Irwin Levin-Vitae

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Irwin P. Levin
March, 2009
Identification Data

Irwin P. Levin
Appointed to rank of Professor, August 1977
First appointed to The University of Iowa as Assistant Professor, September, 1965


U.C.L.A. 1956-60 Mathematics B.A. 1960

U.C.L.A 1960-63 Psychology M.A. 1963
U.C.L.A. 1963-65 Psychology Ph.D. 1965

Academic and Professional Experience

Assistant Professor to Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Iowa,
Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Human Information Processing, University of California,
San Diego, January-August, 1973
Acting Director, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, The University of Iowa,
August 1978 - January 1979; June - August 1979
Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology and School of Urban Affairs, Portland State
University, Portland, OR, June - August 1981
Associate Director, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, The University of Iowa,
Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The
Netherlands, May - July, 1986
Director, University of Iowa Honors Program, 1986-1992
Joint appointment in Department of Marketing, University of Iowa, August 1998
Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Rome, Rome, ITALY,
March-April, 2001
Appointment to core faculty of the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Ph.D. Program,
Graduate College, University of Iowa, 2009-2012.
Appointment to Honors Faculty, University of Iowa, 2009-2014.
Professional Organizations
Psychonomic Society
Judgment and Decision Making Society
Association for Consumer Research
European Academy for Decision Making
Sigma Xi


President of local chapter of Sigma Xi and delegate to national convention, 1984-85

1985 winner of M. L. Huit Faculty Award for contributions to university and community
life, and interaction with students
1989 Faculty Achievement Award based on performance in classroom teaching and
professional scholarship: $3000 stipend provided by Burlington Northern Foundation
1990 University of Iowa nominee for the Council for Advancement and Support of
Education (CASE) National Professor of the Year
Secretary/Treasurer of Judgment and Decision Making Society, 1994-1996.
1997 Collegiate Teaching Award: $2,000 stipend from the University of Iowa based on
performance as a classroom teacher.
Selected as Commencement speaker, College of Liberal Arts, May 1997.
President, Judgment and Decision Making Society, 1998-1999.
1998 Regents Award for Faculty Excellence, awarded on the basis of a sustained record of
excellence across the spectrum of faculty endeavors.
1999 Honors Program Faculty Award
2002 University of Iowa nominee for the U.S. Professors of the Year Program
2002-2008 Named as Ray William Shearman Research Fellow, Tippie College of Business
2003-2005 Appointed to the Dean‟s Advisory Committee, Tippie College of Business
2004 Appointed to the NIH Cognition and Perception Study Section Review Panel
2004-2006. Appointed to the NSF Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program
Review Panel
2009: Elected to inaugural Honors Faculty, University of Iowa

Teaching and Student Supervision

Courses Taught

31:003 General Psychology: Spring, 1970 (84)

31:043 Evaluating Psychological Research: Spring, 1984 (33); Fall, 1985 (65); Spring 1986
(50); Spring 1988 (75); Summer 1999 (30)

31:119 Human Memory, Learning and Conceptual Processes: Summer, 1974 (8); Summer,
1977 (10)

31:120 Experimental Psychology I: Summer, 1970 (8); Fall, 1970 (96); Fall, 1971 (47);
Summer, 1972 (5); Fall, 1973 (75); Fall, 1974 (67); Summer, 1975 (10); Summer, 1976
(4); Spring, 1978 (36); Fall, 1979 (45); Summer, 1983 (16); Fall, 1983 (course shared
with Wasserman) (60); Spring, 1985 (35), Summer, 1985 (21); Spring, 1986 (55);
Spring, 1987 (75); Fall, 1988 (72); Fall, 1990 (80); Fall, 1992 (65); Fall, 1993 (60);
Fall, 1994 (80); Fall, 1995 (55); Fall, 1996 (53); Summer, 1997 (20); Fall, 1997 (73);
Summer, 1998 (20); Fall, 1998 (75); Spring, 2003 (77); Fall, 2006 (53)

31:121 Experimental Psychology II: Spring, 1972 (29); Summer, 1985 (12); Fall, 1987 (25);
Fall, 1991 (26); Spring, 1993 (29); Summer, 1993 (15); Summer, 1994 (16); Summer,
1995 (15); Spring, 1996 (27); Summer, 1996 (11); Summer, 1997 (9); Fall, 1997 (14);
Spring, 1998 (20); Summer, 1998 (10); Fall, 1998 (12); Summer 1999 (10); Fall 2001
(23); Fall, 2003 (20); Fall, 2004 (23); Fall, 2005 (30); Fall, 2008 (14)

31:124 Introduction to Mathematical Models in Psychology: Spring, 1972 (10); Fall, 1972 (9);
Spring, 1974 (6); Spring, 1975 (6); Fall, 1976 (9); Fall, 1977 (5)

31:142 Introduction to Statistics in Psychology: Fall, 1980 (35); Fall, 1981 (23); Spring, 1982
(30); Fall, 1983 (75); Summer, 1984 (15)

31:143 Introduction to Statistical Methods: Spring, 1975 (28); Summer, 1975 (10); Fall, 1975
(24); Spring, 1977 (20); Fall, 1978 (14); Spring, 1979 (15)

31:154 Psychology of Decision Making: Fall, 1999 (30)

31:190 Psychology Seminar: Fall, 2002 (28); Spring, 2004 (12); Spring, 2006 (30), Spring,
2008 (20), Spring 2009 (18)

31:195 Honors Seminar: Spring, 1971 (12); Fall, 1971 (19); Fall, 1972 (22); Spring, 1974 (14);
Fall, 1974 (18); Fall, 1975 (15); Fall, 1976 (15); Fall, 1977 (24); Spring, 1978 (24);
Spring, 1979 (12); Spring, 1980 (13); Spring, 1982 (16); Spring, 1983 (17); Spring,
1984 (18); Spring, 1985 (17); Spring, 1990 (22); Spring, 1991 (20); Spring 1992 (21);
Spring, 1993 (16); Spring, 1994 (21); Spring, 1996 (18); Spring, 1997 (17); Spring,
1998 (17); Spring, 1999 (16); Fall, 2008 (7)

31:240 Human Judgment and Decision Making: Spring, 1978 (7); Spring, 1980 (8); Fall, 1982
(8); Fall, 1984 (12); Fall, 1986 (13); Spring, 1989 (16); Fall, 1991 (10); Spring, 1994
(20); Spring, 1997 (8); Fall 1999 (14); Spring, 2001 (23); Spring, 2002 (10); Spring,
2005 (10); Fall 2007 (10)
31:248 Mathematical Models in Psychology: Spring, 1970 (17); Spring, 1971 (13)

31:338 Seminar in Mathematical Psychology: Fall, 1970 (3); Fall, 1973 (4)

6M:135 Consumer Behavior: Spring, 1999 (73; team-taught with M. Huneke); Spring, 2000
(72); Fall, 2000 (70); Fall, 2001 (71); Fall, 2002 (72); Spring, 2003 (70); Fall, 2003
(36); Spring, 2004 (70); Fall, 2004 (35); Spring, 2005 (60); Spring, 2006 (59); Fall,
2006 (51), Spring, 2008 (44); Fall, 2008 (41)

6M:190 Contemporary Topics in Marketing: Spring 2009 (15)

6M:243 Marketing Ph.D. Seminar: Research in Consumer Behavior: Spring, 1990 (12; team-
taught with G. Gaeth); Fall, 2005 (9); Fall, 2007 (6)

Guest lectures: 31:1 Elementary Psychology (Fall 1995, Fall 1996)

Teaching evaluations for 2007:

On leave for Spring semester.

Fall Marketing course: PhD Seminar – 6 students, ave. ACE rating=5.75 (1-6 scale)

31:240 Seminar in Judgment and Decision Making – 10 students:

Recommend Instructor – 5.88, Course goals Clear – 5.50, Good Examples – 5.94, Student
Questions encouraged – 6.00, Help Available – 5.94, Instructor Effective – 5.94,
Grading Criteria – 5.25, Developed Greater Appreciation – 5.94

Teaching evaluations for Spring 2008:

31:190 Psychology Seminar – 20 students:

Recommend Instructor – 5.97, Course Goals Clear – 5.38, Student Questions Encouraged –
5.89, Help Available – 5.85, Instructor Effective – 5.73, Grading Criteria – 5.56,
Developed Greater Appreciation – 5.73.

Teaching evaluations for Fall 2008

31:121 Laboratory in Psychology - 8 students

Recommend Instructor – 5.50, Questions Encouraged – 5.93, Help Available – 6.00,
Instructor Effective – 5.50, Developed Greater Appreciation – 5.70.
6M:135 Consumer Behavior - 36 students
Recommend Instructor – 5.68, Help Available – 5.60, Instructor Effective – 5.55.

Honors' Theses

Deborah Mueller, 1968. Models of personality impression formation.

Mark King, 1971. Tests of frequency theory in verbal discrimination transfer with varying
paradigms and List 1 trials. (Published in Psychonomic Science)

Merry Ford Sundberg, 1974. Selecting jurors for a jury trial.

Valerie Hensley, 1974. Integration models applied to estimates and ratings of travel cost.
(Published in Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science)

Karen Ruppert, 1975. Effects of crime severity and judge's admissibility of evidence ruling
on the judgments of simulated jury members.

Cheryl Clime, 1976. Tradeoff factors in first car and second car buying. (Published as
Technical Report #83, Institute of Urban and Regional Research)
Molaan Mosell, 1976. An experimental analysis of the role of safety in highway driving.
(Published as part of Technical Report #82, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, and as
part of paper presented at 1977 meetings of U.S. Transportation Research Board)

Connie Lamka, 1976. An experimental analysis of interpersonal factors in carpooling.

(Published as part of Technical Report #82, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, and as
part of paper presented at 1977 meetings of U.S. Transportation Research Board)

Paul Crane, 1979. The effects of perceived consequences and anticipated sentence on juror
verdicts and recommended sentences.

Ewa Bardach, 1980. Measuring imagery in speech and spider phobics. (Co-supervised
with T. Weerts)

Patricia J. Deldin, 1985. Personality and mood effects on judgments of ambiguous stimuli.
(Published in Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society)

Marja L. Davis, 1985. Same information--Different meaning: The effects of framing on

risky decision making.
Peter J. Deveaux, 1985. The effects of high-fear, low-fear, and high-positive
communication on altering health care beliefs and behaviors.

Shannon Thee, 1986. Half empty or half full? The role of framing in college students'
moral, social, and academic decision-making behavior.

Rema Afifi, 1987. An experimental study of cultural differences in factors affecting

college choice.

Kevin Lourens, 1987. Framing effects in group decision making.

Elizabeth Vera, 1988. Tests of gender differences in morality judgments. (Presented at

MPA meetings)
Deborah Cours, 1989. The interactive effects of personal experience and outside sources of
information in evaluating the usefulness of computers.

Paula Bebensee, 1990. Jurors' reactions to the credibility of eyewitness testimony.

Sharon Swanson, 1990. Effects of quality of personal experience on consumers'


Christopher Traynor, 1991. A study of Iowa magistrates in bench trials (with P. Blanck,
presented at ISPA Symposium)

Kristine Kuhn, 1991. Risk preferences and outcome magnitude in multi-outcome lotteries
(with L. Lopes, presented at meetings of Psychonomic Society).

Larry Menke, 1991. Consumer information processing in product bundling (with G. Gaeth,
presented at meetings of Judgment & Decision Making Society).

Jennifer Castellucci, 1993. The effects of bad and good product experiences on the quality
ratings of a typewriter/word processor (with G. Gaeth; presented at meetings of the Association
for Consumer Research).

Mary Lynn Westemeier, 1994. Biased decisions concerning persons with AIDS among
medical personnel (presented at meetings of the European Academy for Decision Making).

Amy Conlon, 1994. A critical review of framing effects in decision making (presented at
meetings of the Psychonomic Society).

Robyn Domsic, 1996. Affect, attributions and the self-serving bias in success and failure
situations (presented at meetings of the Judgment & Decision Making Society).

Wendy Forbes, 1997. Inclusion and exclusion processes in decision making: A closer look
(presented at meetings of the Judgment & Decision Making Society).

Joel Temperley, 1997. Effects of health food-labeling on consumer judgments.

Stacy Ignoff, 1997. Peer influences in college students' movie choices.

Leah Hunt, 1997. Social influences on drinking habits in downtown Iowa City.

Kirsten Redalen, 1999. The relation between coercive sexual experiences and perceptions
of past, current and future intimacy in dating relationships.

Tara Burmeister, 1999. The relationships between physical therapy patient expectations,
attitude and outcome.

Nicole Hill, 1999. Risk-taking behavior in college students: The role of negative
Consequences and previous experience.

Kate Darnold, 2002. Airlines use of advertising to counteract changing consumer behavior
following 9/11.

Katie Hermanson, 2003. Maximizing retention and importance: Important variables before
hiring employees.
Heather Trisko, 2004. Sex biases in hiring and firing decision making.

Berdale Colorado, 2004. Physician preferences in undergraduate students.

