CTV2007 08

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A ugust 2007 V oice O f G od R ecordings

Where there is no vision, the people perish Prover bs 29:18

voice on a phonograph. A little ove
r 20 years later, the magnetic rec
is day. Never have was invented. Then, in 1947, ma order
y, ne ve r ha s th er e been a day like th today. achievement in histor y; The first
n accomplished what could be his
histor ities that they have
Throughout all of re ac hi ng op po rt un audible recording of God’s Voice
was made.
the far-
God’s children had da y. Th is is the greatest day. Pa
ul the “But I am God ’s Voice to you. See?
I say that again. That time was und
g in th is
I am grateful, Lord
, to be livin it. The prophets inspiration. See? And I--I felt bad er
y. Th e gr ea t m en of old longed to see about the first time, but It repeated
apostle longed to see
th is da is day, for he see, I can say nothing in myself. But it. Now
fo r th is da y. Ab raham looked for th what He shows me, I say it. You beli
looke d above eve it
longed to see it. They an d M ak er w as God; it hangs right and watch what happens.”
hose Build er cord,
t of Heaven, bore re
51-0505 My Commission
sought for a City w G od de sce nd in g ou The world was forever changed.
us, tonight. John see
n the Spirit of sing His Bride. Now, the people not only have the
So n of G od . An d, think now, He’s choo to read the Word, but they can also opportunity
as th e e Bride Of Chris
t hear the Voice. With their own ear
knowed that that w 65-1125 The Invis
ible Union Of Th can hear special emphasis on cer s, they
tain words, and they can feel the
which the Message was brought. Spirit by
r By this Voice, God revealed every
nt the apostles Pete hidden through the ages until His myster y
In old times, God se l Word was so complete, that the
e Light of the Gospe Christ in this modern day began Bride of
and Paul to bring th , an d to make herself ready to receive
, Thessalonica the Lord Jesus. the return of
to Corinth, Ephesus time
led. However, each
wherever the Lord
ts went to a city, they
these blessed servan
had to eventually lea
ve to continue their
The Pulpit
. They often had to
missionary journeys Magnetic wire soon gave way to
correct errant ways. magnetic tape. Decades later, the
or write epistles to God was duplicated with a digital
audio file, which improved sound
Voice of
Lord provided both ves his people. Whe
ther it immensely. Over the past severa quality
In this last day, the e pr op he t ne ve r lea l years, this digital audio file has
recorder. Now, th s the opportunity with MP3 technology to allow ma been improved
prophet and a tape a, th e tru e servant of God ha ny messages to fit on one, five-in
in North A m er ic ovided to His ch disk.
is in Africa or here an au dibl e Vo ice that God has pr The new MP3 digital file,
by listening to passion,
to be corrected daily ice of love , co rrection, wisdom, com portable MP3 players, solar
. This is a Vo hrist.
predestinated Seed ls ev er y ne ed of the Bride of C chargers, and rechargeable
; and fil
healing, and power men of God are tr
aveling into batteries have made the
ew Te st am en t,
the N ture.
Like the apostles of tro du ci ng th e G ospel to ever y crea Voice of God vastly more
byways in het’s books and
the highways and e no w ab le to leave the prop available. The Bride of
os tle s ar a blessing
Further, these ap ev er be fo re has there been such Christ has responded by
le . N
tapes with the peop listening to this Voice, and
ated of God.
upon the predestin thereby drawing nearer to
Him every day.

The Voice man’s inventions to

The prophet told us that
th e da w n of hi stor y, God has used man has used nation. Seeing the ministry come from there is a Bride from every
ge . Th ro ughout times past, , “Just shall live by faith,” Martin
further H is M es sa tless hours sanctification by John Wesley; the bap
th e gl or y of G od . Scribes spent coun the restoration of the gifts. And now
tism of the Holy Ghost by the Penteco
stals, and
ink to record e Words of the
Sc rip ts and recording th , coming into that Morning Star beg
in to reflect,
co py in g H ol y inting press in the and all the churches pulling out of eve
’s in k pen became the pr ry church, every nation, every people,
a Bride for
prop he ts . G od ted. Before His Name.
14 00 ’s, w he n th e first Bible was prin 60-0722 Watchman What Of
middle kable. The Night
rs on al co py of th e Bible was unthin It is the mission of Voice Of Go
d Recordings to make the Messag
then, a pe the Word was e of William
od’s children had to Marrion Branham available to eve
The only access G iests. Copies of ry person on the face of the earth.
th e in te rp retations of the pr using digital MP3 technology to
accomplish this unparalleled effo
God is
th ro ug h ing of the
rip tu re s w er e ra re, and understand it was once rare to even see a cop
y of the Bible, it is now a reality
rt. Where
the Sc willing can have the opportunity tha t anyone
Scriptures was even to hear the actual and genuine Voi
ce of God
omas to this generation.
no lo gy ad va nc ed until 1877, when Th
Tech man
st recording of a hu
Edison made the fir
with God, that
be th at th e Br ide walks so closely
one da y was first
The end result will ee n G od an d man. The Voice that
ration be tw d she will
there will be no sepa qu ick ly pe rfe ct in g a Bride of Christ, an
ars ago is
recorded some 60 ye
to Glory.
soon be raptured in is standing side by sid
e with
G od R ec or di ng s
, Voice Of liver Brother
Until that day comes wi th on e common goal: To de
th e wo rld “He that hath
believers throughout an d ev er y so ul th at is willing to hear.
to each
Branham’s Message to the churches.”
ea r, let hi m he ar w hat the Spirit saith un

