Summer Internship Report (Siddhant Kumar) 1-1

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Summer Internship Project Report

Impact of Digital Marketing on Revenue Generation
with reference to INGLU
Towards partial fulfilment of

Degree of Master of Business Administration

Siddhant Kumar
MBA IIIrd Semester
Session (2020-2022)


Dr. Raji
Assistant Professor
MBA Department



This is to certify that Mr Siddhant Kumar, Third semester student of

Master of Business Administration, Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Sitapur Road, Lucknow has completed the project report
entitled “Impact of Digital Marketing on Revenue Generation with
reference to INGLU” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration.

Date: Lucknow

Dr. Mohit Kumar

MBA Department
IET, Lucknow

This is to certify that Mr Siddhant Kumar, Third semester student of

Master of Business Administration, Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Sitapur Road, Lucknow has completed the project report
entitled “Impact of Digital Marketing on Revenue Generation with
reference to INGLU” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration.

Date :-

Dr. Raji
Assistant Prof.
MBA Department
IET Lucknow

I undersigned, hereby declare that the project titled Impact of Digital

Marketing on Revenue Generation with reference to INGLU
submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of Degree of Master of
Business Administration is a bonafide record of work done by me
under the guidance of “Dr. Raji”. This report has not previously
formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, or similar title
of any University.

Place :
Date :

Siddhant Kumar
As a part of the MBA Curriculum and in order to gain practical
Knowledge in the field of management, I am required to make a report
on Impact of Digital Marketing on Revenue Generation with
reference to INGLU. The Basic Objective behind doing this Summer
Internship Report is to get knowledge tools of different tools of
marketing and get the better understanding of the market.

In this Summer Internship Report I have included various concepts,

effects and implications regarding to Digital Marketing on Revenue

Doing this Project report helped me to enhance my knowledge

regarding the work into Understanding the Digital Marketing on
Revenue Generation. I‘ve gone undergone many experiences related
with my topic concepts. Through this report I came to know about
importance of team work androle of devotion towards the work.

This whole report has been divided into undergiven chapters :

 Inroduction of the topic

 Objective of the study
 Research Methodology
 Data Analysis and Interpretation
 Findings, Suggestion and Conclusion
 Limitations
 Recommendations
Through this acknowledgement I express my sincere gratitude towards
all those people who helped me in this project, which has been a
learning experience.

This space wouldn‘t be enough to extend my warm gratitude towards

my project guide Dr. Raji for efforts in coordinating with my work
and guiding in right direction.

I escalate a heartfelt regards to our Convener Dr. Mohit Kumar

for giving me the essential hand in concluding this work.
It would be injustice to proceed without acknowledging those vital
supports I received from my beloved classmates and friends, without
whom I would have been half done.

I also use this space to offer my sincere love to my parents and all
others who had been there, helping me walk through this work.

Thank You

Siddhant Kumar


Chapter Topics Page no.

Company`s certificate i
Institute certificate ii
Cerificate form Faculty iii

Student Declaration iv

Acknowledgement v

Declaration vi
Preface vii

Executive Summary viii











Project title: ―A Project on Impact of Digital Marketing on Revenue Generation with reference to

Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices (computers) such as personal
computers, Smartphone‘s, cell phones, tablets and game consoles to engage with stakeholders. Digital
marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail, apps (classic and mobile) and social

INGLU has emerged as one of the best online media companies in the Indian marketplace. The company
offers a plethora of services in all online media platforms. The offerings include marketing and
consulting on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, slideshare, YouTube, and Google. Though the company was
started only two years ago, it is way ahead of most of competitors through its relentless pursuit of
perfection and enormous amount of creativity which they put in their work. The firm worked with
multiple brands on social media and currently have 4 out of Top 30 brands in Facebook India.

The project was in the marketing department of INGLU. The project was ―A project on Impact of Digital
Marketing on Revenue Generation with reference to INGLU.” This report will help to get an idea about
digital marketing and how the digital marketing has impact on revenue generation for digital marketing
companies and with reference to INGLU. Through this study we will see how online media companies
emerging how they are generating revenue and how they are growing economically and revenue
generation models of online media companies particularly reference to INGLU.

Main findings in this study are given here. Indian customers are highly information seekers. They collect
more information about a product before buying it. Internet penetration in India is key player for this
phenomenon. Most of Indians are getting stimulus through advertisements, but they are not reaching to
end phase of customers purchase journey, mainly in high involvement purchases. Brands are getting more
touch point to reach their target group in this digital era. More details about findings are given in this

Chapter 1


To begin with, as a part of the curriculum final project report is required for completion of the degree.
Given a choice one was allowed to choose the field in which he/she was interested. As my interest and
curiosity was in online or digital marketing, I choose to work with a start-up company named INGLU, I
choose the start-up company because with a start-up I can explore myself and why digital marketing?
Because it is booming industry, the growth of digital marketing is tremendous and expected to grow
more. Due to this final project, I learnt every aspect of digital marketing include (business development
process, content writing, social media) Marketing practices have dramatically shifted with the rise of
social media and proliferation of devices, platforms, and applications. Your prospective and current
customers are trying to communicate with you, and you can listen and respond faster, and with more
personalization than ever before. This shifting environment presents new opportunities and challenges
for marketers. With digital marketing, it's easy to fall behind. Digital marketing equips you with the
tools you need to assess your organization‘s social media and digital marketing strategy and helps you
identify areas of improvement. Useful for individuals from small- to medium-sized businesses who want
to use new media as a vehicle for growth. Organizations are leveraging digital marketing methods for
successful marketing strategy implementation inbound marketing through publishing content online in
the form of portals, podcasts, e-journals, online campaigns, social media marketing, search services; and
outbound marketing including email marketing, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds and others. A
recent survey of 3300 business executives from various industries indicates that on an average, 34% of a
company‘s leads come from inbound marketing verses 22% through 1 outbound marketing.

1.1 Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing can be defined as the process of promoting of brands using digital distribution channels
comprising internet, mobile and other interactive channels. The basic advantage in this form of
advertising lies in its low cost model.
Digital Marketing can be classified into Pull and Push marketing.


Pull digital marketing technologies involve the user having to seek out and directly grab (or pull) the
content via web searches. Web site/blogs and streaming media (audio and video) are good examples of
this. In each of these examples, users have a specific link (URL) to view the content.

Push digital marketing technologies involve both the marketer (creator of the message) as well as the
recipients (the user). Email, SMS,RSS are examples of push digital marketing. In each of these examples,
the marketer has to send (push) the messages to the users (subscribers) in order for the message to be

1.1.2 Web Site Designing

From the initial process of taking inputs from clients, planning on the basis of such inputs to final
implementation and testing – all are done using latest web designing techniques and skills. Our services
have the advantage of offering clarity in its design style, which is backed up with an easy and free flowing
content and latest technical know-how. Not only we provide affordable web site design and ecommerce
web development services but also search engine friendly designs. Our Service Includes

• Website Design

• Website Redesign
• Shopping Cart Web Design
• Detailed and Advanced Page Layout
• Custom Logo Design

• Banner Ads
• Custom Graphics Design using advanced design tools.

1.2 Digital Marketing Trends:

Organizations are implementing a wide range of digital channels so as to engage customers in a more
personalized way. Digital marketing trends that organizations are rapidly embracing include

1.2.1 Mobility:

Business Insider's recent report indicates that globally, one in every five people owns a smart phone, and
one in every 17 owns a tablet. That's an increase of nearly 1.3 billion smartphones in last four years.
Therefore, an increased user base accessing the internet via smartphones has prompted many companies to
optimize their online content for mobile devices.

1.2.2 Social media:

Organizations are focusing on engaging with customers through social media to offer real-time
interactions. Social media helps organizations reach out to a vast pool of potential customers by supplying
them with medical and campaign-related information.

1.2.3 Social-Local-Mobile marketing:

The growing popularity of smart mobile devices, increasing location based social activities like experience
sharing, review reading via social media and the evolution of Global Positioning System (GPS) are
helping companies leverage Social-Local-Mobile marketing activities.

1.2.4 Personalized Content marketing:

Customer engagement, acquisition and retention have all taken on a new dimension with the delivery of
unique, personalized, and relevant messages through identified digital channels. Email is one of the most
preferred marketing channel to broadcast targeted organization messages and campaigns to existing and
prospective customers.
1.2.5 Advanced analytics:

Increased adoption of digital channels is generating large volumes of customer behavioural data.
Advanced actionable analytics can help organizations define targeted marketing strategies.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Organizations are focusing on
SEO efforts and paid search advertising for enhancing the visibility of their products and services. One
more trend that has been observed recently is the continually mounting costs of pay-per-click (PPC) that
has resulted in the increased disappointment with this form of search engine Advertising. According to
experts, the reason behind such high costs is the huge investments made by large business concerns.
Consequently, online business owners have now turned to the organic search results delivered through
search engine optimization to enjoy so many advantages. There is currently more emphasis given to
usergenerated content, improved conversion rates, location- or language specific campaigns, and E-mail

The future of online Advertising is going to be more interactive with elevated bandwidth and computing
speed. Viewing and transmitting videos will be a cakewalk for web surfers. There is also every possibility

of witnessing browser-specific results in the coming days. Social media will consolidate their dominance
further. They will not only make more revenues, but will grab the attention of more and more users as
well. As far as search engine optimization is concerned, the search engine algorithms and link
determination factors will be complicated.
Further, thereby giving a hard time to online Advertising companies. Websites will be a lot slimmer to
enhance user browsing experience. Last but not least, video search will grow in prominence with the
potentiality to dictate the terms in the world of Internet advertising.




Advertising is normally done by a third party known as advertising agency. An advertising agency is a
service based business dedicated to creating, planning, and handling advertising for its clients. An ad
agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the
client's products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and sales promotions for its
clients. Types of ad agencies are
 Full service agencies

 Creative agencies

 Specialized agencies

 In-house agencies

 Digital agencies or new media agencies

This report is completely discussing about digital or new media agencies. There was a time when
Television was the most popular medium for Marketer to promote, spread awareness and generate leads
for their products but now the trend has changed and Digital media has taken its place. Main reason for
this change was
 Traditional methods are expensive. Compared to digital marketing channels, you could end up
spending lakhs of rupees more.

 Traditional marketing channels fail to provide instant feedback and reports about who saw or heard
an ad, and took action. This data is collected long after the initial ad impression is made (and still
then, the statistics are far from exact numbers).
 Digital marketing, on the other hand, refers to marketing methods that allow organizations to see
how a campaign is performing in real-time, such as what is being viewed, how often, how long, as
well as other statistics such as sales conversions.

The digital landscape is moving at a lightning fast pace. Every industry has been affected by the advances in
digital. Digital marketing is an essential part of this for companies who want to utilise the power of the internet
in order to boost business. The tremendous scope of Internet Marketing in India, we have to understand
that marketing through the internet can be an entirely different ball game. In fact, it is a potent
combination of technology and marketing acumen.

Digital Marketing like traditional form of marketing is a highly result driven and set objective practice.
One can‘t begin a digital marketing campaign without setting the campaign objectives. A digital marketer
understands the needs of the clients and visualizes their needs to deliver what they want.

Taking a look at last year‘s figures, let‘s see what AdAge discovered when looking at the statistics:

77% of people interact with brands on Facebook by looking at posts

17% share news and experiences with others about the brand
13% post updates about brands they have connected with
56% said they would recommend a brand after becoming a fan on Facebook
34% of digital marketers have generated leads from Twitter so as a marketing management student
it's very essential to research on such an important marketing tool and study on its impact on revenue
generation will help you to know about how marketing agencies performing.

1.3.1 Scope of the project:

1) To understand the digital marketing models.

2) To understand marketing effectiveness.

3) To understand how digital marketing campaign's takes place.

4) To understand how digital marketing agencies works and generating revenue.

5) To understand how digital marketing has impact on revenue generation.

1.3.2 Limitations of this project:

1. The time span for the project is limited.

2. This revenue generation model completely with reference to INGLU

3. Time of campaigns for some client is more than three months.

4. Advertising expenditure of some companies is confidential so it can‘t be reveale

Objectives of the study

The digital landscape is moving at a lightning fast pace. Every industry has been affected by the advances
in digital. Digital marketing is an essential part of this for companies who want to utilise the power of the
internet in order to boost business. The tremendous scope of Internet Marketing in India, we have to
understand that marketing through the internet can be an entirely different ball game. In fact, it is a potent
combination of technology and marketing acumen.

The Main objectives of the study were :

1. To understand the digital marketing models.

2. To understand marketing effectiveness of Digital marketing.

3. To understand how Digital marketing campaigns takes place.

4. To understand how Digital marketing agencies works and generating revenue.

5. To understand how Digital marketing has impact on revenue generation.

Industry Profile

Chapter 2


The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) Industry, one of the most vibrant and exciting industries in
the world, has had a tremendous impact on the lives and the Indian economy. As the M&E industry widens
its reach, it plays a critical role in creating awareness on issues affecting, channelling the energy of and
building aspirations among India‘s millions. As it entertains and informs the country, the M&E industry
has been a catalyst for the growth of large parts of the Indian economy. M&E industry consist of TV,
Print, Films, Radio, Music, OOH, Animation and VFX, Gaming and Digital Advertising.

