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The what
She told him that she loved him.

Only she told him that she loved him.

She told only him that she loved him.
She told him that she loved only him.
Der Mann trinkt manchmal mit Freunden in der Kneipe ein Bier.

Der Mann trinkt manchmal ein Bier mit Freunden in der Kneipe.

Der Mann trinkt manchmal mit Freunden ein Bier in der Kneipe.

Ich trinke gerne zu Hause ein Glas Wein.

Ich trinke gerne ein Glas Wein zu Hause.

If a sentence says when, how and where something is
happening, the order always has to be time, manner,
The ‘WHAT’ usually goes after TMP, unless you want to emphasise it more,
then move it in between.

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