i n g t h e Flock
The Fruits es of Ghana and Nig
eria among the G a t h e r
eds of converts.
ca n co un tri dollars per l had hundr e Word
The world ranks th e A fri
er ag e in co me of about 700 US The Apostle Pau ed to thousands as th
, wi th an av merica, one kl y tu rn
poorest in the world churches in North A hundreds quic e today as He
vestmen t by tw o hu m bl e tries y S pirit is the sam
year. Through an in r in K in ist in o Sa sk atchewan, these coun spread . Th e H ol
H e is doing the sa
me thing.
and the othe essage church in l’s da y, an d
in Tucson Arizona of nations. Ever y M was in Pau es that received
ev en th e we alt hi es t to the 586 church ths
became richer than In ad di ti on
ck ag e in N ig eria a few mon
these two co un tri es the Lighthouse new churches th
at recently
e ov er 60
will soon receive, a ago, ther e ar
iv ed th eir own Lightho
r d re ce
full library of Brothe requested an
Branham’s Message package. ntly arrived
rg e shipment rece
In all, almost In Ghana, an eq ua ll y
th e ti me this issue of
ce . B ill
1.3 million of at our Tema offi
ad, 44 8 ch ur ch es in that countr y w
The Vision is re l Food. We
Brother Branham’s th ei r li fe -s us taining spiritua
urches in
have received , many more ch
sermons, about anticipate that
, li ke N ig er ia
ar d to receive their
300,000 Message co m e fo
Ghana will soon tching the
S pi ri t- fi lle d pastors are ca
re Word
books, and 1,100 packages. H ol y
ed in g th ei r sh eep with the pu
Vision and fe
MP3 players were th is ye ar. Th is precious material is of God.
Gha na g herself
sent to Nigeria and 0, 00 0 M es sa ge believers in those e w or ld , th e Bride is makin
abou t 20 Throughout th agos, Nigeria
affecting the lives of ready. F ro m th e co n cr ete jungles of L
countr yside,
h ut s of the Ghana
countries. deed you have done for
this little
great to the that ch ed -r oo f
ds ar e raised in prai
se and
u m ay ne ver get to realize the s worried about thousands of bl
ac k h an
for sending a m
Br eth re n, yo
ia . Yo u know, I have alway ou r L or d Je su s
part of the Body of Ch
ris t in N ig er by our Prophet thanksgiving to y, the Voice of
e en tir e Messages preached . In this modern da
it w as to ge t th to follow the Voice from H ea ve n God to the
how almost impossible for th e be lie ver who truly desired re ve al in g the mystery of
this w ou ld be ry, for Revelation 10 :7 is eached
and what a drawback ks to yo u al l, I no longer need to wor e li vi n g M es sage is being pr
essage. But th an
Bride of Christ
. Th ening.
entire precept of the M th e Alfalfa Food. Praised
be our God!
er pu lp it , an d the Bride is list
ho us e” of play
now we have the entir
e “S to re Pastor from Nige
from the MP3 st as
th e tr ue se ed ? It will happen ju
But what about ady

to help us get this mater
ial. Believe me,
op le of G od ar e being made re
to G od e pe
Many of us ministers
ha ve cri ed
s an d to reach out to souls. I
have no we have said. Th fr om the messenger to
this age.
the bene fit of th e flock be won, d of T ru th Spirit
we will utilize it for ar s, m an y more converts will by the Wor es s of Pentecost for the
ne xt few ye th e fu ln e at
at over the In her will be where they wer
doubt in my mind th churches will rise in N
igeria. op le ri gh t ba ck to
will bring the pe
e- be lie vi ng Pastor from Nige d.”
and mor e M ess ag
in g. Th at is “Th us saith the Lor er 10
the beginn C hurch Ages, C
Of The Seven
An Exposition
Of God Recordings, inc.

of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Revelation 10:7
“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery

Jeffersonville, IN
U.S. Postage PAID

Permit No. 204

Zip 47131
Dedicated to the ministry of God’s prophet, William Marrion Branham.
is published by Voice

Voice Of God Recordings

Jeffersonville IN 47131 U.S.A.


P.O. Box 950

When I was a young boy working at

Spoken Word Publications, I often
thought about the precious material
I was packing into those old canvas M-Bags. While writing the addresses
to Ghana and Nigeria on these boxes, I would think of the several months
that it would take for these books to reach their final destinations. It
troubled me to think of the reports that we would receive describing the
poor condition that the books would be in when they arrived. After being
in ships for several months, many times exposed to the elements and
thrown around from place to place, they were almost totally destroyed.
Sometimes there would not be any books left, just the bag full of wet paper.
I thought, “Lord, these few books for the whole Bride of these countries? It
won’t even come close to meeting their needs. With these few books to pass around, they will never have
the chance that I have; to hear the Voice of the Seventh Church Age Messenger. There has to be a way.”
It seemed like an impossible task.
When the Lord placed me in the work at VGR, He led me to establish libraries around the world;
Lighthouses where the people could come and get the books and tapes of Brother Branham. Oh, how I
was thrilled that the people would now have a place in their country to hear the Message of the hour.
But there was still a burning desire in my heart to make sure every church and every believer would
have access to the Message, because many of the libraries were just too far for the people to reach.
Again, it seemed impossible. It would take millions of dollars for just these two countries. But praise be
to God; He knew His children needed the Message of the hour, so He made a way.
I can’t begin to express in words how I feel. To think that EVERY CHURCH and EVERY
BELIEVER in both Nigeria and Ghana will have access to every Word the prophet spoke. A burden
that seemed impossible when I was a young boy boxing
books, has now been fulfilled. Thanks Be Unto The Lord.

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