The FICCI-KPMG 2014 Report 'The Stage Is Set' showing the Indian media and entertainment (M&E)
industry has grown by 11.8 per cent in 2013 while comparing with 2012 and touched Rs918 billion. It is
expected to touch Rs 1785.8 billion by 2021, with a CAGR of 14.2 per cent.

By the end of 2014, the industry is expected to stand at Rs 1039 billion. Additionally, digital advertising
has shown promising growth in 2013 while comparing with 2012, which is about 38.7 per cent, followed
by gaming which grew by 25.5 per cent. As for the 2021 prediction: Digital advertising is expected to
lead the CAGR with 27.7 per cent, followed by radio with 18.1 per cent. Gaming and television are
expected to register a CAGR of 16.2 per cent each, followed by growth rates of animation and VFX (15.9
per cent), music (13.2 per cent), films (11.9 per cent) and OOH with 9.2 per cent expected CAGR.

According to the annual advertising expenditure report from Group M, The digital media advertising
revenues for the year 2013 is estimated at Rs 2,520.1 crore (around $405 million) , up 30% from Rs
1,938.6 crore in 2012,. Digital contributed to 6.5% of the total media advertising expenditure in 2013, up

5.5% share in 2012.

The agency estimates that the digital media advertising revenues to reach Rs 3,402.2 crore ($546 million)
in 2014, registering a 35% growth year on year. This will represent around 7.9% of the total media
advertising expenditure in 2014, which is estimated at Rs 43,065.4 crore. The company notes this will be
driven by election spending by the government and political parties across all media. GroupM made the
prediction in the latest edition of its annual report This Year, Next Year. Digital media were projected to
increase 35%, with TV slowing to 12% from last year‘s 14.6% and print picking up to 8.5% from 4.6%
in 2013.

Digital ad spends accounted for 8.3 percent of the total ad spends of Inr362.5 billion in 2013. Digital
media advertising in India is grown by 38.7 per cent in 2013, faster than any other ad category. With the
dramatic growth in mobile usage, content providers and advertisers are seeking opportunities to get their
message across on this preferred medium of the masses.

It is estimated that the total internet user base will reach 494 Million by the end of 2021 as against 938
million TV viewers in the same year. This means that the internet user population will be approximately
53 per cent of the total number of TV viewer in the country in 2021 compared to 27 per cent in 2013. This
shift towards the digital media is important for digital media strategists to consider, in order balancing
their marketing budgets between online media and traditional TV strategy.

IAMAI & IMRB report of March 2013 showing trends in breakup of Digital ad market among various ad
types like search ads, display ads, mobile ads, social media ads, email ads and video ads. By seeing this

breakup, we can understand marketer are giving importance to all venues to place ads.

Some of the key players in the Digital advertising are Ogilvy & Mather, Web chutney, IBS, Isobar, Maxus,
22 Feet, Grey Digital, Mind Share, Interactive Avenues, Omnicom Media Group, Digital Law & Kenneth,

3.1 Business Model of Industry:

ATD- Agency Trading Desk DSP- Demand Side Platform SSP- Selling Side Platform

3.1.1 About Process

Clients would give authority to agencies, to wear the shoes of clients. Agency will create ads, which may
be banner ads or videos. After the creation and getting approval from clients, agency while find out the
portals or websites where the T.G is present. Later give the order to DSP or ATD, this order contains
details regarding where to place ads or which portal is requiring to placing the ad. This DSP/ ATD will
bid in ad exchange for that portal. Otherwise agency can directly approach to ad networks and give orders.
These ad networks buy the inventories from publisher and give to agency. From publisher view he can
sell inventories through Ad networks or through SSP. If publisher give to SSP, they will place those space
in ad exchange for bidding. Through ad exchange DSP/ATD will buy those inventories. Bidding will not
only for space but also for T.G which required for clients.

Ad exchanges are technology platforms that facilitate the bids for buying and selling of online media
advertising inventory from multiple ad networks. The approach is technology-driven as opposed to the
historical approach of negotiating price on media inventory.
A Demand-Side Platform (DSP) is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory to manage
multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. Real-time bidding for displaying
online ads takes place within the ad exchanges, and by utilizing a DSP, marketers can manage their bids
for The banners and the pricing for the data that they are layering on to target their audiences. A

SupplySide Platform or Sell-Side Platform (SSP) is a technology platform, web publishers of the world
use a supply-side platform to automate and optimize the selling of their online media space.

3.2 Porter’s Five Model Analysis of Digital Advertising Industry:

Porter‘s model will help analysis the industry and understand where the power lies in the business. Here
I am using porter‘s model to understand digital advertising industry in India. Generally, in the Indian
advertising industry, contracts are long termed, and customers are likely to keep going back to the same
advertiser so long as results were obtained the first time.

1) Threats of New Entry

 Full service agencies have high demand in Market.
 Lack of getting efficient work force is a threat in digital advertising.
 Cost of setting up a digital agency is low. But agencies need to invest a huge amount in backend
function like technology.
 Getting clients in the initial stage is a bit difficult, because clients will usually look the past
experience of agency.
 Government regulations in the digital advertising are low. While comparing with M&E

2) Bargaining power of suppliers

 Lot of suppliers are there, but some suppliers who have high reach and affinity will charge high
price for placing ads in their portals.
 Real time bidding will lead to increase the demand of some portals.
 Bargaining power of suppliers, who provide data and information are very high.
 Seasonal campaigns put pressure on supply side to charge high.
 Employee or work force with proper knowledge is limited.

3) Bargaining power of buyers

 Buyer are the clients of agencies, basically buyers are high idea seekers.
 Clients will choose agencies which have good experience in industry.
 Clients like long term relationships with agencies, so they also try to adjust with agencies.
 Clients like MNC‘s have high power over agencies, but SME‘s will satisfy with performance
of agencies.
 Backward integration by buyers is not possible.
4) Threats of substitutes
o Substitutes are too popular among buyers. They had high demand in past years.
o Main competitor for Digital advertising is TVC, but trends are now changing FICCI-KPMG
report of 2014 showing growth of digital is very high while comparing with others media.
o But media consumption through radio is increasing now.
o Clients can ask agencies to change pattern of campaigns at any time.
o No. of substitutes is high, substitutes include Print media, TV, OOH and Radio.

5) Rivalry by existing competitors

 At present competitors are low, but it can be increase in future. Because lot new players are
coming to the industry.
 Existing competitors have high profile clients and clients loyal toward them.
 Most of the traditional agencies are now concentrating in digital also.
 Existing firms in the Industry are creating variety and unique campaign for clients.
 Most of the firms have efficient backend support in technology.
 Existing firms have the expertise manpower and firms giving good remunerations to employees.
So employees are loyal towards employers. Some firms are popular due to
execution of innovative campaigns.

Conclusion of Porter’s Five Force Analysis

Low threats for new entry.

 High bargaining power of suppliers.

 Bargaining power of buyer is medium, but in coming year there is chance for increase. Due to
lot of players are coming to industry.
 Threats of the substitutes are high, but it will change in coming years.
 Rivalry by existing competitors is high, but possible to break it by doing some unique campaign
for client.

Company Profile

Chapter 3


INGLU (Internet, Networking, Growing, Leadership, Unity) is an award-winning Digital

Marketing company in Delhi offering innovative SEO and digital marketing solutions to keep your
business website on the top ranks of the search results. They provide their clients with better business
generating opportunities by driving more qualified leads that convert into sales and help you earn great

They help their clients connect, engage and build sustainable relationships with their target customers
and boost their credibility and improve brand recognition. they provide customized SEO solutions that
are unique and specific to each client and their business goals.
With a visible improvement in your business leads, search engine ranks, sales, and profits, INGLU is
committed to take your business to the next level of success.

INGLU is one of the fastest growing full-service Internet Marketing Company focused on implementing
cutting-edge, targeted resolutions to customise the excellent mix of digital marketing services. By
understanding your most lucrative business lines, and operational provocations, they provide a more
sophisticated, data-driven passageway to digital marketing strategies.

As a leader in Internet Marketing Services, their firm helps you attract the right patrons, generate
qualified sales leads and grow your business. Whatever your goals look like, they‘ll put their experience
to work to exceed your prerequisites.

Contact Details-

INGLU is a digital solution company having its headquarter at New Delhi .

Street B - 580, Block E, Sudershan Park, New Delhi,

Delhi 110015

City New Delhi

Postal Code 110015

Country India


From optimizing search campaigns to gain maximum leverage on media spends(SEM),

to optimizing your internet property for gaining a better rank in organic search results
(SEO), we ensure that you reach your objectives in the best possible way.

Plan companies social media campaigns to reach your exact target market with the right
communication message. Improved brand awareness

Social media is one of the most stress-free and profitable digital marketing platforms
that can be used to increase your business visibility. To get started, create social media
profiles for your business and start networking with others. By applying a social media
strategy, it will help you significantly increase your brand recognition. By spending only a few hours
per week, over 91% marketers claimed that their social marketing efforts greatly increased their brand
visibility and heightened user experience. Undoubtedly, having a social media page for your brand will
benefit your business and with a regular use, it can also produce a wide audience for your business in no


For an advertising strategy, social media marketing is possibly the most cost-effective way. Creating an
account and signing up is free for almost all social networking platforms. But if you decide to use paid
advertising on social media, always start small to see what you should expect. Being cost-effective is
important as it helps you attain a greater return on investment and hold a bigger budget for other marketing
and business payments. Just by investing a little money and time, you can significantly increase your
conversion rates and ultimately get a return on investment on the money that you primarily invested.

Engage with your customers

Social media is a good way for engaging and interacting customers. The more you communicate with the
audience, the more chances you have of conversion. Set up a two-way communication with your target
audience so that their wishes are known and their interest is catered with ease. Moreover, communication
and engagement with customers is one the ways to win their attention and convey them your brand
Thus, your brand will reach more audience in real terms and gets itself established without any hassle.

Improved brand loyalty

When you have a social media presence, you make it easier for your customers to find you and connect
with you. By connecting with your customers through social media, you are more probable to upsurge
customer retention and customer loyalty. Since developing a loyal customer base is one of the main goals
of almost any business. Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty typically go hand in hand. It is essential
to often engage with your customers and start developing a bond with them. Social media is not just
limited to introducing your product, it is also a leading platform for promotional campaigns. A customer
sees these platforms as service channels where they can directly communicate with the business.

Healthier customer satisfaction

Social media plays a vital role in networking and communication platform. With the help of these
platforms, creating a voice for your company is important in improving the overall brand image.
Customers appreciate the fact that when they post comments on your page, they receive a modified reply
rather than a computerized message. A brand that values its customers, takes the time to compose a
personal message, which is perceived naturally in a positive light.

Marketplace awareness

One of the best ways to find the needs and wants of your customers instead of directly communicating with
them is Marketplace awareness. It is also considered as the most valuable advantage of social media.
By observing the activities on your profile, you can see customers‘ interest and opinions that you might
not know otherwise if you didn‘t have a social media presence. As a complementary research tool, social
media can help you get information and a better understanding of your industry. Once you get a large
following, you can then use additional tools to examine other demographics of your consumers.

More brand authority

For making your business more powerful, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction both play a major role,
but it all comes down to communication. When customers see your company posting on social media,
especially replying to their queries and posting original content, it helps them build a positive image in
their minds. Regularly interacting with your customers proves that you and your business care about them.
Once you get a few satisfied customers, who are vocal about their positive purchase experience, you can
let the advertising be done for you by genuine customers who appreciated your product or service.

Increased traffic
One of the other benefits of Social Media is that it also helps increase your website traffic. By sharing
your content on social media, you are giving users a reason to click-through to your website. On your
social account, the more quality content you share, the more inbound traffic you will generate while
making conversion opportunities.

Enhanced SEO rankings

Social media presence is becoming a vital factor in calculating rankings. These days, to secure a
successful ranking, SEO requirements are continuously varying. Therefore, it is no longer enough to
simply optimize your website and regularly update your blog. Businesses sharing their content on social
media are sending out a brand signal to search engine that speaks to your brand validity, integrity, and

Understanding brand message and creating interactive videos to showcase your brand
presence is our specialty

Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

First things first. Videos can make you some serious money. Adding a product video on your landing page
can increase conversions by 80%. And Tree podia team has made it sure that video works well regardless
of the category in which you deploy it.

Video Shows Great ROI

To get you even more excited, 83% of businesses say that video provides good return on investment. Even
though video production is not yet the easiest nor cheapest task, it pays off big time. Besides, online video
editing tools are constantly improving and becoming more affordable. And even your smartphone can
make pretty decent videos already.

Another good news is that your videos don‘t have to be perfect. It‘s the content that matters! Latest
research shows that users are mostly put off by videos that don‘t explain the product or service clearly
enough. Low quality and poor design didn‘t matter nearly as much. So it‘s fair to say that video is like
pizza – when it‘s bad, it‘s still pretty good!

Video Builds Trust

Trust is the foundation of conversions and sales. But building trust should be a goal on its own. The whole
concept of content marketing is based on trust and creating long-term relationships. Stop selling and let
the people come to you by providing them interesting and useful information. I couldn‘t have said it better
than Mark Schaefer, the Executive Director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions:

Google Loves Videos

Videos allow you to increase the time spent by visitors on your site. Thus, longer exposure builds trust
and signals search engines that your site has good content. Moovly gives us whopping statistics: You‘re
53 times more likely show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website. Since
Google now owns YouTube, there has been a significant increase in how much videos affect your search
engine rank.