Jane Wu, 2004. Online and offline shopping: Focus on impulsivity.

Anne Conlin, 2004. Relating children and adults‟ risky decision making to parental

Callie Roth, 2005. The reflection effect rules: The role of previous outcomes on risk
preferences of children and adults.

Danielle Arpy, 2005. Gender stereotypes: Patient preferences for physician


Erin Scherrer, 2006. Gender differences in toy color preferences among two-five year-old
children: Blue vs. pink.

Lyndsey Bailey, 2006. Children‟s risky decision making in conditions of equal and
unequal expected value.

Brandelle Slater, 2006. TiVo causes advertising evolution.

Mark Kresowik, 2006. Interdisciplinary, co-supervised with D. Klemm, J. Solow, & R.

Colloredo-Mansfeld. Sustainable consumption and ethical economics.

Lindsey Schneider, 2006. (Co-supervised with C. Whiteman, Economics.) An

experimental approach to the independence axiom.

Douglas Long, 2007. Video games and personality: A search for relations with self-
efficacy, entitlement, need for cognition, and narcissism.

Elaine Bossard, 2008. Handedness and risky decision making.

Current: Kimberely Alex


Undergraduate Scholar Assistants Supervised

Sara K. Schnittjer, 1986-87.

Mary A. Snyder, 1986-89.
Ross Dickerson (1987-90).
Kristine Kuhn (1991-92).
Stacey Robinson (1990-92).
Jane Wu (2004).

Honors Research Practicum Supervision

Jennifer Castellucci
Tonya Sieverding
Melody Baughman
Mary Lynn Westemeier

Student Research Opportunity Program (SROP)

Gisela Adorno Cruz (2008)

Honors Teaching Practicum Supervision

Shona Kirkwood Roeder, 1992
Heather Hughes, 1993
Leah Hunt, 1996
Joel Temperley, 1996
Azure Welborn, 1996
Jenny Larkins, 1997
Amy Conner, 1997
Christi Johnson, 1998
Laurel Coffeen, 1999
Jessica Fee, 2000
Eric Ross, 2000
Jennifer Phillips, 2001
Elaine Bossard, 2008

M.A. Theses Supervised

Jeral R. Williams, 1969. Mediation effects in verbal learning as a function of associative
strength and the number of stages. (Published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology)

David W. Dickinson, 1969. Locus of mediation and first list retention in a paired-associate
chaining and a response-equivalence paradigm.

John F. Dooley, 1971. Tests of run models and span models in probability learning.

Corinne S. Dulberg, 1972. Application of the frequency theory of verbal discrimination to

probabilistic verbal discrimination learning.

Kent L. Norman, 1972. Tests of an all-or-none model of verbal mediated responding.

(Published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology)
Jeanette M. Dolezal, 1973. The integration of self-descriptions and other-descriptions on
the evaluation of job applicants. (Published in the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science)

Fernando A. Corry, 1975. A psychological analysis of mode choice decision processes.

(Published as part of Technical Report #61, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, The
University of Iowa)

Kyung Ja Kim, 1976. Levels of information processing in an information integration task.

(Paper prepared in lieu of formal thesis.)

Richard D. Johnson, 1984. Toward a formal model of inferred values in an information

integration task. (Published in the Journal of Consumer Research)

Daniel P. Chapman, 1986. The modality effect and phonological similarity: Learning-to-
learn implications. (Presented at MPA)

Kevin Schartz, 1988. Sunk cost effects in dating decisions. (Presented at MPA)

J. D. Jasper, 1993 (co-supervised with J. Plumert). Investigating the effects of rotation on

words for males and females differing in spatial and verbal ability: A new methodological
perspective. (Presented at MPA)

David Wiseman, 1993. Risky decision making: A comparison between conditions of

hypothetical and real consequences. (Published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision

Carla Reicks, 1994. Student confidence and study intentions as a function of motivation,
ability, and opportunity. (Presented at MPA)

Ph.D. Dissertations Supervised

Robert Deupree, 1966. Two-choice spatial discrimination behavior of female rats. (Co-
supervisor with R. Bogartz)

Donald L. Varner, 1968. Paired-associates learning in chronic schizophrenics and normals:

Drive and response strength ceiling effects. (Co-supervisor with L. Eron)

Jeral R. Williams, 1970. Experimentation of theoretical applications of reversal-

nonreversal shifts using the A-B, B-C, A-C paradigm.
Ira Rosen, 1970. The effects of praise and blame on the discrimination performance of
psychopathic and nonpsychopathic boys.

Kent L. Norman, 1973. Dynamic processes in stimulus integration theory: The effects of
feedback on the averaging of motor movements (Published in the Journal of Experimental

N. Kortner Nygard, 1974. A test of Hare's temporal conflict model of psychopathy. (Co-
supervisor with T. Borkovec)

Morris J. Gray, 1979. Absolute size versus proportional size of the minority in mock jury
Paul H. Virts, 1979. Television entertainment gate keeping: A study of local television
program directors' decision-making. (Co-supervisor with S. Becker, Department of Speech and
Dramatic Art)

Richard D. Johnson, 1985. The bias against incomplete information: Inferences and
framing interpretations. (published in Acta Psychologica)

Daniel P. Chapman, 1988. Towards a process model of scarce health care resource
allocation decisions. (Presented at MPA)

J. D. Jasper, 1995. The phased narrowing method: Validation and extension (Published in
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers).

David Wiseman, 1996. The effects of varied instructional sets upon gamble preferences
(Presented at MPA).

Mary Huenke (co-chair with C. Cole, Department of Marketing), 1996. Using choice
heuristics to examine consideration set formation (presented at Society for Judgment & Decision
Making conference).
Kristina Gorbatenko-Roth, 1997. Assessing the importance of patients' preferences for
domains of life functioning in health-related quality-of-life assessment (co-chair with E.
Altmaier, Counseling Psychology) (presented at Society for Judgment & Decision Making
meetings and published in Health Psychology).

Dean Yoshizumi, 2003. Decision making and the use of analogy in risky choice (presented
at Society for Judgment & Decision Making conference).

Judy Schreiber, 2005. Temporal framing of progress: A marketing intervention for

extended consumer experience (Marketing, co-chair with G. Gaeth) (presented at Society for
Consumer Psychology conference).

Stephanie Hart, 2005. The role of cognitive resources and individual differences in risk
preferences of children and adults. (presented at Society for Judgment & Decision Making

Joshua Weller, 2007. The role of affect in decisions under varying levels of uncertainty:
Converging evidence from neurological and temperament perspectives. (Parts published in
Psychological Science).

Current: Robert Rouwenhorst, Suzanne Bellman, Elaine Bossard

Visiting Graduate Exchange Students Supervised

Jan Theeuwes, Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochscule, Aachen, FRG, 1987

Ton Baggerman, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1990-91.

Marco Lauriola, University of Rome, Italy, 1999, 2000.

M.A. and Ph.D. Committee Service

I have served on over 100 M.A., Ph.D., and Honors committees. The following is a partial
list of M.A. and Ph.D. committees:
Charles Schmidt (Ph.D., 1966, Rosenbaum)
Donald Helms (Ph.D., 1966, Schulz)

George Weaver (M.A., 1966, Schulz; Ph.D., 1967, Schulz)

Ronald Hopkins (M.A., 1966, Schulz; Ph.D., 1967, Schulz)
William Braud (Ph.D., 1967, Brown)
John Bintz (Ph.D., 1967, Brown)
Stephen Holborn (Ph.D., 1968, Schulz)
Genevieve Potts (Ph.D., 1967, Rosenbaum)
Joseph Geffen (M.A., 1968, Callahan & Bechtoldt)
Thomas Radinsky (Ph.D., 1969, Murdoch)
Paul Paulus (Ph.D., 1969, Rosenbaum)
Allen Dobbs (Ph.D., 1968, Schulz)
Roger Ehlert (Ph.D., 1970, Routh)
Henry Dee (Ph.D., 1970, Benton)
Richard LeMay (Ph.D., 1970, Simon--Engineering)
Larry Wood (M.A., 1970, Hinrichs; Ph.D., 1971, Hinrichs)
Constantine Poulos (M.A., 1970, Schulz; Ph.D., 1973, Gormezano)
John Craft (Ph.D., 1971, Simon & Hinrichs)
James Selby (M.A., 1971, Rosenbaum; Ph.D., 1973, Rosenbaum)
Michael Biderman (Ph.D., 1972, Dorfman)
Richard Day (M.A., 1972, Platt)
Douglas Ullman (Ph.D., 1973, Hinrichs)
Kenneth Good (Ph.D., 1973, Baron)
Richard Halverson (Ph.D., 1974, Pallak)
Enrique Acosta (M.A., 1974, Simon; Ph.D., 1977, Simon & Hinrichs)
Steven Mewaldt (M.A., 1974, Hinrichs; Ph.D., 1975, Hinrichs)
Roger Simmons (Ph.D., 1975, McCabe--Physical Education)
John Simpson (M.A., 1975, Dorfman, Ph.D., 1977, Dorfman)
Sandra Alper (Ph.D., 1976, Retish--Special Education)
Robert Meyer (M.A., 1976, Koutsopoulos--Geography; Ph.D., 1979, Louviere--
David Treagust (M.A., 1976, Lunetta--Science Education)
David Cook (Ph.D., 1976, Pallak)
Jay Sullivan (Ph.D., 1976, Pallak)
Gary Overhultz (M.A., 1977, Dorfman)
Michael Hacker (Ph.D., 1977, Hinrichs)
William Rodgers (Ph.D., 1977, Curry--Business Administration)
Sulieman Shaman (Ph.D., 1978, Clifford--Education)
Allan Phipps (Ph.D., 1978, Reynolds--Geography)
Dale Yurko (M.A., 1978, Hinrichs)
Mary Ford (Ph.D., 1980, G. Cantor--Educational Psychology)
Thomas Eagle (M.A., 1980, Geography; Ph.D., 1982, Geography)
John Ims (Ph.D., 1980, Bechtoldt)
Robert Erickson (Ph.D., 1980, Reynolds--Geography)
Steve Butler (M.A., 1980, Rose--Accounting; Ph.D., 1982, Accounting)
Michael Cook (Ph.D., 1980, Rosenbaum)
Richard Herring (Ph.D., 1980, Hinrichs)
Jan Berie (Ph.D., 1980, Hinrichs)
Judy Vilmain (M.A., 1981, Dorfman; Ph.D., 1983, Dorfman)
Craig Russell (Ph.D., 1982, Business Administration)
Dennis White (Ph.D., 1983, Carlston)
Dennis Rausch (Ph.D., 1983, Curry--Marketing)
John Skowronski (Ph.D., 1984, Carlston)
C. Lee Riter (Ph.D., 1984, Educational Administration)
Gary Schroeder (Ph.D., 1985, Hinrichs & O'Hara)
Jeff Martzke (M.A., 1985, Routh)

Marya Leatherwood (Ph.D., 1985, Management Sciences)

Lisa Zaidi (M.A., 1985, Knutson)
Wing Hong Loke (Ph.D., 1987, Hinrichs)
Lisa Zaidi (Ph.D., 1987, Knutson)
Hai-Sook Kim (Ph.D., 1987, Baron)
Timothy Heath (Ph.D., 1987, Marketing)
Peggy Bancroft (Ph.D., 1987, Education)
Emily Richardson (Ph.D., 1987, Fowles)
Mike Sweda (Ph.D., 1988, Sines)
Chris Foertsch (M.A., 1988, Sines)
Cindy Swan (M.A., 1988, Cooper)
Dong Kim (Ph.D., 1989, Accounting, Schepanski)
Helen Schartz (M.A., 1989, Knutson)
Kerri Olson (Ph.D., 1989, Sines)
Robin Fleischer (Ph.D., 1989, Carlston)
Karen Dace (Ph.D., 1990, Communications Studies, Hirokawa)
Shu-Fang Kao (M.A., 1990, Wasserman)
Susan Elek (Ph.D., 1990, Wasserman)
Barbara Hutchins (Ph.D., 1990, Harvey & Baron)
Helen Schartz (Ph.D., 1990, Knutson)
Goutam Chakraborty (Ph.D., 1991, Marketing, Gaeth)
Mary Burgess (Ph.D., 1991, Baron)
Abran Salazar (Ph.D., 1991, Communications Studies, Hirokawa)
Moshen Shokoohi-Yekta (Ph.D., 1991, Special Educ., Retish)
Iris Stuart (Ph.D., 1992, Accounting, Christensen-Szalansky)
Kathy DeVet (M.A., 1992, Knutson)
Geoff Leatham (Ph.D., 1992, Communication Studies, Hirokawa)
Kathy DeVet (Ph.D., 1993, Knutson)
Shu-Fang Kao (Ph.D., 1993, Wasserman)
Bradley McDowell (M.A., 1993, Oden)
Linda Van Hamme (Ph.D., 1993, Wasserman)
Michelle Monk (Ph.D., 1994, Knutson)
Nils Olsen (M.A., 1994, Hart)
Robert Lehman (Ph.D., 1995, Educational Administration, Chambers)
Jaesik Lee (Ph.D., 1995, Hinrichs)
Bruce Klemz (Ph.D., 1995, Marketing, Gruca)
David Farnum (M.A., 1995, Hart)
Chifei Juang (Ph.D., 1996, Marketing, Gaeth)
Brad McDowell (Ph.D., 1996, Oden)
Joanne Daggit (Ph.D., 1996, Counseling Psychology, Colangelo)
Kim Ewert (Ph.D., 1997, Plumert)
Michael White (Ph.D., 1997, Special Education, Retish)
Alexander Fedorikhin (Ph.D., 1998, Marketing, Cole)
Thomas Williams (Ph.D., 1998, Counseling Psychology, Westefeld)
Michael Opar (Ph.D., 1999, Industrial Engineering, Buck, Lee)
Victoria Phillips (Ph.D., 1999, Spalding)
Mollie Weighner Marti (Ph.D., 1999, Windschitl)
Susan Longley (Ph.D., 2000, Watson)
Brad Olson (Ph.D., 2000, Baron)
Ainsworth Bailey (Ph.D., 2001, Marketing, Cole)
Carolyn Bonifield (Ph.D., 2002, Marketing, Cole)
Katherine Lemos (Ph.D. 2002, Baron)
David Ludden (Ph.D. 2002, Gupta)
Daniel Heller (Ph.D., 2003, Watson)

