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Correlation of Strategic Management in Customer Satisfaction in McDonalds along Santa Rosa City

Correlation of Strategic Management in Customer Satisfaction in McDonald’s along Sta. Rosa City
Introduction Strategic Management is a way of processing the procedure, setting of goals and objective
in order make an organized and convenient way of a company to be more competitive to other
companies locally or internationally. One of the important factors to be considered to have an organized
management is the satisfaction of the customers while played and important role in the industry.
According to one of the articles, the changes in business environments will require organizations to
constantly assess their strategies for success and to improve the customer’s satisfaction by continuous
planning throughout the changes in the situation and environment. The strategic management process
helps organizations take stock of their present situation, chalk out strategies, deploy them and analyze
the effectiveness of the implemented management strategies. The interconnection of roles of customer
satisfaction and the strategic management has a big impact to the analytical framework for creating a
customer-driven organizational culture. Furthermore, the quality starts and ends with the customer. The
customer must be the body and soul of the business. A company cannot progress qualitatively unless it
has made the customer its driving force (Reis & Peña, 2000). However, by measuring and analyzing
customer satisfaction the assurance of any strategies you put in place actually serve to improve business
as well as the customer’s experience and loyalty.


Correlation of strategic management in costumer satisfaction in mc Donald’s Santa Rosa City This study
more focused in the Costumers Satisfaction upon knowing their Strategic management. The most
benefited in this are: Costumers, having a full knowledge and decision making on what goods and wants
they will buy from mcDonald’s to them; Owners, having a full context of what the Costumers behavior
and strategy on how they will buy products and also giving them some information to what strategy
they will use to increase costumers satisfaction and their relationship on their costumers. The possibility
that the costumers Satisfaction will increase is 100% when the owners strategic management can full fill
the preference of every costumers that depends on time and events.

Conceptual Framework
Strategic Management Customer Satisfaction

Factors that can Affect the


 Out of stock  Not Satisfied with the

 High Price Cause Service
Disaster  Sudden Price Increase
 Lack of Employee  Slow Service

Figure 1: Present a conceptual framework of the study.  

It consists of two variables which is INDEPENDENT AND DEPENDENT VARIABLES, Correlation of

Strategic  Management in Customer as an INDEPENDENT VARIABLE and Satisfaction as an DEPENDENT

In Figure 1. Correlation of the strategic Management in Customer as an Independent variable, Their 

relationship with management is such that they can change their strategy, provide effective
strategies,  and upgrade the strategies in such a way that they can govern their relationship with the

In the second variables we are talking about satisfaction as an Dependent variables. Due to the fact that 
each consumer has distinct interests and personalities, they are unable to anticipate how satisfied a 
customer will be by this method. They have their own opinions, so you can’t assume what they will
think  because you don’t know how they will respond to your product. Therefore, you can’t say whether
they  like it or not. 

Strategic management After defining strategic management and theory, what is left to say about
strategic administration theory? One may define a strategic management theory as a hypothesis
statement or a collection of ideas used to explain the beginning, development, fundamentals, and uses
for strategic management. the majority of strategic management theories Considering systems, the
approach to contingencies and the approach to information technology to corporate administration.
Given this context, and in the wake of David (2005) and Mohd Among the prevalent ideas of strategic
management, Khairuddin Hashim (2005) identified and the profit-maximizing strategies are relevant to
contemporary industrial and governmental entities. Considering the theories of competition, resource
allocation, survival, and human agency theory, resource-based theory, and contingency theory. Strategic
management have evolved over time in order to suit the internal and external needs of organizations
and also to fulfill the requirements of the external environments. However, strategic management
theories need to be extended especially to cater for the notion of competitive advantage of the firm.
Competitive advantage is a relative notion. It can be viewed from various perspectives, notably the
industrial‐organization (I/O) and resource‐based philosophy. The I/O perspective views the organization
external market. CONSUMER SATISFACTION The relationship between disconfirmation and was
explained using a variety of theoretical frameworks. dissatisfaction. These methods can be viewed as
modifications to consistency theories (Anderson, 1973), and they center your attention on the post-
usage comparison process's characteristics. According to the theories of consistency, when expectations
and actual product performance don't match up the customer will feel some tightness if it does not fit.
The buyer will strive to in order to release this tension. Adjust your impressions of the product's real
performance, as well as your expectations. The theories of consistency, which include some theoretical
stances (Peyton, Pitts, Kamery2003, p.42).

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