Video Marketing Can Explain Everything

Are you launching a new product or a service? Create a video to show how it works. 98% of users say
they‘ve watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. That is why 45% of
businesses who use video marketing said that they have an explainer video on their home page. Of those
businesses, 83% said that their homepage explainer video was effective.
Trying to explain a difficult concept? Create animated videos. Animation can bring concepts to life that
no text or live video can. Besides, boring talking heads are not enough anymore to break through the
Animated videos are a perfect combination of entertainment, nostalgia, and simplicity. And they work.

Creating custom mailer designs and execute them to drive your inbound marketing

Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group

of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or
current customer could be considered email marketing.


There‘s no guesswork in email marketing. When you use any email marketing software, you can track who
opened your email, which links were clicked, and how many people unsubscribed.
You can easily get a picture of how your email campaigns are performing, make adjustments and improve
your effectiveness. Email marketing metrics are important to remember as you monitor and measure your
internet marketing strategy as a whole.

Mobile devices allow people to check their email constantly

Because mobile devices have become so common, people are checking their emails all the time—in line at
Starbucks, during their office commute, in the waiting room at the doctor‘s office, at the grocery store,
Action Oriented

Whether you realise it or not, everybody is trained to do something with an email -reply, forward,
clickthrough, sign-up, or even straight buying.
Designing and developing, visually appealing and functional websites which are
accessible to your audience across multiple platforms. We ensure that whatever we
deliver has the highest quality of experience.
some of the important reasons why a website is important for business growth.

24/7 Accessibility

If you come up with a business strategy and establish a physical outlet for your company, you might catch
audience throughout the day when you are there. However, if you believe that this is all what you need to
grow, that‘s where you are wrong. People are quite tied up with their daily life and busy routines. So, it is
not possible for everyone to part time to visit your office.
If you develop a website for the same business plan as an online forum, there is a fair chance of catching
a lot of audience online to link up with you. It is because people are wired up with internet day in and
night out. They prefer to look into everything the shortest way possible. Fill up your website with all the
basic information and data. People will be able to access it even in the oddest hour of the day.


With a well-developed website, people can always tune in and look for what they need. They would pretty
much appreciate to cut the effort of going down to a physical location while they can get it all online. So,
if you are a service provider or a product seller, put it all on your website to earn business which you
otherwise might not. Make sure your website is developed to ease things up and not to confuse the visitors
in order to catch a greater audience with positive ratings.

Worldwide Marketing

With an online website, you can link up to social forums and market your product/service to a massive
audience all around the globe. You can regularly advertise and share your work on social forums to gain
more than actually targeted audience. Great isn‘t it?
Put your keen focus in your company‘s website. It is not less than a brochure and it develops your
company‘s image.
Credible Source

A website is the most credible platform of a company/organization. Your official website can even
function as your sole office. If your company‘s physical location is not on an easy access or it is not being
managed well, you can overcome the worries by focusing on your website.
Promote your services by a few clicks and you can grab the attention of consumers from various parts of
the world. The website of a company can prove remarkable to gain business not only in a shorter time but
also with a much bigger audience.

Creating integrated campaigns to create brand presence and recall in the mind of your

In digital marketing context, a branding campaign is an advertising campaign for which

visits, leads, conversions or other forms of immediate direct responses are
not the priority. The goals of a branding advertising campaign are to favourably develop
brand image and awareness.

We help understand the key pain areas of your CRM process and ensure the elimination of
negative impression of your brand across the web.

Social CRM is an extension of the data collected by your Customer Relationship Management tool,
specifically concerned with the data stream that contains various conversations from social channels your
company is plugged into.

Mobile App Development:

Specially designed enterprise and retail apps to ensure that your buyers can
easily find and purchase products, leveraging technology in your favour to
increase your revenues.
Mobile apps are playing an important role to help generate business for mobile app
development companies. In order to reach to their clients easily every single
business is investing in an app. Outreaching to audience has become easy
through applications.

M-Commerce for Retail and After sale Services

Companies can also make online catalog of products so that the mobile users can access the catalog from
their mobile devices. Customers are able to shop, place orders or hire services and pay for dues through
mobile phones.
M-Commerce and Mobile Marketing

It is easy for business organizations to send text messages to promote a new product or carryout any form
of promotional campaign. For example, Reliance Fresh sends the customer an SMS stating the reward
points earned by them when they purchase goods from Reliance. Even if some changes are brought in
providing reward points, they are informed to the customer in order to encourage sales.

M-Commerce and Mobile Ticketing

Airline tickets can be purchased through mobile phone. It also enables users of mobile phone to make
changes in their tickets. For example, With ―flybuy SMS‖ launched by Kingfisher Airlines and paymate,
customers can get the details of Kingfisher airlines flights by sending SMS. The customer can book the
ticket after receiving a reply. Besides the above, movie tickets can also be booked through mobile phones.

M-Commerce and Mobile Entertainment

Mobile terminal acts as a portable music player. Downloading ringtones has become successful mcommerce
application. Mobile phone manufacturers and wireless providers are making good money by selling different
kinds of customized ringtones.

M-Commerce for Information

Mobiles enable customers to get information like sport news or political news of their choice. For
example, today through SMS, students are able to check their university results or public examination

Our visualizers think out of the box every day, thus helping you to leverage on
existing content through innovative concepts to gain revenue.
App monetization has never been easy for app developers. it‘s a constant process
of testing totally different ways so as to visualize what works best for each of
your apps. It typically looks like throwing a bunch of concepts at the wall simply

to see what‘s going to stick before the market changes again.

And in 2016, the world of app monetization is undergoing another major shift—but now, it‘s a shift that
may help app publishers create the most of their monetization.

Mobile data is turning into progressively important as more massive and small name advertisers break
into mobile. Advertisers are finding that the info available from mobile apps helps them target precisely
the right users that may be interested in their product. And, this shift in mobile advertising is trickling
down the mobile publishers.

First, mobile publishers who think about in-app advertising to support their apps benefit from the
increased targeting used by advertisers. this means that the users during a publisher‘s app are only seeing
ads that area unit relevant to them, that will increase engagement and earns the publisher more revenue.

Second, publishers will begin using available mobile data to search out out even more concerning their
users. By identifying that users are more probably to pay, publishers will begin introducing in-app getting
to those users and phase out showing them ads. For others users, publishers will keep showing them adds
while offering coupons to in-app goods in order to convert them to a paying client.

Apps specifically conceptualized and designed to meet your business objectives. Our
team of highly skilled visualizers, designers and developers, ensure that your users will
experience only the best.

Digital Media Distribution and Solutions:

Brand campaigns using a mix of media and marketing. We partner with some of the largest
music labels globally.
Branding is Important for Every Marketing Campaign. Using an online marketing
campaign in order to build a business is crucial these days .... The ―brand‖ can be the actual
company name or some businesses will brand the face of the company as well as
the company name.

Branding improves recognition

One of the major components of a brand is a logo because, as the ―face‖ of a business, it‘s what people
instantly recognize. A professional logo design is simple enough to be memorable, but powerful enough to
give the desired impression of your company.

Branding creates trust

Just as people are more likely to purchase from a business that appears polished and legitimate, families
need to feel comfortable before committing to a child care program. The Deluxe team used the business‘s
new logo on business cards, staff T-shirts and the outside of the building to give the business the
professional image it deserved. Passersby and others who encounter the logo can now easily identify the
business as a trusted center for education in the community.

Branding supports advertising

Advertising is another important component of a brand. Both the medium chosen and demographic targeted
for advertisements help build a brand. Discover, Learn & Grow added its logo to apparel, packaging and
printed materials to spread the word about the business and stand out from the competition.

Branding generates new customers

Branding can also help a business get word-of-mouth referrals. After all, would a client be able to tell a
friend about Discover, Learn & Grow if they couldn‘t remember the brand of the learning center? The most
profitable companies, small and large, have a single thing in common. They have established themselves
as a leader in their particular industry by building a strong brand, starting with a strong logo.

Branding inspires employees

Many employees need more than just work — they need something to work toward. When employees
understand the mission of a business and its reason for being, they are more likely to feel that same pride
and work in the same direction to achieve the goals the business owner has set. Having a strong brand is
like turning the company logo into a flag the rest of the company can rally around.

Distribution of music, videos & other digital content across devices. Our platform and
analytics power some of the largest labels globally.

A ―cross-device strategy‖ allows marketers to deliver a consistent message across

devices, based on user interests. It enables marketers to correctly identify where and
when they were engaged by an ad. This also enables correct attribution and marketing
spend for future campaigns.

Cross-device targeting is complex. But don‘t let it intimidate you. Having a strategy in place is a big step
forward. This includes thinking through how users will interact with your messaging, where they come
from, and how they purchase

We have been serving businesses throughout the United States and Europe and continue
to provide cutting edge IT solutions to a wide range of clients, both in the public and
private sector. Our seasoned experts focus on creating high-impact IT solutions to large
corporate firms, start-ups, small businesses as well as non-profit organizations.

achieving synergy and a competitive advantage may be another reason why firms
enter into a strategic alliance Forming strategic alliances with an established company with a
good reputation can help create favourable brand image and efficient distribution networks.


Customer Satisfaction is our primary objective and we strive for Excellence in it. End user Contact and
Immediate Problem Resolution is our Strength.


Our vision is to set the high standards for Digital marketing & Technology around the world, across all
industries through hard work, innovation and creativity until the preferred outcome is achieved.

Services Offered :--


This is a very powerful digital marketing tool. It puts you online to the audience that is already thirsty for
your products and is on the space looking for something to meet their demands. This service places your
advertisement either at the top, bottom or sideways of the Google list of search results. The position of
advertising copy depends on the relevance of the same to the search query.
We are so enthusiastic about digital marketing and we do this by making sure that you are not only
present in the cyber space but that your presence can be felt. We therefore create excellent Ad Words,
position them strategically and optimize them in a way that no serious potential traffic fails to be a


Local search optimization is the strategy used by businesses to help them rank higher is specific local
markets. It is an important strategy that is used by businesses to remain relevant in local markets. INGLU
is a professional search engine optimization company that offers local search engine optimization services.

We have invested in a team of professional and expert search engine professionals who have a clear
understanding of what it boosts your website on the local rankings.


With the increasing use of mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and others, reaching different caliber
of customers has become extremely easy and challenging at the same time due to competition. Without the
right application of tactics that allow you to attract the right audience to your website, the technologically
advancement may not avail much. Our advanced expertise in digital marketing has enabled us to direct
relevant audience to any desired application so easily and economically through app store optimization.


Online reputation management has become an integral component of any effective brand management
strategy. This has been made necessary, thanks to the proliferation of online blogging, reviews and social
media interactions that leave negative content on websites all over the internet. INGLU IT Solutions is a
reputable online reputation management company that has been providing management services to a wide
range of websites. With a team of professional managers, we are one of the finest and respected online
reputation management companies offering exemplary management services.


Pay-per-click (PPC), also known as cost per click (CPC), is an internet advertising model used to direct
traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher (typically a website owner or a network of
websites) when the ad is clicked.
Pay-per-click is commonly associated with first-tier search engines (such as Google AdWords and
Microsoft Bing Ads). With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their
target market. In contrast, content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding
system. PPC "display" advertisements, also known as "banner" ads, are shown on web sites with related
content that have agreed to show ads and are typically not pay-per-click advertising. Social networks such
as Facebook and Twitter have also adopted pay-per-click as one of their advertising models.

Having good search engine optimization strategies is a basic component of a good and effective website.
This is because there is no point of having a website that does not attract the intended traffic. This is why
you need to invest in the services of a professional search engine optimization service provider. We are a
top-notch web design company that offers comprehensive search engine optimization services. We partner
with a wide range of companies, both large corporations and start-up businesses.


Social media optimization (SMO) is the use of a number of social media outlets and communities to generate
publicity to increase the awareness of a product, service brand or event. Types of social media involved
include RSS feeds, social news and bookmarking sites, as well as social networking sites, such as Twitter,
and video sharing websites and blogging sites. SMO is similar to search engine optimization, in that the
goal is to generate web traffic and to a site and increase awareness for a website. In general, social media
optimization refers to optimizing a website and its content to encourage more users to use and share links
to the website across social media and networking sites. SMO also refers to software tools that automate
this process, or to website experts who undertake this process for clients.

Digital Marketing

Chapter 4



Digital Marketing (also Online Marketing, Internet Marketing or Web Marketing) is a collective name for
marketing activity carried out online, as opposed to traditional marketing through print media, live
promotions, radio and TV advertisement.
The rapid growth of Digital Marketing Industry is a direct consequence of the global phenomenon that is
the Internet, and effectiveness of Digital Marketing channels in generating revenue and awareness.
Compared to traditional methods of advertising, Digital Marketing offers rather realistic costs (particularly
important for small- and medium-size businesses and start-ups), accurate targeting and excellent reporting.

5.1 Types of Digital Marketing

In normal outbound marketing, we will use pull and push marketing strategy. Like that in digital marketing
also pull and push are types.
In push digital marketing the marketer sends a message without the recipient actively seeking the content,
such as display advertising on websites and news blogs. Email, text messaging and web feeds with
Contents can also be classed as push digital marketing when the recipient has not actively sought the
marketing message. Push marketing allows you to target your demographics and use your marketing dollars
to promote your product to the people you know are interested in what you have to sell. A push marketing
campaign can be more expensive when it comes to upfront costs, so you really need to be sure that your
marketing is going to reach the right people at the right time. Behaviour targeting is good example for push
digital marketing.