John Chambers (Ph.D., 2004, Windschitl)

Han-Wei-Chen (Ph.D., 2004, Special Education, Retish)
Vishal Lala (Ph.D., 2005, Oklahoma State University, Marketing)
Alex Casillas (Ph.D., 2005, Clark)
Himanshu Mishra (Ph.D. Marketing, Nayakankuppum), 2006,
Andrew Beer (Ph.D., 2006, Watson)
Arul Mishra (Ph.D., 2007, Marketing, Nayakankuppum)
Jason Rose (Ph.D.,2009, Psychology, Windschitl)


Departmental Administration

Director of NSF-supported Undergraduate Research Participation Program (1969-76)

Faculty Evaluation Committee (1972-73)
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (1974-75, 1988-present)
Recruiting Committee (1990-91; 1996-97)
Faculty Advisory Committee (1990-93)
Chair, Cognitive Research Area (1990-91)
Honors Advisor (1972-86, 1988-present)
Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies (1975-86, 1991-1997, 2000)
Committee on Undergraduate Studies (1999-2000, 2008-2009)

College/University Assignments

Faculty Advisory Committee (Chairman) and Research Associate, Institute of Urban and
Regional Research (1974-83)
Advisory Committee on Energy Research and Development (1975-76)
Acting Director, Institute of Urban and Regional Research (Fall, 1978-79; Summer, 1979);
Associate Director (1977-81)
Interdisciplinary Activities: Served on M.A. and Ph.D. committees for students in the
following departments: Physical Education--Motor Performance Laboratory, Home
Economics, Geography, Science Education, Special Education, Engineering,
Educational Psychology, Marketing, Accounting, Speech and Dramatic Arts,
Educational Administration, Management Sciences
Committee to evaluate faculty in Department of Urban and Regional Planning (1979-81)
Chairman of committee to evaluate the Statistical Consulting Center (1980)
Director, Center for Consumer Studies, Institute of Urban and Regional Research
Promotion Review Committees, Department of Planning (1980-84)
Committee to evaluate the Department of Sociology (1984-85)
Fact-finding committee on Admissions Policy of College of Liberal Arts (1984-85)
College of Liberal Arts Admissions Committee (1985-87)
Director, University of Iowa Honors Program (1986-1992)
Presidential Scholars Selection Committee (1983-1992)
Rhodes Scholars Selection Committee (1986, 1987, 1988, 1990)
Minority Achievement Awards Selection Committee (1986)
University Outreach and Retention Committee: Plan University recruiting efforts (1986-
Undergraduate Scholar Assistants Program: Coordinator and speaker at orientation
seminars (1986, 1987)
University Placement Service: Co-organizer and speaker at seminar each semester on
graduate school applications (1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991)
Honors Orientation: organizer and speaker (1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991)
Honors Convocation: organizer and speaker (1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991)
Faculty advisor: Association of Iowa Honors Students (1986-1992)
Alliance for Success Committee: coordinate programs for minority students with high
levels of academic achievement, including bringing to campus students from
historically black institutions
Awards selection: Robertson, Stuit, and Hancher Scholarships; University of Iowa
Foundation Awards; Senior Honors Project Grants; Senior Honors certificates; Sigma
Xi student awards (1986-1992)
Founder and organizer of Honors Recognition Week: annual week of events including
honors awards ceremonies, public presentations of honors projects, special activities of

Associated Iowa Honors Students, and Daily Iowan supplement highlighting academic
Allocation of Honors TA Funds: Proposal for "reallocation funds" approved in 1988 (for 8
TAs per year); distributed to departments based on competitive proposals (1988-1992)
Founder and organizer of Honors Research Participation Program: approximately 50
sophomore and junior honors students per year are matched with faculty for laboratory
work leading to senior Honors projects; 20 of these will be awarded travel grants to
participate in national or regional research conferences
Founder and organizer of Honors Facilitator (Teaching Practicum) Program: 20-30 senior
honors students per year serve as facilitators in GER courses and courses in major
Organizer and Director of University-wide Honors Program: co-ordinate Honors Programs
of College of Liberal Arts, Engineering, Business, Education, Nursing and Pharmacy
University of Iowa Excellence in Teaching Symposium: Apr. 1990: Panelist and speaker.
Faculty advisor: Phi Eta Sigma, National Honors Society (1986-1992); Associated Iowa
Honors Students (1986-1992)
CIC Predoctoral Minorities Fellowship Program Selection Committee: met at Indiana
University, Mar. 1991 and Mar. 1992, to select minority fellows in the social sciences
for all CIC institutions
Collegiate Teaching Award Committee (1991-92)
Search committee for Dean of College of Liberal Arts (1992-93)
Search committee for Director of Iowa Testing (1993-94)
Faculty Development Committee (1993): Reviewed approximately 60 applications for
Faculty Research Assignments and Old Gold Fellowships
Government Relations Committee (1994-95)
Emeritus Director of Honors Program: Participate in selecting staff for the program and in
awarding scholarships.
Panel to interview candidates for President of the University on undergraduate education
issues (1995)
Ad hoc committee to develop and conduct a review of the Dean of the College of Liberal
Arts (1995-96)
Faculty Senate: elected for 1993-95; re-elected for 1996-98
Educational Policy Committee: elected for 1995-98
College of Liberal Arts Task Force on Enhancement of the First-Year Experience, 1997
College of Liberal Arts First-Year Seminar Program Committee, 1997-98
Participant, 20th Anniversary Conference, CIC Predoctoral Fellowship Program,
Indianapolis, IN, October 1998
Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence selection committee: 1999
Rhodes Dunlap Honors Scholarship selection committee: 1999
Faculty Judge, Graduate Research Forum 2000
College of Liberal Arts Teaching Awards Committee: 1999-2001, Co-chair for 2000
Advisory Board for the Iowa Social Science Institute: 2001-2004
Ad Hoc Faculty Senate Committee for the Academy of Distinguished Leaders: 2001-2002
Rhodes Dunlap Honors Scholarship Selection Committee: 2002
Dean‟s Advisory Committee, Tippie School of Business: 2003-2006
James D. Robertson Honors Scholarship Selection Committee: 2004, 2005
Faculty Judge, James F. Jakobsen Graduate Forum: 2004
Social Sciences Dissertation Year Fellowship Selection Committee: 2004
Promotion and Tenure Review Committee, Tippie School of Business: 2004-2006
Trickey Undergraduate Scholarship Selection Committee: 2005, 2006
Faculty Leave Committee, Tippie School of Business: 2007
Lola Lopes Service Award Review Committee: 2008
Faculty Judge, Jakobsen Graduate Forum, 2009

Professional Service

Editorial Board: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (1991-present)

Editorial Board: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (1988-2007)
Consulting Editor: Judgment and Decision Making (2008- )

Reviewed papers for the following journals: Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal
of Mathematical Psychology, Psychonomic Science, Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, Memory & Cognition, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Human Learning and Memory, Professional Geographer, Journal of Consumer
Research, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Behavioral
Decision Making, Psychological Review, Motivation & Emotion, Basic & Applied
Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Journal of Gambling Studies, Behavioral
Medicine, Psychological Bulletin, Health Psychology, Journal of Consumer
Psychology, American Journal on Mental Retardation, Motivation and Emotion,
Medical Decision Making, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Experimental Psychology,
Thinking and Reasoning, Political Psychology, Advances in Consumer Research,
Psychological Science, Social Behavior and Personality, Journal of Advertising
Developmental Review, Psychology and Health, Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition, Political Communication, Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, International Journal of Psychology,
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual
Differences, Journal of Adolescent Health, Neuropsychology, Psychological Bulletin,
Developmental Psychology, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Medical
Decision Making, Journal of Consumer Behaviour.

Reviewed grant proposals from National Science Foundation (Social Sciences, Marketing
Sciences, Regional Sciences, Risk and Decision Making), and Israel Science

Promotion Review Committees: University of Missouri (St. Louis), Purdue University,

University of Wisconsin, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, University of
Arizona, University of South Carolina, University of Minnesota, St. John‟s University,
University of Washington (Bothell)
Chair, Selection Committee, Judgment and Decision Making Society's Einhorn New
Investigator Award (1992-93)
2000 Division Program Chairperson, Division 23, Society for Consumer Psychology,
American Psychological Association.
Secretary-Treasurer of Judgment and Decision Making Society, 1994-1996; President-
elect, 1997-1998; President, 1998-1999; Past President, 1999-2000.
NIH Review Panel, Cognition and Perception Study Section, 2004.
NSF Review Panel. Decision, Risk and Management Sciences as Program Review Panel,
Society for Judgment and Decision Making Ad Hoc program Reviewer, 2008



Levin, I. P. (1967). Induced muscle tension and response shift in paired-associate learning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 422-426.

Storms, L. H., Broen, W. E., Jr., & Levin, I. P. (1967). Verbal associative stability and
commonality as a function of stress in schizophrenics, neurotics, and normals. Journal of
Consulting Psychology, 31, 181-187.

Levin, I. P., & Williams, J. R. (1968). Effects of associative strength in a multiple choice verbal
transfer task. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 530-537.

Levin, I. P., & Williams, J. R. (1968). Factors affecting learning and intrusion rates in a multiple
choice verbal transfer task. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 78, 689-691.
Rosenbaum, M. E., & Levin, I. P. (1968). Impression formation as a function of source
credibility and order of presentation of contradictory information. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 10, 167-174.

Williams, J. R., & Levin, I. P. (1968). Mediated facilitation in a four-stage chaining paradigm.
Psychonomic Science, 12, 281-282.

Rosenbaum, M. E., & Levin, I. P. (1968). Impression formation as a function of the relative
amounts of information presented by high and low credibility sources. Psychonomic
Science, 12, 349-350.

Levin, I. P., & Schmidt, C. F. (1969). Sequential effects in impression formation with binary
intermittent responding. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 79, 283-287.

Levin, I. P., & Williams, J. R. (1969). A comparison of associative strength effects in two
different paired-associate transfer paradigms. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 81,

Rosenbaum, M. E., & Levin, I. P. (1969). Impression formation as a function of source

credibility and the polarity of information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
12, 34-37.
Levin, I. P., & Dooley, J. F. (1969). Response probabilities in a verbal discrimination task with
probabilistic reinforcement. Psychonomic Science, 14, 167-168.

Levin, I. P., & Schmidt, C. F. (1970). Differential influence of information in an impression

formation task with binary intermittent responding. Journal of Experimental Psychology,
84, 374-376.

Levin, I. P., & Dooley, J. F. (1970). Performance in a verbal discrimination task with items
differing in reinforcement probability. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 84, 508-513.

Levin, I. P., & Schmidt, C. F. (1970). A paired-comparisons paradigm for investigating person-
perceptions. Psychonomic Science, 20, 359-361.

Norman, K. L., Levin, I. P., & Williams, J. R. (1970). Mediated responding on a multiple-choice
test-only list following the acquisition of a double-function list. Psychonomic Science, 21,

Levin, I. P., Williams, J. R., Dulberg, C. S., & Norman, K. L. (1970). Studies of the effects of
preshift and postshift response dominance levels in a verbal transfer task. Journal of
Experimental Psychology, 86, 469-471.

Williams, J. R., Levin, I. P., & Norman, K. L. (1971). Mediation effects in verbal learning as a
function of associative strength and the number of stages. Journal of Experimental
Psychology, 87, 348-354.

Levin, I. P., Schmidt, C. F., & Norman, K. L. (1971). Person preference choices: Tests of a
subtractive averaging model. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 90, 258-261.

