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Axial load-deformation behavior and fracture characteristics of bolted

steel to laminated timber and glubam connections

Da Shi, Cristoforo Demartino, Zhi Li, Yan Xiao

PII: S0263-8223(22)01218-1
Reference: COST 116486

To appear in: Composite Structures

Received date : 27 March 2022

Revised date : 11 October 2022
Accepted date : 14 November 2022

Please cite this article as: D. Shi, C. Demartino, Z. Li et al., Axial load-deformation behavior and
fracture characteristics of bolted steel to laminated timber and glubam connections. Composite
Structures (2022), doi:

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Journal Pre-proof


Axial load-deformation behavior and fracture characteristics of bolted steel to laminated tim-
ber and glubam connections

Da Shi, Cristoforo Demartino, Zhi Li, Yan Xiao

• Bolted steel to laminated timber or glubam connections with slotted-in steel plates

• Axial load-deformation behavior and fracture characteristics

• DIC to monitor the deformation process and measure relative displacements of bolts

• New monotonic load vs displacement prediction model characterized by four stages

• Calibration and physical meaning of the proposed model by using the experimental tests as a bench-
mark re-
Journal Pre-proof

Axial load-deformation behavior and fracture characteristics of bolted steel to

laminated timber and glubam connections

Da Shic , Cristoforo Demartinoa,b,∗, Zhi Lic,∗, Yan Xiaoa,b

a Zhejiang University - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Institute, Haining 314400, Zhejiang, PR China
b Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA

c College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, 310058 Zhejiang, PR


Bolted steel to laminated composite bio-based material connections are commonly used in truss systems.
The aim of this study is to provide a more rational understanding of their tensile axial behavior. The
aim of this paper is twofold: first, it investigates and compares the monotonic tensile axial behavior of
bolted steel to laminated timber and bamboo connections with slotted-in steel plates. The test matrix
comprised a total of 8 different connection configurations obtained by changing parameters relevant to the
connection behavior (Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) and Glued Laminated Bamboo (glubam), 2 bolt
diameters, and 1 or 2 bolts). Three test repetitions for each connection configuration were performed to
investigate the repeatability and assess variability. Tests were performed by also employing Digital Image
Correlation (DIC) apparatus to monitor the deformation process and measure relative displacements of
bolts. Moreover, the physical and mechanical properties of the materials adopted are investigated. Second,
based on the experimental findings, a new monotonic load vs displacement phenomenological prediction
model characterized by four stages is proposed which is capable of defining more rationally the observed
tensile monotonic behavior and differentiating between brittle and ductile failures. An extensive discussion
of the calibration and physical meaning of the proposed model by using the experimental test results as

benchmark is provided.
Keywords: Bolted connections, Load-deformation behavior, LVL, Glubam, Bio-based materials, Fracture

1 1. Introduction

2 Bio-based laminated composite materials are widely used in the construction sector because of their good

3 mechanical performances and low environmental impact [1, 2]. Lamination is the process of manufacturing

∗ Correspondingauthor
Email addresses: (Da Shi), (Cristoforo Demartino), (Zhi Li), (Yan Xiao)

Preprint submitted to Composite Structures 18th November 2022

Journal Pre-proof

4 a material in multiple layers joined using adhesives. Using this approach, bio-based composite laminated

5 materials can be considered engineered structural materials having enhanced properties not suffering from
6 the irregularities of parent natural materials. In this context, two different bio-based laminated materials
7 are widely used as construction material, namely Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) [e.g., 3, 4] and glued
8 laminated bamboo (glubam) [e.g., 5, 6, 7]. Timber for construction is one of the many forest products used

9 around the world [8]. Bamboo is a fast-growing, naturally available, renewable resource which is quite strong
10 and lends itself to structural applications [9, 10].
11 Bio-based laminated materials are used in different forms in the construction industry [e.g., 11]. One
12 of the most appealing solutions is their application as horizontal elements for realizing truss structures.
13 For instance, Stehn and Börjes [12] investigated the influence of ductile connections, slotted-in nailed wood
14 to steel joints, on the total load-carrying capacity and deformability of a glulam truss. Kobel et al. [13]
15 experimentally investigated the application of LVL made of European beech wood in timber truss structures



showing that dowel-type connections can ensure high load-carrying capacities and ductile behavior. Wu and
Xiao [14] proposed a new type of hybrid space truss system composed of steel lower chord and glubam upper
chords and web elements. The specially designed steel glubam hybrid space truss system was successfully
designed and constructed for a rain-shed canopy of an office building. Quaranta et al. [15] performed a
20 dynamic characterization of this new composite glubam-steel truss structure finding damping values com-
21 parable with timber structures and proposed their application for footbridges. Using the same structural
22 system, Li et al. [16] proposed and realized a relatively large span bamboo and steel hybrid spatial truss for
23 covering the roof of a utility facility.
24 All the previously-mentioned studies concluded that the global behavior of the structures is highly related
25 to the local behavior of the connections [17]. To corroborated this evidence, it is noteworthy that connections
26 were reported to be involved in almost 25% of recent collapses of timber structures, where half of them have
27 dowel-type fasteners [18, 19]. Large structures, in height or span, require connections with a high load

28 capacity therefore bolted (i.e., dowel-type) connections are the preferred solutions. Dowel-type joints have
29 been widely used in timber-to-steel and timber-to-timber shear connections in timber structures because of
30 their simple fabrication, high capacity, and construction convenience.
31 Pioneering studies on the bearing strength of wood under bolts were carried out by Trayer [20] in the
32 1930s. The majority of the capacity models adopted nowadays are based on the development of the yield
33 limit model that began in the late 1940s with Johansen [21]. These design criteria for the single connector
34 now form the basis for the design rules given in the Eurocode [22]. Estimations of the capacity of bolted

35 joints have been performed by numerous researchers [23] and in recent years, there has been an increase in
36 studies to predict the load at failure [24]. The original model of Johansen [21] considers only ductile failure
37 mechanisms and cannot adequately predict the capacity of bolted connections [25]. During the same period,
38 Fahlbusch [26] have dealt with some or all of the possible brittle failure modes. Ductile and brittle behavior
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39 of dowel-type connections has been studied extensively in literature [e.g., 27]. Since timber breaks in a brittle

40 manner under bending and tension, the ductility of timber structures is usually provided by connections
41 [28]. For a detailed review, the interested reader is referred to Cabrero and Yurrita [29] and Ottenhaus
42 et al. [17]. Sometimes multiple-bolt connections are employed such that there is a uniform spacing between
43 bolts (multi-shear configuration) as well as rows. A critical aspect to the understanding of multiple-bolt

44 timber connections lies in the knowledge that the strength and stiffness of single-bolt joints are not directly
45 proportional to the strength and stiffness of multiple-bolt joints [30].
46 However, although the capacity associated with ductile and brittle mechanisms of bolted connections
47 was analytically and experimentally investigated, little attention has been paid to the analysis of the axial
48 load-deformation behavior and fracture characteristics. As a matter of fact, the load-deformation behavior of
49 bolted connections is governed by the embedding stress-deformation characteristics of the wood, which crush
50 the wood beneath the bolt, and the bending stress-deformation characteristics of the bolt [24]. The most



commonly adopted model to describe the axial load-deformation behavior was provided by Foschi [31] where
the brittle or mixed failure is not accounted and the stiffness degradation is expressed as an exponential
function without physical meaning. Recently, Ottenhaus et al. [32] proposed a cross-over mode where the
ductility is calculated considering ductile and brittle modes in the response. The need for distinguishing
55 ductile and brittle failure modes in timber connections with dowel-type fasteners was recently highlighted
56 in Yurrita and Cabrero [28]. Available models lack in capturing the tensile axial load-deformation behavior
57 and correlate it to the deformation and fracture characteristics providing a physically-based framework.
58 The effect of different bio-based laminated composite materials on the axial load-deformation behavior and
59 fracture characteristics of bolted steel has never been explored in the previous literature. .
60 In this framework, this study experimentally investigates the axial load-deformation behavior and fracture
61 characteristics of bolted steel to laminated timber and glubam connections. After this Introduction, this
62 paper is organized into five sections. Section 2 presents the materials employed and provides detailed

63 information on the specimens and their fabrication process. Moreover, the test procedure and test matrix
64 (comprising 8 configurations: LVL and glubam, 2 bolt diameters, and 1 or 2 bolts) are reported in Section
65 2.3. Results of the system and material properties of components are presented and discussed first (Section
66 3), since they govern the load vs deformation behavior of connections. In particular, Section 3 summarizes
67 the experimental results in terms of materials physical and mechanical properties (LVL, glubam, and bolts),
68 load vs displacement, relative displacements of the bolts, and observed crack pattern at the failure. Section
69 4 proposes a new phenomenological monotonic load vs displacement prediction model characterized by four

70 stages. The proposed model is capable of defining more rationally the observed tensile monotonic behavior
71 and differentiating between brittle and ductile failures. Moreover, an extensive discussion of the calibration
72 and physical meaning of the proposed model by using the experimental tests as a benchmark is provided.
73 Finally, the last section provides some conclusions and future perspectives. Appendix A reports a summary
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z z z Thickness direction
Thickness direction

Grain direction 3.5mm


19mm Perpendicular to

grain direction
y y y y
x x x x
Grain direction

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Materials orientation and coordinate system: LVL (a) and glubam (b).