In Pull digital marketing includes blogging, email marketing, social media, info graphics and other forms
of visual messaging and search engine optimization (SEO). A pull marketing campaign also includes public
relations or other ways of reaching out to potential or already realized customers who you want to keep
engaged. While a pull marketing campaign can be less expensive to get started, you will incur costs in other
ways. For example, if you are running a social media campaign, you will need to hire someone to manage
your social media and respond to people who leave comments or ask questions. Social media gets people
talking and that has a major impact on sales. Pull marketing also requires a greater investment in time, but
it gives you more ability to entertain your customers and educate them about your company. But don't get
confused by seeing Email in push and pull, there is a difference. If marketer is sending emails with
customized content or banners to specific group of customers is push digital marketing. If marketer is
sending emails with the same content or banner to all customers is pull digital marketing.


1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search
engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image
search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the
actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their
targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to
both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search
engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of back links, or inbound links, social book marking,
directory submission is the SEO tactic.

2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing):
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites
by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and advertising. ]
SEM may use search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content to achieve a
higher ranking in search engine results pages, or use pay per click listings. marketing.



1. Keyword research and analysis involves three steps ensuring the site can be indexed in the search
engines, finding the most relevant and popular keywords for the site and its products, and using those
keywords on the site in a way that will generate and convert traffic. A follow-on effect of keyword

There are four categories of methods and metrics used to optimize websites through search engine analysis
and research is the search perception impact. Search perception impact describes the identified impact of
a brand's search results on consumer perception, including title and Meta tags, site indexing, and keyword
focus. As online searching is often the first step for potential consumers/customers, the search perception
impact shapes the brand impression for each individual.
2. Website saturation and popularity, or how much presence a website has on search engines, can be
analyzed through the number of pages of the site that are indexed on search engines (saturation) and how
many backlinks the site has (popularity). It requires pages to contain keywords people are looking for
and ensure that they rank high enough in searchengine rankings. Most search engines include some form
of link.
Popularity in their ranking algorithms. The following are major tools measuring various aspects of
saturation and link popularity: Link Popularity, Top 10 Google Analysis, and Market leap‘s Link Popularity
and Search Engine Saturation.

3. Back end tools, including Web analytic tools and HTML validators, provide data on a website and its
visitors and allow the success of a website to be measured. They range from simple traffic counters to
tools that work with log files and to more sophisticated tools that are based on page tagging (putting
JavaScript or an image on a page to track actions). These tools can deliver conversion-related
information. There are three major tools used by EBSCO: (a) log file analyzing tool: Web Trends by
NetIQ; (b) tag-based analytic tool: Web Side Story's Hitbox; and (c) transaction-based tool: Tealeaf

RealiTea. Validators check the invisible parts of websites, highlighting potential problems and many
usability issues and ensuring websites meet W3C code standards. Try to use more than one HTML
validator or spider simulator because each one tests, highlights, and reports on slightly different aspects of

4. Who is tools reveal the owners of various websites, and can provide valuable

information relating to copyright and trademark issues.

2.1 Pay per click (PPC):

Pay per click (PPC), also called cost per click, is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to
websites, in which advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner) when the ad is clicked. It is
defined simply as ―the amount spent to get an advertisement clicked.‖

With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content
sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. PPC "display"
advertisements, also known as "banner" ads, are shown on web sites or search engine results with related
content that have agreed to show ads.

In contrast to the generalized portal, which seeks to drive a high volume of traffic to one site, PPC
implements the so-called affiliate model, which provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be
surfing. It does this by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated
partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-forperformance
model: If an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant. Variations include banner
exchange, pay-per-click, and revenue sharing programs.

Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertiser's
keyword list, or when a content site displays relevant content. Such advertisements are called sponsored
links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to, above, or beneath organic results on search engine results
pages, or anywhere a web developer chooses on a content site.

The PPC advertising model is open to abuse through click fraud, although Google and others have
implemented automated systems to guard against abusive clicks by competitors or corrupt web developers.
Pay-per-click is calculated by dividing the advertising cost by the number of clicks generated by an
advertisement. The basic formula is:

Pay-per-click = Advertising cost ÷ Ads clicked

There are two primary models for determining pay-per-click: flat-rate and bid-based. In both cases, the
advertiser must consider the potential value of a click from a given source. This value is based on the type
of individual the advertiser is expecting to receive as a visitor to his or her website, and what the advertiser
can gain from that visit, usually revenue, both in the short term as well as in the long term. As with other
forms of advertising targeting is key, and factors that often play into PPC campaigns include the target's
interest (often defined by a search term they have entered into a search engine, or the content of a page that
they are browsing), intent (e.g., to purchase or not), location (for geo targeting), and the day and time that
they are browsing.

2.1.1 Flat-rate PPC

In the flat-rate model, the advertiser and publisher agree upon a fixed amount that will be paid for each
click. In many cases the publisher has a rate card that lists the pay-per-click (PPC) within different areas of
their website or network. These various amounts are often related to the content on pages, with content that
generally attracts more valuable visitors having a higher PPC than content that attracts less valuable visitors.
However, in many cases advertisers can negotiate lower rates, especially when committing to a long-term
or high-value contract. The flat-rate model is particularly common to comparison shopping engines, which
typically publish rate cards. However, these rates are sometimes minimal, and advertisers can pay more for
greater visibility. These sites are usually neatly compartmentalized into product or service categories,
allowing a high degree of targeting by advertisers. In many cases, the entire core content of these sites is
paid ads.

2.1.2 Bid-Based PPC:

With the bid-based PPC model, the advertiser is allowed to bid, to compete against similar advertisers in a
private auction. Each of the bidding advertisers lets the publisher know the maximum amount they are
willing to pay for a given ad spot or keyword. The winning advertisers then pay for each click on their
advertisement, based on the amount they bid. The common practice amongst bid-based PPC websitessuch
as Google Ad Words, is to charge a small amount more than the next highest bidder.As you can see, Pay
per Click can be a massively effective means of directing targeted traffic to your website, and is relatively
inexpensive. While there is the risk of click fraud, most of the major Pay Per Click providers such as
Google or Yahoo, have employed several automated systems to prevent abusive clicks by corrupt web
developers or competitors out to cost you additional money. If used properly, you can find new customers
with ease using Pay per Click. It might also be beneficial to find a reputable pay per click company to
assist you with your campaigns.

3. SMM (Social Media Marketing):
Social media marketing is the process of gaining
website traffic or attention through social media sites.
Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts
to create content that attracts attention and encourages
readers to share it across their social networks. The
resulting electronic word of mouth
(eWoM) refers to any statement consumers share via
the Internet (e.g., web sites, social networks, instant
messages, news feeds) about an event, product, service,
brand or company. When the underlying message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears
to come from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself, this form of marketing results in
earned media rather than paid media.

3.1 Engagement
In the context of the social web, engagement means that customers and stakeholders are participants rather
than viewers. Social media in business allows anyone and everyone to express and share an opinion or an
idea somewhere along the business‘s path to market. Each participating customer becomes part of the
marketing department, as other customers read their comments or reviews. The engagement process is then
fundamental to successful social media marketing.

3.2 Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the world's mostpopular social network for both businesses and individuals. With over one
billion users, your friends and fans are likely already using the platform and you should be too. In fact,

people are 51% more likely to make a purchase after "liking" a brand on Facebook. Face book
marketing requires a good intellects and unique thinking to make the campaign effective.

In face book marketing in fact in visual /web marketing your content speaks a loud that is why make sure
your content should be relevant to your audience and business.

Facebook is a low-cost marketing strategy
Marketing activities that would cost thousands of dollars through other channels can be used on Facebook
for a fraction of the cost. This makes it ideal for small to medium businesses with a limited marketing
budget. Larger businesses can also trial marketing concepts and themes through Facebook before
committing to bigger campaigns.
Share basic information about your business
Your Facebook page is a place where you can publicise your business name, address and contact details,
and briefly describe your products and services. You can also talk about your staff, history, or any other
aspect of your business that is likely to attract other Facebook users and create interest in what you do.

Share pictures and videos from your business

As well as allowing you to post text, Facebook lets you upload pictures and videos from your business.
This can be a powerful way to communicate with customers and potential customers, allowing them to
see your product or service without having to visit your premises.

Facebook also allows users to 'tag' photos to indicate if a Facebook friend appears in them. This function
can be used to promote your business. For example, a tour operator could post a photo on their page of

a group going white-water rafting, then invite each participant to tag their image in the photo. Each
tagged image will show up as an update on the participant's Facebook account, where their friends
will see it too. This increases the level of interest in the picture, and your business.

If you do decide to use tagging, be careful. It can be aprivacy issue, and some Facebook users are
sensitive about being tagged in photographs. For this reason, it is better to ask participants to do the
tagging, rather than doing it on their behalf.

Talk to existing and potential customers
You can use Facebook to 'talk' to existing and potential customers by posting and receiving messages.
But don't use Facebook to aggressively promote your products or services. You'll have much greater
success if you share information related to your business that is actually useful or interesting to other
users. This increases your credibility and promotes your business by building long-term relationships
with other users. For example, a veterinarian could post tips for looking after pets, timing them
according to when particular health issues arise (e.g. ticks in summer).

Provide customer support

Customers can post after-sales questions on your Facebook wall, and your staff can answer them there. This
is often more efficient than staff answering phone calls, and allows other customers to read common
questions and answers without having to approach you individually

Raise brand awareness and promote positive word-of-mouth

You can increase your business's profile on Facebook by encouraging existing and potential customers to
click the 'Like' button on your Facebook page. Once they like your page, your customers will receive your
updates on their wall, where their friends will also see them. This helps to build awareness of your business,
and to associate your friends with your brand. Customers can also post positive messages about your
products or services, shared on their walls for all their friends to see.

Facebook can steer traffic to your website

You can include a link to your website on your Facebook page. Indeed, many businesses report that the
greatest benefit of Facebook is the extra traffic that it steers to their site. Visitors who come to the website
can be exposed to stronger marketing messages and, often, the option of buying goods and services.

Customers who come to your website from Facebook are likely to be more receptive than the average
visitor, because they already know something about your business and were motivated to click the website

Targeted advertising
Facebook can analyse all the information that millions of users enter into their profiles. As the owner of a
business page, you can pay to use this information to deliver targeted advertising to a specific group. For
example, an outdoor store could use Facebook to calculate how many men over a certain age in a certain
city have listed 'fishing' as an interest. Then they could develop an ad for new fishing lures, and pay for it
to appear only on the pages of those people. (Ads appear on the right-hand side pages in Facebook.)

Offer deals through Facebook Places

Facebook Places allows users to 'check in' on mobile devices at a particular place, so that their friends
can see their location on Facebook. Facebook Places also identifies popular places close to where a
user checks in. Businesses can use Facebook Places so that when a user checks in to a neighbourhood,
street or business, they receive a list of nearby businesses offering deals (e.g. discounts, freebies, loyalty
rewards). Businesses that have a Facebook page are automatically included in the Facebook Places

Loss of Control
Facebook was designed as an interactive online forum that encourages members to share information via
photos, video clips, links and written posts. While account owners ultimately have control of whatremains
on their public profile, there is little control over who posts information or what those posts contain. It is
relatively easy for a competitor, angry customer or disgruntled employee to post accusatory comments that
are inflammatory, derogatory or otherwise slanderous to your business on your Facebook wall. Even
wellmeaning posters may use language or photos that are not in line with the image you want to maintain
for your business. Maintaining vigilant control over the content that appears on your Facebook page takes
the time and effort of approved content monitors, which can be costly and timeconsuming for small business

Cost of Maintenance
Content pages must continually be updated with new information that readers will find useful, beneficial or
interesting for Facebook marketing to be effective. This requires development of a detailed innovative social
media marketing strategy a costly investment for small advertising budgets. Facebook marketing strategies
include video product demonstrations, interactive forums and online contests, all of which must be created,
uploaded, monitored and maintained by a business owner, staff member or social media advertising agency.
Marketing platforms executed via Facebook are open to easy duplication by competitors. Rival business
owners can easily pose as ―friends‖ or ―fans‖ to gain access to your content. Photos, artwork and other
images posted to your site are easily accessed and reused by visitors and can show up in other places you
may not approve of.
Social media platforms like Facebook were created to facilitate the casual sharing of information that may
not mesh with the professional reputation you want to establish for your business. For example, Facebook
marketing of a nightclub needs to be vastly different from Facebook marketing of a doctor‘s office or law
practice. Care must be taken to develop and maintain a Facebook presence that reflects your corporate
philosophy, or it could place your company at a disadvantage.

Advertising Costs
While basic Facebook pages are free of charge for personal users, business accounts that feature advertising
opportunities come with a price tag attached. This added promotional expense can be a disadvantage for
small business owners.
Negative Content
Communicating with your clients or fans over Facebook sounds friendly in theory, but some people may
use your Facebook page as a venue to write offensive comments or post spam. A user might even post false
allegations about your business on your page for anyone to see. As a result, your business needs to be
monitoring its Facebook page frequently, ideally checking each individual post. Even if you address these
issues quickly, you'll never know how many people saw the negative comments on the page and will
associate that memory with your business.