Levin, I. P., Craft, J. L., & Norman, K. L. (1971). Averaging of motor movements: Tests of an
additive model. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 91, 287-294.
King, M. E., & Levin, I. P. (1971). Tests of frequency theory in verbal discrimination transfer
with varying paradigms and List 1 trials. Psychonomic Science, 25, 226-228.

Levin, I. P., Dulberg, C. S., Dooley, J. F., & Hinrichs, J. V. (1972). Sequential dependencies in
single-item and multiple-item probability learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology,
93, 262-267.

Schmidt, C. F., & Levin, I. P. (1972). Tests of an averaging model of person preference: The
effect of context. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 23, 277-282.

Norman, K. L., & Levin, I. P. (1972). Tests of an all-or-none model of verbal mediated
responding. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 96, 247-254.

Levin, I. P., Wall, L. L., Dolezal, J. M., & Norman, K. L. (1973). Differential weighting of
positive and negative traits in impression formation as a function of prior exposure.
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 97, 114-115.

Levin, I. P., Norman, K. L., & Dolezal, J. M. (1973). Response scale effects and integration
processes in the averaging of motor movements. Journal of Motor Behavior, 5, 1-7.
Levin, I. P., & Norman, K. L. (1973). An information integration analysis of serial-temporal
effects in verbal discrimination learning. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1, 450-452.

Levin, I. P. (1973). Learning effects in information integration: Manipulation of cue validity in

an impression formation task. Memory & Cognition, 1, 236-240.

Levin, I. P. (1974). Combining personal and outside opinions: An information integration

analysis. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 3, 44-46.

Levin, I. P., & Kaplan, M. F. (1974). The set-size effect in personality impression formation is
not an artifact. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 3, 187-188.

Levin, I. P. (1974). Averaging processes and intuitive statistical judgments. Organizational

Behavior and Human Performance, 12, 83-91.

Levin, I. P. (1974). Averaging processes in ratings and choices based on numerical information.
Memory & Cognition, 2, 786-790.

Levin, I. P. (1975). Information integration in numerical judgments and decision processes.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 104, 39-53.

Levin, I. P. (1976). Processing of deviant information in inference and descriptive tasks with
simultaneous and serial presentation. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,
15, 195-211.

Levin, I. P., Kim, K. J., & Corry, F. A. (1976). Invariance of the weight parameter in
information integration. Memory & Cognition, 4, 43-47.

Levin, I. P. (1976). Comparing different models and response transformations in an information

integration task. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 7, 78-80.

Levin, I. P., & Gray, M. J. (1977). Analysis of human judgment in transportation. Great Plains-
Rocky Mountain Geographical Journal, Special Issue on Human Judgment and Spatial
Behavior, 6, 13-21.

Levin, I. P. (1977). Information integration in transportation decisions. In M. F. Kaplan & S.

Schwartz (Eds.), Human judgment and decision processes in applied settings. New York:
Academic Press.

Levin, I. P., Ims, J. R., Simpson, J. C., & Kim, K. J. (1977). The processing of deviant
information in prediction and evaluation. Memory & Cognition, 5, 679-684.

Dueker, K. J., Bair, B. O., & Levin, I. P. (1977). Ride sharing: Psychological factors.
Transportation Engineering Journal, 103, 685-692.

Levin, I. P., Mosell, M. K., Lamka, C. M., Savage, B. E., & Gray, M. J. (1977). Measurement of
psychological factors and their role in travel behavior. Transportation Research Record
649, 1-7. (Also published as Technical Report #82, Institute of Urban and Regional
Research, The University of Iowa, 1976.)

Gray, M. J., & Levin, I. P. (1978). Process analysis and scaling of occupational desirability: An
example using information integration theory. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 11,
Mosell, M. K., Lamka, C. M., Gray, M. J., & Levin, I. P. (1978). How do I get there from here?
Attitudes toward different modes of transportation. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of
Science, 85, 18-20.

Levin, I. P. (1978). The need for process research in psychophysical judgment: Comments on
"Ratio and subtractive processes in psychophysical judgment" by Veit. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General, 107, 108-111.

Meyer, R. J., Levin, I. P., & Louviere, J. J. (1978). Functional analysis of mode choice.
Transportation Research Record 673, 1-7. (Also published as Technical Report #88,
Institute of Urban and Regional Research, The University of Iowa, 1978.)
Levin, I. P. (1979). The development of attitudinal modeling approaches in transportation
research. In D. A. Hensher & P. R. Stopher (Eds.), Behavioural travel modeling. London:
Croom Helm.

Levin, I. P., & Gray, M. J. (1979). Evaluation of interpersonal influences in the formation and
promotion of carpooling. Transportation Research Record 724, 35-39. (Also published as
Technical Report #101, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, The University of Iowa,

Levin, I. P., Ims, J. R., & Vilmain, J. A. (1980). Information variability and reliability effects in
evaluating student performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 72, 355-361.

Levin, I. P., Faraone, S., & Herring, R. D. (1980). Measuring personal satisfaction under varying
economic conditions. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 16, 356-358.

Rushton, G., Levin, I. P., Louviere, J. J., Pampel, F. C., & Meyer, R. J. (1980). Forecasting
migration patterns of the elderly from experimentally-derived decision functions.
Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 68-71.

Louviere, J. J., Henley, D. H., Woodworth, G., Meyer, R. J., Levin, I. P., Stoner, J. V., Curry, D.
J., & Anderson, D. A. (1980). Laboratory simulation vs. revealed preference methods for
estimating travel demand models: An empirical comparison. Transportation Research
Record 794, 42-51.

Levin, I. P. (1981). New applications of attitude measurement and attitudinal modeling

techniques in transportation research. In W. Brog, A. Meyburg, & P. R. Stopher (Eds.),
New horizons in behavioral travel research. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books (D. C.
Heath). (Also published as Technical Report #117, Institute of Urban and Regional
Research, The University of Iowa, 1979.)

Levin, I. P. (1981). Laboratory simulation of transportation mode choice: Methods, models, and
validity tests. In W. Molt, H. A. Hartmann, & P. Stringer (Eds.), Advances in economic
psychology. Heidelberg: Edition Meyn.

Henley, D. H., Levin, I. P., Louviere, J. J., & Meyer, R. J. (1981). Changes in the relationship
between perceived and actual travel cost and time for the work trip during a period of
increasing gasoline cost. Transportation, 10, 23-34.

Levin, I. P., & Herring, R. D. (1981). Functional measurement of qualitative variables in mode
choice: Ratings of economy, safety and desirability of flying vs. driving. Transportation
Research, 15A, 207-214. (Also published as Technical Report #118, Institute of Urban and
Regional Research, The University of Iowa, 1979.)

Levin, I. P., Faraone, S. V., & McGraw, J. A. (1981). The effects of income and inflation on
personal satisfaction: Functional measurement in economic psychology. Journal of
Economic Psychology, 1, 303-318.

Levin, I. P., & Louviere, J. J. (1981). Psychological contributions to travel demand modeling.
In I. Altman, P. B. Everett, & J. F. Wohlwill (Eds.), Human behavior and environment:
Advances in theory and research. Vol. 5. Transportation and behavior. New York:
Plenum Press.

Levin, I. P. (1982). Measuring tradeoffs in carpool driving arrangement preferences.

Transportation, 11, 71-85. (Also published as Technical Report #128, Institute of Urban
and Regional Research, The University of Iowa, 1980.)

Levin, I. P., Louviere, J. J., Schepanski, A., & Norman, K. L. (1983). External validity tests of
laboratory studies of information integration. Organizational Behavior and Human
Performance, 31, 173-193.

Levin, I. P., Faraone, S. V., & McGraw, J. A. (1983). Descriptive analysis of the effects of
income and inflation on personal satisfaction: A reply to Silver. Journal of Economic
Psychology, 3, 173-175.

Dueker, K. J., Strathman, J. G., Levin, I. P., & Phipps, A. G. (1983). Rural residential
development within metropolitan areas. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 8,

Levin, I. P., Johnson, R. D., & Faraone, S. V. (1984). Information integration in price-quality
tradeoffs: The effects of missing information. Memory & Cognition, 12, 96-102.

Pampel, F. C., Levin, I. P., Louviere, J. J., Meyer, R. J., & Rushton, G. (1984). Retirement
migration decision making: The integration of geographic, social, and economic
preferences. Research on Aging, 6, 139-162.

Levin, I. P., & Johnson, R. D. (1984). Estimating price-quality tradeoffs using comparative
judgments. Journal of Consumer Research, 11, 593-600.

Levin, I. P., Johnson, R. D., Russo, C. P., & Deldin, P. J. (1985). Framing effects in judgment
tasks with varying amounts of information. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Processes, 36, 362-377.

Levin, I. P. (1985). How changes in price and salary affect economic satisfaction: Information
integration models and inference processes. Journal of Economic Psychology, 6, 143-155.

Johnson, R. D., & Levin, I. P. (1985). More than meets the eye: The effect of missing
information on purchasing judgments. Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 169-177.

Levin, I. P., & Johnson, R. D. (1985). Psychological models of decision frames and inference
processes in economic judgments. In H. Brandstatter & E. Kirchler (Eds.), Economic
psychology: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Colloquium of the International Association
for Research in Economic Psychology. Linz, Austria: R. Trauner.

Levin, I. P., Johnson, R. D., Deldin, P. J., Carstens, L. M., Cressey, L. J., & Davis, C. R. (1986).
Framing effects in decisions with completely and incompletely described alternatives.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 38, 48-64.

Deldin, P. J., & Levin, I. P. (1986). The effect of mood induction in a risky decision-making
task. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 24, 4-6.

Levin, I. P., Johnson, R. D., & Davis, M. L. (1987). How information frame influences risky
decisions: Between-subjects and within-subject comparisons. Journal of Economic
Psychology, 8, 43-54.

Levin, I. P. (1987). An associative model of the effects of information frame on consumer

behavior. In P. Leefland & M. Rice (Eds.), Contemporary Research in Marketing, York
University Press. Also published in S. Maital (Ed.), Applied Behavioural Economics,
Sussex, England/Wheatsheaf Books (1988).

Levin, I. P. (1987). Associative effects of information framing. Bulletin of the Psychonomic

Society, 25, 85-86.

Levin, I. P., & Johnson, R. D. (1987). Price-quality inferences and framing effects in consumer
judgments. In S. Maital (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Economics and
Psychology: "Choice and Exchange".

Levin, I. P., Chapman, D. P., & Johnson, R. D. (1988). Confidence in judgments based on
incomplete information: An investigation using hypothetical and real gambles. Journal of
Behavioral Decision Making, 1, 29-41.

Levin, I. P., Schnittjer, S. K., & Thee, S. L. (1988). Information framing effects in social and
personal decisions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 24, 520-529.

Levin, I. P., Snyder, M. A., & Chapman, D. P. (1988). The interaction of experiential and
situational factors, and gender in a simulated risky decision making task. Journal of
Psychology, 122, 173-181.
Levin, I. P., & Gaeth, G. J. (1988). How consumers are affected by the framing of attribute
information before and after consuming the product. Journal of Consumer Research, 15,

Louviere, J. J., Levin, I. P. Pampel, F. C., & Rushton, G. (1989). Determinants of migration of
the elderly in the United States: A model of individual-level migration decision making. In
L. Gibson & R. Stimson (Eds.), Regional Structural Change: Experience and Prospects in
Two Mature Economies, Westview Press.

Levin, I. P., & Reicks, C. J. (1990). Contemporary applications of research on judgment and
decision making. Commentary, University of Singapore Press, invited paper for special
issue on Human Judgement and Decision Making, 3, 3-8.

Levin, I. P., & Chapman, D. P. (1990). Risk taking, frame of reference, and characterization of
victim groups in AIDS treatment decisions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,
26, 421-434.

Gaeth, G. J., Levin, I. P., Chakraborty, G., & Levin, A. M. (1991). Consumer evaluation of
multi-product bundles: An information integration analysis. Marketing Letters, 2, 47-57.
Levin, I. P., Johnson, R. D., & Chapman, D. P. (1991). Individual differences in dealing with
incomplete information: Judging clinical competence. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society,
29, 451-454.

Levin, I. P., Wasserman, E. A., & Kao, S. F. (1993). Multiple methods for examining biased
information use in contingency judgments. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Processes, 55, 228-250.

Levin, I. P., & Chapman, D. P. (1993). Risky decision making and allocation of resources for
leukemia and AIDS programs. Health Psychology, 12, 110-117...

Levin, I. P., Jasper, J. D., Mittelstaedt, J. D., & Gaeth, G. J. (1993). Attitudes toward "Buy
America first" and preferences for American and Japanese cars: A different role for
country-of-origin information. In L. McAlister & M. L. Rothschild (Eds.), Advances in
Consumer Research, XX, 625-629.

Levin, I. P., & Kao, S-F. (1993). Antecedents of spending and saving habits and use of credit
cards in the Midwestern United States. In W. F. van Raaij & G. J. Bamossy (Eds.),
European Advances in Consumer Research, 1, 459-466.

Tubbs, R., Gaeth, G. J., Levin, I. P., & Van Osdol, L. A. (1993) Belief updating with consistent
and inconsistent evidence. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 6, 257-269.