74 of experimental results.



2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials
The materials adopted in this study are: LVL, glubam, high-strength bolts (grade 8.8) with a length of
78 120 mm and a diameter of 8 and 10 mm, washers with external diameters of 14 and 16 mm for bolts of 8 and
79 10 mm, respectively, and Q235 steel plate with a thickness of 8 mm. All the adopted bolts are 1/3 threaded
80 bolts (2/3 is smooth shank). The characteristics of specimens and manufacturing process are described in
81 Section 2.2 while this section focuses on the description of the material employed and to their physical and
82 mechanical properties characterization.
83 LVL and glubam are two types of composite laminated bio-based materials. LVL is an engineered
84 timber composite manufactured by laminated wood veneers with a thickness of 2 − 4 mm using exterior-type

85 adhesives [33]. LVL is made of poplar. Glubam is a type of composite engineered bamboo that resembles
86 timber-based glued-laminated timber [34, 35]. Glubam components are made by laminating 5 − 40 mm thick
87 bamboo boards. Glubam is made of Moso Bamboo. The materials orientation of LVL and glubam adopted
88 reference system are shown in Figure 1. LVL and glubam beams with a nominal cross-section of 60 × 60 mm
89 and a length of 4 m were used.
90 Material tests were carried out to determine parallel-to-grain compression strength (fc,0 ), elastic modulus
91 (E0 ), parallel-to-grain shear strength (fv,90 ), perpendicular-to-grain tensile strength (ft,90 ), dowel bearing
92 strength or embedment strength (fh,0 ) and stiffness (kh,0 ), and density (ρ). The subscript 0 indicates

93 parallel-to-the-grain direction while 90 refers to perpendicular-to-grain direction. Figure 2 summarizes the

94 specimen geometry and test setup adopted to define the material properties previously discussed. All the
95 tests were repeated six times.

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R4 or R5

63 60 20
R10 80

180 25

50 40
20 65 60
60 60

(a) (b)
re- (c) (d)

Figure 2: Specimen geometry and test setup for measuring compression strength and elastic modulus (a), parallel-to-the-grain
shear strength (b), perpendicular-to-the-grain tension strength (c) and dowel bearing strength (d). The reference system shown
indicates the orientation of the material consistently with definitions provided in Figure 1. (units: mm).
96 fc,0 and E0 were determined according to GB/T 50329-2002 [36]. The layout of the employed sensors and
97 specimen is shown in Figure 2a. The parallel-to-grain compression modulus of elasticity (E0 ) is determined
98 as [36]:

E0 = · (1)
A u

99 where L is the gauge length of extensometer; A is the cross-section area of the specimen; F is the load
100 increment in the proportional interval; ∆u is the compression deformation corresponding to ∆F .
101 fv,90 is determined according to ASTM D143 [37] with specimens having geometry reported in Figure
102 2b.
103 ft,90 is determined as follows according to ASTM D143 [37] by testing specimens having geometry
104 reported in Figure 2c:


ft,90 = (2)
b0 t 0
105 where Pmax is the peak load value obtained from the test, b0 = 25 mm and t0 = 40 mm are the minimum
106 width and thickness of the specimen, see Figure 2c.

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107 fh,0 was measured according to ASTM D 5764-97a [38] using four specimens for each material having

108 geometry reported in Figure 2d. A 8- and 10-mm-diameter smooth tungsten steel dowel was employed in
109 the tests. kh,0 is the elastic stiffness calculated in the 10 − 40% of peak load range as the stress divided by
110 the corresponding displacement.
111 The density is determined according to GB/T 50329-2002 [36] using specimens having geometry as in

112 Figure 2a. Oven-dry weight is measured by drying specimens in a ventilated oven until constant weight
113 conditions are achieved (48 to 72 hours).
114 Finally, the bolts were tested to determine the bending yield moment (My ) and nominal yield strength
115 (fyb ) according to ASTM F1575-2003 [39]. In particular, the nominal yield strength was calculated as:

3 · P · sbp
fyb = (3)
2 · d2
where P is the load corresponding to 5% offset [39], sbp is the test span and d is the bolt diameter. Six bolts


118 three-point bending tests. My is equal to [22]:

with a length of 180 mm and a diameter of 8 (three bolts) and 10 mm (three bolts) were used to perform

My = d3 fyb (4)
119 2.2. Specimens: details and fabrication

120 This study investigates the mechanical behavior of bolted steel to LVL and glubam connections. In
121 particular, bolted connections with slotted-in steel plate under tensile axial monotonic loading conditions
122 are considered (Figure 3).
123 The specimens were specifically designed to be connected to the two clamps of the testing machine. It
124 was chosen to connect the specimen to the two clamps by always using steel plates to avoid local damage

125 or large deformations of LVL or glubam block. Therefore, the specimens have two different slotted-in steel
126 plate at the two ends (Figure 4). One side is the tested side where the damage on the connection is expected
127 to occur (left side in each subfigure of Figure 4). The other side is designed to have sufficiently large capacity
128 to avoid damage during the tests therefore a larger number of bolts (four) is always employed. The length of
129 the connection specimen was designed as compromise between the two conflicting needs of having a sufficient
130 length to avoid interaction between the two connections in the two end and the limited space of the testing
131 apparatus (see Section 2.3).

132 Four different configurations were investigated in this study, namely single and double bolts (n = 1 or
133 2) and with a diameter of d = 8 mm and 10 mm. Moreover, LVL and glubam connection specimens are
134 considered leading to a total of eight configurations. In all the cases, two 8 mm-wide slots are considered in
135 the connection specimens for inserting steel plates. Connections on the tested side are designed following
Journal Pre-proof

t=60 mm t=60 mm

ts=8 mm

d=8 or 10 mm

120 mm

Figure 3: Sketch of bolted connections (n = 1) with slotted-in steel plate to laminated timber or bamboo connections and
definition of the main variables.



geometric requirements of GB50005 [40]. The specimen configurations for single bolt and double bolts are
summarized in Figure 4. The same geometry was considered for LVL and glubam and for d = 8 mm and
10 mm. Three identical specimens are tested to ensure the repeatability of the results under tensile axial
139 monotonic. Therefore, a total of 24 specimens are realized.
140 The LVL and glubam connection specimens were manufactured using a CNC drilling machine (Uli-CNC,
141 model K1) adopting an automatic manufacturing framework. First, LVL and glubam blocks are cut to be
142 550 mm long. Then, the two slots at the center of the two ends were cut. Finally, holes at the location of
143 the bolts were made. The steel plates were manufactured by laser cutting of Q235 steel plate and by drilling
144 holes at specific locations. The steel plates are rectangular with a base equal to 60 mm and variable length
145 (Figure 4). In particular, the length is equal to the sum of the slot length and 100 mm which is the zone of
the plate adopted for clamping to the test machine (Section 2.3). The steel plates on the tested side have an


147 additional protruding part (rectangular area) used to connect a displacement transducer (Section 2.3 and
148 Figure 5c). To guarantee a sufficient tolerance during the assembling, the holes in LVL and glubam blocks
149 were designed to be 0.5 mm larger with respect to the nominal bolt diameter.
150 Each specimen was assembled by inserting the two steel plates in the two slots and by connecting the
151 system using bolts. The amounts and diameters of bolts adopted on the tested side are variable (see Figure
152 4). On the other side, four bolts arranged in two rows are adopted having the same diameter of bolts
153 installed on the tested parts. The bolts have washers on both sides and all the nuts were installed on

154 the same side of the specimen (Figures 4c and 4d). Particular attention was taken to control the torque
155 applied on bolts. The high-strength bolts are tightened using a calibrated torque wrench. The torque was
156 controlled to avoid local large deformation around washers (i.e., penetration of the washer in the connection

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4: Specimen configurations: single bolt (a, c) and double bolts (b, d). Top to down (a, b): lateral side and top view of
the connection specimen without steel plates, section along the slots with steel plates and full-view of the assembled specimen.
Photo of specimen showing speckle pattern for DIC analyses (c, d); the two example photos are showing LVL connection
specimen. (units: mm)

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: Test setup and instrumentation: photo (a), sketch (b), and detail of the LVDT and steel protruding element (c).




specimen surface). Preliminary tests indicate a pre-load torque equal to 0.7 N·m and 1 N·m for bolts with
diameters of 8 mm and 10 mm, respectively. The controlled torque ensures controllable friction conditions
at the interface between the steel plate and slot surfaces.
Finally, on the tested side, two opposite surfaces of the specimen, where bolt head and nuts are located,
161 were treated for performing DIC measurements (see Section 2.3), as illustrated in Figures 4c and 4d.

162 2.3. Test procedure and measurements

163 Figure 5 illustrates the test setup used to investigate the mechanical behavior of bolted steel to LVL or
164 bamboo connections. Tests were executed using a 100 kN servo hydraulic testing machine (186E, WANCE
165 Ltd.). The bottom clamp is fixed and connected to a load transducer measuring the tensile load applied on
166 the connection, F . The upper clamp is connected to an actuator whose displacements (V ) are measured.
167 Before the test, the specimen is installed between the two clamps using the steel plates (see Figure 4). To

168 monitor the relative displacements of the tested connection, a LVDT sensor is installed between the center
169 of the connection specimen and the protruding part on the steel plate (Figure 5c). This measurement is
170 neglecting the deformation of the testing apparatus and bottom steel connection.