Just because someone clicks "Like" on your page does not guarantee that she will see your updates in her
Facebook news feed. In an effort to give users more control over their Facebook experience, the social
networking site allows people to unsubscribe from a page's updates. When a user unsubscribes from your
updates, your new posts will be hidden from her news feed, so she will only see your posts if she actively
visits your page. This makes it impossible to know exactly how many people are actually viewing your
posts in their news feeds, so you cannot accurately measure impressions.
Time Consumption
Utilizing a Facebook page as a part of your digital strategy is very time-consuming if done right. In addition
to watching out for negative comments, a business should respond promptly to any questions or positive
suggestions posed by customers. Because Facebook is up and running 24 hours a day, posts may accumulate
quickly. If a business's Facebook engagement grows, it may even become necessary to designate an
employee strictly to social media duties. This might not be realistic for some companies, making it
unreasonable to properly manage a Facebook page.

Thumb rules:

• Emphasize on visualization. Rich visuals make the best content and the best timelines. ‗Highlight‘
posts to give them the full width of the Face book container. To make it more attractive.

• ‗PIN‘ posts, these posts stay at the top of the feed promoting posts.
• Ensure FB apps have relevant info; your audience is looking for.

• Analyse what works, and what doesn‘t work: Face book Insight. Edge Rank. Social bakers.

3.3 Twitter marketing (A game of 140 characters)

Twitter‘s flexible, real-time platform allows you to get creative and drive results at the same time. Whether
you‘re looking to drive sales, increase brand awareness or launch a product. Twitter marketing is not much
popular than face book but still it has an impact on audience

The very first thing in twitter marketing you need to understand and learn the twitter terminologies well.
A hashtag is any word beginning with the # sign. People use hashtags to organize conversations around a
specific topic. Clicking on a hashtag takes you to search results for that term.
Sometimes you want to bring a Tweet to someone‘s attention, but you still want all of your followers to see
the message. So instead of a reply, use a mention. Include the @username of whomever you want to mention
in your Tweet, and it will appear in the Mentions section (in the Connect tab). All @username mentions are
clickable and link back to the mentioned individual‘s profile.
You can respond to a Tweet by hitting the reply button. When you reply, your response is public, and will
show up in your home timeline and the timeline of the person to whom you are responding. The reply will
also be visible in the home timelines of people who follow both you and the person to whom you sent the
reply. Meaning, someone not in the conversation has to follow both of the people replying to be able to read
both sides of the conversation.
You can pass along someone‘s Tweet by retweeting it. Just hit the retweet button to send the original
message to all of your followers.
Twitter‘s link- shortening feature allows you to paste a link of any length into the Tweet box and it will
automatically be shortened to 19 characters. This makes it easier to fit long URLs into the 140-character

You can favourite the tweet for future reference. This is just like an archiving something that‘s really
interesting to you.
7. DM (direct message)
You can send private messages to someone, just like an email. For DM, sender and receiver should be
following each other.

The targeted market is most probably on Twitter:
Since a very large number of people use social network, there is a high probability that the interested
parties for the product you are advertising is in the virtual world. This is one great advantage every
business should try to make use of because if you are not using social networks for advertising, then you
are missing a large market.
Great way to research market:
With the growing popularity of the internet, market research has become easy. Instead of spreading
questionnaires or asking people oral questions, the use of social networks made it easy by making it easier
to create free surveys and posting the links so that people can participate. This is a very easy way of doing
market research, keeping in mind the fact that the setting up the surveys won‘t cost money and people can
finish those surveys in less time than the hard copy one.

Growth of social networking:

There is no doubt that the use of social networks is rapidly growing. What this means to business is that,
there are audience on the virtual world than the business could ever reach through any other type of media.
This is in fact one of the main advantages of using Twitter and other social networks for businesses.
Easier way to pass info:
By just posting a 140 character tweets, a business would be passing more information than it can do
anywhere else. This costs less or almost nothing compared to other modes like sending a mail or making a
phone call. I also don‘t know if this is true for everyone else, but I may read lots of stuff online that I may
not read if they were on a hard copy or somewhere else.

Spams and viruses:

When the use of the internet world has increased, the potential risks that one can obtain from the internet
have increased as well. What this means is spammers could spam your site or worse than that, can find
access to your information through social networks. Social networks could be useful, but if not properly
used, then they could lead to more problems.

Using for business needs:

Twitter and other social networks are designed to be user friendly. On the other hand, there are also
applications and other aids that make it easier to use. One thing with social networks is that businesses and
individuals do not use it the same way. What this means is that businesses need to learn how to efficiently
and effectively use Twitter and other social networks so that they could make the use out of it.
Limited space:
I think everyone who used Twitter or paid a little attention to how it‘s used knows about the 140 characters‘
thingy. This kind of space or limitation on character is not enough for most business and this is where
learning to effectively and efficiently twitter comes into place. On the good side, may be this is good,
because otherwise people won‘t be in the mood to read a whole blog most of the time.
Streamline nature of twitter:
It‘s a common expectation of anyone who follows others on twitter not to follow everything. One of the
reasons this happens is because the tweets in twitter are designed to stream really quickly and usually show
the latest tweets. So some of times, some of the tweets one makes or a business makes may lost in the long
shuffle of tweets. Like I said before, this calls for learning to use twitter effectively.

3.4 Linked In Marketing:

LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service. Founded in December 2002 and launched on
May 5, 2003 it is mainly used for professional networking. In 2006, LinkedIn increased to 20 million
members. As of June 2013, LinkedIn reports more than 259 million acquired users in more than 200
countries and territories.
LinkedIn allows companies to create professional profiles for themselves as well as their business to
network and meet others. Through the use of widgets, members can promote their various social networking
activities, such as Twitter stream or blog entries of their product pages, onto their LinkedIn profile page.

LinkedIn provides its members the opportunity to generate sales leads and business partners. Members can
use ―Company Pages‖ similar to Facebook pages to create an area that will allow business owners to
promote their products or services and be able to interact with their customers. Due to spread of spammail
sent to job seeker, leading companies prefer to use LinkedIn for employee's recruitment instead using
different job portals. Additionally, companies have voiced a preference for the amount of information that
can be gleaned from LinkedIn profile, versus a limited email.
Pros and Cons of social media marketing on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is one of today‘s biggest social networks but it‘s not exactly what you might call ―strictly social.‖
LinkedIn provides a great deal of exposure to businesses and can help find new partners, business
opportunities, or employees. Some might even call LinkedIn a social network for business as it‘s used
mainly for ―professional networking.‖ As a social platform LinkedIn incorporates many social aspects, but
its main focus is the business world. As a result, many small business owners join LinkedIn with the hopes
of expanding their ventures and creating new connections that might prove beneficial. But like most things,
LinkedIn has its pros and cons.

• The first, most obvious benefit from using LinkedIn comes from the algorithmic realm of SEO
(search engine optimization). It‘s yet another avenue that search engines use to bring businesses
in search query results. It‘s the perfect tool to give a business more exposure while also allowing
it to expose the most crucial parts of its business – the mission, the background, the members
of the team, etc. Increased SEO exposure leads to increased web traffic which, in turn, leads to
an increased conversion rate.

• LinkedIn is also a great way to stay up-to-date with the news from your industry or field of
interest. This is a major benefit it keeps you in the current loop, indicates upcoming trends or
big ideas, and provides a ripe stomping ground for sharing experiences and advice among
experts surrounding topics that are important to the business. These easily accessible resources
are invaluable to a company, particularly smaller ones, due to its low cost and high beneficial

• LinkedIn is also a great asset because of the amount of information it gives about a particular
company or business. Similar to Facebook, LinkedIn will tell you all the major data you need
to know about a company as well as give you the professional profiles of the individuals
associated with the business – from employees to investors. Access to this type of specific data
and information allows users to easily find potential partners or recruit new employees, saving
you a lot of time, energy, and resources.

• LinkedIn Answer also gives users the chance to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in their
respective field to establish themselves as credible experts with vast knowledge and expertise.
In turn, this is beneficial for LinkedIn users as it positions them as experts and boosts the
company‘s credibility.


• When looking at LinkedIn, it‘s also important to be aware of and acknowledge its cons. One of
the major negatives is the way users use LinkedIn as an advertising megaphone via SPAM so
brace yourself for the slew of SPAM coming your way.

• Once established, LinkedIn is a major timesaver. But in the beginning, it requires a lot of
personal time and work version of LinkedIn, but that might not be an option for smaller
companies with a limited budget. to get your connections flowing and conversations started.
Users need to constantly ask others to be introduced to companies and individuals they are
interested in connecting with, which can be cumbersome at times. Always keep in mind that
LinkedIn is a platform for connections and conversations so approach these tasks with the
outcome of building a business relationship in mind. This task can be sidestepped with the paid

• Overall, LinkedIn is a solid platform for businesses and individuals. If you are just getting
started, keep these pros and cons in mind. If you do, your relationship and experience with
LinkedIn will prove beneficial.
• In our survey, we used LinkedIn to grow the professional network of Institute of Digital
Marketing. This institute not only provides knowledge but also do business with its skill sets.
LinkedIn helps in building great professional network and in getting new businesses. Apart from
the workshops and course classes, Institute of Digital Marketing has some set of people who
develops e-commerce websites and optimizes them. Hence, in order to get business, we have used
LinkedIn as a major platform.

• In LinkedIn groups, there will be discussions going on every time. So, we have created a
LinkedIn group and started discussions on various topics on digital marketing. In the beginning

the results were very slow since LinkedIn is strictly a professional network and the targeted people
might not

Show much interest here. As it goes on, our discussion has got a wide popularity with students from
different colleges asking questions and actively participating in the discussion.

With this growing popularity on LinkedIn, slowly business started coming in. in the beginning only small
projects used to come like landing page creation, content creation, blog postings etc. There were two big
projects came during my survey tenure from Dharani Computers and The Suntech Corporation for
developing and managing the website and do search engine optimization for them.

3.5 Pinterest:
It is a visual discovery social network. It is a way of sharing images of anything, from fashion to pets to pot
plants. You can create your own online pin boards to suits any theme and share it with likeminded people.
Pinterest completely revolves around the premise of being creative and visual. 70% users are female and
aged between 25 and 44. So if you are targeting women Pinterest is the right platform. Pinterest is now one
of the top 10 social networking sites tracked by Hit wise.

How brands can use Pinterest
Pinterest does not encourage product pushing, this means brands must look at crating boards that are

culture and lifestyle related. You can create boards on trends, behind the scenes, preliminary sketches

for products.

3.6 Instagram:
Instagram, the new revolutionary photo-sharing program, making it easier than ever to share your best
pictures with the world. The social media program allows you to upload, add digital filters, and then post
your pictures on your Instagram-feed, as well as other social networking sites. You can connect your
Instagram account with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Foursquare and your email account. This makes
it easy to share your pictures on multiple platforms all at once.
When it comes to brands and businesses, Instagram goal is to help companies to reach their respective
audiences through captivating imagery in a rich, visual environment. Moreover, Instagram provides a
platform where user and company can communicate publicly and directly, making itself an ideal
platform for companies to connect with their current and potential customers.

3.7 Google +:
Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" that enhances many of its online properties, and that it is
not simply a social networking website, but also an authorship tool that associates web-content directly with
its owner/author. It is the second-largest social networking site in the world after Facebook. 540 million
monthly active users are part of the Identity service site, by interacting socially with Google+'s enhanced
properties, like Gmail, +1 button, and YouTube comments.In October 2013, Google counted 540 million
active users who used at least one Google+ service, of which 300 million users are active in "the stream".

With most marketers comfortable with using Facebook for their primary social media marketing tactics they
quite often don‘t see the other opportunities. Here are some compelling reasons to register and start using a
Google+ page to complement your Facebook page, your social media and digital marketing activities.
Google+ hangouts
Google+ hangouts have been an important part of the Google+ platform since day one. They allow you to
create online meetings that are limited to 10 active users but it allows you to stream YouTube video to an
unlimited number of viewers. Hangouts provide a way to engage with small groups of customers that you
may want to share important information and/or educate. No update filtering

Google doesn‘t need to make money from Google+ as its major revenue (over $30 billion) is from its

Google ad words and search advertising. It doesn‘t need to force you to pay to be visible on Google+.
Facebook has increasingly applied its Edge rank technology that filters the updates that are seen by people
that have liked your brand‘s ―Facebook page‖. Some research shows it at less than 15% and shrinking.

This is so they can force you to spend to advertise on Facebook to get attention. It has become ―pay to play‖
Google plus does not filter (censor) your updates to followers that are following your page.

No ads
Point two leads to another advantage. There are no annoying advertisements on Google plus. No distractions
and no one wanting to sell you weight loss or dating services.

Social signals
Google wanted to enhance its search engine capabilities by having humans vote on what content they liked.
(That is the Google+ button). This is now built into Google‘s search algorithms to ensure that Google
remains relevant on the web. This makes certain that your content is receiving votes (social signals) when
you are participating on Google+.

Search visibility
By participating on Google plus you are increasing the visibility of your brand. Ever searched for a brand
or business and noticed what comes to the top of the rankings? It is all the major social networks that appear
on the first page. Also what should be considered is the importance of securing your brand name on
Google+, which is an important part of building your online digital assets.

It is the second largest social network

Google plus is no longer something to be ignored with over 600 million registered users and over 350
million active monthly users. Many of your customers are now on Google+. That on its own should be
enough to make you motivated to participate. You do need to establish a marketing beachhead on this
significant platform.