Levin, I. P., & Jasper, J. D. (1995). Phased narrowing: A new process tracing method for
decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 64, 1-8.

Wiseman, D., & Levin, I. P. (1995). A new laboratory method for altering positive affect.
Psychological Reports, 76, 1103-1106.

Levin, I. P., & Jasper, J. D. (1996). An experimental analysis of nationalistic tendencies in

consumer decision processes: The case of the hybrid product. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Applied, 2, 17-30.
Levin, A. M., Davis, J. C., & Levin, I. P. (1996). Theoretical and empirical linkages between
consumers' responses to different branding strategies. In K. Corfman & J. Lynch (Eds.),
Advances in Consumer Research, XXIII, 296-300.

Levin, I. P., Jasper, J. D., & Gaeth, G. J. (1996). Measuring the effects of framing country-of-
origin information: A process tracing approach. In K. P. Corfman & J. G. Lynch, Jr.
(Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, XXIII, 385-389.

Smith, S. M., & Levin, I. P. (1996). Need for cognition and choice framing effects. Journal of
Behavioral Decision Making, 9, 283-290.

Wiseman, D., & Levin, I. P. (1996). Comparing risky decision making under conditions of real
and hypothetical consequences. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,
66, 241-250.

Levin, A. M., Levin, I. P., & Heath, C. E. (1997). Movie stars and authors as brand names:
Measuring brand equity in experiential products. In M. Brucks & D. J. MacInnis (Eds.),
Advances in Consumer Research, XXIV, 175-181.

Braun, K. A., Gaeth, G. J., & Levin, I. P. (1997). Framing effects with differential impact: The
role of attribute salience. In M. Brucks & D. J. MacInnis (Eds.), Advances in Consumer
Research, XXIV, 405-411.

Gaeth, G. J., Levin, I. P., Sood, S., Juang, C., & Castelluci, J. (1997). Consumers' attitude
change across sequences of successful and unsuccessful product usage. Marketing Letters,
8, 41-53.

Kahn, B. E., Greenleaf, E., Irwin, J. R., Isen, A. M., Levin, I. P., Luce, M. F., Pontes, M. C.,
Shanteau, J., Vanhuele, M., & Young, M. J. (1997). Examining medical decision making
from a marketing perspective. Marketing Letters, 8, 361-375.

Levin, I. P., Jasper, J. D., & Forbes, W. S. (1998). Choosing versus rejecting options at different
stages of decision making. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 11, 193-210.
Levin, I. P., Schneider, S. L., & Gaeth, G. J. (1998). All frames are not created equal: A
typology and critical analysis of framing effects. Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes, 76, 149-188. (On list of OBHDP top 25 downloaded articles.)

Schoenauer, L. M., Thomas, G. S., Tiegler, B., & Levin, I. P. (1999). Tennis anyone?
Personality correlates of singles and doubles playing preferences. Psi Chi Journal of
Undergraduate Research, 4, 107-112.

Graber, M. A., Bergus, G., Dawson, J. D., Wood, G. B., Levy, D. T., & Levin, I. P. (2000). The
effect of a patient's psychiatric history on physicians' estimation of the probability of
disease. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 15, 204-206.

Levin, I. P., Huneke, M. E., & Jasper, J. D. (2000). Information processing at successive stages
of decision making: Need for cognition and inclusion-exclusion effects. Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82, 171-193.

Levin, I. P., & Levin, A. M. (2000). Modeling the role of brand alliances in the assimilation of
product evaluations. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9, 43-52, (invited paper)

Lauriola, M., & Levin, I. P. (2001). Relating individual differences in attitude toward ambiguity
to risky choices. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 14, 107-122.

Lauriola, M., & Levin, I. P. (2001). Personality traits and risky decision making in a controlled
experimental task: An exploratory study. Personality and Individual Differences, 31, 215-

Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., Evangelista, F., Albaum, G., & Schreiber, J. (2001). How positive and
negative frames influence the decisions of persons in America and Australia. The Asia-
Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 13, 64-71.

Gorbatenko-Roth, K. G., Levin, I. P., Altmaier, E. M., & Doebbling, B. N. (2001). Accuracy of
health-related quality of life assessment: What is the benefit of incorporating patients'
preferences for domain functioning? Health Psychology, 20, 136-140.

Levin, I. P., Prosansky, C. M., Heller, D., & Brunick, B. M. (2001). Prescreening of choice
options in "positive" and "negative" decision making tasks. Journal of Behavioral
Decision Making, 14, 279-293.

Jasper, J. D., & Levin, I. P. (2001). Validating a new process tracing method for decision
making. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 33, 496-512.
Bergus, G. R., Levin, I. P., & Elstein, A. S. (2002). Presenting risks and benefits to patients: The
effect of information order on decision-making. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 17,

Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., Schreiber, J., & Lauriola, M. (2002). A new look at framing effects:
Distribution of effect sizes, individual differences and independence of types of effects.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 88, 411-429.

Levin, I. P., Schreiber, J., Lauriola, M., & Gaeth, G. J. (2002). A tale of two pizzas: Building up
from a basic product versus scaling down from a fully loaded product. Marketing Letters,
13, 335-344.

Heller, D., Levin, I. P., & Goransson, M. (2002). Selection of strategies for narrowing choice
options: Antecedents and consequences. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Processes, 89, 1194-1213.

Levin, A. M., Levin, I. P., & Heath, C.E. (2003). Product category dependent consumer
preferences for online and offline shopping features and their influence on multi-channel
retail alliances. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 4, 85-93.

Levin, I. P., & Hart, S. S. (2003). Risk preferences in young children: Early evidence of
individual differences in reaction to potential gains and losses. Journal of Behavioral
Decision Making, 16, 397-413.

Levin, I. P., & Lauriola, M. (2003). A new paradigm for studying the economic and behavioral
consequences of framing health-related decisions. International Business & Economics
Research Journal, 2, 25-32.

Levin, I. P. (2004). Selected entries in M. Lewis-Beck, A. Brefman, & T. F. Liao (Eds.), The
Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, (pp. 1031-1035, 1065-1066, 1068-
1069, 1080, 1149-1151). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Huneke, M. E., Cole, C. A., & Levin, I. P. (2004). How varying levels of knowledge and
motivation affect search and confidence during consideration and choice. Marketing
Letters, 15, 67-79.

Levin, A. M., Levin, I. P., & Heath, C. (2005). Finding the best ways to combine online and
offline shopping features. In C. Haugtvedt, K. Machleit, & R. Yalch (Eds.), Online
Consumer Psychology: Understanding and Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Virtual
World. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Lauriola, M., Russo, P. M., Lucidi, F., Violani, C., & Levin, I. P. (2005). The role of personality
in positively and negatively framed risky health decisions. Personality and Individual
Differences, 38, 45-59.

Shiv, B., Bechara, A., Levin, I. P., Alba, J., Bettman, J. R., Dube, L., Isen, A., Mellers, B.,
Smidts, A., Grant, S. J., & McGraw, P. (2005). Decision neuroscience. Marketing Letters,
16, 375-386.

Levin, A. M., Levin, I. P., & Weller, J. A. (2005). A multi-attribute analysis of preferences for
online and offline shopping : Differences across products, consumers and shopping stages.
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 6, 281-290.

Levin, I. P., Rouwenhorst, R. M., & Trisko, H. M. (2005). Separating gender biases in screening
and selecting candidates for hiring and firing. Social Behavior and Personality, 33, 793-80

Gaeth, G. J., & Levin, I. P. (2007). Framing effects and management innovation decisions.
Invited paper for special issue of Management Executive, January/February, 26-29.

Levin, I. P., Hart, S. S., Weller, J. A., & Harshman, L. (2007). Stability of choices in a risky
decision making task: A 3-year longitudinal study with children and adults. Journal of
Behavioral Decision Making, 20, 241-252.

Lauriola, M., Levin, I. P., & Hart, S. S. (2007). Common and distinct factors in decision making
under ambiguity and risk: A psychometric study of individual differences. Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes , 104, 130-149.
Weller, J. A., Levin, I. P., Shiv, B., & Bechara, A.. (2007). Neural correlates of adaptive
decision making in risky gains and losses. Psychological Science, 18, 958-964.
(Selected as “must-reading” for Faculty of 1000 Biology.)

Levin, I. P., Weller, J. A., Pederson, A. A., & Harshman, L. A.(2007) Age-related differences in
adaptive decision making: Sensitivity to expected value in risky choice. Judgment and
Decision Making, 2, 225-233.

Carter, R., Schneider, L., Byrum, L. Forest, E., Jochem, L., & Levin, I. P. (2007). Effects of own
and partner‟s gender on cooperation is the prisoner‟s dilemma game. Psi Chi Journal of
Undergraduate Research,12, 111-1

Schneider, L., Levin, I.P., & Whiteman, C. Even weakened certainty independence is violated in
experiments. Submitted for publication.

Weller, J.A., Levin, I.P., Shiv, B., & Bechara, A. (in press) The effects of insula damage on
decision making for risky gains and losses.`Social Neuroscience.

Xue, G., Lu, Z., Levin, I.P., Weller, J.A., Li, X., & Bechara, A. (2008) Functional dissociations
of risk and reward processing in the medial prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, bhn147 v1,
published online on October 8, 2008.

Levin, A. M., Cook, M., & Levin, I.P. (in press) Measuring and accounting for cross-country
response biases in marketing food and drink products. Journal of International Consumer
Marketing: Special Issue on Cross-Cultural Issues in International Consumer Marketing.

Peters, E., & Levin, I.P. (2008) Dissecting the risky-choice framing effect: Numeracy as an
individual difference factor in weighting risky and riskless options. Judgment and Decision
Making, 3, 435-448 (Lead Article).

Weller, J.A., Levin, I.P., & Bechara, A.(in press) Do individual differences in Iowa Gambling
Task performance predict adaptive decision making for risky gains and losses? Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.

Levin, A.M., & Levin, I.P. Packaging of healthy and unhealthy products for children and
parents: the relative influence of licensed characters and brand names. Submitted for

Weller, J.A., Levin, I.P., & Denburg, N. Risky decision making from age 5 to 85: Adaptive
decision making for risky gains and losses. Submitted for publication.

Books and Monographs

Levin, I. P., & Hinrichs, J. V. (1995). Experimental Psychology: Contemporary Methods

and Applications. Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark. (425 pp. research methodology

Levin, I. P. (1999). Relating statistics and experimental design: An introduction.

Monograph for Sage University Paper Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences,
series no. 07-125. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (90 pp.)

Hart, S.S., & Levin, I.P. (2008). Risk preference of adults and children: The influence of
cognitive load and individual differences. Aachen, Germany:Verlag.

Papers Presented

Dolezal, J. M., Levin, I. P., & Norman, K. L. Differential weighting of successive motor
movements in an averaging task. Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Iowa City,

Dolezal, J. M., & Levin, I. P. The integration of self-descriptions and descriptions by outside
references in the evaluation of job applicants. Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science,
Fayette, 1974. (Published in Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, 1975, 82, 139-

Levin, I. P., & Hensley, V. S. Averaging and set-size effects in selecting groups of movies for a
film festival. Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Fayette, 1974. (Published in
Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, 1975, 82, 144-147.) Han-Wei-Chen (Ph.D.,
2004, Special Education, Retish)
Levin, I. P., & Gibbs, C. M. Discounting of deviant information in a number averaging task.
Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, 1974.

Hensley, V. S., & Levin, I. P. Judgments of travel expense: Application of models of

information integration. Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Ames, 1975.
(Published in Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, 1976, 83, 35-39.)

Kim, K. J., & Levin, I. P. Determining the degree of psychological importance of each factor in
a multi-factor information processing task. Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science,
Ames, 1975.

Corry, F. A., & Levin, I. P. Information integration models of transportation mode choice.
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, 1975.

Levin, I. P. Information integration models of transportation decisions. Meeting of the U.S.

Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 1976.

Gray, M. J., & Levin, I. P. Weighting of factors in rating of occupational desirability. Meeting
of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, 1976.

Gray, M. J., & Levin, I. P. Factors affecting ratings of occupational desirability. Meeting of the
Iowa Academy of Science, Dubuque, 1976.

Levin, I. P., & Gray, M. J. Analysis of human judgment in transportation. Special Session on
Human Judgment and Spatial Behavior, Great Plains-Rocky Mountain Division of the
American Association of Geographers, Manhattan, KS, 1976.

Levin, I. P., Mosell, M. K., Lamka, C. M., Savage, B. E., & Gray, M. J. Measurement of
"psychological" factors and their role in travel behavior. Meeting of the U.S.
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 1977.

Dueker, K. J., Bair, B. O., & Levin, I. P. Ride sharing: Implications for the future. Meeting of
the American Society of Civil Engineers, Dallas, April 1977.
Gray, M. J., & Levin, I. P. How do college students evaluate courses? They average
information. Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Des Moines, April 1977.

Lamka, C. M., & Levin, I. P. Who uses buses and who drives cars? Subjective impressions of
college students. Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Des Moines, April 1977.

