Presentation Accounting

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Question answers on


IRCTC was incorporated on 27th September, 1999 as an

extended arm of the Indian Railways to upgrade,
professionalize and manage the catering and
hospitality services at stations, on trains and other
locations and to promote domestic and international
tourism through development of budget hotels, special
tour packages.
Identify and comment on any three accounting
principles in the given annual report ?

• Going Concern
Assumes that business can generate income, meet
its obligations and don't need to liquidate in the
coming year
• Matching Principle
Cause-and-effect relationship between spending
and earning
• Dual Aspect
Every transaction has a dual or double effect and
should therefore be recorded in two places.
Identify and comment on any three AS/IFRS/IAS
involved in the given annual Report ?

• Cash Flow Real or Virtual flow of money

• Balance sheet Summary of financial balances

• Profit and loss statement Summarizes
revenue, costs and expenses
What are the important points in management
discussion and analysis from the view point of equity
• Compliance
Upgradationof additional kitchen
Supply of meals as a service
• Risk
Effect of Covid-19
Extensive research by customer
• Future plans
IRCTC capacity around 14.80 lakh/day
Spread over 15 working plants
Comment on CSR/USP/ critical success
factors under voluntary disclosure?
CSR focuses on

Household and communities

Providing a safe and healthy work

People-oriented business
Highlight about the future policies about the
company under BOD report and management
discussion and analysis?

o Internal financial controls by Audit

committee o More reliability on Auditors
report o Policies to ensure efficient conduct of
business o Report on Internal financial control
before audit committee o
Details of Internal control system
Comment on any three ratios that you find in
the given annual report?
• Current Ratio
Liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to pay
shortterm obligations
Current ratio is 1.87 and considered excellent
• Debtors Turnover Ratio
The number of times average debtors have been
converted into cash during a year
It is 106.23
Inventory Turnover Ratio
Inventory turnover is the rate that inventory stock is
sold, or used, and replaced.
Inventory Turnover ratio is 5.65 and considered above

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