Local marketing
Google has removed ―Google Places‖ and now has created a ―Google+ Places Page‖. This means that
customers who are on Google+ can leave reviews for your business there. This turns up on local search
results. Now that is something you shouldn‘t ignore if local location marketing is vital for your retail store
or business.
Integration with other Google properties
Google built Google+ from day one to be integrated into its other web properties. They consider it as being
―core‖ to its entire online strategy so it is woven into Gmail, the Chrome browser, Picasa and YouTube.
This integration will lead to more effective marketing over time.

Google Plus still has Relatively Low Reach
Google Plus still serves a much smaller market than Twitter and Facebook, and it is not surprising that many
customers cannot be reached through Google Plus. As such, many potential customers will not see or be
interested in your company‘s Google Plus content on your business page because they don‘t want to use
Google Plus.

Google’s Poor Social Media Track Record

This is a legitimate risk factor. Many of Google‘s past forays into social media like Buzz and Wave not
only failed, but failed with scandals and controversy. There is a fair amount of scepticism whether or not
Google Plus is just another house of cards waiting to collapse, even after several years of operation.

3.8 You tube

YouTube is a video Social Networking site, and the 2nd most popular search site on the Internet after
Google, who owns YouTube. YouTube video watching is a significant activity on the Internet, with over 1
billion visits to YouTube daily and over 100 million videos watched daily. And it's easy for anyone who
sees your video to rate it and share it with his Social Network.


Vast Audiences for your Video

The success of any business depend upon its visibility and YouTube gives you that very much required
exposure with little or no effort at all. It is just the matter of selection of uploading your video under right
place, under right category. So it is very easy and more likely to reach masses when you use YouTube for
your videos, and hence chances of clever video to grab viewers‘ attention and go viral, is quite high on
YouTube, when self-hosted videos(websites). Anybody can embed videos on their websites, blogs etc. and
if good, your video will also be approachable from outside of YouTube. In case you want your video to be
viewed by selected number of people. You can do that by making it private. Save Dollars with Free Video

If you are planning to host your videos on your own video hosting server or thinking about getting licence
from a video platform then you have to take in account, this extra burden of dollars on your wallet. Though
Google don‘t promote commercial video sharing but has now made an amendment in the terms and
conditions for sharing original contents of brands. It is one-time investment and you would be happy to
upload your content on YouTube as you are still saving the additional design and functional costs. Hence,
if you compare the current cost for licences of video platform YouTube brand channel is a smart bet.
The ease to use it
Though we all get motivated enough to cross all hurdles and do hard work, when we decide to do some
business but why to choose a harder path when similar results can be achieved with an easy and fair option.
This is the reason why YouTube is a favourite option. All you need is to follow some very basic and simple
steps to upload your video(s). Create an account, sign-in, upload and before you blink you are on YouTube.
You can easily upload a video via a flip video camera or your smartphone within minutes. In fact, if user
is interested in just watching a video no registration is required. Yes! It is as simple as that.
Links and Web Traffic
Not only sales but traffic for the video (actually website) is also very important for any business based on
web. You don‘t have to bring people to visit your video instead YouTube brings them for you and if you
are lucky enough and your content go viral(i.e. your content liked by (exponentially increasing) high
number of people) then if you are on YouTube other website will embed your video to make themselves
more optimized for searches. As mentioned earlier YouTube is owned by Google who is Father of all
search engines also uses its owned sites for searches so definitely your network is quite strong, when you
are on YouTube.

Large Bandwidth and sustainability
YouTube is a dedicated website from the well-established giant Google, and it has its own dedicated servers
to handle hell load of traffic (hundreds of thousands or millions of visitors over a short period of time).
Consider the case when your video goes viral and you start getting whooping number of hits, then will arise
the need of substantial amount of bandwidth to handle such a heavy traffic. So if you are not using YouTube,
you are in trouble, and unfortunately instead of being happy you would be in a panic situation due to the
potential low bandwidth of your website. Of course, it is wise to use YouTube when the whole world is
interested in your video(s).
Number, length, size of Videos

Today YouTube if the world‘s dominant resource and repository for videos and luckily there is no limit on
the number of videos you can upload, which is not possible if you are using some other licenced video
platform. You may say 15 minutes which is the current allowed length of a video is less for your content.
Is it really? Anything effective can be presented even in lesser time but if you think otherwise then all you
need to do is to break your content in different videos logically and upload them in parts instead of a single
video. Is it not cool? For video, 2GB size is good amount and it is the current size you can upload on
YouTube. Basically a standard sized video will easily fit on YouTube.

Feedback is Important
If we don‘t listen to others and analyse their suggestions or comments about our work, we can‘t learn and
survive in this competitive environment. YouTube allows viewers to provide comments for the videos and
hence you are in direct touch with live audiences and potential customers. Importantly al the comments are
emailed to you and in case you want to delete any comment, you can do it easily.

Easy navigation and supported Formats

There are several ways one can search for videos on YouTube – by keyword, by topic or by simply scanning
the most popular video‘s list. If you like the work of some producer, simply subscribe and no more searching

would be required for that producer. YouTube uses Adobe Flash to play back videos which is a standard
format supported by most browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, and Opera).
You can upload most popular video formats: .WMV, .AVI, .MOV, and .MPG files which are automatically
converted to flash. People can reach YouTube videos through their mobile devices as well. Point is, when
a popular service is easy and can be commonly used then it is wise to host your videos on that website.

Concept overrides content
Good content is not as necessary as good concept in video-making. To get thousands of views and drive
visitors to your YouTube video, you have to inject a great concept that makes them almost forget how they
were led to the site. Learn how to remix videos and audios and create the element of surprise. Break down
long clips to shorter and bite-sized ones to appeal to a larger audience. Make your ads outright and amazing.
You can use title optimization by using intriguing headlines that would make them want to find out more
about your topic.
Requires more attraction
Users of the Internet usually just scan text-based content to find the information and get to the core of the
content immediately. Realize that in videos, this cannot entirely be applied. Viewers watch videos from
beginning to end and not jump from one segment to another to find meaning in the video. Hence, the intro
of your video must be alluring enough to get them continue watching until the end or until you have made
your point get across.
Make it snappy and no longer than three minutes. Else, especially for those with slow Internet connection
and those with shorter attention spans, users will more likely to just press the X button and move on to the
next video.

Fresher uploaded videos result from the search hits

Typically, in Google searches, the more aged the blog post is, the more it gets brought up to the top
results page. This is because the page has incurred more backlinks and has increased credibility rate
online. In comparison, YouTube searches don‘t act that way. Rather, it considers the newest videos as
the top-rated hits. There is what‘s called the ―freshness‖ factor in every video. So in order for your
videos to rank high and produce the honours, you must either resubmit or re-upload them whenever
you got the time and remove the older video. Note also that in YouTube, videos only have a shelf life
of two days before it is moved out from the Daily Most Viewed list to the Weekly Most Viewed. So
the key here is to make sure that it‘s getting viewed more and more each day, to stay on top. Marketing
through YouTube videos can be one of the effective ways on how to take advantage of the fact that
people are visual. Videos can entertain your viewers or followers than textual content. However, when
done wrong, they will only be bored and may hit on the Unsubscribe button.

4. ODA (Online Display Ads):

Display advertising is a type of advertising that is located on websites. It can be seen in a wide range of
different formats and contains items such as texts, images, flash, video and audio. The main purpose is to
deliver general advertisements and brand messages to the plus 40 million people connected to the Internet each
It is important to choose the right format because it will help to make the most of the medium. It is also
possible to add:

• Video
• Expendables: flash files that expand when the user interacts on mouse over
• Overlays: ads that appear and that it is possible to remove clicking a close button; Sponsorship:
including a logo or adding a brand to the design of a web site.

To help to better selecting the right format for type of ad, Interactive Advertising Bureau has realized a
Display Standard Ad Unit Portfolio that works as guideline that can be followed by the creative.

Standard size
IAB has also created a universal standard for display ad sizes Page text. There are four dimensions that have
been decided as universal and are respectively:

• Banner 728 x 90
• Rectangle 336 x 280
• Skyscraper 160 x 600
• Square 250 x 250

5. ORM (Online Reputation Management)

Online reputation management coined by the public relation. Basically ORM is a process include
Undertake the comprehensive research and analysis the online content.

 Track your users‘ actions and opinions about brand.

 Reduce your risk of featuring amongst the negative user sentiments.
 Enhance your web presence and create positive perceptions.

6. MMT (Mobile Marketing):

Mobile marketing is marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a smart phone. Mobile marketing can
plague customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services
and ideas. In a more theoretical manner, academic Andreas Kaplan defines mobile marketing as "any
marketing activity conducted through a ubiquitous network to which consumers are constantly connected
using a personal mobile device".
Mobile marketing via SMS has expanded rapidly in Europe and Asia as a new channel to reach the
consumer. SMS initially received negative media coverage in many parts of Europe for being a new form
of spam as some advertisers purchased lists and sent unsolicited content to consumer's phones; however, as
guidelines are put in place by the mobile operators, SMS has become the most popular branch of the Mobile
Marketing industry with several 100 million advertising SMS sent out every month.

6.1 Ways of mobile marketing:

MMS mobile marketing can contain a timed slideshow of images, text, audio and video. This mobile content
is delivered via MMS (Multimedia Message Service). Nearly all new phones produced with a color screen
are capable of sending and receiving standard MMS message. Brands are able to both send (mobile
terminated) and receive (mobile originated) rich content through MMS A2P (application-to-person) mobile
networks to mobile subscribers. In some networks, brands are also able to sponsor messages that are sent
P2P (person-to-person).
Good examples of mobile-originated MMS marketing campaigns are Motorola's ongoing campaigns at
House of Blues venues, where the brand allows the consumer to send their mobile photos to the LED board
in real-time as well as blog their images online.

Push notifications
Push notifications were first introduced to smartphones by Apple with the advent of the iPhone in 2007.
They were later further popularized with the Android operational system, where the notifications are shown
on the top of the screen. It has helped application owners to communicate directly with their end users in a
simple and effective way. If not used wisely it can quickly alienate users as it causes interruptions to their
current activities on the phone. It can be much cheaper if compared to SMS marketing for the long run, but
it can

Become quite expensive on the short run, because the cost involved in application development. Once the
application is download and installed provided the feature is not turned off it is practically free, because it
uses internet bandwidth only. SMS and push notifications can be part of a well-developed inbound mobile
marketing strategy.

APP Based marketing

With the increasingly widespread use of smartphones, app usage has also greatly increased. Therefore,
mobile marketers have increasingly taken advantage of smartphone apps as a marketing resource. This
allows for direct engagement, payment, and targeted advertising.

There is a lot of competition in this field as well. However, just like other services, it is not easy anymore
to rule the mobile application market.

In game mobile marketing

There are essentially three major trends in mobile gaming right now: interactive real-time 3D games,
massive multi-player games and social networking games. This means a trend towards more complex and
more sophisticated, richer game play. On the other side, there are the so-called casual games, i.e. games
that are very simple and very easy to play. Most mobile games today are such casual games and this will
probably stay so for quite a while to come.
Brands are now delivering promotional messages within mobile games or sponsoring entiregames to drive
consumer engagement. This is known as mobile advergaming or Ad-funded mobile game.

Mobile web marketing

Google and Yahoo! as on web pages specifically meant for access by mobile devices is also an option. The
Mobile Marketing Association provides a set of guidelines and standards that give the recommended format
of ads, presentation, and metrics used in reporting. Google, Yahoo, and other major mobile content
providers have been selling advertising placement on their properties for years already as of the time of this
writing. Advertising networks focused on mobile properties, SMS resellers and advertisers are also
available. Additionally, web forms on web pages can be used to integrate with mobile texting sources for
reminders about meetings, seminars and other important events that assume users are not always at their
computers. In addition, Mobile websites are another aspect of mobile web marketing and can be a tool than
can used to help make purchasing goods and services easier as well as create better communication
opportunities between trades.

QR codes
QR codes allow a customer to visit a web page address by scanning a 2D image with their phone's camera,
instead of manually entering a URL. The resultant URLs typically include tracking features which would
be unwieldy if typed by the customer. Originally approved as an ISS standard in 1997, Denso-Wave first

Developed the standard for tracking automobile parts in Japan. QR codes have been growing in popularity
in Asia and Europe, but have been slow to be adopted in North America. Some high-profile QR campaigns

in the United States have included billboards by Calvin Klein in Times Square, QR codes for every SKU
in Home Depot and Best Buy stores, and a scavenger hunt promoting Starbucks and Gaga. Apple pass book
Implemented as a native app for iOS6, has employed QR codes as one of the ways that the iPhone (oriPod
Touch) users can take a real world action. I.e. scan the Barcode on their Passbook Pass.
In addition to QR codes, the Passbook (application) also supports PDF417 and Aztec 2D Barcodes.

The rise of Bluetooth started around 2003 and a few companies in Europe have started establishing
successful businesses. Most of these businesses offer "hotspot" systems which consist of some kind of
content-management system with a Bluetooth distribution function. This technology has the advantages
that it is permission-based, has higher transfer speeds and is also a radio-based technology and can therefore
not be billed (i.e. is free of charge). The likely earliest device built for mobile marketing via Bluetooth was
the context tag of the Ambie Sense project (2001-2004). More recently Tata Motors conducted one of the
biggest Bluetooth marketing campaigns in India for its brand the Sumo Grande and more of such activities
have happened for brands like Walt Disney promoting their movie 'High School Musical'.