172 Two cameras (Basler: resolution 4096×3072; lens: f/2.8, 25mm) are adopted to perform 2D DIC analysis
173 and monitor the deformation process around the bolts (Figure 5). The two cameras were oriented with the
174 lens direct towards the center of the two speckle areas (Figure 4c) and perpendicular to the specimen surface.

175 The photos were taken at 0.5 fps. Two light sources with constant luminosity were used. GOM Correlate
176 2019 was used to perform DIC analyses and obtain the displacement/strain field at each loading step. A
177 standard analysis, as defined by the software, was carried out. A facet size of 19 pixels and a spacing of 16
178 pixels (point distance) were defined to have a good resolution with computational viability [41].
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dn dh

Δn,1 Δh,1
Vn,1 θ Vh,1

Figure 6: Sketch of measurement of relative displacement of the bolts.

179 The displacements of the center point on the two end faces of the bolts (Vn , nut and Vh , head) were
180 captured through DIC (see Figure 6) to monitor the deformation of the bolt. Similar measurements can be

found in Zhang et al. [42] for dowel-type moment-resisting connections. The relative displacements at the
two ends are calculated as the difference between the steel plate displacement, V , and Vn and Vh :

∆n = V − Vn ·α1 ; ∆h = V − Vh (5)

183 where α1 = dh /dn = 35 mm/47 mm = 0.75 is a correction factor accounting for the different distance of the
184 measurement point (end of the bolt) from the steel plate under the assumption of linear deformed shape
185 (dh and dn are defined in Figure 6). When two bolts are considered, an additional subscript is added to ∆
186 in Eq. 5 where 1 is the first bolt (the one near the end of the connection specimen) and 2 is the second
187 one. It should be noticed that ∆ is a measure of the deformation level of the bolts and can be converted
188 into a rotation under the assumption of linear deformed shape and concentrated rotation at the midpoint
189 as θ = arctan(∆h,1 /dh ).
Specimens were named following the designation L (G)-M S (D)-X-Y (Ave). L (G) indicates materials


191 (LVL or glubam), M indicates the monotonic loading regime, S (D) is used to designate the amount of bolt
192 used on the upper part (Single or Double), X indicates the bolt diameter (8 mm or 10 mm), Y indicates
193 specimen number (1, 2 or 3) and Ave represents the average response of three test repetitions.
194 The tensile monotonic loading protocol is made of a preloading and a tensile loading phase according to
195 EN12512 [43]. In the first phase, the specimen was loaded up to 10% of the ultimate load (estimated using
196 some preliminary tests) followed by a constant load for 120 s. Then, the load was decreased to zero followed
197 by a pause of 30 s. Subsequently, the loading was monotonically increased at a loading rate of 1.5 mm/min.

198 The test was stopped at a global displacement of V = 40 mm.

199 Load vs displacement curves were processed to obtain some synthetic indicators according to ASTM
200 D5764-97a [38]. The following indicators are considered (Figure 7): initial stiffness (ke ), yielding load (Fy ),

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0.4 Fu
0.1 Fu

0.05d Vy Vu V

Figure 7: Definition of ke , Fy , Fu , and Vu and Vy (D) according to ASTM D5764-97a [38].

201 maximum load (Fu ), and ductility (D). The initial stiffness is the slope of the secant line corresponding to
202 0.1Fu and 0.4Fu , which can be expressed as:

ke = (6)
V0.4 − V0.1

204 defined as:

where V0.4 and V0.1 are the displacements corresponding to 0.1Fu and 0.4Fu , respectively. The ductility is

205 where Vu is the ultimate displacement corresponding a load reduction to 80% of Fu . Fy and Vy are determined
206 using a secant line (dashed blue in Figure 7) in offset by a displacement equal to 0.05d, where d is the diameter
207 of the bolt (Figure 3). The intersection between the offset line and the load-displacement curve is regarded
208 as the yielding point [38].

209 3. Results

210 3.1. Materials physical and mechanical properties

211 Table 1 presents the average test results and coefficient of variations (CV ) for LVL and glubam. E0
212 is larger for LVL and fc,0 for glubam. Similar results were reported in the literature for LVL [44, 45, 46]
213 and for glubam [47, 48, 35]. fv,0 and ft,90 are slightly larger for glubam [14, 35, 49]. fh,0 and kh,0 are
214 calculated from the stress-displacement curves of dowel bearing strength tests reported in Figure 8. fh,0
215 and kh,0 is larger for glubam and similar results were reported in the literature for LVL [50, 51] and for
216 glubam [47, 48, 35]. It is noteworthy that kh,0 is expressed in the form of stress divided by the displacement,
therefore kh,0 should be multiplied by d to obtain the stiffness per unit length in Winkler model [52] (this


218 will be discussed in Section 4.2). Similar values of ρ were found for LVL and glubam.
219 Table 1 presents the average and the coefficient of variation (CV ) of My and fy . As expected, the
220 increase of d leads to an evident increase of My as effect of the increase of the second-moment order of

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Table 1: Properties of LVL and glubam. The number in the parenthesis indicates the Coefficient of Variation (CV). ∗ see

Figure 8.

E0 fc,0 fv,0 ft,90 fh,0 (8 mm) ∗

fh,0 (10 mm) ∗
kh,0 (8 mm) ∗
kh,0 (10 mm) ∗
[GPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa/mm] [MPa/mm] [kg/m3 ]
LVL 11.45 (13%) 38 (6%) 6.98 (7%) 1.81 (25%) 40 (3%) 37 (8%) 42 (4%) 45 (10%) 614 (7%)
Glubam 8.56 (8%) 62 (13%) 8.18 (11%) 2.69 (14%) 86 (4%) 81 (7%) 79 (4%) 61 (6%) 749 (5%)

LVL 8 mm LVL 10 mm

GLU 8 mm GLU 10 mm

re- (b)

Figure 8: Stress-displacement curves of dowel bearing strength tests (a). The red line is the average of the test across the
displacements. Summary of fh,0 and kh,0 for the different tests (b). The standard deviation values are shown with error bars.
221 inertia (proportional to d4 ). Moreover, a slight increase in fyb is observed by increasing d. The increase
222 in fyb is related to the model assumed for the calculations (Eq. 3) considering full plasticization of the
223 cross-section.

224 3.2. Load vs displacement

225 Load vs displacement curves of tensile monotonic tests are shown in Figure 9a. Results are reported as

226 each of the three tests (gray lines) and average across displacements (continuous red lines). Moreover, ke ,
227 Fy , Fu , and D (see Section 2.3 for their definition) of the tests reported in Figure 9a are summarized in
228 Figure 9b and the summary of results reported in Table A.3.
229 Figure 9a shows a good reproducibility of results on the three repetitions. The load vs displacement

Table 2: Mechanical properties of Grade 8.8 bolts. The number in the parenthesis indicates the CV.

d My fyb

[mm] [N · m] [MPa]
8 62 (3%) 721 (3%)
10 137 (5%) 824 (5%)

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re- (a)


Figure 9: Load vs displacement curves of tensile monotonic tests (a). The red line is the average of tests across displacements.
Mechanical indicators (ke , Fy , Fu , and D) of different tests (b). The standard deviation values are shown with error bars.

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230 behavior reported in Figure 9a is characterized by four stages (Figure 10) and by two different failure modes

231 (shear or splitting) in the last stage (see Figure 13). A similar classification of the stages of the monotonic
232 behavior was previously proposed by Liu et al. [53].
233 A first stage (Figure 10) is characterized by an initial-slip happening for displacements smaller than
234 1 mm (not well observable in Figure 9a due to the y-axis scale, see Figure 18 for a close view). In this

235 stage, friction between the steel plate and the internal surface of the slots and tolerances adopted in the
236 holes fabrication dominates the response [54, 55]. Generally, this stage does not exhibit any specific features
237 depending on the specimen and has a negligible effect on the next stages.
238 The second stage (Figure 10) is characterized by an elastic stage with an almost linear behavior. This
239 stage is strongly dependent on the specimen characteristics (Figure 9b). During this stage, the observed
240 stiffness (ke ) mainly depends on the bolt flexural stiffness (see Table 2) and on the embedding stiffness
241 [56, 57, 58] occurring on the internal hole surface (see Figure 8 and Table 1). There was a significant increase



of ke associated with the increase of bolt diameter corresponding to the increase of the bolt stiffness. It is
noteworthy that the elastic stiffness of the bolt is proportional to d4 implying an increase of around 45%
from 8 to 10 mm. Increasing the number of bolts, an increase of ke is observed. Moreover, ke is always larger
for glubam rather than from LVL. This is associated with a different distribution of the loads on the bolts
246 and confirms the findings of kh,0 (see Figure 8) as it will be shown in Figure 17.
247 The third stage is characterized by the occurrence of two possible phenomena: embedment of the bolt in
248 the wooden block (stage 3 up in Figure 10) and/or bending of the bolt with possible formation of a plastic
249 hinge at the cross-sections in contact with the steel plate (stage 3 bottom); this issue will be discussed later
250 in the paper. The embedment of the bolt in the wooden block is characterized by perfectly plastic behavior
251 [59] (Figure 9a) especially for LVL (Figure 8a) where lower values of fh,0 are found (Table 1). On the other
252 hand, the formation of the plastic hinge is characterized by strain hardening behavior [24, 60]. For instance,
253 looking at the case LM-S-10, it can be observed that the load vs displacement response is characterized by

254 large perfectly plastic behavior therefore the without formation of the plastic hinge on the bolt. On the other
255 hand, LM-D-8 is characterized by strain hardening behavior of the bolts as effect of the larger embedment
256 strength of glubam.
257 The fourth stage is characterized by the failure in the form of shear or splitting cracks in the wooden
258 or bamboo block [e.g., 61] and the sudden drop of the load (see Figure 9a). The failures discussed herein
259 refer to the complete and final fracture of the specimens occurring, i.e., almost completely lost load-bearing
260 capacity [62]. Generally, Fu is increasing by increasing the number and diameter of bolts and is higher for

261 glubam compared with LVL. An opposite trend is observed in terms of D. As a matter of fact, the increase
262 of the embedment strength of glubam (see Table 1) is inducing larger loads producing a premature failure
263 (in terms of displacements) at a higher global load. This issue will be discussed in the next section.

