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Communication is the essence of life. It is a necessity.

To express
themselves, human beings need to communicate. An individual has to
communicate to express his feelings, pass on information to the other
human beings and share his thoughts and feelings.
Do only Human Beings Communicate ?
Let us go through the following examples:
Ted spotted a poor weak pup lying almost lifeless on the streets and crying
meekly. He took no time in taking the pup to a nearby vet and giving him
the basic medical treatment the poor creature required. Have you ever
thought how did Ted come to know that the pup requires immediate
attention? The pup couldn’t speak.
The answer to the above question is through communication.
Ted came to know about the condition of the pup through communication
only. The crying of pup was actually an indication that the creature needs to
be immediately attended by the doctor. Through his crying the pup tried to
communicate Ted about his deteriorating condition and requirement of
medical aid.
Another example:
A gardener waters the plants when the leaves start turning brown, become
dry and start showing withering signs. Turning brown, drying of leaves are
actually ways the tree tries to communicate to the gardener that it is dying
and needs to be watered immediately.
All the above examples support the communication theory.
What is communication Theory ?
Communication theory was proposed by S. F. Scudder in the year 1980. It
states that all living beings existing on the planet
communicate although the way of communication is different.
Plants communicate their need to be taken care of and watered immediately
through visible changes in the colour of the leaves, and the falling of leaves
and flowers.
Animals communicate by sounds, several movements to indicate that they
are hungry or unwell or need medical attention.
A mother would never understand that her child is hungry unless and until
the child cries. Crying is again a form through which the child
communicates that he is hungry and needs food. The same applies when he
is injured, where he uses crying again as a tool to communicate his pain
and need of urgent medical attention.
Thus the universal law of communication theory says that all living beings
whether they are plants, animals, human beings communicate through
sound, speech, visible changes, body movements, gestures or in the best
possible way to make the others aware of their thoughts, feelings, problems,
happiness or any other information.
If a child scores less marks in examinations, parents would not speak to the
child for sometime- again an effort to communicate that the parents are
angry over the child’s performance and he needs to buck up for his further
examinations. Try to irritate a stray dog, he will surely bark on you - again
an animal’s way to communicate that he is angry and should not be irritated
Like human beings, animals also communicate among themselves through
gestures and body movements. Monkeys always carry their babies with
them wherever they go, again a way through which the mother tries to
communicate that their babies are safe and the mother is there to take good
care of them. During the mating season of animals, communication through
gestures plays a very important role in bringing them close, the same way a
peacock dances to attract its partner.
Another model of communication says that communication is simply the
process of transferring information from the sender to the recipient where
the recipient decodes the information and acts accordingly. Large number of
people also support this model of communication.
Communication Theory Framework
Let us examine communication and communication theory through the
following viewpoints:
 Mechanistic - The mechanistic view point says that communication is
simply the transmission of information from the first party to the
second party. The first party being the sender and the second party
being the receiver.
 Psychological - According to the psychological view point,
communication is simply not the flow of information from the sender
to the receiver but actually the thoughts, feelings of the sender which
he tries to share with the recipients. It also includes the reactions,
feelings of the receiver after he decodes the information.
 Social - The social view point considers communication as a result of
interaction between the sender and the receiver. It simply says that
communication is directly dependent on the content of the speech.
“How one communicates” is the basis of the social view point.
 Systemic - The systemic view point says that communication is
actually a new and a different message which is created when various
individuals interpret it in their own way and then reinterpret it and
draw their own conclusion.
 Critical - The critical view point says that communication is simply a
way with the help of which an individual expresses his power and
authority among other individuals.
To summarize the communication theory proposes that to survive, every
living entity, needs to communicate with others and also among themselves.
Communication is a dire need of survival.
Communication is related to every human activity.
The words we say and actions we complete convey messages, emotions, and
Saying, “I am tired,” or yawning both imply that you are tired.
Screaming “Ouch!” or grimacing both announce that you just experienced
Once we learn to speak, write, and use a computer, we don’t
give communication a second thought. Messages come and go in a flash.
But that flash still exists, and taking a closer look at it is called
communication theory.
What is communication theory?
Most people wouldn’t expect something commonplace like communication to
have a scientific theory behind it, but there is more to it than meets the eye.
Or ear.
Communication theory definition
Communication theory studies the scientific process of sending and
receiving information. There are many principles, methods, and components
that can affect a message, and communication theory explains it all.
Communication theory is a complex topic. There are a lot of features of
communication theory that can affect the process: sender, receiver, noise,
nonverbal cues, cultural differences, and so on. It’s a lot to keep track of. To
make things a little less complicated, the creators of the different
communication theories paired them with communication models.
Looking for a specific communication model? Skip ahead to:
• Shannon Weaver communication model
• Lasswell communication model
• Berlo communication model
• Barnlund communication model
• Schramm communication model
Communication models
Put simply, models act as a visual representation of a theory.
Because communication has become so complex over time, there are
different communication models for different types of communication. Some
are simpler than others, but let’s go over the basic models that we
experience the most in our day to day communication.
Shannon-Weaver communication model
The Shannon-Weaver model is a linear, or one way, communication model
that Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver created in 1948. Before we move
into what the model actually is, we need to break down the key concepts
within it.
Sender: The sender creates and sends the message.
Encoder: The encoder translates the message into signals.
Decoder: The decoder receives the signals and forms a message.
Receiver: The receiver is the message’s final destination.
Noise: Unrelated distractions in the channel that might affect the reception
of the message are referred to as noise.
Now that we have those features in mind, let’s look at the steps in the
Shannon-Weaver communication model.
1. The sender encodes a message and chooses a communication
2. The encoder, a part of the channel, converts the code into signals.
3. The decoder takes those signals and translates them into a message
for the receiver.
4. The receiver gets the message and interprets it.

