G3 Grade Level

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1. Count in steps of 6: 6, __, 18, 24, 30, __ /2

2. Count in steps of 7: 49, 42, __, 28, __, 14 /2
3. Count in steps of 9: 45, 54, 63, __, 81, __ /2
4. Count in steps of 25: 25, __, 75, __, 125, 150 /2

5. Round 5672 to the nearest 1000 _____ /1

6. Round 812 to the nearest 10 _____ /1

Find the multiples of the given numbers and add them to

make the target number

7. Target number: 39 /2
Add a multiple of 6 to a multiple of 9
(6 x __) + (9 x __) = 39

8. Target number: 64 /2
Add a multiple of 25 to a multiple of 7
(25 x __) + (7 x __) = 64

The numbers in these sequences increase or decrease by

1000 each time. Complete the sequences

9. 25000, ____, 26000, ____, ____ /3

10. 3152, ____, 1152, ____, ____ /3
Here are some temperatures:
4C -3C 5C 0C -2C
11. Which is the warmest temperature? /1
12. Which is the coldest temperature? /1
13. Fill in the missing numbers /2

Decompose the following numbers

14. 9253 = 9000 + ____ + 50 + ____ /1
15. 2230 = ____ + ____ + ____ + ____ /2

Write the largest and smallest numbers that can be made

using all the digits: 2 1 9 7 5
16. Largest: /2
17. Smallest: /2
18. Add /1

+2 1 9

19. Subtract /1
3 13
2 1 9

20. Write the missing digits to complete the

calculations /3

1 5
- 15
4 4

21. Add /2
783 + 985

22. Subtract /2
1021 - 876
23. Factor pairs of 8 are /2
__ and 8
2 and __

24. Factor pairs of 18 are /4

1 and __
2 and __
__ and __

25. Complete the multiplications

147 x 3 /2
x 100 40 7
3 300 120 21
147 x 3 = ____ + ____ + ____ = ____

318 x 2 /4
x ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
318 x 2 = ____ + ____ + ____ = ____

26. Multiply using any method /4

386 x 9
27. Twenty-five lamp posts are equally spaced along
the road. The posts are 180 meters apart. What is the
distance between the first and the last lamp post in
kilometers. /4
28. Write the calculations in the correct part of
the table /4

120÷8 84÷6 105÷5 81÷9

Less than 10 Between 10 and 20 More than 20

29. Divide and write the remainder as

a mixed fraction /2

5) 9 2


92÷5 =
5)317 /4

30. Underline numbers that are divisible by 4: /2

96 154 1044 132 522
96 is divisible by 4 because the remainder is zero.

31. Sofia says, “All numbers that end in 4 are divisible by

4.” Is Sofia correct? How do you know? /2

32. Here are 4 numbers. Use each number once to make

a total that is divisible by 8 /2

5 7 3 2

__ __ + __ __ =
33. Fill in the blanks using the following words /4
prime composite even odd

A number with more than two factors is called

A number with only two factors (1 and the number itself) is
called ___________
A number that ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 is called ___________
A number that ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 is called ___________
34. Fill in the blanks /3
of 36 = __
of 24 = __
of 25 = __

35. The table shows Amy’s test results.

Complete the table /6

Test result Equivalent Percentage

7 ❑
English 10 100 ___ %
9 ❑
Math 10 100 ___ %
8 ❑
Science 10 100 ___ %

36. Which is larger? /3

5 3

8 4

5 2

6 3

1 3

2 8

37. Circle the fraction that is greater

1 3
than 2 but less than 4 /1
3 25 7
8 48 8

38. Write these fractions, decimals and percentages in

order starting with the smallest /5

3 1
0.7 2
0.2 30%

40. Write the following improper fractions as

mixed fractions /2

4 =1 1

2 =

8 =

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