Proximity systems
Mobile marketing via proximity systems, or proximity marketing, relies on GSM 03.41 which defines the
Short Message Service - Cell Broadcast. SMS-CB allows messages (such as advertising or public
information) to be broadcast to all mobile users in a specified geographical area. In the Philippines,
GSMbased proximity broadcast systems are used by select Government Agencies for information
dissemination on Government-run community-based programs to take advantage of its reach and popularity
(Philippines has the world's highest traffic of SMS). It is also used for commercial service known as
Proxima SMS. Bluewater, a super-regional shopping Centre in the UK, has a GSM based system supplied
by NTL to help its GSM coverage for calls, it also allows each customer with a mobile phone to be tracked
though the Centre which shops they go into and for how long. The system enables special offer texts to be
sent to the phone. For example, a retailer could send a mobile text message to those customers in their
database who have opted-in, who happen to be walking in a mall. That message could say "Save 50% in
the next 5 minutes only when you purchase from our store." Snacks company, Mondelez International,
makers of Cadbury and Oreo products has committed to exploring proximity-based messaging citing
significant gains in point-of-purchase influence.

Location Based services
Location-based services (LBS) are offered by some cell phone networks as a way to send custom advertising
and other information to cell-phone subscribers based on their current location. The cell-phone service
provider gets the location from a GPS chip built into the phone, or using radiolocation and trilateration
based on the signal-strength of the closest cell-phone towers (for phones without GPS features). In the
United Kingdom, which launched location-based services in 2003, networks do not use trilateration; LBS
services use a single base station, with a 'radius' of inaccuracy, to determine a phone's location.Some
location-based services work without GPS tracking technique, instead transmitting content between devices

User controlled media

Mobile marketing differs from most other forms of marketing communication in that it is often user
(consumer) initiated (mobile originated, or MO) message, and requires the express consent of the consumer
to receive future communications. A call delivered from a server (business) to a user (consumer) is called
a mobile terminated (MT) message. This infrastructure points to a trend set by mobile marketing of
consumer controlled marketing communications.

Due to the demands for more user controlled media, mobile messaging infrastructure providers have
responded by developing architectures that offer applications to operators with more freedom for the users,
as opposed to the network-controlled media. Along with these advances to user-controlled Mobile
Messaging 2.0, blog events throughout the world have been implemented in order to launch popularity in
the latest advances in mobile technology. In June 2007, Air wide Solutions became the official sponsor for
the Mobile Messaging 2.0 blog that provides the opinions of many through the discussion of mobility with
freedom. GPS plays an important role in location-based marketing.

7. EMT (Email Marketing)

Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using email. In its
broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It
usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to
build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either sold lists or a current
customer database. Broadly, the term is usually used to refer to sending email messages with the purpose
of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers, to encourage customer
loyalty and repeat business, acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase
something immediately, and adding advertisements to email messages sent by other companies to their

Types of email marketing
Email marketing can be carried out through different types of emails:

Transactional emails:
Transactional emails are usually triggered based on a customer‘s action with a company. To be qualified as
transactional or relationship messages, these communications' primary purpose must be "to facilitate,
complete, or confirm a commercial transaction that the recipient has previously agreed to enter into with
the Sender", along with a few other narrow definitions of transactional messaging. Triggered transactional
messages include dropped basket messages, password reset emails, purchase or order confirmation emails,
order status emails, reorder emails and email receipts.
The primary purpose of a transactional email is to convey information regarding the action that triggered it.
But, due to its high open rates (51.3% compared to 36.6% for email newsletters), transactional emails are
an opportunity to engage customers: to introduce or extend the email relationship with customers or
subscribers, to anticipate and answer questions or to cross-sell or up-sell products or services.

Many email newsletter software vendors offer transactional email support, which gives companies the
ability to include promotional messages within the body of transactional emails. There are also software
vendors that offer specialized transactional email marketing services, which include providing targeted and
personalized transactional email messages and running specific marketing campaigns (such as customer
referral programs).

Direct emails:
Direct email or interruption based marketing involves sending an email solely to communicate a
promotional message (for example, an announcement of a special offer or a catalog of products). Companies
usually collect a list of customer or prospect email addresses to send direct promotional messages to, or
they can also rent a list of email addresses from service companies, but safe mail marketing is also used

AIDMA widely accepted model describing the psychological process leading up to the consumer‘s decision
to purchase a product. This model is similar to AIDA model. The AIDMA Model was first advocated by
Roland Hall, an American economist, around 1920.
According to this model, there are five key processes: Attention, in which the consumer first notices the
product or advertisement, followed by Interest, Desire, Memory, and Action. This model has been used
extensively in the advertising and marketing industries.

AISAS is a process model of consumers purchasing activities in the Internet age. AISAS is a consumption
behaviour model that has been advocated by Dentsu since 2004. It was developed to observe behaviours
based on the understanding that the Internet has become prevalent, and that consumers now have access to

environments in which they can obtain and transmit information themselves.

In this model, the key processes are: Attention, in which the consumer first notices the product or
advertisement, followed by Interest. After this, the consumer Searches for information, and then makes a
purchase (Action), after which information is shared with others. In comparison to ―AIDMA,‖ the
psychological process has become more compact, and the Action process has expanded.

These changes are shown how presences in digital are important for brands. Brands can able to create
awareness and internet without digital. But it will not lead to action in current scenario. Customers need

more information in present era; they are information seeker and always search for best deal. Brands can‘t
sustain without digital media.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Digital Advertising is increasingly an inherent budgetary component of many organizations today.
Organizations of all sizes use the medium to promote their products and services. So well, why do so many
organizations use the medium? Simply put, it is due to the numerous advantages that online advertising
offers. These are discussed in the paragraphs ahead.

The ability of the online medium to target a certain demographic of users is one of the greatest advantages
of digital advertising. In addition, the geographical reach of the online medium is far greater than that of
traditional media. It‘s not only cost effective to achieve a wider geographic area but the ads can also be
targeted to the desired audience. For example, if an advertiser is keen on selling his or her products targeted
to a certain demographic of people, it is quite possible through online advertising. Digital advertising has
matured to the extent that web publishers, media agencies and advertisers themselves know the optimal
ways and websites for a certain category of products or services. Measurement

With various tools becoming available, tracking effectiveness of ad campaigns is becoming possible today.
In other words, measuring Return of Investment (ROI) is increasingly possible today. Organizations that
were previously reluctant to spend online, now realize that the online medium does offer means to alleviate
any such fears. Moreover, when properly designed online marketing campaigns generate the desired results,
advertisers are further encouraged to continue advertising online.

Interactive and Engagement

The Internet is arguably the most interactive and engaging medium among various others. Interactive
campaigns have become a norm with the power of the online medium. One such advertisement worth
mentioning is the campaign by AXE where the end user could alter the smile of a woman as he/she liked to
i.e. in an interactive framework. The advertisement struck an instant chord with the youth to which AXE
the brand is positioned for Customers are basically just a click away from the advertisers. In other words,
direct response between end users and advertisers is possible through the online medium.


Through the Internet, an advertiser can reach a desired target group or demographic in a much shorter time
frame. For example, if an advertiser needs to plan some sort of ambush marketing, the online medium can
be an effective means of achieving it. Even otherwise i.e. for regular marketing campaigns, the total time
necessary to complete an online advertising campaign is less than that of traditional advertising methods.
When compared to traditional forms of advertising, digital advertising is cheaper. Various payment models
are available between the advertisers and publishers. Many a time, advertisers are charged only when
visitors click on their ads. The various payment models are discussed in detail in the next section.

7.1 Monetary term in Digital Marketing

 Cost –Per- Action (CPA): Cost of advertising based on a visitor taking some specifically defined
action in response to an ad. ―Action‖ include such thing as a sale, transaction, a customer acquisition
or a click.

 Cost- Per -Click (CPC): Cost of advertising based on the number of clicks received.
 Cost- Per-Thousand (CPM): The standard unit for buying or selling Internet advertising. The
thousand stands for ‗thousand advertising impression or views‘.

 Pay- Per- Impression: Online advertising where an advertiser pays a pre-agreed price each time a
user clicks on their advertisement. The cost for the click is often negotiated through auction, with
ad placement determined by the relative size of the bid, as well as other factors.

 Pay-Per-Inclusion: Search engine marketing programs that guarantee web site listing for specific
keyword search term for a fee.

 Pay-Per-Lead: Paying to acquire leads from an outside party at a set rate or amount per lead.

Chapter 5

Impact on Revenue


Digital marketing is a new trend in marketing, unlike traditional marketing most of companies not use their
own marketing channels for digital marketing mostly it can be outsourced to third parties like digital
marketing agencies like INGLU consultancy ltd. Companies like INGLU generating revenue using digital
marketing it has great impact on revenue model of these companies. Sending‘s of various companies on
digital marketing is a revenue for digital marketing agencies like INGLU.

6.1 Digital agencies: types and services

Digital agencies are as varied as the needs of the advertisers and marketers who hire them. At the high end,
for global enterprises, are the agency holding companies with hundreds of full-service digital agencies
around the world. There are also boutique and specialty agencies that provide channel-specific digital
marketing services such as mobile messaging programs, social media marketing, or SEO link-building
campaigns. And there are agencies that focus on strategy and professional services, such as branding or web
design. Like any organization, each type of agency has its own strengths, weaknesses, and culture. Digital
agencies also can be differentiated by their focus on professional services versus proprietary technology
platforms. Agencies that emphasize their professional services capabilities recommend and use third-party
technology such as PPC campaign management platforms, SEO tools, and social media management
platforms to manage their clients‘ data and digital campaigns. These agencies view their role as strategists
that can analyse and interpret data to provide actionable results and achieve their clients‘ goals.Agencies
that develop and offer proprietary tools view their platforms as a competitive advantage over third-party
toolsets that are widely available. The plethora of digital channels has left many advertisers drowning in
data. By providing technology platforms that are built and customized to client needs, these agencies believe
they are providing unique and critical automation tools that collect, analyse, and optimize data for their

6.2 The Benefits of working with a digital agency

Agencies owned by large media or holding companies can provide the following benefits:

• Diversity of capabilities from co-owned media properties.

• Built-in sister agency relationships and priority referrals.

• In-network efficiencies.

Working with a specialty or boutique agency offers unique benefits as well, including:

• More granular channel strategy and tactical expertise.

• Client access to agency decision makers and top personnel.

• Lower spending minimums

Various surveys showing that spending of companies on digital marketing is increasing every year, here is
survey says

6.3. Gartner Survey Reveals Digital Marketing Budgets Will Increase by 10 Percent in

Digital marketing budgets will rise by 10 percent in 2021, following a double digit percentage increase in
2015, according to a survey of marketing executives by Gartner, Inc. The survey found that, on average,
companies spent 10.7 percent of their annual 2015 revenue on overall marketing activities, with digital
marketing spending averaging 3.1 percent of revenue.
These findings are included in Gartner's Digital Marketing Spending report that is based on a survey of 285
individuals but answering mainly for their entire organization. Respondents represent organizations with
more than $500 million in annual revenue (average revenue $4.4 billion) across eight industries: financial
services and insurance, high-tech, communications, manufacturing, media, retail, government and
healthcare. The survey took place from July through September 2015. The report examines how marketers
are allocating their budgets, what activities are contributing to marketing success and other factors.
"Marketing leaders are securing bigger budgets to define markets, develop offerings, and attract, acquire
and retain customers," said Yvonne Genovese, managing vice president at Gartner. "Digital marketing is
taking an increasing share of the marketing budget with annual digital marketing operating budgets totaling
3.1 percent of a company's revenue in 2013, as compared with 2.6 percent in 2014, representing a 20 percent
Eleven percent of respondents said they spent more than half of their marketing budgets on digital activities
in 2013 compared with only 3.0 percent in 2014. Digital marketing represented an average of 28.5 percent
of the total marketing budget in 2013, as compared with 25.5 percent in 2014.
A further survey finding was that 77 percent of companies have a chief customer officer (CCO) or the
equivalent. Customer touch points include websites, mobile apps, social profiles, directory listings, on-site
search, email interactions, communities, call center and more hence, the increasing popularity of the role of

the chief customer officer to help guide the customer right through the buying cycle and beyond. Eightyone
percent of organizations were also found to have a chief marketing technologist in 2015, up from 70 percent
in 2014.

When it comes to budget allocation, marketing leaders support a diverse, and increasingly complex,
marketing mix. The survey found that 12.2 percent the biggest share of their digital marketing budget was
allocated to digital advertising in 2015, just as in 2014. However, marketers continue to wrestle with digital
advertising's effectiveness. Industry associations, advertising agencies, media, technology, and metrics
providers and brand advertisers are all working to address this concern by improving attribution models and
cracking down on phony Web traffic. Design, development and maintenance of the corporate website
account for the second-largest share of digital marketing budgets as the increase of inbound marketing
channels such as social networks, customer forums and the blogosphere creates more traffic on the corporate
website. Digital commerce, social marketing and mobile marketing three activities that increasingly overlap
are closely tied for the third-largest share of digital marketing budgets.
In 2014, marketers plan to make long overdue expenditures for mobile marketing tools and techniques. This
survey report shows market share of digital marketing budget in marketing budget increasing every year,
we can make money by utilizing the need of digital marketing. By starting a digital agency, you can generate
large amount of revenue with less amount of investment. INGLU also did the same, CEO Advit Sahadev
identified the opportunity and started INGLU which stands online digital marketing consultancy which
fulfill digital marketing needs of various companies they charge as per their performance and based on fee
structures as I mentioned above.