Mosell, M. K., & Levin, I. P. Psychological factors in carpooling. Meeting of the Iowa
Academy of Science, Des Moines, April 1977.

Treagust, D. F., Levin, I. P., & Lunetta, V. N. An analysis of the learning of a four category
concept in science using the Bower and Trabasso model and concept identification.
Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Des Moines, April 1977.

Levin, I. P. Information integration and intuitive statistical processes. Meeting of the American
Psychological Association, San Francisco, August 1977.

Louviere, J. J., & Levin, I. P. Functional measurement analysis of spatial and travel behavior.
Meeting of the Association for Consumer Research, Chicago, October 1977.

Meyer, R. J., Levin, I. P., & Louviere, J. J. Functional analysis of mode choice. Meeting of the
U.S. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 1978.

Meyer, R. J., Henley, D. H., Levin, I. P., & Louviere, J. J. Issues in modeling travel behavior in
simulated choice environments: A review. Special session for the Association of American
Geographers, New Orleans, April 1978.

Gray, M. J., & Levin, I. P. Interpersonal factors in ridesharing: Basic findings and applications.
Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans, April 1978.

Tharp, D. A., Levin, I. P., Curry, D. J., & Gray, M. J. To rate or to rank? Empirical comparisons
of two measurement techniques. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association,
Chicago, May 1978.

Gray, M. J., Strathman, J. G., Levin, I. P., & Dueker, K. J. Rural vs. suburban residential choice:
A progress report. Meeting of the U.S. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
January 1979.

Levin, I. P., & Gray, M. J. Evaluation of interpersonal influences in the formation and
promotion of carpools. Meeting of the U.S. Transportation Research Board, Washington,
D.C., January 1979.
Vilmain, J. A., Ims, J. R., & Levin, I. P. Information reliability effects in evaluating student
performance. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1979.

Levin, I. P. Analysis of transportation and housing decisions through functional measurement.

Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Phoenix, November 1979.

Meyer, R. J., Levin, I. P., Louviere, J. J., Pampel, F. C., & Rushton, G. A behavioral analysis of
retirement migration decisions. Second Annual Behavioral Conference on Aging, Fort
Lauderdale, January 1980.

Levin, I. P., Meyer, R. J., Henley, D. H., & Louviere, J. J. Individual decision processes in mode
choice. Meeting of the U.S. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January
Pampel, F. C., Meyer, R. J., Levin, I. P., Louviere, J. J., & Rushton, G. Forecasting migration
patterns of the elderly from experimentally-derived decision functions. Special session on

Recent Developments in Social Services Forecasting, meeting of the American Statistical

Association, Houston, August 1980.

Rushton, G., Levin, I. P., Louviere, J. J., Meyer, R. J., & Pampel, F. C. Migration decision-
making by people approaching retirement. Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Los Angeles, April 1981.

Levin, I. P. Measuring economic attitudes and individualized economic impacts. Judgment and
Decision Making Conference, Philadelphia, November 1981.

Levin, I. P., Johnson, R. D., Faraone, S. V., & Hanson, L. T. Averaging processes in the
formation of economic attitudes. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association,
Minneapolis, May 1982.

Levin, I. P., & Johnson, R. D. Information integration in price-quality tradeoffs: Effects of

missing information. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, November 1982.
Uecker, W. C., Schepanski, A., Shin, J., & Levin, I. P. Toward an empirical theory of
information evaluation in a principal-agency setting. Meeting of the American Accounting
Association, New Orleans, August 1983.

Levin, I. P., Johnson, R. D., Chapman, D. P., Deldin, P. J., & Russo, C. P. Inference processes in
judging clinical competency. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association,
Chicago, May 1984. (Also published in ERIC)

Levin, I. P., & Johnson, R. D. The role of missing information in judgment and decision
making. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Antonio, November 1984.

Johnson, R. D., & Levin, I. P. The role of missing information in price-quality judgments.
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1985. (Also
published in ERIC)

Johnson, R. D., Levin, I. P., & Cressey, L. J. Relying on your own best judgment: Imputing
values to missing information in decision making. Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1986.

Levin, I. P., & Johnson, R. D. Confidence in judgments based on incomplete information.

Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, November 1986.
Levin, I. P. Associative effects of information framing on human judgments. Meeting of the
Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1987.

Levin, I. P. An associative model of the effects of information frame on consumer behavior.

European Marketing Academy Conference, Toronto, June 1987.

Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., Johnson, R. D., & Theeuwes, J. Information framing effects: their
robustness and interpretation. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Seattle, November

Schartz, K. M., & Levin, I. P. Commitment in dating decisions. Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, April 1988.

Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. Perceived responsibility for AIDS and health care resource
allocation decisions: "Blaming the victim" revisited. Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, April 1988.

Snyder, M. A., & Levin, I. P. Abortion decisions as a function of presented and projected risk.
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, April 1988.

Chapman, D. P., Levin, I. P., & Bateman, B. L. Effects of feedback and response mode on the
availability heuristic. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, November 1988.

Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. AIDS and medical decision making: A procedural analysis.
Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Richmond, VA, October 1988.

Vera, E., & Levin, I. P. Sex differences in moral decision making. Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1989.

Levin, I. P., Snyder, M. A., & Dickerson, R. W. The relative weighting of positive and negative
instance data: The case for and against seat belt use. Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1989.

Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. An experimental investigation of responsibility biases and

symptom severity effects in AIDS treatment decisions. Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1989.

Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. Attribution in AIDS victimization: Experimental paradigm and
theoretical model. Presented at Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New
Orleans, August 1989.

Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. Responsibility attribution, information frame, and risk taking in
AIDS treatment decisions. Presented at Meeting of the Medical Decision Making Society,
Minneapolis, October 1989.

Gaeth, G. J., Levin, I. P., Cours, D. A., & Combs, S. Framing of attribute information in product
descriptions. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference,
New Orleans, October 1989.

Levin, I. P., & Chapman, D. P. A forced-choice paradigm for comparing medical risk taking for
different victim groups. Presented at the Meetings of the Psychonomic Society, Atlanta,
November 1989.

Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. AIDS and Risky Medical Decisions. Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1990.

Kao, S. F., Levin, I. P., & Wasserman, E. A. Contingency Judgment: Unequal Effect of Cell
Information. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1990.

Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. Echoic Interference Potential and the Modality Effect. Meeting
of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1990.

Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. Risk Taking and Outgroup Derogation. Meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Boston, August 1990.
Chapman, D. P., & Levin, I. P. AIDS Treatment Decision Biases: Are Some Lives "Worth
Less"? Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, August 1990.

Tubbs, R. M., Gaeth, G. J., Levin, I. P., & Van Osdol, L. A. Order effects in belief updating with
consistent and inconsistent evidence. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans,
November 1990.

Levin, I. P., Wasserman, E. A., & Kao, S. F. Multiple methods for examining contingency
judgments. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, November 1990.

Levin, I. P., Kao, S. F., & Wasserman, E. A. Biased information usage in contingency judgment.
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1991.

Chapman, D. C., Levin, I. P., & Kuhn, K. Information integration in AIDS treatment decisions.
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1991.

Cole, C., Gaeth, G. J., Chakraborty, G., & Levin, I. P. Exploring the relationship among self-
reported knowledge, objective knowledge, product usage, and consumer decision making.
Special session on the Measurement of Knowledge, Meeting of the Association for
Consumer Research, Chicago, October 1991.

Levin, I. P., Baggerman, T., & Gaeth, G. J. Effects of information framing and involvement in
investment decision making. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco,
November 1991.

Kuhn, K., Lopes, L. L., & Levin, I. P. Reflection of risk preferences and scale of magnitude.
Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, November 1991.

Levin, I. P., Kao, S-F., & Wasserman, E. A. Learning effects and cell information use in
contingency judgments. Meeting of the Judgment & Decision Making Society, San
Francisco, November 1991.

Menke, L. P., Gaeth, G. J., Levin, I. P., & Chakraborty, G. Consumer information processing in
judging product bundles. Meeting of the Judgment & Decision Making Society, San
Francisco, November 1991.

Levin, I. P., Jasper, J. D., Mittelstaedt, J. D., & Gaeth, G. J. Attitudes toward "Buy America
first" and preferences for American and Japanese cars. Meeting of the Association for
consumer Research, Vancouver, B. C., October, 1992.
Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J, Juang, C., & Balachander, S. V. Judgments of film quality based on
critics' comments and personal viewing experience. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society,
St. Louis, November 1992.

Gaeth, G. J., Levin, I. P., Castellucci, J., & Sieverding, T. How consumers integrate good and
bad product experiences. Meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, St.
Louis, November 1992.

Gaeth, G. J., Menke, L., & Levin, I. P. Consumer decision making for product bundles: An
information integration approach. Meeting of the American Marketing Association,
Newport Beach, CA, February 1993.

Gaeth, G. J., Levin, I. P., Castellucci, J., & Sood, S. Multiple product experiences and the
"rebound effect." Meeting of the Association for Consumer Research, Nashville, October

Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., & Conlon, A. B. A review and synthesis of inconsistent findings in
framing effects research. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Washington, D.C.,
November 1993.

Levin, I. P., & Jasper, J. D. Identifying compensatory and noncompensatory processes in phased
decision making. Meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, Washington,
D.C., November 1993.

Levin, I. P., Johnson, R. D., & Jasper, J. D. The role of nationalism at different stages of the
consumer choice process: Comparisons between the U.S. and Canada. Fourth Symposium
on Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business Studies, Turtle Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, December

Levin, I. P., & Jasper, J. D. An experimental analysis of nationalism in consumer decisions.

Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1994.

Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., & Menke, L. An analysis of consumer reactions to the unique features
of product bundles. Meeting of the Association for Consumer Research, Boston, October

Levin, A. M., & Levin, I. P. One of the most common choices we make: Which movies to see.
Meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, St. Louis, November 1994.

Phillips, V. L., & Levin, I. P. Examining avenues of social influence on individual decision
making. Meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, St. Louis, November

Wiseman, D. B., & Levin, I. P. Comparing risky decision making under conditions of real and
hypothetical consequences. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association,
Chicago, May 1995.

Levin, I. P. Serving the masses. Open meeting: Problems, concerns and proposed resolutions in
offering quality undergraduate education. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, May 1995.

Phillips, V. L., Levin, I. P., Hubbard, T., McCray, S., & Nelson, C. Social influence on
individual decision making. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association,
Chicago, May 1995.
Reicks, C. J., & Levin, I. P. Student confidence and study decisions as a function of motivation,
ability and opportunity. Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago,
May 1995.

Levin, I. P., Jasper, J. D., & Gaeth, G. J. Measuring the effects of framing country-of-origin
information: A process tracing approach. Meeting of the Association for Consumer
Research, Minneapolis, October 1995.

Levin, A. M., Davis, J. C., & Levin, I. P. Theoretical and empirical linkages between consumers'
responses to different branding strategies. Meeting of the Association for Consumer
Research, Minneapolis, October 1995.
Levin, I. P., Domsic, R., & Gaeth, G. J. Individual differences in reaction to experiences of
success and failure. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Los Angeles, November 1995.

Schneider, S. L., Levin, I. P., & Gaeth, G. J. The three faces of framing: Risk preference,
evaluation, and persuasion. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Los Angeles, November

Phillips, V. L., & Levin,, I. P. Utilization of social information: Does choice behavior reflect
personal opinion? Meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, Los Angeles,
November 1995.

Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., Juang, C., & Chakraborty, G. The effects of discretionary choice on
consumer reactions to product bundles. Meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making
Society, Los Angeles, November 1995.

Jasper, J. D., & Levin, I. P. Validating a new process tracing technique for researchers and
decision makers. Meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, Los Angeles,
November 1995.

Chapman, D. C., Levin, I. P., Westemeier, M. L., & Rosenthal, D. Contrast between physicians'
attitudes and treatment decisions concerning AIDS patients. Meeting of American
Psychiatric Association, Boston, October 1995.

Levin, A. M., & Levin, I. P. Brand equity effects in consumers' choices of experiential products:
Star power and movie selections. American Marketing Association Educators' Conference,
San Diego, August 1996.

Braun, K. A., Gaeth, G. J., & Levin, I. P. Framing effects with differential impact: The role of
attribute salience. Association for Consumer Research Conference, Tucson, October 1996.

Levin, A. M., Levin, I. P., & Heath, C. E. Movie stars and authors as brand names: Measuring
brand equity in experiential products. Association for Consumer Research Conference,
Tucson, October 1996.

Levin, I. P., Jasper, J. D., Forbes, W., & Temperley, J. Inclusion and exclusion processes in
phased narrowing of choice options. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago,
November 1996.

Phillips, V., & Levin, I. P. Social context and individual differences in decision making.
Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Chicago, November 1996.
Levin, A. M., & Levin, I. P. A model of assimilation and contrast processes in product
evaluations: The role of brand alliances. Association for Consumer Research Conference,
Denver, October 1997.

Huneke, M. E., Forbes, W. S., Levin, I. P., & Jasper, J. D. Comparing decision processes in set
formation and final choice. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making.
Philadelphia, November 1997.