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Figure 10: Four stages of the nonlinear monotonic behavior and corresponding graphical description.

264 3.3. Relative displacements of the bolts

265 Figure 11 shows the load vs displacement curves (first row) and ∆h and ∆n (Eq. 5) (second row) vs



displacement of single bolted (Figure 11a) and double bolted connections (Figure 11b). In the second row
of each subfigure, the dashed blue line represents ∆ = V corresponding to zero displacement of the bolt
(i.e., large rotations of the bolts around the steel plate). For the sake of shortness and clarity, results are
reported for one representative test since similar test results were observed in remaining cases.
270 The first phase is always characterized by small negative values of ∆ (not well observable in the figure
271 due to the y scale, see Figure 18 for a close view), indicating that the bolt is moving in the same direction
272 of V . This first stage is ending when the bolt is moving due to the tolerance of the holes and consolidate
273 with the surface of the hole [54, 55]. The second stage is characterized by the load transfer between the bolt
274 and the surface of the hole in an elastic regime. In this case, the observed values of ∆ are generally small
275 indicating that the bolts are in a quasi-straight configuration.
276 The last two stages (Figure 10) are strongly dependent on the test case. For the single bolt cases (Figure
277 11a), large values of ∆ were observed for all the cases except for L-M-S103. The large values of ∆ are

278 connected to large deformation of the bolts and formation of the plastic hinge in the region in contact with
279 the steel plate. ∆ is generally growing with symmetric trend (with respect to the nut ant head sides) until
280 formation of a crack (fourth phase, Figure 10). L-M-S82 is characterized by large ductility corresponding to
281 large values of ∆ indicating formation of the plastic hinge with large rotation values which can be calculated
282 at failure (V ∼
= 25 mm) as:

∆ 26 mm
arctan = arctan = 36◦ (8)
dh 35 mm

283 These large rotations are generally associated with enhanced rope effects [63], see Figure 13a. Rope effect
284 is considered as the contribution of the withdrawal resistance of the fasteners. The rope effect is generally
285 inducing a secondary nonlinear load increasing response of the fasteners under lateral load (Figure 9a).

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286 G-M-S83 is characterized by the formation of a first crack on the nut side (Figure 13) indicated by the

287 sudden reduction of ∆ for V ∼
= 20 mm. The crack is inducing a reduction of the global load and inducing
288 an asymmetric load inducing a rigid rotation of the bolt observable in terms of the large difference between
289 ∆n and ∆h . G-M-S101 has a first crack on the head side (reduction of ∆h for V ∼
= 9 mm) in the form of a
290 fully developed splitting failure (see Figure 13a). Simultaneously to the occurrence of the fully developed

291 splitting failure on the head side, a partially developed splitting failure (i.e., formation of the crack on only
292 one shear plane) providing some residual capacity characterized by a slight increase of F (Figure 12a). For
293 V = 12.05 mm, a fully developed splitting failure is also detected on the nut side (Figure 12b). Finally after
294 this (i.e., for V ≥ 15 mm), ∆ assumes constant values equal to around 10 mm because the failure pattern is
295 symmetric on the two sides, and the global load is assuming low values and is not increasing. For L-M-S103,
296 a different trend is observed with approximately zero values of ∆ which are associated with the embedment
297 of the bolt in the LVL and glubam block. Moreover, the observed low values of ∆ are associated with



rotation, i.e., ∆n 6= ∆h .
negligible deformation of the bolt without the formation of the plastic hinge. In this case, the first crack is
happening on the nut side as confirmed in Figure 13a with asymmetric loads on the bolts inducing a rigid

For the two bolts cases (Figure 11b), large values of ∆ were observed for all the cases except for L-M-
302 D103. The results are similar to the single bolt cases with a reduced ductility (see Figure 9b). For L-M-D83,
303 the crack is first starting on the top of the second bolt (i.e., reduction of ∆h,2 and ∆n,2 ) and is accompanied
304 by a smooth reduction of the load. Subsequently, a major crack on the top of the first nut is observed
305 (i.e., reduction of ∆n,1 ) with asymmetric loads on the bolts inducing a rigid rotation, i.e., ∆n 6= ∆h . For
306 G-M-D82 and G-M-D101, similar behavior is observed with the formation of the first crack on the nut side
307 inducing a rigid rotation of the bolt, i.e., ∆n 6= ∆h . In these two cases, similar values of ∆ for the first
308 and second bolt are observed indicating that the two bolts are constrained to move together (see Figure
309 13b). After the crack, ∆ assumes stable values equal to around 5 mm for the head side and zero for the nut

310 side with the global load not increasing. Finally, for L-M-D103, low values of ∆ are monitored indicating
311 negligible deformation of the bolt without the formation of the plastic hinge.

312 3.4. Crack pattern

313 Figure 13 shows photos from DIC cameras of the damage pattern in the head and nut surfaces. The
314 photos are representing the time when a first crack appears on the surface (stage 4, see Figure 10) and
315 corresponds to the first load drop. Moreover, Figure 13 reports for each case the associated displacement

316 to which the photo refers to allowing for understanding on which side the crack started first. It should be
317 highlighted that all the steel plates were inspected at the end of tests and no plastic deformation was found.
318 The failure mode of bolted connections varies with material type and the number and diameter of
319 the bolts adopted. The failure mode can be divided into shear failure and splitting failure (Figure 10).

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Figure 11: Load vs displacement curves (first row of the subfigure) and ∆h and ∆n (Eq. 5) (second row of the subfigure) vs

displacement for one representative test of single bolted (a) and double bolted connections (b). In the second row, the dashed
blue line represents ∆ = V corresponding to zero displacement of the bolt (i.e., rotation).

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(a) (b)

Figure 12: Crack pattern of G-M-S101 on the nut surface at the first crack for V = 9.8 mm (a) and at full formation of the
splitting failure for V = 12.05 mm (b). Subfigure a is the same as in Figure 13a.

320 Moreover, the failure can happen after reaching embedded strength in the form of a combined failure mode
321 [29, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68] and/or formation of the plastic hinge in the bolt. LVL-S-8 connections present the
322 highest ductility (Figure 9b) and tend to deform significantly with the formation of the plastic hinge (Figure
323 11a) with embedment effect near the steel plate (this will be demonstrated in Figure 19) and large rope effect
324 [49]. LVL-S-8 connections fails in the form of splitting crack which could be related to the lower embedment



strength and perpendicular-to-the-grain tensile strength (Table 1). LVL-S-10 connections exhibit a similar
final crack pattern but a full embedment effect along the entire hole surface is observed as an effect of the
reduced bolt rotation indicating no plasticization (see Figure 11a). To sum up, LVL-S connections failed in
the form of splitting failure with a different stage 3 depending on the bolt diameter, consistently with the
329 literature [e.g., 69].
330 Compared to LVL, GLB-S connections exhibit both shear failure and splitting failure and any dominating
331 behavior without any embedment of the bolt in the glubam block since glubam has much higher embedment
332 strength compared with LVL (see Table 1). The occurrence of both shear failure and splitting failure can
333 be attributed to two competing mechanisms characterized by similar capacity; this issue will be discussed
334 in Section 4.4.
335 Double bolted connections exhibit lower ductility but higher bearing capacity compared with single bolt
connections (Figure 9b). LVL-D-8 connections perform the best ductility among double bolted connections


337 (same as for the single bolt case). The failure of LVL-D-8 always originates from a shear failure in the
338 part between the two bolts, then followed by a splitting crack in the part above the first bolt (similar to
339 the single bolt case). No evident differences were observed for LVL-D-10 connections which tend to fail
340 with a shear failure in the part between the two bolts and splitting above the first bolt. However, LVL-
341 D-10 tests are characterized by enhanced embedment of the bolt in the LVL block, as confirmed by bolt
342 relative displacement measurements (see Figure 11b). Compared with the single bolt case, the embedment
343 displacement of the bolt is less due to a global reduced displacement capacity (ductility, see Figure 9b) of

344 the connection. Similar to single bolt connections, GLB-D specimens exhibit both shear failure and splitting
345 failure without any dominating behavior above the first bolt. Similar to LVL-D, shear failures in the part
346 between the two bolts were observed in GLB-D tests and reduced embedment as an effect of the higher

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347 glubam embedment strength compared with LVL (Table 1).

