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Bacterial Morphology

and Structure

Dr. Orass Madhi

• Unit for measurement :
Micron or micrometer,μm
• Size:
Varies with kinds of bacteria, and
also related to their age and
external environment.

 Cocci: sphere, 1μm

 Bacilli: rods , 0.5-1 μm in width -3 μm in length
 Spiral bacteria: 1~3 μm in length and 0.3-0.6 μm in width
Bacterial Classification
1. phenotypic
2. genotypic
1) According to phenotypic characteristics:
Because many bacteria can appear very similar on microscopic and macroscopic
examination, morphologic characters are used to provide a tentative
identification and to select more discriminating classification methods.

a) Microscopic and macroscopic morphology:

1. Gram stain reaction (2 groups)
2. Cell morphology
3. Colonial morphology
Partial (incomplete


Hemolytic colonies on sheep blood

Gram negative
Gram negative bacilli
Gram positive bacteria
b) Biochemical reactions:
• Sugars fermentation
• Amino acid consumption
• Presence of specific enzymes: protease, nuclease, lipase…etc.

c) Serologic classification:
• Bacteria are classified -and identified as well- according to their
specific outer shell (cell wall) antigens.
• Somatic antigen (O); Flagellar (H), and Capsular (K).

d) Antibiogram classification:
i.e.; according to patterns of susceptibility to various antibiotics.
Biochemical identification of 4 different bacterial strains
API 20E system
2) Classification according to Genotypic characteristics:
The most precise method is to analyze the genetic material
of bacteria. This is achieved by the following ways:

• G+C base ratio of bacterial genome.

• DNA sequence analysis:
• Plasmid ( extra-chromosomal DNA) analysis.
• rDNA sequence (Ribotyping)
Comparing DNA segments from different bacterial strains
Structure of Bacteria

Essential structures
cell wall
cell membrane
nuclear material

Particular structures
Cell Envelope
• The cell envelope is all the layers
from the cell membrane
outward, including the cell wall,
the periplasmic space, the outer
membrane, and the capsule.
• All free-living bacteria have a
cell wall
• periplasmic space and outer
membrane are found in
• the capsule is only found in
some strains
• Coating of molecules external to the cell wall,
made of sugars and/or proteins
• Two types:
1. Slime layer - loosely organized and attached
2. Capsule - highly organized, tightly attached
• Functions:
• Protect cells from dehydration and nutrient loss
• Inhibit killing by white blood cells by phagocytosis,
contributing to pathogenicity
• Attachment - formation of biofilms

Figure 4.11 Biofilm on a catheter

Capsules and slime layers  Attachment
 Protection from phagocytic
 Resistance to drying.
 Depot for waste products.
 Reservoir for certain
 protection

• These are structures surrounding the outside of the cell envelope. They
usually consist of polysaccharide; however, in certain bacilli they are
composed of a polypeptide (polyglutamic acid). They are not essential to
cell viability and some strains within a species will produce a capsule,
whilst others do not. Capsules are often lost during in vitro culture.
Bacterial structure
The Bacterial Cell wall:
Gram –ve bacteria, it is composed of:

1) Outer membrane
2) Periplasmic space
3) Cytoplasmic membrane.

Gram +ve bacteria:

1) Thick compact peptidoglycan
2) No Outer membrane layer
3) No periplasmic space,
4) Cytoplasmic membrane.
1884: Christian Gram:
First publication for the Gram stain method)

Cell membrane Nucleoid Cell wall

Gram +

Gram -
Cell (inner) membrane Outer membrane
Ribosomes Cell wall
Cell wall
• Situation: outmost
portion. 15-30nm
in thickness, 10%-
25% of dry weight.
Special components of Gram
positive cell wall
Teichoic acid

It is a polymer of glycerol or ribitol joined by

phosphate groups, and cause septic shock .
Special components of
Gram negative cell wall
Periplasmic space (to store enzymes)

contains a thin layer of peptidoglycan molecules.

Functions of Cell Wall
• Maintaining the cell's characteristic shape- the rigid
wall compensates for the flexibility of the
phospholipid membrane and keeps the cell from
assuming a spherical shape
• Countering the effects of osmotic pressure
• Providing attachment sites for bacteriophages
• Providing a rigid platform for surface appendages-
flagella, fimbriae, and pili all emanate from the wall
and extend beyond it
• Play an essential role in cell division
• Be the sites of major antigenic determinants of the
cell surface。
• Resistance of Antibiotics
Wall-less forms of Bacteria.