Pretty simple, right? A little unrealistic though. If all communication was

that simple, the world would be free of conflict triggered by
There are things that can get in the way of receiving messages. This is
referred to as noise. Noise can be anything that affects the reception of a
message. Accidentally misreading an email or being distracted when
someone is speaking to you are both examples of noise.
When noise gets in the way of communication, feedback is often necessary.
Let’s look at an example.
Say you and your deskmate are meeting with your manager later in the day.
You sit down and say, “Don’t forget about the meeting at noon today.” But
while you were saying “at noon,” they received a text message, got
distracted, and glanced at their cell phone. The noise restricted them from
receiving the whole message, so they use feedback to ask, “What time is that
meeting today?” And you respond with the time.
This situation would simply restart the process. But now, your deskmate
would be the sender, and you would be the receiver.
The Shannon-Weaver model is a basic example of communication theory,
but a great place to start when trying to simplify this complex subject.
Lasswell communication model
The Lasswell communication model is another linear, or one way, model
that Harold D. Lasswell created not too long after the Shannon Weaver
model was made.
The big difference between the two is that Lasswell’s model studies mass
communication, as opposed to a simple two-person conversation. A big
factor in this model is predicting the effect the message has on the group.
Let’s take a look at a visual and then break it down.

Simply put, the Lasswell model asks a series of questions: Who said what?
What channel did they use? Who did the message reach? What effect did it
The point of this model is to analyze the effect a message can have on a
large group of people and to see how each part of the model can make a
difference. This is done by diving into each part with a different type of
analysis. Don’t worry, Lasswell laid them out pretty well for us.
Control analysis takes a look at who said the message.
The message itself is evaluated using content analysis.
Media analysis focuses on the communication channel used to send the
Audience analysis looks at whomever the message is being sent to.
The end of the model shows effect analysis, but this actually happens at
the beginning of the process.
When sending a message, whether we think about it or not, there is a
desired effect. Whether it be to get a response or for the receiver to change a
behavior, all messages have a purpose. And before we even send them, we
consider the effect of the message in one way or another. It just doesn’t
appear until after the message is received.
Mass communication is an everyday occurrence. Media outlets basically
shout information at large groups of people in hopes of creating an effect.
The Lasswell communication model simplifies that process.
Berlo communication model
The Berlo communication model is also not too different from the Shannon
Weaver model. Constructed by David Berlo in 1960, this version takes the
Shannon Weaver model a step further and considers the different things
that can affect each of the model’s components.
Let’s break down the different pieces of the Berlo model and the factors that
affect each one.