348 4. Discussion

349 4.1. Monotonic load vs displacement prediction model

350 The non-linear load-deformation behavior of connections is complex to describe [70]. The overall analysis
351 of the structural response of timber buildings requires a complete constitutive model [e.g., 71, 72], which is
352 discussed in this section. A reasonable and useful analytical model should have a few parameters that are
353 related to the mechanical properties of the connections and be able to reproduce the observed monotonic
354 behavior.
355 An empirical model to simulate the nonlinear load-displacement behavior of composite connections sub-
356 jected to monotonic loading was proposed based on the observed shape of test curves by Foschi [31],
Lukaszewska et al. [73] and modified by Folz and Filiatrault [74], Hong and Barrett [75], Meghlat et al.

358 re-
[76]. This model is based on an exponential load-displacement relationship [77]:

F (V ) = Fu 1 − exp − V


359 where ke is the initial stiffness, Fu is the maximum load capacity, and F and V are the predicted load and
360 corresponding displacement, respectively. Eq. 9 possesses two distinct mathematical features: (i ) if V = 0,
361 the slope corresponds to ke , and (ii ) it will approach a horizontal asymptote, F = Fu , as the displacement
362 tends to large values. This straightforward mathematical expression has only two parameters, involving the
363 initial stiffness ke and the maximum load-carrying capacity Fu , which could be obtained by taking the mean
364 values from executed tests as provided in Table A.3 or directly obtained from the existing design formulas
365 without carrying out additional experiments. Figure 14 displays the fitting curves generated by using Eq.
366 9 for one representative test (the same considered in Figure 11) where ke and Fu are evaluated with the

367 models described in Eq. 13 and Section 4.4, respectively. The prediction reported in Figure 14 is generally
368 acceptable in terms of elastic stiffness (ke ) and maximum load (Fu ) while the post-failure behavior is not
369 well captured (Eq. 9 has no limit for describing this behavior and cannot differentiate between brittle and
370 ductile failure). Similar prediction performances were found by Liu et al. [53] for bolted timber joints with
371 slotted-in steel plates parallel to the grain. The main drawback of this model is that it assumes the variation
372 of the stiffness with V (exponential modulating function) and is not considering the four stages described
373 in Figure 10 in a rational way.

374 To overcome the limitations of the model in Eq. 9, a phenomenological partially data-driven model is
375 proposed herein. The four stages (Figure 15) can be described by the following model through a piece-wise

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S81 S82 S83 S101 S102 S103 S81 S82 S83 S101 S102 S103

Head surface

V [mm] 29.10 26.95 31.05 12.35 18.35 23.95 15.50 15.85 17.10 9.80 8.85 8.45

Nut surface

V [mm] 27.70 31.85 28.05 17.55

17.70 18.45 21.10 21.15 20.15 9.80 11.75 9.30


D81 D82 D83 D101 D102 D103 D81 D82 D83 D101 D102 D103

Head Surface

V [mm] 9.50 10.90 18.20 5.05 12.25 9.00 5.90 6.40 6.85 5.45 5.00 5.30

Nut Surface

V [mm] 9.30 14.70 13.15 7.25 7.25 7.30 6.60 4.35 3.65 5.45 5.00 5.30


Figure 13: Crack pattern of specimen in each surface of single bolted (a) and double bolted connections (b). V is the
displacement corresponding to the photo. 20
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40 40 40 40
30 30 30 30

20 20 20 20

10 10 10 10

0 0 0 0
0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30

60 60 60 60

40 40 40 40

20 20 20 20

0 0 0 0
0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30

376 function:
Figure 14: Comparison between experimental and analytical load-displacement curves predicted using Eq. 9.

 0 if V ≤ Vs


ke · (V − Vs ) if F < min {Fy , Fh }
F (V ) =  (10)

 min Fy + ke · [V − (Fy /ke + Vs ) + Vt ])b − ke · Vtb , Fh otherwise

Failed if V ≥ Vu
377 where Vs is the initial slip accounting for the tolerance in manufacturing the bolt hole, ke is the initial stiffness
378 (same as in Eq. 9), Fh is the embedment capacity, b is a parameter describing the hardening behavior, Vu

379 is the displacement corresponding to the failure defined as the opening of a crack in the form of splitting
380 or shear pattern (see Stage 4 in Figure 10). Vu is not accounted by the model by Foschi [31], Lukaszewska
381 et al. [73] in Eq. 9. Vt is a factor ensuring continuity of the derivative or in other words that the slope of the
382 third function (first function in the minimum operator) at V = Fy /ke + Vs is equal to ke (as in the second
383 function) and is equal to:

Vt =

384 The proposed model in Eq. 10 can be used in the structural design procedure for performing checks
385 in terms of displacements or forces, or for performing non-linear monotonic analyses (e.g., push-over).
386 Moreover, the proposed model can be easily associated with performance levels (i.e., limit states) given the
387 rationale definition of the four limit states. It is noteworthy that if the designer is interested in a structural
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Figure 15: Proposed monotonic load vs displacement prediction model.

388 check based on forces, the model in Eq. 10 can be always used to perform a preliminary incremental analysis
389 to find the peak values of the forces (i.e., connection force strength).
390 In the following, the different stages will be described and models for predicting the key parameters of


Eq. 10 proposed. A comparison with experimental results provided in this study is finally provided.

4.2. Initial slip and elastic stiffness (Stages 1 and 2)

Since a sufficient tolerance during the assembling of specimens was considered when drilling holes in
394 the wooden blocks, an initial-slip Vs is used to describe the consolidation process between the bolt and
395 hole internal surface. The observed values of Vs are in the order of 0.5 to 0.7 mm (see Figure 11) and are
396 compatible with the tolerance employed in CNC manufacturing of around 0.5 mm (Section 2.2). Dubas et al.
397 [78] highlighted that the initial slip is commonly smaller for connection tested in the laboratory due to the
398 higher precision compared to connections produced in practice, however, in these tests large values of the
399 tolerance were employed.
400 The initial stiffness is produced by the elastic deformation of the bolt and of the hole internal surface
(embedment stiffness). If the stiffness of the bolt is neglected (rigid behavior of the bolt, EI = ∞, being


402 E and I the elastic modulus and cross-section inertia moment of the bolt, respectively), the elastic stiffness
403 can be calculated as:

ke = kh,0 · d · (t − ts ) (12)

404 where kh,0 is the embedment stiffness of the wooden block (see Table 1) and d, t, and ts are defined in Figure
405 3. If the elastic deformation of the bolt is taken into account, ke can be calculated according to a Winkler
model accounting for a beam on an elastic foundation [79, 80, 57]. In particular, the elastic stiffness of single


407 bolt joints can be calculated as [57]:

ke = β · kh,0 · d · 4
kh,0 · d
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Figure 16: n and n0.9 (a2 /13d)0.25 (see Eq. 14) as a function of a2 for d = 8 and 10 mm. The dashed vertical line is the value
of a2 adopted in this study (a2 = 40 mm, see Figures 3 and 4).

408 where β is a coefficient ranging between 1 to 2 depending on the rotation degree of the midpoint of the
409 bolt (higher values implying fewer rotations). The observed rotations of the bolt at the midpoint during the
410 elastic stage are very small (Figure 18) thus β can be assumed equal to 2.



Figure 17 compares the measured values of ke (see Figure 9b) and predicted ones based on Eq. 12 (gray
filled markers) and Eq. 13 (full markers). Generally, it can be observed that Eq. 12 and Eq. 13 are providing
similar prediction values, indicating that the role of deformation of the bolt in the stage is not dominating.
However, slightly better predictions are obtained when the bolt elastic behavior is taken into account (points
415 are nearer to the equivalence line in Figure 17). The observed difference is more evident for glubam (red
416 points) where this discrepancy could be attributed to the higher embedment stiffness inducing larger loads
417 in the bolt and in turn larger deformations with a more important contribution to the total response.
418 The measured values of ke suggest that a link may exist between the elastic stiffness of a single bolt and
419 double bolt cases. The mean ratio between ke for single bolt and double bolt cases was found to be 1.43
420 and 1.54 for d = 8 and 10 mm, respectively. The observed ratio is comparable to the effective bolts factor
421 specified in Eurocode 5 [22]:

nef = min n, n0.9 4 (14)
422 where n is the number of bolts and a2 is the bolt spacing. Figure 16 plots Eq. 14 for d = 8 and 10 mm as
423 a function a2 . From the figure, it can be observed that nef is less than n for a2 < 150 mm. In particular,
424 for a2 = 40 mm (Figures 3 and 4), nef = 1.47 and 1.39 for d = 8 and 10 mm, respectively. Therefore, the
425 measured and predicted effective bolts factor for stiffness are comparable. This finding, while preliminary,
426 suggests that Eq. 14 can be used as a multiplier of Eqs. 12 or 13 for the double bolt cases. The results for
the double bolt case are also reported in Figure 17 where it can be observed that the prediction deviation


428 is larger for the double bolt cases (as previously discussed) but still reasonable.
429 The comparison of the load vs displacement curves measured (black lines) and predicted using Eq. 10
430 (red lines) is shown in Figure 18. Figure 18 shows a close view in the range of V of 0 to 5 mm of Figure

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Single bolt Double bolts

Figure 17: Comparison between the measured (average across test repetitions - Table A.3) and predicted ke based on Eq. 12
(gray filled markers) and on Eqs. 13 and 14 (full markers). Green is referring to LVL and red to glubam. Circles are referring
to d = 8 mm and triangles to d = 10 mm.




