported by The Maastrichtian-mid-Eocene Sardona Flysch
the similarity of conglomerate clast lithologies in consists of quartz arenites, sublitharenites and
these units (Caron et al., 1989; Lihou, 1995a). Had arkosic arenites, plus polygenic, pebble to boulder
HRHMA been applied to all these ultrastable assem- conglomerates. Modal sandstone compositions are
blages, it may have been possible to recognise subtle of less use in determining its provenance than are
variations in their provenance. conglomerate clast compositions, which suggest that
Pfiffner (1992) believed that elongate basement the Sardona Flysch was sourced by a single petro-
highs were exhumed along constraining bends within logic province composed of plutonic, Variscan gran-
a Mid to Late Cretaceous dextral transpressive sys- itoids, gneisses and quartzo-feldspathic schists, plus
tem. Our inference is that these narrow structural associated cover sediments. However, sedimentolog-
highs in the European foreland of the NAFB rep- ical evidence points to dual sources to the north and
resent reactivated Mesozoic, basement-cored normal south of the Sardona Flysch basin.
fault-blocks within the European foreland, which Species-level heavy mineral analysis of the Sar-
supplied most of the material to adjacent flysch dona Flysch confirmed that its heavy mineral assem-
basins and restricted input from the Austroalpine blage lacks the detrital garnet which is characteristic
erogenic wedge further to the south. Compressional of Alpine flysch sediments derived from erosion of
or transpressional forces in the erogenic wedge being the Austroalpine thrust wedge. The heavy mineral
transmitted to the European foreland could have pro- distribution in the Sardona Flysch consists of an ul-
duced the inferred sustained relative uplift of these trastable zircon, tourmaline and rutile (ZTR) assem-
swells. These ideas are developed further in Lihou blage, accompanied by variable amounts of apatite,
and Allen (1996). but shows no significant geographical or temporal
variations. This suggests that there was a single,
constant petrologic province supplying the Sardona
J.C. Lihou, M.A. Matlge-Rajetz~/Sedimenrarq Geology 105 (1996) 141-157 155

basin throughout its history, despite the flysch be- European foreland, resulting from the continental
ing sourced from both basin margins. Hinterland collision process.
lithologies appear to have contained a monotonous
heavy mineralogy with very few unstable species. Acknowledgements
The low diversity of heavy mineral species in the
Sardona Flysch was thus predetermined by the low This work was undertaken by J.L. as a part of a
diversity of parent lithologies, which were domi- D.Phil. research project at the University of Oxford,
nated by quartzo-feldspathic rocks, rather than being England, supervised by Philip Allen, and funded
a function of sediment maturity. by a student sponsorship provided by Shell Interna-
The species-level analysis could not be used tional Petroleum Company Limited. We would like
to characterise the different lithostratigraphic units, to thank Kitty Milliken for suggesting major im-
firstly because apatite content was related to the provements to the original manuscript, Earl McBride
bulk grain-size of the samples, reflecting the greater and Walter Wildi for their reviews, and David Wright
amount of apatite-bearing granitic and metamorphic and Steve Wyatt for their assistance with the labora-
detritus surviving in the coarser-grained sediments. tory preparation of samples.
Secondly, the ZTR ratios of sediments from different
lithostratigraphic units were too similar. References
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