Gorbatenko-Roth, K. G., & Levin, I. P. Capturing patients' judgment policies in weighting

different domains of quality of life. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision
Making, Philadelphia, November 1997.

Levin, I. P., & Levin, A. M. Modeling the combined effects of assimilation and contrast
processes in a consumer judgment task. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision
Making. Philadelphia, November 1997.

Levin, I. P., & Jasper, J. D. Further insights into the roles of consumer nationalism and
animosity in choosing multinational products. Sixth Symposium on Cross-Cultural
Consumer and Business Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1997.

Levin, I. P. Information processing measures for phased decision making. 1998 Midwest
Marketing Camp, University of Iowa, Iowa City, May 1998.

Bergus, G., Levin, I. P., & Johnson, C. (October, 1998). The influence of information order on
patient decision making. Meeting of the Society of Medical Decision Making, Boston.

Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., Schneider, S. L., Phillips, V. L., & Redalen, K. I. Explaining attribute
framing effects: The half-full/half-empty phenomenon. Meeting of the Psychonomic
Society. Dallas, November 1998.

Levin, I. P., Huneke, M. E., Jasper, J. D., Burmeister, T., Nguyen, V., & Temperley, J. Tracking
individual differences at different stages of decision making. Meeting of the Society for
Judgment and Decision Making, Dallas, November 1998.
Longley, S., Levin, I. P., Shaffer, S., & Redalen, K. Personality and medical decision making.
Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Dallas, November 1998.

Yoshizumi, D. A., & Levin, I. P. Creating uncertainty: Do experimental tasks "say" what they're
supposed to say?. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Dallas,
November 1998.

Prosansky, C. M., & Levin, I. P. Inclusion and exclusion in prescreening options for a positive
and negative decision task. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making,
Los Angeles, CA, November 1999.

Yoshizumi, D. A., & Levin, I. P. Why the ratio-bias may have more to do with randomness than
with ratios. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Los Angeles, CA,
November 1999.

Levin, I. P. Why do you and I make different decisions? Tracking individual differences in
decision making. Presidential address for Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Los
Angeles, CA, November 1999.

Levin, I. P., Lauriola, M., Gaeth, G. J., & Schreiber, J. Generality across cultures of the effects
of framing consumer judgments. Meeting of the American Psychological Association,
Washington, D.C., August 2000.

Schreiber, J., Levin, I. P., & Gaeth, G. J. A new look at information framing effects: How
reliable are they and who is affected? Iowa Decision Making Camp, Iowa State University,
Ames, IA, August 2000.

Bergus, G., Levin, I. P., & Elstein, A. The impact of information order on decision-making by
patients. Meeting of the Medical Decision Making Society, Cincinnati, OH, September

Levin, I. P. Processing of information in "positive" and "negative" decision making. Meeting of

the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA, November 2000.

Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., Schreiber, J., Rennekamp, K., & Lauriola, M. Tracking individual
differences in decision making: A progress report. Meeting of the Society for Judgment
and Decision Making, New Orleans, LA, November 2000.

Yoshizumi, D., & Levin, I. P. Written probability gambles are more certain than graphical
displays. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, New Orleans, LA,
November 2000.

Levin, A. M., Heath, C., & Levin, I. P. Consumer evaluations of brand alliances on the world
wide web: The role of context. 2001 Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference,
Seattle, WA, May 2001.

Hart, S. S., & Levin, I. P. Do differences in risk preference develop at an early age? Studying
risky decision making in 5- and 6-year olds. Meeting of Society for Judgment and
Decision Making, Orlando, FL, November 2001.

Heller, D., & Levin, I. P. Selection of strategies for screening options on multiple choice tasks.
Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Orlando, FL, November 2001.

Hart, S. S., Levin, I. P., Hietpas, K., Budden, J., & Bretthauer, M. Relating decision making of
young children and their parents. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision
Making, Kansas City, MO, November 2002.

Heller, D., & Levin, I. P. Narrowing choices: Pure and mixed strategies. Meeting of the Society
for Judgment and Decision Making, Kansas City, MO, November 2002.

Lauriola, M., Russo, P., Lucidi, F., & Levin, I. P. The role of information framing and problem
content in everyday health decisions. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision
Making, Kansas City, MO, November 2002.

Levin, I. P., Levin, A. M., & Weller, J. A multi-attribute multi-stage model of online/offline
shopping preferences. Meeting of the Association for Consumer Research, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, October 2003.

Hart, S. S., Curtis, K., & Levin, I. P. Biases and heuristics in children‟s decision making.
Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, November 2003.
Levin, I. P., Gaeth, G. J., Lauriola, M., Lucidi, F., & Russo, P. Reframing the frame: Extending
the attribute framing paradigm. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision
Making, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 2003.

Levin, I. P., Lauriola, M., & Hart, S. S. Attitude toward ambiguity as a predictor of responses to
uncertainty in different domains. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision
Making, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 2003.

Meloy, M. G., Russo, J. E., & Levin, I. P. Selecting versus rejecting: Quest for compatibility.
Meeting of the Society for Consumer Psychology, San Francisco, CA, February 2004.

Levin, I. P., Rouwenhorst, R., & Trisko, H. Screening strategies and biases in consideration set
formation. Meeting of the American Psychological Association (Division of Consumer
Psychology), Honolulu, HI, July 2004.

Levin, I. P., Shiv, B., Bechara, A., and Weller, J. A. A study in “decision neuroscience”:
Comparing risky decision making in emotionally impaired patients and controls. Meeting
of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Minneapolis, MN, November 2004.

Weller, J. A., Rouwenhorst, R., Levin, A. M., and Levin, I. P. Online and offline shopping
decisions: The case of the cart abandoner. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and
Decision Making, Minneapolis, MN, November 2004.

Levin, I. P., and Gaeth, G. J. It started with the Asian Disease Problem: Framing effects in
health decisions. Conference: Aging, Decision Making and Cancer: An Invitation for
Multidisciplinary Research, Iowa City, IA, November 2005.

Hart, S. S., Levin, I. P., and Friedrichsen, K. Effect of cognitive load on risk preferences of
children and adults. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making,
Minneapolis, MN, November 2004.

Kaup, A., Denburg, N. L., Recknor, E., Kholsa, S. S., Friedrichsen, H., Levin, I. P., Tranel, D.,
and Bechara, A. The effect of deliberation on decision-making in older adults. Meetings
of the International Neurological Society, St. Louis, February 2005.

Weller, J. A., Levin, I. P., Bechara, A., and Shiv, B. Affect and risky decision making: A
decision neuroscience approach. Midwestern Psychological Association annual
conference, Chicago, IL, May 2005.

Hart, S. S., Levin, I. P., Bailey, L., and Palmer, C. Reliability of risk attitudes in children and
adults. Presented at the Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision, Toronto,
Canada, November 2005.

Westfall, J., Hart, S. S., Levin, I. P., Christman, S. D., and Jasper, J. D. Handedness, gender, and
patterns of risk-behavior: A look at worthless planes and ambiguous urns. Presented at the
Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision, Toronto, Canada, November 2005.

Levin, I. P., Weller, J. A., Bechara, A., and Shiv, B. Assessing the joint roles of risk and
ambiguity in understanding structural deficits in decision making. Presented at the Meeting
of the Society for Judgment and Decision, Toronto, Canada, November 2005.

Weller, J. A., Levin, I. P., Bechara, A., and Shiv, B. The role of emotion in the reflection effect:
Evidence from lesion studies. Presented at special Judgment and Decision Making Pre-
conference at Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Palm Springs,
CA, January 2006.

Levin, I. P., Schreiber, J., and Gaeth, G. J. Temporal framing of progress in an extended
consumer compliance task. Presented at Meeting of the Society for Consumer Psychology,
Miami, FL, February 2006.

Levin, I. P., and Frank, A. J. Analyzing a decision of historic significance. Psychology senior
seminar project. Poster for pre-conference on teaching decision making, 10th Biennial
Behavioral Decision Research in Management conference, Santa Monica, CA, June 2006.

Levin, I. P., Lauriola, M., & Rouwenhorst, R. Framing and reference point effects in decisions
under ambiguity. Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Houston,
TX, November 2006.

Papers presented at Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Long Beach,
CA, November 2007:

Levin, I. P., Weller, J.A., Hart, S.S., Pederson, A.A., & Harshman, L. Developmental
trajectory of risky decision making.

Hart, S.S., & Levin, I.P. Locus of control as a factor in gambler‟s fallacy and hot-outcome

Ramchandran, K., Levin, I.P., Harshman, L., Gruntler, A., Tranel, D., Denburg, N., &
Bechara, A. Neurological basis of temporal construal theory.

Levin, I.P ., Lauriola,, M., Rouwenhorst, R., & Hamilton, M. The role of expectancies in
decision making under ambiguity. .

Paper presented at Meeting of the Society for Neural Science, San Diego, CA, November, 2007:

Ramchandran, K., Yamada, T., Levin, I., Nayankankuppam, D., Tranel, D., Bechara, A, &
Denburg, N. Aging effects on financial and health related decisions.

Weller, J.A., Levin, I.P., Shiv, B., & Bechara, A. The effects of insula damage on decision
making for risky gains and losses. Presented at Judgment and Decision Making
Preconference for Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Albuquerque,
NM, February 2008.

Levin, A. M., & Levin, I.P. Endorser influence on product judgment and choice: A comparative
study of children and their parents. Working Paper presented at Association for Consumer
Research Conference, San Francisco, CA, October 2008.

Weller, J., Levin, I., Denburg, N., & Bossard,E. Adaptive decision making across the lifespan:
An examination of risky decision making from ages 5 to 85. Poster presented at Society for
Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Chicago, IL, November 2008.

Bossard, E.A., Levin, I.P., Jasper, J.D., & Christman, S.D. Individual differences in handedness:
Comparing adaptive risky decision making in children and adults. Poster presented at
Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Chicago, IL, November 2008.
Weller, J., Levin, I., Denburg, N., & Fisher, A. Charting the developmental trajectory of adaptive
decision making across the lifespan from ages 5 to 85. Paper to be presented for
Symposium, “Development of decision-making competence; behavioral and
neuropsychological evidence”. Society for Research in Child Development conference,
April 2009, Denver, CO.

(See also International Conferences in next section.)


Symposia, Workshops, International Conferences, and Invited Addresses

Symposium: Integration theory: A unified approach to diverse judgments. Paper entitled,

"Integration of sequential information: Probability learning and other choice tasks."
Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, 1972.

Symposium: Impression formation: Empirical and theoretical issues and integrations. Paper
entitled, "Role of response requirements in impression formation." Meeting of the
Midwestern Psychological Association, Cleveland, 1972.

Invited Address: "Numerical information processing: Models and applications." Northern

Illinois University, DeKalb, 1975.

Symposium: Human judgment and decision making in application. Paper entitled, "Information
integration in transportation decisions." Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, 1976.
Workshop: Mathematical social science board workshop on the theory and measurement of
economic choice behavior. Paper entitled, "Modeling psychological factors in
transportation behavior." University of California, Berkeley, 1976.

Symposium: Models of information integration: Theory and application. Paper entitled,

"Information integration, retention, and levels of information processing." Meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., 1976.

Symposium: Why is carpooling not more common? How to promote it. Paper (with K. Dueker)
entitled, "Carpooling: Attitudes and participation." Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Washington, D.C., 1976.

Invited Address: "Human judgment and intuitive statistics." Kansas State University,
Manhattan, 1976.

International Workshop: "Attitudes, attitudinal measurement and the relationship between

behavior and attitudes." Third International Conference on Behavioural Travel Modeling,
Australia, 1977.

International Colloquium: Third European Colloquium on Economic Psychology. Paper entitled,

"Laboratory simulation of transportation mode choice: Methods, models and validity tests,"
and research report entitled, "Report of research activities of The University of Iowa's
Institute of Urban and Regional Research." Augsburg, West Germany, August 1978.

Conference: National Ridesharing Conference. Paper entitled, "Utilizing acquaintanceship

networks in ridesharing programs." Baltimore, MD, September 1978.

Conference: Applying Behavioral Science to Transportation Planning, Policy and Management.

Charleston, SC, October 1978.

International Conference: Fourth International Conference on Behavioural Travel Modeling.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany, July 1979. (International travel funds provided
by NSF.)

International Conference: World Conference on Transport Research. Paper (with J. Louviere)

entitled, "Application of a psychological process theory to transport research." London,
April 1980.

Report to U.S. Department of Transportation: "The development and test of mathematical

models of traveler perceptions and decisions." Washington, D.C., June 1980.

Keynote Speech: "Recent research on carpooling at The University of Iowa." Kirkwood

Community College Ridesharing Workshops, Cedar Rapids and Ames, IA, March 1981.

Invited Address: "The psychology of making travel decisions." Learning at Lunch Program,
Division of Continuing Education, College of Medicine, The University of Iowa, March

Seminar on Practical Models of Transportation Behavior: "Basic concepts of behavioral

modeling." The Institute of Urban and Regional Research, The University of Iowa, April
Colloquium: "Human judgment and decision making: Psychological principles and applications
to regional studies." Department of Psychology and School of Urban Affairs, Portland
State University, Portland, OR, April 1981.