11. The first stage considers Vs = {0.55, 0.55, 0.70, 0.65} mm for the single bolt case (Figure 18a, from left
to right) and Vs = {0.30, 0.12, 0.70, 0.6} mm for the double bolt case (Figure 18b, from left to right). The
latter values were obtained by solving a minimization error (minimum of the squared error) for the first two
stages. The slope of the second stage is calculated according to Eqs. 13 and 14. The results indicate that
435 Vs is generally larger for glubam and this can be attributed to the brittleness of the material during the
436 manufacturing inducing damage around the holes [81, 82]. Moreover, ke is well predicted, double confirming
437 results reported in Figure 17.

438 4.3. Bolt hardening and embedment behavior (Stage 3)

439 The yielding load, Fy , is the load inducing the formation of a plastic hinge in the bolts (Figure 15) in
440 the third stage (Figure 10). Fy can be calculated using load equilibrium conditions (static limit) under the
assumption of uniformly distributed load (i.e., the bolt is considered rigid and straight and the reaction load


442 on the hole are modeled as elastic), as [e.g., 83, 84]:

Fy t − ts 8My 8My
My = · ⇒ Fy = = (15)
2 2 t − ts 52 mm
443 where My is the bending yield moment (Table 2), and t and ts are defined in Figure 3. For the double
444 bolt cases, the yielding load is obtained by multiplying Fy by the number of bolts calculated for a single
445 bolt (Eq. 15). This assumption is justified by the fact that the two bolts are experiencing similar values of

446 relative displacements in stages 1 and 2 (i.e., ∆1 = ∆2 , see Figure 18b) implying similar loads acting on the
447 two bolts. Fy is shown in the load vs displacement dashed horizontal red line in Figure 18.
448 The embedment capacity, Fh , can be calculated as the load inducing the reaching of the embedment
449 capacity under the assumption of uniformly distributed load on the bolt (the bolt is considered rigid and

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450 straight and the reaction load on the hole are modeled as elastic, i.e., static limit) as [85]:

Fh = (t − ts ) · fh,0 · d (16)

451 where fh,0 is the embedment strength (Table 1), and d, t and ts are defined in Figure 3. Similar to Eq. 15,
for the double bolt cases, the embedment capacity is obtained by multiplying Fh by the number of bolts


453 calculated for a single bolt (Eq. 16).

454 Experimental observations (see Figure 11) confirmed that the deformation of the bolts is negligible in
455 the second stage (i.e. for V ≤ Vs + Fy /Ke ) and begins to grow when plastic hinge forms, inducing hardening
456 behavior. In the load vs displacement (first row of each subfigure), Fy (Eq. 15) is represented with a
457 horizontal dashed green line while Fh (Eq. 16) is represented with a horizontal dashed green line. It can
458 be seen that Fh is generally larger than Fy indicating that the formation of a plastic hinge in the bolts is
459 generally occurring before. The only cases where Fy > Fh are L-M-S103 and L-M-D-103 where the two



capacities are quite similar Fh ∼
= Fy indicating combined mechanisms [17]. It can be generally observed that
the distance between Fy and Fh is larger for glubam because of the larger values of fh,0 (Table 1). It should
be highlighted that Fy is only depending on the bolt characteristics (My in Table 2) and does not have a
direct dependency on the LVL and glubam block. However, the assumption of uniformly distributed load
464 on the bolt in Eq. 15 can be more or less accurate depending on the embedment stiffness [e.g., 86, 87, 88].
465 For the cases Fy < Fh , Figure 11 shows that a reduction of the stiffness is observed exceeded Fy occurring
466 together with an increase of ∆ (symmetric on both sides of the wooden block and on the two bolts). The
467 hardening phase is described at the mesoscale level in the proposed model (Eq. 10) by the parameter b. The
468 proposed model is based on commonly used analytical stress-strain curves describing the hardening behavior
469 of steel [89, 90] with the correction term Vt (Eq. 11) accounting for derivative continuity of the function.
470 b depends on both the steel nonlinear hardening and the distribution of the loads on the bolt also under
large deformations. After fitting the model in stage 3, it was found that b = 0.11 provides a reasonable


472 description of the hardening behavior. The latter value was found as the average of the values obtained on
473 all the tests solving a fitting problem based on minimization of root mean square error. The good prediction
474 for the cases Fy < Fh is shown in Figure 11. To better understand the process, it is useful to describe the
475 moment of the bolt as a function of the cross-section curvature, χ, as:

Z d/2 p
M (χ) = 2 σ(ε(χ)) · 2h · (d2 /4) − h2 dh (17)

where h is the distance from the centerline of the bolt and σ(ε) is the axial stress as a function of the axial


477 deformation ε expressed as χ · h. Eq. 17 assumes conservation of planar cross-section and zero axial load.

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478 The stress-strain relationship can be expressed as [91, 92]:

σ(h) = a1 · εa2 (18)

479 where a1 and a2 are two constants defining the stress-strain relationship. Eqs. 17 and 18 clearly show that
the hardening behavior is attributable to the stress-strain relationship through the main contribution of the


481 term a2 and to the increase of the area with nonlinear behavior of the material (integral on the circular
482 sector in Eq. 17). In particular, Kaufmann et al. [91] suggested to assume a2 = 0.15 for A36 steel which is
483 not exactly equivalent to b but can be used as a proxy to understand the order of b.
484 For the cases Fy > Fh (i.e., L-M-S103 and L-M-D-103), the response can be simplified as rigid plastic for
485 F > Fh (see Eq. 10). Figure 11 shows that the experimental response is slightly underestimated for these
486 cases since some hardening is observed. However, it should be noted that for both L-M-S103 and L-M-D-103
487 the embedment and yielding loads are similar (Fh ∼
= Fy ) indicating a combination of mechanisms (formation


of plastic hinge and embedment) justifying the observed hardening.

4.4. Prediction of bearing capacity and ultimate displacement (Stage 4)

For n = 1, the bearing capacity of the connection can be calculated using the model proposed by
491 Hanhijärvi and Kevarinmäki [93, 94]:


 (t − ts ) · fh,0 · d (1)

Fu,1 = min 2 · kv · tef · a1 · fv,0 (2) (19)

F (3)

492 where d, t, ts , and a1 are defined in Figure 3, fh,0 and fv,0 are the embedment and shear strengths,
493 respectively, (see Table 1). kv = 0.4 + 1.4 G/E0 is the shear factor being G the shear modulus and E0 is

494 the elastic modulus (Table 1). G is adopted equal to 0.532 GPa for LVL [95] and 0.428 GPa for glubam [48].
495 tef is the effective thickness defined as [96]:

tef = min 1, (t − ts ) (20)
0.6 · dgr,1
496 where dgr,1 is the shear factor defined as [96]:

dgr,1 = 2.45 · 0.5 · (t − ts ) · fh,0 /fyb (21)

497 where fyb is the bolt bending strength (Table 2). Fsplit in Eq. 19 is the splitting strength. Jorissen [96]
498 defined two different splitting modes: (1 ) splitting originating at the end of the wooden block and (2 )

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Figure 18: Load vs displacement measured (black lines) and predicted using Eq. 10 (red lines) (first row of each subfigure)
and ∆h and ∆n (Eq. 5) vs displacement (second row of each subfigure) for one representative test of single bolted (a) and
double bolted connections (b). In the first row, Fy (Eq. 15) is represented with a horizontal dashed magenta line and Fh is is

represented with a horizontal dashed green line. In the second row, the dashed blue line represents ∆ = V corresponding to
zero displacement of the bolt (i.e., zero rotation). This figure is a close view in the range of V of 0 to 5 mm of Figure 11.

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499 splitting originating at the dowel hole nearest to the end of the wooden block. The splitting strength

500 associated with these two modes can be defined as:

St90,hole = max (1, 0.65 · a1 /a3 ) (1)
Fsplit = 10 · kt90,cnctr · ft,90 · tef · a1 / max (22)

St90,end = 2.7/ cosh (a1 /a3 − 1.4) (2)

501 where kt90,cnctr = 0.7 is the stress concentration factor, ft,90 is the tensile strength perpendicular to grain
502 (Table 1), and a3 is the distance between the row of bolts and the side edge of wooden block (Figure 3). It
503 should be highlighted that the first term in Eq. 16 corresponds to Fh in Eq. 16.
504 Figure 19 shows the load vs displacement curves of tensile monotonic tests for single bolt tests (same
505 as in Figure 9a). Moreover, the predictions using the models in Eqs. 15 and 19 are shown with horizontal
506 dashed lines having colors defined in the legend. The bearing capacity is the minimum of the three terms
507 reported in Eq. 19. The predicted bearing capacity is in good agreement with the experimental one. In



elasto-plastic behavior with large ductility (Figure 9b).
particular, for L-M-S8, the third stage is characterized by hardening due to the formation of a plastic hinge
in the bolt (shown in Figure 18a) and subsequent reaching of Fu,1 (1) = Fh (see Figure 19) characterized by