Source: The source, or sender, creates the message intended for the
Receiver: The receiver collects the message sent by the source.
Because the source and receiver are interchangeable, the aspects that affect
them are the same. Let’s take a look at each one.
 Communication skills: The communication skills of the sender and
receiver affect how well the message is communicated. If the sender
has poor communication skills, the receiver may not get the right
message. And if the receiver isn’t a good communicator, they might
misinterpret the message.
 Attitude: The attitude that the sender has towards the receiver, and
vice versa, can change the way the message is delivered and accepted.
This is especially apparent in verbal communication when speakers
exhibit their tone.
 Knowledge: Knowledge has an impact on the content of the sender’s
message and the receiver’s interpretation. If the sender or receiver, or
both, are not familiar with the topic at hand, the message loses value.
 Social systems and culture: The environment and situation of the
sender and receiver can also affect the message. Language, values,
beliefs and life experiences can help or hinder the delivering and
accepting of a message.
Message: The information being sent.
There are countless ways to craft a message. Let’s break down the typical
parts of a message and how they can affect delivery and acceptance.
 Content: The subject matter of the message, like the words in an email
or visuals in a presentation.
 Elements: Content can be paired with elements of delivery, such
as nonverbal communication cues (body language, facial expressions,
 Treatment: The way the message is transferred to the receiver can
impact the receiver’s understanding.
 Structure: The structure, or how it is organized, determines the
message’s effectiveness.
 Code: Code is the form the message takes. This includes speech, text,
videos, etc.
Channel: The channel is the means of sending the message.
The way the message is received is especially important to consider when
breaking down the channel. The point of a message is for it to be received,
and hopefully well. If the sender chooses the wrong communication channel,
receiving the message will be unsuccessful.
When receiving a message through a channel, we interpret it with one, or
multiple, of our five senses: sound, sight, touch, smell, and taste. This is
why the channel used to send a message is important. We can’t smell a
photograph or taste a handshake. Well, we can, but we would look silly and
not gain any information from it.
The Berlo communication model takes components of simple models and
then asks “what if” questions that might be worth noting. What if the
receiver isn’t educated on this topic? What if the sender and receiver speak
different languages? What if they use the wrong channel?
No matter the message you are sending, these possible dealbreakers are
worth considering.
Barnlund communication model
In 1970, Dean Barnlund took communication models in a different
direction. And that direction is circular. Here's what the model looks like.
Yikes. That's a little scary. Let's simplify it.
This model is transactional, instead of linear, meaning it focuses on two-way
communication. The Barnlund model is used only when feedback exists. It
is a never ending cycle between sender and receiver where their roles switch
depending on who is speaking. As the conversation goes back and forth,
feedback serves as a brand new message. Let’s look at an example with a
very simple conversation between two coworkers named Martin and Maria.
Martin: Hi Maria, how are you?
Maria: I missed my train and was late to work.
Martin is the initial sender when he greets Maria and asks how she is doing.
Maria receives that message and interprets it. As she responds, Maria
becomes the new sender, and Martin takes on the role of the receiver. As
they keep talking about why she missed her train and what she missed in
the meeting because of her tardiness, the title of sender and receiver travels
continuously between the two of them.
The Barnlund model also incorporates the use of cues, verbal and
nonverbal, when sending messages. Picking up these cues is necessary
when interpreting a message.
The Barnlund model recognizes the important parts of a linear model.
However, it also recognizes the likelihood of a message turning into a two-
way conversation between sender and receiver.
Schramm communication model
The Schramm model of communication is less traditional than the others.
Here are the different parts you need to know.
Encoder: The encoder does the encoding and sends the message.
Decoder: The decoder receives the message.
Interpreter: The person trying to interpret the message.
It is important to note that receiving a message is not the same
as interpreting a message. You can be the intended recipient of a message,
and receive it, without interpreting and understanding it. Even though we
typically interpret messages right as we receive them, it still is an extra step.

The Schramm model of communication shows the circular flow of constant

The sender and receiver aren’t necessarily labeled because this model
focuses more on the message rather than sending and receiving it. This is
mostly because Schramm recognizes the possibility of sending and receiving
messages to oneself.
The Schramm communication model deviates from traditional models that
label a sender and receiver and focuses more on the message itself.
Keep on communicating
Communication theory uses models to show us the true complexity of our
conversations, whether they be in person, over email, or through a big
media outlet. The more you understand it, the better communicator you will

Communication Channels
Communication is central to all meaningful collaboration and teamwork.
Communication keeps a whole organization moving. There are different ways
we can communicate such as written communication, verbal
communication, non-verbal communication and visual communication.
It is important that whatever type of communication we choose, the
information needs to be conveyed effectively. Various modes or medium to
transmit and receive the information is referred as “communication
Number of communication channels
There has to be a direct channel between any of the 2 people involved in a
communication. The number of direct channels which can exist with “N”
number of stakeholders will be “N(N-1)/2”. As the number of stakeholder
increases in a team, the number of channels increases much faster. The
high number of channels can make communication very complex.
There are number of different types of communication channels exist
as listed below:
1. Face-to-face conversations
2. Videoconferencing
3. Audio conferencing
4. Emails
5. Written letters and memos
6. Chats and messaging
7. Blogs
8. Formal written documents
9. Spreadsheets etc.
The above channels need to identified and used effectively for achieving
maximum impact and richness of information as desired.
The above communication channels further can be categorized as:
1. Formal channels
It is an official way of communicating. A formal communication channel
transmits information such as the goals, policies and procedures of an
organization. Messages in this type of communication channel follow a chain
of command. This means information flows from a manager to his
subordinates and they in turn pass on the information to the next level of
staff. Some examples include company newsletters, business plans,
instructions, annual reports, agreements, company-wide communications,
board presentations etc.
2. Informal channels
It is also an official way of communicating, with somewhat relaxed norms.
There may not be a need for a chain of command or hierarchy in this kind of
communication. There will be immense official communication where such
hierarchy or command is not needed, but they happen within the official
framework. Some examples will include conversations on the work floor
addressing queries of team members, lunch time conversations, many of the
emails where formal command is not needed such as someone is seeking
some quick information etc.
Under the official environment, both formal and informal channels are used
as needed.
3. Unofficial channels
There exists an unofficial mode of communication as well. The employees
communicate outside work environment on topics not related to work.
General social, sports, political and personal communication are unofficial
channels. But a manager needs to be aware about the existence of such a
channel and information flowing in them. Many times rumours and gossips
also provide very important information which otherwise will not be
We need to be aware of existence of number of available channels in a team
or project. It is important to choose the right communication medium or
channel for effectively communicating.

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