6.4 Digital agency fee structures

Agency free structures vary widely, even within client accounts. It is not uncommon for a client to
compensate their agency using different fee structures for different types of media campaigns. For example,
a common agency fee model for paid media work is percentage of spend. Typically, an agency will be paid

10-20% of a client‘s digital media spend on paid search or display advertising campaigns. Smaller clients
may pay a higher percentage, while enterprise clients may pay a smaller percentage due to the larger dollar
volume of their accounts. Generally digital agencies like INGLU charge their clients for maintaining their
digital presence this is how they make money, necessity of digital presence for companies let the digital
agencies to make money. Different sorts of agencies advertising agencies use different models.

Methods of Charging Clients

1. Project based clients:

Often used for smaller agencies, smaller brands and typically for agencies that do one specific part of the
mix, e.g. A digital agency. But even a large agency would have some clients on this basis. Normally there
would be a Scope of Work, this would come with an estimate to do that one set job. This estimate would
normally be based on the people, how many hours they work, and what their hourly rate is. But there would
like be
Some pass through costs for physical goods, for services from other companies etc. The profit the agency
makes comes entirely from the gap between the hourly rates of what they pay people.
2. Retained agencies:
Sometimes there is a fee based on a percentage of media spend, but this is largely dying. Sometimes it's a
project team, where you buy a certain number of people, a certain percentage of their time, for a quarter or
year. These hourly rates work the same way as the team for the SOW above. Sometimes there is an amount
of money put aside for time and costs and the Agency manages this time and cost to serve the client. A sort
of pay as you go model. With all of the above, there is an increasing move towards pay for performance.

So it's likely that any of the sorts of agreements in a retained structure, will allowfor a bonus to be unlocked.
This could come down to sales results, brand value, satisfaction levels, or other criteria, and often a mixture
of them.

• Fee-based or retainer-based models are quickly gaining traction, most often at the expense of
commission-based compensation among large brands and their agencies. The Association of

National Advertisers‘ 2013 Trends in Agency Compensation Survey found that fee-based
agreements have grown to 81% of all compensation agreements, while commission-based
compensation has fallen to just 5% of all compensation agreements. The two compensation models
have been on opposite trajectories since 1994, according to the ANA survey, when
commissionbased models represented 61% of all agreements, and fee-based models accounted for
35% of agency compensation agreements.

• Fee-based models have become more attractive because they provide predictable expenses for
marketers and advertisers, particularly on long-term accounts that require ongoing maintenance,
such as monitoring SEO rankings or social media content. Retainers may also encourage agencies

to test new campaign strategies and tactics, knowing that they will be compensated for their time
regardless of results.

Digital marketing budgets total 2.5% of revenue and will increase 9% this year. Marketing leaders have
secured bigger budgets to define markets and attract, acquire and retain customers. Yet, increased funding
is a double-edged sword. It brings new opportunities but puts more pressure on marketers to deliver and
prove a return on the investment.

Chapter 6

Research Methodology
& Data Analysis

Research design is a conceptual structure within the boundaries of which a research is constructed. Data is
collected with the help of these techniques which forms the blue print of the report and acts as the basis for
measurement and analytical decision making process. It is a framework to ensure quality and accuracy of
the data.
A good research design had following characteristics:

Problem definition Method of collecting data and analysis Time required should be appropriate Budgeted
The technique used by me in this is conclusive research design method for the study. The data collected is
used for conclusive decision making. It is dependent on both Primary and secondary data.

2.1 Data collection:

• The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design has
been chalked out.
• While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the research should
keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and Secondary.
• 2.2 Sources of data

• a) Primary Data.

• b) Secondary Data

2.2.1 Primary data:

The observation method is the most commonly used method. Data pertaining to digital marketing process
and most of information is collected from project guide in the company. Questionnaire method is also very
widely used in order to give a structure to the entire study.

Secondary data:

Secondary data is collected from already existing sources in various organization broachers & records.
Secondary data for the study were collected from the magazines, websites & other previous studies. To
meet the objectives, the study used qualitative research. The descriptive study was done through review of
existing literature that helped in validation and extraction of the important variables and factors. Data was
collected from secondary sources. Secondary sources were magazines, websites, books, office executives,
and company data.

Sampling Technique Use in Research

Random sampling

The sampling technique in which each sample has an equal probability of being chosen. A sample chosen

randomly is meant to be an unbiased representation of the total population. If for some reasons, the sample

does not represent the population, the variation is called a sampling error.

The sampling technique adopted under the present study is random sampling. I found that most of the people
79-80 % were of 22 to 45 years


SAMPLE AREA= I had completed my survey in New Delhi & NCR.


The whole research is based upon primary data & secondary data. People responses/view to know the
audience view,


Technical Aspects of problem:

• Finding the online presence of the client.
• Understanding why it is so weak.

• Identifying what solutions would be better for particular client.

• How to improve their presence, etc.

Managerial Aspect of the problem:

• To define SWOT for the client.

• To define their requirements and the corresponding solutions.

• To define the gap analysis for the client.

Business Aspect of the problem:

• To find better business opportunity for ROW.

• To resolve the client‘s problem in terms of ROI.

• Competitive benefits and bets pricing offering.

Data Analysis
1. How do you get information about new Products?

Samples showing that 40% of people get to know about new products through advertisements and
followed by friends means reference group.

2. Do you Collect information before purchasing the products?

Survey results showing that 95% of people collect information before purchasing the products. Only few
people don‘t bother about info before purchasing product.

3. What type of information do you collect?

 Survey results showing that 32% people collect information about quality of the product, 26% on
price and 21% on customer‘s experience.

4. Did you ever purchase from an online site?

81% people said they buy from online site and only few people said they never purchased from online
because of reliability issues

5. If yes, then what type of product / services did you purchase online?

People who said they purchase products from online they purchase electronic products, followed by
fashion and travel accessories through online.

Survey results showing that almost equal percentage of results.53% people watch TV programs through

74% are reading newspapers through online portals and only 26% people said NO to read newspaper

8. What do you mostly do with your gadgets?

Survey results showing that 21% use these gadgets for chatting, 16% for surfing and 14% for watching
videos & for games as well.

9. Where do you notice more of the advertisements?

35% of samples noticed ads through online media, 22% on TVC and 17% on Newspapers

10. Mention one form of media, which you‘ll prefer over the others when it comes to the advertisements?

48% of the samples are saying they have trust in online ads, 34 % are saying they have trust in T.V.

Chapter 7


1. Major ratio get information through advertisement and then from friends , news ,families and least

20% is covered by other sources .

2. Approx. 95% of people collect pre purchase information .

3. I found that information collected for executing the purchase of product are customer experience ,

quantity , attributes, quality and price of the product.

4. In the changing era of digitalization 81% of person are involved in online purchasing .

5. Cosmetics , clothes forms a major portion of online purchased goods and after that electronic items,

6. fashion accessories, books ,gifts etc .

7. Person using internet in that more than half of them use online media to watch television programs .

8. Majority of people prefer online media for collecting news information .

9. Apart from shopping and watching shows online gadgets are also used for chatting , surfing

,games , videos etc.

10. Earlier offline medium were used for getting update about the advertisement but now most of

people view add through online medium.

11. People prefer online medium for viewing advertisement in respect of other medium.

12. Researcher found that most of the time youngsters who are from the age of 20-25 shop a lot on the

internet rather than other age limits. People used to do online shopping because of its convenience.

13. The three factors that were found show a significant in influencing online shoppers and consumers. The

general distribution showed that the price was the primary factor for the entire sample population, and

that second factor was trust was closely followed by convenience.


The successful completion of this study indicates that the future of marketing is in the hands of digital.
Digital marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it consists of integrated services and
integrated channels. Marketers want to use these components in an effective way to reach target groups and
to build a brand. In this digital era marketer is not the custodian for a brand, people who are connected
across the digital platforms are the custodians.

Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have high affinity towards
digital media than other media‘s. More than that customers are highly information seekers and digital media
is the only platform for two-way communication between brands and customers.

Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a brand. Because it is more cost effective and it
provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands can able to engage their target group in an effective way

through digital platforms. Digital media is not only for engagement; brands can increase their customers or
they can retain their existing customers. Digital platforms help to increase the impact of brand recall in
target groups.

Importance of digital presence increasing importance of digital agencies, so they making money through
digital advertising raising of digital marketing consciousness making money for digital agencies by which
they are booming and making more money with small investments.

I honestly believe that this project report will be at most useful for marketers to understand the digital
marketing and also to plan for future strategies.

Chapter 8



For an effective Digital Marketing promotional marketing strategy for a manufacturer, there
are some recommendations which need to be followed so as to increase the revenue of the


Leveraging services of a Digital Marketing B2B marketplace opens up

numerous doors of opportunities. It offers both options for registrations –free
and paid. The latter offers additional features to enhance business prospects. To
gain maximum exposure manufacturing companies should register at many
Digital Marketing B2B marketplaces as possible and be visible to buyers
visiting from across the globe.

A website that covers complete product and company information along with
client testimonials has become a prerequisite for manufacturers looking for web
presence. Updating the product catalogue and other latest happenings such as
trade fare participations at regular intervals is also essential to keep the
customers and visitor‘s interest. The company must be prompt in replying to
business queries from buyers over email or phone.

A specialized company needs to be engaged to undertake the SEO activities

for your company. Also the manufacturer firms should register themselves at
Google Local, Google Maps, and similar services across all search engines,
both major and minor.

A concrete database of the target customers from a reliable source should be

obtained and send mailers using a service that gives detailed statistics of its rate,
click through, etc.

Digital Marketing is mainly based on trust. You can capitalize on mechanism

which bridge the trust gap associated with the Digital Marketing medium and
enhance your credibility. Staj India has a business verification service ‗Trust
Seal‘ and that needs to be used in a very fair way to obtain the customer‘s trust.


It is a powerful tool to speed the word about your company and increase network
possibilities, social media, holds immense potentials. Sending regular update
messages in your LinkedIn network , updating company‘s products at various
blogs, uploading product pictures on photo sharing sites like Flickr, putting
product videos on all video sharing sites like You Tube, placing company
presentations and documents on document sharing sites, such as Slide shares,
Scribd, etc can improve the suppliers‘ perceptions over the Digital Marketing
promotional products.


Following are some limitations which affect our performance in the organization.

 The number of respondents who filled the questionnaire was limited, so it

was my

 limitation to generalize the information filled by them for the whole

Kanpur. But, I have tried my best to collect data according to the
geographical area of Kanpur.

 Time duration also acted as a limitation, as it was only six weeks training
and I collected data during that time only.

 People filled the questionnaire casually, so the data may not be perfect for
generalization of digital marketing trend.

 There is a level of researcher imposition, meaning that when developing


 questionnaire, the researcher is making their own decisions and

assumptions as to what is and is not important...therefore they may be
missing something that is of importance.



Name: M/F: Age:

Q1. How do you get information about new Products?

a) News

b) Advertisements
c) Family

d) Friends

e) Other Sources

Q2. Do you Collect information before purchasing the products?

a) Yes
b) No

Q3. What type of information do you collect?

a) Customer‘s Experience

b) Quantity
c) Attributes

d) Quality

e) Price

Q4. Did you ever purchase from an online site?

a) Yes

b) No

Q5. If yes, then what type of product / services did you purchase online?

a) Electronics

b) Books

c) Fashion Accessories
d) Sports Equipment
e) Gifts

f) Others

Q6 Do you watch television programs online?

a) Yes

b) No

Q7. Do you read the News online?

a) Yes

b) No

Q8. What do you mostly do with your gadgets?

a) Chatting

b) Watch Videos
c) Surfing

d) Games
e) Others
Q9. Where do you notice more of the advertisements?
a) Radios

b) OOH

c) Magazines
d) Newspaper

e) Online Ads

f) TV

Q10. Mention one form of media, which you‘ll prefer over the others when it comes to the advertisements?

a) Radio

b) OOH

c) Newspapers
d) Online

e) TV


 Business Dictionary Online,

 Ambassador

 Social Media Examiner

 YouTube

 Forbes

 Facebook

 Keller, Kevin (2013). "Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity

formation through digital marketing". The Journal of Marketing.

 Interbrand,

 "List of Permitted Private Satellite TV Channels as on 31-01-2016" (PDF). Government of

India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. 31 January 2016. Retrieved 15 December 2016.

 23.77 MN DTH subscribers by June 2010: TRAI Business Standard

 Media and Journalism: Theory to Practice (2008)

 Unattributed. ""Research" in 'Dictionary' tab". Merriam Webster ( Encyclopædia Britannica.

 Retrieved 13 August 2011

 Adweek. (2016) What Trends Will Drive Digital Marketing Success in
 2016?. [online]. Available from: digital-
marketing-success-in-2016/632884 [Accessed 29 Jul. 2017].
 Bampo, M; Ewing, M.T; Mather, D.R; Stewart, D and Wallace, M. (2008) The effects of the
 social structure of digital networks on viral marketing performance.
 Information Systems Research, 19(3), pp.273-290.
 Tesco. (2016) Tesco | Online Groceries, Homeware, Electricals & Clothing.
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