Invited Address: "Spatial and economic tradeoffs in residential choice." Geography Staff
Seminar, The University of Iowa, February 1982.

Invited Address (with J. Louviere): "Human judgment and decision making: Applications to
health care." Health Services Research Brown Bag Lunch, The University of Iowa, April

Invited Address: "Psychological foundations of probabilistic discrete choice analysis." Tutorial

Session on Probabilistic Discrete Choice Models, Annual Meeting of West Lakes Division,
Association of American Geographers, Iowa City, November 1983.

Keynote Speech: Scholars Recognition Day, The University of Iowa, March 1984 and April

International Colloquium: 10th Annual Colloquium of the International Association for Research
in Economic Psychology. Paper entitled, "Psychological models of decision frames and
inference processes in economic judgments." Linz, Austria, July 1985.

Invited Address: "Inferring missing values in decision making." Behavioral Research Seminar,
College of Business Administration, The University of Iowa, November 1985.

Invited Address: "Information integration models and applications to economic psychology."

Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, June 1986.

Colloquium: "Subjective factors in the psychology of decision making." Department of

Psychology, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, June 1986.

International Conference: International Conference on Economics and Psychology. Two papers:

Paper entitled, "Price-quality inferences and framing effects in consumer judgments";
Paper (with T. Poiesz) entitled, "Cross-cultural perceptions of money". Haifa, Israel, July

International Conference: European Marketing Academy. "An associative model of the effects
of information frame on consumer behavior." Toronto, Canada, June 1987.

Chair: Workshop on the Role of Undergraduate Research in a Large Multifaceted University.

National Collegiate Honors Council Conference, Dallas, October 1987.

Invited participant: Second Invitational Conference on Judgment and Decision Making, Nags
Head, N. C., May 1988; paper entitled, "Integration processes in information framing

Invited paper: "Is that all there is? Dealing with missing information in decision making."
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, April 1989.

Invited address: "Issues in the Psychology of Decision Making." Luther College, Decorah, Iowa,
May 1989.

International Conference: Marketing Education Group Conference. "Information integration

processes in buyer behaviour" (with G. Gaeth & R. Johnson). University of Glasgow,
Scotland, July 1989.

Invited address: "Information integration processes in consumer judgments." University of

California, Los Angeles, December 1989.

Invited participant: Banff Invitational Symposium on Consumer Decision Making and Choice
Behavior, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 1990; papers (with G. Gaeth) entitled, "Consumer
decision processes in evaluating product bundles" and "Personal experience with real
products as a factor in product choices."

Invited participant: Third Invitational Conference on Judgment and Decision Making, Nags
Head, N. C., June 1990; paper entitled, "Moderating influences on the effects of
information framing."

Invited address: "Social and societal influences on decision making." Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN, March 1992.

Invited participant: Fourth Invitational "Nags Head" Conference on Attitudes, Judgment, and
Decision Making, Boca Raton, FL, May 1992; paper entitled, "Individual differences in
information elaboration in judgment and decision making."
International conference: European Summer Conference of Association of Consumer Research.
"Antecedents of spending and saving habits and use of credit cards in the Midwestern
United States" (with S-F. Kao). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 1992.

Invited address: "Framing effects and economic behavior." Tilburg University, Tilburg, The
Netherlands, June 1992.

Invited participant: Fifth Invitational Conference on Attitudes, Judgment, and Decision Making,
Boca Raton, FL, May 1994; paper entitled, "Tracking individual differences in decision
weights across successive stages.”

Invited address: "Development of a new process tracing method for decision making."
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February 1995.

Invited address: "New perspectives on framing effects." University of South Florida, Tampa,
FL, February 1995.

Invited address: "Consumer behavior from an experimental psychologist's perspective."

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, March 1995.

Invited address: "A new perspective on framing effects in decision making." University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ, March 1995.

Invited address: "A new process tracing technique: Applications in Psychology and Marketing."
California State University, Northridge, CA, April 1995.

International conference: 15th Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision

Making. Two papers: "Phased narrowing: A new process tracing method for multi-
attribute judgments and decisions" (with J. D. Jasper); and "Using a risky decision making
task to derive measures of bias towards persons with AIDS" (with M. L. Westemeier).
Jerusalem, Israel, August 1995.
Invited participant in the Special Conference on Choice, sponsored by Columbia University and
New York University, New York, June 1996.

International conference: 16th Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision

Making. Two papers: "Phased narrowing and information monitoring as complementary
process tracing techniques" (with J. Jasper, M. Huneke, & W. Forbes) and "Social
influences on individual and comparative judgments" (with V. Phillips). Leeds, England,
August 1997.

Invited address: Behavioral Decision Theory special workshop preceding Association for
Consumer Research conference: "Analysis and critique of process tracing techniques in
decision making." Boulder, CO, October, 1997.

Invited address: Industrial Engineering Graduate Seminar: "Applications of behavioral decision

theory: Decomposing the composite product." University of Iowa, March, 1998.

Invited address: Lundquist College of Business Graduate Seminar: "Studying contextual

influences on decision making: Research methods and results." University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR, February 1999.
International conference: 7th Cross-Cultural Consumer Research Conference. Paper: "How
positive and negative frames influence the decisions of persons in different cultures" (with
G. J. Gaeth, F. Evangelista, G. Albaum, & J. Schreiber). Cancun, Mexico, December 1999.

Invited addresses: "An introduction to the field of human judgment and decision making,"
"Theories and models of judgment and decision making," "Recent research contributions in
judgment and decision making," University of Rome, Department of Psychology, March-
April 2001.

International conference: 18th Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision

Making. Three papers: "Relating individual differences in attitude toward ambiguity to
risky choices: An extreme groups design approach" (with M. Lauriola), "Selection of
strategies for narrowing choice options: Antecedents and consequences" (with D. Heller),
"Framing life experiences: Individual differences in judging pleasant and unpleasant
events" (with G. Gaeth and J. Schreiber). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 2001.

Invited address: "Framing effects: They're everywhere!" Department of Marketing. University

of Houston, October 2001.

International conference: 8th Cross-cultural Consumer Research Conference: "A tale of two
pizzas: Inclusion and exclusion processes in choices made by American and Italian
consumers" (with M. Lauriola, J. Schreiber, & G. J. Gaeth). Turtle Bay, Hawaii, December

Invited address: "Framing in communications: Some recent research findings and applications.
School of Management, University of New Mexico, March 2002.

International conference: 11th European Conference on Personality: “The Role of Personality

Traits in Positively and Negatively Framed Risky Health Decisions” (with M. Lauriola, F.
Lucidi, & P. M. Russo). Universität Jena, Germany, July 2002.

Invited address: “Individual differences in risky choice preference reversals: Studies with adults
and children.” Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, March 2003.
Invited address: “Developing a model of online/offline shopping preferences.” College of
Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, April 2003.

International conference: The European Applied Business Research Conference: “A new

paradigm for studying the economic and behavioral consequences of framing health-related
decisions” (with M. Lauriola). Venice, Italy, June 2003.

International conference: Third International Business and Economy Conference: “Preferences

for online and offline shopping: A comparison of consumer behavior in the United States
and Italy” (with A. Levin, M. Lauriola, & J. Weller). San Francisco, CA, January 2004.

Invited participant: Choice Symposium, Estes Park, CO, June 2004.

International conference: Marketing Science: “Developing a comprehensive model of

online/offline shopping preferences” (with A. Levin, M. Lauriola, and J. Weller). Eramus
University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, June 2004.

International conference: Fourth International Business and Economy Conference: “New

methods in Decision Neuroscience and their application to cross-cultural consumer studies”
(with B. Shiv, A. Bechara, and J. A. Weller). Honolulu, HI, January 2005.
International conference: 20th Biennial Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and
Decision Making: “A Decision Neuroscience study of the role of emotion under varying
levels of risk and ambiguity” (with J. A. Weller, A. Bechara, B. Shiv). Stockholm Sweden,
August 2005.

International conference: Fifth International Business and Economy Conference. “Examining

economic and health decisions under uncertainty: A study in the U.S. and Italy” with M
Lauriola). Honolulu, HI, January 2006.

Symposium (organizer and presenter):10th Biennial Behavioral Decision Research in

Management conference. “Neuropsychological approaches to understanding decisions
under uncertainty.” Santa Monica, CA, June 2006.
International Workshop: Cognition and Emotion in Economic Decision Making. “Neural
correlates of adaptive decision making across decision domains: Do losses loom larger than

gains?” (with J. A. Weller, A. Bechara, B. Shiv). University of Trento, Roverto, Italy,

January 2007.

Invited Address: “From ground beef to gray matter: Framing effects and differential reactions to
gains and losses”. Decision Research, Eugene, OR, February, 2007.
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, March, 2007.

Paper presented at 12th Cross-Cultural Research Conference: “A multi-attribute analysis of

comparative evaluations of soft drinks across countries” (with A. M. Levin, & M. Cook).
Honolulu, HI, December, 2007.

Invited address: “Studying risky decision making: It‟s a risky business. The case of framing and
reflection effects. University of Cincinnati, March 2008.

Research Support

1967-70: Graduate College, The University of Iowa, "seed grant." "Sequential

dependencies in information integration." Principal Investigator. $5,000.

1968-69: National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH 15741-01. "Response hierarchies

in verbal learning and transfer." Principal Investigator. $5,000.

1969, '70, '71, '72, '73, '74, and „76: National Science Foundation. "Undergraduate
Research Participation Program." Project Director.

1973: Research assignment awarded by The University of Iowa. "Information processing

models for human memory and stimulus integration." Conducted at the Center for Human
Information Processing, University of California, and San Diego.

1973: National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH 23911-01. "Information integration in

verbal learning." Principal Investigator. $5,000.
1974-76: Research support sponsored by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration of
the U.S. Department of Transportation and administered by The University of Iowa's Institute of
Urban and Regional Research.

1977-78: U.S. Department of Transportation Grant No. 7-3-0072. "Application of

attitudinal models to carpool participation." Principal Investigator. $7,856.

1977-79: National Science Foundation Grant SOC-7712752. "Suburban/rural residential

choice." Co-Principal Investigator (with K. Dueker). $86,500.

1978-80: U.S. Department of Transportation Grant No. RC82029. "The development and
test of mathematical models of traveler perceptions and decisions." Principal Investigator.

1978-81: National Institute on Aging Grant No. R01A601182. "Retirement decision-

making: Determinants of migration." Co-Investigator (with G. Rushton and J. Louviere).
(Acting Principal Investigator, April-July, 1980) $120,000 (direct costs).

1980-81: National Science Foundation Grant No. SES-7925115. "The effects of increasing
commuting costs on residential location decisions." Principal Investigator. $9,156.
1981: Developmental Assignment awarded by The University of Iowa. "Models of
judgment and decision making applied to problems of home location choice and transportation
use." Conducted at the School of Urban Affairs, Portland State University.

1982-85: Continuation of National Institute on Aging Grant No. R01A601182.

"Retirement decision-making." Co-Principal Investigator (with G. Rushton). $45,000 (direct

1988-89: Marketing Science Institute: "Consumer evaluation of product tie-ins: An

information integration approach." Co-Principal Investigator (with G. Gaeth, Department of
Marketing). $9,000.
1990-93: National Science Foundation: "Mediating influences on the effect of information
frame in judgment and decision making." Principal Investigator (with G. Gaeth as Co-PI).

1998-99: Central Investment Fund for Research Enhancement (CIFRE) grant from
University of Iowa, "Order effects in medical decision making." Co-Principal Investigator (with
G. Bergus, College of Medicine). $8,200.

2001: Developmental Assignment awarded by the University of Iowa, "Cross-cultural

comparisons of decision making," conducted in part at the University of Rome.

2000-03: National Science Foundation Grant No. SES-0001316, "Tracking individual

differences in decision making." Principal Investigator. $164,600.

2002: Spelman-Rockefeller program grant, “Development of tasks for studying decision

biases in children.” Principal Investigator. $6,000

2002-2006: National Science Foundation Grant No. SES 02-17620, "Development of

individual differences in decision biases." Principal Investigator. $262,000
2004-2008: National Science Foundation Grant No. SES 03-50984, “Interplay of affect and
cognition in decision making: Comparing emotionally impaired patients and controls.” Principal
Investigator (with B. Shiv as Co-PI). $291,100

2005-2007: Supplemental award for NSF Grant No. SES-50984, Research Experience for
Undergraduates. $14,400.

2005-2008: Supplemental travel award for NSF Grant No. SES-50984, $5,900.

2007. Momentum Plus Grant from University of Iowa to supplement NSF Grant No. SES-
50984 to increase diversity of research team (with C. Cole). $5,000.

2007-2010: National Science Foundation Grant No. SES 07-21103: “Development of

Individual Differences in Decision Biases, Phase II: Decision-Making Competence in Children”.
Principal Investigator (with J. Weller as Co-PI). $395,600.

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