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Google Glass:

Google Glass is a wearable smart glass which enabled users to check messages, view photos, get

the directions, make phone calls and search the Internet with a 3-5 hour battery. It was launched

in the year 2013 in US with an encouragement to tweet with a hash tag of #IfIHadGlass.

What happened?

The truth is the consumers weren’t willing to pay for a device that didn’t go above and beyond

what they already had like their smart phones. The glass’s most desirable features are video

recording and GPS tracking which led to the drain in the battery and the battery only lasted for

3 hours when using these features. With lot of criticism and Glass’s reputation beginning to sink,

the product was discontinued in the year 2015.

Some industries have succeeded finding the use for Google’s invention. In the year 2017 the

Glass Enterprise edition was released. It aimed at businesses seeking to make their employees

more efficient. Many global companies like DHL, Volkswagen and Boeing have seen noticeable

efficiency in the reconfigured product with much more powerful processor, upgraded camera and

significantly longer battery life. Google discovered that it was engineers and factory logistics

workers who needed real-time information while using both hands while working that could

benefit the most from their technology. Even more upgraded and powerful device was launched

in the year 2019 with a price of 999$ to similar success with industry professionals.

Real Problems:

The product garnered considerable criticism, with concerns about its price, safety, and privacy.

Glass didn’t fail only because it looks weird. There were also many security and safety concerns
surrounding the release of the glass. People weren’t used to see such a device fitted with camera

which always pointed out them. This is the reason why many bars and restaurants in the United

States completely banned the glass for the privacy of every individual on the premises. Some

governments also described them as a threat to road safety and as a distraction from the driver’s

full attention. Users preferred the idea of delving into their pockets to retrieve their smart phone

where they have access to a much faster device with a better camera battery back-up and a

better screen. So people opted their smart phones rather than buying a glass at a price of 1500$.

Reasons for the state of Google Glass:

There are 2 main factors or reasons for the state of the Google Glass.

I personally think Google glass’s earlier edition of 2013 failed through lot of criticism, with its

weird looks and with concerns about its price, safety, and privacy. It has failed and then later it

got re-launched in the year 2015 and 2019 with their latest editions targeting business sectors

and for their employees. This factor led the success of Google Glass.

disappear-you-can-find-it-on-the-factory-floor WABE host Jim Burress contributed to this


glasses/ Rachel Metz, MIT Technology Review’s senior editor for mobile technology, 2014

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