The underestimation of the capacity is potentially due to the large rope effect (Figures 11a and 13a)
512 neglected in the predictive model (Eq. 19). This effect is generally treated as an additional term in bearing
513 capacity models. For instance, according to Eurocode 5 [22], the contribution of the rope effect may be up
514 to 15–25% of the Johansen capacity adopted in Eurocode 5 [22] for different nails. Similar considerations
515 apply to L-M-S10 where the plastic hinge formed after reaching the embedment strength and very large
516 embedment of the bolt in the LVL block (Figure 13a). The withdrawal behavior of the fasteners does not
517 have a significant influence on the initial slip of slip curves but shows a pronounced influence on the load-
518 carrying capacity and the non-linear shape of the slip curves at large deformations [97]. For both L-M-S8
and L-M-S10, the weakest mechanism disregarding Fu,1 (1) = Fh in Eq. 19 (the last two mechanisms are


520 producing the final failure, see Figure 10) is Fu,1 (e) which is in agreement with the shear failure observed
521 (Figure 13a).
522 For glubam blocks, the embedment is not the weakest mechanism therefore not large ductility is observed
523 (Figure 9b). In this case, the ductility is only related to the formation of the plastic hinge in the bolt. For
524 these two cases, it is found that Fu,1 (2) ∼
= Fu,1 (3) implying that these two mechanisms can occur in a random
525 way (or as a combination of the two) according to the uncertainties involved confirming observations reported
526 in Section 3.4 (Figure 13). Finally, the comparison between the measured (average across test repetitions)

527 and predicted Fu,1 is summarized in Figure 21 highlighting the slight underestimation (i.e., negative bias)
528 of bearing capacities of the proposed model.
529 In multiple bolt connections, uneven load distribution among the fasteners occurs generally implying

Journal Pre-proof

Figure 19: Load vs displacement curves of tensile monotonic tests for single bolt tests. The red line is the average of tests
across displacements. Predicted Fu,1 according to Eqs. 15 and 19 (dashed green line: Fu,1 (1) = Fh - embedment; dashed red
line: Fu,1 (2) - shear; dashed blue line: Fu,1 (3) - splitting; dashed magenta line: Fy - yielding).

530 that their bearing capacity is less than the simple sum of the bearing capacity of n equivalent single bolt
531 connections [98]. Jorissen [96] proposed Eq. 14 to evaluate the effective number of fasteners. Figure 16



describes the relationship between effective bolt number and the bolt spacing. It is worthy of noting that
when the bolt spacing reaches about 140 mm, the interaction between each bolt can be ignored. For this
study (a2 = 40 mm), the effective number of bolts is around 1.5, implying a strong interaction between the
two bolts [99].
536 In this study, the bearing capacity of the connection for the double bolt case (n = 2) is calculated as the
537 sum (parallel system) of the strength of each bolt considered as independent:
Fu (n) = Fu,i (23)

538 The bearing capacity of the first bolt is calculated according to Eq. 19. The capacity of the second
539 bolt (the one far from the free end of the wooden block) is evaluated considering the minimum of only two
540 possible mechanisms (i.e., by considering Fsplit = ∞ in Eq. 22) as:

(t − ts ) · fh,0 · d (1)
Fu,2 = min (24)

2 · kv · tef · a2 · fv,0 (2)

541 The assumption Fsplit = ∞ was suggested by Yurrita and Cabrero [64] and is justified as the splitting
542 deformation is restricted by the part of the wooden block above the first bolt. However, it should be noticed
543 that for the cases reported in this study the splitting deformation (Fsplit ) is never the minimum of Eq. 24
544 if taken into account.

545 Figure 20 shows the load vs displacement curves of tensile monotonic tests for single bolt tests (same as
546 in Figure 9a). Moreover, the predictions using the models in Eqs. 15 and 23 are shown with magenta and
547 red horizontal dashed lines, respectively. There is a good agreement between the observed and calculated

Journal Pre-proof

Figure 20: Load vs displacement curves of tensile monotonic tests for double bolts tests. The red line is the average of tests
across displacements. Predicted load according to Eq. 15 (dashed magenta line) and Eq. 23 (dashed red line).

548 values of bearing capacity. For the double bolt case, the contribution of each mechanism of Eq. 23 cannot
549 be shown in the load vs displacement plane because there is a sum of two different mechanisms (Eq. 23).
To discuss the prediction of the failure modes for the double bolt case, Figure 21 shows the comparison



between the measured and predicted values of Fu together with the specification of the weakest mechanism
for each bolt. For LVL (green markers), the weakest mechanism of each bolt (i.e., minimum in Eqs. 19
and 24) is connected to the reaching of the embedment strength (circles). For LVL, the weakest mechanism
554 disregarding the embedment strength in Eqs. 19 and 24 (the last two mechanisms are producing the final
555 failure, see Figure 10) is Fu,1 (3) for the first bolt and Fu,1 (2) in agreement with the crack pattern observed
(Figure 13b). For glubam (red markers), the weakest mechanism of the first bolt is associated with splitting

557 similar to the single bolt case pointing out that Fu,1 (2) ∼
= Fu,1 (3) (Figure 19) and different mechanisms
558 above the first bolt can be observed (Figure 13b). However, for the second bolt, the weakest mechanism
559 is always associated with shear failure. This prediction of the failure mechanisms matches with the crack
560 pattern observed (Figure 13b). To sum up, the proposed model for the double bolt case is also able to
561 predict the different failure modes in each part (the part above the first bolt and the one between two bolts).

562 A final note concerns the evaluation of the ultimate displacement (stage 4, see Figure 15). For the single
563 bolt cases, if the weakest mechanism is Fu,1 (2) or Fu,1 (3) (Figure 19) then Vu can be found as the intersection
564 between the model prediction (Eq. 10) and the load level associated with the weakest mechanism. This
565 condition was observed for glubam blocks. On the other hand, if the weakest mechanism is Fu,1 (1) (Figure
566 19) then a rigid-plastic response was observed characterized by large ductility. This ductility, as previously
567 discussed, is provided by the formation of the plastic hinge and embedment deformation. In fact, the largest
568 ductility (Figure 10) is observed for L-M-S8 where both mechanisms are active (Figure 19) while for L-M-S8
a reduction of the ultimate displacements is observed consistently with the activation of a single mechanism


570 (embedment deformation). Further work is required to quantify Vu for ductile mechanisms (Fy and Fu,1 (1)).
571 For the double bolt cases, Vu can be found as the intersection between the model prediction (Eq. 10) and
572 the load level associated with the weakest mechanism (Figure 20).

Journal Pre-proof

Single bolt Double bolts

Figure 21: Comparison between the measured (average across test repetitions, see Table A.3) and predicted Fu for single (left)
and double (right) bolts. Green markers are referring to LVL and red ones to glubam. Circles are referring to Fu,1 (1), triangles
to Fu,1 (2), and asterisks to Fu,1 (3) in Eq. 19. For the double bolt case (right), the black small markers inside the large ones
refer to the mechanism of the second bolt with the following legend: circles are referring to Fu,2 (1) and triangles to Fu,2 (2) in


Eq. 24.

4.4.1. Failure modes: DIC analysis

2D-DIC technique was employed to experimentally investigate the distribution of the deformation at the
575 pre-fracture point (stage four). The major failure mode during tests was shear and splitting failure (see
576 Figure 13). Figure 22 shows the strain field (major strain and shear angle as defined in Mai et al. [100])
577 obtained from DIC analyses at pre-crack point (stage four) on the side where the first crack is occurring.
578 For the sake of shortness and clarity, results are reported for one representative test since similar test results
579 were observed in the remaining cases. The figure also reports the value of V corresponding to the photo.
580 The spatial distributions of the major strain and shear angle are different among all tested connections.
581 For all the single bolt connections, the high-strain region originates from the end of the hole and expands
582 (more or less depending on the specific case) toward the end of the connection specimens in the form of single

583 or multiple regions (shear planes). For L-S-82, the major strain at the pre-fracture point is characterized
584 by a distinctive single region above the bolt with high positive major strain levels where splitting failure
585 is occurring (Figure 13a) confirming the predictions of the proposed model (Figure 19). The large values
586 of the major strain are induced by the large rope effect making the head of the bolt under large rotations
587 (Figure 11a) push on the LVL and glubam part located above the bolt. The shear angle is characterized
588 by high levels around this region with opposite signs on the two sides (negative on the left and positive on
589 the right) indicating impending sudden fracture formation. For L-S-103, large values of the major strain

590 are observed in the area around the bolts as the effect of the large embedment deformation (Figure 13a).
591 Similar shear angle regions as for L-S-82 are found. For G-S-82 and G-S-101, two different situations are
592 shown. For G-S-82, the major strain at the pre-fracture point is characterized by three distinctive regions

Journal Pre-proof

Single bolt Double bolts

L-S-82 L-S-103 G-S-83 G-S-101 L-D-83 L-D-103 G-D-82 G-D-101

Major strain

Shear angle

V [mm] 26.95 18.45 17.10

9.8 13.15 7.30 4.35 5.45

Figure 22: Strain field (major strain and shear angle) obtained from DIC analyses at the pre-fracture point. The side where
the first crack is occurring is showing, see Figure 13 for the identification of the first side. V is the displacement corresponding
to the photo (the same point was considered in Figure 13). Note that the colormap scale of major strain is different while that
of the shear angle is the same.