• When bacteria are treated with

• 1) enzymes that are lytic for the cell wall e.g. lysozyme or
• 2) antibiotics that interfere with biosynthesis of peptidoglycan,
wall-less bacteria are often produced.
• Usually these treatments generate non-viable organisms. Wall-
less bacteria that can not replicate are referred to as
spheroplasts (when an outer membrane is present) or
protoplasts (if an outer membrane is not present).
• Occasionally wall-less bacteria that can replicate are generated
by these treatments (L forms).
Cell Membrane
• The cell membrane (often called the plasma
membrane) is composed of 2 layers of
• Phospholipids have polar heads and non-polar
• “Polar” implies that the heads are
hydrophilic: they like to stay in an aqueous
environment: facing the outside world and
the inside of the cell.
• “non-polar” means that the tails are
hydrophobic: they want to be away from
water, in an oily environment. The tails
are in the center of the membrane
• A pure phospholipid membrane only allows
water, gasses, and a few small molecules to
move freely through it.
Cytoplasmic membrane
phospholipid bilayer, no steroids (except mycoplasma).
• It performs electron transport and energy production
(replaces mitochondria).
• Contains enzymes.
• Contains transport proteins.
• Contains ion pumps to maintain membrane potential.
• Contains actin-like protein filaments: helps determine
shape of cell, determine site of septum formation for cell
division (first detected in Treponemes)
Cell membrane

• Site of biosynthesis of DNA, cell wall polymers and membrane lipids.

Selective permeability and transport of solutes into cells
• Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation
• Excretion of hydrolytic exoenzymes
Cytoplasm, with main component are;
 Ribosomes:
70 S (30S + 50S) free in cytoplasm. Proteins and RNA of bacterial ribosomes are
significantly different from human.

 Plasmid:
Cytoplasmic smaller, closed, circular DNA, capable of self replication, not
essential to cell survival, confers some additional characters as resistance to

 Chromosome:
Single, super-coiled, circular DNA, as nucleoid. Transcription and translation
both occur in cytoplasm, even at same time !!

 Transposon: a few DNA sequences that can integrate into chromosomal DNA
or stay in cytoplasm. Not able of self-replication. Code for some important
traits (antibiotic resist.)
• Composed largely of water, together with proteins, nucleic
acid, lipids and small amount of sugars and salts
• Ribosomes: numerous, 15-20nm in diameter with 70S;
distributed throughout the cytoplasm; sensitive to
streptomycin and erythromycin site of protein synthesis

 Plasmids: extrachromosomal
genetic elements
 Inclusions: sources of stored
energy, e,g volutin

• Lacking nuclear
membrane, absence
of nucleoli, hence
known as nucleic
material or nucleoid,
one to several per
Some bacterial species are mobile and possess
locomotory organelles - flagella. Flagella consist of a
number of proteins including flagellin
The diameter of a flagellum is thin, 20 nm, and
long with some having a length 10 times the
diameter of cell. Due to their small diameter, flagella
cannot be seen in the light microscope unless a
special stain is applied. Bacteria can have one or
more flagella arranged in clumps or spread all over
the cell.
 Identification
of Bacteria
 Pathogenesis
 Motility of


• Pili are hair-like projections of the cell , They are

known to be receptors for certain bacterial viruses.
Chemical nature is pilin
• Classification and Function
a.Common pili or fimbriae: fine , rigid numerous,
related to bacterial adhesion
b.Sex pili: longer and coarser, only 1-4, related to
bacterial conjugation
Endospores  Identification of
(spores) Bacteria
 Pathogenesis
 Resistance

• Dormant cell
• Resistant to adverse • Produced when starved
conditions • Contain calcium dipicolinate
- high temperatures DPA, Dipicolinic acid
- organic solvents • Bacillus and Clostridium
• Some bacteria can form very tough spores,
which are metabolically inactive and can
survive a long time under very harsh
• Spores can also survive very high or low
temperatures and high UV radiation for
extended periods. This makes them difficult to
kill during sterilization.
• Anthrax
• Spores are produced only by a few genera in
the Firmicutes:
• Bacillus species including anthracis
(anthrax) and cereus (endotoxin causes
~5% of food poisoning)
• Clostridium species including tetani
(tetanus), perfringens (gangrene), and
botulinum (botulism: food poisoning from
improperly canned food)

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