593 above the bolt with high positive major strain levels where a combination of shear and splitting failure is
594 observed (Figure 13a). This further confirms that since Fu,1 (2) ∼
= Fu,1 (3) (Figure 19) the final fracture
595 mechanism can be a combination of shear and splitting failure. For G-S-101, the major strain at the pre-

596 fracture point is characterized by a distinctive single region above the bolt with high positive major strain
597 levels where splitting failure is occurring (Figure 13a). This additionally confirms that for glubam since
598 Fu,1 (2) ∼
= Fu,1 (3) and there are some uncertainties involved in the problem, the failure can happen in the
599 form of shear, splitting, or a combination of the two.
600 For all the double bolt connections, the major strain generally shows two distinct peaks in the region
601 between the two bolts indicating shear failure while the part above the first bolt shows features similar to
602 the single bolt case. As in other cases, the shear angle is characterized by high levels around the regions
with high major strain with opposite signs on the two sides.


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604 5. Conclusions

605 The aim of the current study was to provide a more rational understanding of the tensile axial behavior
606 of bolted steel to laminated composite bio-based connections. Moreover, for the first time, a comparison of
607 two different laminated composite bio-based materials is provided. Based on the analysis of the test data,

608 the following main conclusions can be drawn.

609 1. The observed behavior of the bolted steel to laminated composite bio-based connection strongly de-
610 pends on the layout (number and diameter of bolts) and on the material employed (LVL and glubam).
611 The response is generally brittle for glubam while it can exhibit large ductility for LVL. Comparing
612 LVL and glubam, the second one generally shows higher peak values (strength).
613 2. Based on the experimental findings, a new monotonic load vs displacement phenomenological predic-
614 tion model characterized by four stages is proposed which is capable of defining more rationally the



observed tensile monotonic behavior and differentiating between brittle and ductile failures.
3. The first stage is characterized by an initial-slip due to displacements smaller than 1 mm mainly
attributable to the tolerance on holes and not depending on specimen characteristics. The load in this
stage is generally negligible and is approximated as zero in the proposed model.
619 4. The second stage is characterized by an elastic stage with almost linear behavior with stiffness mainly
620 depending on the bolt flexural stiffness and the embedding stiffness. Negligible relative displacements
621 of the bolts are observed. The elastic stiffness was found to be well predicted by a model accounting
622 for bolt deformability. For the double bolt case, the elastic stiffness was found to be reasonably
623 proportional to the single bolt one multiplied by the effective bolts factor specified in Eurocode 5 [22].
624 5. The third stage is characterized by the occurrence of two possible phenomena: embedment of the bolt
625 in the base material and/or bending of the bolt with the possible formation of a plastic hinge at the
626 cross-sections in contact with the steel plate. The embedment of the bolt in the LVL and glubam

627 block induces a perfectly plastic response with a constant load level while the formation of a plastic
628 hinge is characterized by a hardening response. For LVL, the embedment is the weakest for d = 10 mm
629 while it is the second one (after plastic hinge formation) for d = 8 mm. For d = 10 mm, the two
630 mechanisms have a quite similar capacity and a combination of them is observed. For glubam, the
631 embedment capacity is always much larger than the capacity associated with the formation of a plastic
632 hinge making the latter always the weakest mechanism. The formation of the plastic hinge is always
633 characterized by a sudden increase in bolt relative displacements. Similar considerations apply to the

634 double bolt cases.

635 6. The fourth stage is characterized by failure in the form of shear or splitting cracks of the base material
636 and the sudden drop of the load. For single bolt connections, LVL blocks are more prone to splitting
637 failure, while for glubam connections, shear and splitting failure or mixed failure mode are identified.
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638 The latter condition is attributable to the similar capacity level of shear and splitting mechanisms

639 inducing certain randomness of the observed failure mode due to uncertainties. For the double bolt
640 case, the whole connection is divided into two parts and the total capacity is obtained by summing the
641 capacity of each part considered independent (similar to the third stage). The failure of double-bolted
642 connections always originates from the shear failure of the part between two bolts and propagates in

643 the upper part with mechanisms similar to the single bolt case.
644 7. The proposed tensile monotonic load vs displacement prediction model is characterized by good accu-
645 racy and can provide a rational description of the four stages corresponding to the different mechanisms
646 corresponding to different load levels. The proposed analytical model can be used for the analysis and
647 design of structural systems adopting bolted steel to laminated bio-based materials connections, also
648 accounting for the non-linear incremental behavior.



This research is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2019YFD1101002).
This work has been partially supported by the Zhejiang University/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
652 Institute.


654 S. Da: Writing - Original Draft, Methodology, Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation; C.
655 Demartino: Supervision, Formal analysis, Methodology, Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing; Z.
656 Li: Writing - Review & Editing; Y. Xiao: Supervision, Writing - Review & Editing.

657 Declaration of Competing Interest


658 The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that
659 could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

660 Data availability

661 The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, C.D., upon
662 reasonable request.

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849 Appendix A. Summary of results of tensile monotonic tests

Table A.3: Summary of mechanical indicators (ke , Fy , Fu , Vy , Vu and D, see Figure 7 and Eq. 7 for their definition) for all
the tests. (Over-bar: average across the tests; CV: Coefficient of variation).

ke k̄e CV Fy F¯y CV Fu F¯u CV Vy V¯y CV Vu V¯u CV D D̄ CV

[kN/mm] [%] [kN] [%] [kN] [%] [mm] [%] [mm] [%] [%]
LMS8-1 20.95 15.06 21.03 1.31 26.56 26.53
LMS8-2 16.22 20.29 20.63 12.39 13.19 12.27 23.34 21.19 9.77 0.89 1.09 19.27 27.46 27.21 2.09 18.13 22.05 20.82
LMS8-3 23.73 12.13 19.20 1.08 27.61 21.49
LMS10-1 30.81 20.10 24.32 1.27 12.05 8.74
LMS10-2 22.77 24.61 13.84 17.99 19.33 5.40 21.55 22.76 8.38 1.15 1.23 5.69 17.92 15.86 20.81 11.96 9.30 24.23
LMS10-3 20.24 19.91 22.41 1.26 17.60 7.20
LMD8-1 26.10 23.69 33.48 1.74 9.68 5.53
LMD8-2 29.76 30.28 14.36 21.73 22.95 4.76 30.38 31.74 4.98 1.12 1.31 28.24 11.03 10.91 10.82 7.80 7.40 32.99
LMD8-3 34.99 23.42 31.38 1.08 12.03 8.88





re- 12.56








GMS10-1 34.99 27.20 38.59 1.30 9.09 4.80

GMS10-2 44.54 37.48 16.60 26.50 26.97 1.41 38.46 38.27 1.18 1.10 1.25 11.20 7.75 8.15 10.06 6.14 5.19 13.00
GMS10-3 32.92 27.20 37.76 1.37 7.61 4.64
GMD8-1 31.71 36.19 45.07 1.61 5.14 2.10
GMD8-2 39.34 33.33 18.78 34.52 36.47 3.38 42.12 43.21 3.75 1.36 1.41 12.06 3.87 3.89 31.88 2.39 1.93 21.03
GMD8-3 28.92 38.70 42.43 1.28 2.66 1.31
GMD10-1 58.86 53.30 60.25 1.48 4.50 3.04
GMD10-2 43.92 49.70 15.89 53.97 54.03 1.22 62.98 62.15 2.65 1.80 1.69 10.65 3.99 4.23 6.15 2.22 1.98 17.79
GMD10-3 46.33 54.83 63.21 1.80 4.20 2.34

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REVISED Manuscript (revised text UNMARKED) Click here to view linked References


Axial load-deformation behavior and fracture characteristics of bolted steel to laminated tim-
ber and glubam connections

Da Shi, Cristoforo Demartino, Zhi Li, Yan Xiao

• Bolted steel to laminated timber or glubam connections with slotted-in steel plates

• Axial load-deformation behavior and fracture characteristics

• DIC to monitor the deformation process and measure relative displacements of bolts

• New monotonic load vs displacement prediction model characterized by four stages

• Calibration and physical meaning of the proposed model by using the experimental tests as a bench-
mark re-
Journal Pre-proof

Axial load-deformation behavior and fracture characteristics of bolted steel to

laminated timber and glubam connections

Da Shic , Cristoforo Demartinoa,b,∗, Zhi Lic,∗, Yan Xiaoa,b

a Zhejiang University - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Institute, Haining 314400, Zhejiang, PR China
b Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA

c College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, 310058 Zhejiang, PR


S. Da: Writing - Original Draft, Methodology, Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation; C.

Demartino: Supervision, Formal analysis, Methodology, Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing; Z.
Li: Writing - Review & Editing; Y. Xiao: Supervision, Writing - Review & Editing.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that
could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Data availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, C.D., upon
reasonable request.

∗ Correspondingauthor
Email addresses: (Da Shi), (Cristoforo Demartino), (Zhi Li), (Yan Xiao)

Preprint submitted to Composite Structures July 24, 2022

Journal Pre-proof

Conflict of Interests

All authors have participated in (a) conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of the data; (b)
drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (c) approval of the final

The Article I have submitted to the journal for review is original, has been written by the stated authors
and has not been published elsewhere.

The Images that I have submitted to the journal for review are original, was taken by the stated authors,
and has not been published elsewhere.


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